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_Steven Weinberg - Nobel Prize in Physics, 1979.txt 4.99Кб
_workerbee.txt 516б
About Descartes (2016).pdf 326.20Кб
Absorption of gravitational waves from distant sources (2019).pdf 134.74Кб
Adiabatic modes in cosmology (2003).pdf 100.20Кб
Algebraic Realizations of Chiral Symmetry (1969).pdf 1.77Мб
Algebraic Structure of Superconvergence Relations (1969).pdf 485.34Кб
Algebra of Fields (1967).pdf 258.27Кб
A Model of Leptons (1967).pdf 204.19Кб
A New Light Boson (1978).pdf 376.43Кб
Anthropic Bound on the Cosmological Constant (1987).pdf 178.88Кб
Approximate Symmetries and Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons (1972).pdf 394.75Кб
A priori probability distribution of the cosmological constant (2000).pdf 52.48Кб
Are nonrenormalizable gauge theories renormalizable (1996).pdf 771.28Кб
A Response to Professor Wójcicki (1998).pdf 110.34Кб
Astrophysical Implications of the New Theories of Weak Interactions (1975).pdf 643.07Кб
Asymptotically safe inflation (2010).pdf 143.58Кб
A Unified Physics by 2050 (1999).pdf 582.00Кб
A Universe with No Designer (2006).pdf 133.28Кб
Axial vector coupling of the quark (1991).pdf 370.68Кб
Baryon- and Lepton-Nonconserving Processes (1979).pdf 355.80Кб
Benjamin W. Lee obituary (1977).pdf 881.57Кб
Beyond the First Three Minutes (1980).pdf 2.14Мб
Breaking Chiral Symmetry (1968).pdf 294.76Кб
Broken Symmetries (1962).pdf 581.19Кб
Calculation of gauge couplings and compact circumferences... (1984).pdf 1.72Мб
Cancellation of one-loop divergences in SO(8192) string theory (1987).pdf 293.74Кб
Can nonadiabatic perturbations arise after single-field inflation (2004).pdf 39.36Кб
Causality, antiparticles and spin-statistics connection... (1984).pdf 416.35Кб
Charges from extra dimensions (1983).pdf 325.67Кб
Charge Symmetry of Weak Interactions (1958).pdf 417.65Кб
Chiral Loops (1971).pdf 678.38Кб
Chronicle of a Complex Physicist (2005).pdf 82.05Кб
Collapse of the State Vector (2012).pdf 119.98Кб
Color & electroweak forces as a source of quark and lepton masses (1981).pdf 726.80Кб
Comments on Relativistic Supermultiplet Theories (1965).pdf 466.86Кб
Conference Summary (2001).pdf 2.90Мб
Cosmological Constraints on the Scale of Supersymmetry Breaking (1982).pdf 326.62Кб
Cosmological Fluctuations of Small Wavelength (2002).pdf 128.54Кб
Cosmological Lower Bound on Heavy-Neutrino Masses (1977).pdf 223.81Кб
Cosmological Production of Baryons (1979).pdf 806.75Кб
Coupling constants and vertex functions in string theories (1985).pdf 385.67Кб
Critical Phenomena for Field Theorists (1978).pdf 1.71Мб
Cross Sections at High Energies (1961).pdf 186.18Кб
Current Algebra and Gauge Theories, I (1973).pdf 895.04Кб
Current Algebra and Gauge Theories, II (1973).pdf 1.08Мб
Current-Commutator Calculation of the Form Factors (1966).pdf 772.21Кб
Current-Commutator Calculation of the Form Factors - Errata (1967).pdf 132.37Кб
Current-Commutator Theory of Multiple Pion Production (1966).pdf 250.60Кб
Current Problems in Cosmology (1971).pdf 1.04Мб
Curvature dependence of peaks in the CMB distribution (2000).pdf 30.18Кб
Damping of tensor modes in cosmology (2004).pdf 73.68Кб
Decay in models with neutral heavy leptons (1977).pdf 533.16Кб
Decay in the Intermediate-Boson Model (1967).pdf 587.87Кб
Decay of the Proton (1981).pdf 724.82Кб
Decoupling constraints on massless composite particles (1981).pdf 132.68Кб
Detecting particles of dark matter (2017).pdf 74.92Кб
Does Gravitation Resolve Ambiguity among Supersymmetric Vacua (1982).pdf 736.54Кб
Do Hyperphotons Exist (1964).pdf 610.67Кб
Dr. Unification [interview] (Scientific American, Nov. 2010).pdf 313.87Кб
Dynamical Approach to Current Algebra (1967).pdf 225.69Кб
Dynamics at Infinite Momentum (1966).pdf 582.09Кб
Effective action and renormalization group flow of anisotropic... (1994).pdf 610.76Кб
Effective chiral lagrangians for nucleon-pion interactions... (1991).pdf 845.38Кб
Effective field theories in the large-N limit (1997).pdf 264.25Кб
Effective field theory, past and future (2016).pdf 213.53Кб
Effective field theory for inflation (2008).pdf 129.11Кб
Effective gauge theories (1980).pdf 375.02Кб
Effects of a Neutral Intermediate Boson in Semileptonic Processes (1972).pdf 229.25Кб
Eikonal Method in Magnetohydrodynamics (1962).pdf 1.60Мб
Einstein and Spacetime_ Then and Now (1981).pdf 789.61Кб
Einstein’s Mistakes (2005).pdf 395.13Кб
Electromagnetic and Weak Masses (1972).pdf 284.99Кб
Electromagnetic Transitions Between Meson and Electron (1959).pdf 638.28Кб
Elementary Particle Theory of Composite Particles (1963).pdf 785.43Кб
Energy Scales (1984).pdf 340.83Кб
Evidence That the Deuteron Is Not an Elementary Particle (1965).pdf 799.92Кб
Exact spectral-function sum rules (1975).pdf 522.23Кб
Exception Taken by Quotee in Piece about Sokal Affair (1997).pdf 642.56Кб
Exchange between Steven Weinberg and John Polkinghorne (2006).pdf 160.05Кб
Eye on the Present_ The Whig History of Science (NYRB, 17 Dec. 2015).pdf 752.10Кб
Feynman Rules for Any Spin, I (1964).pdf 1.29Мб
Feynman Rules for Any Spin, II (1964).pdf 1.18Мб
Feynman Rules for Any Spin, III (1969).pdf 527.31Кб
Finding one’s place in physics (2008).pdf 228.20Кб
Flavor-changing scalar interactions (1993).pdf 176.57Кб
Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background, I (2001).pdf 168.54Кб
Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background, II (2001).pdf 96.17Кб
Four Golden Lessons (2003).pdf 160.97Кб
From BCS to the LHC (2008).pdf 139.76Кб
Gauge and global symmetries at high temperature (1974).pdf 1.49Мб
Gauge Hierarchies (1979).pdf 428.74Кб
Gauge Theory of CP Nonconservation (1976).pdf 895.33Кб
General effective actions (1994).pdf 167.16Кб
General Theory of Broken Local Symmetries (1973).pdf 1018.82Кб
General Theory of Resistive Beam Instabilities (1967).pdf 1.92Мб
Goldstone Bosons as Fractional Cosmic Neutrinos (2013).pdf 102.21Кб
Gravitational waves in cold dark matter (2018).pdf 598.77Кб
Half a Century of the Standard Model (2018).pdf 316.04Кб
High-Energy Behavior in Quantum Field Theory (1960).pdf 1020.86Кб
Holes and Loose Ends in Particle Physics (1987).pdf 1.31Мб
Implications of dynamical symmetry breaking (1976).pdf 1.33Мб
Implications of dynamical symmetry breaking - Addendum (1979).pdf 137.80Кб
Infrared Photons and Gravitons (1965).pdf 1.00Мб
Interference Effects in Leptonic Decays (1959).pdf 699.44Кб
Interference Effects in Neutral K-Particle Decay (1959).pdf 401.68Кб
Interview [from Origins, ed. Lightman (Harvard, 1990)].pdf 3.59Мб
Is a ‘Final Theory’ Too Grim a Dream (1993).pdf 1.24Мб
Is the Universe Designed (1999).pdf 199.06Кб
Jets from Quantum Chromodynamics (1977).pdf 321.02Кб
Larger Higgs-Boson-Exchange Terms... (1989).pdf 167.33Кб
Law of Conservation of Muons (1961).pdf 170.16Кб
Life in the Universe (1994).pdf 419.32Кб
Light as a fundamental particle (1975).pdf 1.38Мб
Likely Values of the Cosmological Constant (1998).pdf 486.99Кб
Limits on massless particles (1980).pdf 279.76Кб
Lindblad decoherence in atomic clocks (2016).pdf 80.48Кб
Mass Differences of Charmed Hadrons (1976).pdf 563.45Кб
Massless particles in higher dimensions (2020).pdf 158.23Кб
Mass of the Higgs Boson (1976).pdf 500.06Кб
Mechanism for Nonconservation of Muon Number (1977).pdf 337.09Кб
Mended Symmetries (1990).pdf 886.64Кб
Minimal fields of canonical dimensionality are free (2012).pdf 122.97Кб
Mixing Angle in Renormalizable Theories of Weak Interactions (1972).pdf 296.78Кб
Models of lepton and quark masses (2020).pdf 208.97Кб
Multiparticle Sum Rules (1972).pdf 1.70Мб
Muon Absorption in Liquid Hydrogen (1960).pdf 757.16Кб
Must cosmological perturbations remain nonadiabatic... (2004).pdf 105.30Кб
Nambu, at the beginning (2016).pdf 39.46Кб
Natural conservation laws for neutral currents (1977).pdf 766.06Кб
Nature of the Vector Interaction in u Absorption (1959).pdf 344.19Кб
Neutral currents in expanded gauge theories (1978).pdf 386.23Кб
New Approach to the Renormalization Group (1973).pdf 953.74Кб
Newtonianism, reductionism and the art of congressional testimony (1987).pdf 699.12Кб
Newtonianism and Today's Physics (1987).pdf 1.94Мб
Night Thoughts of a Quantum Physicist (1995).pdf 1.49Мб
Nobel Lecture - Conceptual Foundations of the Unified Theory... (1980).pdf 1.92Мб
Non-Abelian Gauge Theories of the Strong Interactions (1973).pdf 347.42Кб
Non-Gaussian Correlations Outside the Horizon, I (2008).pdf 180.17Кб
Non-Gaussian Correlations Outside the Horizon, II (2009).pdf 129.92Кб
Nonlinear Realizations of Chiral Symmetry (1968).pdf 1.03Мб
Nonrenormalization Theorems in Nonrenormalizable Theories (1998).pdf 138.80Кб
Note on the torsion tensor (2007).pdf 121.98Кб
No-truncation approach to cosmic microwave background anisotropies (2006).pdf 174.31Кб
Nuclear forces from chiral lagrangians (1990).pdf 293.87Кб
Nuclear Terror_ Ambling toward Apocalypse (2003).pdf 1.12Мб
N-V Potential in the Lee Model (1956).pdf 696.24Кб
Opportunities for Particle Physics (1987).pdf 964.85Кб
Partially Conserved Currents and the K' Meson (1960).pdf 481.73Кб
Particle Physics_ Past and Future (1986).pdf 690.91Кб
Particle Physics, from Rutherford to the LHC (2011).pdf 837.77Кб
Particle states as realizations ... of spacetime symmetries (1989).pdf 599.39Кб
Perturbation Theory for Strong Repulsive Potentials (1964).pdf 580.88Кб
Perturbative Calculations of Symmetry Breaking (1973).pdf 1.19Мб
Phase of the CP-Invariance Violation in Decay (1965).pdf 133.26Кб
Phenomenological Lagrangians (1979).pdf 643.25Кб
Photons and Gravitons in Perturbation Theory (1965).pdf 1.83Мб
Photons and Gravitons in S-Matrix Theory (1964).pdf 750.88Кб
Physical Processes in Convergent Theory of Weak ... Interactions (1971).pdf 469.73Кб
Physics_ What We Do and Don’t Know (NYRB, 7 Nov. 2013).pdf 217.69Кб
Physics & History (1998).pdf 1.38Мб
Physics & History (2005).pdf 1.39Мб
Pion Scattering Lengths (1966).pdf 315.35Кб
Pions in Large N Quantum Chromodynamics (2010).pdf 126.58Кб
Precise Relations between Spectra of Vector & Axial-Vector Mesons (1967).pdf 151.13Кб
Precision Tests of Quantum Mechanics (1989).pdf 151.43Кб
Quantum Contributions to Cosmological Correlations, I (2005).pdf 250.52Кб
Quantum Contributions to Cosmological Correlations, II (2006).pdf 95.86Кб
Quantum mechanics without state vectors (2014).pdf 193.25Кб
Quasiparticles and the Born Series (1963).pdf 1.68Мб
Quasi-Riemannian Theories of Gravitation in 4+ Dimensions (1984).pdf 428.00Кб
Recent progress in gauge theories... (1974).pdf 5.30Мб
Reflectons of a Working Scientist (1974).pdf 1.81Мб
Reply to 'On Summing Soft Pions' (1970).pdf 56.49Кб
Response_ Against manned space flight programs (2013).pdf 145.42Кб
Response to Steve Fuller (1994).pdf 319.97Кб
Role of Strong Interactions in Decay Processes (1957).pdf 681.63Кб
Six-Dimensional Methods for Four-dimensional Conformal..., I (2010).pdf 180.36Кб
Six-Dimensional Methods for Four-dimensional Conformal..., II (2012).pdf 68.47Кб
Soft bremsstrahlung (2019).pdf 163.55Кб
Strong Interactions at Low Energies (1995).pdf 374.58Кб
Structure of Three-Point Functions from SU(3)(x)SU(3) Algebra (1968).pdf 906.75Кб
SU(3)(x)U(l) Gauge Theory of the Weak & Electromagnetic Interactions (1977).pdf 753.09Кб
Summing Soft Pions, I (1970).pdf 1.31Мб
Summing Soft Pions, II (1971).pdf 182.82Кб
Sum Rules for the Spectral Functions of SU(3) ⊗ SU(3) (1967).pdf 612.70Кб
Superconductivity for Particular Theorists (1986).pdf 1.12Мб
Supergravity as the messenger of supersymmetry breaking (1983).pdf 612.86Кб
Supersymmetry at ordinary energies, I (1982).pdf 598.02Кб
Supersymmetry at ordinary energies, II (1983).pdf 469.44Кб
Symmetry breaking and scalar bosons (1976).pdf 534.88Кб
Systematic Solution of Multiparticle Scattering Problems (1964).pdf 2.20Мб
Tensor microwave background fluctuations for large multipole order (2007).pdf 303.19Кб
Testing Quantum Mechanics (1989).pdf 2.69Мб
Tetraquark Mesons in Large-N Quantum Chromodynamics (2013).pdf 63.56Кб
The cosmological constant problem (1989).pdf 1.16Мб
The first elementary particle (1997).pdf 1015.81Кб
The Forces of Nature (1977).pdf 1.12Мб
The future of unified gauge theories (1977).pdf 2.00Мб
The Hose Instability Dispersion Relation (1964).pdf 1.19Мб
The limits of reductionism (1988).pdf 284.44Кб
The Making of the Standard Model (2003).pdf 320.63Кб
The methods of science … and those by which we live (1995).pdf 460.98Кб
The Problem of Mass (1977).pdf 816.35Кб
The Search for Unity_ Notes for a History of Quantum Field Theory (1977).pdf 2.48Мб
The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics (NYRB, 19 Jan 2017).pdf 4.98Мб
The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics - Letter (NYRB, 6 April 2017).pdf 11.00Мб
The U(1) problem (1975).pdf 856.83Кб
The value of Einstein’s mistakes (2006).pdf 250.21Кб
The Weak Interactions From Now On (1986).pdf 913.74Кб
The Whig History of Science_ An Exchange (NYRB, 25 Feb 2016).pdf 232.58Кб
Three-body interactions among nucleons and pions (1992).pdf 478.78Кб
Time-Reversal Invariance and Decay (1958).pdf 560.89Кб
Tom Kibble_ Breaking Ground and Breaking Symmetries (2014).pdf 115.36Кб
To the Postdocs (2007).pdf 412.18Кб
Tracing the Mechanism of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (1990).pdf 558.28Кб
Tree theorem for inflation (2008).pdf 175.69Кб
Ultimate Temperature and the Early Universe (1970).pdf 248.87Кб
Ultraviolet divergences in cosmological correlations (2011).pdf 208.89Кб
Ultraviolet Divergences in Quantum Theories of Gravitation (1979).pdf 6.64Мб
Unified Theories of Elementary-Particle Interaction (1974).pdf 728.38Кб
Unitarity constraints on CP nonconservation in Higgs-boson (1990).pdf 212.23Кб
Universal Neutrino Degeneracy (1962).pdf 1.03Мб
Upper Bound on Gauge-Fermion Masses (1983).pdf 530.86Кб
Varieties of baryon and lepton nonconservation (1980).pdf 538.50Кб
V-A was The Key (2009).pdf 6.65Мб
Views On Broken Symmetry (1974).pdf 421.14Кб
Weak-Interaction Corrections to the Muon Magnetic Moment... (1972).pdf 181.21Кб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Dark Matter in the Universe, 2e (World Scientific, 2004).jpg 48.15Кб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Dark Matter in the Universe, 2e (World Scientific, 2004).pdf 2.73Мб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Physics in Higher Dimensions (World Scientific, 1986).jpg 38.62Кб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Physics in Higher Dimensions (World Scientific, 1986).pdf 7.45Мб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces, 2e (World Scientific, 2004).jpg 95.30Кб
Weinberg, Steven (ed.) - Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces, 2e (World Scientific, 2004).pdf 4.80Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Bibliography (2016).pdf 147.22Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Cosmology (Oxford, 2008).jpg 374.29Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Cosmology (Oxford, 2008).pdf 2.89Мб
Weinberg, Steven - CV (2016).pdf 76.00Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Dreams of a Final Theory (Vintage, 1994).epub 2.13Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Dreams of a Final Theory (Vintage, 1994).jpg 264.86Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics (Cambridge, 1987).jpg 82.63Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics (Cambridge, 1987).pdf 3.53Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics (Cambridge, 2013).epub 3.89Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics (Cambridge, 2013).jpg 208.81Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Facing Up_ Science and Its Cultural Adversaries (Harvard, 2001).jpg 125.54Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Facing Up_ Science and Its Cultural Adversaries (Harvard, 2001).pdf 930.57Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Foundations of Modern Physics (Cambridge, 2021).epub 12.95Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Foundations of Modern Physics (Cambridge, 2021).jpg 223.49Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Foundations of Modern Physics (Cambridge, 2021).pdf 1.61Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Glory and Terror (NYRB, 2004).jpg 361.59Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Glory and Terror (NYRB, 2004).pdf 1.92Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Gravitation and Cosmology (Wiley, 1972).jpg 56.34Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Gravitation and Cosmology (Wiley, 1972).pdf 37.73Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Lake Views (Harvard, 2009).epub 565.79Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Lake Views (Harvard, 2009).jpg 340.77Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Astrophysics (Cambridge, 2020).epub 8.20Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Astrophysics (Cambridge, 2020).jpg 193.96Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Astrophysics (Cambridge, 2020).pdf 1.19Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, 2e (Cambridge, 2015).epub 12.02Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, 2e (Cambridge, 2015).jpg 115.92Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, 2e (Cambridge, 2015).pdf 2.80Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1_ Foundations (Cambridge, 2005).epub 27.67Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1_ Foundations (Cambridge, 2005).jpg 89.24Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1_ Foundations (Cambridge, 2005).pdf 34.62Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 2_ Modern Applications (Cambridge, 2005).epub 33.93Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 2_ Modern Applications (Cambridge, 2005).jpg 126.72Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 2_ Modern Applications (Cambridge, 2005).pdf 26.60Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 3_ Supersymmetry (Cambridge, 2005).epub 18.05Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 3_ Supersymmetry (Cambridge, 2005).jpg 78.75Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 3_ Supersymmetry (Cambridge, 2005).pdf 17.74Мб
Weinberg, Steven - The Discovery of Subatomic Particles [Revised] (Cambridge, 2003).jpg 165.34Кб
Weinberg, Steven - The Discovery of Subatomic Particles [Revised] (Cambridge, 2003).pdf 14.13Мб
Weinberg, Steven - The First Three Minutes (Flamingo, 1983).jpg 469.50Кб
Weinberg, Steven - The First Three Minutes (Flamingo, 1983).pdf 8.12Мб
Weinberg, Steven - Third Thoughts (Harvard, 2018).epub 798.07Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Third Thoughts (Harvard, 2018).jpg 616.34Кб
Weinberg, Steven - Third Thoughts (Harvard, 2018).pdf 1.64Мб
Weinberg, Steven - To Explain the World (HarperCollins, 2015).epub 2.07Мб
Weinberg, Steven - To Explain the World (HarperCollins, 2015).jpg 598.30Кб
Weinberg replies (1989).pdf 147.17Кб
What happens in a measurement (2016).pdf 99.33Кб
What is an Elementary Particle (1997).pdf 700.68Кб
Why Do Quarks Behave Like Bare Dirac Particles (1990).pdf 116.26Кб
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