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[CourseClub.ME].url |
122б |
[FCS Forum].url |
133б |
[FreeCourseSite.com].url |
127б |
[GigaCourse.Com].url |
49б |
[Section Exercise] Vietnam War.twbx |
81.81Кб |
001 Applying VLOOKUP function.mp4 |
58.44Мб |
001 Bonus Lecture.html |
4.58Кб |
001 Conclusion.mp4 |
49.21Мб |
001 Getting Started with Tableau.mp4 |
141.88Мб |
001 How is Excel important to businesses.mp4 |
49.29Мб |
001 Introduction to datetime.mp4 |
37.48Мб |
001 Introduction to SQL.mp4 |
75.47Мб |
001 Numerical Datatypes.mp4 |
165.37Мб |
001 Why should you learn Python_.mp4 |
128.97Мб |
002 Applying HLOOKUP function.mp4 |
25.56Мб |
002 Build your first SQL query.mp4 |
90.80Мб |
002 How to Get Your Certificate of Completion.html |
1.43Кб |
002 Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook.mp4 |
95.24Мб |
002 Navigating Tableau.mp4 |
159.00Мб |
002 String Datatypes.mp4 |
145.51Мб |
002 The date and time class.mp4 |
33.60Мб |
002 Understanding the excel interface.mp4 |
26.73Мб |
003 Basic Formatting in Excel.mp4 |
35.95Мб |
003 Basic SQL queries Part - 1.mp4 |
103.47Мб |
003 Constraints.mp4 |
122.30Мб |
003 Creating Your First Visualization.mp4 |
134.53Мб |
003 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
43.31Мб |
003 The datetime class.mp4 |
22.57Мб |
003 Understanding the Interface of Jupyter Notebook.mp4 |
70.33Мб |
004 Basic SQL queries Part - 2.mp4 |
105.23Мб |
004 Building Your First Dashboard.mp4 |
81.66Мб |
004 Insertion and Deletion in Excel.mp4 |
37.06Мб |
004 Naming Convention for variables.mp4 |
94.90Мб |
004 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
61.86Мб |
004 The timedelta class.mp4 |
19.35Мб |
004 Why to use Index and Match_.mp4 |
52.06Мб |
005 Applying Index and Match.mp4 |
38.41Мб |
005 Brain Buster Exercise.mp4 |
20.41Мб |
005 Built in Data Types and Type Casting.mp4 |
137.53Мб |
005 Creating Databases and Tables.mp4 |
156.68Мб |
005 Data Types in Excel.mp4 |
68.81Мб |
005 Introduction.mp4 |
35.21Мб |
005 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
44.05Мб |
006 Alter, Drop, and Truncate.mp4 |
44.82Мб |
006 Brain Buster Solution.mp4 |
31.21Мб |
006 Dimensions and Measures.mp4 |
127.32Мб |
006 Exercise on Date and Time.mp4 |
65.96Мб |
006 Q and A.mp4 |
31.97Мб |
006 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
40.18Мб |
006 Scope of Variables.mp4 |
66.52Мб |
007 Green & Blue Pills.mp4 |
118.81Мб |
007 Insert, Update, and Delete.mp4 |
46.58Мб |
007 Making Pivot Tables.mp4 |
44.32Мб |
007 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
50.67Мб |
007 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
46.48Мб |
007 Solution on Date and Time.mp4 |
39.34Мб |
007 Thanks for your Support.mp4 |
34.00Мб |
008 Exercise on Variables and Data Types.mp4 |
53.98Мб |
008 Installation.mp4 |
68.03Мб |
008 Making Pivot Charts.mp4 |
28.48Мб |
008 Measures Names & Values.mp4 |
35.00Мб |
008 Meta Characters for Regular Expressions.mp4 |
74.06Мб |
008 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
36.97Мб |
008 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
42.62Мб |
009 Applying the sort function.mp4 |
29.43Мб |
009 Built-in Functions for Regular Expressions.mp4 |
37.61Мб |
009 Foreign Key.mp4 |
93.91Мб |
009 Interface walkthrough.mp4 |
47.52Мб |
009 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
40.63Мб |
009 Solution on Variables and Data Types.mp4 |
34.79Мб |
009 Working with Time Series Data.mp4 |
134.88Мб |
010 Aggregation and Granularity.mp4 |
118.43Мб |
010 Applying the filter function.mp4 |
26.90Мб |
010 Basics of Data Visualizations.mp4 |
41.91Мб |
010 Creating Required Databases.mp4 |
34.94Мб |
010 Exercise on Scope of Variables.mp4 |
74.02Мб |
010 Joins.mp4 |
77.16Мб |
010 Special Characters for Regular Expressions.mp4 |
40.92Мб |
011 Aggregation Options.mp4 |
44.36Мб |
011 Applying the advanced filter function.mp4 |
42.46Мб |
011 Left, Right, and Outer Join.mp4 |
106.26Мб |
011 Making Charts in Excel.mp4 |
50.45Мб |
011 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
43.87Мб |
011 Sets for Regular Expressions.mp4 |
56.11Мб |
011 Solution on Scope of Variables.mp4 |
33.82Мб |
012 Arithmetic and Assignment Operators.mp4 |
78.02Мб |
012 Compound Joins, and Multiple Joins.mp4 |
59.32Мб |
012 Making Dashboards.mp4 |
38.81Мб |
012 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
44.21Мб |
012 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
32.86Мб |
012 Show Me Toolbar.mp4 |
59.87Мб |
012 Type of SQL Commands.mp4 |
92.17Мб |
013 Adding Slicers in Dashboards.mp4 |
33.01Мб |
013 Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators.mp4 |
62.42Мб |
013 Exercise on Regular Expressions.mp4 |
62.09Мб |
013 Marks cards & Level of Detail.mp4 |
167.75Мб |
013 Star Schema.mp4 |
73.93Мб |
013 The SELECT Command.mp4 |
67.91Мб |
013 Using the UPPER, LOWER and PROPER functions.mp4 |
54.87Мб |
014 Custom Shapes.mp4 |
56.08Мб |
014 Formatting dashboards.mp4 |
28.00Мб |
014 Identity and Membership Operators.mp4 |
39.16Мб |
014 Numerical Functions.mp4 |
75.19Мб |
014 Solution on Regular Expressions.mp4 |
33.73Мб |
014 Sub Queries Part 1.mp4 |
72.79Мб |
014 Using the LEFT, RIGHT and SEARCH functions.mp4 |
57.75Мб |
015 Array Creation using Numpy.mp4 |
50.95Мб |
015 Filtering Data.mp4 |
136.41Мб |
015 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
39.19Мб |
015 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
34.21Мб |
015 String Functions.mp4 |
60.74Мб |
015 Sub Queries Part 2.mp4 |
76.32Мб |
015 Using the TRIM, CONCAT and LEN functions.mp4 |
48.24Мб |
016 Exercise on Arithmetic and Assignment Operators.mp4 |
72.44Мб |
016 Exercises on String Functions.mp4 |
84.84Мб |
016 Goal Seek Analysis.mp4 |
42.78Мб |
016 Mathematical Operations using Numpy.mp4 |
36.40Мб |
016 Pages Shelf.mp4 |
48.89Мб |
016 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
69.94Мб |
016 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
55.31Мб |
017 Built-in Functions in Numpy.mp4 |
40.03Мб |
017 Connecting MySQL through Python.mp4 |
94.05Мб |
017 Data Tables.mp4 |
32.84Мб |
017 Exercise on Building Blocks of Data Visualization.mp4 |
32.84Мб |
017 Solution on Arithmetic and Assignment Operators.mp4 |
41.54Мб |
017 The Having Clause.mp4 |
66.21Мб |
017 Using the MIN, MAX AVERAGE functions.mp4 |
36.60Мб |
018 Exercise on Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators.mp4 |
77.27Мб |
018 Filtering using the Like Operator.mp4 |
95.67Мб |
018 Finding the Standard deviations.mp4 |
49.57Мб |
018 Loading Tables into a Pandas DataFrame.mp4 |
64.28Мб |
018 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
57.61Мб |
018 Scenario Management.mp4 |
46.07Мб |
018 Solution on Building Blocks of Data Visualization.mp4 |
184.34Мб |
019 Exercise on Built-in Functions in Numpy.mp4 |
64.34Мб |
019 Find the percentiles of data.mp4 |
48.53Мб |
019 Highlight Table.mp4 |
116.45Мб |
019 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
53.36Мб |
019 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
58.23Мб |
019 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
49.04Мб |
019 Solution on Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators.mp4 |
39.39Мб |
020 Exercise on Identity and Membership Operators.mp4 |
65.19Мб |
020 Finding the Outliers present in data.mp4 |
57.35Мб |
020 Highlight Table Bar Charts & Sorting.mp4 |
85.87Мб |
020 Solution on Built-in Functions in Numpy.mp4 |
37.41Мб |
020 Understanding Regression.mp4 |
39.02Мб |
021 Bar-in-Bar.mp4 |
60.32Мб |
021 Finding the Missing values in data.mp4 |
35.04Мб |
021 Performing Linear Regression.mp4 |
33.62Мб |
021 Reading Datasets using Pandas.mp4 |
65.72Мб |
021 Solution on Identity and Membership Operators.mp4 |
34.58Мб |
022 Histogram.mp4 |
118.08Мб |
022 Plotting Data in Pandas.mp4 |
35.73Мб |
022 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
57.74Мб |
022 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
72.56Мб |
022 String Formatting.mp4 |
51.35Мб |
023 Indexing, Selecting, and Filtering Data using Pandas.mp4 |
68.89Мб |
023 Pie Charts.mp4 |
62.80Мб |
023 String Methods.mp4 |
43.31Мб |
023 Using the IF function.mp4 |
28.17Мб |
024 Merging and Concatenating DataFrames.mp4 |
76.69Мб |
024 Pie Chart Exercise Solution.mp4 |
63.79Мб |
024 User Input.mp4 |
41.01Мб |
024 Using the IF ERROR function.mp4 |
33.52Мб |
025 Applying the COUNTIF function.mp4 |
34.19Мб |
025 Lambda, Map, and Apply Functions.mp4 |
37.18Мб |
025 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
53.07Мб |
025 Tree Map.mp4 |
63.13Мб |
026 Applying the SUMIF function.mp4 |
30.56Мб |
026 Bubble Chart.mp4 |
64.13Мб |
026 Exercise on Strings.mp4 |
52.92Мб |
026 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
54.73Мб |
027 Applying the AVERAGEIF function.mp4 |
32.12Мб |
027 Exercise on Pandas Plotting.mp4 |
50.76Мб |
027 Line Charts.mp4 |
123.25Мб |
027 Solution on Strings.mp4 |
42.73Мб |
028 Area Chart.mp4 |
111.77Мб |
028 If, elif, and else.mp4 |
65.93Мб |
028 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
43.81Мб |
028 Solution on Pandas Plotting.mp4 |
39.12Мб |
029 Exercise on Indexing and Selecting.mp4 |
55.50Мб |
029 For and While.mp4 |
53.05Мб |
029 Heat Map.mp4 |
86.05Мб |
029 Using Colorbars for formatting.mp4 |
31.00Мб |
030 Break and Continue.mp4 |
40.75Мб |
030 Exercise on Tableau Basic Visualization (Vietnam War Dataset).mp4 |
191.74Мб |
030 Solution on Indexing and Selecting.mp4 |
40.10Мб |
030 Using Colorscales for formatting.mp4 |
30.75Мб |
031 Exercise on Apply Functions.mp4 |
64.93Мб |
031 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
50.50Мб |
031 Quiz Solution.mp4 |
49.03Мб |
031 Solution on Tableau Basic Visualization.mp4 |
260.03Мб |
032 Exercise on Loops and Conditionals.mp4 |
74.54Мб |
032 Overview.mp4 |
70.13Мб |
032 Solution on Apply Functions.mp4 |
38.55Мб |
033 Solution on Loops and Conditionals.mp4 |
49.98Мб |
033 Theme & Workbook Level Formatting.mp4 |
65.92Мб |
034 Axis Lines and Formatting.mp4 |
114.44Мб |
035 Parts of the View.mp4 |
72.78Мб |
036 Formatting Pane - Part 1.mp4 |
47.69Мб |
037 Formatting Pane - Part 2 (Fonts, Alignment & Shading).mp4 |
96.99Мб |
038 Formatting Pane - Part 3 (Borders & Lines).mp4 |
76.83Мб |
039 Number Format.mp4 |
68.57Мб |
040 Titles & Captions.mp4 |
88.62Мб |
041 Mark Labels.mp4 |
61.06Мб |
042 Styling and Customizing a Tooltip.mp4 |
61.19Мб |
043 Visualization in Tooltip.mp4 |
55.63Мб |
044 Editing Axis.mp4 |
91.45Мб |
045 Annotating the Viz.mp4 |
70.79Мб |
046 Section Exercise - Data Ink Ratio.mp4 |
44.07Мб |
047 Section Exercise Solution - Data Ink Ratio.mp4 |
75.10Мб |
092 Why+should+we+learn+Python.pptx |
1.78Мб |
095 02.+Variables.ipynb |
9.70Кб |
095 Naming+Convention+for+variables.pptx |
600.36Кб |
096 Built+in+Data+Types+and+Type+Casting.pptx |
811.45Кб |
096 Data+Types+and+Type+Casting.ipynb |
1.58Кб |
097 Scope+of+Variables.pptx |
839.92Кб |
1. Foreign Key.pptx |
555.72Кб |
1. Numerical Datatypes.pptx |
931.82Кб |
1. Types of SQL commands.pptx |
712.49Кб |
103 Arithematic+and+Assignment+Operators.ipynb |
11.78Кб |
104 Comparison,+Logical+and+Bitwise+Operators.ipynb |
10.97Кб |
105 Identity+and+Membership+Operators.ipynb |
3.73Кб |
113 String+Formatting.ipynb |
2.82Кб |
114 String+Methods.ipynb |
4.75Кб |
115 User+Input.ipynb |
1.75Кб |
119 if,+elif+and+else.ipynb |
1.52Кб |
120 for+and+while+loop.ipynb |
2.65Кб |
121 Break+and+continue.ipynb |
1.50Кб |
125 1.+Introduction+to+datetime.ipynb |
985б |
126 2.+The+date+and+time+Class.ipynb |
3.46Кб |
127 3.+The+datetime+class.ipynb |
2.08Кб |
128 4.+The+timedelta+class.ipynb |
2.43Кб |
132 1.+Meta+Characters+for+Regular+Expressions.ipynb |
4.45Кб |
133 2.+Built-in+functions+for+Regular+Expressions.ipynb |
2.04Кб |
134 3.+Special+Characters+for+Regular+Expressions.ipynb |
2.47Кб |
135 4.+Sets+for+Regular+Expressions.ipynb |
2.85Кб |
139 1.+Array+Creation+using+Numpy.ipynb |
3.26Кб |
140 2.+Mathematical+functions+using+Numpy.ipynb |
4.31Кб |
141 3.+Built-in+functions+in+Numpy.ipynb |
3.28Кб |
145 1.+Reading+Datasets+using+Pandas.ipynb |
7.60Кб |
145 Iris.csv |
4.99Кб |
146 2.+Plotting+Data+in+Pandas.ipynb |
36.11Кб |
147 3.+Indexing,+Slicing+and+Filtering.ipynb |
29.62Кб |
148 4.+Merging+and+Concatenating.ipynb |
29.02Кб |
148 Merging.pptx |
1009.97Кб |
149 5.+Lambda,+Map+and+Apply+functions.ipynb |
16.43Кб |
149 employee.csv |
222.63Кб |
2. Build your first SQL query.pptx |
1.03Мб |
2. Joins.pptx |
565.23Кб |
2. String Datatypes.pptx |
1019.66Кб |
3. Constraints.pptx |
883.78Кб |
3. Left , Right and Full Outer Join.pptx |
615.00Кб |
4. Basic SQL Queries.pptx |
700.22Кб |
4. Compound Join.pptx |
539.79Кб |
5. Basic SQL Queries Part-2.pptx |
697.62Кб |
5. Introduction to Star Schema.pptx |
593.48Кб |
alter_drop_truncate.sql |
1.39Кб |
Building Blocks of Data Visualization Workbook.twbx |
871.11Кб |
CoffeeChain-SimplifiedData.csv |
379.68Кб |
compound_joins.sql |
1.37Кб |
connecting_mysql_python.py |
425б |
creating_databases_and_tables.sql |
535б |
database.sql |
86.05Кб |
Data-Ink Ratio.twb |
53.58Кб |
Delete_Subquery.sql |
1.10Кб |
DGD Slide Master.pptx |
897.77Кб |
Everest-Fatalities.csv |
41.96Кб |
Everest-Fatalities.twb |
115.82Кб |
Excel_Example.xls |
157.00Кб |
Excel_Example.xls |
157.00Кб |
Excel_Example.xls |
157.00Кб |
Excel_Example.xls |
157.00Кб |
ForeignKey.sql |
856б |
Formatting.twbx |
698.24Кб |
HavingClause.sql |
905б |
insert_update_delete.sql |
1.34Кб |
Joins.sql |
1.89Кб |
left_right_outer.sql |
1.50Кб |
LIKE_operator.sql |
2.00Кб |
load_data_into_pandas_dataframe.py |
591б |
market_fact.csv |
605.32Кб |
market_fact.csv |
605.32Кб |
MOCK_DATA.xlsx |
10.98Кб |
MOCK_DATA.xlsx |
9.13Кб |
MOCK_DATA.xlsx |
25.52Кб |
NumericFunctions.sql |
2.05Кб |
Orders_data.xlsx |
1.47Мб |
Paintings.xls |
43.50Кб |
S01. Creating Your First Visualizations and Dashboard.twbx |
250.95Кб |
Salary_Data.xls |
20.50Кб |
Select.sql |
981б |
StringFunctions.sql |
2.12Кб |
StringFunctionsExercise.sql |
1.37Кб |
Subqueries_p1.sql |
938б |
Subqueries_p2.sql |
1.09Кб |
SuperStoreSalesData.csv |
1.73Мб |
TitanicDataSet.csv |
1019.92Кб |
Titanic Workbook.twb |
223.49Кб |
Vietnam War Civilian Deaths.csv |
946б |
Vietnam War Timeline Stats.csv |
722б |
Vietnam War US Casualties.csv |
9.41Мб |
What if Analysis.xlsx |
15.12Кб |