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_Steven Pinker (17 books).txt 4.06Кб
_workerbee.txt 516б
A brief history of the past three billion years (2000).pdf 52.71Кб
Abstract Grammatical Processing of Nouns and Verbs (2006).pdf 1.01Мб
Affectedness and direct objects (1991).pdf 3.40Мб
Amodal Aspects of Linguistic Design (2013).pdf 2.69Мб
A Neural Dissociation within Language (1997).pdf 1.12Мб
Auditory streaming and the building of timbre (1978).pdf 918.79Кб
Beyond folk psychology (1995).pdf 132.87Кб
Beyond one model per phenomenon (2003).pdf 59.14Кб
Biological basis of language (2014).pdf 875.99Кб
Clarifying the logical problem of language acquisition (2004).pdf 231.49Кб
Combination and structure, not gradedness, is the issue (2002).pdf 30.48Кб
Common knowledge, coordination, and strategic mentalizing (2019).pdf 840.63Кб
Compound formation is constrained by morphology (2008).pdf 84.46Кб
Computation of Semantic Number from Morphological Information (2005).pdf 294.09Кб
Content of Our Cooperation, Not the Color of Our Skin (2014).pdf 832.21Кб
Decline of violence (2011).pdf 980.09Кб
Decline of War and Conceptions of Human Nature (2013).pdf 162.61Кб
Default nominal inflection in Hebrew (1999).pdf 190.67Кб
Directional scanning of remembered visual patterns (1983).pdf 1.11Мб
Direct vs. representational views of cognition (1980).pdf 6.34Мб
Dislike of Regular Plurals in Compounds (2007).pdf 396.12Кб
Doors of Perception (2008).pdf 1.54Мб
Emergent two-dimensional patterns in images rotated in depth (1980).pdf 1.64Мб
Evolutionary social psychology of off-record indirect speech acts (2007).pdf 175.85Кб
Explanations in theories of language and of imagery (1980).pdf 8.17Мб
Faculty of Language_ What's special about it (2005).pdf 291.36Кб
Formal Models of Language Learning (1979).pdf 7.65Мб
Game of the Name (NYT, 5 April 1994).pdf 363.21Кб
Generalisation of regular and irregular morphological patterns (1993).pdf 3.17Мб
George A. Miller (2013).pdf 2.07Мб
German Inflection (1995).pdf 3.45Мб
Higher Male Educational Hypergamy (2011).pdf 129.56Кб
Horton Heard a Who (1999).pdf 759.04Кб
How, what, and why of mental imagery (1979).pdf 7.02Мб
How could a child use verb syntax to learn verb semantics (1994).pdf 2.31Мб
How the Mind Works (1999).pdf 142.37Кб
Humans did not evolve from bats (1994).pdf 722.63Кб
In Defense of Dangerous Ideas (2007).pdf 25.54Кб
Indirect speech, politeness, deniability, and relationship negotiation (2011).pdf 89.11Кб
Innate Bile (2007).pdf 99.23Кб
Kidding Ourselves (2006).pdf 446.04Кб
Language as an Adaptation to the Cognitive Niche (2003).pdf 152.82Кб
Learnability and Acquisition of the Dative Alternation in English (1989).pdf 4.89Мб
Lexical semantics and irregular inflection (2010).pdf 317.91Кб
Liberals Ate My Genes [including Pinker response] (2004).pdf 118.70Кб
Links that speak (2014).pdf 1.63Мб
Logic of Indirect Speech (2008).pdf 273.31Кб
Mental extrapolation in patterns constructed from memory (1984).pdf 1.45Мб
Mental imagery and the third dimension (1980).pdf 1.52Мб
Mental maps, mental images, and intuitions about space (1979).pdf 6.77Мб
Mental rotation and orientation-dependence in shape recognition (1989).pdf 3.27Мб
Mind and brain revisited (1978).pdf 6.79Мб
Mind Games (2007).pdf 234.83Кб
Natural language and natural selection (1990).pdf 13.29Мб
Nature of Regularity and Irregularity (2002).pdf 119.54Кб
Nature of the language faculty and its implications for evolution (2005).pdf 328.96Кб
On Language (1994).pdf 839.03Кб
On language and connectionism (1988).pdf 22.82Мб
On the acquisition of grammatical morphemes (1981).pdf 637.35Кб
On the demystification of mental imagery (1979).pdf 7.02Мб
Orientation-Dependent Mechanisms in Shape Recognition (1991).pdf 740.03Кб
Overregularization in Language Acquisition (1992).pdf 2.80Мб
Past and future of the past tense (2002).pdf 127.74Кб
Pieces of Minds in Psycholinguistics (1993).pdf 2.35Мб
PInker, Steven (ed.) - Connections and Symbols (MIT, 1988).jpg 252.05Кб
PInker, Steven (ed.) - Connections and Symbols (MIT, 1988).pdf 7.74Мб
Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Lexical and Conceptual Semantics (Blackwell, 1992).jpg 243.00Кб
Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Lexical and Conceptual Semantics (Blackwell, 1992).pdf 10.36Мб
Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Visual Cognition (MIT, 1986).jpg 793.40Кб
Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Visual Cognition (MIT, 1986).pdf 19.16Мб
Pinker, Steven - CV and Bibliography.pdf 459.20Кб
Pinker, Steven - Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead (Anansi, 2016).epub 422.40Кб
Pinker, Steven - Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead (Anansi, 2016).jpg 115.44Кб
Pinker, Steven - Enlightenment Now (Penguin, 2019).epub 11.02Мб
Pinker, Steven - Enlightenment Now (Penguin, 2019).jpg 498.12Кб
Pinker, Steven - How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997).epub 5.51Мб
Pinker, Steven - How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997).jpg 94.49Кб
Pinker, Steven - Language, Cognition, and Human Nature (Oxford, 2013).jpg 39.45Кб
Pinker, Steven - Language, Cognition, and Human Nature (Oxford, 2013).pdf 2.17Мб
Pinker, Steven - Language Learnability and Language Development (Harvard, 1996).jpg 96.64Кб
Pinker, Steven - Language Learnability and Language Development (Harvard, 1996).pdf 15.49Мб
Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).epub 2.86Мб
Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).jpg 135.53Кб
Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).pdf 4.44Мб
Pinker, Steven - Rationality (Viking, 2021).epub 14.03Мб
Pinker, Steven - Rationality (Viking, 2021).jpg 211.36Кб
Pinker, Steven - Seven Words You Can't Say on Television (Penguin, 2008).epub 1.86Мб
Pinker, Steven - Seven Words You Can't Say on Television (Penguin, 2008).jpg 272.34Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Penguin, 2012).epub 15.48Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Penguin, 2012).jpg 202.06Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Viking, 2011).jpg 409.87Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Viking, 2011).pdf 7.71Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Blank Slate (Penguin, 2016).epub 1.63Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Blank Slate (Penguin, 2016).jpg 462.99Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct (HarperCollins, 2007).epub 2.72Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct (HarperCollins, 2007).jpg 137.59Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Sense of Style (Penguin, 2015).epub 9.84Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Sense of Style (Penguin, 2015).jpg 86.32Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Stuff of Thought (Penguin, 2008).epub 1.78Мб
Pinker, Steven - The Stuff of Thought (Penguin, 2008).jpg 303.06Кб
Pinker, Steven - The Stuff of Thought (Penguin, 2008).pdf 7.60Мб
Pinker, Steven - Words and Rules (Basic Books, 2015).epub 13.19Мб
Pinker, Steven - Words and Rules (Basic Books, 2015).jpg 223.65Кб
Pinker, Steven - Words and Rules (Basic Books, 2015).pdf 13.90Мб
Political bias, explanatory depth, and narratives of progress (2015).pdf 964.35Кб
Positive and negative evidence in language acquistion (1989).pdf 6.94Мб
Productivity and constraints in the acquisition of the passive (1987).pdf 4.01Мб
Psychology of Coordination and Common Knowledge (2014).pdf 1.11Мб
Q & A (2004).pdf 60.28Кб
Rationales for indirect speech (2010).pdf 289.80Кб
Recursive Mentalizing and Common Knowledge in Bystander Effect (2016).pdf 412.56Кб
Reinterpreting Visual Patterns in Mental Imagery (1989).pdf 1.75Мб
Reply to Jerry Fodor on How the Mind Works (2005).pdf 67.86Кб
Representations and decision rules in the theory of self-deception (2011).pdf 610.14Кб
Review of Language and Species (1992).pdf 217.04Кб
Roger Brown obituary (1998).pdf 78.42Кб
Rules and connections in human language (1988).pdf 1.18Мб
Rules of Language (1991).pdf 1.50Мб
Sensitivity of children's inflection to grammatical structure (1994).pdf 2.04Мб
So How Does the Mind Work (2005).pdf 164.79Кб
Speakers' sensitivity to rules of frozen word order (1979).pdf 893.80Кб
Spontaneous imagery scanning in mental extrapolation (1982).pdf 568.04Кб
Survival of the clearest (2000).pdf 308.29Кб
Syntax and semantics in the acquisition of locative verbs (1991).pdf 2.00Мб
Talk of genetics and vice versa (2001).pdf 130.75Кб
The cognitive niche (2010).pdf 1.42Мб
The gender debate (2006).pdf 112.26Кб
Toward a Consilient Study of Literature (2007).pdf 172.79Кб
Untenability of faitheism (2015).pdf 708.29Кб
Visual cognition (1984).pdf 6.83Мб
Wagering on Catastrophe (New Statesman, 18 June 2021).pdf 111.63Кб
Weird past tense forms (1995).pdf 1.52Мб
What is a language, that a child may learn it... (1981).pdf 597.04Кб
What spatial representation and language acquisition... (1981).pdf 573.76Кб
When Does Human Object Recognition Use Viewer-Centered Reference (1990).pdf 905.08Кб
Why It Is Hard to Find Genes Associated With Social Science (2013).pdf 665.47Кб
Why Nature & Nurture Won't Go Away (2004).pdf 463.83Кб
Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center Field (1991).pdf 2.72Мб
Why the World Is More Peaceful (2012).pdf 126.07Кб
Wickelphone ambiguity (1988).pdf 98.20Кб
Word Magic Revisited (1983).pdf 565.23Кб
Words and Rules (1998).pdf 1.80Мб
Words and rules in the human brain (1997).pdf 130.95Кб
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