Torrent Info
Title Dominique Ansel - MasterClass - French Pastry Fundamentals - Medbay
Size 3.55GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
85-01 - Introduction - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 58.13MB
85-02 - Dominique’s Journey Beauvais, Boulud, and the Bakery - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 155.15MB
85-03 - Mini Madeleines - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 156.00MB
85-04 - Fruit Tart Base Vanilla Sablé Shell - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 272.93MB
85-05 - Fruit Tart Filling Pastry Cream - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 180.42MB
85-06 - Fruit Tart Filling Quick Strawberry Jam - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 90.41MB
85-07 - Fruit Tart Finishing Classic Strawberry Presentation - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 399.36MB
85-08 - Fruit Tart Finishing Modern Apple Presentation - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 173.33MB
85-09 - Chocolate Cake Base Biscuit - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 304.40MB
85-10 - Chocolate Cake Accent Swiss Mini Meringues - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 133.82MB
85-11 - Chocolate Cake Filling Mousse - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 165.07MB
85-12 - Chocolate Cake Finishing Assembly & Presentation - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 415.06MB
85-13 - Bonbon Base Tempered Chocolate Shell - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 278.99MB
85-15 - The Perfect Croissant - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 659.02MB
85-16 - Case Study The Cronut® - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 104.00MB
85-17 - Thinking Creatively About Pastry - Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals.mp4 90.29MB
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