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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 15б
001 Arithmetic Operators_en.srt 7.35Кб
001 Arithmetic Operators.mp4 28.86Мб
001 Array Basics_en.srt 7.82Кб
001 Array Basics.mp4 27.77Мб
001 Array Object Destructuring_en.srt 13.73Кб
001 Array Object Destructuring.mp4 51.09Мб
001 Complete Project Setup Part 1_en.srt 21.06Кб
001 Complete Project Setup Part 1.mp4 74.32Мб
001 Contact Form_en.srt 13.24Кб
001 Contact Form.mp4 100.67Мб
001 Creating Component List_en.srt 17.96Кб
001 Creating Component List.mp4 110.24Мб
001 Declare a Variable_en.srt 8.55Кб
001 Declare a Variable.mp4 25.52Мб
001 Different types of errors in JavaScript. (Syntax, Reference, Type, Range Error,_en.srt 11.82Кб
001 Different types of errors in JavaScript. (Syntax, Reference, Type, Range Error,.mp4 41.47Мб
001 DOM Introduction Project Setup_en.srt 7.67Кб
001 DOM Introduction Project Setup.mp4 44.11Мб
001 Express Js Project Overview_en.srt 3.39Кб
001 Express Js Project Overview.mp4 26.76Мб
001 Factory Functions-_en.srt 11.80Кб
001 Factory Functions-.mp4 44.20Мб
001 For loop_en.srt 9.32Кб
001 For loop.mp4 29.26Мб
001 Function Basics_en.srt 14.18Кб
001 Function Basics.mp4 52.84Мб
001 If else_en.srt 11.62Кб
001 If else.mp4 40.35Мб
001 Install Create-React-App_en.srt 8.73Кб
001 Install Create-React-App.mp4 38.95Мб
001 Introduction_en.srt 4.01Кб
001 Introduction.mp4 47.13Мб
001 Introduction to MongoDB_en.srt 1.93Кб
001 Introduction to MongoDB.mp4 6.85Мб
001 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 1.html 23б
001 Mongoose Connection, Create User and Task Model with Proper Folder Structure_en.srt 15.11Кб
001 Mongoose Connection, Create User and Task Model with Proper Folder Structure.mp4 68.11Мб
001 Object Basics with Dot Bracket Notation_en.srt 9.35Кб
001 Object Basics with Dot Bracket Notation.mp4 31.61Мб
001 Preparing Project for Router_en.srt 12.08Кб
001 Preparing Project for Router.mp4 66.93Мб
001 Project intro_en.srt 3.28Кб
001 Project intro.mp4 11.79Мб
001 Project intro UI Setup_en.srt 9.10Кб
001 Project intro UI Setup_en.srt 8.05Кб
001 Project intro UI Setup.mp4 59.26Мб
001 Project intro UI Setup.mp4 49.28Мб
001 Project intro User Interface Setup_en.srt 7.03Кб
001 Project intro User Interface Setup.mp4 40.77Мб
001 Project Setup_en.srt 5.43Кб
001 Project Setup.mp4 25.11Мб
001 Render Conditionally_en.srt 11.53Кб
001 Render Conditionally.mp4 71.49Мб
001 Section Introduction_en.srt 3.38Кб
001 Section Introduction.mp4 24.74Мб
001 Section Overview_en.srt 1.78Кб
001 Section Overview_en.srt 2.43Кб
001 Section Overview_en.srt 1.98Кб
001 Section Overview.mp4 12.60Мб
001 Section Overview.mp4 10.63Мб
001 Section Overview.mp4 5.43Мб
001 Section Prerequisites_en.srt 1.90Кб
001 Section Prerequisites.mp4 6.93Мб
001 Setup Project Folder_en.srt 14.52Кб
001 Setup Project Folder.mp4 75.02Мб
001 String Basics_en.srt 10.27Кб
001 String Basics.mp4 33.17Мб
001 User Management and Validation Setup_en.srt 6.63Кб
001 User Management and Validation Setup.mp4 21.38Мб
001 What is Asynchronous Non-blocking Code_en.srt 10.66Кб
001 What is Asynchronous Non-blocking Code.mp4 38.56Мб
001 What is Express Why should we use this_en.srt 1.86Кб
001 What is Express Why should we use this.mp4 20.47Мб
001 What is NodeJS_en.srt 1.38Кб
001 What is NodeJS.mp4 3.57Мб
001 What is React_en.srt 2.70Кб
001 What is React.mp4 14.27Мб
001 What is Regular Expression and why is it useful_en.srt 3.01Кб
001 What is Regular Expression and why is it useful.mp4 18.99Мб
001 What we will build_en.srt 11.76Кб
001 What we will build.mp4 41.20Мб
002 Adding, Modifying Deleting Properties_en.srt 12.96Кб
002 Adding, Modifying Deleting Properties.mp4 50.03Мб
002 Adding Elements_en.srt 9.06Кб
002 Adding Elements.mp4 33.26Мб
002 Assignment Operators_en.srt 12.89Кб
002 Assignment Operators.mp4 40.49Мб
002 Better Solution_en.srt 5.95Кб
002 Better Solution.mp4 38.14Мб
002 Build a basic template for Form validator_en.srt 13.24Кб
002 Build a basic template for Form validator.mp4 77.68Мб
002 Change state_en.srt 14.62Кб
002 Change state.mp4 75.67Мб
002 Chat Application Start_en.srt 989б
002 Chat Application Start.mp4 12.23Мб
002 Complete Project Setup Part 2_en.srt 20.28Кб
002 Complete Project Setup Part 2.mp4 94.38Мб
002 Component Tree_en.srt 17.18Кб
002 Component Tree.mp4 80.77Мб
002 Constructor Functions this keyword_en.srt 9.17Кб
002 Constructor Functions this keyword.mp4 40.86Мб
002 Contact Form Handling_en.srt 21.81Кб
002 Contact Form Handling.mp4 147.29Мб
002 Create a simple server with Express.js_en.srt 19.22Кб
002 Create a simple server with Express.js.mp4 91.21Мб
002 Create elements with DOM_en.srt 30.61Кб
002 Create elements with DOM.mp4 167.79Мб
002 Create Model for User.html 23б
002 Data Structure Set-_en.srt 9.91Кб
002 Data Structure Set-.mp4 39.63Мб
002 Data Validation and Sanitization in User Model Part 1_en.srt 21.12Кб
002 Data Validation and Sanitization in User Model Part 1.mp4 101.27Мб
002 Default Parameters_en.srt 6.13Кб
002 Default Parameters.mp4 21.27Мб
002 Deploy Project to WebServer_en.srt 12.43Кб
002 Deploy Project to WebServer.mp4 82.64Мб
002 Designing Navigation Bar_en.srt 19.29Кб
002 Designing Navigation Bar.mp4 136.94Мб
002 Exercise Throw Custom Error Object_en.srt 6.01Кб
002 Exercise Throw Custom Error Object.mp4 20.15Мб
002 Get Information from API_en.srt 32.38Кб
002 Get Information from API.mp4 172.75Мб
002 Hash the plain text password_en.srt 10.53Кб
002 Hash the plain text password.mp4 58.46Мб
002 How to Get The Most Out Of This Course_en.srt 1.75Кб
002 How to Get The Most Out Of This Course.mp4 13.48Мб
002 Installing MongoDB and Compass_en.srt 8.64Кб
002 Installing MongoDB and Compass.mp4 38.74Мб
002 Introduction to NodeJS_en.srt 5.18Кб
002 Introduction to NodeJS.mp4 22.59Мб
002 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 2.html 23б
002 Observing Document Object_en.srt 21.41Кб
002 Observing Document Object.mp4 118.35Мб
002 Project Folder Structure_en.srt 14.46Кб
002 Project Folder Structure.mp4 86.97Мб
002 Project intro and UI Setup_en.srt 6.08Кб
002 Project Intro and UI Setup_en.srt 6.86Кб
002 Project intro and UI Setup.mp4 34.47Мб
002 Project Intro and UI Setup.mp4 36.49Мб
002 Specific Folder Structure for an Express + EJS Project_en.srt 9.40Кб
002 Specific Folder Structure for an Express + EJS Project.mp4 47.78Мб
002 Storing, Getting and Updating data from local storage_en.srt 12.10Кб
002 Storing, Getting and Updating data from local storage.mp4 48.88Мб
002 String Methods charAt, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, includes, startsWith, endsWith_en.srt 10.77Кб
002 String Methods charAt, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, includes, startsWith, endsWith.mp4 41.76Мб
002 Structure of RegExp and Testing some of them_en.srt 7.92Кб
002 Structure of RegExp and Testing some of them.mp4 32.99Мб
002 Submit and Reset Form Part 1_en.srt 26.46Кб
002 Submit and Reset Form Part 1.mp4 143.66Мб
002 Switch case_en.srt 7.99Кб
002 Switch case.mp4 25.64Мб
002 Top Reasons Why You Should Learn React Right Now_en.srt 2.62Кб
002 Top Reasons Why You Should Learn React Right Now.mp4 12.84Мб
002 Uses of Let and Const_en.srt 5.94Кб
002 Uses of Let and Const.mp4 18.14Мб
002 What is Callback_en.srt 9.72Кб
002 What is Callback.mp4 38.94Мб
002 What is REST API_en.srt 2.33Кб
002 What is REST API.mp4 4.75Мб
002 While loop_en.srt 5.17Кб
002 While loop.mp4 16.58Мб
003 Adding Routes_en.srt 10.97Кб
003 Adding Routes.mp4 70.40Мб
003 Callback Hell_en.srt 11.15Кб
003 Callback Hell.mp4 51.17Мб
003 Comparison Operators_en.srt 8.03Кб
003 Comparison Operators.mp4 27.20Мб
003 Complete Project Setup Part 3_en.srt 23.72Кб
003 Complete Project Setup Part 3.mp4 107.73Мб
003 Connecting to MongoDB_en.srt 8.75Кб
003 Connecting to MongoDB.mp4 36.85Мб
003 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 1_en.srt 15.73Кб
003 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 1.mp4 60.19Мб
003 Create a CRUD Rest API with Node and Express.js_en.srt 2.25Кб
003 Create a CRUD Rest API with Node and Express.js.mp4 7.04Мб
003 Data Structure Map_en.srt 12.41Кб
003 Data Structure Map.mp4 51.03Мб
003 Data Validation and Sanitization in User Model Part 2_en.srt 19.91Кб
003 Data Validation and Sanitization in User Model Part 2.mp4 95.81Мб
003 Deleting and Clear out the data from Local storage_en.srt 5.26Кб
003 Deleting and Clear out the data from Local storage.mp4 19.73Мб
003 DOM Selectors (For Single Elements)_en.srt 16.70Кб
003 DOM Selectors (For Single Elements).mp4 75.28Мб
003 Do while loop_en.srt 7.87Кб
003 Do while loop.mp4 28.50Мб
003 Exercise Home Address (with Factory Constructor functions)_en.srt 12.76Кб
003 Exercise Home Address (with Factory Constructor functions).mp4 53.68Мб
003 Folder Structure and Create HTTP Server_en.srt 18.36Кб
003 Folder Structure and Create HTTP Server.mp4 77.42Мб
003 Footer Component_en.srt 11.99Кб
003 Footer Component.mp4 74.97Мб
003 Function as an Expression_en.srt 7.19Кб
003 Function as an Expression.mp4 28.92Мб
003 Get Monsters using ES6 Module_en.srt 12.02Кб
003 Get Monsters using ES6 Module.mp4 79.26Мб
003 Getting Started_en.srt 12.16Кб
003 Getting Started.mp4 37.88Мб
003 Handle Errors with try, catch, and finally block_en.srt 10.63Кб
003 Handle Errors with try, catch, and finally block.mp4 39.96Мб
003 Install and Use POSTMAN to test API Calls_en.srt 7.88Кб
003 Install and Use POSTMAN to test API Calls.mp4 29.14Мб
003 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 3.html 23б
003 Key of List Children_en.srt 4.64Кб
003 Key of List Children.mp4 28.37Мб
003 Keyword for each Input Field_en.srt 16.19Кб
003 Keyword for each Input Field.mp4 105.49Мб
003 Navigation bar using Reactstrap_en.srt 11.32Кб
003 Navigation bar using Reactstrap.mp4 66.08Мб
003 Object Methods This Keyword_en.srt 9.94Кб
003 Object Methods This Keyword.mp4 37.58Мб
003 Primitive Data types_en.srt 12.33Кб
003 Primitive Data types.mp4 43.60Мб
003 React Component Basic_en.srt 11.08Кб
003 React Component Basic.mp4 52.30Мб
003 RegExp Modifiers and Object Methods_en.srt 13.63Кб
003 RegExp Modifiers and Object Methods.mp4 56.36Мб
003 Removing Elements_en.srt 7.37Кб
003 Removing Elements.mp4 26.25Мб
003 Search Show Users_en.srt 13.00Кб
003 Search Show Users.mp4 89.93Мб
003 Server Setup with Declaring all the Routes with Express Part 1_en.srt 11.42Кб
003 Server Setup with Declaring all the Routes with Express Part 1.mp4 50.06Мб
003 Stay In Touch With Me_en.srt 2.99Кб
003 Stay In Touch With Me.mp4 22.96Мб
003 String Methods Search, IndexOf, lastIndexOf_en.srt 7.43Кб
003 String Methods Search, IndexOf, lastIndexOf.mp4 27.48Мб
003 Submit and Reset Form Part 2_en.srt 16.91Кб
003 Submit and Reset Form Part 2.mp4 91.77Мб
003 Ternary Operators_en.srt 8.50Кб
003 Ternary Operators.mp4 29.39Мб
003 User Management & Validation Part 1.html 23б
003 Using Mongoose middleware for Hashing_en.srt 13.03Кб
003 Using Mongoose middleware for Hashing.mp4 67.57Мб
003 What will we learn_en.srt 1.39Кб
003 What will we learn.mp4 5.37Мб
004 Arrow Functions_en.srt 9.72Кб
004 Arrow Functions.mp4 40.35Мб
004 Basic Server Setup with EXPRESS and POSTMAN_en.srt 16.07Кб
004 Basic Server Setup with EXPRESS and POSTMAN.mp4 62.51Мб
004 Complete Project Setup Part 4_en.srt 17.67Кб
004 Complete Project Setup Part 4.mp4 92.22Мб
004 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 2_en.srt 23.97Кб
004 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 2.mp4 118.42Мб
004 Creating Menu Component-_en.srt 27.96Кб
004 Creating Menu Component-.mp4 141.25Мб
004 Data Validation and Sanitization in Task Model_en.srt 8.20Кб
004 Data Validation and Sanitization in Task Model.mp4 40.91Мб
004 DOM Selectors (For Multiple Elements)_en.srt 18.53Кб
004 DOM Selectors (For Multiple Elements).mp4 81.08Мб
004 Dynamic Title-_en.srt 4.41Кб
004 Dynamic Title-.mp4 28.54Мб
004 Exercise Fizz Buzz_en.srt 11.86Кб
004 Exercise Fizz Buzz.mp4 49.53Мб
004 Filter the monsters_en.srt 28.78Кб
004 Filter the monsters.mp4 185.83Мб
004 Finding Elements (Primitive Type)_en.srt 8.31Кб
004 Finding Elements (Primitive Type).mp4 31.21Мб
004 For in loop_en.srt 10.84Кб
004 For in loop.mp4 39.33Мб
004 Get Formatted Time_en.srt 22.08Кб
004 Get Formatted Time.mp4 132.34Мб
004 Getting Started With Nodemon_en.srt 9.01Кб
004 Getting Started With Nodemon.mp4 36.31Мб
004 Hashing password in update user endpoint_en.srt 18.55Кб
004 Hashing password in update user endpoint.mp4 91.98Мб
004 JSX Syntax_en.srt 6.70Кб
004 JSX Syntax.mp4 31.78Мб
004 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 4.html 23б
004 Logical Operators_en.srt 11.57Кб
004 Logical Operators.mp4 37.00Мб
004 Make Lists Flexible_en.srt 17.16Кб
004 Make Lists Flexible.mp4 93.03Мб
004 Minlength, Maxlength, regex in pattern, and title as attribute_en.srt 21.57Кб
004 Minlength, Maxlength, regex in pattern, and title as attribute.mp4 145.17Мб
004 Need Your Support_en.srt 1.96Кб
004 Need Your Support.mp4 6.31Мб
004 Parsing URL and Query String_en.srt 19.29Кб
004 Parsing URL and Query String.mp4 93.45Мб
004 Processing POST Request with Body Parser_en.srt 13.60Кб
004 Processing POST Request with Body Parser.mp4 67.26Мб
004 Promises_en.srt 13.80Кб
004 Promises.mp4 54.91Мб
004 Reference types Object (Basics)_en.srt 11.57Кб
004 Reference types Object (Basics).mp4 40.65Мб
004 Schema and Models_en.srt 9.39Кб
004 Schema and Models.mp4 43.11Мб
004 Server Setup with Declaring all the Routes with Express Part 2_en.srt 13.80Кб
004 Server Setup with Declaring all the Routes with Express Part 2.mp4 63.40Мб
004 Show Repositories_en.srt 24.59Кб
004 Show Repositories.mp4 169.25Мб
004 Some Changes in Menu Component_en.srt 21.45Кб
004 Some Changes in Menu Component.mp4 151.16Мб
004 Stringify and Parsing data from local storage_en.srt 12.45Кб
004 Stringify and Parsing data from local storage.mp4 44.60Мб
004 String Methods toString, Concat, split_en.srt 13.28Кб
004 String Methods toString, Concat, split.mp4 43.19Мб
004 Traversing Object Entries_en.srt 11.26Кб
004 Traversing Object Entries.mp4 46.82Мб
004 User Management & Validation Part 2.html 23б
004 Weak Set + Weak Map_en.srt 12.71Кб
004 Weak Set + Weak Map.mp4 49.71Мб
005 Complete Project Setup Part 5_en.srt 23.48Кб
005 Complete Project Setup Part 5.mp4 114.44Мб
005 Constraint Validation API_en.srt 15.06Кб
005 Constraint Validation API.mp4 82.20Мб
005 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 3_en.srt 3.18Кб
005 Create 3 Constructor Functions, Show Task and Reset Form Part 3.mp4 11.96Мб
005 Create and Save a document_en.srt 8.87Кб
005 Create and Save a document.mp4 36.74Мб
005 Dealing with Multiple Promises_en.srt 7.84Кб
005 Dealing with Multiple Promises.mp4 31.93Мб
005 Declaring Routes and Rendering HTML_en.srt 22.65Кб
005 Declaring Routes and Rendering HTML.mp4 123.87Мб
005 Designing Menu Item_en.srt 12.29Кб
005 Designing Menu Item.mp4 77.76Мб
005 Equality Operators_en.srt 7.05Кб
005 Equality Operators.mp4 23.55Мб
005 Excise-File.zip 20.65Мб
005 Exercise Fizz Buzz (With Ternary Operators)_en.srt 8.73Кб
005 Exercise Fizz Buzz (With Ternary Operators).mp4 38.56Мб
005 Exercise Total Salary_en.srt 11.90Кб
005 Exercise Total Salary.mp4 49.95Мб
005 Finding Elements (Reference Type)_en.srt 8.15Кб
005 Finding Elements (Reference Type).mp4 33.33Мб
005 For of loop_en.srt 5.12Кб
005 For of loop.mp4 19.54Мб
005 GET All Products, in POSTMAN_en.srt 9.57Кб
005 GET All Products, in POSTMAN.mp4 44.58Мб
005 Introducing Middleware_en.srt 5.89Кб
005 Introducing Middleware.mp4 29.42Мб
005 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 5.html 23б
005 Load Comments from Comment js_en.srt 15.10Кб
005 Load Comments from Comment js.mp4 112.30Мб
005 Logging in users_en.srt 19.56Кб
005 Logging in users.mp4 95.15Мб
005 Module (Import Export)_en.srt 7.23Кб
005 Module (Import Export).mp4 25.66Мб
005 Observing parent, children, sibling properties_en.srt 12.62Кб
005 Observing parent, children, sibling properties.mp4 54.58Мб
005 Reference types Array (Basics)_en.srt 10.00Кб
005 Reference types Array (Basics).mp4 35.79Мб
005 Rendering our First EJS Template_en.srt 6.84Кб
005 Rendering our First EJS Template.mp4 32.27Мб
005 REST API Design with Express_en.srt 9.04Кб
005 REST API Design with Express.mp4 42.61Мб
005 Rest Parameter_en.srt 11.73Кб
005 Rest Parameter.mp4 43.96Мб
005 Session Storage and the difference between local storage and session storage_en.srt 7.32Кб
005 Session Storage and the difference between local storage and session storage.mp4 28.57Мб
005 Show 404 and Wrap Up_en.srt 9.21Кб
005 Show 404 and Wrap Up.mp4 56.59Мб
005 Show Loaders, Handling Error Wrap Up!_en.srt 23.99Кб
005 Show Loaders, Handling Error Wrap Up!.mp4 144.51Мб
005 Store data into LocalStorage_en.srt 16.54Кб
005 Store data into LocalStorage.mp4 90.24Мб
005 String Methods slice, subStr, subString_en.srt 10.58Кб
005 String Methods slice, subStr, subString.mp4 38.52Мб
005 Total Project Source Code and Excise File.html 141б
005 Understanding Modules_en.srt 13.22Кб
005 Understanding Modules.mp4 56.84Мб
005 User Management & Validation Part 3.html 23б
005 Writing Class Component_en.srt 12.13Кб
005 Writing Class Component.mp4 61.30Мб
006 Break and continue_en.srt 7.21Кб
006 Break and continue.mp4 26.90Мб
006 Complete Project Setup Part 6_en.srt 25.64Кб
006 Complete Project Setup Part 6.mp4 140.75Мб
006 Create Elements with DOM_en.srt 18.18Кб
006 Create Elements with DOM.mp4 80.06Мб
006 Delete Task and Mark Task Completed using ES5 Prototypes Part 1_en.srt 19.73Кб
006 Delete Task and Mark Task Completed using ES5 Prototypes Part 1.mp4 99.99Мб
006 DishDetail Component Part 1_en.srt 16.31Кб
006 DishDetail Component Part 1.mp4 96.13Мб
006 Dynamic Functional Component_en.srt 18.08Кб
006 Dynamic Functional Component.mp4 95.74Мб
006 Escape Sequences_en.srt 8.01Кб
006 Escape Sequences.mp4 25.54Мб
006 Exercise MiniCalculator (with Command Line Arguments)_en.srt 24.90Кб
006 Exercise MiniCalculator (with Command Line Arguments).mp4 123.68Мб
006 Exercise Our Grading System_en.srt 10.87Кб
006 Exercise Our Grading System.mp4 63.42Мб
006 Exercise Swap two numbers_en.srt 7.07Кб
006 Exercise Swap two numbers.mp4 23.76Мб
006 Find documents in multiple ways_en.srt 13.09Кб
006 Find documents in multiple ways.mp4 58.07Мб
006 GET a Specific Product with Query Parameters_en.srt 14.92Кб
006 GET a Specific Product with Query Parameters.mp4 73.16Мб
006 Handle Static Files_en.srt 8.44Кб
006 Handle Static Files.mp4 56.34Мб
006 Introducing Middleware_en.srt 7.71Кб
006 Introducing Middleware.mp4 30.90Мб
006 Iterating an array_en.srt 9.72Кб
006 Iterating an array.mp4 36.41Мб
006 JWT - Cookie Authentication Part 6.html 23б
006 Making Ajax call with Fetch API (and Promises)_en.srt 10.34Кб
006 Making Ajax call with Fetch API (and Promises).mp4 49.49Мб
006 Object Destructuring_en.srt 10.47Кб
006 Object Destructuring.mp4 42.19Мб
006 padStart, padEnd TrimStart, TrimEnd_en.srt 12.43Кб
006 padStart, padEnd TrimStart, TrimEnd.mp4 46.14Мб
006 Reference types Function (Basics)_en.srt 16.20Кб
006 Reference types Function (Basics).mp4 59.68Мб
006 Rendering CSS, Images, SVG Files_en.srt 25.53Кб
006 Rendering CSS, Images, SVG Files.mp4 164.09Мб
006 Show data from LocalStorage_en.srt 9.19Кб
006 Show data from LocalStorage.mp4 56.31Мб
006 Store User and Task Information Part 1_en.srt 19.75Кб
006 Store User and Task Information Part 1.mp4 92.18Мб
006 Update Menu Modal Width_en.srt 3.15Кб
006 Update Menu Modal Width.mp4 31.42Мб
006 User Management & Validation Part 4.html 23б
006 Validate password and show final Object_en.srt 18.29Кб
006 Validate password and show final Object.mp4 114.99Мб
007 Calculate total Incomes and Expenses_en.srt 20.72Кб
007 Calculate total Incomes and Expenses.mp4 129.10Мб
007 Cloning an object_en.srt 9.56Кб
007 Cloning an object.mp4 38.18Мб
007 Complete Project Setup Part 7_en.srt 5.77Кб
007 Complete Project Setup Part 7.mp4 38.29Мб
007 Delete Task and Mark Task Completed using ES5 Prototypes Part 2_en.srt 10.76Кб
007 Delete Task and Mark Task Completed using ES5 Prototypes Part 2.mp4 61.56Мб
007 DishDetail Component Part 2_en.srt 12.79Кб
007 DishDetail Component Part 2.mp4 87.60Мб
007 Dynamic Class Component_en.srt 7.34Кб
007 Dynamic Class Component.mp4 39.88Мб
007 File System Module (With Callbacks)_en.srt 18.53Кб
007 File System Module (With Callbacks).mp4 84.47Мб
007 Fixed Delete User Issues.html 23б
007 Infinite loops_en.srt 5.03Кб
007 Infinite loops.mp4 17.82Мб
007 Making Ajax call with Fetch API (and AsyncAwait)_en.srt 8.34Кб
007 Making Ajax call with Fetch API (and AsyncAwait).mp4 38.60Мб
007 POST a New Product_en.srt 19.74Кб
007 POST a New Product.mp4 94.17Мб
007 Query API Select, Sort, Limit, Count Documents_en.srt 12.75Кб
007 Query API Select, Sort, Limit, Count Documents.mp4 53.03Мб
007 Render dynamic data for Overview Page_en.srt 19.15Кб
007 Render dynamic data for Overview Page.mp4 114.91Мб
007 Rendering Dynamic Data for Overview Page_en.srt 26.78Кб
007 Rendering Dynamic Data for Overview Page.mp4 163.77Мб
007 Sorting and Reversing an array_en.srt 12.77Кб
007 Sorting and Reversing an array.mp4 52.82Мб
007 Store User and Task Information Part 2_en.srt 7.93Кб
007 Store User and Task Information Part 2.mp4 33.48Мб
007 String Immutability_en.srt 5.18Кб
007 String Immutability.mp4 16.35Мб
007 Switch case with multiple logical operators_en.srt 8.03Кб
007 Switch case with multiple logical operators.mp4 28.55Мб
007 Template Literals_en.srt 9.87Кб
007 Template Literals.mp4 31.43Мб
007 User Management & Validation Part 5.html 23б
007 Various Event Listeners_en.srt 12.86Кб
007 Various Event Listeners.mp4 46.72Мб
008 Calculate total amounts_en.srt 16.02Кб
008 Calculate total amounts.mp4 90.35Мб
008 Complex Query Comparison Operators_en.srt 10.91Кб
008 Complex Query Comparison Operators.mp4 49.06Мб
008 Create Dynamic blocks in Homepage_en.srt 16.18Кб
008 Create Dynamic blocks in Homepage.mp4 101.64Мб
008 Exercise - Person Object_en.srt 10.52Кб
008 Exercise - Person Object.mp4 37.66Мб
008 Exercise Read and Write File Simultaneously_en.srt 11.44Кб
008 Exercise Read and Write File Simultaneously.mp4 53.98Мб
008 Fetch all users and tasks information from Database_en.srt 8.08Кб
008 Fetch all users and tasks information from Database.mp4 38.34Мб
008 LoadComments Component_en.srt 15.83Кб
008 LoadComments Component.mp4 120.11Мб
008 Local Storage Read and Store Task_en.srt 15.91Кб
008 Local Storage Read and Store Task.mp4 71.92Мб
008 Math Object_en.srt 6.40Кб
008 Math Object.mp4 36.18Мб
008 Nested Loops_en.srt 8.13Кб
008 Nested Loops.mp4 25.69Мб
008 Observing the event object_en.srt 16.65Кб
008 Observing the event object.mp4 85.29Мб
008 Render dynamic data for Home Page_en.srt 21.08Кб
008 Render dynamic data for Home Page.mp4 143.47Мб
008 Testing the elements of the array_en.srt 6.47Кб
008 Testing the elements of the array.mp4 23.15Мб
008 User Management & Validation Part 6.html 23б
008 Validate the body of the request with Joi_en.srt 19.92Кб
008 Validate the body of the request with Joi.mp4 102.18Мб
008 Writing a new Component_en.srt 17.78Кб
008 Writing a new Component.mp4 87.12Мб
009 Add Separator_en.srt 9.12Кб
009 Add Separator.mp4 57.11Мб
009 Combining and Slicing the array_en.srt 9.02Кб
009 Combining and Slicing the array.mp4 31.14Мб
009 Complex Query And, Or Operations_en.srt 11.66Кб
009 Complex Query And, Or Operations.mp4 48.78Мб
009 Delete and Mark Completed in LocalStorage Part 1_en.srt 15.08Кб
009 Delete and Mark Completed in LocalStorage Part 1.mp4 82.07Мб
009 Fetch a single user and task from Database_en.srt 9.07Кб
009 Fetch a single user and task from Database.mp4 42.80Мб
009 HTTP Module_en.srt 12.83Кб
009 HTTP Module.mp4 55.79Мб
009 JSON Data Format_en.srt 10.22Кб
009 JSON Data Format.mp4 33.57Мб
009 React Developer Tools_en.srt 8.49Кб
009 React Developer Tools.mp4 61.38Мб
009 Rendering Dynamic Data for Homepage Part 1_en.srt 19.45Кб
009 Rendering Dynamic Data for Homepage Part 1.mp4 128.47Мб
009 State of a Component_en.srt 17.72Кб
009 State of a Component.mp4 95.97Мб
009 Update a Product Information with PUT Method_en.srt 24.91Кб
009 Update a Product Information with PUT Method.mp4 134.26Мб
009 User Management in Frontend Part 1.html 23б
010 Changing State with JS event_en.srt 13.65Кб
010 Changing State with JS event.mp4 83.51Мб
010 Delete and Mark Completed in LocalStorage Part 2_en.srt 8.46Кб
010 Delete and Mark Completed in LocalStorage Part 2.mp4 44.15Мб
010 Exercise Advanced Query_en.srt 8.37Кб
010 Exercise Advanced Query.mp4 35.74Мб
010 Exercise Rendering HTML as a Response_en.srt 9.94Кб
010 Exercise Rendering HTML as a Response.mp4 50.70Мб
010 Rendering Dynamic Data for Homepage Part 2_en.srt 19.38Кб
010 Rendering Dynamic Data for Homepage Part 2.mp4 122.59Мб
010 Spread Operators_en.srt 9.49Кб
010 Spread Operators.mp4 36.10Мб
010 Update a Product Information with PATCH Method_en.srt 16.00Кб
010 Update a Product Information with PATCH Method.mp4 86.21Мб
010 Update User and Task Documents_en.srt 19.16Кб
010 Update User and Task Documents.mp4 100.20Мб
010 User Management in Frontend Part 2.html 23б
011 DELETE a Specific Product_en.srt 12.60Кб
011 DELETE a Specific Product.mp4 70.41Мб
011 Delete User and Task Documents_en.srt 10.44Кб
011 Delete User and Task Documents.mp4 56.34Мб
011 Joining Array_en.srt 8.38Кб
011 Joining Array.mp4 29.26Мб
011 Pass Method in props_en.srt 7.45Кб
011 Pass Method in props.mp4 41.64Мб
011 Show List of tasks from LocalStorage_en.srt 16.28Кб
011 Show List of tasks from LocalStorage.mp4 94.12Мб
011 Update a document (Way 1)_en.srt 4.98Кб
011 Update a document (Way 1).mp4 22.14Мб
011 URL Module Explained_en.srt 15.84Кб
011 URL Module Explained.mp4 71.01Мб
011 User Management in Frontend Part 3.html 23б
012 Change State With Input Elements_en.srt 9.07Кб
012 Change State With Input Elements.mp4 55.00Мб
012 Check form in frontend.html 23б
012 DELETE all the products_en.srt 5.20Кб
012 DELETE all the products.mp4 30.53Мб
012 Importing NPM Modules_en.srt 13.95Кб
012 Importing NPM Modules.mp4 67.31Мб
012 Initiate the Update and store Task ID in Hidden Field_en.srt 22.70Кб
012 Initiate the Update and store Task ID in Hidden Field.mp4 133.30Мб
012 Mapping an array_en.srt 13.45Кб
012 Mapping an array.mp4 48.01Мб
012 Organize Routes with Express Router_en.srt 19.16Кб
012 Organize Routes with Express Router.mp4 115.10Мб
012 Update a document (Way 2)_en.srt 6.58Кб
012 Update a document (Way 2).mp4 32.61Мб
013 Delete documents in 3 ways_en.srt 7.62Кб
013 Delete documents in 3 ways.mp4 34.78Мб
013 Filtering an array_en.srt 9.15Кб
013 Filtering an array.mp4 35.12Мб
013 Get User Data From Database.html 23б
013 Let’s Learn some Status Code_en.srt 8.31Кб
013 Let’s Learn some Status Code.mp4 49.57Мб
013 Separate Functionalities from Routes and Create Controllers_en.srt 20.52Кб
013 Separate Functionalities from Routes and Create Controllers.mp4 108.36Мб
013 Styling Components_en.srt 12.25Кб
013 Styling Components.mp4 65.06Мб
013 Update Tasks Part 1_en.srt 22.32Кб
013 Update Tasks Part 1.mp4 126.40Мб
014 Delete UserData Part 1.html 23б
014 Reducing an array_en.srt 6.48Кб
014 Reducing an array.mp4 24.65Мб
014 Update Tasks Part 2_en.srt 10.74Кб
014 Update Tasks Part 2.mp4 60.46Мб
015 Delete UserData Part 2.html 23б
10 544.36Кб
100 1.54Мб
101 1.81Мб
102 325.62Кб
103 756.25Кб
104 1.54Мб
105 1.93Мб
106 916.40Кб
107 1.16Мб
108 1.41Мб
109 1.64Мб
11 769.65Кб
110 1.66Мб
111 1.66Мб
112 1.69Мб
113 219.76Кб
114 1.00Мб
115 1.09Мб
116 1.42Мб
117 19.70Кб
118 324.81Кб
119 996.58Кб
12 1.25Мб
120 1.16Мб
121 1.18Мб
122 1.70Мб
123 847.01Кб
124 934.38Кб
125 997.33Кб
126 1.30Мб
127 1.94Мб
128 1.97Мб
129 55.79Кб
13 1.06Мб
130 296.04Кб
131 442.35Кб
132 484.54Кб
133 523.46Кб
134 732.31Кб
135 967.20Кб
136 1.12Мб
137 1.22Мб
138 1.99Мб
139 225.01Кб
14 1.74Мб
140 887.35Кб
141 1.18Мб
142 1.28Мб
143 1.86Мб
144 1.40Мб
145 1.42Мб
146 1.80Мб
147 1.85Мб
148 1.89Мб
149 36.74Кб
15 717.47Кб
150 407.42Кб
151 825.35Кб
152 914.89Кб
153 1.20Мб
154 1.39Мб
155 1.81Мб
156 241.09Кб
157 366.94Кб
158 543.88Кб
159 816.55Кб
16 1.66Мб
160 1.09Мб
161 1.14Мб
162 1.23Мб
163 1.35Мб
164 1.51Мб
165 1.65Мб
166 1.65Мб
167 43.70Кб
168 119.25Кб
169 373.77Кб
17 919.15Кб
170 689.90Кб
171 1.05Мб
172 1.06Мб
173 1.26Мб
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175 1.44Мб
176 1.44Мб
177 1.48Мб
178 1.66Мб
179 1.71Мб
18 1.53Мб
180 1.82Мб
181 1.86Мб
182 117.77Кб
183 353.21Кб
184 434.23Кб
185 1.00Мб
186 1.15Мб
187 1.26Мб
188 1.51Мб
189 1.59Мб
19 1.60Мб
190 1.69Мб
191 1.82Мб
192 1.90Мб
193 214.25Кб
194 262.38Кб
195 897.73Кб
196 1.22Мб
197 1.53Мб
198 440.01Кб
199 536.36Кб
2 379б
20 134.54Кб
200 688.34Кб
201 759.37Кб
202 852.46Кб
203 1.01Мб
204 1.39Мб
205 1.73Мб
206 73.98Кб
207 227.26Кб
208 400.66Кб
209 581.78Кб
21 329.49Кб
210 592.02Кб
211 808.59Кб
212 876.79Кб
213 1.10Мб
214 1.47Мб
215 597.17Кб
216 628.58Кб
217 752.75Кб
218 755.29Кб
219 885.56Кб
22 1.41Мб
220 1.08Мб
221 1.14Мб
222 1.43Мб
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224 1.46Мб
225 1.50Мб
226 1.63Мб
227 235.34Кб
228 536.02Кб
229 820.15Кб
23 1.89Мб
230 1.10Мб
231 1.24Мб
232 1.75Мб
233 321.50Кб
234 344.66Кб
235 372.33Кб
236 473.49Кб
237 487.35Кб
238 909.57Кб
239 1.26Мб
24 1.58Мб
240 1.35Мб
241 241.50Кб
242 459.89Кб
243 866.80Кб
244 1.04Мб
245 1.41Мб
246 1.86Мб
247 639.17Кб
248 750.28Кб
249 1.35Мб
25 1.65Мб
250 1.53Мб
251 1.85Мб
252 272.73Кб
253 467.47Кб
254 1.01Мб
255 1.86Мб
256 180.68Кб
257 1.42Мб
258 1.65Мб
259 1.73Мб
26 918.85Кб
260 537.14Кб
261 1.16Мб
262 1.40Мб
263 1.77Мб
264 40.01Кб
265 214.09Кб
266 1.37Мб
267 978.89Кб
268 1.07Мб
269 1.15Мб
27 1.01Мб
270 1.69Мб
271 579.04Кб
272 648.68Кб
273 1.25Мб
28 1.09Мб
29 1.56Мб
3 1.08Мб
30 1.70Мб
31 1.76Мб
32 1.64Мб
33 275.66Кб
34 523.48Кб
35 1.82Мб
36 373.71Кб
37 747.23Кб
38 1.33Мб
39 1.80Мб
4 239.28Кб
40 5.57Кб
41 1.87Мб
42 34.92Кб
43 190.52Кб
44 271.25Кб
45 874.13Кб
46 1.62Мб
47 1.83Мб
48 1.88Мб
49 566.82Кб
5 857.46Кб
50 994.08Кб
51 1.78Мб
52 1.82Мб
53 17.50Кб
54 238.29Кб
55 810.74Кб
56 1.65Мб
57 1.76Мб
58 69.21Кб
59 405.95Кб
6 726.07Кб
60 902.06Кб
61 1.03Мб
62 1.79Мб
63 729.55Кб
64 1.53Мб
65 497.67Кб
66 1.36Мб
67 1.80Мб
68 1.93Мб
69 946.06Кб
7 851.42Кб
70 1.23Мб
71 1.94Мб
72 753.05Кб
73 242.48Кб
74 329.09Кб
75 589.29Кб
76 340.69Кб
77 740.85Кб
78 1008.52Кб
79 1.03Мб
8 1.49Мб
80 1.68Мб
81 861.62Кб
82 82.85Кб
83 521.15Кб
84 1013.43Кб
85 1.59Мб
86 1.60Мб
87 1.89Мб
88 435.70Кб
89 710.80Кб
9 343.79Кб
90 758.47Кб
91 1.07Мб
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93 964.46Кб
94 591.94Кб
95 619.37Кб
96 1.49Мб
97 447.00Кб
98 632.96Кб
99 712.04Кб
external-assets-links.txt 1.09Кб
external-assets-links.txt 701б
external-assets-links.txt 586б
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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