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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 34б
1 98б
1. Conclusion.mp4 64.10Мб
1. Conclusion.srt 4.66Кб
1. Exam for a digital marketing manager.html 144б
1. Introduction.mp4 43.69Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 39.86Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 38.73Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 33.43Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 32.88Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 31.50Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 30.19Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 27.85Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 27.47Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 26.91Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 24.60Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 23.98Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 23.57Мб
1. Introduction.srt 1.97Кб
1. Introduction.srt 2.94Кб
1. Introduction.srt 2.26Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.85Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.56Кб
1. Introduction.srt 2.81Кб
1. Introduction.srt 2.26Кб
1. Introduction.srt 2.23Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.98Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.87Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.84Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.65Кб
1. Introduction.srt 1.64Кб
10 533.29Кб
11 135.76Кб
12 424.86Кб
13 911.11Кб
14 818.41Кб
15 188.04Кб
16 922.03Кб
17 704.40Кб
18 122.71Кб
19 27.26Кб
2 254.97Кб
2. Account structure & keyword match types.mp4 92.96Мб
2. Account structure & keyword match types.srt 10.63Кб
2. Advertising on Facebook and Instagram.mp4 96.31Мб
2. Advertising on Facebook and Instagram.srt 20.67Кб
2. How does a search engine work Ranking factors.mp4 52.32Мб
2. How does a search engine work Ranking factors.srt 3.77Кб
2. How email marketing works.mp4 84.29Мб
2. How email marketing works.srt 5.96Кб
2. Marketing package & app store optimization.mp4 76.87Мб
2. Marketing package & app store optimization.srt 10.70Кб
2. Specificity of social media.mp4 66.82Мб
2. Specificity of social media.srt 10.54Кб
2. Types of display ads.mp4 39.56Мб
2. Types of display ads.srt 6.74Кб
2. Types of video and video ads.mp4 59.97Мб
2. Types of video and video ads.srt 8.64Кб
2. Website analytics - basic stats part 1.mp4 87.50Мб
2. Website analytics - basic stats part 1.srt 13.20Кб
2. What can you automate Automation workflows..mp4 123.71Мб
2. What can you automate Automation workflows..srt 9.95Кб
2. What content can you create and what makes great content.mp4 47.73Мб
2. What content can you create and what makes great content.srt 8.63Кб
2. What you can do with a modern CRM.mp4 118.68Мб
2. What you can do with a modern CRM.srt 8.47Кб
20 471.91Кб
21 859.84Кб
22 366.06Кб
23 49.23Кб
24 516.88Кб
25 697.87Кб
26 220.21Кб
27 869.64Кб
28 38.81Кб
29 274.94Кб
3 307.63Кб
3. Advertising on LinkedIn.mp4 42.50Мб
3. Advertising on LinkedIn.srt 6.86Кб
3. Analyze basic stats.html 148б
3. App promotion.mp4 35.78Мб
3. App promotion.srt 6.50Кб
3. Build your own automation workflows.html 148б
3. Conversion tracking & negative keywords list.mp4 31.47Мб
3. Conversion tracking & negative keywords list.srt 7.02Кб
3. Copywriting tips and tricks.mp4 94.32Мб
3. Copywriting tips and tricks.srt 12.99Кб
3. Email marketing in practice - configuration.mp4 59.54Мб
3. Email marketing in practice - configuration.srt 11.92Кб
3. How to use a CRM system in practice - configuration.mp4 41.32Мб
3. How to use a CRM system in practice - configuration.srt 9.01Кб
3. Marketing and advertising on YouTube.mp4 71.20Мб
3. Marketing and advertising on YouTube.srt 16.54Кб
3. Remarketing and standard display ads in practice.mp4 60.88Мб
3. Remarketing and standard display ads in practice.srt 9.44Кб
3. SEO keyword research.mp4 72.11Мб
3. SEO keyword research.srt 9.54Кб
3. Social media personality and type of posts.mp4 82.48Мб
3. Social media personality and type of posts.srt 8.32Кб
30 660.34Кб
31 747.65Кб
32 153.85Кб
33 366.44Кб
34 319.92Кб
35 515.18Кб
36 695.60Кб
37 142.32Кб
38 446.14Кб
39 279.96Кб
4 511.62Кб
4. Advertising on Twitter.mp4 37.23Мб
4. Advertising on Twitter.srt 7.35Кб
4. Campaigns and bidding strategies.mp4 52.50Мб
4. Campaigns and bidding strategies.srt 13.74Кб
4. Digital marketing automation - email.mp4 37.24Мб
4. Digital marketing automation - email.srt 7.87Кб
4. Direct buy vs real time bidding.mp4 37.63Мб
4. Direct buy vs real time bidding.srt 4.88Кб
4. Email marketing in practice - campaigns.mp4 44.85Мб
4. Email marketing in practice - campaigns.srt 8.27Кб
4. How to create visual types of content.mp4 57.16Мб
4. How to create visual types of content.srt 5.65Кб
4. How to use a CRM system in practice - contacts management.mp4 30.14Мб
4. How to use a CRM system in practice - contacts management.srt 5.69Кб
4. Posting, posting strategy and schedule.mp4 73.59Мб
4. Posting, posting strategy and schedule.srt 9.62Кб
4. Research your keywords.html 148б
4. Video marketing platforms.mp4 16.10Мб
4. Video marketing platforms.srt 3.21Кб
4. Website analytics - basic stats part 2.mp4 45.27Мб
4. Website analytics - basic stats part 2.srt 8.70Кб
40 375.63Кб
41 777.81Кб
42 791.68Кб
43 33.40Кб
44 966.11Кб
45 224.00Кб
46 579.17Кб
47 122.58Кб
48 511.58Кб
49 545.35Кб
5 699.37Кб
5. Ad groups and ads creation.mp4 94.50Мб
5. Ad groups and ads creation.srt 15.61Кб
5. Design your creative.html 148б
5. Digital marketing automation - website.mp4 36.97Мб
5. Digital marketing automation - website.srt 7.36Кб
5. How to monitor your position in Google search results.mp4 56.64Мб
5. How to monitor your position in Google search results.srt 11.56Кб
5. Prepare a social media calendar for your brand.html 148б
5. Website tracking - events.mp4 54.95Мб
5. Website tracking - events.srt 7.74Кб
50 826.62Кб
51 883.21Кб
52 157.75Кб
53 542.37Кб
54 89.96Кб
55 847.34Кб
56 412.63Кб
57 21.61Кб
58 436.46Кб
6 37.61Кб
6. Digital marketing automation - deals and databases.mp4 36.06Мб
6. Digital marketing automation - deals and databases.srt 8.00Кб
6. How to become #1 - content, engagement & other on-page SEO factors.mp4 85.01Мб
6. How to become #1 - content, engagement & other on-page SEO factors.srt 14.58Кб
6. Search ads optmization.mp4 63.31Мб
6. Search ads optmization.srt 9.57Кб
6. Social media marketing optimization.mp4 25.17Мб
6. Social media marketing optimization.srt 3.86Кб
6. Website tracking - conversions.mp4 44.64Мб
6. Website tracking - conversions.srt 8.76Кб
7 516.15Кб
7. Advertising on Bing search - import from Google Ads.mp4 50.15Мб
7. Advertising on Bing search - import from Google Ads.srt 4.83Кб
7. How to become #1 - links from external websites & other off-page SEO factors.mp4 150.71Мб
7. How to become #1 - links from external websites & other off-page SEO factors.srt 13.14Кб
7. User behavior tracking.mp4 48.96Мб
7. User behavior tracking.srt 7.38Кб
8 1013.28Кб
8. Companies tracking.mp4 50.78Мб
8. Companies tracking.srt 6.41Кб
9 725.56Кб
9. Trends & brand monitoring.mp4 47.36Мб
9. Trends & brand monitoring.srt 7.77Кб
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
Статистика распространения по странам
Индия (IN) 49
США (US) 26
Марокко (MA) 15
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Пакистан (PK) 9
Румыния (RO) 8
Мексика (MX) 7
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Всего 283
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