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_Kip S. Thorne.txt |
3.25Кб |
_workerbee.txt |
516б |
Absolute Stability of Melvin's Magnetic Universe (1965).pdf |
1.01Мб |
A Catalogue of Methods for Studying Normal Modes of Oscillation (1966).pdf |
729.62Кб |
Accretion of Gas onto a Black Hole in a Binary Star System (1973).pdf |
91.27Кб |
Advanced LIGO_ Non-Gaussian Beams (2004).pdf |
226.15Кб |
Ants on a Balloon (1995).pdf |
1.43Мб |
Astrophysical Implications of the Binary Black-Hole Merger (2016).pdf |
909.21Кб |
Astrophysical Relativity (1968).pdf |
704.26Кб |
Astrophysics of Black Holes (1973).pdf |
1.69Мб |
A Toroidal Solution of the Vacuum Einstein Field Equations (1975).pdf |
696.20Кб |
Autobiography for Nobel Prize (2018).pdf |
1.37Мб |
A Voyage among the Holes (1994).pdf |
4.36Мб |
Basic Physics of the Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914 (2016).pdf |
889.72Кб |
Billiard Balls in Wormhole Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves, I (1991).pdf |
967.29Кб |
Black-Hole Electrodynamics (1982).pdf |
2.52Мб |
Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (1988).pdf |
542.04Кб |
Black Holes (2014).pdf |
3.01Мб |
Black Holes and the Origin of Radio Sources (1982).pdf |
1.09Мб |
Black Holes in the Dicke-Brans-Jordan Theory of Gravity (1971).pdf |
281.82Кб |
Buchwald, JZ (ed) - Einstein Was Right (Princeton, 2020).epub |
41.82Мб |
Buchwald, JZ (ed) - Einstein Was Right (Princeton, 2020).jpg |
557.43Кб |
Building Interstellar’s Black Hole (2015).pdf |
1.13Мб |
Calibration of the Advanced LIGO Detectors (2017).pdf |
1.09Мб |
Cauchy Problem in Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves (1990).pdf |
964.62Кб |
Characterization of Transient Noise in Advanced LIGO... (2016).pdf |
3.51Мб |
Classical Black Holes (2012).pdf |
1.04Мб |
Computer Programs for Calculating General-Relativistic Curvature (1967).pdf |
131.43Кб |
Computing the Merger of Black-Hole Binaries (1998).pdf |
144.01Кб |
Conversion of Conventional Gravitational-Wave Interferometers... (2001).pdf |
499.37Кб |
Cygnus X-1_ An Interpretation of the Spectrum and Variability (1975).pdf |
543.97Кб |
Death of a Star (1971).pdf |
692.92Кб |
Dependence of Jupiter's Decimeter Radiation on Electron Distribution (1965).pdf |
293.41Кб |
Directly Comparing GW150914 with Numerical Solutions of Einstein (2016).pdf |
3.08Мб |
Disk-Accretion onto a Black Hole, I (1974).pdf |
151.50Кб |
Disk-Accretion onto a Black Hole, II (1974).pdf |
273.61Кб |
Do the Laws of Physics Permit Closed Timelike Curves (1991).pdf |
695.41Кб |
Do Vacuum Fluctuations Prevent Creation of Closed Timelike Curves (1991).pdf |
1.36Мб |
Dual-Resonator Speed Meter for a Free Test Mass (2000).pdf |
140.82Кб |
Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime (1982).pdf |
6.48Мб |
Energy of Infnitely Long, Cylindrically Symmetric Systems (1965).pdf |
1.68Мб |
Foucault Pendulum at the South Pole (1984).pdf |
733.62Кб |
Foundations for a Theory of Gravitation Theories (1973).pdf |
860.32Кб |
Frame-Dragging Vortexes Attached to Colliding Black Holes (2011).pdf |
869.39Кб |
Free Precession of Slowly Rotating Neutron Stars (1983).pdf |
608.14Кб |
General-Relativistic Theory of Stellar Structure and Dynamics (1965).pdf |
12.36Мб |
Generation of Gravitational Waves_ Review of Techniques (1977).pdf |
2.69Мб |
Generation of Gravitational Waves, I (1975).pdf |
1.51Мб |
Generation of Gravitational Waves, II (1977).pdf |
1.04Мб |
Generation of Gravitational Waves, III (1977).pdf |
1.95Мб |
Generation of Gravitational Waves, IV (1978).pdf |
1.89Мб |
Giant and Supergiant Stars with Degenerate Neutron Cores (1989).pdf |
670.38Кб |
Gravitational Collapse (1967).pdf |
1.23Мб |
Gravitational Collapse and the Death of a Star (1965).pdf |
1.73Мб |
Gravitational Lensing by Spinning Black Holes (2015).pdf |
3.71Мб |
Gravitational Radiation (1987, from Hawking, 300 Years of Gravitation).pdf |
7.77Мб |
Gravitational Radiation (1995).pdf |
1.36Мб |
Gravitational Radiation (1997).pdf |
578.77Кб |
Gravitational Radiation Damping (1968).pdf |
743.17Кб |
Gravitational Wave Astronomy (1972).pdf |
1.39Мб |
Gravitational Wave Bursts from the Nuclei of Distant Galaxies (1976).pdf |
568.73Кб |
Gravitational Wave Bursts with Memory and Experimental Prospects (1987).pdf |
385.66Кб |
Gravitational Wave Research (1980).pdf |
2.94Мб |
Gravitational Waves (1995).pdf |
503.31Кб |
Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Merger (2017).pdf |
2.03Мб |
Gravitational Waves from a Compact Star... (2000).pdf |
200.05Кб |
Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Black Hole MACHO Binaries (1997).pdf |
118.50Кб |
Gravitational Waves from Compact Bodies (1996).pdf |
8.96Мб |
Gravitational Waves that Bathe the Earth (1980).pdf |
881.57Кб |
GW150914_ Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of First Discoveries (2016).pdf |
448.99Кб |
GW150914_ First Results from Search for Black Hole Coalescence (2016).pdf |
1.87Мб |
GW150914_ Implications for Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background (2016).pdf |
652.24Кб |
GW170817_ Observation of Gravitational Waves (2017).pdf |
1.53Мб |
High-Energy Neutrino Follow-up Search of GW150914 (2016).pdf |
1.07Мб |
Human Gravity-Gradient Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors (1999).pdf |
195.17Кб |
Improved Analysis of GW150914... (2016).pdf |
1.28Мб |
In Memory of Leonid Petrovich Grishchuk (2012).pdf |
360.63Кб |
Instability of a Toroidal Magnetic Geon against Gravitational Collapse (1965).pdf |
548.67Кб |
Intimate Reflections on a Career and a Life (1994).pdf |
622.05Кб |
Introduction to Regge and Wheeler... (2020).pdf |
648.50Кб |
John Archibald Wheeler_ A Biographical Memoir (2018).pdf |
1.65Мб |
John Archibald Wheeler (1986).pdf |
659.99Кб |
John Wheeler, Relativity, and Quantum Information (2009).pdf |
1.22Мб |
Laboratory Experiments to Test Relativistic Gravity (1977).pdf |
2.09Мб |
Lagrangian vs Hamiltonian (2018).pdf |
316.43Кб |
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (1992).pdf |
2.17Мб |
Last Three Minutes (1993).pdf |
1019.60Кб |
Laws of Motion and Precession for Black Holes and Other Bodies (1985).pdf |
1.19Мб |
Light Scattering and Proposed Baffle Configuration for the LIGO (1989).pdf |
3.64Мб |
Localization and Broadband Follow-up of GW150914 (2016).pdf |
683.86Кб |
Membrane Paradigm for Black Holes (1988).pdf |
508.67Кб |
Membrane Viewpoint on Black Holes (1986).pdf |
2.19Мб |
Momentum Flow in Black Hole Binaries, I (2009).pdf |
532.68Кб |
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger (2017).pdf |
2.04Мб |
Multipole Expansions of Gravitational Radiation (1980).pdf |
3.39Мб |
New Family of Light Beams and Mirror Shapes for Future LIGO (2006).pdf |
238.59Кб |
New Objects in Space (1975).pdf |
2.11Мб |
Nobel Lecture_ LIGO and Gravitational Waves III (2018).pdf |
5.78Мб |
Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors... (2003).pdf |
174.19Кб |
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, I (1968).pdf |
556.21Кб |
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, II (1969).pdf |
329.30Кб |
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, III (1969).pdf |
1.61Мб |
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, VI (1973).pdf |
160.25Кб |
Normal Modes of Radial Pulsation of Cold Stars... (1966).pdf |
2.12Мб |
Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger (2016).pdf |
906.39Кб |
Observing Gravitational-Wave Transient GW150914 (2016).pdf |
1.20Мб |
On the Measurement of a Weak Classical Force... (1980).pdf |
4.75Мб |
Optical Appearance of a Star Collapsing through Gravitational Radius (1968).pdf |
807.20Кб |
Overview of Gravitational-Wave Sources (2002).pdf |
2.09Мб |
Post-Newtonian Approximation in Maxwell-like Form (2009).pdf |
119.79Кб |
Primordial Element Formation, Primordial Magnetic Fields (1967).pdf |
1.39Мб |
Properties of the Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914 (2016).pdf |
1.22Мб |
Prospects for Detection of Gravitational Waves... (2007).pdf |
105.74Кб |
Quantum Nondemolition Measurements (1980).pdf |
2.63Мб |
Quantum Nondemolition Measurements of Harmonic Oscillators (1978).pdf |
373.80Кб |
Quantum Propagator for a Nonrelativistic Particle... (1994).pdf |
310.05Кб |
Rate of Binary Black Hole Mergers Inferred from LIGO Observations (2016).pdf |
413.78Кб |
Red Giants and Supergiants with Degenerate Neutron Cores (1975).pdf |
635.05Кб |
Relativistic, Spherically Symmetric Star Clusters, I (1968).pdf |
1.37Мб |
Relativistic Equations of Stellar Structure and Evolution (1977).pdf |
612.66Кб |
Relativistic Gas Spheres and Clusters of Point Masses... (1970).pdf |
784.95Кб |
Relativistic Gravitational Effects in Pulsars (1969).pdf |
440.46Кб |
Relativistic Radiative Transfer (1981).pdf |
2.17Мб |
Relativistic Shocks_ The Taub Adiabat (1973).pdf |
151.22Кб |
Relativistic Star Clusters (1969).pdf |
330.42Кб |
Renormalized Stress-Energy Tensor near the Horizon... (1989).pdf |
1.07Мб |
Resistance of Magnetic Flux Against Gravitational Collapse (1966).pdf |
672.27Кб |
Rotation and Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models (1969).pdf |
852.95Кб |
Rotation Halts Cylindrical, Relativistic Gravitational Collapse (1992).pdf |
519.57Кб |
Search for Black Holes (1974).pdf |
799.80Кб |
Seismic Gravity-Gradient Noise in Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors (1998).pdf |
562.74Кб |
Skyhook Gravitational Wave Detector (1985).pdf |
399.96Кб |
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, II (1968).pdf |
918.92Кб |
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, III (1969).pdf |
1.02Мб |
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, VI (1972).pdf |
1.10Мб |
Space-Time Visionary (2014).pdf |
1.18Мб |
Spacetime Warps and the Quantum World (2002).pdf |
642.26Кб |
Spectroscopic Binaries and Collapsed Stars (1969).pdf |
559.82Кб |
Spin-Induced Orbital Precession and Modulation... (1994).pdf |
2.43Мб |
Stars with Degenerate Neutron Cores, I (1977).pdf |
2.59Мб |
Stationary Spherical Accretion into Black Holes, I (1981).pdf |
654.93Кб |
Statistical Mechanical Origin of the Entropy of a Rotating Black Hole (1985).pdf |
801.39Кб |
Stephen William Hawking (2019).pdf |
3.16Мб |
Tests of General Relativity with GW150914 (2016).pdf |
974.54Кб |
Theoretical Frameworks for Testing Relativistic Gravity, I (1971).pdf |
1.23Мб |
Theory of Synchrotron Radiation from Stars with Dipole Magnetic Fields (1963).pdf |
1.56Мб |
Thermoelastic Noise and Homogeneous Thermal Noise... (2000).pdf |
114.50Кб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (Yale, 1986).jpg |
161.54Кб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (Yale, 1986).pdf |
45.46Мб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Quantum Measurement (Cambridge, 1992).jpg |
140.84Кб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Quantum Measurement (Cambridge, 1992).pdf |
10.54Мб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Stars and Relativity [Zel'dovich & Novikov] (Dover, 2011).jpg |
413.78Кб |
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Stars and Relativity [Zel'dovich & Novikov] (Dover, 2011).pdf |
35.55Мб |
Thorne, Kip - Black Holes and Time Warps (Norton, 1994).epub |
10.55Мб |
Thorne, Kip - Black Holes and Time Warps (Norton, 1994).jpg |
282.42Кб |
Thorne, Kip et al. - Gravitation (Princeton, 2017).jpg |
124.07Кб |
Thorne, Kip et al. - Gravitation (Princeton, 2017).pdf |
127.66Мб |
Thorne, Kip - Modern Classical Physics (Princeton, 2017).jpg |
381.37Кб |
Thorne, Kip - Modern Classical Physics (Princeton, 2017).pdf |
11.72Мб |
Thorne, Kip - The Future of Spacetime (Norton, 2002).jpg |
762.46Кб |
Thorne, Kip - The Future of Spacetime (Norton, 2002).pdf |
7.16Мб |
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).epub |
58.82Мб |
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).jpg |
574.78Кб |
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).pdf |
20.90Мб |
Tidal Stabilization of Rigidly Rotating, Relativistic Neutron Stars (1998).pdf |
138.98Кб |
Torsional Oscillations of Neutron Stars (1983).pdf |
2.13Мб |
Transition from Inspiral to Plunge for a Compact Body... (2000).pdf |
94.52Кб |
Ubiquitous Memories (1991).pdf |
337.30Кб |
Validity in General Relativity of the Schwarzschild Criterion (1966).pdf |
399.07Кб |
Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole (2015).pdf |
11.44Мб |
Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Frame-Drag Vortexes, II (2012).pdf |
4.62Мб |
Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Frame-Drag Vortexes, III (2012).pdf |
22.77Мб |
Warped Side of Our Universe (2020).pdf |
229.29Кб |
Warping Spacetime (2003).pdf |
1.06Мб |
White-Dwarf and Neutron-Star Interpretations of Pulsating Radio Sources (1968).pdf |
356.42Кб |
Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition (1988).pdf |
182.27Кб |