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_Kip S. Thorne.txt 3.25Кб
_workerbee.txt 516б
Absolute Stability of Melvin's Magnetic Universe (1965).pdf 1.01Мб
A Catalogue of Methods for Studying Normal Modes of Oscillation (1966).pdf 729.62Кб
Accretion of Gas onto a Black Hole in a Binary Star System (1973).pdf 91.27Кб
Advanced LIGO_ Non-Gaussian Beams (2004).pdf 226.15Кб
Ants on a Balloon (1995).pdf 1.43Мб
Astrophysical Implications of the Binary Black-Hole Merger (2016).pdf 909.21Кб
Astrophysical Relativity (1968).pdf 704.26Кб
Astrophysics of Black Holes (1973).pdf 1.69Мб
A Toroidal Solution of the Vacuum Einstein Field Equations (1975).pdf 696.20Кб
Autobiography for Nobel Prize (2018).pdf 1.37Мб
A Voyage among the Holes (1994).pdf 4.36Мб
Basic Physics of the Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914 (2016).pdf 889.72Кб
Billiard Balls in Wormhole Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves, I (1991).pdf 967.29Кб
Black-Hole Electrodynamics (1982).pdf 2.52Мб
Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (1988).pdf 542.04Кб
Black Holes (2014).pdf 3.01Мб
Black Holes and the Origin of Radio Sources (1982).pdf 1.09Мб
Black Holes in the Dicke-Brans-Jordan Theory of Gravity (1971).pdf 281.82Кб
Buchwald, JZ (ed) - Einstein Was Right (Princeton, 2020).epub 41.82Мб
Buchwald, JZ (ed) - Einstein Was Right (Princeton, 2020).jpg 557.43Кб
Building Interstellar’s Black Hole (2015).pdf 1.13Мб
Calibration of the Advanced LIGO Detectors (2017).pdf 1.09Мб
Cauchy Problem in Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves (1990).pdf 964.62Кб
Characterization of Transient Noise in Advanced LIGO... (2016).pdf 3.51Мб
Classical Black Holes (2012).pdf 1.04Мб
Computer Programs for Calculating General-Relativistic Curvature (1967).pdf 131.43Кб
Computing the Merger of Black-Hole Binaries (1998).pdf 144.01Кб
Conversion of Conventional Gravitational-Wave Interferometers... (2001).pdf 499.37Кб
Cygnus X-1_ An Interpretation of the Spectrum and Variability (1975).pdf 543.97Кб
Death of a Star (1971).pdf 692.92Кб
Dependence of Jupiter's Decimeter Radiation on Electron Distribution (1965).pdf 293.41Кб
Directly Comparing GW150914 with Numerical Solutions of Einstein (2016).pdf 3.08Мб
Disk-Accretion onto a Black Hole, I (1974).pdf 151.50Кб
Disk-Accretion onto a Black Hole, II (1974).pdf 273.61Кб
Do the Laws of Physics Permit Closed Timelike Curves (1991).pdf 695.41Кб
Do Vacuum Fluctuations Prevent Creation of Closed Timelike Curves (1991).pdf 1.36Мб
Dual-Resonator Speed Meter for a Free Test Mass (2000).pdf 140.82Кб
Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime (1982).pdf 6.48Мб
Energy of Infnitely Long, Cylindrically Symmetric Systems (1965).pdf 1.68Мб
Foucault Pendulum at the South Pole (1984).pdf 733.62Кб
Foundations for a Theory of Gravitation Theories (1973).pdf 860.32Кб
Frame-Dragging Vortexes Attached to Colliding Black Holes (2011).pdf 869.39Кб
Free Precession of Slowly Rotating Neutron Stars (1983).pdf 608.14Кб
General-Relativistic Theory of Stellar Structure and Dynamics (1965).pdf 12.36Мб
Generation of Gravitational Waves_ Review of Techniques (1977).pdf 2.69Мб
Generation of Gravitational Waves, I (1975).pdf 1.51Мб
Generation of Gravitational Waves, II (1977).pdf 1.04Мб
Generation of Gravitational Waves, III (1977).pdf 1.95Мб
Generation of Gravitational Waves, IV (1978).pdf 1.89Мб
Giant and Supergiant Stars with Degenerate Neutron Cores (1989).pdf 670.38Кб
Gravitational Collapse (1967).pdf 1.23Мб
Gravitational Collapse and the Death of a Star (1965).pdf 1.73Мб
Gravitational Lensing by Spinning Black Holes (2015).pdf 3.71Мб
Gravitational Radiation (1987, from Hawking, 300 Years of Gravitation).pdf 7.77Мб
Gravitational Radiation (1995).pdf 1.36Мб
Gravitational Radiation (1997).pdf 578.77Кб
Gravitational Radiation Damping (1968).pdf 743.17Кб
Gravitational Wave Astronomy (1972).pdf 1.39Мб
Gravitational Wave Bursts from the Nuclei of Distant Galaxies (1976).pdf 568.73Кб
Gravitational Wave Bursts with Memory and Experimental Prospects (1987).pdf 385.66Кб
Gravitational Wave Research (1980).pdf 2.94Мб
Gravitational Waves (1995).pdf 503.31Кб
Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Merger (2017).pdf 2.03Мб
Gravitational Waves from a Compact Star... (2000).pdf 200.05Кб
Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Black Hole MACHO Binaries (1997).pdf 118.50Кб
Gravitational Waves from Compact Bodies (1996).pdf 8.96Мб
Gravitational Waves that Bathe the Earth (1980).pdf 881.57Кб
GW150914_ Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of First Discoveries (2016).pdf 448.99Кб
GW150914_ First Results from Search for Black Hole Coalescence (2016).pdf 1.87Мб
GW150914_ Implications for Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background (2016).pdf 652.24Кб
GW170817_ Observation of Gravitational Waves (2017).pdf 1.53Мб
High-Energy Neutrino Follow-up Search of GW150914 (2016).pdf 1.07Мб
Human Gravity-Gradient Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors (1999).pdf 195.17Кб
Improved Analysis of GW150914... (2016).pdf 1.28Мб
In Memory of Leonid Petrovich Grishchuk (2012).pdf 360.63Кб
Instability of a Toroidal Magnetic Geon against Gravitational Collapse (1965).pdf 548.67Кб
Intimate Reflections on a Career and a Life (1994).pdf 622.05Кб
Introduction to Regge and Wheeler... (2020).pdf 648.50Кб
John Archibald Wheeler_ A Biographical Memoir (2018).pdf 1.65Мб
John Archibald Wheeler (1986).pdf 659.99Кб
John Wheeler, Relativity, and Quantum Information (2009).pdf 1.22Мб
Laboratory Experiments to Test Relativistic Gravity (1977).pdf 2.09Мб
Lagrangian vs Hamiltonian (2018).pdf 316.43Кб
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (1992).pdf 2.17Мб
Last Three Minutes (1993).pdf 1019.60Кб
Laws of Motion and Precession for Black Holes and Other Bodies (1985).pdf 1.19Мб
Light Scattering and Proposed Baffle Configuration for the LIGO (1989).pdf 3.64Мб
Localization and Broadband Follow-up of GW150914 (2016).pdf 683.86Кб
Membrane Paradigm for Black Holes (1988).pdf 508.67Кб
Membrane Viewpoint on Black Holes (1986).pdf 2.19Мб
Momentum Flow in Black Hole Binaries, I (2009).pdf 532.68Кб
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger (2017).pdf 2.04Мб
Multipole Expansions of Gravitational Radiation (1980).pdf 3.39Мб
New Family of Light Beams and Mirror Shapes for Future LIGO (2006).pdf 238.59Кб
New Objects in Space (1975).pdf 2.11Мб
Nobel Lecture_ LIGO and Gravitational Waves III (2018).pdf 5.78Мб
Noise in Gravitational-Wave Detectors... (2003).pdf 174.19Кб
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, I (1968).pdf 556.21Кб
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, II (1969).pdf 329.30Кб
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, III (1969).pdf 1.61Мб
Nonradial Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models, VI (1973).pdf 160.25Кб
Normal Modes of Radial Pulsation of Cold Stars... (1966).pdf 2.12Мб
Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger (2016).pdf 906.39Кб
Observing Gravitational-Wave Transient GW150914 (2016).pdf 1.20Мб
On the Measurement of a Weak Classical Force... (1980).pdf 4.75Мб
Optical Appearance of a Star Collapsing through Gravitational Radius (1968).pdf 807.20Кб
Overview of Gravitational-Wave Sources (2002).pdf 2.09Мб
Post-Newtonian Approximation in Maxwell-like Form (2009).pdf 119.79Кб
Primordial Element Formation, Primordial Magnetic Fields (1967).pdf 1.39Мб
Properties of the Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914 (2016).pdf 1.22Мб
Prospects for Detection of Gravitational Waves... (2007).pdf 105.74Кб
Quantum Nondemolition Measurements (1980).pdf 2.63Мб
Quantum Nondemolition Measurements of Harmonic Oscillators (1978).pdf 373.80Кб
Quantum Propagator for a Nonrelativistic Particle... (1994).pdf 310.05Кб
Rate of Binary Black Hole Mergers Inferred from LIGO Observations (2016).pdf 413.78Кб
Red Giants and Supergiants with Degenerate Neutron Cores (1975).pdf 635.05Кб
Relativistic, Spherically Symmetric Star Clusters, I (1968).pdf 1.37Мб
Relativistic Equations of Stellar Structure and Evolution (1977).pdf 612.66Кб
Relativistic Gas Spheres and Clusters of Point Masses... (1970).pdf 784.95Кб
Relativistic Gravitational Effects in Pulsars (1969).pdf 440.46Кб
Relativistic Radiative Transfer (1981).pdf 2.17Мб
Relativistic Shocks_ The Taub Adiabat (1973).pdf 151.22Кб
Relativistic Star Clusters (1969).pdf 330.42Кб
Renormalized Stress-Energy Tensor near the Horizon... (1989).pdf 1.07Мб
Resistance of Magnetic Flux Against Gravitational Collapse (1966).pdf 672.27Кб
Rotation and Pulsation of General Relativistic Stellar Models (1969).pdf 852.95Кб
Rotation Halts Cylindrical, Relativistic Gravitational Collapse (1992).pdf 519.57Кб
Search for Black Holes (1974).pdf 799.80Кб
Seismic Gravity-Gradient Noise in Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors (1998).pdf 562.74Кб
Skyhook Gravitational Wave Detector (1985).pdf 399.96Кб
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, II (1968).pdf 918.92Кб
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, III (1969).pdf 1.02Мб
Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars, VI (1972).pdf 1.10Мб
Space-Time Visionary (2014).pdf 1.18Мб
Spacetime Warps and the Quantum World (2002).pdf 642.26Кб
Spectroscopic Binaries and Collapsed Stars (1969).pdf 559.82Кб
Spin-Induced Orbital Precession and Modulation... (1994).pdf 2.43Мб
Stars with Degenerate Neutron Cores, I (1977).pdf 2.59Мб
Stationary Spherical Accretion into Black Holes, I (1981).pdf 654.93Кб
Statistical Mechanical Origin of the Entropy of a Rotating Black Hole (1985).pdf 801.39Кб
Stephen William Hawking (2019).pdf 3.16Мб
Tests of General Relativity with GW150914 (2016).pdf 974.54Кб
Theoretical Frameworks for Testing Relativistic Gravity, I (1971).pdf 1.23Мб
Theory of Synchrotron Radiation from Stars with Dipole Magnetic Fields (1963).pdf 1.56Мб
Thermoelastic Noise and Homogeneous Thermal Noise... (2000).pdf 114.50Кб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (Yale, 1986).jpg 161.54Кб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Black Holes_ The Membrane Paradigm (Yale, 1986).pdf 45.46Мб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Quantum Measurement (Cambridge, 1992).jpg 140.84Кб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Quantum Measurement (Cambridge, 1992).pdf 10.54Мб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Stars and Relativity [Zel'dovich & Novikov] (Dover, 2011).jpg 413.78Кб
Thorne, Kip (ed.) - Stars and Relativity [Zel'dovich & Novikov] (Dover, 2011).pdf 35.55Мб
Thorne, Kip - Black Holes and Time Warps (Norton, 1994).epub 10.55Мб
Thorne, Kip - Black Holes and Time Warps (Norton, 1994).jpg 282.42Кб
Thorne, Kip et al. - Gravitation (Princeton, 2017).jpg 124.07Кб
Thorne, Kip et al. - Gravitation (Princeton, 2017).pdf 127.66Мб
Thorne, Kip - Modern Classical Physics (Princeton, 2017).jpg 381.37Кб
Thorne, Kip - Modern Classical Physics (Princeton, 2017).pdf 11.72Мб
Thorne, Kip - The Future of Spacetime (Norton, 2002).jpg 762.46Кб
Thorne, Kip - The Future of Spacetime (Norton, 2002).pdf 7.16Мб
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).epub 58.82Мб
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).jpg 574.78Кб
Thorne, Kip - The Science of Interstellar (Norton, 2014).pdf 20.90Мб
Tidal Stabilization of Rigidly Rotating, Relativistic Neutron Stars (1998).pdf 138.98Кб
Torsional Oscillations of Neutron Stars (1983).pdf 2.13Мб
Transition from Inspiral to Plunge for a Compact Body... (2000).pdf 94.52Кб
Ubiquitous Memories (1991).pdf 337.30Кб
Validity in General Relativity of the Schwarzschild Criterion (1966).pdf 399.07Кб
Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole (2015).pdf 11.44Мб
Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Frame-Drag Vortexes, II (2012).pdf 4.62Мб
Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Frame-Drag Vortexes, III (2012).pdf 22.77Мб
Warped Side of Our Universe (2020).pdf 229.29Кб
Warping Spacetime (2003).pdf 1.06Мб
White-Dwarf and Neutron-Star Interpretations of Pulsating Radio Sources (1968).pdf 356.42Кб
Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition (1988).pdf 182.27Кб
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