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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt |
585б |
0 |
28б |
1 |
73.25Кб |
1.1 assignment-operators.zip |
1.25Кб |
1.1 course-code.zip |
109.91Кб |
1.1 first-code.zip |
1.02Кб |
1.1 if-else.zip |
1.20Кб |
1.1 setTimeout-setInterval.zip |
1.00Кб |
1. Assignment Operators Part One.mp4 |
52.04Мб |
1. Assignment Operators Part One.srt |
15.87Кб |
1. Congratulations! and Thank You!.mp4 |
21.65Мб |
1. Congratulations! and Thank You!.srt |
1.64Кб |
1. Dynamic Typing.mp4 |
22.68Мб |
1. Dynamic Typing.srt |
7.45Кб |
1. for Statements.mp4 |
18.49Мб |
1. for Statements.srt |
5.79Кб |
1. if, else, if else.mp4 |
35.73Мб |
1. if, else, if else.srt |
10.77Кб |
1. Introduction to Number Systems.mp4 |
26.92Мб |
1. Introduction to Number Systems.srt |
8.12Кб |
1. JavaScript Arrays.mp4 |
49.40Мб |
1. JavaScript Arrays.srt |
17.00Кб |
1. Object Oriented Programming.mp4 |
24.17Мб |
1. Object Oriented Programming.srt |
7.43Кб |
1. Section Introduction.mp4 |
8.88Мб |
1. Section Introduction.srt |
1.29Кб |
1. setTimeout() and setInterval().mp4 |
49.41Мб |
1. setTimeout() and setInterval().srt |
18.39Кб |
1. Welcome to the Course!.mp4 |
26.08Мб |
1. Welcome to the Course!.srt |
2.10Кб |
1. What is the DOM (Document Object Model).mp4 |
28.88Мб |
1. What is the DOM (Document Object Model).srt |
8.30Кб |
1. Write your First JavaScript!.mp4 |
21.25Мб |
1. Write your First JavaScript!.srt |
8.73Кб |
10 |
91.28Кб |
10.1 ChatAppPartThree.zip |
32.74Кб |
10. Operator Precedence.mp4 |
17.42Мб |
10. Operator Precedence.srt |
6.02Кб |
10. Section Project - Chat App - Part Three.mp4 |
64.03Мб |
10. Section Project - Chat App - Part Three.srt |
21.54Кб |
11 |
683.92Кб |
11. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
11. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
12 |
130.47Кб |
13 |
929.08Кб |
14 |
993.90Кб |
15 |
18.03Кб |
16 |
52.78Кб |
17 |
595.04Кб |
18 |
696.60Кб |
19 |
755.30Кб |
2 |
431.58Кб |
2.1 assignment-operators.zip |
1.25Кб |
2.1 call-apply-bind.zip |
1.04Кб |
2.1 course-code.zip |
109.91Кб |
2.1 dom-api.zip |
3.18Кб |
2.1 including-js.zip |
1.12Кб |
2.1 primitives.zip |
593б |
2. Arrow Functions.mp4 |
26.12Мб |
2. Arrow Functions.srt |
6.58Кб |
2. Assignment Operators Part Two.mp4 |
55.98Мб |
2. Assignment Operators Part Two.srt |
17.59Кб |
2. Binary Numbers in JavaScript.mp4 |
25.57Мб |
2. Binary Numbers in JavaScript.srt |
8.87Кб |
2. call(), apply() and bind().mp4 |
64.09Мб |
2. call(), apply() and bind().srt |
19.26Кб |
2. DOM API in Action.mp4 |
83.75Мб |
2. DOM API in Action.srt |
26.40Кб |
2. for...in Statements.mp4 |
19.19Мб |
2. for...in Statements.srt |
4.90Кб |
2. Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 |
11.31Мб |
2. Installing Visual Studio Code.srt |
2.34Кб |
2. Introduction to JavaScript Classes.mp4 |
17.96Мб |
2. Introduction to JavaScript Classes.srt |
3.56Кб |
2. Manipulating Arrays Part One.mp4 |
39.56Мб |
2. Manipulating Arrays Part One.srt |
13.24Кб |
2. Primitive Data Types.mp4 |
44.37Мб |
2. Primitive Data Types.srt |
13.65Кб |
2. Ternary Operator.mp4 |
12.92Мб |
2. Ternary Operator.srt |
3.03Кб |
2. Ways to Include JavaScript in Web Pages.mp4 |
36.69Мб |
2. Ways to Include JavaScript in Web Pages.srt |
14.12Кб |
2. Where to Go from Here.mp4 |
40.21Мб |
2. Where to Go from Here.srt |
3.17Кб |
20 |
986.04Кб |
21 |
473.11Кб |
22 |
642.99Кб |
23 |
601.46Кб |
24 |
611.32Кб |
25 |
182.50Кб |
26 |
483.23Кб |
27 |
705.99Кб |
28 |
169.19Кб |
29 |
640.42Кб |
3 |
496.42Кб |
3.1 arithmetic-operators.zip |
994б |
3.1 FlashcardApp-images.zip |
20.78Кб |
3.1 promises.zip |
1.08Кб |
3.1 switch-statement.zip |
910б |
3.1 variables.zip |
1.58Кб |
3.2 FlashcardApp-final-code.zip |
28.21Кб |
3. Arithmetic Operators.mp4 |
23.50Мб |
3. Arithmetic Operators.srt |
7.48Кб |
3. Classes.mp4 |
20.00Мб |
3. Classes.srt |
4.03Кб |
3. Comparing Decimal and Binary Numbers.mp4 |
11.05Мб |
3. Comparing Decimal and Binary Numbers.srt |
2.50Кб |
3. Constructor Functions and Object Instances.mp4 |
31.03Мб |
3. Constructor Functions and Object Instances.srt |
7.52Кб |
3. for...of Statements.mp4 |
13.47Мб |
3. for...of Statements.srt |
2.71Кб |
3. JavaScript Variables - Part One.mp4 |
48.53Мб |
3. JavaScript Variables - Part One.srt |
12.47Кб |
3. Manipulating Arrays Part Two.mp4 |
41.64Мб |
3. Manipulating Arrays Part Two.srt |
14.07Кб |
3. null vs undefined.mp4 |
18.92Мб |
3. null vs undefined.srt |
5.15Кб |
3. promises.mp4 |
53.42Мб |
3. promises.srt |
15.48Кб |
3. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part One.mp4 |
41.74Мб |
3. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part One.srt |
16.88Кб |
3. switch Statement.mp4 |
16.91Мб |
3. switch Statement.srt |
5.16Кб |
3. Visual Studio Code Tutorial.mp4 |
18.18Мб |
3. Visual Studio Code Tutorial.srt |
4.70Кб |
30 |
214.31Кб |
31 |
269.67Кб |
32 |
365.96Кб |
33 |
811.09Кб |
34 |
453.89Кб |
35 |
325.26Кб |
36 |
446.42Кб |
37 |
485.62Кб |
38 |
319.11Кб |
39 |
278.78Кб |
4 |
250.91Кб |
4.1 date-time.zip |
888б |
4.1 FlashcardApp-images.zip |
20.78Кб |
4.1 fruit-seller-finished.zip |
5.55Кб |
4.1 unary-operators.zip |
831б |
4.1 variables.zip |
1.58Кб |
4.2 FlashcardApp-final-code.zip |
28.21Кб |
4.2 fruit-seller-start.zip |
3.04Кб |
4. Binary Math.mp4 |
14.58Мб |
4. Binary Math.srt |
6.65Кб |
4. Dates and Times.mp4 |
51.54Мб |
4. Dates and Times.srt |
11.71Кб |
4. Installing the Chrome Browser.mp4 |
9.81Мб |
4. Installing the Chrome Browser.srt |
7.43Кб |
4. JavaScript Variables - Part Two.mp4 |
65.87Мб |
4. JavaScript Variables - Part Two.srt |
23.49Кб |
4. Manipulating Arrays Part Three.mp4 |
28.09Мб |
4. Manipulating Arrays Part Three.srt |
11.57Кб |
4. Prototypes.mp4 |
51.37Мб |
4. Prototypes.srt |
14.87Кб |
4. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part One.mp4 |
48.82Мб |
4. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part One.srt |
15.59Кб |
4. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part Two.mp4 |
67.91Мб |
4. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part Two.srt |
17.76Кб |
4. Template Strings.mp4 |
25.60Мб |
4. Template Strings.srt |
7.26Кб |
4. Unary Negation and Plus Operators.mp4 |
43.79Мб |
4. Unary Negation and Plus Operators.srt |
13.62Кб |
4. while Statements.mp4 |
11.43Мб |
4. while Statements.srt |
2.35Кб |
40 |
263.22Кб |
41 |
990.57Кб |
42 |
896.12Кб |
43 |
905.57Кб |
44 |
118.42Кб |
45 |
936.94Кб |
46 |
86.26Кб |
47 |
901.59Кб |
48 |
941.09Кб |
49 |
412.39Кб |
5 |
313.15Кб |
5.1 bitwise-operations.zip |
775б |
5.1 comments.zip |
816б |
5.1 FlashcardApp-vocabulary.txt |
496б |
5.1 fruit-seller-finished.zip |
5.55Кб |
5.1 string-concatenation.zip |
1.01Кб |
5.2 FlashcardApp-final-code.zip |
28.21Кб |
5.2 fruit-seller-start.zip |
3.04Кб |
5.3 FlashcardApp-images.zip |
20.78Кб |
5. Bitwise Operations.mp4 |
25.52Мб |
5. Bitwise Operations.srt |
10.10Кб |
5. Chrome Developer Tools Tutorial.mp4 |
21.21Мб |
5. Chrome Developer Tools Tutorial.srt |
7.43Кб |
5. Comments in JavaScript Code.mp4 |
19.83Мб |
5. Comments in JavaScript Code.srt |
5.88Кб |
5. Destructuring.mp4 |
29.12Мб |
5. Destructuring.srt |
9.84Кб |
5. do...while Statements.mp4 |
11.06Мб |
5. do...while Statements.srt |
1.72Кб |
5. ES6 Classes.mp4 |
71.36Мб |
5. ES6 Classes.srt |
19.93Кб |
5. JavaScript Objects Part One.mp4 |
44.83Мб |
5. JavaScript Objects Part One.srt |
15.04Кб |
5. Math.mp4 |
23.22Мб |
5. Math.srt |
5.63Кб |
5. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part Two.mp4 |
53.32Мб |
5. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part Two.srt |
17.85Кб |
5. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part Three.mp4 |
106.39Мб |
5. Section Project - Vocabulary Flash Cards - Part Three.srt |
26.44Кб |
5. String Concatenation.mp4 |
37.53Мб |
5. String Concatenation.srt |
10.47Кб |
50 |
436.87Кб |
51 |
490.54Кб |
52 |
853.71Кб |
53 |
510.01Кб |
54 |
803.48Кб |
55 |
324.62Кб |
56 |
645.58Кб |
57 |
314.30Кб |
58 |
358.44Кб |
59 |
773.05Кб |
6 |
595.68Кб |
6.1 comparison-operators.zip |
1.50Кб |
6.1 fruit-seller-finished.zip |
5.55Кб |
6.1 functions-part-one.zip |
993б |
6.1 school-manager-finished.zip |
4.59Кб |
6.2 fruit-seller-start.zip |
3.04Кб |
6.2 school-manager-start.zip |
2.68Кб |
6. break and continue.mp4 |
22.37Мб |
6. break and continue.srt |
6.27Кб |
6. Comparison Operators.mp4 |
89.58Мб |
6. Comparison Operators.srt |
28.17Кб |
6. Default Parameters.mp4 |
14.66Мб |
6. Default Parameters.srt |
3.23Кб |
6. Functions in JavaScript - Part One.mp4 |
74.90Мб |
6. Functions in JavaScript - Part One.srt |
21.53Кб |
6. JavaScript Objects Part Two.mp4 |
45.31Мб |
6. JavaScript Objects Part Two.srt |
13.33Кб |
6. Knowledge check!.html |
145б |
6. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
6. RegExp.mp4 |
110.15Мб |
6. RegExp.srt |
27.24Кб |
6. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part Three.mp4 |
53.26Мб |
6. Section Project - Fruit Seller - Part Three.srt |
16.08Кб |
6. Section Project - School Manager.mp4 |
85.52Мб |
6. Section Project - School Manager.srt |
23.01Кб |
60 |
804.42Кб |
61 |
1021.95Кб |
62 |
173.14Кб |
63 |
833.67Кб |
64 |
83.39Кб |
65 |
524.09Кб |
66 |
837.75Кб |
67 |
38.96Кб |
68 |
589.45Кб |
69 |
96.81Кб |
7 |
101.35Кб |
7.1 functions-part-two.zip |
1.58Кб |
7.1 logical-operators.zip |
968б |
7.1 shopping_list.js |
332б |
7.2 json.zip |
2.05Кб |
7. Functions in JavaScript - Part Two.mp4 |
55.95Мб |
7. Functions in JavaScript - Part Two.srt |
17.65Кб |
7. JSON.mp4 |
32.74Мб |
7. JSON.srt |
8.57Кб |
7. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
7. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
7. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
7. Logical Operators.mp4 |
38.56Мб |
7. Logical Operators.srt |
14.62Кб |
7. Manipulating Objects.mp4 |
38.68Мб |
7. Manipulating Objects.srt |
11.17Кб |
7. Spread Syntax.mp4 |
21.69Мб |
7. Spread Syntax.srt |
6.38Кб |
70 |
349.71Кб |
71 |
433.42Кб |
72 |
545.73Кб |
73 |
78.00Кб |
74 |
584.69Кб |
75 |
709.67Кб |
76 |
965.67Кб |
77 |
970.12Кб |
78 |
194.21Кб |
8 |
657.83Кб |
8.1 ChatAppPartOne.zip |
1.43Кб |
8.1 typeof-instanceof.zip |
1.21Кб |
8. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
8. Section Project - Chat App - Part One.mp4 |
67.33Мб |
8. Section Project - Chat App - Part One.srt |
21.42Кб |
8. Set, Map, NodeList.mp4 |
77.42Мб |
8. Set, Map, NodeList.srt |
19.83Кб |
8. Type Operators.mp4 |
70.69Мб |
8. Type Operators.srt |
23.83Кб |
9 |
319.84Кб |
9.1 bitwise-operators.zip |
836б |
9.1 ChatAppPartTwo.zip |
32.74Кб |
9. Bitwise Operators.mp4 |
29.12Мб |
9. Bitwise Operators.srt |
8.06Кб |
9. Knowledge Check!.html |
145б |
9. Section Project - Chat App - Part Two.mp4 |
80.69Мб |
9. Section Project - Chat App - Part Two.srt |
22.75Кб |
TutsNode.com.txt |
63б |