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1968 Virology_ Coronaviruses.pdf 35.06Кб
1969 Isolation from Man of _Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus-like_ Viruses (Coronaviruses) similar to 229E Virus, with.pdf 1.57Мб
1969 The propagation of _coronaviruses_ in tissue-culture.pdf 2.20Мб
1970 Antigenic relationships amongst coronaviruses.pdf 923.41Кб
1970 Community-wide Outbreak of Infection with a 229E-like Coronavirus in Tecumseh, Michigan.pdf 660.89Кб
1970 Coronaviruses, a New Group of Animal RNA Viruses.pdf 973.94Кб
1970 Purification and Further Characterization of an _IBV-like_ Virus (Coronavirus).pdf 2.52Мб
1970 Rat coronavirus (RCV)_ A prevalent, naturally occurring pneumotropic virus of rats.pdf 1.39Мб
1970 The Adaptation of Two Human Coronavirus Strains (OC38 and OC43) to Growth in Cell Monolayers.pdf 2.34Мб
1971 Electron Microscopic Studies of Coronavirus.pdf 10.52Мб
1971 Presence of Neutralizing Antibody against the 229E Strain of Coronavirus in the Sera of Residents of Sendai.pdf 289.92Кб
1972 An investigation of the replication of coronaviruses in suspension cultures of L132 cells.pdf 631.31Кб
1972 Characterization of the Virus of Sialodacryoadenitis of Rats_ A Member of the Coronavirus Group.pdf 718.11Кб
1972 Coronavirus antibody titres in sera of healthy adults and experimentally infected volunteers.pdf 642.68Кб
1972 Coronavirus Antibody Titres in Sera of Healthy Adults and Experimentally Infected Volunteers.pdf 1.57Мб
1972 Hemadsorption by Coronavirus Strain OC43.pdf 648.72Кб
1972 Intracellular Development and Mechanism of Hemadsorption of a Human Coronavirus, OC43.pdf 2.11Мб
1972 Protein composition of coronavirus OC 43.pdf 5.81Мб
1972 Studies With Human Coronaviruses II_ Some Properties of Strains 229E and OC43.pdf 640.75Кб
1972 Workshop on Coronaviruses.pdf 173.97Кб
1973 Electron Microscopy of Coronavirus-Like Particles Characteristic of Turkey Bluecomb Disease.pdf 3.84Мб
1973 Protective effect of an inactivated avian coronavirus vaccine administered by aerosol.pdf 317.94Кб
1973 Viroses Causing Common Respiratory Infections in Man_ III_ Respiratory Syncytial Viroses and Coronavimses.pdf 1.71Мб
1974 Characteristics of a coronavirus causing vomition and wasting in pigs.pdf 1.29Мб
1974 Coronavirus Infection in Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Disease of Infants.pdf 472.39Кб
1974 Exp_riences sur la nature de particules trouv_es dans des cas d_h_patite virale_ type coronavirus, antig_ne Austral.pdf 1.65Мб
1974 Occurrence of Antibodies to Human Coronavirus OC43 in Finland.pdf 315.30Кб
1974 The Tecumseh Study of Respiratory Illness_ VI_ Frequency of and Relationship between Outbreaks of Coronavims Infect.pdf 590.17Кб
1975 A coronavirus-like agent present in faeces of cows with diarrhoea.pdf 342.61Кб
1975 Age-Dependent Resistance to Transmissible Gastroenteritis of Swine_ III_ Effects of Epithelial Cell Kinetics on Cor.pdf 2.36Мб
1975 Coronaviridae.pdf 636.36Кб
1975 Coronavirus and gastroenteritis in foals.pdf 126.67Кб
1975 Haemagglutination by Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus -- a Coronavirus.pdf 1.45Мб
1975 Identification of heat-dissociable RNA complexes in two porcine coronaviruses.pdf 340.08Кб
1975 Isolation and Morphology of the Internal Component of Human Coronavirus, Strain 229E.pdf 1.06Мб
1976 Histopathology of Fasting and Bluecomb Disease in Turkey Poults and Embryos Experimentally Infected with Bluecomb D.pdf 2.33Мб
1976 Morphology and morphogenesis of a coronavirus infecting intestinal epithelial cells of newborn calves.pdf 10.74Мб
1976 Purification and biophysical properties of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 2.63Мб
1976 Replication of a bovine coronavirus in organ cultures of foetal trachea.pdf 467.30Кб
1976 Replication of bovine coronavirus in cell line BEK-1 culture.pdf 806.95Кб
1977 _Runde_ virus, a coronavirus-like agent associated with seabirds and ticks.pdf 1.17Мб
1977 Antibodies to Human Coronavirus OC43 Measured by Radial Haemolysis in Gel.pdf 398.34Кб
1977 Antigenic Relationship between Human Coronavirus Strain DC 43 and Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus Strain 6.pdf 819.21Кб
1977 Characterization of a coronavirus_ I_ Structural proteins_ Effects of preparative conditions on the migration of pr.pdf 1.07Мб
1977 Characterization of a coronavirus_ II_ Glycoproteins of the viral envelope_ Tryptic peptide analysis.pdf 3.40Мб
1977 Detection of Coronavirus Infection of Man by Immunofluorescence.pdf 3.12Мб
1977 Experimental infection of adult axenic rats with Parker_s Rat Coronavirus.pdf 698.52Кб
1977 Further studies on human enteric coronaviruses.pdf 1.21Мб
1977 Hemagglutination by calf diarrhea coronavirus.pdf 266.34Кб
1977 Light and Ultrastructural Pathologic Changes in Intestinal Coronavirus Infection of Newborn Calves.pdf 5.82Мб
1977 Physico-chemical properties of calf-diarrhea coronavirus.pdf 455.31Кб
1977 Presence of infectious polyadenylated RNA in the coronavirus avian bronchitis virus.pdf 982.82Кб
1977 Progress in coronaviruses.pdf 134.28Кб
1977 Studies on the Structure of a Coronavirus-Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 8.58Мб
1977 The RNA of human coronavirus OC-43.pdf 978.54Кб
1978 A new coronavirus-like particle associated with diarrhea in swine.pdf 453.56Кб
1978 Antigenic relationship of the feline infectious peritonitis virus to coronaviruses of other species.pdf 855.86Кб
1978 Coronaviridae_ Second Report.pdf 870.02Кб
1978 Detection of Coronavirus-Like Particles in a Spontaneous Case of Feline Infectious Peritonitis.pdf 1.35Мб
1978 Determination of coronavirus 229E antibody by an immune-adherence hemagglutination method.pdf 501.81Кб
1978 Diagnosis of human coronavirus infection by immunofluorescence_ Method and application to respiratory disease in ho.pdf 389.30Кб
1978 Feline infectious peritonitis_ a coronavirus disease of cats.pdf 491.18Кб
1978 Genomic RNA of the Murine Coronavirus JHM.pdf 615.62Кб
1978 Isolation of coronaviruses from neonatal calf diarrhoea in Great Britain and Denmark.pdf 973.05Кб
1978 Nonspecific inhibitors of coronavirus OC43 haemagglutination in human sera.pdf 186.74Кб
1978 Replication of an enteric bovine coronavirus in intestinal organ cultures.pdf 1.02Мб
1978 Ribonucleoprotein-like Structures from Coronavirus Particles.pdf 2.07Мб
1978 The effect of ascorbic acid on infection of chick-embryo ciliated tracheal organ cultures by coronavirus.pdf 418.92Кб
1978 The Genome of Human Coronavirus Strain 229E.pdf 1.26Мб
1978 The genomes of three coronaviruses.pdf 310.67Кб
1979 Characterization of a New Coronavirus-Like Agent Isolated from Parrots.pdf 1.81Мб
1979 Comparison of the morphology of three coronaviruses.pdf 733.44Кб
1979 Detection of coronavirus in calf faeces with a haemadsorption-elution-haemagglutination assay (HEHA).pdf 752.79Кб
1979 Effect of Cyclic Nucleotide on Coronavirus Replication.pdf 346.35Кб
1979 OC43 strain-related coronavirus antibodies in different age groups.pdf 485.87Кб
1979 Pathogenic murine coronaviruses I_ Characterization of biological behavior in vitro and virus-specific intracellula.pdf 10.60Мб
1979 Pathogenic murine coronaviruses II_ Characterization of virus-specific proteins of murine coronaviruses JHMV and A5.pdf 7.60Мб
1979 Pathogenic murine coronaviruses III_ Biological and biochemical characterization of temperature sensitive mutants o.pdf 6.20Мб
1979 Preliminary studies on the isolation of coronavirus 229E nucleocapsids.pdf 561.04Кб
1979 Rotavirus and coronavirus associated diarrhoea in domestic animals.pdf 2.30Мб
1979 Rotavirus and coronavirus associated diarrohoea in calves.pdf 368.82Кб
1979 Structural polypeptides of the enteropathogenic bovine coronavirus strain LY-138.pdf 953.79Кб
1979 Structural Polypeptides of the Murine Coronavirus JHM.pdf 3.92Мб
1979 Studies of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses at the Common Cold Unit, Salisbury, Wiltshire_.pdf 841.77Кб
1979 The human enteric coronaviruses_.pdf 3.05Мб
1980 Astrovirus-like, coronavirus-like, and parvovirus-like particles detected in the diarrheal stools of beagle pups.pdf 1.16Мб
1980 A two year serological surveillance of coronavirus infections in Hamburg.pdf 978.83Кб
1980 Coronavirus come of age.pdf 407.12Кб
1980 Coronaviruses in Balkan nephritis.pdf 257.80Кб
1980 Coronavirus infection in a litter of pups.pdf 1.25Мб
1980 Coronavirus infections of man associated with diseases other than the common cold.pdf 430.39Кб
1980 Coronavirus-like particles in the feces of normal cats.pdf 527.98Кб
1980 Differentiation of canine coronavirus and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus by neutralization with canine.pdf 418.47Кб
1980 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Coronaviruses HCV 229E and MHV 3.pdf 460.46Кб
1980 Epizootic diarrhoea of adult cattle associated with a coronavirus-like agent.pdf 395.63Кб
1980 Hemagglutination and structural polypeptides of a new coronavirus associated with diarrhea in infant mice.pdf 837.74Кб
1980 Human Coronavirus OC43 Serum Inhibitor and Neutralizing Antibody by a New Plaque-Reduction Assay.pdf 1.25Мб
1980 Isolation of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses from 38 colds in adults.pdf 516.28Кб
1980 Preliminary report on the observation of a coronavirus in the intestine of the laboratory rabbit.pdf 384.91Кб
1980 Properties of a coronavirus isolated from a cow with epizootic diarrhea.pdf 1.83Мб
1980 Serological relation between calf diarrhea coronavirus and hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus.pdf 236.78Кб
1980 The coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus requires the cell nucleus and host transcriptional factors.pdf 872.61Кб
1980 The polypeptides of human and mouse coronaviruses.pdf 484.11Кб
1980 Two coronaviruses isolated from central nervous system tissue of two multiple sclerosis patients.pdf 698.68Кб
1981 An immunoelectron microscopic and immunofluorescent study on the antigenic relationship between the coronavirus-lik.pdf 695.60Кб
1981 Antigenic and Biological Relationships between Human Coronavirus OC43 and Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea Coronavirus.pdf 3.67Мб
1981 Antigenic studies on coronavirus_ I_ Identification of the structural antigens of human coronavirus, strain 229E.pdf 822.38Кб
1981 Coronavirus Antibodies in Sera From Patients With Multiple Sclerosis and Matched Controls.pdf 222.42Кб
1981 Coronavirus-associated antibodies in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and infectious mononucleosis.pdf 1.91Мб
1981 Coronavirus glycoprotein E1, a new type of viral glycoprotein.pdf 2.05Мб
1981 Coronavirus JHM_ a Virion-associated Protein Kinase.pdf 5.66Мб
1981 Coronavirus JHM_ Characterization of Intracellular Viral RNA.pdf 1.70Мб
1981 Coronavirus JHM_ Intracellular Protein Synthesis.pdf 8.85Мб
1981 Die Beziehungen zwischen Coronaviren und Nasopharynxkarzinom.pdf 142.29Кб
1981 Establishment and maintenance of a persistent infection of L132 cells by human coronavirus strain 229E.pdf 1.11Мб
1981 Genetic Variation of Neurotropic and Non-neurotropic Murine Coronaviruses.pdf 2.09Мб
1981 Human enteric coronaviruses.pdf 1.22Мб
1981 Inhibitors of bovine parvovirus, coronavirus and rotavirus in precolostral and fetal bovine sera.pdf 661.19Кб
1981 In vivomorphogenesis of a new porcine enteric coronavirus, CV 777.pdf 1.15Мб
1981 Mise en _vidence d_un agent du type coronavirus dans les f_ces de bovins atteints d_ent_rite h_morragique d_hiver (.pdf 626.85Кб
1981 Morphological and biological properties of a new coronavirus associated with diarrhea in infant mice.pdf 1.04Мб
1981 Murine coronaviruses_ the histopathology of disease induced by intranasal inoculation.pdf 3.55Мб
1981 Neutralizing Antibody to Calf Diarrhea Coronavirus in Various Animal Species in Japan.pdf 221.19Кб
1981 Plaque Assay for Titration of Bovine Enteric Coronavirus.pdf 2.35Мб
1981 Propagation of the Kakegawa strain of bovine coronavirus in suckling mice, rats and hamsters.pdf 274.45Кб
1981 Reactivity of antibodies in human serum with antigens of an enteropathogenic bovine coronavirus.pdf 1.26Мб
1981 RNA and polypeptide homology among murine coronaviruses.pdf 2.71Мб
1981 Structural Polypeptides of Coronavirus IBV.pdf 1.17Мб
1981 The Distribution of Human Coronavirus Strain 229E on the Surface of Human Diploid Cells.pdf 2.67Мб
1981 The pathogenesis of an enteric infection in pigs, experimentally induced by the coronavirus-like agent, CV 777.pdf 1.07Мб
1981 The Polypeptide Structure of Canine Coronavirus and its Relationship to Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus.pdf 294.54Кб
1981 The replication of murine coronaviruses in enucleated cells.pdf 756.69Кб
1981 Thermal Inactivation Studies of a Coronavirus, Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus.pdf 331.57Кб
1981 The virus-specific intracellular RNA species of two murine coronaviruses_ MHV-A59 and MHV-JHM.pdf 3.62Мб
1981 Three-dimensional Sequential Study of the Intestinal Surface in Experimental Porcine CV 777 Coronavirus Enteritis.pdf 3.43Мб
1981 Tunicamycin resistant glycosylation of a coronavirus glycoprotein_ Demonstration of a novel type of viral glycoprot.pdf 3.51Мб
1982 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Volume 99 __ The Biol.pdf 7.44Мб
1982 Antibodies to coronaviruses OC43 and 229E in multiple sclerosis patients.pdf 5.97Мб
1982 Bovine Enteric Coronavirus Structure as Studied by a Freeze-drying Technique.pdf 875.00Кб
1982 Characterization of a coronavirus isolated from rats with sialoadenitis.pdf 781.29Кб
1982 Chronic enterocyte infection with coronavirus.pdf 1.16Мб
1982 Coronavirus 229E susceptibility in man-mouse hybrids is located on human chromosome 15.pdf 851.71Кб
1982 Coronaviruses and Multiple Sclerosis.pdf 175.77Кб
1982 Coronavirus JHM_ Tryptic Peptide Fingerprinting of Virion Proteins and Intracellular Polypeptides.pdf 8.07Мб
1982 Coronavirus-like particles in nonhuman primate feces.pdf 546.28Кб
1982 Coronavirus proteins_ biogenesis of avian infectious bronchitis virus virion proteins_.pdf 2.97Мб
1982 Correction in Identification of a Coronavirus-Like Agent Isolated from Parrots.pdf 244.92Кб
1982 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of the coronavirus-like agent and its antibodies in pigs with p.pdf 671.80Кб
1982 Infection of a calf with the enteric coronavirus strain Paris.pdf 839.50Кб
1982 Isolation of a coronavirus during studies on puffinosis, a disease of the Manx shearwater(Puffinus puffinus).pdf 1.19Мб
1982 Murine Coronaviruses_ Isolation and Characterization of Two Plaque Morphology Variants of the JHM Neurotropic Strai.pdf 897.19Кб
1982 Pathology of Experimental CV777 Coronavirus Enteritis in Piglets_ I_ Histological and Histochemical Study.pdf 1.52Мб
1982 Pathology of Experimental CV777 Coronavirus Enteritis in Piglets_ II_ Electron Microscopic Study.pdf 2.04Мб
1982 Post-translational glycosylation of coronavirus glycoprotein E1_ inhibition by monensin_.pdf 2.44Мб
1982 Prevalence of human coronavirus antibody in the population of southern iraq.pdf 486.00Кб
1982 Reactivity of Human Coronavirus OC43 and Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea Coronavirus Membrane-associated Antigens.pdf 2.76Мб
1982 Replication of Human Respiratory Coronavirus Strain 229E in Human Macrophages.pdf 3.80Мб
1982 Serological Relationships of the Subcomponents of Human Coronavirus Strain 229E and Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain 3.pdf 227.56Кб
1982 Serum antibody responses of neonatal and young adult pigs to transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 175.46Кб
1982 Studies of enteric coronaviruses in a feline cell line.pdf 2.29Мб
1983 [Advances in Virus Research] Volume 28 __ The Molecular Biology of Coronaviruses.pdf 5.30Мб
1983 [Progress in Brain Research] Immunology of Nervous System Infections Volume 59 __ Coronavirus JHM-Induced Demyelina.pdf 1.12Мб
1983 Adoptive transfer of EAE-like lesions from rats with coronavirus-induced demyelinating encephalomyelitis.pdf 674.08Кб
1983 An outbreak of swine diarrhea of a new-type associated with coronavirus-like particles in Japan_.pdf 667.57Кб
1983 Antigenic relationships of murine coronaviruses_ Analysis using monoclonal antibodies to JHM (MHV-4) virus.pdf 896.97Кб
1983 Antigenic relationships of murine coronaviruses.pdf 527.05Кб
1983 Case report on mixed infection of canine parvovirus and canine coronavirus - Electron microscopy and recovery of ca.pdf 2.11Мб
1983 Characterization of Murine Coronavirus RNA by Hybridization with Virus-specific cDNA Probes.pdf 1.73Мб
1983 Clones of MRC-C cells may be superior to the parent line for the culture of 229E-like strains of human respiratory.pdf 178.03Кб
1983 Coronaviridae.pdf 1.11Мб
1983 Coronaviruses SD and SK share extensive nucleotide homology with murine coronavirus MHV-A59, more than that shared.pdf 1.61Мб
1983 Coronavirus IBV_ Further Evidence that the Surface Projections are Associated with Two Glycopolypeptides.pdf 1.06Мб
1983 Coronavirus IBV_ Structural Characterization of the Spike Protein.pdf 3.06Мб
1983 Coronavirus IBV Glycopolypeptides_ Size of Their Polypeptide Moieties and Nature of Their Oligosaccharides.pdf 339.12Кб
1983 Coronavirus JHM_ Coding Assignments of Subgenomic mRNAs.pdf 7.34Мб
1983 Coronavirus JHM_ nucleotide sequence of the mRNA that encodes nucleocapsid protein.pdf 1.00Мб
1983 Coronavirus mRNA synthesis involves fusion of non-contiguous sequences_.pdf 1.81Мб
1983 Diagnosis of human coronavirus infections in children using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.pdf 444.74Кб
1983 Epidemiology of coronavirus respiratory infections_.pdf 564.01Кб
1983 Expression of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Coronavirus Antigens on the Surface of Feline Macrophage-like Cells.pdf 3.80Мб
1983 Fusion resistance and decreased infectability as major host cell determinants of coronavirus persistence.pdf 5.14Мб
1983 Genetic heterogeneity of murine coronaviruses.pdf 741.51Кб
1983 Intranasal interferon as protection against experimental respiratory coronavirus infection in volunteers_.pdf 453.50Кб
1983 Myxovirus- and coronavirus-induced in vitro stimulation of spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity by porcine blood.pdf 433.94Кб
1983 Pathogenesis of Coronavirus SD in Mice.pdf 9.56Мб
1983 RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Activity in Murine Coronavirus-infected Cells.pdf 581.47Кб
1983 Sequence of the nucleocapsid gene from murine coronavirus MHV-A59.pdf 340.69Кб
1983 Syncytium production by human coronavirus 229E group viruses.pdf 880.52Кб
1983 Synthesis and subcellular localization of the murine coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 2.77Мб
1983 The Biology of Coronaviruses.pdf 3.10Мб
1983 Virology_ Molecular biology of the coronaviruses.pdf 268.37Кб
1984 [Part 1_ Biological Sciences] __ Assembly in vitro of a Spanning Membrane Protein of the Endoplasmic Reticulum_ The.pdf 1.85Мб
1984 Adaptation of Coronavirus JHM to Persistent Infection of Murine Sac(-) Cells.pdf 703.65Кб
1984 Antigenic Relatedness of Human Enteric Coronavirus Strains to Human Coronavirus OC43_ A Preliminary Report.pdf 530.62Кб
1984 Assembly in vitro of a spanning membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum_ the E1 glycoprotein of coronavirus m.pdf 1.55Мб
1984 Berne Virus is Not _Coronavirus-like_.pdf 541.21Кб
1984 Coronavirus infection of the bovine respiratory tract.pdf 1.09Мб
1984 Demonstration of 7_nm Projections on Human and Avian Coronaviruses.pdf 1.20Мб
1984 Detection of bovine coronavirus in feces by reversed passive hemagglutination.pdf 550.83Кб
1984 Experimental studies of a coronavirus and coronavirus-like agent in a barrier-maintained feline breeding colony.pdf 871.28Кб
1984 Hybridoma Antibodies to the Murine Coronavirus JHM_ Characterization of Epitopes on the Peplomer Protein (E2).pdf 1.75Мб
1984 Influence of coronavirus (transmissible gastroenteritis) infection on jejunal myoelectrical activity of the neonata.pdf 879.85Кб
1984 Monoclonal Antibodies to the S1 Spike and Membrane Proteins of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Strain Massa.pdf 1.34Мб
1984 Preliminary observations on enteritis associated with a coronavirus-like agent in rabbits.pdf 587.44Кб
1984 Relapsing subacute demyelinating encephalomyelitis in rats during the course of coronavirus JHM infection.pdf 680.68Кб
1984 Replication and morphogenesis of avian coronavirus in Vero cells and their inhibition by monensin.pdf 2.32Мб
1984 Replication of murine coronaviruses in somatic cell hybrids between murine fibroblasts and rat Schwannoma cells.pdf 1.32Мб
1984 Replication of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus (TGEV) in Swine Alveolar Macrophages.pdf 1.69Мб
1984 Sequence and topology of a model intracellular membrane protein, E1 glycoprotein, from a coronavirus.pdf 225.50Кб
1984 Sequence of the membrane protein gene from avian coronavirus IBV.pdf 897.12Кб
1984 Sequencing of coronavirus IBV genomic RNA_ a 195-base open reading frame encoded by mRNA B.pdf 537.11Кб
1984 Serodiagnostic Aids and Management Practice for Feline Retrovirus and Coronavirus Infections.pdf 1.28Мб
1984 Significance of lysosomes in the morphogenesis of coronaviruses.pdf 1010.05Кб
1984 The behaviour of recent isolates of human respiratory coronavirus in vitro and in volunteers_ Evidence of heterogen.pdf 744.24Кб
1984 Zur Entero-Pathogenit_t boviner Coronaviren unter Feldbedingungen.pdf 845.53Кб
1985 Abstract 35_ Coronavirus infection in rats_ induction of an autoimmune response against brain antigen.pdf 199.33Кб
1985 Abstract 36_ In vivo and in vitro models of demyelinating disease_ factors influencing the disease process caused b.pdf 92.34Кб
1985 Abstract 37_ Antibody modulation of coronavirus encephalitis.pdf 88.29Кб
1985 An enteric coronavirus of the rabbit_ Detection by immunoelectron microscopy and identification of structural polyp.pdf 859.42Кб
1985 Antigenic variation among murine coronaviruses_ Evidence for polymorphism on the peplomer glycoprotein, E2.pdf 1010.25Кб
1985 Attenuation of murine coronavirus infection by ammonium chloride.pdf 1.70Мб
1985 Bovine coronavirus hemagglutinin protein.pdf 1.12Мб
1985 Caract_risation d_une nouvelle souche de coronavirus de la bronchite infectieuse aviaire.pdf 793.22Кб
1985 Cats, coronaviruses and coronavirus antibody tests.pdf 646.24Кб
1985 Characterization of leader-related small RNAs in coronavirus-infected cells_ Further evidence for leader-primed mec.pdf 2.25Мб
1985 Chronic Shedding of Bovine Enteric Coronavirus Antigen-Antibody Complexes by Clinically Normal Cows.pdf 752.79Кб
1985 Cloning and Sequencing of the Gene Encoding the Spike Protein of the Coronavirus IBV.pdf 539.52Кб
1985 Coding Sequence of Coronavirus MHV-JHM mRNA 4.pdf 270.06Кб
1985 Coronavirus-, calicivirus-, and astrovirus-like particles associated with acute porcine gastroenteritis_.pdf 930.25Кб
1985 Coronavirus-like particles andCampylobacterin marmosets with diarrhea and colitis.pdf 1.13Мб
1985 Coronaviruslike Particles in Human Gastrointestinal Disease.pdf 4.47Мб
1985 Coronavirus MHV-JHM mRNA 5 Has a Sequence Arrangement which Potentially Allows Translation of a Second, Downstream.pdf 4.32Мб
1985 Detection of coronavirus-like particles in homosexual men with acquired immunodeficiency and related lymphadenopath.pdf 681.94Кб
1985 Effect of specific humoral immunity and some non-specific factors on resistance of volunteers to respiratory corona.pdf 1.26Мб
1985 Effect of Specific Humoral Immunity and Some Non-Specific Factors on Resistance of Volunteers to Respiratory Corona.pdf 2.37Мб
1985 Fatal Gastroenteritis Associated With Coronaviruslike Particles.pdf 4.83Мб
1985 Human enteric Coronaviruses_ Antigenic Relatedness to Human Coronavirus OC43 and Possible Etiologic Role in Viral G.pdf 555.80Кб
1985 Human Enteric Coronaviruses_ Antigenic Relatedness to Human Coronavirus OC43 and Possible Etiologic Role in Viral G.pdf 1.53Мб
1985 Human-enteric-coronaviruslike particles (CVLP) with different epidemiological characteristics.pdf 532.21Кб
1985 Infection of the basal ganglia by a murine coronavirus.pdf 1.13Мб
1985 Influence of maternal immunity on the outcome of mutine coronavirus JHM infection in suckling mice.pdf 488.28Кб
1985 Inhibition of the Growth of Human Coronavirus 229E by Leupeptin.pdf 258.48Кб
1985 In vivo and in vitro models of demyelinating disease of coronaviruses in primary explants of the rat CNS_ XI_ Tropi.pdf 2.31Мб
1985 Isolation and propagation of a human enteric coronavirus.pdf 1.35Мб
1985 Isolation of the subunits of the coronavirus envelope glycoprotein E2 by hydroxyapatite high-performance liquid chr.pdf 475.16Кб
1985 Laboratory Experiments on Oral Vaccination of Calves against Rotavirus or Coronavirus induced Diarrhoea.pdf 680.32Кб
1985 Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Coronaviruses_ Edited by P J M Rottier, B A M van der Zeijst, W J M Spaan and.pdf 136.08Кб
1985 Oligonucleotide fingerprints of antigenically related bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43.pdf 603.52Кб
1985 Plaque assay of bovine coronavirus in BEK-1 cells_.pdf 410.51Кб
1985 Replication of rat coronavirus in a rat cell line, LBC.pdf 322.99Кб
1985 Rotaviral and Coronaviral Diarrhea.pdf 10.65Мб
1985 Sequencing of Coronavirus IBV Genomic RNA_ Three Open Reading Frames in the 5_ _Unique_ Region of mRNA D.pdf 369.31Кб
1985 Serologic Survey of Canine Coronavirus in Wild Coyotes in the Western United States, 1972_1982.pdf 393.26Кб
1985 Studies on the relationship between coronaviruses from the intestinal and respiratory tracts of calves.pdf 974.21Кб
1985 Survival Characteristics of Airborne Human Coronavirus 229E.pdf 415.93Кб
1985 The novel glycoproteins of coronaviruses.pdf 668.01Кб
1985 Vaccination against enteric rota and coronaviruses in cattle and pigs_ Enhancement of lactogenic immunity.pdf 792.75Кб
1986 4567042 Inactivated canine coronavirus vaccine.pdf 64.81Кб
1986 An eight-year study of the viral agents of acute gastroenteritis in humans_ Ultrastructural observations and season.pdf 5.02Мб
1986 Antibody prevalence to human enteric coronavirus-like particles and indications of antigenic differences between pa.pdf 533.68Кб
1986 Canine coronavirus vaccine.pdf 133.60Кб
1986 Characterization of a variant virus isolated from neural cell culture after infection of mouse coronavirus JHMV.pdf 738.32Кб
1986 Comparison of the Spike Precursor Sequences of Coronavirus IBV Strains M41 and 6_82 with that of IBV Beaudette.pdf 440.48Кб
1986 Coronaviruses Associated with Outbreaks of Transmissible Enteritis of Turkeys in Quebec_ Hemagglutination Propertie.pdf 1.74Мб
1986 Coronavirus IBV_ Partial amino terminal sequencing of spike polypeptide S2 identifies the sequence Arg-Arg-Phe-Arg-.pdf 821.13Кб
1986 Coronavirus IBV_ Removal of Spike Glycopolypeptide S1 by Urea Abolishes Infectivity and Haemagglutination but Not A.pdf 734.49Кб
1986 Coronavirus IBV_ Virus Retaining Spike Glycopolypeptide S2 but Not S1 Is Unable to Induce Virus-neutralizing or Hae.pdf 1.75Мб
1986 Coronavirus IBV glycopolypeptides_ locational studies using proteases and saponin, a membrane permeabilizer.pdf 908.37Кб
1986 Coronavirus infection induces H-2 antigen expression on oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.pdf 1.22Мб
1986 Coronavirus leader-RNA-primed transcription_ An alternative mechanism to RNA splicing.pdf 512.05Кб
1986 Coronavirus MHV-JHM_ nucleotide sequence of the mRNA that encodes the membrane protein.pdf 59.48Кб
1986 Enteric coronavirus in symptomless homosexuals_.pdf 441.92Кб
1986 Inactivated canine coronavirus vaccine.pdf 133.60Кб
1986 In vivo and in vitro models of demyelinating diseases XV_ Differentiation influences the regulation of coronavirus.pdf 3.06Мб
1986 Isolation of a porcine respiratory, non_enteric coronavirus related to transmissible gastroenteritis.pdf 1.25Мб
1986 Leader sequences of murine coronavirus mRNAs can be freely reassorted_ evidence for the role of free leader RNA in.pdf 1.46Мб
1986 Multiplication of canine coronavirus in CRFK cells_.pdf 1.90Мб
1986 Murine coronavirus-induced encephalomyelitides in rats_ Analysis of immunoglobulins and virus-specific antibodies i.pdf 625.46Кб
1986 Predicted membrane topology of the coronavirus protein E1.pdf 1.85Мб
1986 Prevalence of antibody to human coronaviruses 229E, OC43 and neonatal calf diarrhea coronavirus (NCDCV) in patients.pdf 953.47Кб
1986 Prevalence of Antibody to Human Coronaviruses 229E, OC43 and Neonatal Calf Diarrhea Coronavirus (NCDCV) in Patients.pdf 1.62Мб
1986 Prevention of Experimental Coronavirus Colds with Intranasal _-2b Interferon.pdf 923.33Кб
1986 Reduction of Rotavirus-, Coronavirus- and _em_E_ coli__em_-Associated Calf-Diarrheas in a Large-Size Dairy Herd by.pdf 923.51Кб
1986 Regulation of viral persistence in human glioblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma cells infected with coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.55Мб
1986 RNA-binding proteins of coronavirus MHV_ Detection of monomeric and multimeric N protein with an RNA overlay-protei.pdf 2.56Мб
1986 Sequence analysis of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene.pdf 831.80Кб
1986 Structural polypeptides of the murine coronavirus DVIM.pdf 737.51Кб
1986 Structural proteins of human respiratory coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.27Мб
1986 The nucleotide sequence of the extreme 5_ end of the avian coronavirus genome_ implications for the discontinuous m.pdf 52.70Кб
1986 The peplomer protein sequence of the M41 strain of coronavirus IBV and its comparison with Beaudette strains.pdf 821.29Кб
1986 Two enzyme immunoassays for the detection of antibody to rodent coronaviruses.pdf 521.50Кб
1987 _tude compar_e de trois souches du coronavirus de la gastroent_rite transmissible_ Conditions de la r_plicationvira.pdf 827.58Кб
1987 [Perspectives in Medical Virology] Animal Virus Structure Volume 3 __ Chapter 12 Coronaviridae.pdf 1.01Мб
1987 Analysis of the intrathecal humoral immune response in Brown Norway (BN) rats, infected with the murine coronavirus.pdf 677.66Кб
1987 An efficient ribosomal frame-shifting signal in the polymerase-encoding region of the coronavirus IBV_.pdf 1.58Мб
1987 Antigenic and biological diversity of feline coronaviruses_ feline infectious peritonitis and feline enteritis viru.pdf 796.13Кб
1987 Antiviral Substances in Raw Bovine Milk Active Against Bovine Rotavirus and Coronavirus.pdf 464.68Кб
1987 A specific transmembrane domain of a coronavirus E1 glycoprotein is required for its retention in the Golgi region.pdf 1.87Мб
1987 A Specific Transmembrane Domain of a Coronavirus E1 Glycoprotein Is Required for Its Retention in the Golgi Region.pdf 1.26Мб
1987 Calfhood Coronavirus Enterocolitis_ A Clue to the Etiology of Winter Dysentery.pdf 2.03Мб
1987 Characteristics of Australian human enteric coronavirus-like particles_ comparison with human respiratory coronavir.pdf 1.17Мб
1987 Characterization of the Structural Proteins of the Murine Coronavirus Strain A59 Using Monoclonal Antibodies.pdf 1.09Мб
1987 Completion of the Sequence of the Genome of the Coronavirus Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 1.81Мб
1987 Coronaviruses_ a group with unique features.pdf 338.87Кб
1987 Coronavirus IBV_ Relationships among recent European isolates studied by limited proteolysis of the Virion Glycopol.pdf 1.39Мб
1987 Coronavirus JHM induced demyelinating encephalomyelitis in rats_ Analysis of the intrathecal immune response.pdf 118.79Кб
1987 Coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-A59 causes a persistent, productive infection in primary glial cell culture.pdf 1.28Мб
1987 Der Plexus submucosus (M_span class__smallCaps__eissner__span_ und S_span class__smallCaps__chabadasch__span_) im D.pdf 1004.29Кб
1987 Development of nasal, fecal and serum isotype-specific antibodies in calves challenged with bovine coronavirus or r.pdf 629.22Кб
1987 Effect of deoxycholate, amphotericin B and fongizone on transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 362.75Кб
1987 Enqu_te s_rologique par immunofluorescence indirecte, sur les infections _ coronavirus OC43.pdf 319.47Кб
1987 Enteric coronavirus TGEV_ partial sequence of the genomic RNA, its organization and expression.pdf 970.43Кб
1987 Evidence for a coiled-coil structure in the spike proteins of coronaviruses.pdf 371.52Кб
1987 Experimental demyelination induced by coronavirus JHM (MHV-4)_ molecular identification of a viral determinant of p.pdf 5.03Мб
1987 Expression of coronavirus E1 and rotavirus VP10 membrane proteins from synthetic RNA.pdf 691.02Кб
1987 Human Enteric Coronaviruses_ Further Characterization and Immunoblotting of Viral Proteins.pdf 815.78Кб
1987 Identification of putative polymerase gene product in cells infected with murine coronavirus A59.pdf 2.76Мб
1987 Inducibility of Ia antigen on astrocytes by murine coronavirus JHM is rat strain dependent.pdf 365.58Кб
1987 Induction of Demyelination by a Temperature-sensitive Mutant of the Coronavirus MHV-A59 is Associated with Restrict.pdf 11.10Мб
1987 Inhibition of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) multiplication in vitro by non-immune lymphocytes.pdf 662.71Кб
1987 Intracellular RNAs of the Feline Infectious Peritonitis Coronavirus Strain 79-1146.pdf 2.55Мб
1987 In Vitro synthesis of two polypeptides from a nonstructural gene of coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59.pdf 983.06Кб
1987 Micro-neutralization test with canine coronavirus for detection of coronavirus antibodies in dogs and cats_.pdf 429.66Кб
1987 Monoclonal antibodies to bovine coronavirus_ Characteristics and topographical mapping of neutralizing epitopes on.pdf 866.74Кб
1987 Multiple recombination sites at the 5_-end of murine coronavirus RNA.pdf 9.44Мб
1987 Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene Encoding the Surface Projection Glycoprotein of Coronavirus MHV-JHM.pdf 705.84Кб
1987 Plaque assay for canine coronavirus in CRFK cells_.pdf 488.28Кб
1987 Primary structure of the glycoprotein E2 of coronavirus MHV-A59 and identification of the trypsin cleavage site.pdf 1.02Мб
1987 Rat Glial C6 Cells are Defective in Murine Coronavirus Internalization.pdf 2.92Мб
1987 RNA recombination of coronaviruses_ localization of neutralizing epitopes and neuropathogenic determinants on the c.pdf 1.56Мб
1987 RNA Recombination of Coronaviruses_ Localization of Neutralizing Epitopes and Neuropathogenic Determinants on the C.pdf 1.06Мб
1987 Sequence analysis of the bovine coronavirus nucleocapsid and matrix protein genes.pdf 2.11Мб
1987 Sequence and N-terminal Processing of the Transmembrane Protein E1 of the Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis.pdf 545.64Кб
1987 Sorting of progeny coronavirus from condensed secretory proteins at the exit from the trans-Golgi network of AtT20.pdf 5.02Мб
1987 Sorting of Progeny Coronavirus from Condensed Secretory Proteins at the Exit from the Trans-Golgi Network of AtT20.pdf 3.87Мб
1987 Structural Proteins of Bovine Coronavirus and Their Intracellular Processing.pdf 6.58Мб
1987 The 5_-end sequence of the murine coronavirus genome_ Implications for multiple fusion sites in leader-primed trans.pdf 2.20Мб
1987 The Molecular Basis of Viral Replication __ The Molecular Biology of Coronaviruses.pdf 1.84Мб
1987 The Predicted Primary Structure of the Peplomer Protein E2 of the Porcine Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis.pdf 559.66Кб
1988 Amino acids within hypervariable region 1 of avian coronavirus IBV (Massachusetts serotype) spike glycoprotein are.pdf 783.37Кб
1988 Analysis of cell fusion induced by bovine coronavirus infection.pdf 1003.46Кб
1988 Antigenic Assessment of Coronaviruses Isolated From Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.pdf 745.41Кб
1988 Antigenic Differentiation between Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus of Swine and a Related Porcine Respiratory Co.pdf 1.53Мб
1988 Antigenic structure of the E2 glycoprotein from transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 1.44Мб
1988 Attempted immunisation of cats against feline infectious peritonitis using canine coronavirus.pdf 641.84Кб
1988 Biotinylated and radioactive cDNA probes in the detection by hybridization of bovine enteric coronavirus.pdf 4.17Мб
1988 Bovine Coronavirus-Induced Cytopathic Expression and Plaque Formation_ Host Cell and Virus Strain Determine Trypsin.pdf 766.78Кб
1988 Cell culture propagation of bovine coronavirus.pdf 962.77Кб
1988 Characterization of Low-virulent Mouse Coronavirus Isolated from Faeces in a Mouse Colony.pdf 521.82Кб
1988 Coronaviruses_ Structure and Genome Expression.pdf 1.09Мб
1988 Coronavirus-induced CNS disease_ A model for virus-induced demyelination.pdf 471.34Кб
1988 Coronavirus-JHM-Induced Demyelinating Encephalomyelitis in Rats _ Analysis of the Intrathecal Immune Response.pdf 95.52Кб
1988 Cultivation techniques for animal coronaviruses_ Emphasis on feline infectious peritonitis virus, canine coronaviru.pdf 828.65Кб
1988 Defective-interfering particles of murine coronavirus_ Mechanism of synthesis of defective viral RNAs.pdf 3.27Мб
1988 Detection of a murine coronavirus nonstructural protein encoded in a downstream open reading frame.pdf 4.69Мб
1988 Differential premature termination of transcription as a proposed mechanism for the regulation of coronavirus gene.pdf 585.62Кб
1988 Enteric Coronaviruses in Primates.pdf 242.21Кб
1988 Evaluation of an immunogold electron microscopy technique for detecting bovine coronavirus.pdf 792.60Кб
1988 Evolution of Avian Coronavirus IBV_ Sequence of the Matrix Glycoprotein Gene and Intergenic Region of Several Serot.pdf 684.62Кб
1988 Growth pattern of various JHM coronavirus isolates in primary rat glial cell cultures correlates with differing neu.pdf 1.24Мб
1988 Human and bovine coronaviruses recognize sialic acid-containing receptors similar to those of influenza C viruses_.pdf 1.09Мб
1988 Human and Bovine Coronaviruses Recognize Sialic Acid-Containing Receptors Similar to Those of Influenza C Viruses.pdf 867.21Кб
1988 Identification of the Coronavirus MHV-JHM mRNA 4 Product.pdf 6.01Мб
1988 Identification of the structural proteins of turkey enteric coronavirus.pdf 1.29Мб
1988 Incidence of diarrhoea and of rotavirus- and coronavirus-shedding in calves, whose dams had been vaccinated with an.pdf 684.36Кб
1988 Influence of atopy on the clinical manifestations of coronavirus infection in adult volunteers.pdf 2.93Мб
1988 Isolation and Identification of Feline Peritoneal Macrophages for In Vitro Studies of Coronavirus-Macrophage Intera.pdf 1.68Мб
1988 Passage in Piglets of a Coronavirus Associated with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea.pdf 5.24Мб
1988 Primary structure and translation of a defective interfering rna of murine coronavirus.pdf 1.98Мб
1988 Reactivities of 4 Murine Coronavirus Antigens with Immunized or Naturally Infected Rat Sera by Enzyme Linked Immuno.pdf 559.89Кб
1988 Regional localization of virus in the central nervous system of mice persistently infected with murine coronavirus.pdf 16.50Мб
1988 Role of cellular immune factors in coronavirus A59 induced demyelination.pdf 54.31Кб
1988 Sequence analysis of the 3_ end of the feline coronavirus FIPV 79-1146 genome_ Comparison with the genome of porcin.pdf 749.00Кб
1988 Sequence and analysis of bovine enteritic coronavirus (F15) genome.pdf 1.10Мб
1988 Sequence of mouse hepatitis virus A59 mRNA 2_ Indications for RNA recombination between coronaviruses and influenza.pdf 909.66Кб
1988 Structural proteins of bovine coronavirus strain L9_ effects of the host cell and trypsin treatment.pdf 1.85Мб
1988 Synthesis of virus-specific RNA in permeabilized murine coronavirus-infected cells.pdf 2.74Мб
1988 Temporal regulation of bovine coronavirus RNA synthesis.pdf 1.26Мб
1988 The amino-terminal signal peptide on the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus matrix protein is not an.pdf 2.30Мб
1988 The Influence of the Host Cell and Trypsin Treatment on Bovine Coronavirus Infectivity.pdf 470.57Кб
1988 The Peplomer Protein E2 of Coronavirus JHM as a Determinant of Neurovirulence_ Definition of Critical Epitopes by V.pdf 3.88Мб
1988 Virucidal Efficacy of Physico-chemical Treatments Against Coronaviruses and Parvoviruses of Laboratory Animals.pdf 391.41Кб
1989 A competitive inhibition ELISA for the differentiation of serum antibodies from pigs infected with transmissible ga.pdf 603.72Кб
1989 A general method for the induction and screening of antisera for cDNA-encoded polypeptides_ antibodies specific for.pdf 849.06Кб
1989 A Model for Persistent Murine Coronavirus Infection Involving Maintenance via Cytopathically Infected Cell Centres.pdf 1.88Мб
1989 An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using canine coronavirus-infected CRFK cells as antigen for detection of anti-.pdf 504.63Кб
1989 Antigenic and Polypeptide Structure of Turkey Enteric Coronaviruses as Defined by Monoclonal Antibodies.pdf 9.37Мб
1989 A serological comparison of bovine coronavirus strains.pdf 504.92Кб
1989 Biosynthesis, structure, and biological activities of envelope protein gp65 of murine coronavirus.pdf 2.05Мб
1989 Changes in Human Nasal Mucosa during Experimental Coronavirus Common Colds.pdf 615.61Кб
1989 Characterization of an efficient coronavirus ribosomal frameshifting signal_ Requirement for an RNA pseudoknot.pdf 1.53Мб
1989 Characterization of a temperature sensitive feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus.pdf 1.14Мб
1989 Characterization of coronavirus JHM variants isolated from wistar furth rats with a viral-induced demyelinating dis.pdf 1.31Мб
1989 Characterization of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to bovine enteric coronavirus_ Establishment of an efficie.pdf 652.33Кб
1989 Cloning and in vitro Expression of the Gene for the E3 Haemagglutinin Glycoprotein of Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 1.74Мб
1989 Comparative features of a coronavirus isolated from a cheetah with feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 1.84Мб
1989 Comparison of six different murine coronavirus jhm variants by monoclonal antibodies against the e2 glycoprotein.pdf 402.56Кб
1989 Coronavirus as Agent of Neonatal Calf Diarrhea in Southern Chile.pdf 322.40Кб
1989 Coronavirus genome_ prediction of putative functional domains in the non-structural polyprotein by comparative amin.pdf 1.49Мб
1989 Coronavirus-like particles in adults in melbourne, Australia.pdf 1.84Мб
1989 Coronavirus subgenomic minus-strand RNAs and the potential for mRNA replicons_.pdf 1.33Мб
1989 Coronavirus Subgenomic Minus-Strand RNAs and the Potential for mRNA Replicons.pdf 1.05Мб
1989 Detection of human coronavirus 229E in nasal washings using RNA_RNA hybridization.pdf 479.91Кб
1989 Development of protein A-gold immunoelectron microscopy for detection of bovine coronavirus in calves_ Comparison w.pdf 1.07Мб
1989 Duration of challenge immunity to coronavirus JHM in mice.pdf 575.62Кб
1989 Effect of pH and temperature on the infectivity of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 405.08Кб
1989 Eine Modifikation der ABC-Methode (Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase-Complex) f_r den Nachweis von viralen Antigenen bei der.pdf 2.66Мб
1989 Evolution of the 5_-end of genomic rna of murine coronaviruses during passages in vitro.pdf 725.53Кб
1989 Expression of the peplomer glycoprotein of murine coronavirus JHM using a baculovirus vector.pdf 2.62Мб
1989 Expression of viral and myelin gene transcripts in a murine CNS demyelinating disease caused by a coronavirus.pdf 1.69Мб
1989 Growth of a murine coronavirus in a microcarrier cell culture system.pdf 790.25Кб
1989 Identification and location of the structural glycoproteins of a tissue culture-adapted turkey enteric coronavirus.pdf 3.01Мб
1989 Induction of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus-neutralizing Antibodies in vitro by Virus-specific T Helper.pdf 1000.11Кб
1989 Inhibition of murine coronavirus RNA synthesis by hydroxyguanidine derivatives.pdf 551.12Кб
1989 Interpretation of feline coronavirus serology.pdf 2.75Мб
1989 Intracellular synthesis and processing of the structural glycoproteins of turkey enteric coronavirus.pdf 5.69Мб
1989 Isolierung von Coronaviren in der Zellkultur aus Nasentupferproben atemwegskranker K_lber in der Bundesrepublik Deu.pdf 576.28Кб
1989 Molecular cloning of the gene encoding the putative polymerase of mouse hepatitis coronavirus, strain A59.pdf 968.11Кб
1989 Monoclonal Antibodies to Bovine Coronavirus Glycoproteins E2 and E3_ Demonstration of in vivo Virus-neutralizing Ac.pdf 3.64Мб
1989 Natural infection with the porcine respiratory coronavirus induces protective lactogenic immunity against transmiss.pdf 458.79Кб
1989 Nucleotide sequence between the peplomer and matrix protein genes of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coro.pdf 118.66Кб
1989 Nucleotide sequence of coronavirus TGEV genomic RNA_ evidence for 3 mRNA species between the peplomer and matrix pr.pdf 1.09Мб
1989 Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the membrane protein of human coronavirus 229 E.pdf 476.42Кб
1989 Opportunistic Infections with Coronavirus-Like Particles in Patients Infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.pdf 486.01Кб
1989 Pathogenicity of experimental infection with _pneumotropic_ porcine coronavirus.pdf 3.76Мб
1989 Phylogeny of antigenic variants of avian coronavirus IBV.pdf 449.92Кб
1989 Prevalencia de Anticuerpos Frente a Virus Influenza y Coronavirus Respiratorio en Cerdos de Cebo en Espa_a.pdf 584.98Кб
1989 Purification of infectious bronchitis coronavirus by Sephacryl S-1000 gel chromatography.pdf 616.03Кб
1989 Quantitation, biological and physicochemical properties of cell culture-adapted porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavir.pdf 617.88Кб
1989 Rapid Diagnosis of TGEV-Like Coronavirus in Fattened Pigs by Indirect Immunofluorescence Labelling in Nasal Cells.pdf 318.44Кб
1989 Sequence analysis of nucleocapsid gene and leader RNA of human coronavirus OC43.pdf 700.56Кб
1989 Sequence analysis of the nucleocapsid protein gene of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 1.22Мб
1989 Several Rat Cell Lines Share a Common Defect in Their Inability to Internalize Murine Coronaviruses Efficiently.pdf 1.89Мб
1989 Shedding of coronavirus-like particles by children in lesotho.pdf 564.60Кб
1989 Spread of a neurotropic murine coronavirus into the CNS via the trigeminal and olfactory nerves.pdf 2.75Мб
1989 Synthesis and Processing of the Bovine Enteric Coronavirus Haemagglutinin Protein.pdf 2.51Мб
1989 The sequence of cDNA of bovine coronavirus 32K nonstructural gene.pdf 43.63Кб
1989 The use of nucleic acid hybridization to detect human coronaviruses.pdf 182.79Кб
1989 Ultrastructure and protein A-gold immunolabelling of HRT-18 cells infected with turkey enteric coronavirus.pdf 1.57Мб
1989 Virus strain specificity of challenge immunity to coronavirus.pdf 849.08Кб
1990 4904468 Canine coronavirus vaccine_ Michael Gill, Stephen May assigned to Norden Laboratories Inc.pdf 147.15Кб
1990 4904468 Canine coronavirus vaccine.pdf 64.49Кб
1990 A clustering of rna recombination sites adjacent to a hypervariable region of the peplomer gene of murine coronavir.pdf 1.42Мб
1990 A longitudinal study of bovine coronavirus enteric and respiratory infections in dairy calves in two herds in Ohio.pdf 902.03Кб
1990 Analysis of the S spike (peplomer) glycoprotein of bovine coronavirus synthesized in insect cells.pdf 2.85Мб
1990 An in vitro system for the leader-primed transcription of coronavirus mRNAs_.pdf 1.55Мб
1990 Antigenic homology among coronaviruses related to transmissible gastroenteritis virus.pdf 857.51Кб
1990 Aquatic Animal Medicine Issue __ Acute Necrotizing Enteritis Associated with Suspected Coronavirus Infection in Thr.pdf 831.46Кб
1990 A Serologic Survey of Oklahoma Cats for Antibodies to Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Coronavirus, and Toxoplasma Go.pdf 121.08Кб
1990 Bovine coronavirus antigen in the host cell plasmalemma.pdf 2.29Мб
1990 Characteristics of Parker_s rat coronavirus (PRC) replicated in L-2 cells.pdf 727.85Кб
1990 Characterization of a nucleic acid probe for the diagnosis of human coronavirus 229E infections.pdf 910.26Кб
1990 Characterization of blood mononuclear cells producing IFN_ following induction by coronavirus-infected cells (porci.pdf 709.15Кб
1990 Coronaviridae, pathogenetic and clinical aspects_ An update.pdf 821.18Кб
1990 Deduced sequence of the bovine coronavirus spike protein and identification of the internal proteolytic cleavage si.pdf 577.67Кб
1990 Design, synthesis, testing, and quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of substituted salicylaldehyd.pdf 772.46Кб
1990 Detection of bovine enteric coronavirus in clinical specimens by hybridization with cDNA probes.pdf 3.36Мб
1990 Disorders Induced by the Experimental Infection of Pigs with the Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus (P_ R_ C_ V_).pdf 245.42Кб
1990 Effect of olfactory bulb ablation on spread of a neurotropic coronavirus into the mouse brain.pdf 666.52Кб
1990 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus antibodies in swine se.pdf 899.25Кб
1990 Establishing a genetic recombination map for murine coronavirus strain A59 complementation groups.pdf 1.16Мб
1990 Evidence for a Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus, Antigenically Similar to Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus, in th.pdf 183.22Кб
1990 Excretion and persistence of bovine coronavirus in neonatal calves.pdf 507.63Кб
1990 Four major antigenic sites of the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus are located on the amino-terminal.pdf 4.23Мб
1990 Hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus attaches to N-acetyl-9-O-acetylneuraminic acid-containing receptors on ery.pdf 676.70Кб
1990 Identification of a New Membrane-associated Polypeptide Specified by the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 3.34Мб
1990 Identification of the spinal cord as a major site of persistence during during chronic infection with a murine coro.pdf 7.56Мб
1990 Initial events in bovine coronavirus infection_ analysis through immunogold probes and lysosomotropic inhibitors.pdf 2.24Мб
1990 Intestinal replication of a porcine respiratory coronavirus closely related antigenically to the enteric transmissi.pdf 401.13Кб
1990 Intranasal Treatment of Picornavirus and Coronavirus Respiratory Infections in Rodents Using 7-Thia-8-Oxoguanosine.pdf 401.92Кб
1990 Localization of antigenic sites of the E2 glycoprotein of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 2.99Мб
1990 Mechanisms of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus neutralization.pdf 712.00Кб
1990 Natural Infection of Nude Mice with Low-virulent Mouse Coronavirus.pdf 651.01Кб
1990 Nucleotide sequence of the bovine enteric coronavirus BECV F15 mRNA 5 and mRNA 6 unique regions.pdf 68.38Кб
1990 Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene Encoding the Spike Glycoprotein of Human Coronavirus HCV 229E.pdf 1.86Мб
1990 Nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein S gene of bovine enteric coronavirus and comparison with the S proteins of.pdf 823.48Кб
1990 Plaque Assay and Propagation in Rat Cell Line LBC Cells of Rat Coronavirus and 5 Strains of Sialodacryoadenitis Vir.pdf 412.74Кб
1990 Polymerase chain reaction for probe synthesis and for direct amplification in detection of bovine coronavirus.pdf 920.56Кб
1990 Porcine respiratory coronavirus differs from transmissible gastroenteritis virus by a few genomic deletions.pdf 1.14Мб
1990 Primary structure of the S peplomer gene of bovine coronavirus and surface expression in insect cells.pdf 2.60Мб
1990 Protection from lethal coronavirus infection by affinity-purified spike glycoprotein of murine hepatitis virus, str.pdf 3.15Мб
1990 Recommendations of the coronavirus study group for the nomenclature of the structural proteins, mRNAs, and genes of.pdf 219.41Кб
1990 Rotavirus and Coronavirus Vaccines.pdf 543.31Кб
1990 Scanning Electron Microscopic Characterization of Bovine Coronavirus Plaques in HRT Cells.pdf 2.32Мб
1990 Sequence analysis of the leader RNA of two porcine coronaviruses_ Transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine r.pdf 822.35Кб
1990 Sequence analysis of the membrane protein gene of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 358.69Кб
1990 Sequence and expression analysis of potential nonstructural proteins of 4_9, 4_8, 12_7, and 9_5 kDa encoded between.pdf 1.94Мб
1990 Sequence comparison of the N genes of five strains of the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus suggests a three domain.pdf 516.17Кб
1990 Sequence evidence for RNA recombination in field isolates of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 378.06Кб
1990 Sites of replication of a porcine respiratory coronavirus related to transmissible gastroenteritis virus.pdf 497.79Кб
1990 Sows infected in pregnancy with porcine respiratory coronavirus show no evidence of protecting their sucking piglet.pdf 585.58Кб
1990 Summary of natural products isolated from marine organisms with antiviral activity against mouse coronavirus_ _ S_.pdf 68.99Кб
1990 The carboxyl-terminal part of the putative Berne virus polymerase is expressed by ribosomal frameshifting and conta.pdf 975.25Кб
1990 The E1 glycoprotein of an avian coronavirus is targeted to the cis Golgi complex_.pdf 2.38Мб
1990 The E1 Glycoprotein of an Avian Coronavirus is Targeted to the Cis Golgi Complex.pdf 1.62Мб
1990 The primary structure and expression of the second open reading frame of the polymerase gene of the coronavirus MHV.pdf 3.91Мб
1990 The time course of the immune response to experimental coronavirus infection of man.pdf 734.56Кб
1990 The Time Course of the Immune Response to Experimental Coronavirus Infection of Man.pdf 1.54Мб
1991 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] Coronaviruses and their Diseases Volume 276 __ Background Paper Map.pdf 572.65Кб
1991 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] Coronaviruses and their Diseases Volume 276 __ Sequence Comparisons.pdf 538.65Кб
1991 A comparison of the sensitivity and specificity of sialodacryoadenitis virus, Parker_s rat coronavirus, and mouse h.pdf 704.31Кб
1991 A Golgi retention signal in a membrane-spanning domain of coronavirus E1 protein.pdf 2.48Мб
1991 A Golgi Retention Signal in a Membrane-Spanning Domain of Coronavirus E1 Protein.pdf 4.15Мб
1991 An ELISA for the detection of serum antibodies to both transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory.pdf 159.05Кб
1991 Antigenic analysis of feline coronaviruses with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)_ Preparation of MAbs which discriminat.pdf 646.10Кб
1991 A polycistronic mRNA specified by the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 2.69Мб
1991 A Study of the Efficacy of the Immunomodulatory Compound 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine in Coronavirus 229E Infections in Hu.pdf 225.19Кб
1991 Bovine coronavirus nonstructural protein ns2 is a phosphoprotein.pdf 388.92Кб
1991 Canine coronavirus infection in the dog following oronasal inoculation.pdf 2.70Мб
1991 Carbohydrate-induced conformational changes strongly modulate the antigenicity of coronavirus TGEV glycoproteins S.pdf 1.32Мб
1991 Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against feline infectious peritonitis virus type II and antigenic relatio.pdf 867.77Кб
1991 Characterization of the inflammatory response in the central nervous system of rats with different susceptability t.pdf 76.44Кб
1991 Comparison of bovine coronavirus (BCV) antigens_ Monoclonal antibodies to the spike glycoprotein distinguish betwee.pdf 1.34Мб
1991 Comparison of the genome organization of toro- and coronaviruses_ Evidence for two nonhomologous RNA recombination.pdf 525.58Кб
1991 Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the S genes specified by virulent and avirulent st.pdf 729.83Кб
1991 Coronavirus as an Agent of Neonatal Calf Diarrhea in a Chinese Dairy Cattle Farm.pdf 256.06Кб
1991 Coronaviruses and their diseases.pdf 89.99Кб
1991 Coronavirus induced primary demyelination_ indications for the involvement of a humoral immune response.pdf 1.95Мб
1991 Coronavirus motif.pdf 141.38Кб
1991 Differentiation between Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus Using a cDNA Probe.pdf 78.02Кб
1991 Endosomal association of a protein phosphatase with high dephosphorylating activity against a coronavirus nucleocap.pdf 1.69Мб
1991 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of canine coronavirus and its antibody in dogs.pdf 596.90Кб
1991 Experimental Infection with a Virulent Pneumoenteric Isolate of Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 40.85Кб
1991 Fixed-cell immunoperoxidase technique for the study of surface antigens induced by the coronavirus of transmissible.pdf 634.76Кб
1991 Genomic relationship between turkey and bovine enteric coronaviruses identified by hybridization with BCV or TCV sp.pdf 1.16Мб
1991 Glycosylation is Required for Coronavirus TGEV to Induce an Efficient Production of IFN_ by Blood Mononuclear Cells.pdf 2.01Мб
1991 Heterogeneity of gene expression of the hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) protein of murine coronaviruses.pdf 1.89Мб
1991 High level transient expression of the murine coronavirus haemagglutinin-esterase.pdf 5.69Мб
1991 Hygromycin B inhibits synthesis of murine coronavirus RNA_.pdf 1.21Мб
1991 Hygromycin B therapy of a murine coronaviral hepatitis_.pdf 629.58Кб
1991 Identification of Coronaviruses by the Use of Indirect Protein A-Gold Immunoelectron Microscopy.pdf 277.01Кб
1991 Induction of lactogenic immunity to transmissible gastroneteritis virus of swine using an attenuated coronavirus mu.pdf 697.97Кб
1991 Inhibitory effects of recombinant human cystatin C on human coronaviruses_.pdf 554.54Кб
1991 Intracellular processing of the porcine coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus spike protein expressed by.pdf 3.91Мб
1991 Isolated HE-protein from hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus and bovine coronavirus has receptor-destroying an.pdf 684.50Кб
1991 Isolation of Bovine Coronavirus from Feces and Nasal Swabs of Calves with Diarrhea_.pdf 892.67Кб
1991 Live or inactivated canine coronavirus vaccine_ new antigen dog coronavirus isolate.pdf 125.16Кб
1991 Localization of extensive deletions in the structural genes of two neurotropic variants of murine coronavirus JHM.pdf 1.97Мб
1991 Localization of major neutralizing epitopes on the S1 polypeptide of the murine coronavirus peplomer glycoprotein.pdf 564.14Кб
1991 Modulation of coronavirus-mediated cell fusion by homeostatic control of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.pdf 795.55Кб
1991 Monoclonal antibodies differentiate between the haemagglutinating and the receptor-destroying activities of bovine.pdf 354.25Кб
1991 Monoclonal Antibody to the Receptor for Murine Coronavirus MHV-A59 Inhibits Viral Replication in vivo.pdf 820.97Кб
1991 Monoclonal Antibody to the Receptor for Murine Coronavirus MHV-A59 Inhibits Viral Replication In Vivo.pdf 417.29Кб
1991 Mutational analysis of the RNA pseudoknot component of a coronavirus ribosomal frameshifting signal.pdf 3.53Мб
1991 Neurovirulence of six different murine coronavirus JHMV variants for rats.pdf 1.64Мб
1991 Non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxicity of bovine coronavirus-infected target cells mediated b.pdf 900.69Кб
1991 Perspectives on the epizootiology of feline enteric coronavirus and the pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonit.pdf 794.93Кб
1991 Processing and antigenicity of entire and anchor-free spike glycoprotein S of coronavirus TGEV expressed by recombi.pdf 3.74Мб
1991 Production of mice from a lethal coronavirus infection in the central nervous system by adoptive transfer of virus-.pdf 1012.32Кб
1991 Production of monoclonal antibodies against the Kakegawa strain of bovine coronavirus and their characterization_.pdf 421.78Кб
1991 Protein pI alteration related to strain variation of infectious bronchitis virus, an avian Coronavirus.pdf 823.00Кб
1991 Putative papain-related thiol proteases of positive-strand RNA viruses Identification of rubi- and aphthovirus prot.pdf 552.63Кб
1991 Random nature of coronavirus RNA recombination in the absence of selection pressure.pdf 640.82Кб
1991 Residues involved in the antigenic sites of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus S glycoprotein.pdf 1.84Мб
1991 Sequence analysis of the turkey enteric coronavirus nucleocapsid and membrane protein genes_ a close genomic relati.pdf 1.45Мб
1991 Sequence comparison of the 5_ end of mRNA 3 from transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory corona.pdf 1.92Мб
1991 Serologic Evidence of Coronavirus Infection in New York and New England Dairy Cattle with Winter Dysentery.pdf 74.63Кб
1991 Structural analysis of the conformational domains involved in neutralization of bovine coronavirus using deletion m.pdf 2.31Мб
1991 Susceptibility of rodent cell lines to rat coronaviruses and differential enhancement by trypsin or DEAE-dextran.pdf 999.16Кб
1991 The cloning and sequencing of the virion protein genes from a British isolate of porcine respiratory coronavirus_ c.pdf 1.48Мб
1991 The complete sequence (22 kilobases) of murine coronavirus gene 1 encoding the putative proteases and RNA polymeras.pdf 1.61Мб
1991 The hemagglutinin_esterase glycoprotein of bovine coronaviruses_ Sequence and functional comparisons between virule.pdf 604.84Кб
1991 The pathogenic role of virus-specific antibody secreting cells in the CNS of rats resistant and susceptible to coro.pdf 71.86Кб
1991 The role of gamma interferon in infection of susceptible mice with murine coronavirus, MHV-JHM.pdf 1.12Мб
1991 The S2 subunit of the spike glycoprotein of bovine coronavirus mediates membrane fusion in insect cells.pdf 1.25Мб
1991 The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay systems for serology and antigen detection in parvovirus, coronavirus.pdf 852.42Кб
1991 Transmissible Enteritis of Turkeys_ Experimental Inoculation Studies with Tissue-Culture-Adapted Turkey and Bovine.pdf 1018.76Кб
1992 Acute and late disease induced by murine coronavirus, strain JHM, in a series of recombinant inbred strains between.pdf 2.15Мб
1992 Aminopeptidase N is a major receptor for the enteropathogenic coronavirus TGEV.pdf 497.44Кб
1992 Analysis of a 9_6 kb sequence from the 3_ end of canine coronavirus genomic RNA.pdf 1.85Мб
1992 An Experimental Model for Dilated Cardiomyopathy after Rabbit Coronavirus Infection.pdf 2.10Мб
1992 An Experimental Model for Myocarditis and Congestive Heart Failure after Rabbit Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.44Мб
1992 Antigen selection and presentation to protect against transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 719.38Кб
1992 A Serologic Investigation for Coronavirus and Breda Virus Antibody in Winter Dysentery of Dairy Cattle in the North.pdf 83.56Кб
1992 Bovine coronavirus peplomer glycoproteins_ detailed antigenic analyses of S1, S2 and HE.pdf 1.89Мб
1992 Bovine coronavirus spike glycoprotein_ localization of an immunodominant region at the amino-terminal end of S2.pdf 1.83Мб
1992 Bovine coronavirus uses N-acetyl-9-O-acetylneuraminic acid as a receptor determinant to initiate the infection of c.pdf 580.36Кб
1992 Cell receptor-independent infection by a neurotropic murine coronavirus.pdf 2.88Мб
1992 Cerebrospinal fluid antibodies to coronavirus in patients with Parkinson_s disease.pdf 497.70Кб
1992 Comparative analyses of the nucleocapsid genes of several strains of infectious bronchitis virus and other coronavi.pdf 644.95Кб
1992 Comparison of hemagglutinating, receptor-destroying, and acetylesterase activities of avirulent and virulent bovine.pdf 915.41Кб
1992 Concomitant Cryptosporidia, Coronavirus and Parvovirus Infection in a Raccoon (Procyon lotor).pdf 370.85Кб
1992 Coronaviral Enteritis in an Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Chick.pdf 1.03Мб
1992 Coronaviruses and their diseases_ Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Volume 276_ Edited by D_ Cavanagh.pdf 80.92Кб
1992 Coronavirus IBV-induced membrane fusion occurs at near-neutral pH.pdf 770.26Кб
1992 Coronavirus infection in mink (Mustela vision)_ Serological evidence of infection with a coronavirus related to tra.pdf 518.87Кб
1992 Coronavirus infects and causes demyelination in primate central nervous system.pdf 1.32Мб
1992 Coronavirus mRNA synthesis_ Identification of novel transcription initiation signals which are differentially regul.pdf 1.61Мб
1992 Detection of coronavirus RNA and antigen in multiple sclerosis brain.pdf 5.52Мб
1992 Differential in vitro inhibition of feline enteric coronavirus and feline infectious peritonitis virus by actinomyc.pdf 818.73Кб
1992 Effect of fixation on the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus antigens by the fixed-cell immunop.pdf 651.29Кб
1992 Enhanced tumor necrosis factor alpha in coronavirus but not in paracetamol-induced acute hepatic necrosis in mice.pdf 391.96Кб
1992 Experimental infection of pigs with the porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV)_ measure of viral excretion.pdf 437.85Кб
1992 Genetic evolution and tropism of transmissible gastroenteritis coronaviruses.pdf 1.49Мб
1992 Genomic organization and expression of the 3_ end of the canine and feline enteric coronaviruses.pdf 996.62Кб
1992 Homologous RNA recombination allows efficient introduction of site-specific mutations into the genome of coronaviru.pdf 1.03Мб
1992 Human aminopeptidase N is a receptor for human coronavirus 229E.pdf 356.95Кб
1992 Human coronavirus gene expression in the brains of multiple sclerosis patients.pdf 554.64Кб
1992 Identification of two new polypeptides encoded by mRNA5 of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 3.44Мб
1992 Immune response to a murine coronavirus_ Identification of a homing receptor-negative CD4+ T cell subset that respo.pdf 1.24Мб
1992 Induction of anti-viral immune responses by immunization with recombinant-DNA encoded avian coronavirus nucleocapsi.pdf 674.52Кб
1992 Induction of lactogenic immunity to transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine using an attenuated coronavirus mu.pdf 112.88Кб
1992 Intestinal protection against challenge with transmissible gastroenteritis virus of pigs immune after infection wit.pdf 75.10Кб
1992 Intracellular processing of the N-terminal ORF 1a proteins of the coronavirus MHV-A59 requires multiple proteolytic.pdf 2.87Мб
1992 Localization of an RNA-binding domain in the nucleocapsid protein of the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus.pdf 3.39Мб
1992 Mutational analysis of the _slippery-sequence_ component of a coronavirus ribosomal frameshifting signal.pdf 3.05Мб
1992 Neuraminidase treatment of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus reveals a hemagglutinating activity that is depe.pdf 362.86Кб
1992 New recombinant adenovirus used as vaccine_ dog adenovirus-2 vector_ dog parvovirus, cat panleukopenia virus, cat o.pdf 129.00Кб
1992 Passively acquired challenge immunity to enterotropic coronavirus in mice.pdf 1.10Мб
1992 Pathogenicity and antigen detection of the Nouzilly strain of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus, in 1-week-.pdf 2.62Мб
1992 Pathogenicity of concurrent infection of pigs with porcine respiratory coronavirus and swine influenza virus.pdf 535.48Кб
1992 Radioactive and enzymatic cloned cDNA probes for bovine enteric coronavirus detection by molecular hybridization.pdf 1.66Мб
1992 Responses of mice to murine coronavirus immunization.pdf 1.20Мб
1992 Sequence analysis of human coronavirus 229E mRNAs 4 and 5_ evidence for polymorphism and homology with myelin basic.pdf 1.57Мб
1992 Sequence analysis of the membrane protein gene of human coronavirus OC43 and evidence for O-glycosylation.pdf 1.70Мб
1992 Sequence analysis of the spike protein gene of murine coronavirus variants_ Study of genetic sites affecting neurop.pdf 988.03Кб
1992 Sero-Epidemiological Survey of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus (PRCV) Infection in Breeding Herds in Southeastern S.pdf 551.73Кб
1992 Synthesis and Processing of the Haemagglutinin--esterase Glycoprotein of Bovine Coronavirus Encoded in the E3 Regio.pdf 2.42Мб
1992 The 9-kDa hydrophobic protein encoded at the 3_ end of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus genome.pdf 2.31Мб
1992 The hemagglutinin_esterase gene of human coronavirus strain OC43_ Phylogenetic relationships to bovine and murine c.pdf 663.57Кб
1992 The Prevalence of Types I and II Feline Coronavirus Infections in Cats_.pdf 748.61Кб
1992 Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus_ surface antigens induced by virulent and attenuated strains.pdf 607.35Кб
1993 _-Endorphin protects mice from neurological disease induced by the murine coronavirus MHV-JHM.pdf 1.30Мб
1993 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] Coronaviruses Volume 342 __ Further Characterization of Aminopeptid.pdf 927.23Кб
1993 Analysis of cis-Acting Sequences Essential for Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNA Replication.pdf 685.44Кб
1993 An immunodominant CD4+ T cell site on the nucleocapsid protein of murine coronavirus contributes to protection agai.pdf 1.06Мб
1993 A sero_epizootiological study of porcine respiratory coronavirus in belgian swine.pdf 2.08Мб
1993 A translation-attenuating intraleader open reading frame is selected on coronavirus mRNAs during persistent infecti.pdf 1.25Мб
1993 A Translation-Attenuating Intraleader Open Reading Frame is Selected on Coronavirus mRNAs During Persistent Infecti.pdf 1.15Мб
1993 Bovine coronavirus.pdf 1.28Мб
1993 Characterization of monoclonal antibodies to bovine enteric coronavirus and antigenic variability among Quebec isol.pdf 990.79Кб
1993 Coronavirus (JHM) Replication within the Retina_ Analysis of Cell Tropism in Mouse Retinal Cell Cultures.pdf 2.42Мб
1993 Coronavirus immunogens.pdf 873.86Кб
1993 Coronavirus Infection in Cats.pdf 1.14Мб
1993 Detection of Bovine Coronavirus by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay using Monoclonal Antibodies_.pdf 637.37Кб
1993 Development and optimization of plaque assays for rat coronaviruses.pdf 1.10Мб
1993 Enrichment of coronavirus-induced interferon-producing blood leukocytes increases the interferon yield per cell_ A.pdf 886.70Кб
1993 Experimental Reproduction of Pneumonia in Gnotobiotic Pigs with Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus Isolate AR310.pdf 167.15Кб
1993 Expression of the S1 and S2 subunits of murine coronavirus JHMV spike protein by a vaccinia virus transient express.pdf 8.47Мб
1993 Fifth symposium on coronaviruses _ Chantilly, France, 14_18 September 1992.pdf 45.55Кб
1993 Generation and Selection of Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNA with Large Open Reading Frame by RNA Recombinatio.pdf 738.88Кб
1993 GenusTorovirusassigned to theCoronaviridae.pdf 226.36Кб
1993 HLA Class I Antigen Serves as a Receptor for Human Coronavirus OC43.pdf 726.73Кб
1993 Human Coronavirus OC43 RNA 4 Lacks Two Open Reading Frames Located Downstream of the S Gene of Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 337.69Кб
1993 Induction of protective immunity against coronavirus-induced encephalomyelitis_ Evidence for an important role of C.pdf 763.64Кб
1993 Intestinal protection against challenge with transmissible gastroenteritis virus of pigs immune after infection wit.pdf 660.63Кб
1993 Leader-mRNA Junction Sequences Are Unique for Each Subgenomic mRNA Species in the Bovine Coronavirus and Remain So.pdf 560.86Кб
1993 Membrane and Phospholipid Binding by Murine Coronaviral Nucleocapsid N Protein.pdf 666.46Кб
1993 Molecular characterization of the S protein gene of human coronavirus OC43.pdf 687.81Кб
1993 Mucosal Exudation of Fibrinogen in Coronavirus-induced Common Colds.pdf 786.37Кб
1993 Natural Evolution of Coronavirus Defective-Interfering RNA Involves RNA Recombination.pdf 396.27Кб
1993 Nucleotide Sequence of the Human Coronavirus 229E RNA Polymerase Locus.pdf 849.91Кб
1993 Presence of Subgenomic mRNAs in Virions of Coronavirus IBV.pdf 485.61Кб
1993 Proteolytic cleavage of the murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein is not required for fusion activity.pdf 6.35Мб
1993 Sequence analysis of strains of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus isolated during the 1960s in the U_K_.pdf 517.80Кб
1993 Sequence Analysis of the Nucleocapsid Protein Gene of Rat Coronavirus SDAV-681.pdf 205.24Кб
1993 Sequence determination of the nucleocapsid protein gene of the porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus confirms that this.pdf 1.54Мб
1993 Seroprevalence of porcine respiratory coronavirus infection in Spanish breeding sows.pdf 382.08Кб
1993 Structural and Functional Analysis of the Surface Protein of Human Coronavirus OC43.pdf 526.54Кб
1993 The gene encoding the nucleocapsid protein_ sequence analysis in murine hepatitis virus type 3 and evolution inCoro.pdf 808.98Кб
1993 Using direct immunofluorescence to detect coronaviruses in peritoneal in peritoneal and pleural effusions.pdf 742.99Кб
1994 A Murine Coronavirus MHV-S Isolate from Persistently infected Cells Has a Leader and Two Consensus Sequences betwee.pdf 262.81Кб
1994 Antibody responses in spiral colon, ileum, and jejunum of bovine coronavirus-infected neonatal calves.pdf 536.68Кб
1994 Antigen detection in human respiratory Coronavirus infections by monoclonal time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay.pdf 964.96Кб
1994 Biological and genetic characterization of a hemagglutinating coronavirus isolated from a diarrhoeic child.pdf 1.09Мб
1994 B lymphocyte and macrophage expression of carcinoembryonic antigen-related adhesion molecules that serve as recepto.pdf 1.01Мб
1994 Canine-coronavirus (CCV) Characterization in Spain Epidemiological Aspects.pdf 530.08Кб
1994 Cellular immune status of coronavirus-infected neonatal calves.pdf 396.44Кб
1994 Cervical lymphoid tissue but not the central nervous system supports proliferation of virus-specific T lymphocytes.pdf 913.33Кб
1994 Characterization of a Replicating and Packaged Defective RNA of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 553.89Кб
1994 Characterization of the IgA and subclass IgG responses to neutralizing epitopes after infection of pregnant sows wi.pdf 881.63Кб
1994 Comparative sequence analysis of a polymorphic region of the spike glycoprotein S1 subunit of enteric bovine corona.pdf 1.11Мб
1994 Comparison of the S genes and the biological properties of respiratory and enteropathogenic bovine coronaviruses.pdf 543.78Кб
1994 Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination Occurs in the Presence of Virus-Specific Cytotoxic T Cells.pdf 1.09Мб
1994 Coronavirus induction of class I major histocompatibility complex expression in murine astrocytes is virus strain s.pdf 1.18Мб
1994 Coronavirus Translational Regulation_ Leader Affects mRNA Efficiency.pdf 721.04Кб
1994 Detection of feline coronaviruses in cell cultures and in fresh and fixed feline tissues using polymerase chain rea.pdf 770.65Кб
1994 Detection of porcine respiratory coronavirus and transmissible gastroenteritis virus by an enzyme-linked immunosorb.pdf 561.23Кб
1994 Determinants of the p28 Cleavage Site Recognized by the First Papain-like Cysteine Proteinase of Murine Coronavirus.pdf 529.40Кб
1994 Enterotropic Strains of Mouse Coronavirus Differ in Their Use of Murine Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Related Glycoprote.pdf 489.80Кб
1994 Entry of coronavirus into primate CNS following peripheral infection.pdf 500.14Кб
1994 Evaluation of nested polymerase chain methods for the detection of human coronaviruses 229E and OC43.pdf 437.90Кб
1994 Human coronaviruses_ A brief review.pdf 1.37Мб
1994 Human Coronavirus OC43 Interacts with Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules at the Cell Surface to Est.pdf 468.62Кб
1994 Immunity to transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus infections in swine.pdf 628.82Кб
1994 Increased viral titers and enhanced reactivity of antibodies to the spike glycoprotein of murine coronavirus produc.pdf 545.74Кб
1994 Mapping of Linear Antigenic Sites on the S Glycoprotein of a Neurotropic Murine Coronavirus with Synthetic Peptides.pdf 664.22Кб
1994 Microvascular exudative hyperresponsiveness in human coronavirus-induced common cold_.pdf 1.21Мб
1994 Nucleotide sequence and expression of the spike (S) gene of canine coronavirus and comparison with the S proteins o.pdf 1.30Мб
1994 Phenotypic and functional properties of CD8+ T-lymphocytes from the CNS of rats with coronavirus-induced encephalom.pdf 158.12Кб
1994 Porcine respiratory coronavirus spread in Catalunya, Spain, a previously infection-free area.pdf 538.55Кб
1994 Revision of the taxonomy of theCoronavirus, TorovirusandArterivirusgenera.pdf 987.68Кб
1994 Studies on the survival of canine coronavirus under different environmental conditions.pdf 223.04Кб
1994 Ultrastructure of human nasal epithelium during an episode of coronavirus infection.pdf 3.29Мб
1994 Universal coronavirus vaccine_ spike protein cloning and expression for use as a recombinant vaccine.pdf 127.13Кб
1995 A cis-Acting Viral Protein Is Not Required for the Replication of a Coronavirus Defective-Interfering RNA.pdf 686.53Кб
1995 A conditional-lethal murine coronavirus mutant that fails to incorporate the spike glycoprotein into assembled viri.pdf 2.23Мб
1995 Activation of Astrocytes in the Spinal Cord of Mice Chronically Infected with a Neurotropic Coronavirus.pdf 582.35Кб
1995 Antigenic and biological comparisons of bovine coronaviruses derived from neonatal calf diarrhea and winter dysente.pdf 854.36Кб
1995 A region of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus 1a polyprotein encoding the 3C-like protease domain is subj.pdf 5.51Мб
1995 A Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Nucleoprotein Epitope Elicits T Helper Cells That Collaborate in the in.pdf 363.48Кб
1995 Biphasic Immune Responses of Cats under Controlled Infection with a Feline Enteric Coronavirus-79-1683 Strain_.pdf 465.82Кб
1995 Cellular immune responses of pigs after primary inoculation with porcine respiratory coronavirus or transmissible g.pdf 1.53Мб
1995 Cloning, sequencing and expression of the S protein gene from two geographically distinct strains of canine coronav.pdf 773.91Кб
1995 Cloning and sequencing of a 8_4-kb region from the 3_-end of a Taiwanese virulent isolate of the coronavirus transm.pdf 492.68Кб
1995 Comparison of bovine coronavirus isolates associated with neonatal calf diarrhoea and winter dysentery in adult dai.pdf 761.82Кб
1995 Coronavirus antibody titres in cats in New Zealand.pdf 234.59Кб
1995 Coronavirus Defective-Interfering RNA as an Expression Vector_ The Generation of a Pseudorecombinant Mouse Hepatiti.pdf 705.33Кб
1995 Coronaviruses.pdf 308.39Кб
1995 Coronavirus infection of polarized epithelial cells.pdf 1.21Мб
1995 Coronavirus Protein Processing and RNA Synthesis Is Inhibited by the Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor E64d.pdf 511.10Кб
1995 Detection of human coronavirus 229E-specific antibodies using recombinant fusion proteins.pdf 819.41Кб
1995 Enteritis Associated with a Coronavirus-Like Agent in a Rhea (Rhea americana) Chick.pdf 851.78Кб
1995 Envelope glycoprotein interactions in coronavirus assembly.pdf 2.26Мб
1995 Envelope Glycoprotein Interactions in Coronavirus Assembly.pdf 1.76Мб
1995 Evaluation of Shell Vial Cell Culture Technique for the Detection of Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 51.70Кб
1995 Experimental Evidence of Recombination in Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 229.57Кб
1995 Genomic relationship of porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus to bovine coronavirus and human coronaviru.pdf 728.27Кб
1995 Identification, Expression, and Processing of an 87-kDa Polypeptide Encoded by ORF 1a of the Coronavirus Infectious.pdf 746.31Кб
1995 Identification and Characterization of a 65-kDa Protein Processed from the Gene 1 Polyprotein of the Murine Coronav.pdf 349.14Кб
1995 Identification of a CD4+ T Cell Epitope within the M Protein of a Neurotropic Coronavirus.pdf 402.21Кб
1995 Immunopathological aspects of coronavirus infections.pdf 1.10Мб
1995 Induction of Antibodies Protecting against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus (TGEV) by Recombinant Adenovir.pdf 315.78Кб
1995 Infection _ coronavirus du nourrison_ atteinte des voies a_riennes basses, apn_e et mort subite_.pdf 105.44Кб
1995 Infection respiratoire nosocomiale par le coronavirus dars une unit_ de r_animation n_onat_le_ _valuation prospecti.pdf 299.61Кб
1995 Interferon _ Potentiates Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection of Neuronal Cells by Modulation of HLA Class I Expression.pdf 672.11Кб
1995 Isolation and Characterization of Sialodacryoadenitis Virus (Coronavirus) from Rats by Established Cell Line LBC.pdf 524.74Кб
1995 Localization of Neurovirulence Determinant for Rats on the S1 Subunit of Murine Coronavirus JHMV.pdf 447.92Кб
1995 Molecular characterization of the S proteins of two enterotropic murine coronavirus strains.pdf 800.56Кб
1995 Mutational Analysis of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein_ Effect on Cell-to-Cell Fusion.pdf 330.15Кб
1995 Optimization of in vitro growth conditions for enterotropic murine coronavirus strains.pdf 529.27Кб
1995 Phenotypic and functional characterization of CD8+ T lymphocytes from the central nervous system of rats with coron.pdf 907.11Кб
1995 Plaque Variations in Clinical Isolates of Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 31.49Кб
1995 Quantification of individual subgenomic mRNA species during replication of the coronavirus transmissible gastroente.pdf 722.80Кб
1995 Risk factors associated with seropositivity to porcine respiratory coronavirus in Danish swine herds.pdf 794.24Кб
1995 Rotavirus Shedding in Feces of Gnotobiotic Calves Orally Inoculated with a Commercial Rotavirus-Coronavirus Vaccine.pdf 170.02Кб
1995 Sequence analysis of the nucleoprotein genes of three enterotropic strains of murine coronavirus.pdf 804.39Кб
1995 Sequence and expression of the ns2 protein gene of human coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.99Мб
1995 State of the art_ coronaviruses.pdf 442.50Кб
1995 The Molecular Genetics of Feline Coronaviruses_ Comparative Sequence Analysis of the ORF7a_7b Transcription Unit of.pdf 519.76Кб
1996 [Methods in Enzymology] Viral Polymerases and Related Proteins Volume 275 __ [5] Characterization of coronavirus RN.pdf 1.83Мб
1996 5419907 Pathogenic porcine respiratory coronavirus _ Paul Prem S_ Vaughn Eric M_ Halbur Patrick G Ames, IA, United.pdf 121.03Кб
1996 A Murine and a Porcine Coronavirus Are Released from Opposite Surfaces of the Same Epithelial Cells.pdf 723.58Кб
1996 An adenovirus recombinant expressing the spike glycoprotein of porcine respiratory coronavirus is immunogenic in sw.pdf 2.32Мб
1996 Characterization of a 105-kDa Polypeptide Encoded in Gene 1 of the Human Coronavirus HCV 229E.pdf 330.76Кб
1996 Characterization of functional domains in the human coronavirus HCV 229E receptor.pdf 2.25Мб
1996 Characterization of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus S protein expression products in avirulent S_ typhimu.pdf 1.19Мб
1996 Comparison of the Amino Acid Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Peplomer, Integral Membrane and Nucleocapsid.pdf 1.68Мб
1996 Cooperation between transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) structural proteins in the in vitro induction.pdf 1.14Мб
1996 Coronavirus Transcription Mediated by Sequences Flanking the Transcription Consensus Sequence.pdf 254.82Кб
1996 Differential Antigen Recognition by T Cells from the Spleen and Central Nervous System of Coronavirus-Infected Mice.pdf 98.46Кб
1996 Dissociation of demyelination and viral clearance in congenitally immunodeficient mice infected with murine coronav.pdf 1.34Мб
1996 Dual infections of feeder pigs with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus followed by porcine respira.pdf 785.99Кб
1996 Evaluation of Two Antigen-Capture ELISAs using Polyclonal or Monoclonal Antibodies for the Detection of Bovine Coro.pdf 186.61Кб
1996 Factors Affecting Isolation and Propagation of Bovine Coronavirus in Human Rectal Tumor-18 Cell Line.pdf 146.85Кб
1996 Feline coronavirus in the intestinal contents of cats with feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 465.36Кб
1996 Genetic control of anti-idiotypic vaccination against coronavirus infection.pdf 426.43Кб
1996 Growth characteristics and protein profiles of prototype and wild-type rat coronavirus isolates grown in a cloned s.pdf 1.56Мб
1996 Identification of the polymerase polyprotein products p72 and p65 of the murine coronavirus MHV-JHM.pdf 1011.19Кб
1996 In situ hybridization technique for the detection of swine enteric and respiratory coronaviruses, transmissible gas.pdf 1.18Мб
1996 Intracellular andin Vitro-Translated 27-kDa Proteins Contain the 3C-like Proteinase Activity of the Coronavirus MHV.pdf 343.08Кб
1996 Isolation of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus from Pigs Affected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome_.pdf 1018.20Кб
1996 J_ Virol_ Methods_ Erratum to _Detection of human coronavirus 229E-specific antibodies using recombinant fusion pro.pdf 41.67Кб
1996 Molecular Characterization of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Defective Interfering Genomes_ Packaging an.pdf 300.40Кб
1996 Mucosal immunity_ an overview and studies of enteric and respiratory coronavirus infections in a swine model of ent.pdf 589.12Кб
1996 Myelin basic protein and human coronavirus 229E cross-reactive T cells in multiple sclerosis.pdf 851.54Кб
1996 Nucleocapsid-independent assembly of coronavirus-like particles by co-expression of viral envelope protein genes_.pdf 2.41Мб
1996 Recombination in large RNA viruses_ Coronaviruses.pdf 87.39Кб
1996 Regulation of the Initiation of Coronavirus JHM Infection in Primary Oligodendrocytes and L-2 Fibroblasts.pdf 352.25Кб
1996 Replication of Rat Coronaviruses in Intestinal Cell Line, RCN-9, Derived from F344 Rats_.pdf 855.07Кб
1996 Replication of Synthetic Defective Interfering RNAs Derived from Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus-A59.pdf 226.18Кб
1996 Structural and functional analysis of the S proteins of two human coronavirus OC43 strains adapted to growth in dif.pdf 750.67Кб
1996 Stuart G_ Siddell, H_ Fraenkel-Conrad, R_R_ Wagner,Editors, ,The Coronaviridae_ The Viruses (1995) Plenum Press,New.pdf 137.19Кб
1996 Syncytia Formation Induced by Coronavirus Infection Is Associated with Fragmentation and Rearrangement of the Golgi.pdf 3.15Мб
1996 Tandem Placement of a Coronavirus Promoter Results in Enhanced mRNA Synthesis from the Downstream-Most Initiation S.pdf 142.97Кб
1996 The major subunit ClpG of Escherichia coli CS31A fibrillae as an expression vector for different combinations of tw.pdf 837.86Кб
1996 The murine coronavirus as a model of trafficking and assembly of viral proteins in neural tissue.pdf 597.57Кб
1996 The Production of Recombinant Infectious DI-Particles of a Murine Coronavirus in the Absence of Helper Virus.pdf 220.33Кб
1996 The region between the M and S genes of porcine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus is highly similar to huma.pdf 683.25Кб
1996 Use of Nonradioactive cDNA Probes to Differentiate Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus and Transmissible Gastroenteriti.pdf 71.05Кб
1996 VIIth International Symposium on Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses Parador de Segovia, Segovia, Spain May 10 to 15th,.pdf 146.34Кб
1996 Virus entry into a polarized epithelial cell line (MDCK)_ similarities and dissimilarities between influenza C viru.pdf 1.01Мб
1996 Virus RNA Persists within the Retina in Coronavirus-Induced Retinopathy.pdf 246.93Кб
1997 [Advances in Virus Research] Volume 48 __ The Molecular Biology of Coronaviruses.pdf 6.43Мб
1997 5580778 Isolation and diagnosis of coronaviruses as a factor in bovine shipping fever, and a cell line for culturin.pdf 62.28Кб
1997 Acquired Fusion Activity of a Murine Coronavirus MHV-2 Variant with Mutations in the Proteolytic Cleavage Site and.pdf 173.20Кб
1997 Altered Pathogenesis of a Mutant of the Murine Coronavirus MHV-A59 Is Associated with a Q159L Amino Acid Substituti.pdf 138.71Кб
1997 An Escherichia coli CS31A fibrillum chimera capable of inducing memory antibodies in outbred mice following booster.pdf 1.21Мб
1997 Antigenic and Plaque Variations of Serotype II Feline Infectious Peritonitis Coronaviruses_.pdf 160.00Кб
1997 Antigenic Characterization of a Turkey Coronavirus Identified in Poult Enteritis- and Mortality Syndrome-Affected T.pdf 1.78Мб
1997 A recombinant single chain antibody neutralizes coronavirus infectivity but only slightly delays lethal infection o.pdf 930.16Кб
1997 Beta-cyclodextrin derivatives as carriers to enhance the antiviral activity of an antisense oligonucleotide directe.pdf 562.11Кб
1997 Bovine coronavirus I protein synthesis follows ribosomal scanning on the bicistronic N mRNA.pdf 440.53Кб
1997 Characterization of Phage-Displayed Recombinant Anti-Idiotypic Antibody Fragments Against Coronavirus-Neutralizing.pdf 989.92Кб
1997 Detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus by RT-PCR and differentiation from porcine respiratory coronavirus.pdf 612.78Кб
1997 Expression of a coronavirus ribosomal frameshift signal in Escherichia coli_ influence of tRNA anticodon modificati.pdf 390.99Кб
1997 Expression of Interferon-_ by a Coronavirus Defective-Interfering RNA Vector and Its Effect on Viral Replication, S.pdf 1.47Мб
1997 Further observations on coronavirus infection of primate CNS.pdf 554.49Кб
1997 Identification of a Specific Interaction between the Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus A59 Nucleocapsid Protein and.pdf 1.07Мб
1997 Immunohistochemical Identification of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus Antigen in the Lung of Conventional Pigs.pdf 643.50Кб
1997 Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza-3, and Respiratory Coronavirus.pdf 984.24Кб
1997 In vivo induction of interferon-alpha in pig by non-infectious coronavirus_ tissue localization and in situ phenoty.pdf 456.02Кб
1997 In vivo study of interferon-alpha-secreting cells in pig foetal lymphohaematopoietic organs following in utero TGEV.pdf 1.14Мб
1997 Kinetics of Cytokine mRNA Expression in the Central Nervous System Following Lethal and Nonlethal Coronavirus-Induc.pdf 970.03Кб
1997 Murine coronavirus infection_ a paradigm for virus-induced demyelinating disease.pdf 676.60Кб
1997 Passive protection of neonatal calves against bovine coronavirus-induced diarrhea by administration of egg yolk or.pdf 411.92Кб
1997 Patterns of oligodendrocyte pathology in coronavirus-induced subacute demyelinating encephalomyelitis in the lewis.pdf 688.46Кб
1997 Persistence and Evolution of Feline Coronavirus in a Closed Cat-Breeding Colony.pdf 704.51Кб
1997 Recombinant Genomic RNA of Coronavirus MHV-A59 after Coreplication with a DI RNA Containing the MHV-RI Spike Gene.pdf 273.89Кб
1997 Recombination and Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNAs.pdf 209.14Кб
1997 Replication of Murine Coronaviruses in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Lines in vitro_.pdf 139.44Кб
1997 TGEV-specific IgA at different mucosae following infection of pigs with transmissible gastroenteritis virus or the.pdf 186.24Кб
1997 The _Common Cold_ in Frail Older Persons_ Impact of Rhinovirus and Coronavirus in a Senior Daycare Center.pdf 559.86Кб
1997 The Genome Organization of the Nidovirales_ Similarities and Differences between Arteri-, Toro-, and Coronaviruses.pdf 200.73Кб
1997 Two Amino Acid Changes at the N-Terminus of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Spike Protein Result in the L.pdf 275.52Кб
1998 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses Volume 440 __ In Vivo and In Vitro.pdf 878.94Кб
1998 An in vitro study of theaflavins extracted from black tea to neutralize bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus inf.pdf 381.80Кб
1998 Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Infection in Feline Alveolar Macrophages and.pdf 109.40Кб
1998 Cell culture-grown putative bovine respiratory torovirus identified as a coronavirus.pdf 1.41Мб
1998 Cellular composition, coronavirus antigen expression and production of specific antibodies in lesions in feline inf.pdf 1.27Мб
1998 Characterization of the expression and immunogenicity of the ns4b protein of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 1.10Мб
1998 Characterization of the Two Overlapping Papain-like Proteinase Domains Encoded in Gene 1 of the Coronavirus Infecti.pdf 1.98Мб
1998 Characterizations of Coronaviruscis-Acting RNA Elements and the Transcription Step Affecting Its Transcription Effi.pdf 1.81Мб
1998 Clonal T-cell cross-reactivity between myelin antigens MBP and PLP and human respiratory coronaviruses in multiple.pdf 135.25Кб
1998 Comparison of immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies and RT-PCR for the detection of human coronaviruses 229.pdf 227.02Кб
1998 Comparison of Immunohistochemistry, Electron Microscopy, and Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test for the Detection of.pdf 44.89Кб
1998 Coronavirus MHV-3-Induced Apoptosis in Macrophages.pdf 646.50Кб
1998 Coronavirus particle assembly_ primary structure requirements of the membrane protein_.pdf 1.90Мб
1998 Correlation of Genomic Detection of Feline Coronavirus with Various Diagnostic Assays for Feline Infectious Periton.pdf 94.89Кб
1998 Cystatin D, a natural salivary cysteine protease inhibitor, inhibits coronavirus replication at its physiologic con.pdf 297.30Кб
1998 Detection of feline coronaviruses by culture and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction of blood samples f.pdf 159.72Кб
1998 Detection of Rhinovirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Coronavirus Infections in Acute Otitis Media by Reverse T.pdf 324.62Кб
1998 Development and Evaluation of an ELISA to Measure Antibody Responses to Both the Nucleocapsid and Spike Proteins of.pdf 1.02Мб
1998 Encyclopedia of Immunology __ Coronavirus, Infection and Immunity.pdf 338.97Кб
1998 Expression of Hemagglutinin_Esterase by a Mouse Hepatitis Virus Coronavirus Defective_Interfering RNA Alters Viral.pdf 4.19Мб
1998 Expression of Immunogenic Glycoprotein S Polypeptides from Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus in Transgenic.pdf 267.97Кб
1998 Fatal enteritis associated with coronavirus infection in cats.pdf 1.84Мб
1998 Feline coronavirus type II strains 79-1683 and 79-1146 originate from a double recombination between feline coronav.pdf 222.58Кб
1998 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Viruses Arise by Mutation from Endemic Feline Enteric Coronaviruses.pdf 125.09Кб
1998 Field Isolates of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Differ at the Molecular Level from the Miller and Purdue Viru.pdf 103.19Кб
1998 Identification of a 24-kDa Polypeptide Processed from the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus 1a Polyprotein by.pdf 3.40Мб
1998 Importance of coronavirus negative-strand genomic RNA synthesis prior to subgenomic RNA transcription.pdf 194.75Кб
1998 In vitro studies on the use of clay, clay minerals and charcoal to adsorb bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus.pdf 86.95Кб
1998 Nucleotide and Predicted Amino Acid Sequences of All Genes Encoded by the 3_ Genomic Portion (9_5 kb) of Respirator.pdf 250.27Кб
1998 PCR sequencing of the spike genes of geographically and chronologically distinct human coronaviruses 229E.pdf 265.05Кб
1998 Polymerase chain reaction_based detection of rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and coronavirus in otitis med.pdf 39.31Кб
1998 Primary Structures of Hemagglutinin-esterase and Spike Glycoproteins of Murine Coronavirus DVIM.pdf 130.70Кб
1998 Processing of the Coronavirus MHV-JHM Polymerase Polyprotein_ Identification of Precursors and Proteolytic Products.pdf 16.06Мб
1998 Proteolytic Mapping of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus 1b Polyprotein_ Evidence for the Presence of Fou.pdf 2.04Мб
1998 Roles in Cell-to-Cell Fusion of Two Conserved Hydrophobic Regions in the Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein.pdf 526.88Кб
1999 [Advances in Veterinary Medicine] Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Volume 41 __ Evaluation of risks and benefits.pdf 733.26Кб
1999 Activity of a purified His-tagged 3C-like proteinase from the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 157.29Кб
1999 Adaptation of human enteric coronavirus to growth in cell lines.pdf 2.04Мб
1999 Antigenic variation among bovine enteric coronaviruses (BECV) and bovine respiratory coronaviruses (BRCV) detected.pdf 34.80Кб
1999 Canine Coronavirus Infections in Japan_ Virological and Epidemiological Aspects.pdf 33.28Кб
1999 Cellular Reservoirs for Coronavirus Infection of the Brain in __sub_2__sub_-Microglobulin Knockout Mice.pdf 486.61Кб
1999 Characterization of bovine coronavirus isolates_from eight different states in the USA.pdf 182.27Кб
1999 Coronaviruses and Arterivirusesby Luis Enjuanes_ Stuart G_ Siddell_ Willy Spaan.pdf 82.83Кб
1999 Coronaviruses in spinal fluid of patients with acute monosymptomatic optic neuritis.pdf 370.17Кб
1999 Coronavirus Pneumonia Following Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation for Breast Cancer.pdf 374.88Кб
1999 Demyelination determinants map to the spike glycoprotein gene of coronavirus MHV by targeted RNA recombination.pdf 110.05Кб
1999 Detection of bovine coronaviruses from adult cows with epizootic diarrhea and their antigenic and biological divers.pdf 95.49Кб
1999 Development of an antigen spot test for detection of coronavirus in bovine fecal samples_.pdf 58.81Кб
1999 Development of a nested PCR assay for the detection of canine coronavirus.pdf 119.69Кб
1999 ECG changes after rabbit coronavirus infection.pdf 3.14Мб
1999 Encyclopedia of Virology __ CORONAVIRUSES (CORONAVIRIDAE).pdf 713.96Кб
1999 Encyclopedia of Virology __ TOROVIRUSES (CORONAVIRIDAE).pdf 499.16Кб
1999 Evaluation of the Baculovirus-Expressed S Glycoprotein of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) as Antigen in.pdf 125.81Кб
1999 Exacerbation de l_asthme_ le role declenchant des coronavirus humains n_est pas confirme.pdf 138.64Кб
1999 Experimental inoculation of adult dairy cows with bovine coronavirus and detection of coronavirus in feces by RT-PC.pdf 137.45Кб
1999 Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Puppies following Canine Parvovirus 2b Infection.pdf 277.52Кб
1999 Feline Coronavirus Participation in Diarrhea of Cats_.pdf 17.41Кб
1999 Further Requirements for Cleavage by the Murine Coronavirus 3C-like Proteinase_ Identification of a Cleavage Site w.pdf 447.16Кб
1999 Genetic drift and genetic shift during feline coronavirus evolution.pdf 47.48Кб
1999 Isolation of a Coronavirus from Kidney Biopsies of Endemic Balkan Nephropathy Patients.pdf 224.87Кб
1999 Mapping of the coronavirus membrane protein domains involved in interaction with the spike protein_.pdf 1.79Мб
1999 Modulation of acute coronavirus-induced encephalomyelitis in _-irradiated rats by transfer of naive lymphocyte subs.pdf 980.67Кб
1999 Nationwide survey of antibodies to bovine coronavirus in bulk milk from Swedish dairy herdsNationwide survey of ant.pdf 642.24Кб
1999 One-tube fluorogenic reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for the quantitation of feline coronaviruses.pdf 156.01Кб
1999 Phylogenetic analysis of a highly conserved region of the polymerase gene from 11 coronaviruses and development of.pdf 369.03Кб
1999 Pigs with highly prevalent antibodies to human coronavirus and swine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus in t.pdf 167.89Кб
1999 Pigs with Highly Prevalent Antibodies to Human Coronavirus and Swine Haemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus in t.pdf 1.03Мб
1999 Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology __ Coronaviruses and Toroviruses.pdf 617.07Кб
1999 Quantitative sense-specific determination of murine coronavirus RNA by reverse transcription polymerase chain react.pdf 348.81Кб
1999 Release of Coronavirus E Protein in Membrane Vesicles from Virus-Infected Cells and E Protein-Expressing Cells.pdf 282.06Кб
1999 Role pathogene des coronavirus humains chez l_enfant_ analyse systematique de la litterature.pdf 123.75Кб
1999 Sensitivity Comparison for Detection of Respiratory Bovine Coronaviruses in Nasal Samples from Feedlot Cattle by EL.pdf 59.45Кб
1999 Sequence Analysis of the Matrix_Nucleocapsid Gene Region of Turkey Coronavirus.pdf 362.42Кб
1999 Sequence analysis of the turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene and 3_ untranslated region identifies the vir.pdf 222.59Кб
1999 The Major Product of Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Gene 3b Is an Integral Membrane Glycoprotein.pdf 292.99Кб
1999 The molecular dynamics of feline coronaviruses.pdf 109.79Кб
1999 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Interacts with the Cellular Heterogeneous Nuclear Rib.pdf 518.93Кб
1999 The S gene of canine coronavirus, strain UCD-1, is more closely related to the S gene of transmissible gastroenteri.pdf 300.03Кб
2000 Activation of glial cells by human coronavirus OC43 infection.pdf 540.45Кб
2000 Antibody responses to respiratory coronavirus infections of cattle during shipping fever pathogenesis.pdf 132.37Кб
2000 Antibody titers against bovine coronavirus and shedding of the virus via the respiratory tract in feedlot cattle.pdf 233.19Кб
2000 Assembly of Spikes into Coronavirus Particles Is Mediated by the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of the Spike Protein.pdf 2.92Мб
2000 Assembly of the Coronavirus Envelope_ Homotypic Interactions between the M Proteins.pdf 1.05Мб
2000 Association between infection of the respiratory tract attributable to bovine coronavirus and health and growth per.pdf 178.29Кб
2000 Biochemical Characterization of the Equine Arteritis Virus Helicase Suggests a Close Functional Relationship betwee.pdf 395.31Кб
2000 Capture ELISA systems for the detection of bovine coronavirus-specific IgA and IgM antibodies in milk and serum.pdf 244.96Кб
2000 Characterization of an Essential RNA Secondary Structure in the 3_ Untranslated Region of the Murine Coronavirus Ge.pdf 1007.71Кб
2000 Characterization of Murine Coronavirus Neutralization Epitopes with Phage-Displayed Peptides.pdf 307.41Кб
2000 Characterization of Protection Against Coronavirus Infection by Noninternal Image Antiidiotypic Antibody.pdf 3.36Мб
2000 Characterization of the Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain A59 Small Membrane Protein E.pdf 1.38Мб
2000 Characterization of the Coronavirus M Protein and Nucleocapsid Interaction in Infected Cells.pdf 1.38Мб
2000 Clustering of Feline Coronaviruses in Multicat Households.pdf 24.41Кб
2000 Comparison of Virus Isolation, Immunohistochemistry, and Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction Procedures.pdf 1.39Мб
2000 Coronavirus-associated epizootic catarrhal enteritis in ferrets.pdf 302.68Кб
2000 Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination Occurs in the Absence of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase.pdf 700.50Кб
2000 Coronavirus-Induced Membrane Fusion Requires the Cysteine-Rich Domain in the Spike Protein.pdf 398.36Кб
2000 Demyelination Determinants Map to the Spike Glycoprotein Gene of Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus.pdf 1.54Мб
2000 Detection and isolation of coronavirus from feces of three herds of feedlot cattle during outbreaks of winter dysen.pdf 385.61Кб
2000 Detection of Antibody to Turkey Coronavirus by Antibody-Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Utilizing Infecti.pdf 1.30Мб
2000 Development of a Reverse Transcription-Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Differential Diagnosis of Transmi.pdf 61.17Кб
2000 Diagnosis of canine coronavirus infection using nested-PCR.pdf 62.00Кб
2000 Downstream Ribosomal Entry for Translation of Coronavirus TGEV Gene 3b.pdf 514.04Кб
2000 Evidence of genetic diversity generated by recombination among avian coronavirus IBV.pdf 490.06Кб
2000 Further Characterization of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus 3C-like Proteinase and Determination of a N.pdf 483.96Кб
2000 High Mortality and Growth Depression Experimentally Produced in Young Turkeys by Dual Infection with Enteropathogen.pdf 1.69Мб
2000 Host Protein Interactions with the 3_ End of Bovine Coronavirus RNA and the Requirement of the Poly(A) Tail for Cor.pdf 5.18Мб
2000 Human Coronavirus 229E Infects Polarized Airway Epithelia from the Apical Surface.pdf 2.01Мб
2000 Identification of a Bovine Coronavirus Packaging Signal.pdf 494.62Кб
2000 Identification of a Noncanonical Signal for Transcription of a Novel Subgenomic mRNA of Mouse Hepatitis Virus_ Impl.pdf 358.89Кб
2000 Identification of a Novel Cleavage Activity of the First Papain-Like Proteinase Domain Encoded by Open Reading Fram.pdf 2.17Мб
2000 Identification of Nucleocapsid Binding Sites within Coronavirus-Defective Genomes.pdf 493.38Кб
2000 Immunogenicity of a recombinant coronavirus spike glycoprotein expressed in transgenic plants.pdf 179.17Кб
2000 Isolation of a Coronavirus from Urinary Tract Tumours of Endemic Balkan Nephropathy Patients.pdf 76.26Кб
2000 Isolation of respiratory bovine coronavirus, other cytocidal viruses, and Pasteurella spp from cattle involved in t.pdf 84.21Кб
2000 Lactogenic immunity following vaccination of cattle with bovine coronavirus.pdf 211.77Кб
2000 Limited Transmission of Turkey Coronavirus in Young Turkeys by Adult _I_Alphitobius diaperinus__I_ (Coleoptera_ Ten.pdf 111.30Кб
2000 Limited Transmission of Turkey Coronavirus in Young Turkeys by Adult Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera_ Tenebrioni.pdf 102.14Кб
2000 Long-term impact on a closed household of pet cats of natural infection with feline coronavirus, feline leukaemia v.pdf 1.55Мб
2000 Molecular characterization and pathogenesis of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) and porcine respira.pdf 375.61Кб
2000 Nascent Synthesis of Leader Sequence-Containing Subgenomic mRNAs in Coronavirus Genome-Length Replicative Intermedi.pdf 205.77Кб
2000 Neonatal Enterocolitis Associated with Coronavirus Infection in a Foal_ A Case Report.pdf 93.25Кб
2000 Neuroinvasion by Human Respiratory Coronaviruses.pdf 363.61Кб
2000 Optimization of bovine coronavirus hemagglutinin-estrase glycoprotein expression in E3 deleted bovine adenovirus-3.pdf 854.49Кб
2000 Oral immunogenicity of the plant derived spike protein from swine-transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 96.60Кб
2000 Preliminary studies on feline coronavirus distribution in naturally and experimentally infected cats.pdf 99.80Кб
2000 Prevalence and Genetic Pattern of Feline Coronaviruses in Urban Cat Populations.pdf 80.98Кб
2000 Replication of Enterotropic and Polytropic Murine Coronaviruses in Cultured Cell Lines of Mouse Origin_.pdf 101.03Кб
2000 Retargeting of Coronavirus by Substitution of the Spike Glycoprotein Ectodomain_ Crossing the Host Cell Species Bar.pdf 4.40Мб
2000 RNase L-Independent Specific 28S rRNA Cleavage in Murine Coronavirus-Infected Cells.pdf 1.56Мб
2000 Seroprevalence of porcine respiratory coronavirus in selected Korean pigs.pdf 56.65Кб
2000 Survival of human coronaviruses 229E and OC43 in suspension and after drying onsurfaces_ a possible source ofhospit.pdf 111.46Кб
2000 The human coronavirus 229E superfamily 1 helicase has RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities with 5_-to-3_ polarit.pdf 1.05Мб
2000 The Leader RNA of Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Contains an Enhancer-Like Element for Subgenomic mRNA Transcrip.pdf 984.62Кб
2000 The Viral Nucleocapsid Protein of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus (TGEV) Is Cleaved by Caspase-6 and -7 d.pdf 3.16Мб
2000 Turkey coronavirus is more closely related to avian infectious bronchitis virus than to mammalian coronaviruses_ A.pdf 138.13Кб
2000 Unique N-linked glycosylation of murine coronavirus MHV-2 membrane protein at the conserved O-linked glycosylation.pdf 297.10Кб
2000 Viral Agents Associated with Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome_ The Role of a Small Round Virus and a Turkey C.pdf 1.31Мб
2001 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Nidoviruses Volume 494 __ Cloning Of A Transmissible Gastroente.pdf 569.46Кб
2001 [Novartis Foundation Symposia] Gastroenteritis Viruses Volume 238 __ Enteric Infections with Coronaviruses and Toro.pdf 116.34Кб
2001 A nomenclature for avian coronavirus isolates and the question of species status.pdf 126.49Кб
2001 Antibody Testing Against Canine Coronavirus by Immunoperoxidase Plaque Staining.pdf 290.32Кб
2001 Antigenic and Genomic Relatedness of Turkey-Origin Coronaviruses, Bovine Coronaviruses, and Infectious Bronchitis V.pdf 1.07Мб
2001 A Review of Coronavirus Infection in the Central Nervous System of Cats and Mice.pdf 52.26Кб
2001 A Single Amino Acid Change within Antigenic Domain II of the Spike Protein of Bovine Coronavirus Confers Resistance.pdf 1.98Мб
2001 Axonal Damage Is T Cell Mediated and Occurs Concomitantly with Demyelination in Mice Infected with a Neurotropic Co.pdf 1.64Мб
2001 Baculovirus Expression of Turkey Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 1.39Мб
2001 Blood_retinal barrier breakdown in experimental coronavirus retinopathy_ association with viral antigen, inflammati.pdf 648.68Кб
2001 Bovine coronaviruses associated with enteric and respiratory diseases in Canadian dairy cattle display different re.pdf 138.22Кб
2001 Canine coronavirus in Australian dogs.pdf 36.60Кб
2001 cis-Acting Sequences Required for Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Defective-RNA Replication and Packaging.pdf 338.62Кб
2001 Comparison of the sialic acid binding activity of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus and E_ coli K99.pdf 76.12Кб
2001 Complete Genome Sequence of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus PUR46-MAD Clone and Evolution of the Purdue V.pdf 1.58Мб
2001 Completion of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Coronavirus (PEDV) Genome Sequence.pdf 508.51Кб
2001 Cooperation of an RNA Packaging Signal and a Viral Envelope Protein in Coronavirus RNA Packaging.pdf 1012.53Кб
2001 Coronavirus derived expression systems.pdf 436.08Кб
2001 Coronaviruses in brain tissue from patients with multiple sclerosis.pdf 40.68Кб
2001 Coronavirus Spike Proteins in Viral Entry and Pathogenesis.pdf 188.42Кб
2001 Cross-protection studies between respiratory and calf diarrhea and winter dysentery coronavirus strains in calves a.pdf 648.05Кб
2001 Deletions in the 7a ORF of feline coronavirus associated with an epidemic of feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 154.93Кб
2001 Detection of a coronavirus from turkey poults in Europe genetically related to infectious bronchitis virus of chick.pdf 4.44Мб
2001 Detection of Feline Coronavirus Infection in Captive Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) by Polymerase Chain Reaction.pdf 902.49Кб
2001 Direct diagnosis of human respiratory coronaviruses 229E and OC43 by the polymerase chain reaction.pdf 112.59Кб
2001 Downstream Sequences Influence the Choice between a Naturally Occurring Noncanonical and Closely Positioned Upstrea.pdf 2.77Мб
2001 Enhanced Accumulation of Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNA from Expressed Negative-Strand Transcripts by Coexpr.pdf 325.33Кб
2001 Evaluation of concurrent shedding of bovine coronavirus via the respiratory tract and enteric route in feedlot catt.pdf 90.86Кб
2001 Evaluation of the role of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 as a host factor in murine coronavirus discont.pdf 200.34Кб
2001 Experimental Bovine Coronavirus in Turkey Poults and Young Chickens.pdf 1.42Мб
2001 Feline and canine coronaviruses are released from the basolateral side of polarized epithelial LLC-PK1 cells expres.pdf 277.16Кб
2001 Further Identification and Characterization of Novel Intermediate and Mature Cleavage Products Released from the OR.pdf 503.76Кб
2001 Genomic and antigenic variations of the HE glycoprotein of bovine coronaviruses associated with neonatal calf diarr.pdf 199.13Кб
2001 High-Magnitude, Virus-Specific CD4 T-Cell Response in the Central Nervous System of Coronavirus-Infected Mice.pdf 119.91Кб
2001 Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Turkey Poults Infected with Turkey Coronavirus.pdf 126.39Кб
2001 Identification of Canine Coronavirus Strains from Feces by S Gene Nested PCR and Molecular Characterization of a Ne.pdf 230.54Кб
2001 Induction of Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis in Cultured Cells by the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 1.29Мб
2001 Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals __ Coronaviral Infections.pdf 433.32Кб
2001 Infectivity-Neutralizing and Hemagglutinin-Inhibiting Antibody Responses to Respiratory Coronavirus Infections of C.pdf 108.53Кб
2001 Lack of CCR2 Results in Increased Mortality and Impaired Leukocyte Activation and Trafficking Following Infection o.pdf 719.30Кб
2001 Localization to the Nucleolus Is a Common Feature of Coronavirus Nucleoproteins, and the Protein May Disrupt Host C.pdf 2.49Мб
2001 Membrane Topology of Coronavirus E Protein.pdf 207.96Кб
2001 Molecular Determinants of Species Specificity in the Coronavirus Receptor Aminopeptidase N (CD13)_ Influence of N-L.pdf 934.44Кб
2001 Mortality Patterns Associated with Poult Enteritis Mortality Syndrome (PEMS) and Coronaviral Enteritis in Turkey Fl.pdf 848.62Кб
2001 Multiple regions of the murine coronavirus spike glycoprotein influence neurovirulence.pdf 1.64Мб
2001 Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein Determines the Ability of the Virus To Replicate in the Liver and Cause Hepatitis.pdf 2.18Мб
2001 O-Glycosylation of the mouse hepatitis coronavirus membrane protein.pdf 108.05Кб
2001 Orchitis in a Cat Associated with Coronavirus Infection.pdf 140.47Кб
2001 Organization of Two Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Membrane Protein Topologies within the Virion and Cor.pdf 1.82Мб
2001 Reduced Macrophage Infiltration and Demyelination in Mice Lacking the Chemokine Receptor CCR5 Following Infection w.pdf 1.05Мб
2001 Reverse Genetics System for the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 1.91Мб
2001 Sequence analysis of the S gene of recombinant MHV-2_A59 coronaviruses reveals three candidate mutations associated.pdf 666.55Кб
2001 Serological, colostral and milk responses of cows vaccinated with a single dose of a combined vaccine against rotav.pdf 1.04Мб
2001 Severe Enteric Disease in an Animal Shelter Associated with Dual Infections by Canine Adenovirus Type 1 and Canine.pdf 162.22Кб
2001 Sialic Acid Binding Activity of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Affects Sedimentation Behavior of Virions.pdf 1.72Мб
2001 Susceptibility of Rats of Different Ages to Inoculation with Swine Haemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus (a Cor.pdf 371.53Кб
2001 The Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Nucleoprotein Localizes to the Nucleolus.pdf 1.37Мб
2001 The effects of coronavirus on human nasal ciliated respiratory epithelium.pdf 108.66Кб
2001 The Membrane M Protein Carboxy Terminus Binds to Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Core and Contributes to.pdf 7.51Мб
2001 Use of a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for monitoring the shedding of feline coronavirus by healt.pdf 1.10Мб
2001 Variation of the sequence in the gene encoding for transmembrane protein M of canine coronavirus (CCV).pdf 99.05Кб
2001 Variations in Disparate Regions of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein Impact the Initiation of Membrane Fusion.pdf 4.13Мб
2001 Viral Replicase Gene Products Suffice for Coronavirus Discontinuous Transcription.pdf 839.04Кб
2002 Acute hepatic failure in IFN-_-deficient BALB_c mice after murine coronavirus infection.pdf 394.64Кб
2002 Antibody Responses of Cattle with Respiratory Coronavirus Infections during Pathogenesis of Shipping Fever Pneumoni.pdf 70.72Кб
2002 Antigenic Relationship of Turkey Coronavirus Isolates from Different Geographic Locations in the United States.pdf 67.62Кб
2002 A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology __ Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses.pdf 167.07Кб
2002 Binding of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus to Cell Surface Sialoglycoproteins.pdf 412.78Кб
2002 Characterization of turkey coronavirus from turkey poults with acute enteritis.pdf 154.81Кб
2002 Communication between S1N330 and a Region in S2 of Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein Is Important for Virus Entry in.pdf 580.67Кб
2002 Coronaviruses from pheasants ( Phasianus colchicus ) are genetically closely related to coronaviruses of domestic f.pdf 1.38Мб
2002 Coronaviruses Maintain Viability despite Dramatic Rearrangements of the Strictly Conserved Genome Organization.pdf 1.76Мб
2002 Coronavirus-related nosocomial viral respiratory infections in a neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit_ a pro.pdf 134.32Кб
2002 Crystal structure of murine sCEACAM1a[1,4]_ a coronavirus receptor in the CEA family.pdf 474.15Кб
2002 Cutting Edge_ CD8 T Cell-Mediated Demyelination Is IFN-_ Dependent in Mice Infected with a Neurotropic Coronavirus.pdf 717.69Кб
2002 Detection of Feline Coronavirus in Captive Felidae in the USA.pdf 25.32Кб
2002 Detection of Respiratory and Enteric Shedding of Bovine Coronaviruses in Cattle in an Ohio Feedlot.pdf 67.36Кб
2002 Development of a Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Turkey Coronavirus Antibodies.pdf 288.89Кб
2002 Enhanced green fluorescent protein expression may be used to monitor murine coronavirus spreadin vitroand in the mo.pdf 2.07Мб
2002 Enteric Coronavirus Infection in a Juvenile Dromedary (Camelus Dromedarius).pdf 488.65Кб
2002 Failure to Spread Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus Infection from Primarily Infected Calves Despite Concurrent Infectio.pdf 137.87Кб
2002 Field Validation of a Commercial Blocking ELISA to Differentiate Antibody to Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (T.pdf 101.21Кб
2002 Generation of a Replication-Competent, Propagation-Deficient Virus Vector Based on the Transmissible Gastroenteriti.pdf 2.32Мб
2002 Human picornavirus and coronavirus RNA in nasopharynx of children without concurrent respiratory symptoms.pdf 79.16Кб
2002 Infections nosocomiales _ coronavirus humains chez le nouveau-n_.pdf 322.67Кб
2002 Interaction of the Coronavirus Nucleoprotein with Nucleolar Antigens and the Host Cell.pdf 12.97Мб
2002 In Vitro Detection of Apoptosis in Monocytes_Macrophages Infected with Human Coronavirus.pdf 217.46Кб
2002 Membrane Association and Dimerization of a Cysteine-Rich, 16-Kilodalton Polypeptide Released from the C-Terminal Re.pdf 1.89Мб
2002 Molecular analysis of the S1 subunit of the spike glycoprotein of respiratory and enteric bovine coronavirus isolat.pdf 112.04Кб
2002 Molecular Characterization Confirms the Presence of a Divergent Strain of Canine Coronavirus (UWSMN-1) in Australia.pdf 203.12Кб
2002 Murine Coronavirus-Induced Apoptosis in 17Cl-1 Cells Involves a Mitochondria-Mediated Pathway and Its Downstream Ca.pdf 384.32Кб
2002 Murine Coronavirus Replication-Induced p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activation Promotes Interleukin-6 Produ.pdf 1.01Мб
2002 Murine Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Mediates Degree of Viral Spread, Inflammation, and Virus-Induced Immunopathol.pdf 308.31Кб
2002 Neutralizing Antibody Decay and Lack of Contact Transmission after Inoculation of 3- and 4-Day-Old Piglets with Por.pdf 104.52Кб
2002 PCR assay for the detection and the identification of atypical canine coronavirus in dogs.pdf 851.56Кб
2002 Prevalence of canine coronavirus antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in dogs in the south of Italy.pdf 76.74Кб
2002 Prevalence of feline leukaemia virus and antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus and feline coronavirus in stra.pdf 1.11Мб
2002 Purification of turkey coronavirus by Sephacryl size-exclusion chromatography.pdf 175.17Кб
2002 Quaternary Structure of Coronavirus Spikes in Complex with Carcinoembryonic Antigen-related Cell Adhesion Molecule.pdf 780.14Кб
2002 Receptor-Induced Conformational Changes of Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein.pdf 502.19Кб
2002 Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infection_Associated Hospitalizations among Older Adults.pdf 60.17Кб
2002 Soluble Receptor Potentiates Receptor-Independent Infection by Murine Coronavirus.pdf 2.02Мб
2002 Specific mucosal IgA immunity in turkey poults infected with turkey coronavirus.pdf 145.21Кб
2002 Stabilization of a Full-Length Infectious cDNA Clone of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus by Insertion of a.pdf 697.00Кб
2002 Structure of coronavirus main proteinase reveals combination of a chymotrypsin fold with an extra alpha-helical dom.pdf 921.82Кб
2002 The effect of immunosuppression on protective immunity of turkey poults against infection with turkey coronavirus.pdf 101.23Кб
2002 The Group-Specific Murine Coronavirus Genes Are Not Essential, but Their Deletion, by Reverse Genetics, Is Attenuat.pdf 335.70Кб
2002 The Spike but Not the Hemagglutinin_Esterase Protein of Bovine Coronavirus Is Necessary and Sufficient for Viral In.pdf 473.25Кб
2002 The Use of Bovine Serum Protein as an Oral Support Therapy Following Coronavirus Challenge in Calves.pdf 110.92Кб
2002 Transcription Regulatory Sequences and mRNA Expression Levels in the Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis Viru.pdf 1.63Мб
2002 Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine (Zimmerman_Trends) __ Porcine Coronaviruses.pdf 143.58Кб
2003 [New Comprehensive Biochemistry] Gene Transfer and Expression in Mammalian Cells Volume 38 __ Virus-based vectors f.pdf 705.27Кб
2003 455_ Targeting of a Non-Human Coronavirus to Human Tumor Cells by Using a Bispecific Single-Chain Antibody.pdf 64.71Кб
2003 463_ Coronaviruses Are Able to Efficiently Eradicate Human Tumor Cells if Provided with the Appropriate Virus Recep.pdf 69.65Кб
2003 A 193-Amino Acid Fragment of the SARS Coronavirus S Protein Efficiently Binds Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2.pdf 910.72Кб
2003 A comparative sequence analysis to revise the current taxonomy of the familyCoronaviridae.pdf 1.22Мб
2003 Activation of AP-1 signal transduction pathway by SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 339.98Кб
2003 Amino acid substitutions within the heptad repeat domain 1 of murine coronavirus spike protein restrict viral antig.pdf 349.94Кб
2003 A new infectious disease challenge_ Urbani severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated coronavirus.pdf 86.43Кб
2003 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus.pdf 369.71Кб
2003 An Outbreak of Coronavirus OC43 Respiratory Infection in Normandy, France.pdf 82.23Кб
2003 A Novel Coronavirus and SARS.pdf 51.04Кб
2003 A Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 304.22Кб
2003 Antibody-Mediated Protection against Cytotoxic T-Cell Escape in Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination.pdf 177.35Кб
2003 A real-time PCR for SARS-coronavirus incorporating target gene pre-amplification.pdf 268.12Кб
2003 A Reverse Transcriptase--Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Diagnosis of Turkey Coronavirus Infection.pdf 171.49Кб
2003 Articles selected by Facultyof1000_ identifying antigens involved in autoimmune response_ statistics in genomics_ m.pdf 104.19Кб
2003 Assessment of Immunoreactive Synthetic Peptides from the Structural Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 213.22Кб
2003 Association of HLA class I with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 496.53Кб
2003 Asymptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_associated Coronavirus Infection.pdf 127.17Кб
2003 Binding mechanism of coronavirus main proteinase with ligands and its implication to drug design against SARS.pdf 320.62Кб
2003 Binding of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus to Brush Border Membrane Sialoglycoproteins.pdf 342.18Кб
2003 Bystander CD4 T cells do not mediate demyelination in mice infected with a neurotropic coronavirus.pdf 247.21Кб
2003 Characterization of a Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 547.71Кб
2003 Characterization of N protein self-association in coronavirus ribonucleoprotein complexes.pdf 267.47Кб
2003 Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus-associated SARS pneumonia_ a prospective.pdf 780.31Кб
2003 Common RNA replication signals exist among group 2 coronaviruses_ evidence for in vivo recombination between animal.pdf 860.67Кб
2003 Comparative analysis of the SARS coronavirus genome_ a good start to a long journey.pdf 54.22Кб
2003 Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated wi.pdf 145.52Кб
2003 Conformational Changes in the Spike Glycoprotein of Murine Coronavirus Are Induced at 37_C either by Soluble Murine.pdf 1.72Мб
2003 Coronavirus 229E-Related Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients.pdf 96.28Кб
2003 Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 1.12Мб
2003 Coronavirus confirmed as cause of SARS.pdf 44.38Кб
2003 Coronaviruses as Vectors_ Position Dependence of Foreign Gene Expression.pdf 1.11Мб
2003 Coronavirus Genomic-Sequence Variations and the Epidemiology of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 77.19Кб
2003 Coronavirus in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).pdf 78.05Кб
2003 Coronavirus is the cause of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Hong Kong and worldwide.pdf 321.72Кб
2003 Coronavirus Main Proteinase (3CLpro) Structure_ Basis for Design of Anti-SARS Drugs.pdf 810.19Кб
2003 Coronavirus-Positive Nasopharyngeal Aspirate as a Predictor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Mortality.pdf 223.91Кб
2003 Design and application of 60mer oligonucleotide microarray in SARS coronavirus detection.pdf 839.04Кб
2003 Detection of a group 2 coronavirus in dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease.pdf 152.32Кб
2003 Detection of SARS Coronavirus in Plasma by Real-Time RT-PCR.pdf 72.23Кб
2003 Detection of SARS Coronavirus RNA in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of a Patient with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 65.47Кб
2003 Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) by Detection of SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Antibodies in a.pdf 42.77Кб
2003 Down-regulation of transcription of the proapoptotic gene BNip3 in cultured astrocytes by murine coronavirus infect.pdf 387.72Кб
2003 Early diagnosis of SARS Coronavirus infection by real time RT-PCR.pdf 237.90Кб
2003 Early events of SARS coronavirus infection in vero cells.pdf 745.27Кб
2003 Effects of a SARS-associated coronavirus vaccine in monkeys.pdf 99.91Кб
2003 Emergence of a coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus mutant with a truncated 3b gene_ functional characterization.pdf 483.76Кб
2003 Enhanced Virulence Mediated by the Murine Coronavirus, Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain JHM, Is Associated with a Glyci.pdf 1.03Мб
2003 Enhancement of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Pathogenicity in Young Turkeys by Concurrent Turkey Coronavirus In.pdf 1.69Мб
2003 Enteric involvement of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection.pdf 435.97Кб
2003 Erratum to _Binding mechanism of coronavirus main proteinase with ligands and its implication to drug design agains.pdf 79.78Кб
2003 Estimated Timing of the Last Common Ancestor of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 84.64Кб
2003 Evaluation of Reverse Transcription-PCR Assays for Rapid Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Associated.pdf 51.10Кб
2003 First microarray based on SARS coronavirus genome.pdf 132.99Кб
2003 Four vaccine manufacturers have been asked by the US HHS to test their vaccines against coronavirus,.pdf 151.22Кб
2003 Functional analysis of the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) on virus-specific CD8+ T cells following coronavirus infe.pdf 501.87Кб
2003 Genetic diversity of a canine coronavirus detected in pups with diarrhoea in Italy.pdf 507.77Кб
2003 Genomic characterisation of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus of Amoy Gardens outbreak in Hong Kong.pdf 62.23Кб
2003 Glycyrrhizin_ antiviral activity against SARS coronavirus.pdf 138.11Кб
2003 Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus.pdf 363.49Кб
2003 Hong Kong and US scientists believe illness is a coronavirus.pdf 74.49Кб
2003 Human Coronavirus 229E_ Receptor Binding Domain and Neutralization by Soluble Receptor at 37_C.pdf 164.83Кб
2003 Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E7 Peptide-Directed CD8+ T Cells from Patients with Cervical Cancer Are Cross-Reactive.pdf 1.44Мб
2003 Identification of an epitope of SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 216.45Кб
2003 Identification of a Novel Coronavirus in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 129.21Кб
2003 Identification of a Receptor-Binding Domain of the Spike Glycoprotein of Human Coronavirus HCoV-229E.pdf 1.28Мб
2003 Identification of coronaviruses in dogs that segregate separately from the canine coronavirus genotype.pdf 701.65Кб
2003 Identification of the Murine Coronavirus MP1 Cleavage Site Recognized by Papain-Like Proteinase 2.pdf 714.45Кб
2003 Identifying inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus proteinase.pdf 220.48Кб
2003 IFN-_-1b_ potent antiviral activity against SARS coronavirus.pdf 139.38Кб
2003 Increased litter survival rates, reduced clinical illness and better lactogenic immunity against TGEV in gilts that.pdf 113.03Кб
2003 Induction of Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis in Cultured Rat Oligodendrocytes by Murine Coronavirus Is Mediated during.pdf 1.26Мб
2003 INFECTIOUS DISEASES_ Calling All Coronavirologists.pdf 105.69Кб
2003 Inhibition of SARS-Associated Coronavirus Infection and Replication by RNA Interference.pdf 108.65Кб
2003 In Vitro and In Ovo Expression of Chicken Gamma Interferon by a Defective RNA of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronc.pdf 1.09Мб
2003 Isolation and Characterization of Viruses Related to the SARS Coronavirus from Animals in Southern China.pdf 624.66Кб
2003 Maintaining dental education and specialist dental care during an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection_ Part 1_.pdf 159.21Кб
2003 Maintaining dental education and specialist dental care during an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection_ Part 2_C.pdf 167.01Кб
2003 Mechanical Transmission of Turkey Coronavirus by Domestic Houseflies (Musca domestica Linnaeaus).pdf 828.92Кб
2003 Mechanisms and enzymes involved in SARS coronavirus genome expression.pdf 663.47Кб
2003 Molecular Advances in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV).pdf 292.70Кб
2003 Molecular cloning, expression, purification, and mass spectrometric characterization of 3C-like protease of SARS co.pdf 329.08Кб
2003 Molecular modelling of S1 and S2 subunits of SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein.pdf 591.55Кб
2003 Molecular model of SARS coronavirus polymerase_ implications for biochemical functions and drug design.pdf 832.46Кб
2003 Molecular phylogeny of coronaviruses including human SARS-CoV.pdf 408.40Кб
2003 Multigene RNA Vector Based on Coronavirus Transcription.pdf 804.35Кб
2003 Multiple sequence alignment of the M protein in SARS-associated and other known coronaviruses.pdf 354.48Кб
2003 Murine Coronavirus-Induced Hepatitis_ JHM Genetic Background Eliminates A59 Spike-Determined Hepatotropism.pdf 2.92Мб
2003 Neutralization of Enteric Coronaviruses with Escherichia coli Cells Expressing Single-Chain Fv-Autotransporter Fusi.pdf 340.50Кб
2003 Newly discovered coronavirus as the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 1.19Мб
2003 Novel coronavirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 447.82Кб
2003 Novel coronavirus associated with SARS outbreak.pdf 198.01Кб
2003 Pathogenicity of three isolates of porcine respiratory coronavirus in the USA.pdf 1.28Мб
2003 Pathogenicity of Turkey Coronavirus in Turkeys and Chickens.pdf 358.76Кб
2003 Persistence and transmission of natural type I feline coronavirus infection.pdf 187.41Кб
2003 Phylogeny of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 289.21Кб
2003 Prediction of amino acid pairs sensitive to mutations in the spike protein from SARS related coronavirus.pdf 126.71Кб
2003 Prediction of proteinase cleavage sites in polyproteins of coronaviruses and its applications in analyzing SARS-CoV.pdf 165.25Кб
2003 Profile of Specific Antibodies to the SARS-Associated Coronavirus.pdf 81.91Кб
2003 Proliferative growth of SARS coronavirus in Vero E6 cells.pdf 1.89Мб
2003 Quantitative Analysis and Prognostic Implication of SARS Coronavirus RNA in the Plasma and Serum of Patients with S.pdf 97.92Кб
2003 Quasispecies composition and phylogenetic analysis of feline coronaviruses (FCoVs) in naturally infected cats.pdf 250.88Кб
2003 Questions about comparative genomics of SARS coronavirus isolates.pdf 57.01Кб
2003 Rapid Diagnosis of a Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).pdf 1.60Мб
2003 Recombinant M protein-based ELISA test for detection of antibodies to canine coronavirus.pdf 181.46Кб
2003 Reverse genetics with a full-length infectious cDNA of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 658.04Кб
2003 SARS_ Lessons Learned from Other Coronaviruses.pdf 387.61Кб
2003 SARS_ un Coronavirus formellement impliqu_.pdf 269.80Кб
2003 SARS-Associated Coronavirus.pdf 146.77Кб
2003 SARS associated coronavirus has a recombinant polymerase and coronaviruses have a history of host-shifting.pdf 422.25Кб
2003 SARS coronavirus.pdf 4.04Мб
2003 SARS-coronavirus replicates in mononuclear cells of peripheral blood (PBMCs) from SARS patients.pdf 280.45Кб
2003 SARS virus_ The beginning of the unraveling of a new coronavirus.pdf 1.63Мб
2003 SARS Virus_ The Beginning of the Unraveling of a New Coronavirus.pdf 182.85Кб
2003 Serial Analysis of the Plasma Concentration of SARS Coronavirus RNA in Pediatric Patients with Severe Acute Respira.pdf 116.15Кб
2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome _ a New Coronavirus from the Chinese Dragon_s Lair.pdf 767.44Кб
2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_associated Coronavirus Infection.pdf 157.65Кб
2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Coronavirus Testing_United States, 2003.pdf 79.61Кб
2003 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and viral mimicry.pdf 48.45Кб
2003 Severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine development_ experiences of vaccination against avian infectious bronchit.pdf 263.74Кб
2003 Stellungnahme der ZKBS zur Risikobewertung des SARS-assoziierten Coronavirus.pdf 79.66Кб
2003 Stem-Loop III in the 5_ Untranslated Region Is a cis-Acting Element in Bovine Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNA.pdf 1.19Мб
2003 Structural genomics of the SARS coronavirus_ cloning, expression, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic.pdf 252.24Кб
2003 Switching Species Tropism_ an Effective Way To Manipulate the Feline Coronavirus Genome.pdf 627.05Кб
2003 The 3C-Like Proteinase of an Invertebrate Nidovirus Links Coronavirus and Potyvirus Homologs.pdf 3.92Мб
2003 The Complete Genome Sequence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Strain HKU-39849 (HK-39).pdf 527.91Кб
2003 The Coronavirus Spike Protein Is a Class I Virus Fusion Protein_ Structural and Functional Characterization of the.pdf 946.31Кб
2003 The Critical Role of IFN-_ in Experimental Coronavirus Retinopathy.pdf 318.39Кб
2003 The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus.pdf 424.75Кб
2003 The glycosylation status of the murine hepatitis coronavirus M protein affects the interferogenic capacity of the v.pdf 433.29Кб
2003 The N-Terminal Domain of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Determines the CEACAM1 Receptor Specificity of t.pdf 705.20Кб
2003 The SARS Coronavirus_ Rapid Diagnostics in the Limelight.pdf 47.86Кб
2003 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus NTPase_Helicase Belongs to a Distinct Class of 5_ to 3_ Vi.pdf 646.93Кб
2003 The Small Envelope Protein E Is Not Essential for Murine Coronavirus Replication.pdf 1.46Мб
2003 Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus gene 7 is not essential but influences in vivo virus replication and viru.pdf 454.07Кб
2003 Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Packaging Signal Is Located at the 5_ End of the Virus Genome.pdf 1.86Мб
2003 Unique and Conserved Features of Genome and Proteome of SARS-coronavirus, an Early Split-off From the Coronavirus G.pdf 2.08Мб
2003 Vacuolating encephalitis in mice infected by human coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.37Мб
2003 VIROLOGY_ The SARS Coronavirus_ A Postgenomic Era.pdf 294.86Кб
2003 Vitamin C and SARS coronavirus.pdf 57.02Кб
2003 ZCURVE_CoV_ a new system to recognize protein coding genes in coronavirus genomes, and its applications in analyzin.pdf 282.45Кб
2004 _i_Coronaviridae__i__ and SARS-associated Coronavirus Strain HSR1.pdf 198.45Кб
2004 [IEEE Proceedings_ Fourth IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering - Taichung, Taiwan (19-21 May 2004)].pdf 387.14Кб
2004 2-Substituted benzoxazinone analogues as anti-human coronavirus (anti-HCoV) and ICAM-1 expression inhibition agents.pdf 262.54Кб
2004 3C-like Proteinase from SARS Coronavirus Catalyzes Substrate Hydrolysis by a General Base Mechanism_ _.pdf 65.30Кб
2004 554_ A Candidate SARS-Associated Coronavirus Vaccine Elicits Broad Immunity in Monkeys.pdf 63.97Кб
2004 558_ Anti-SARS Humoral and Cellular Immunity Evoked by an Adenovirus Vector Expressing Spike Glycoprotein from SARS.pdf 69.17Кб
2004 A Candidate SARS-Associated Coronavirus Vaccine Elicits Broad Immunity in Monkeys.pdf 57.38Кб
2004 A combination of mutations in the S1 part of the spike glycoprotein gene of coronavirus MHV-A59 abolishes demyelina.pdf 3.80Мб
2004 A DNA vaccine induces SARS coronavirus neutralization and protective immunity in mice.pdf 218.68Кб
2004 A Highly Unusual Palindromic Transmembrane Helical Hairpin Formed by SARS Coronavirus E Protein.pdf 592.96Кб
2004 A humanin vitromodel system for investigating genome-wide host responses to SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 812.54Кб
2004 Amino Acids 270 to 510 of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Are Required for Interact.pdf 746.99Кб
2004 Amino acid substitutions and an insertion in the spike glycoprotein extend the host range of the murine coronavirus.pdf 1.70Мб
2004 Analysis of multimerization of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 996.88Кб
2004 Analysis of synonymous codon usage in SARS Coronavirus and other viruses in the Nidovirales.pdf 130.24Кб
2004 An efficient method to make human monoclonal antibodies from memory B cells_ potent neutralization of SARS coronavi.pdf 528.82Кб
2004 An Exposed Domain in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Induces Neutralizing Antibodie.pdf 1.15Мб
2004 Animal origins of SARS coronavirus_ possible links with the international trade in small carnivores.pdf 215.18Кб
2004 Animal-to-Human SARS-associated Coronavirus Transmission_.pdf 348.78Кб
2004 A novel auto-cleavage assay for studying mutational effects on the active site of severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 364.68Кб
2004 A Novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein, U274, Is Transported to the Cell Surface and Undergo.pdf 2.46Мб
2004 A Novel Sorting Signal for Intracellular Localization Is Present in the S Protein of a Porcine Coronavirus but Abse.pdf 684.00Кб
2004 Antibodies to SARS Coronavirus in Civets.pdf 305.86Кб
2004 Antibody response and viraemia during the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus.pdf 77.04Кб
2004 Antibody responses against SARS-coronavirus and its nucleocaspid in SARS patients.pdf 60.51Кб
2004 Antigenic Cross-Reactivity between the Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus.pdf 279.80Кб
2004 Antigenicity Analysis of Different Regions of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protei.pdf 315.64Кб
2004 Antigenicity and receptor-binding ability of recombinant SARS coronavirus spike protein.pdf 1.14Мб
2004 Antisense Morpholino-Oligomers Directed against the 5_ End of the Genome Inhibit Coronavirus Proliferation and Grow.pdf 1.10Мб
2004 A one step quantitative RT-PCR for detection of SARS coronavirus with an internal control for PCR inhibitors.pdf 189.99Кб
2004 Application of real-time PCR for testing antiviral compounds against Lassa virus, SARS coronavirus and Ebola virus.pdf 169.67Кб
2004 A previously undescribed coronavirus associated with respiratory disease in humans.pdf 377.75Кб
2004 A rate equation approach to model the denaturation or replication behavior of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 562.93Кб
2004 A single amino acid mutation in the spike protein of coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus hampers its maturation.pdf 1.51Мб
2004 Assembly of human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like particles.pdf 389.47Кб
2004 Assessment of synthetic peptides of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus recognized by long-lasting immuni.pdf 136.01Кб
2004 A subcutaneously injected UV-inactivated SARS coronavirus vaccine elicits systemic humoral immunity in mice.pdf 208.91Кб
2004 Attenuation of SARS coronavirus by a short hairpin RNA expression plasmid targeting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.pdf 484.75Кб
2004 A universal microarray for detection of SARS coronavirus.pdf 192.96Кб
2004 Bioinformatics analysis of SARS coronavirus genome polymorphism.pdf 501.26Кб
2004 Biosafety Risk Assessment of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and Containment Measures for.pdf 208.04Кб
2004 Biosynthesis, Purification, and Substrate Specificity of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3C-like Prot.pdf 709.83Кб
2004 Bystander CD8 T-Cell-Mediated Demyelination is Interferon-_-Dependent in a Coronavirus Model of Multiple Sclerosis.pdf 485.82Кб
2004 Canine Coronavirus Infection in Turkish Dog Population.pdf 76.45Кб
2004 Catalytic inactivation of SARS coronavirus, Escherichia coli and yeast on solid surface.pdf 376.17Кб
2004 CD209L (L-SIGN) is a receptor for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 476.85Кб
2004 Ceacam1a-_- Mice Are Completely Resistant to Infection by Murine Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus A59.pdf 1.39Мб
2004 Cellular entry of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 271.97Кб
2004 Changes in some acute phase protein and immunoglobulin concentrations in cats affected by feline infectious periton.pdf 233.93Кб
2004 Characterization of a novel coronavirus responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 64.21Кб
2004 Characterization of a Unique Group-Specific Protein (U122) of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 2.46Мб
2004 Characterization of protein_protein interactions between the nucleocapsid protein and membrane protein of the SARS.pdf 247.30Кб
2004 Characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike glycoprotein-mediated.pdf 447.71Кб
2004 Characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus genomes in Taiwan_ Molecular epidemiology and gen.pdf 639.33Кб
2004 Characterization of the 3a Protein of SARS-associated Coronavirus in Infected Vero E6 Cells and SARS Patients.pdf 356.33Кб
2004 Characterization of the Heptad Repeat Regions, HR1 and HR2, and Design of a Fusion Core Structure Model of the Spik.pdf 439.05Кб
2004 Characterization of the RNA Components of a Putative Molecular Switch in the 3_ Untranslated Region of the Murine C.pdf 726.38Кб
2004 Characterization of trans- and cis-cleavage activity of the SARS coronavirus 3CLpro protease_ basis for the in vitr.pdf 335.76Кб
2004 Childhood severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus infections and asthma.pdf 99.15Кб
2004 Chronological evolution of IgM, IgA, IgG and neutralisation antibodies after infection with SARS-associated coronav.pdf 153.03Кб
2004 Cleavage and Serum Reactivity of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein.pdf 414.28Кб
2004 Cleavage Inhibition of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein by a Furin-Like Enzyme Affects Cell-Cell but Not Virus-.pdf 1021.86Кб
2004 Cloning, Expression, and Purification of the Nucleocapsid Protein of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 63.79Кб
2004 Cloning, sequencing, expression, and purification of SARS-associated coronavirus nucleocapsid protein for serodiagn.pdf 83.29Кб
2004 Cloning and expression of two fragments of the S gene of canine coronavirus type I.pdf 86.63Кб
2004 Commentary_ McIntosh K, Chao RK, Krause HE, Wasil R, Mocega HE, Mufson MA_ Coronavirus Infection in Acute Lower Res.pdf 154.75Кб
2004 Common virus infections in cats, before and after being placed in shelters, with emphasis on feline enteric coronav.pdf 131.47Кб
2004 Comparison of Two Real-Time Quantitative Assays for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 139.80Кб
2004 Comparisons of envelope through 5B sequences of infectious bronchitis coronaviruses indicates recombination occurs.pdf 193.79Кб
2004 Complete sequences of 3_ end coding region for structural protein genes of turkey coronavirus.pdf 430.58Кб
2004 Comprehensive detection and identification of human coronaviruses, including the SARS-associated coronavirus, with.pdf 378.24Кб
2004 Construct design, biophysical, and biochemical characterization of the fusion core from mouse hepatitis virus (a co.pdf 492.16Кб
2004 Contributions of the structural proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus to protective immunity.pdf 462.79Кб
2004 Coronavirus 3CLproproteinase cleavage sites_ Possible relevance to SARS virus pathology.pdf 367.81Кб
2004 Coronaviruses.pdf 104.61Кб
2004 Coronavirus-induced demyelination occurs in the absence of CD28 costimulatory signals.pdf 120.69Кб
2004 Coronavirus Infection in Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Disease of Infants.pdf 3.22Мб
2004 Coronavirus infection in an AIDS patient.pdf 112.22Кб
2004 Coronavirus infection of spotted hyenas in the Serengeti ecosystem.pdf 100.64Кб
2004 Coronavirus Neurovirulence Correlates with the Ability of the Virus To Induce Proinflammatory Cytokine Signals from.pdf 1.93Мб
2004 Coronavirus outbreak in cheetahs_ Lessons for SARS.pdf 93.84Кб
2004 Coronavirus replication and pathogenesis_ Implications for the recent outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 138.78Кб
2004 Coronavirus Replication Complex Formation Utilizes Components of Cellular Autophagy.pdf 746.65Кб
2004 Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein, Extended at the Carboxy Terminus with Green Fluorescent Protein, Is Assembly Compet.pdf 1.75Мб
2004 Coronavirus vaccine protects against SARS.pdf 120.35Кб
2004 Coupling multiplex RT-PCR to a gene chip assay for sensitive and semiquantitative detection of severe acute respira.pdf 188.46Кб
2004 Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the fusion core of the spike protein of the murine cor.pdf 271.37Кб
2004 Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the heptad-repeat complex of SARS coronavirus spike pr.pdf 252.23Кб
2004 Crystal Structure of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Fusion Core.pdf 1.14Мб
2004 Current topics of SARS coronavirus.pdf 422.87Кб
2004 Das SARS-assoziierte Coronavirus _ Die erste Pandemie des 21_ Jahrhunderts _ The SARS-associated coronavirus _ The.pdf 271.49Кб
2004 Date of origin of the SARS coronavirus strains.pdf 884.74Кб
2004 DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR Interact with the Glycoprotein of Marburg Virus and the S Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory.pdf 296.40Кб
2004 Detecting specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes against SARS-coronavirus with DimerX HLA-A2_Ig fusion protein.pdf 153.52Кб
2004 Detection and Monitoring of SARS Coronavirus in the Plasma and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Patients with Severe.pdf 169.29Кб
2004 Detection of Coronavirus in the Central Nervous System of a Child With Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.pdf 300.42Кб
2004 Detection of Feline Coronavirus Antibody, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody, and Feline Leukemia Virus Antigen.pdf 33.81Кб
2004 Detection of human Coronavirus 229E in nasal specimens in large scale studies using an RT-PCR hybridization assay.pdf 99.87Кб
2004 Detection of SARS-associated Coronavirus in Throat Wash and Saliva in Early Diagnosis.pdf 146.18Кб
2004 Detection of SARS Coronavirus in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome by Conventional and Real-Time Quan.pdf 170.58Кб
2004 Detection of SARS Coronavirus in Patients with Suspected SARS.pdf 340.32Кб
2004 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein in SARS Patients by Enzyme-L.pdf 174.33Кб
2004 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus in Pneumocytes of the Lung.pdf 174.03Кб
2004 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Blood of Infected Patients.pdf 760.05Кб
2004 Detection of Specific Antibodies to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein for S.pdf 68.04Кб
2004 Determination of SARS-coronavirus by a microfluidic chip system.pdf 168.58Кб
2004 Development and characterisation of neutralising monoclonal antibody to the SARS-coronavirus.pdf 290.12Кб
2004 Development and evaluation of an efficient 3_-noncoding region based SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) RT-PCR assay for d.pdf 168.32Кб
2004 Development and Evaluation of a Novel Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method for Rapid Detection of Severe A.pdf 499.28Кб
2004 Development of a Multiplex Reverse Transcription_Polymerase Chain Reaction Diagnostic Test Specific for Turkey Astr.pdf 176.19Кб
2004 Development of a Multiplex Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Diagnostic Test Specific for Turkey Astr.pdf 1.74Мб
2004 Development of a Western Blot Assay for Detection of Antibodies against Coronavirus Causing Severe Acute Respirator.pdf 294.46Кб
2004 Die Bedeutung von Coronaviren.pdf 340.14Кб
2004 Differential roles of CCL2 and CCR2 in host defense to coronavirus infection.pdf 425.68Кб
2004 Direct Sequencing of SARS_Coronavirus S and N Genes from Clinical Specimens Shows Limited Variation.pdf 82.48Кб
2004 Discovery of anti-SARS coronavirus drug based on molecular docking and database screening.pdf 3.07Мб
2004 Discovery of Novel Human and Animal Cells Infected by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Replicat.pdf 1.33Мб
2004 Domestic Poultry and SARS Coronavirus, Southern China.pdf 46.33Кб
2004 Early detection of antibodies against various structural proteins of the SARS-associated coronavirus in SARS patien.pdf 1.27Мб
2004 Early Detection of Antibodies against Various Structural Proteins of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus in SARS Patien.pdf 206.04Кб
2004 Effect of intranasal vaccination against bovine enteric coronavirus on the occurrence of respiratory tract disease.pdf 152.41Кб
2004 Effects of an Epitope-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Response on Murine Coronavirus Central Nervous System Disease_ Protectio.pdf 601.69Кб
2004 Effects of early corticosteroid treatment on plasma SARS-associated Coronavirus RNA concentrations in adult patient.pdf 190.17Кб
2004 Efficient assembly and release of SARS coronavirus-like particles by a heterologous expression system.pdf 241.77Кб
2004 Efficient Replication of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Mouse Cells Is Limited by Murine Angioten.pdf 335.85Кб
2004 Emergency Medical Services Utilization during an Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the Incid.pdf 158.15Кб
2004 Emerging Infections_ What Have We Learnt from SARS_ __ Animal Origins of SARS Coronavirus_ Possible Links with the.pdf 1.32Мб
2004 Emerging Infections_ What Have We Learnt from SARS_ __ Influenza as a Model System for Studying the Cross-Species T.pdf 1.14Мб
2004 Emerging Infections_ What Have We Learnt from SARS_ __ Viral Evolution and the Emergence of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 1.16Мб
2004 Erratum to _Potent and selective inhibition of SARS coronavirus replication by aurintricarboxylic acid_ [Biochem_ B.pdf 429.18Кб
2004 Evaluation of Advanced Reverse Transcription-PCR Assays and an Alternative PCR Target Region for Detection of Sever.pdf 452.53Кб
2004 Evaluation of an in-practice test for feline coronavirus antibodies.pdf 194.78Кб
2004 Evaluation of antibody responses against SARS coronaviral nucleocapsid or spike proteins by immunoblotting or ELISA.pdf 233.00Кб
2004 Evaluation of a peptide-based enzyme immunoassay for anti-SARS coronavirus IgG antibody.pdf 70.33Кб
2004 Evaluation of Homology Modeling of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Main Protease for Struc.pdf 129.96Кб
2004 Evolutional insights on uncharacterized SARS coronavirus genes.pdf 664.85Кб
2004 Exploring the binding mechanism of the main proteinase in SARS-associated coronavirus and its implication to anti-S.pdf 467.93Кб
2004 Exploring the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)_ the tissue distribution of the coronavirus.pdf 120.40Кб
2004 Expression and purification of SARS coronavirus membrane protein.pdf 347.12Кб
2004 Expression and purification of turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in Escherichia coli.pdf 204.20Кб
2004 Expression cloning of functional receptor used by SARS coronavirus.pdf 394.05Кб
2004 Expression of SARS-coronavirus envelope protein in Escherichia coli cells alters membrane permeability.pdf 579.94Кб
2004 F26G15_ Murine Monoclonal Antibody to the SARS Coronavirus Nucleoprotein (SARS CoV).pdf 48.41Кб
2004 False-Positive Results in a Recombinant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Nucleoc.pdf 90.14Кб
2004 Fecal Immunoglobulin A Antibodies in Dogs Infected or Vaccinated with Canine Coronavirus.pdf 52.58Кб
2004 Feline coronavirus _ that enigmatic little critter.pdf 129.27Кб
2004 Following the rule_ formation of the 6-helix bundle of the fusion core from severe acute respiratory syndrome coron.pdf 259.44Кб
2004 Frequent Detection of Human Coronaviruses in Clinical Specimens from Patients with Respiratory Tract Infection by U.pdf 122.49Кб
2004 Generation and Characterization of DNA Vaccines Targeting the Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Synd.pdf 683.06Кб
2004 Generation of Synthetic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pseudoparticles_ Implications for Assembly an.pdf 861.12Кб
2004 Genetic Analysis of Determinants for Spike Glycoprotein Assembly into Murine Coronavirus Virions_ Distinct Roles fo.pdf 2.31Мб
2004 Genetic Screen for Monitoring Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3C-Like Protease.pdf 178.60Кб
2004 Genetic Variation of SARS Coronavirus in Beijing Hospital.pdf 329.93Кб
2004 Genome sequence variation analysis of two SARS coronavirus isolates after passage in Vero cell culture.pdf 752.31Кб
2004 Genome sequencing and characterization analysis of a Beijing isolate of chicken coronavirus infectious bronchitis v.pdf 160.24Кб
2004 Genome structure and transcriptional regulation of human coronavirus NL63.pdf 1.45Мб
2004 Genomic Sequencing of a SARS Coronavirus Isolate That Predated the Metropole Hotel Case Cluster in Hong Kong.pdf 81.86Кб
2004 Heat sensitivity of a SARS-associated coronavirus introduced into plasma products.pdf 67.82Кб
2004 High-Resolution Computed Tomography Is Useful for Early Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated C.pdf 594.23Кб
2004 High-Throughput Screening Identifies Inhibitors of the SARS Coronavirus Main Proteinase.pdf 258.11Кб
2004 High viral loads despite absence of clinical and pathological findings in cats experimentally infected with feline.pdf 180.16Кб
2004 HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir inhibits replication of SARS-associated coronavirus.pdf 427.08Кб
2004 Homology Models and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Main Proteinase from Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute.pdf 528.70Кб
2004 Human Coronavirus 229E Binds to CD13 in Rafts and Enters the Cell through Caveolae.pdf 2.07Мб
2004 Human Coronavirus 229E Nonstructural Protein 13_ Characterization of Duplex-Unwinding, Nucleoside Triphosphatase, a.pdf 614.06Кб
2004 Human monoclonal antibody as prophylaxis for SARS coronavirus infection in ferrets.pdf 329.48Кб
2004 Human Respiratory Coronavirus OC43_ Genetic Stability and Neuroinvasion.pdf 1.62Мб
2004 Human SARS-coronavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase_ Activity determinants and nucleoside analogue inhibitors.pdf 489.55Кб
2004 Human severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and feline coronaviroses.pdf 141.25Кб
2004 Identification and Characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replicase Proteins.pdf 1.38Мб
2004 Identification of an Antigenic Determinant on the S2 Domain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Sp.pdf 295.42Кб
2004 Identification of a new human coronavirus.pdf 641.87Кб
2004 Identification of a novel protein 3a from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 462.40Кб
2004 Identification of Immunodominant Sites on the Spike Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus.pdf 523.88Кб
2004 Identification of Novel Inhibitors of the SARS Coronavirus Main Protease 3CL_ _sup_pro__sup__sup____su.pdf 214.31Кб
2004 Identification of Novel Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus by Ch.pdf 357.45Кб
2004 Identification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replicase Products and Characterization of Papain-L.pdf 760.40Кб
2004 Identification of six new polymorphisms in the human coronavirus 229E receptor gene (aminopeptidase N_CD13).pdf 108.83Кб
2004 Identification of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Simultaneous Multigene DNA Sequencing.pdf 564.52Кб
2004 Immunological, structural, and preliminary X-ray diffraction characterizations of the fusion core of the SARS-coron.pdf 649.48Кб
2004 Immunological Characterization of the Spike Protein of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 384.56Кб
2004 Inactivation of the coronavirus that induces severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS-CoV.pdf 172.83Кб
2004 Induction of IL-8 Release in Lung Cells via Activator Protein-1 by Recombinant Baculovirus Displaying Severe Acute.pdf 996.10Кб
2004 Infection of cultured intestinal epithelial cells with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 354.05Кб
2004 Influenza as a model system for studying the cross-species transfer and evolution of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 114.47Кб
2004 Inhibition of SARS-coronavirus infection in vitro by S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, a nitric oxide donor compound.pdf 97.03Кб
2004 Inhibition of SARS Coronavirus Infection In Vitro with Clinically Approved Antiviral Drugs.pdf 131.59Кб
2004 Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus (SARSCoV) by Calpain Inhibitors and _-D-N4-H.pdf 72.32Кб
2004 Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication by Niclosamide.pdf 352.01Кб
2004 Interaction between heptad repeat 1 and 2 regions in spike protein of SARS-associated coronavirus_ implications for.pdf 742.25Кб
2004 Interferon-_ 1a and SARS Coronavirus Replication.pdf 1.64Мб
2004 Interferon-beta and interferon-gamma synergistically inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome-a.pdf 342.62Кб
2004 Intracellular Targeting Signals Contribute to Localization of Coronavirus Spike Proteins near the Virus Assembly Si.pdf 1.93Мб
2004 In vitro inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus by chloroquine.pdf 335.37Кб
2004 In vitro susceptibility of 10 clinical isolates of SARS coronavirus to selected antiviral compounds.pdf 101.33Кб
2004 Is serum in childhood naturally protective against SARS-coronavirus_.pdf 37.99Кб
2004 Kinetics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus-Specific Antibodies in 271 Laboratory-Confirmed Ca.pdf 45.85Кб
2004 Live, Attenuated Coronavirus Vaccines through the Directed Deletion of Group-Specific Genes Provide Protection agai.pdf 305.39Кб
2004 Longitudinal Profile of Immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and IgA Antibodies against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndro.pdf 69.35Кб
2004 Long-term SARS Coronavirus Excretion from Patient Cohort, China.pdf 185.94Кб
2004 Mapping of Antigenic Sites on the Nucleocapsid Protein of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 357.85Кб
2004 Mechanisms of Host Defense following Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Pulmonary Infection o.pdf 872.64Кб
2004 Mice Susceptible to SARS Coronavirus.pdf 250.02Кб
2004 Mild Illness Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection_ Lessons from a Prospective Se.pdf 89.27Кб
2004 Moderate mutation rate in the SARS coronavirus genome and its implications.pdf 310.21Кб
2004 Modified vaccinia virus Ankara as a vaccine against feline coronavirus_ immunogenicity and efficacy.pdf 146.82Кб
2004 Molecular biology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 163.03Кб
2004 Molecular characterization of a virulent canine coronavirus BGF strain.pdf 147.59Кб
2004 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Various Coronavirus Main Proteinases.pdf 1.99Мб
2004 Molecular epidemiology of the novel coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 220.74Кб
2004 Molecular evolution of SARS coronavirus tracked.pdf 51.58Кб
2004 Molecular Evolution of the SARS Coronavirus During the Course of the SARS Epidemic in China.pdf 404.83Кб
2004 Molecular targets for the rational design of drugs to inhibit SARS coronavirus.pdf 156.26Кб
2004 Monophyletic Relationship between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Group 2 Coronaviruses.pdf 83.46Кб
2004 Mosaic Evolution of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 469.17Кб
2004 Mucosal immunisation of African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) with an attenuated parainfluenza virus expre.pdf 356.72Кб
2004 Multiple Enzymatic Activities Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Helicase.pdf 2.03Мб
2004 Murine Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein p28 Arrests Cell Cycle in G0_G1 Phase.pdf 383.52Кб
2004 Murine Coronavirus Replication Induces Cell Cycle Arrest in G0_G1 Phase.pdf 1.41Мб
2004 Murine Monoclonal Antibody to the SARS Coronavirus (SARS CoV) Spike Protein.pdf 42.41Кб
2004 Mutational dynamics of the SARS coronavirus in cell culture and human populations isolated in 2003.pdf 631.33Кб
2004 Mutational patterns correlate with genome organization in SARS and other coronaviruses.pdf 505.58Кб
2004 NAT screening of blood donors for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus can potentially prevent transfusion.pdf 101.33Кб
2004 Natural Course of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Immunoglobulin after Infection.pdf 220.79Кб
2004 Neurotropism of Swine Haemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus (Coronavirus) in Mice Depending upon Host Age and R.pdf 404.78Кб
2004 Neutralizing Antibodies in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Infection.pdf 210.03Кб
2004 New human coronavirus isolated.pdf 147.74Кб
2004 N-Terminal Domain of the Murine Coronavirus Receptor CEACAM1 Is Responsible for Fusogenic Activation and Conformati.pdf 805.56Кб
2004 Nucleocapsid protein of SARS coronavirus tightly binds to human cyclophilin A.pdf 550.68Кб
2004 Old drugs as lead compounds for a new disease_ Binding analysis of SARS coronavirus main proteinase with HIV, psych.pdf 589.70Кб
2004 Organ distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in SARS patients_.pdf 774.01Кб
2004 Outcome of coronavirus-associated severe acute respiratory syndrome using a standard treatment protocol.pdf 227.72Кб
2004 Overexpression of 7a, a Protein Specifically Encoded by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, Induces.pdf 247.42Кб
2004 Palindromes in SARS and Other Coronaviruses.pdf 181.98Кб
2004 Pegylated interferon-_ protects type 1 pneumocytes against SARS coronavirus infection in macaques.pdf 917.14Кб
2004 Perforin and Gamma Interferon-Mediated Control of Coronavirus Central Nervous System Infection by CD8 T Cells in th.pdf 1.88Мб
2004 Performance and Cost Evaluation of One Commercial and Six In-House Conventional and Real-Time Reverse Transcription.pdf 323.55Кб
2004 Persistent infection of SARS coronavirus in colonic cells in vitro.pdf 218.67Кб
2004 pH-Dependent Entry of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Is Mediated by the Spike Glycoprotein and Enhan.pdf 1.07Мб
2004 Phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and its downstream targets in SARS coronavirus-infected cells.pdf 358.35Кб
2004 Piezoelectric Immunosensor for SARS-Associated Coronavirus in Sputum.pdf 96.30Кб
2004 Pneumopathies dites atypiques _ coronavirus.pdf 119.49Кб
2004 Possible Central Nervous System Infection by SARS Coronavirus.pdf 181.75Кб
2004 Possible SARS Coronavirus Transmission during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.pdf 6.86Мб
2004 Potent and selective inhibition of SARS coronavirus replication by aurintricarboxylic acid.pdf 316.97Кб
2004 Potential targets for anti-SARS drugs in the structural proteins from SARS related coronavirus.pdf 93.62Кб
2004 Potent Inhibition of SARS-Associated Coronavirus (SCoV) Infection and Replication by Type I Interferons (IFN-_.pdf 1.40Мб
2004 Potent neutralization of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus by a human mAb to S1 protein that blo.pdf 606.44Кб
2004 Preclinical Evaluation of Two Real-Time, Reverse Transcription-PCR Assays for Detection of the Severe Acute Respira.pdf 444.45Кб
2004 Prediction for Target Sites of Small Interfering RNA Duplexes in SARS Coronavirus.pdf 160.30Кб
2004 Prediction of quaternary assembly of SARS coronavirus peplomer.pdf 754.65Кб
2004 Prevalence of feline coronavirus types I and II in cats with histopathologically verified feline infectious periton.pdf 256.07Кб
2004 Prevalence of subclinical infection by the SARS coronavirus among general practitioners in Hong Kong.pdf 78.41Кб
2004 Primary Characterization of SARS Coronavirus Strain Frankfurt 1.pdf 149.98Кб
2004 Prior Infection and Passive Transfer of Neutralizing Antibody Prevent Replication of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 608.56Кб
2004 Profile of Antibodies to the Nucleocapsid Protein of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Associated Corona.pdf 47.64Кб
2004 Profiles of Antibody Responses against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Recombinant Proteins and Their.pdf 1.55Мб
2004 Programmed _1 ribosomal frameshifting in the SARS coronavirus.pdf 203.17Кб
2004 Protective humoral responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus_ implications for the desi.pdf 170.18Кб
2004 Proteomic Analysis of SARS Associated Coronavirus Using Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and.pdf 141.37Кб
2004 Proteomic analysis on structural proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus.pdf 190.64Кб
2004 Pulmonary pathological features in coronavirus associated severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).pdf 759.94Кб
2004 Quantitation of canine coronavirus RNA in the faeces of dogs by TaqMan RT-PCR.pdf 116.95Кб
2004 Quaternary Structure of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Main Protease_ _sup__.pdf 1.10Мб
2004 Rapid Detection of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus by a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplifica.pdf 1.17Мб
2004 Rapid identification of coronavirus replicase inhibitors using a selectable replicon RNA.pdf 277.09Кб
2004 Re_ To KF, Tong JH, Chan PK, _em_et al__em__ Tissue and cellular tropism of the coronavirus associated with severe.pdf 112.88Кб
2004 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detecting SARS Coronavirus, Beijing, 2003.pdf 901.71Кб
2004 Real-Time Quantitative Fluorescent Reverse Transcriptase-PCR for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Ass.pdf 383.90Кб
2004 Real-Time Reverse Transcription_Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for SARS-associated Coronavirus.pdf 429.06Кб
2004 Receptor-Dependent Coronavirus Infection of Dendritic Cells.pdf 252.63Кб
2004 Recognition and analysis of protein-coding genes in severe acute respiratory syndrome associated coronavirus.pdf 67.36Кб
2004 Recombinant Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Beaudette with the Spike Protein Gene of the Pathogenic M41 Strain Re.pdf 433.54Кб
2004 Recombinant Protein-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunochromatographic Tests for Detection of Immuno.pdf 330.71Кб
2004 Recommendations from workshops of the second international feline coronavirus_feline infectious peritonitis symposi.pdf 79.87Кб
2004 Relative rates of non-pneumonic SARS coronavirus infection and SARS coronavirus pneumonia.pdf 348.89Кб
2004 Replication of SARS coronavirus administered into the respiratory tract of African Green, rhesus and cynomolgus mon.pdf 397.02Кб
2004 Requirements for CEACAMs and Cholesterol during Murine Coronavirus Cell Entry.pdf 1.42Мб
2004 Resolution of Primary Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Infection Requires Stat1.pdf 1.30Мб
2004 Respiratory and fecal shedding of Porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) in sentinel weaned pigs and sequence of th.pdf 721.13Кб
2004 Retroviral Vectors Pseudotyped with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus S Protein.pdf 1.07Мб
2004 Retroviruses Pseudotyped with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Efficiently Infect Ce.pdf 441.77Кб
2004 Reverse Genetic Analysis of the Transcription Regulatory Sequence of the Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis.pdf 639.38Кб
2004 Reverse Transcriptase PCR Diagnostic Assay for the Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 535.63Кб
2004 Risk factors for feline coronavirus seropositivity in cats relinquished to a UK rescue charity.pdf 92.57Кб
2004 Safety and efficacy of a modified-live canine coronavirus vaccine in dogs.pdf 82.10Кб
2004 SARS-associated Coronavirus Infection in Teenagers.pdf 285.86Кб
2004 SARS-Associated Coronavirus Quasispecies in Individual Patients.pdf 95.80Кб
2004 SARS-associated Coronavirus Transmission, United States.pdf 89.69Кб
2004 SARS-associated viral hepatitis caused by a novel coronavirus_ Report of three cases.pdf 610.97Кб
2004 SARS Coronavirus Detection.pdf 185.56Кб
2004 SARS coronavirus E protein forms cation-selective ion channels.pdf 365.39Кб
2004 SARS coronavirus induces apoptosis in Vero E6 Cells.pdf 566.62Кб
2004 Sensitive and Quantitative Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection by Real_Time Nested.pdf 82.04Кб
2004 Sequence Motifs Involved in the Regulation of Discontinuous Coronavirus Subgenomic RNA Synthesis.pdf 3.68Мб
2004 Serological survey on canine coronavirus antibodies in giant pandas by virus neutralization test.pdf 293.02Кб
2004 Serologic and Molecular Biologic Methods for SARS-associated Coronavirus Infection, Taiwan.pdf 383.62Кб
2004 Seroprevalence of Antibody to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Associated Coronavirus among Health Care Wor.pdf 67.34Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_associated Coronavirus in Lung Tissue.pdf 230.40Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Related Coronavirus Is Inhibited by Interferon__.pdf 234.06Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a Pathological Immune Response to the New Coronavirus_Implications for Understan.pdf 135.71Кб
2004 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infection inhibition using spike protein heptad repeat-der.pdf 559.72Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus on Hospital Surfaces.pdf 77.97Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathogenesis, Disease and Vaccines.pdf 319.09Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Phylogeny_ toward Consensus.pdf 447.76Кб
2004 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Sequence Characteristics and Evolutionary Rate Estimate from Maximum.pdf 48.12Кб
2004 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein expressed by attenuated vaccinia virus protectively imm.pdf 466.18Кб
2004 Small Molecules Blocking the Entry of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus into Host Cells.pdf 141.42Кб
2004 Small molecules targeting severe acute respiratory syndrome human coronavirus.pdf 690.94Кб
2004 Specific Immunoglobulin G Antibody Detected in Umbilical Blood and Amniotic Fluid from a Pregnant Woman Infected by.pdf 136.83Кб
2004 S Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Mediates Entry into Hepatoma Cell Lines and I.pdf 514.60Кб
2004 Structural Basis for Coronavirus-mediated Membrane Fusion_ CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MOUSE HEPATITIS VIRUS SPIKE PROTEIN.pdf 844.56Кб
2004 Structural characterization of the fusion-active complex of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.pdf 548.75Кб
2004 Structural Characterization of the SARS-Coronavirus Spike S Fusion Protein Core.pdf 1.07Мб
2004 Structural Organization of the Genome of SARS-Associated Coronavirus (Strain SoD) Isolated on the Territory of the.pdf 287.20Кб
2004 Structure-Based Preliminary Analysis of Immunity and Virulence of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 84.45Кб
2004 Structure of a proteolytically resistant core from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus S2 fusion prot.pdf 677.31Кб
2004 Study on the Stability of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 227.45Кб
2004 Susceptibility of Pigs and Chickens to SARS Coronavirus.pdf 211.92Кб
2004 Susceptibility to SARS coronavirus S protein-driven infection correlates with expression of angiotensin converting.pdf 232.76Кб
2004 Symptoms of Infection Caused by SARS Coronavirus in Laboratory Mice and Guinea Pigs.pdf 161.01Кб
2004 Syndrome respiratoire aigu s_v_re__ _ propos d_un cas de transmission indirecte du Coronavirus.pdf 44.83Кб
2004 Synthesis and Characterization of a Native, Oligomeric Form of Recombinant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona.pdf 439.50Кб
2004 Synthetic Peptide Studies on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein_ Perspecti.pdf 450.68Кб
2004 T-Cell Epitopes in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Protein Elicit a Specific T-Cell Immu.pdf 12.86Кб
2004 Tears and conjunctival scrapings for coronavirus in patients with SARS.pdf 409.27Кб
2004 The 3_ cis-Acting Genomic Replication Element of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Can Function in.pdf 855.23Кб
2004 The antiviral effect of interferon-beta against SARS-Coronavirus is not mediated by MxA protein.pdf 91.61Кб
2004 The bright future of coronavirology.pdf 51.04Кб
2004 The life cycle of SARS coronavirus in Vero E6 cells.pdf 418.83Кб
2004 The nsp9 Replicase Protein of SARS-Coronavirus, Structure and Functional Insights.pdf 584.91Кб
2004 The N-Terminal Region of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Is Associated with the Extended Host Range of Vi.pdf 1.15Мб
2004 The nucleocapsid protein of the SARS coronavirus is capable of self-association through a C-terminal 209 amino acid.pdf 291.07Кб
2004 The Nucleoprotein Is Required for Efficient Coronavirus Genome Replication.pdf 370.20Кб
2004 The phylogeny of SARS coronavirus.pdf 115.97Кб
2004 The SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein induces actin reorganization and apoptosis in COS-1 cells in the absence.pdf 530.31Кб
2004 The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in tears.pdf 534.83Кб
2004 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nsp15 Protein Is an Endoribonuclease That Prefers Manganese as a.pdf 300.97Кб
2004 The severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus replicative protein nsp9 is a single-stranded RNA-binding subunit.pdf 600.74Кб
2004 Tissue and cellular tropism of the coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome_ an _em_in-situ__e.pdf 360.95Кб
2004 Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus_ A first step in understanding SA.pdf 694.38Кб
2004 TNF-_ inhibition for potential therapeutic modulation of SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 240.06Кб
2004 Topographic Changes in SARS Coronavirus_infected Cells at Late Stages of Infection.pdf 585.50Кб
2004 Tracking the Evolution of the SARS Coronavirus Using High-Throughput, High-Density Resequencing Arrays.pdf 476.39Кб
2004 Two Genotypes of Canine Coronavirus Simultaneously Detected in the Fecal Samples of Dogs with Diarrhea.pdf 62.02Кб
2004 Tyrosine dephosphorylation of STAT3 in SARS coronavirus-infected Vero E6 cells.pdf 241.78Кб
2004 Ultrastructural Characterization of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 808.12Кб
2004 Use of Clinical Criteria and Molecular Diagnosis to More Effectively Monitor Patients Recovering after Severe Acute.pdf 179.51Кб
2004 Viral evolution and the emergence of SARS coronavirus.pdf 110.38Кб
2004 Viral shedding patterns of coronavirus in patients with probable severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 60.34Кб
2005 _b_SARS-associated__b__ Coronavirus Transmitted from Human to Pig.pdf 168.31Кб
2005 _i_In Silico__i__ Analysis of ORF1ab in Coronavirus HKU1 Genome Reveals a Unique Putative Cleavage Sit.pdf 664.11Кб
2005 [Advances in Virus Research] Virus Structure and Assembly Volume 64 __ Molecular Interactions in the Assembly of Co.pdf 814.34Кб
2005 [Birkh_user Advances in Infectious Diseases BAID] Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning.pdf 709.14Кб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ .pdf 3.36Мб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ Coronavi.pdf 407.91Кб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ Developm.pdf 494.34Кб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ Reverse.pdf 584.42Кб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ The Coro.pdf 704.96Кб
2005 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Volume 287 __ Viral an.pdf 340.61Кб
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2005 1092_ Adenovirus-Based Vaccine Prevents Pneumonia in Ferrets Challenged with the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 80.65Кб
2005 9_ Coronaviruses_ Development of Novel Oncolytic Vectors.pdf 77.87Кб
2005 978_ Production of SARS Coronavirus-Like Particles That Bind Host Cells and Serve as Vaccine Antigen.pdf 80.92Кб
2005 A7_3 Inhibition of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease by Isatis indigotica root and plant-derived phenolic compounds.pdf 118.77Кб
2005 ACE2 Receptor Expression and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Depend on Differentiation of H.pdf 728.21Кб
2005 Acquisition of Macrophage Tropism during the Pathogenesis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Is Determined by Mutatio.pdf 255.93Кб
2005 A crucial role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS coronavirus_induced lung injury.pdf 615.39Кб
2005 Activation of NF-_B by the Full-length Nucleocapsid Protein of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 425.63Кб
2005 Acute renal impairment in coronavirus-associated severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 108.50Кб
2005 ADP-Ribose-1_-Monophosphatase_ a Conserved Coronavirus Enzyme That Is Dispensable for Viral Replication in Tissue C.pdf 436.52Кб
2005 Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Its Implications.pdf 131.60Кб
2005 A Major Determinant for Membrane Protein Interaction Localizes to the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of the Mouse Coronavi.pdf 703.38Кб
2005 Amino Acids 1055 to 1192 in the S2 Region of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus S Protein Induce Neutral.pdf 296.64Кб
2005 Amotosalen photochemical inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in human platelet concentrat.pdf 137.88Кб
2005 An animal model of SARS produced by infection of _em_Macaca mulatta__em_ with SARS coronavirus.pdf 938.50Кб
2005 An atypical RNA pseudoknot stimulator and an upstream attenuation signal for -1 ribosomal frameshifting of SARS cor.pdf 1.49Мб
2005 A New Lead for Nonpeptidic Active-Site-Directed Inhibitors of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Mai.pdf 299.90Кб
2005 A novel pancoronavirus RT-PCR assay_ frequent detection of human coronavirus NL63 in children hospitalized with res.pdf 1.08Мб
2005 Antibody Avidity Maturation during Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Infection.pdf 313.63Кб
2005 Antibody responses to individual proteins of SARS coronavirus and their neutralization activities.pdf 264.71Кб
2005 Antibody to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus spike protein domain 2 cross-reacts wit.pdf 230.85Кб
2005 Antigenic Cross_Reactivity between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus and Human Coronaviruses.pdf 462.51Кб
2005 Anti-SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease effects of Isatis indigotica root and plant-derived phenolic compounds.pdf 332.29Кб
2005 Antiviral Activity of Glycyrrhizic Acid Derivatives against SARS_Coronavirus.pdf 82.33Кб
2005 Apical Entry and Release of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus in Polarized Calu-3 Lung Epith.pdf 1.30Мб
2005 A Point Mutation within the Replicase Gene Differentially Affects Coronavirus Genome versus Minigenome Replication.pdf 409.06Кб
2005 Apoptosis Induced by the SARS-Associated Coronavirus in Vero Cells Is Replication-Dependent and Involves Caspase.pdf 159.92Кб
2005 A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus-Specific Protein Enhances Virulence of an Attenuated Mur.pdf 437.13Кб
2005 A simple and rapid approach for screening of SARS-coronavirus genotypes_ an evaluation study.pdf 1.38Мб
2005 A single immunization with a rhabdovirus-based vector expressing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SAR.pdf 171.90Кб
2005 Assays for the assessment of neutralizing antibody activities against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) asso.pdf 219.66Кб
2005 Assembly of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus RNA Packaging Signal into Virus-Like Particles Is Nucleoc.pdf 328.73Кб
2005 Association between a Novel Human Coronavirus and Kawasaki Disease.pdf 226.35Кб
2005 Association Between a Novel Human Coronavirus and Kawasaki Disease.pdf 88.97Кб
2005 Association between Mannose_Binding Lectin Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndro.pdf 273.81Кб
2005 Asymptomatic SARS Coronavirus Infection among Healthcare Workers, Singapore.pdf 160.21Кб
2005 A Three-Stemmed mRNA Pseudoknot in the SARS Coronavirus Frameshift Signal.pdf 522.48Кб
2005 Augmentation of immune responses to SARS coronavirus by a combination of DNA and whole killed virus vaccines.pdf 207.36Кб
2005 Autoantibodies against human epithelial cells and endothelial cells after severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-.pdf 146.11Кб
2005 Bats Are Natural Reservoirs of SARS-Like Coronaviruses.pdf 204.06Кб
2005 Bcl-xL inhibits T-cell apoptosis induced by expression of SARS coronavirus E protein in the absence of growth facto.pdf 532.09Кб
2005 Binding interaction of SARS coronavirus 3CLpro protease with vacuolar-H+ ATPase G1 subunit.pdf 331.50Кб
2005 Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus fusion core.pdf 321.44Кб
2005 Biochemical and immunological studies of nucleocapsid proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome and 229E human.pdf 1.91Мб
2005 Canine Coronavirus-Associated Puppy Mortality without Evidence of Concurrent Canine Parvovirus Infection.pdf 189.49Кб
2005 Casting a Wide Net to Fight Coronaviruses.pdf 39.98Кб
2005 Cells of human aminopeptidase N (CD13) transgenic mice are infected by human coronavirus-229E in vitro, but not in.pdf 634.48Кб
2005 Central ions and lateral asparagine_glutamine zippers stabilize the post-fusion hairpin conformation of the SARS co.pdf 823.03Кб
2005 Characterization and application of monoclonal antibodies against N protein of SARS-coronavirus.pdf 209.34Кб
2005 Characterization and Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Coronavirus, Coronavirus HKU1, from Patients with Pneumoni.pdf 625.66Кб
2005 Characterization of monoclonal antibody against SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid antigen and development of an antigen.pdf 229.85Кб
2005 Characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies recognizing a 15-residues epitope on the spike protein HR2 r.pdf 613.27Кб
2005 Characterization of viral proteins encoded by the SARS-coronavirus genome.pdf 262.01Кб
2005 Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.pdf 1.57Мб
2005 Cinanserin Is an Inhibitor of the 3C-Like Proteinase of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Strongly.pdf 488.04Кб
2005 Circulation of genetically distinct contemporary human coronavirus OC43 strains.pdf 260.34Кб
2005 Civets Are Equally Susceptible to Experimental Infection by Two Different Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronav.pdf 780.76Кб
2005 Clinical and Molecular Epidemiological Features of Coronavirus HKU1_Associated Community_Acquired Pneumonia.pdf 2.14Мб
2005 Clinical evaluation of real-time PCR assays for rapid diagnosis of SARS coronavirus during outbreak and post-epidem.pdf 123.92Кб
2005 Comparative Host Gene Transcription by Microarray Analysis Early after Infection of the Huh7 Cell Line by Severe Ac.pdf 314.29Кб
2005 Comparison of 9 different PCR primers for the rapid detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus usin.pdf 277.86Кб
2005 Complete Genomic Sequence of Human Coronavirus OC43_ Molecular Clock Analysis Suggests a Relatively Recent Zoonotic.pdf 345.32Кб
2005 Comprehensive Antibody Epitope Mapping of the Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coro.pdf 599.66Кб
2005 Concentration and detection of SARS coronavirus in sewage from Xiao Tang Shan Hospital and the 309th Hospital.pdf 132.88Кб
2005 Concentration and detection of SARS coronavirus in sewage from Xiao Tang Shan hospital and the 309th Hospital of th.pdf 169.40Кб
2005 Contributions of the Viral Genetic Background and a Single Amino Acid Substitution in an Immunodominant CD8+ T-Cell.pdf 554.85Кб
2005 Coronaviral hypothetical and structural proteins were found in the intestinal surface enterocytes and pneumocytes o.pdf 216.29Кб
2005 Coronaviruses as Vectors_ Stability of Foreign Gene Expression.pdf 289.84Кб
2005 Coronaviruses in poultry and other birds.pdf 258.39Кб
2005 Coronaviruses in the Limelight.pdf 55.83Кб
2005 Coronavirus Pathogenesis and the Emerging Pathogen Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 592.39Кб
2005 Coronavirus phylogeny based on a geometric approach.pdf 363.82Кб
2005 Coronavirus vaccine promising in SARS prevention.pdf 133.10Кб
2005 Correction_ Design of Wide-Spectrum Inhibitors Targeting Coronavirus Main Proteases.pdf 39.49Кб
2005 Corrigendum to _Concentration and detection of SARS coronavirus in sewage from Xiao Tang Shan Hospital and the 309t.pdf 66.92Кб
2005 Critical Assessment of Important Regions in the Subunit Association and Catalytic Action of the Severe Acute Respir.pdf 1.12Мб
2005 Cross-host evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in palm civet and human.pdf 439.45Кб
2005 Cross-reactivity of antibody against SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein with IL-11.pdf 609.05Кб
2005 Croup Is Associated with the Novel Coronavirus NL63.pdf 113.09Кб
2005 Crystal Structures of the Main Peptidase from the SARS Coronavirus Inhibited by a Substrate-like Aza-peptide Epoxid.pdf 854.04Кб
2005 Current Protocols in Microbiology __ Coronaviruses_ Propagation, Quantification, Storage, and Construction of Recom.pdf 286.63Кб
2005 Cutaneous lesions associated with coronavirus-induced vasculitis in a cat with feline infectious peritonitis and co.pdf 384.29Кб
2005 Cytokine Responses in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Infected Macrophages In Vitro_ Possible Relevan.pdf 183.01Кб
2005 Design of Wide-Spectrum Inhibitors Targeting Coronavirus Main Proteases.pdf 364.31Кб
2005 Detection and Isolation of Winter Dysentery Bovine Coronavirus Circulated in Korea during 2002-2004.pdf 358.46Кб
2005 Detection of Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and Environmental Contamination in SARS.pdf 232.76Кб
2005 Detection of Human Coronavirus-NL63 in Children in Japan.pdf 824.64Кб
2005 Detection of human coronavirus NL63 in young children with bronchiolitis.pdf 52.57Кб
2005 Detection of respiratory and enteric shedding of bovine coronaviruses in cattle in Northwestern Turkey.pdf 204.25Кб
2005 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in the Brain_ Potential Role of the Chemokine Mig in Pat.pdf 464.44Кб
2005 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus RNA in Plasma during the Course of Infection.pdf 64.31Кб
2005 Detection of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in serum_ Comparison with re.pdf 135.39Кб
2005 Deubiquitination, a New Function of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Papain-Like Protease_.pdf 254.22Кб
2005 Development and Characterization of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus_Neutralizing Human M.pdf 367.09Кб
2005 Development and Evaluation of a Multitarget Real-Time Taqman Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay for Detection of the S.pdf 142.87Кб
2005 Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies against the spike pr.pdf 143.91Кб
2005 Development of a homogeneous screening assay for automated detection of antiviral agents active against severe acut.pdf 344.64Кб
2005 Development of a Method for Concentrating and Purifying SARS Coronavirus RNA by a Magnetic Bead Capture System.pdf 113.57Кб
2005 Development of a quantitative assay for SARS coronavirus and correlation of GAPDH mRNA with SARS coronavirus in cli.pdf 97.35Кб
2005 Development of One-Step, Real-Time, Quantitative Reverse Transcriptase PCR Assays for Absolute Quantitation of Huma.pdf 180.21Кб
2005 Developments in the laboratory diagnosis of SARS_coronavirus infections.pdf 348.09Кб
2005 Differential maturation and subcellular localization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus surface prote.pdf 665.01Кб
2005 Differential Sensitivities of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Polypeptide Enzyme-Linked.pdf 81.98Кб
2005 Double-antigen sandwich ELISA for detection of antibodies to SARS-associated coronavirus in human serum.pdf 217.31Кб
2005 Dynamic changes of serum SARS-Coronavirus IgG, pulmonary function and radiography in patients recovering from SARS.pdf 728.90Кб
2005 Effects of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus infection on peripheral blood lymphocytes and their.pdf 338.01Кб
2005 Efficacy of various disinfectants against SARS coronavirus.pdf 100.08Кб
2005 Elicitation of Immunity in Mice After Immunization with the S2 Subunit of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Cor.pdf 140.15Кб
2005 Enzymatic activity characterization of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease by fluorescence resonance energy transfer.pdf 568.13Кб
2005 Epitope mapping and biological function analysis of antibodies produced by immunization of mice with an inactivated.pdf 454.67Кб
2005 Erratum to _Epitope mapping and biological function analysis of antibodies produced by immunization of mice with an.pdf 44.60Кб
2005 Establishment of Vero E6 cell clones persistently infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 546.24Кб
2005 Evaluation of Inapparent Nosocomial Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Vietnam by Use of Hi.pdf 137.31Кб
2005 Evaluation of Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase PCR and Real-Time Loop-Mediated Amplification Assays for Severe Acute.pdf 51.09Кб
2005 Evasion of antibody neutralization in emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses.pdf 394.79Кб
2005 Evidence of a Novel Human Coronavirus That Is Associated with Respiratory Tract Disease in Infants and Young Childr.pdf 317.09Кб
2005 Exogenous ACE2 Expression Allows Refractory Cell Lines To Support Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Rep.pdf 87.68Кб
2005 Experimental Models of Multiple Sclerosis __ Coronaviruses and Neuroantigens_ myelin proteins, myelin genes.pdf 566.35Кб
2005 Experimental Models of Multiple Sclerosis __ Coronavirus-Induced Demyelination and Spontaneous Remyelination.pdf 661.25Кб
2005 Experimental Models of Multiple Sclerosis __ Coronavirus Receptors.pdf 545.22Кб
2005 Expression, purification, and characterization of SARS coronavirus RNA polymerase.pdf 1.01Мб
2005 Expression and Purification of N and E Proteins from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Associated Coronaviru.pdf 313.48Кб
2005 Expression and purification of SARS coronavirus proteins using SUMO-fusions.pdf 750.99Кб
2005 Expression of Cellular Oncogene Bcl-xL Prevents Coronavirus-Induced Cell Death and Converts Acute Infection to Pers.pdf 437.00Кб
2005 Expression of SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein inEscherichia coliandLactococcus lactisfor serodiagnosis and mu.pdf 227.35Кб
2005 Fatal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Is Associated with Multiorgan Involvement by Coronavirus.pdf 78.27Кб
2005 Feline Coronavirus Serotypes 1 and 2_ Seroprevalence and Association with Disease in Switzerland.pdf 271.98Кб
2005 First external quality assurance of antibody diagnostic for SARS-new coronavirus.pdf 71.59Кб
2005 Folding of the SARS Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Immunological Fragment (SARS_S1B)__ Thermodynamic and Kinetic In.pdf 606.02Кб
2005 From The Cover_ Development of a transgenic mouse model susceptible to human coronavirus 229E.pdf 668.98Кб
2005 Functional and Genetic Analysis of Coronavirus Replicase-Transcriptase Proteins.pdf 479.36Кб
2005 Function of HAb18G_CD147 in Invasion of Host Cells by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 3.95Мб
2005 Gene 5 of the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Is Not Essential for Replication.pdf 873.98Кб
2005 Generation of a recombinant avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus using transient dominant selection.pdf 419.71Кб
2005 Generation of predictive pharmacophore model for SARS-coronavirus main proteinase.pdf 420.08Кб
2005 Genetic analysis of the SARS-coronavirus spike glycoprotein functional domains involved in cell-surface expression.pdf 1.00Мб
2005 Genetic Variability of Human Respiratory Coronavirus OC43.pdf 46.79Кб
2005 Genomic Classification Using an Information-Based Similarity Index_ Application to the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 930.29Кб
2005 Genomic RNA sequence of Feline coronavirus strain FIPV WSU-79_1146.pdf 140.03Кб
2005 Genotype-specific fluorogenic RT-PCR assays for the detection and quantitation of canine coronavirus type I and typ.pdf 190.71Кб
2005 Growth kinetics of SARS-coronavirus in Vero E6 cells.pdf 249.98Кб
2005 High-dose hydrocortisone reduces expression of the pro-inflammatory chemokines CXCL8 and CXCL10 in SARS coronavirus.pdf 1.38Мб
2005 History and Recent Advances in Coronavirus Discovery.pdf 474.16Кб
2005 Homology models of main proteinase from coronavirus associated with SARS.pdf 605.67Кб
2005 Homozygous L-SIGN (CLEC4M) plays a protective role in SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 333.40Кб
2005 Host Cell Changes Induced During Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Infection_.pdf 117.21Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus NL63, France.pdf 240.19Кб
2005 Human coronavirus NL63 employs the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus receptor for cellular entry.pdf 481.96Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus NL63 Infection and Other Coronavirus Infections in Children Hospitalized with Acute Respiratory D.pdf 136.74Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus NL63 Infection in Canada.pdf 253.90Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus NL-63 Infections in Children_ a 1-Year Study.pdf 139.47Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus NL63 Is Not Detected in the Respiratory Tracts of Children with Acute Kawasaki Disease.pdf 214.76Кб
2005 Human coronavirus OC43 causes influenza-like illness in residents and staff of aged-care facilities in Melbourne, A.pdf 85.49Кб
2005 Human Coronavirus OC43 Causes Influenza-Like Illness in Residents and Staff of Aged-Care Facilities in Melbourne, A.pdf 244.85Кб
2005 Humanized mice develop coronavirus respiratory disease.pdf 158.36Кб
2005 Identification and Antigenic Epitope Mapping of Immunodominant Region Amino Residues 510 to 672 on the Spike Protei.pdf 244.24Кб
2005 Identification and Characterization of the Putative Fusion Peptide of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associa.pdf 619.19Кб
2005 Identification of a critical neutralization determinant of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coro.pdf 486.41Кб
2005 Identification of a Novel Coronavirus in Bats.pdf 533.22Кб
2005 Identification of Immunodominant Epitopes on the Membrane Protein of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associat.pdf 459.84Кб
2005 Identification of murine CD8 T cell epitopes in codon-optimized SARS-associated coronavirus spike protein.pdf 694.19Кб
2005 Identification of natural compounds with antiviral activities against SARS-associated coronavirus.pdf 216.78Кб
2005 Identification of Novel Subgenomic RNAs and Noncanonical Transcription Initiation Signals of Severe Acute Respirato.pdf 417.97Кб
2005 Identification of single-chain antibody fragments specific against SARS-associated coronavirus from phage-displayed.pdf 616.40Кб
2005 Identification of the Membrane-Active Regions of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Membrane G.pdf 527.18Кб
2005 Identification of Two Critical Amino Acid Residues of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Prote.pdf 1.10Мб
2005 Identification of Two Neutralizing Regions on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein.pdf 375.99Кб
2005 Immune responses against SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein induced by DNA vaccine.pdf 202.19Кб
2005 Immune responses with DNA vaccines encoded different gene fragments of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviru.pdf 163.48Кб
2005 Immunofluorescence Assay for Detection of the Nucleocapsid Antigen of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-.pdf 221.38Кб
2005 Immunogenicity, safety, and protective efficacy of an inactivated SARS-associated coronavirus vaccine in rhesus mon.pdf 276.91Кб
2005 Immunohistochemical, in situ hybridization, and ultrastructural localization of SARS-associated coronavirus in lung.pdf 759.44Кб
2005 Immunopathogenesis of coronavirus infections_ implications for SARS.pdf 890.40Кб
2005 Implication of proprotein convertases in the processing and spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 987.50Кб
2005 Important Roles for Gamma Interferon and NKG2D in __ T-Cell-Induced Demyelination in T-Cell Receptor _-Deficient Mi.pdf 401.60Кб
2005 Increased Epitope-Specific CD8+ T Cells Prevent Murine Coronavirus Spread to the Spinal Cord and Subsequent Demyeli.pdf 966.74Кб
2005 Infections by Human Coronavirus-NL in Hospitalized Children.pdf 170.85Кб
2005 Inhibition, Escape, and Attenuated Growth of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Treated with Antisense M.pdf 641.02Кб
2005 Inhibition of Beta Interferon Induction by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Suggests a Two-Step Model.pdf 532.80Кб
2005 Inhibition of genes expression of SARS coronavirus by synthetic small interfering RNAs.pdf 308.51Кб
2005 Inhibitors of cathepsin L prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus entry.pdf 360.82Кб
2005 Inhibitory effect of mizoribine and ribavirin on the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associ.pdf 158.50Кб
2005 Inhibitory effects of epigallocatechin gallate on the propagation of bovine coronavirus in Madin-Darby bovine kidne.pdf 126.94Кб
2005 Intracellular Localization of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein_ Absence of Nu.pdf 595.81Кб
2005 Intragastric administration of Lactobacillus casei expressing transmissible gastroentritis coronavirus spike glycop.pdf 177.19Кб
2005 Intranasal immunization with inactivated SARS-CoV (SARS-associated coronavirus) induced local and serum antibodies.pdf 291.70Кб
2005 Investigation into the causes of canine infectious respiratory disease_ antibody responses to canine respiratory co.pdf 196.22Кб
2005 In vivo functional characterization of the SARS-Coronavirus 3a protein in Drosophila.pdf 824.74Кб
2005 Isolation of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus from domestic peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and teal (Anas).pdf 123.89Кб
2005 Isolation of bovine coronavirus (BCoV) in monolayers of HmLu-1 cells.pdf 320.36Кб
2005 Kawasaki Disease and Human Coronavirus.pdf 56.43Кб
2005 Lack of Association between New Haven Coronavirus and Kawasaki Disease.pdf 59.39Кб
2005 Longitudinal Analysis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus-Specific Antibody in SARS Patients.pdf 49.46Кб
2005 Longitudinally Profiling Neutralizing Antibody Response to SARS Coronavirus with Pseudotypes.pdf 203.46Кб
2005 Long-term protection from SARS coronavirus infection conferred by a single immunization with an attenuated VSV-base.pdf 405.59Кб
2005 Low prevalence of subclinical severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection among hospital hea.pdf 56.47Кб
2005 LSECtin interacts with filovirus glycoproteins and the spike protein of SARS coronavirus.pdf 582.52Кб
2005 Mannose_Binding Lectin in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 998.83Кб
2005 Mass Spectroscopic Characterization of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Nucleoprotein and Elucidation of.pdf 468.53Кб
2005 Microarray and real-time RT-PCR analyses of differential human gene expression patterns induced by severe acute res.pdf 190.28Кб
2005 Microarrays in Clinical Diagnostics __ Sensitive Detection of SARS Coronavirus RNA by a Novel Asymmetric Multiplex.pdf 283.37Кб
2005 Molecular analysis of S gene of spike glycoprotein of winter dysentery bovine coronavirus circulated in Korea durin.pdf 279.43Кб
2005 Molecular and Biological Characterization of Human Monoclonal Antibodies Binding to the Spike and Nucleocapsid Prot.pdf 405.94Кб
2005 Molecular characterization of a panel of murine monoclonal antibodies specific for the SARS-coronavirus.pdf 268.18Кб
2005 Molecular Epidemiology of SARS-associated Coronavirus, Beijing.pdf 218.92Кб
2005 Molecular Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Infections in Taiwan.pdf 4.61Мб
2005 Molecular Evolution Analysis and Geographic Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Like Vir.pdf 975.56Кб
2005 Molecular identification and characterization of novel coronaviruses infecting graylag geese (Anser anser), feral p.pdf 589.57Кб
2005 Molecular modeling and chemical modification for finding peptide inhibitor against severe acute respiratory syndrom.pdf 1.15Мб
2005 Molecular signature of clinical severity in recovering patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 745.75Кб
2005 Monoclonal antibodies to SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV)_ Identification of neutralizing and antibodies reac.pdf 258.36Кб
2005 Multiplex Real-Time Reverse Transcription_Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Three Viruses Associated w.pdf 113.44Кб
2005 Multiplex Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Three Viruses Associated w.pdf 1.42Мб
2005 Murine Coronavirus Evolution In Vivo_ Functional Compensation of a Detrimental Amino Acid Substitution in the Recep.pdf 861.91Кб
2005 Murine Coronavirus Requires Lipid Rafts for Virus Entry and Cell-Cell Fusion but Not for Virus Release.pdf 673.69Кб
2005 Murine Coronavirus with an Extended Host Range Uses Heparan Sulfate as an Entry Receptor.pdf 198.11Кб
2005 Mutational and inhibitive analysis of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease by fluorescence resonance energy transfer-b.pdf 268.05Кб
2005 Natural History of a Recurrent Feline Coronavirus Infection and the Role of Cellular Immunity in Survival and Disea.pdf 638.56Кб
2005 Neutralizing antibody and protective immunity to SARS coronavirus infection of mice induced by a soluble recombinan.pdf 311.20Кб
2005 New Antiviral Drugs, Vaccines and Classic Public Health Interventions against SARS Coronavirus.pdf 172.15Кб
2005 Newer respiratory virus infections_ human metapneumovirus, avian influenza virus, and human coronaviruses.pdf 107.86Кб
2005 New human coronavirus, HCoV-NL63, associated with severe lower respiratory tract disease in Australia.pdf 133.92Кб
2005 Nitric Oxide Inhibits the Replication Cycle of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 172.25Кб
2005 Novel human coronavirus associated with respiratory disease.pdf 36.93Кб
2005 Novel Immunofluorescence Assay Using Recombinant Nucleocapsid-Spike Fusion Protein as Antigen To Detect Antibodies.pdf 263.37Кб
2005 Novel rapid immunochromatographic test based on an enzyme immunoassay for detecting nucleocapsid antigen in SARS-as.pdf 269.70Кб
2005 Nuclear_nucleolar localization properties of C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of SARS coronavirus.pdf 949.32Кб
2005 Nucleolar localization of non-structural protein 3b, a protein specifically encoded by the severe acute respiratory.pdf 772.19Кб
2005 Object-oriented biological system integration_ a SARS coronavirus example.pdf 506.29Кб
2005 Papain-Like Protease 2 (PLP2) from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)__ Expression, Purificat.pdf 260.64Кб
2005 Particular Symmetry in RNA Squence of SARS and the Origin of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 1.15Мб
2005 Pathology of Guinea Pigs Experimentally Infected with a Novel Reovirus and Coronavirus Isolated from SARS Patients.pdf 181.30Кб
2005 Performance of Single-Step Gel-Based Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) Assays Equivalent to That of Real-Time RT-P.pdf 47.52Кб
2005 Phylogenetic analysis and sequence comparisons of structural and non-structural SARS coronavirus proteins in Taiwan.pdf 930.97Кб
2005 Phylogenetic and recombination analysis of coronavirus HKU1, a novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia.pdf 735.42Кб
2005 Pneumonitis and Multi-Organ System Disease in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) Infected with the Severe Acute.pdf 1.18Мб
2005 Prediction of Functional Class of the SARS Coronavirus Proteins by a Statistical Learning Method.pdf 155.92Кб
2005 Preparation and development of equine hyperimmune globulin F(ab_)2 against severe acute respiratory syndrome corona.pdf 779.56Кб
2005 Profiles of IgG Antibodies to Nucleocapsid and Spike Proteins of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus in SARS Patients.pdf 111.31Кб
2005 Prokaryotic expression, refolding, and purification of fragment 450_650 of the spike protein of SARS-coronavirus.pdf 327.63Кб
2005 Proposal for vaccination against SARS coronavirus using avian infectious bronchitis virus strain H from The Netherl.pdf 55.32Кб
2005 Protease-mediated enhancement of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 381.99Кб
2005 Putative structure and function of ORF3 in SARS coronavirus.pdf 279.02Кб
2005 Quantitative Analysis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-associated Coronavirus-infected Cells Using Prote.pdf 656.18Кб
2005 Questions concerning the New Haven Coronavirus.pdf 56.67Кб
2005 Rapid and sensitive detection of multiple genes from the SARS-Coronavirus using quantitative RT-PCR with dual syste.pdf 125.20Кб
2005 Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Rolling Circle Amplification.pdf 207.78Кб
2005 Rapid Identification of Emerging Pathogens_ Coronavirus.pdf 333.50Кб
2005 Rapid Response Research - SARS Coronavirus Vaccines and Application of Processes to Other Emerging Infectious Disea.pdf 208.49Кб
2005 Real-time NASBA detection of SARS-associated coronavirus and comparison with real-time reverse transcription-PCR.pdf 113.69Кб
2005 Reasoning of spike glycoproteins being more vulnerable to mutations among 158 coronavirus proteins from different s.pdf 498.21Кб
2005 Receptor and viral determinants of SARS-coronavirus adaptation to human ACE2.pdf 502.73Кб
2005 Receptor-Binding Domain of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Contains Multiple Conformati.pdf 680.49Кб
2005 Receptor-Independent Spread of a Highly Neurotropic Murine Coronavirus JHMV Strain from Initially Infected Microgli.pdf 612.11Кб
2005 Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Expressing the Spike Glycoprotein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 555.25Кб
2005 Recombinant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Forms a Dimer through Its C-t.pdf 743.92Кб
2005 Recurrent mutations associated with isolation and passage of SARS coronavirus in cells from non-human primates.pdf 77.33Кб
2005 Replication of feline coronaviruses in peripheral blood monocytes.pdf 706.58Кб
2005 Replication of respiratory viruses, particularly influenza virus, rhinovirus, and coronavirus in HuH7 hepatocarcino.pdf 171.89Кб
2005 Response of Memory CD8+ T Cells to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus in Recovered SARS Patients.pdf 858.46Кб
2005 Retinal degeneration in experimental coronavirus retinopathy (ECOR) is associated with increased TNF-_, soluble TNF.pdf 354.63Кб
2005 Retrospective Serological Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Antibodies in Recruits fro.pdf 39.97Кб
2005 Ribavirin and interferon-_ synergistically inhibit SARS-associated coronavirus replication in animal and human cell.pdf 191.03Кб
2005 Role of Nucleotides Immediately Flanking the Transcription-Regulating Sequence Core in Coronavirus Subgenomic mRNA.pdf 734.02Кб
2005 SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the safety of a solvent_detergent (S_D) treated immunoglobulin preparation.pdf 145.75Кб
2005 SARS Coronavirus Detection Methods.pdf 126.11Кб
2005 SARS-coronavirus replication in human peripheral monocytes_macrophages.pdf 541.38Кб
2005 SARS coronavirus spike polypeptide DNA vaccine priming with recombinant spike polypeptide from Escherichia coli as.pdf 329.62Кб
2005 Screening and Identification of Linear B-Cell Epitopes and Entry-Blocking Peptide of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 254.32Кб
2005 Selection of and recombination between minor variants lead to the adaptation of an avian coronavirus to primate cel.pdf 412.79Кб
2005 Selective Replication of Coronavirus Genomes That Express Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 409.50Кб
2005 Sequence Analysis and Structural Prediction of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp5.pdf 741.89Кб
2005 Serine-scanning mutagenesis studies of the C-terminal heptad repeats in the SARS coronavirus S glycoprotein highlig.pdf 343.53Кб
2005 Serological Responses in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection and Cross-Reactivity.pdf 223.62Кб
2005 Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to SARS-coronavirus in asymptomatic or subclinical population groups.pdf 457.01Кб
2005 Seroprevalence of SARS coronavirus antibody in household contacts.pdf 76.67Кб
2005 Seroprevalence of SARS Coronavirus Antibody in Household Contacts.pdf 187.84Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Peiris_Severe) __ Comparative Biology of Animal Coronaviruses_ Lessons for SARS.pdf 164.84Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Peiris_Severe) __ SARS Coronavirus_ An Animal Reservoir_.pdf 135.75Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Associated Coronavirus Is Detected in Intestinal Tissues of Fatal Cases.pdf 506.61Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3a Protein Is a Viral Structural Protein.pdf 324.27Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3C-like Proteinase N Terminus Is Indispensable for Proteolytic Activi.pdf 975.63Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Fails To Activate Cytokine-Mediated Innate Immune Responses in Cultur.pdf 638.01Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Group-Specific Open Reading Frames Encode Nonessential Functions for.pdf 736.34Кб
2005 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in children.pdf 70.13Кб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection of Golden Syrian Hamsters.pdf 1.55Мб
2005 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection of Human Ciliated Airway Epithelia_ Role of Ciliated Cells.pdf 988.62Кб
2005 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in Chinese horseshoe bats.pdf 504.02Кб
2005 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein expressed by an adenovirus vector is phosphoryla.pdf 154.04Кб
2005 Single-Amino-Acid Substitutions in Open Reading Frame (ORF) 1b-nsp14 and ORF 2a Proteins of the Coronavirus Mouse H.pdf 278.24Кб
2005 Single Amino Acid Substitutions in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Determine V.pdf 490.24Кб
2005 Soluble Receptor-Mediated Targeting of Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus to the Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor.pdf 283.38Кб
2005 Specific antibody secreting cells from chickens can be detected by three days and memory B cells by three weeks pos.pdf 160.97Кб
2005 Spike protein assembly into the coronavirion_ exploring the limits of its sequence requirements.pdf 1.40Мб
2005 SR-Rich Motif Plays a Pivotal Role in Recombinant SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Multimerization_.pdf 331.95Кб
2005 Stability and inactivation of SARS coronavirus.pdf 317.09Кб
2005 Stem-Loop IV in the 5_ Untranslated Region Is a cis-Acting Element in Bovine Coronavirus Defective Interfering RNA.pdf 630.97Кб
2005 Structural Basis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus ADP-Ribose-1_-Phosphate Dephosphorylation by a Co.pdf 849.26Кб
2005 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY_ Adaptation of SARS Coronavirus to Humans.pdf 2.08Мб
2005 Structural Genomics of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure of t.pdf 920.63Кб
2005 Structural insights into SARS coronavirus proteins.pdf 607.80Кб
2005 Structure and Intracellular Targeting of the SARS-Coronavirus Orf7a Accessory Protein.pdf 776.54Кб
2005 Structure of SARS Coronavirus Spike Receptor-Binding Domain Complexed with Receptor.pdf 426.63Кб
2005 Structure of the SARS coronavirus main proteinase as an active C2 crystallographic dimer.pdf 403.46Кб
2005 Study on Substrate Specificity at Subsites for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3CL Protease.pdf 580.00Кб
2005 Study on the resistance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus.pdf 115.00Кб
2005 Subcellular localization of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 852.06Кб
2005 Substitutions of conserved amino acids in the receptor-binding domain of the spike glycoprotein affect utilization.pdf 5.18Мб
2005 Sumoylation of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 384.59Кб
2005 Surface ultrastructure of SARS coronavirus revealed by atomic force microscopy.pdf 646.64Кб
2005 Survival of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 164.81Кб
2005 Susceptibility of different eukaryotic cell lines to SARS-coronavirus.pdf 928.68Кб
2005 Susceptibility of human and rat neural cell lines to infection by SARS-coronavirus.pdf 631.59Кб
2005 Synthesis and evaluation of isatin derivatives as effective SARS coronavirus 3CL protease inhibitors.pdf 575.51Кб
2005 Synthetic peptides derived from SARS coronavirus S protein with diagnostic and therapeutic potential.pdf 297.08Кб
2005 Targeting non-human coronaviruses to human cancer cells using a bispecific single-chain antibody.pdf 371.64Кб
2005 T-Cell Response Profiling to Biological Threat Agents Including the Sars Coronavirus.pdf 1.82Мб
2005 Testing the hypothesis of a recombinant origin of the SARS-associated coronavirus.pdf 762.42Кб
2005 The 3a protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus induces apoptosis in Vero E6 cells.pdf 463.70Кб
2005 The Adamantane-Derived Bananins Are Potent Inhibitors of the Helicase Activities and Replication of SARS Coronaviru.pdf 262.37Кб
2005 The Aromatic Domain of the Coronavirus Class I Viral Fusion Protein Induces Membrane Permeabilization__ Putative Ro.pdf 605.21Кб
2005 The dimer interface of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein adapts a porcine respiratory and reproductive synd.pdf 549.95Кб
2005 The interaction between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3C-like proteinase and a dimeric inhibitor by.pdf 175.17Кб
2005 The interaction of the SARS coronavirus non-structural protein 10 with the cellular oxido-reductase system causes a.pdf 220.00Кб
2005 The nsp2 Replicase Proteins of Murine Hepatitis Virus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Are Dispens.pdf 577.10Кб
2005 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus_ Crystal Structure of Its N-Terminal Domain and.pdf 611.93Кб
2005 The nucleocapsid protein of SARS coronavirus has a high binding affinity to the human cellular heterogeneous nuclea.pdf 311.49Кб
2005 The Papain-Like Protease from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Is a Deubiquitinating Enzyme.pdf 276.34Кб
2005 The Papain-Like Protease of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Has Deubiquitinating Activity.pdf 1.20Мб
2005 The putative protein 6 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus_ Expression and functional c.pdf 318.30Кб
2005 The SARS Coronavirus S Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain_ Fine Mapping and Functional Characterization.pdf 1.42Мб
2005 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus 3a protein may function as a modulator of the trafficking.pdf 190.86Кб
2005 The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3a is a novel structural protein.pdf 394.62Кб
2005 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3a Protein Up-Regulates Expression of Fibrinogen in Lung Epitheli.pdf 120.70Кб
2005 The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in tears.pdf 586.37Кб
2005 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Is Phosphorylated and Localizes in the Cytop.pdf 717.97Кб
2005 The substrate specificity of SARS coronavirus 3C-like proteinase.pdf 241.05Кб
2005 The Transmembrane Oligomers of Coronavirus Protein E.pdf 442.72Кб
2005 The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Facilitates the Transfer of Murine Coronavirus from Endosome to Cytoplasm during Vi.pdf 242.61Кб
2005 Tracing SARS-Coronavirus Variant with Large Genomic Deletion.pdf 70.33Кб
2005 Transcriptome profile within the mouse central nervous system and activation of myelin-reactive T cells following m.pdf 195.90Кб
2005 Tumor Necrosis Factor-_ Convertase (ADAM17) Mediates Regulated Ectodomain Shedding of the Severe-acute Respiratory.pdf 743.58Кб
2005 Use of Dual TaqMan Probes to Increase the Sensitivity of 1-Step Quantitative Reverse Transcription-PCR_ Application.pdf 294.19Кб
2005 Use of the COOH Portion of the Nucleocapsid Protein in an Antigen-Capturing Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for S.pdf 47.86Кб
2005 Using siRNA in prophylactic and therapeutic regimens against SARS coronavirus in Rhesus macaque.pdf 518.82Кб
2005 Vaccine Design for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 70.39Кб
2005 Vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotyped with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein.pdf 155.04Кб
2005 Viral Expression of CCL2 Is Sufficient To Induce Demyelination in RAG1-_- Mice Infected with a Neurotropic Coronavi.pdf 640.36Кб
2005 Virus-Specific Antibody, in the Absence of T Cells, Mediates Demyelination in Mice Infected with a Neurotropic Coro.pdf 777.11Кб
2006 _tude descriptive et_comparative des_infections __coronavirus (hors SARS-CoV) chez_l_enfant hospitalis_.pdf 55.50Кб
2006 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Nidoviruses Volume 581 __ Biochemical Aspects of Coronavirus Re.pdf 1.03Мб
2006 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Nidoviruses Volume 581 __ Mustela Vison ACE2 Functions as a Rec.pdf 1.15Мб
2006 [Advances in Virus Research] Volume 66 __ The Molecular Biology of Coronaviruses.pdf 1.03Мб
2006 [Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry] Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry Volume 41 Volume 41 __ Progress in An.pdf 308.26Кб
2006 [Perspectives in Medical Virology] Emerging Viruses in Human Populations Volume 16 __ Severe Acute Respiratory Synd.pdf 490.06Кб
2006 27 Clinical features associated with Coronavirus infections_ A prospective and hospital-based study.pdf 193.87Кб
2006 7a Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Inhibits Cellular Protein Synthesis and Activates p38 M.pdf 791.28Кб
2006 Adaptive evolution of the spike gene of SARS coronavirus_ changes in positively selected sites in different epidemi.pdf 354.17Кб
2006 A double-inactivated whole virus candidate SARS coronavirus vaccine stimulates neutralising and protective antibody.pdf 327.97Кб
2006 Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Concentrations in a Negative_Pressure Isolation Room___.pdf 109.99Кб
2006 Amino acid residues critical for RNA-binding in the N-terminal domain of the nucleocapsid protein are essential det.pdf 3.91Мб
2006 Amino acids 15_28 in the ectodomain of SARS coronavirus 3a protein induces neutralizing antibodies.pdf 129.67Кб
2006 Amino acids 1 to 422 of the spike protein of SARS associated coronavirus are required for induction of cyclooxygena.pdf 269.33Кб
2006 Amino terminus of the SARS coronavirus protein 3a elicits strong, potentially protective humoral responses in infec.pdf 278.67Кб
2006 Analysis of ACE2 in polarized epithelial cells_ surface expression and function as receptor for severe acute respir.pdf 1.13Мб
2006 Analysis of genetic mutations in the 7a7b open reading frame of coronavirus of cheetahs (_ _i_Acinonyx.pdf 1.45Мб
2006 Analysis of human coronavirus 229E spike and nucleoprotein genes demonstrates genetic drift between chronologically.pdf 106.35Кб
2006 An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of Peptide Aldehyde Libraries Employed in the Discovery of Reversible SARS Co.pdf 158.77Кб
2006 Animal Origins of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ Insight from ACE2-S-Protein Interactions.pdf 373.17Кб
2006 An Outbreak of Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection and Serological Cross-Reactivity with SARS Coronavirus.pdf 1.29Мб
2006 An Overall Picture of SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Genome-Encoded Major Proteins_ Structures, Functions and Drug Dev.pdf 364.86Кб
2006 Anti_Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Immune Responses_ The Role Played by V_9V_2 T Cells.pdf 1.14Мб
2006 Antibody responses against SARS coronavirus are correlated with disease outcome of infected individuals.pdf 340.61Кб
2006 Antigenic and cellular localisation analysis of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid prot.pdf 629.00Кб
2006 Antigenic and Immunogenic Characterization of Recombinant Baculovirus-Expressed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 296.34Кб
2006 Antiviral Activity of Nucleoside Analogues against SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV).pdf 523.90Кб
2006 Antiviral applications of RNAi for coronavirus.pdf 280.25Кб
2006 A Prospective Hospital_Based Study of the Clinical Impact of Non_Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Non_SARS)_Relat.pdf 94.99Кб
2006 Architecture of the SARS coronavirus prefusion spike.pdf 333.48Кб
2006 A recombinant baculovirus-expressed S glycoprotein vaccine elicits high titers of SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS.pdf 295.80Кб
2006 Articles _ Seroprevalence study of Feline Coronavirus in owned and feral cats in Sydney, Australia.pdf 183.37Кб
2006 A second, non-canonical RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in SARS Coronavirus.pdf 298.75Кб
2006 A single amino acid substitution (R441A) in the receptor-binding domain of SARS coronavirus spike protein disrupts.pdf 221.09Кб
2006 Assembly of HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins into coronavirus VLPs.pdf 354.63Кб
2006 A Trimerizing GxxxG Motif Is Uniquely Inserted in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Spike Pr.pdf 492.60Кб
2006 Augmentation of chemokine production by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3a_X1 and 7a_X4 proteins thro.pdf 186.60Кб
2006 Automated extraction protocol for quantification of SARS-Coronavirus RNA in serum_ an evaluation study.pdf 512.33Кб
2006 Baculovirus Surface Display of SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Spike Protein and Immunogenicity of the Displayed Protei.pdf 2.60Мб
2006 Binding site-based classification of coronaviral papain-like proteases.pdf 1.24Мб
2006 Biochemical and functional characterization of the membrane association and membrane permeabilizing activity of the.pdf 1.14Мб
2006 Biochemical Aspects of Coronavirus Replication and Virus-Host Interaction.pdf 329.11Кб
2006 Biochemical evidence for the presence of mixed membrane topologies of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronav.pdf 316.94Кб
2006 Bioinformatics Research on the SARS Coronavirus (SARS_CoV) in China.pdf 172.95Кб
2006 Biophysical characterization of HRC peptide analogs interaction with heptad repeat regions of the SARS-coronavirus.pdf 964.98Кб
2006 Blinded Case_Control Study of the Relationship between Human Coronavirus NL63 and Kawasaki Syndrome.pdf 232.48Кб
2006 Both Spike and Background Genes Contribute to Murine Coronavirus Neurovirulence.pdf 822.08Кб
2006 Bovine Coronavirus 5_-Proximal Genomic Acceptor Hotspot for Discontinuous Transcription Is 65 Nucleotides Wide.pdf 535.23Кб
2006 Canine Coronavirus Highly Pathogenic for Dogs.pdf 107.21Кб
2006 Carboxyl Terminus of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein__ Self-Association Analysis.pdf 633.60Кб
2006 Cell Cycle Perturbations Induced by Infection with the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Their Effect on.pdf 663.30Кб
2006 Changes in nucleolar morphology and proteins during infection with the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 744.88Кб
2006 Characterisation of the RNA binding properties of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 446.55Кб
2006 Characterization and Inhibition of SARS-Coronavirus Main Protease.pdf 449.93Кб
2006 Characterization of HCoV-229E fusion core_ Implications for structure basis of coronavirus membrane fusion.pdf 470.65Кб
2006 Characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus membrane protein.pdf 1.09Мб
2006 Clinical Applications of PCR Volume 336 __ Genomic Sequencing of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus.pdf 331.16Кб
2006 Colonization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Among Health-Care Workers Screened by Naso.pdf 283.38Кб
2006 Comparative Analysis of 22 Coronavirus HKU1 Genomes Reveals a Novel Genotype and Evidence of Natural Recombination.pdf 673.97Кб
2006 Comparative evaluation of two severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) vaccine candidates in mice challenged with S.pdf 303.51Кб
2006 Comparison of 3_prime_-End Encoding Regions of Turkey Coronavirus Isolates from Indiana, North Carolina, and Minnes.pdf 146.21Кб
2006 Conformational States of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Ectodomain.pdf 468.14Кб
2006 Construction of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infectious cDNA Clone and a Replicon To Study Coron.pdf 322.13Кб
2006 Cooperative Involvement of the S1 and S2 Subunits of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Protein in Receptor Binding and E.pdf 420.01Кб
2006 Core Structure of S2 from the Human Coronavirus NL63 Spike Glycoprotein_ _sup____sup__sup_,__sup__sup_.pdf 542.64Кб
2006 Coronaviridae.pdf 245.71Кб
2006 Coronaviruses and their therapy.pdf 217.26Кб
2006 Coronaviruses in bent-winged bats (Miniopterus spp_).pdf 288.11Кб
2006 Coronavirus HKU1 and Other Coronavirus Infections in Hong Kong.pdf 566.14Кб
2006 Coronavirus HKU1 Infection in the United States.pdf 188.68Кб
2006 Coronavirus infection of the central nervous system_ host_virus stand-off.pdf 1.34Мб
2006 Coronavirus phylogeny based on 2D graphical representation of DNA sequence.pdf 590.43Кб
2006 Coronavirus phylogeny based on triplets of nucleic acids bases.pdf 270.47Кб
2006 Correction_ Functional and Genetic Analysis of Coronavirus Replicase-Transcriptase Proteins.pdf 22.49Кб
2006 Cross-Neutralization of Human and Palm Civet Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviruses by Antibodies Targetin.pdf 1.14Мб
2006 Cross-Protection against a Human Enteric Coronavirus and a Virulent Bovine Enteric Coronavirus in Gnotobiotic Calve.pdf 75.21Кб
2006 Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of Nsp15 from SARS coronavirus.pdf 106.31Кб
2006 Crystal structure and mechanistic determinants of SARS coronavirus nonstructural protein 15 define an endoribonucle.pdf 2.54Мб
2006 Crystal Structure of Nonstructural Protein 10 from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Reveals a Nove.pdf 809.14Кб
2006 Crystal Structure of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Dimerization Dom.pdf 935.02Кб
2006 Cutaneous lesions associated with feline coronavirus, FIP, and FIV.pdf 32.84Кб
2006 Cytokine regulation in SARS coronavirus infection compared to other respiratory virus infections.pdf 280.86Кб
2006 Delineation and Modelling of a Nucleolar Retention Signal in the Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 1004.50Кб
2006 Detection and Characterization of Bovine Coronaviruses in Fecal Specimens of Adult Cattle with Diarrhea during the.pdf 295.17Кб
2006 Detection of feline coronavirus using microcantilever sensors.pdf 263.87Кб
2006 Detection of human coronavirus NL63, human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus in children with respira.pdf 140.71Кб
2006 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Stool Specimens by Commercially Available Real-Time R.pdf 108.36Кб
2006 Detection of the New Human Coronavirus HKU1_ A Report of 6 Cases.pdf 191.15Кб
2006 Development of a red-shifted fluorescence-based assay for SARS-coronavirus 3CL protease_ identification of a novel.pdf 238.09Кб
2006 Differential detection of turkey coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus, and bovine coronavirus by a multiplex po.pdf 185.64Кб
2006 Discovering Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3CL Protease Inhibitors_ Virtual Screening, Surface Plasm.pdf 253.23Кб
2006 Discovery of an RNA virus 3_-_5_ exoribonuclease that is critically involved in coronavirus RNA synthesis.pdf 869.10Кб
2006 Dissection of SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein into Discrete Folded Fragments.pdf 297.07Кб
2006 Dodecamer Structure of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein nsp10.pdf 620.17Кб
2006 Drug Design Targeting the Main Protease, the Achilles Heel of Coronaviruses.pdf 597.24Кб
2006 Effect of porcine respiratory coronavirus infection on lipopolysaccharide recognition proteins and haptoglobin leve.pdf 437.99Кб
2006 Endosomal Proteolysis by Cathepsins Is Necessary for Murine Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Type 2 Spike-Mediated.pdf 278.81Кб
2006 Enzymatic activity of the SARS coronavirus main proteinase dimer.pdf 659.94Кб
2006 Epidemiological and Genetic Correlates of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in the Hospital w.pdf 93.43Кб
2006 Epidemiology of respiratory coronaviruses (HCoV) in a Dutch university hospital.pdf 148.18Кб
2006 Evaluation of Affymetrix Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Resequencing GeneChips in Characterization of the Genome.pdf 168.17Кб
2006 Evaluation of inactivation methods for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in noncellular blood products.pdf 179.60Кб
2006 Evidence of human coronavirus HKU1 and human bocavirus in Australian children.pdf 101.97Кб
2006 Evolutionary History of the Closely Related Group 2 Coronaviruses_ Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus.pdf 149.63Кб
2006 Expression and functional characterization of the putative protein 8b of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-asso.pdf 1.08Мб
2006 Extremely Low Exposure of a Community to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ False Seropositivity due to.pdf 660.45Кб
2006 False-Positive Results in a Recombinant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Nucleoc.pdf 145.92Кб
2006 Frequent detection of human rhinoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses, and bocavirus during acute respiratory tr.pdf 135.58Кб
2006 Full-length genome sequences of two SARS-like coronaviruses in horseshoe bats and genetic variation analysis.pdf 146.98Кб
2006 Functional Characterization of Heptad Repeat 1 and 2 Mutants of the Spike Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 591.44Кб
2006 Furin cleavage of the SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein enhances cell_cell fusion but does not affect virion entr.pdf 644.99Кб
2006 Generating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Pseudotype Bearing the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike En.pdf 124.62Кб
2006 Generation of Coronavirus-based multigene RNA vectors.pdf 126.58Кб
2006 Genetic diversity of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus strains isolated in China between 1995 and 2004.pdf 320.41Кб
2006 Genetic variability of human coronavirus OC43-, 229E-, and NL63-like strains and their association with lower respi.pdf 273.33Кб
2006 Glycosylation of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Triple-Spanning Membrane Proteins 3a and M.pdf 451.87Кб
2006 Hexamethylene amiloride blocks E protein ion channels and inhibits coronavirus replication.pdf 1.15Мб
2006 Highly Conserved Regions within the Spike Proteins of Human Coronaviruses 229E and NL63 Determine Recognition of Th.pdf 668.87Кб
2006 HLA-A_0201 T-cell epitopes in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus nucleocapsid and spike proteins.pdf 296.85Кб
2006 Hosting the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ specific cell factors required for infection.pdf 1.14Мб
2006 How the SARS coronavirus causes disease_ host or organism_.pdf 440.07Кб
2006 Human coronavirus 229E encodes a single ORF4 protein between the spike and the envelope genes.pdf 815.18Кб
2006 Human coronavirus NL63, a new respiratory virus.pdf 325.81Кб
2006 Human Coronavirus Nomenclature.pdf 129.78Кб
2006 Human coronavirus OC43 infection induces chronic encephalitis leading to disabilities in BALB_C mice.pdf 744.46Кб
2006 Human Monoclonal Antibody Combination against SARS Coronavirus_ Synergy and Coverage of Escape Mutants.pdf 239.13Кб
2006 Human Neutralizing Fab Molecules against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Generated by Phage Display.pdf 153.57Кб
2006 Identification of cell lines permissive for human coronavirus NL63.pdf 528.35Кб
2006 Identification of Functionally Important Negatively Charged Residues in the Carboxy End of Mouse Hepatitis Coronavi.pdf 395.78Кб
2006 Identification of pulmonary Oct-4+ stem_progenitor cells and demonstration of their susceptibility to SARS coronavi.pdf 2.46Мб
2006 Identifying Epitopes Responsible for Neutralizing Antibody and DC-SIGN Binding on the Spike Glycoprotein of the Sev.pdf 585.04Кб
2006 Immunization of Mice with a DNA Vaccine Based on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Fragme.pdf 460.51Кб
2006 Impact of human coronavirus infections in otherwise healthy children who attended an emergency department.pdf 102.22Кб
2006 Important Role for the Transmembrane Domain of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein during E.pdf 225.61Кб
2006 Improved detection of bovine coronavirus N gene in faeces of calves infected naturally by a semi-nested PCR assay a.pdf 224.74Кб
2006 Inactivation of SARS Coronavirus by Means of Povidone-Iodine, Physical Conditions and Chemical Reagents.pdf 78.78Кб
2006 Induction of protective immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infection using h.pdf 626.22Кб
2006 Induction of transcription factor Egr-1 gene expression in astrocytoma cells by Murine coronavirus infection.pdf 654.46Кб
2006 Inhibition of cytokine gene expression and induction of chemokine genes in non-lymphatic cells infected with SARS c.pdf 1.51Мб
2006 Inhibition of feline (FIPV) and human (SARS) coronavirus by semisynthetic derivatives of glycopeptide antibiotics.pdf 312.59Кб
2006 Inhibition of Human Coronavirus NL63 Infection at Early Stages of the Replication Cycle.pdf 552.77Кб
2006 Inhibition of Interferon-_ Signaling in Oligodendroglia Delays Coronavirus Clearance without Altering Demyelination.pdf 632.90Кб
2006 Inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infectivity by peptides analogous.pdf 548.31Кб
2006 Inter- and intra-variant genetic heterogeneity of human coronavirus OC43 strains in France.pdf 93.39Кб
2006 Interferon-_ and interleukin-4 downregulate expression of the SARS coronavirus receptor ACE2 in Vero E6 cells.pdf 362.48Кб
2006 Invited Minireview_ The Relationship of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus with Avian and Other Coronavi.pdf 1.35Мб
2006 Isatin Compounds as Noncovalent SARS Coronavirus 3C-like Protease Inhibitors.pdf 117.70Кб
2006 Isolation and characterization of a coronavirus from pigeons with pancreatitis.pdf 262.51Кб
2006 Isolation and identification of a novel coronavirus from wild bird.pdf 1.30Мб
2006 Isolation of a coronavirus from a green-cheeked Amazon parrot (_ _i_Amazon viridigenalis Cassin__i__.pdf 141.40Кб
2006 Kinetics and synergistic effects of siRNAs targeting structural and replicase genes of SARS-associated coronavirus.pdf 944.63Кб
2006 Lack of Association between Infection with a Novel Human Coronavirus (HCoV), HCoV_NH, and Kawasaki Disease in Taiwa.pdf 79.76Кб
2006 Localisation and distribution ofO-acetylatedN-acetylneuraminic acids, the endogenous substrates of the hemagglutini.pdf 312.53Кб
2006 Longitudinal profile of antibodies against SARS-coronavirus in SARS patients and their clinical significance.pdf 101.13Кб
2006 Long-lived effector_central memory T-cell responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) S a.pdf 433.39Кб
2006 Long-lived memory T lymphocyte responses against SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in SARS-recovered patients.pdf 601.70Кб
2006 Long-Term Persistence of Robust Antibody and Cytotoxic T Cell Responses in Recovered Patients Infected with SARS Co.pdf 360.18Кб
2006 M and N proteins of SARS coronavirus induce apoptosis in HPF cells.pdf 411.36Кб
2006 Mapping a Neutralizing Epitope on the SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein_ Computational Prediction Based on Affinity-se.pdf 477.70Кб
2006 M gene analysis of atypical strains of feline and canine coronavirus circulating in an Austrian animal shelter.pdf 474.75Кб
2006 Modeling the Early Events of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection In Vitro.pdf 905.46Кб
2006 Model of a Putative Pore_ The Pentameric _-Helical Bundle of SARS Coronavirus E Protein in Lipid Bilayers.pdf 304.10Кб
2006 Modular organization of SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 615.84Кб
2006 Modulation of the Unfolded Protein Response by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein.pdf 447.78Кб
2006 Molecular analysis of Brazilian strains of bovine coronavirus (BCoV) reveals a deletion within the hypervariable re.pdf 203.74Кб
2006 Molecular characterization of a novel coronavirus associated with epizootic catarrhal enteritis (ECE) in ferrets.pdf 605.18Кб
2006 Molecular Characterization of HE, M, and E Genes of Winter Dysentery Bovine Coronavirus Circulated in Korea During.pdf 368.30Кб
2006 Molecular diversity of coronaviruses in bats.pdf 414.00Кб
2006 Molecular Epidemiology of Bovine Coronavirus on the Basis of Comparative Analyses of the S Gene.pdf 17.55Кб
2006 Molecular Evolution Analysis and Geographic Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Like Vir.pdf 20.80Кб
2006 Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting the HR2 Domain and the Region Immediately Upstream of the HR2 of the S Protein Neut.pdf 718.16Кб
2006 Mosaic structure of human coronavirus NL63, one thousand years of evolution.pdf 140.43Кб
2006 Mosaic Structure of Human Coronavirus NL63, One Thousand Years of Evolution.pdf 1.02Мб
2006 Mucosal Immunization with Surface-Displayed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein on Lactobac.pdf 580.37Кб
2006 Multicenter Comparison of Nucleic Acid Extraction Methods for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona.pdf 158.39Кб
2006 Murine encephalitis caused by HCoV-OC43, a human coronavirus with broad species specificity, is partly immune-media.pdf 632.31Кб
2006 Nasopharyngeal Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus RNA in Health-Care Workers.pdf 49.24Кб
2006 Nasopharyngeal Shedding of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome--Associated Coronavirus Is Associated with Genetic Pol.pdf 398.29Кб
2006 Natural feline coronavirus infection_ Differences in cytokine patterns in association with the outcome of infection.pdf 894.60Кб
2006 Neither the RNA nor the Proteins of Open Reading Frames 3a and 3b of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Ar.pdf 289.53Кб
2006 Observations and immunohistochemical detection of Coronavirus, Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia intestinalis in n.pdf 131.73Кб
2006 Over-expression of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3b protein induces both apoptosis and necrosis in.pdf 868.58Кб
2006 Palmitoylations on Murine Coronavirus Spike Proteins Are Essential for Virion Assembly and Infectivity.pdf 711.83Кб
2006 Pathogenic Role for Virus-Specific CD4 T Cells in Mice with Coronavirus-Induced Acute Encephalitis.pdf 1.03Мб
2006 Peptides derived from HIV-1, HIV-2, Ebola virus, SARS coronavirus and coronavirus 229E exhibit high affinity bindin.pdf 755.52Кб
2006 PL-2 Structural insights into SARS coronavirus replication machinery(Plenary Lecture,Abstract,Meeting Program of EA.pdf 126.93Кб
2006 Porcine Innate and Adaptative Immune Responses to Influenza and Coronavirus Infections.pdf 164.03Кб
2006 Potential antivirals and antiviral strategies against SARS coronavirus infections.pdf 6.40Мб
2006 Potential therapies for coronaviruses.pdf 329.94Кб
2006 Preparation and characterization of a novel monoclonal antibody specific to severe acute respiratory syndrome-coron.pdf 680.75Кб
2006 Preparation and evaluation of anti-SARS coronavirus IgY from yolks of immunized SPF chickens.pdf 102.26Кб
2006 Preparation of His-Tagged Armored RNA Phage Particles as a Control for Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Detectio.pdf 248.49Кб
2006 Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Coronaviruses in Bats from China.pdf 711.45Кб
2006 Prevalence of antibodies against feline coronavirus and Chlamydophila felis in Swedish cats.pdf 191.50Кб
2006 Production of an Anti-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Human Monoclonal Antibody Fab Fragment b.pdf 102.36Кб
2006 Propagation of bovine coronavirus in clones of the Caco-2 cell line showing different levels of alkaline phosphatas.pdf 156.14Кб
2006 Putative cis-Acting Stem-Loops in the 5_ Untranslated Region of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus C.pdf 660.74Кб
2006 Pyridine N-oxide derivatives are inhibitory to the human SARS and feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus in cell.pdf 160.65Кб
2006 Quantitative comparison of the efficiency of antibodies against S1 and S2 subunit of SARS coronavirus spike protein.pdf 698.67Кб
2006 Rapid peptide-based screening on the substrate specificity of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.pdf 455.78Кб
2006 Receptor-Independent Infection of Murine Coronavirus_ Analysis by Spinoculation.pdf 418.88Кб
2006 Recombinant adeno-associated virus expressing the receptor-binding domain of severe acute respiratory syndrome coro.pdf 550.23Кб
2006 Recovery of a Neurovirulent Human Coronavirus OC43 from an Infectious cDNA Clone.pdf 207.97Кб
2006 Redirecting Coronavirus to a Nonnative Receptor through a Virus-Encoded Targeting Adapter.pdf 373.19Кб
2006 Rewiring the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) transcription circuit_ Engineering a recombin.pdf 1.11Мб
2006 Risk of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Transmission Aboard Commercial Aircraft.pdf 63.14Кб
2006 Risk-Stratified Seroprevalence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Among Children in Hong Kong.pdf 440.49Кб
2006 RNA Recognition and Cleavage by the SARS Coronavirus Endoribonuclease.pdf 877.03Кб
2006 Role of laboratory variables in differentiating SARS-coronavirus from other causes of community-acquired pneumonia.pdf 244.17Кб
2006 Role of the Mitochondrial Signaling Pathway in Murine Coronavirus-Induced Oligodendrocyte Apoptosis.pdf 321.90Кб
2006 S1f2-4 Structural insights into packaging of the helical nucleocapsid from the structure of SARS coronavirus(S1-f2_.pdf 167.19Кб
2006 SARS_associated Coronavirus Replication in Cell Lines.pdf 360.28Кб
2006 SARS Coronavirus, but Not Human Coronavirus NL63, Utilizes Cathepsin L to Infect ACE2-expressing Cells.pdf 834.28Кб
2006 SARS coronavirus 7a protein blocks cell cycle progression at G0_G1 phase via the cyclin D3_pRb pathway.pdf 1.09Мб
2006 SARS Coronavirus Anti-Infectives.pdf 124.83Кб
2006 SARS Coronavirus E Protein in Phospholipid Bilayers_ An X-Ray Study.pdf 727.58Кб
2006 SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid immunodominant T-cell epitope cluster is common to both exogenous recombinant and end.pdf 729.62Кб
2006 Screening and Identification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus-Specific CTL Epitopes.pdf 529.06Кб
2006 Serological prevalence of canine respiratory coronavirus.pdf 294.88Кб
2006 Seroprevalence of IgG Antibodies to SARS-Coronavirus in Asymptomatic or Subclinical Population Groups.pdf 507.96Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus_ application of monoclonal antibodies and development of an ef.pdf 302.53Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus 3a protein forms an ion channel and modulates virus releas.pdf 1.10Мб
2006 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3a Protein Is Released in Membranous Structures from 3a Protein-Expre.pdf 255.16Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3C-like protease-induced apoptosis.pdf 466.42Кб
2006 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 7a Accessory Protein Is a Viral Structural Protein.pdf 227.44Кб
2006 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Entry into Host Cells_ Opportunities for Therapeutic Intervention_spa.pdf 8.10Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus entry into host cells_ Opportunities for therapeutic intervention.pdf 390.42Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus membrane protein interacts with nucleocapsid protein mostly through t.pdf 438.77Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nsp1 protein suppresses host gene expression by promoting host mRNA d.pdf 803.33Кб
2006 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus on Hospital Surfaces.pdf 48.96Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease_ Structure of a viral deubiquitinating enzyme.pdf 1.67Мб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein 7a interacts with hSGT.pdf 370.83Кб
2006 Severe acute respiratory syndrome diagnostics using a coronavirus protein microarray.pdf 1.19Мб
2006 Sialic acids as receptor determinants for coronaviruses.pdf 273.15Кб
2006 Solution Structure of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Heptad Repeat 2 Domain in the Prefusion Sta.pdf 886.18Кб
2006 Solution structure of the X4 protein coded by the SARS related coronavirus reveals an immunoglobulin like fold and.pdf 463.59Кб
2006 Structure-Based Drug Design and Structural Biology Study of Novel Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory.pdf 388.59Кб
2006 Structure of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Receptor-binding Domain Complexed with Neutralizing Anti.pdf 1.34Мб
2006 Supramolecular Architecture of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Revealed by Electron Cryomicroscopy.pdf 1.14Мб
2006 Survey of Dogs in Japan for Group 2 Canine Coronavirus Infection.pdf 101.91Кб
2006 Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Structure_Activity Relationships, and Antiviral Activity of a Potent SARS Coronavirus.pdf 495.01Кб
2006 Synthesis and activity of an octapeptide inhibitor designed for SARS coronavirus main proteinase.pdf 241.74Кб
2006 Synthesis of_stilbene derivatives with inhibition of_SARS coronavirus replication.pdf 266.86Кб
2006 T Cell Antiviral Effector Function Is Not Dependent on CXCL10 Following Murine Coronavirus Infection.pdf 747.60Кб
2006 Template-based coiled-coil antigens elicit neutralizing antibodies to the SARS-coronavirus.pdf 1.04Мб
2006 Tertiary structure prediction of SARS coronavirus helicase.pdf 158.06Кб
2006 The Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Undergoes Direct Low-pH-Dependent Fusion Activation during Entry.pdf 427.95Кб
2006 The Crystal Structure of ORF-9b, a Lipid Binding Protein from the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 529.90Кб
2006 The first detection of bovine coronavirus in calves diarrhea in west of Iran.pdf 279.20Кб
2006 The human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) 8b protein is distinct from its counterpart in a.pdf 1.17Мб
2006 The Large 386_nt Deletion in SARS_Associated Coronavirus_ Evidence for Quasispecies_.pdf 423.24Кб
2006 The N-terminal octapeptide acts as a dimerization inhibitor of SARS coronavirus 3C-like proteinase.pdf 270.33Кб
2006 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Inhibits the Activity of Cyclin-Cyclin-de.pdf 1.22Мб
2006 The Prevalence of a Group 2 Coronavirus in Dogs in Japan.pdf 220.28Кб
2006 Therapy with a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus_Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibody Redu.pdf 2.53Мб
2006 The relationship between the Feline Coronavirus antibody titre and the age, breed, gender and health status of Aust.pdf 182.56Кб
2006 The Relationship of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus with Avian and Other Coronaviruses.pdf 105.42Кб
2006 The structure of the endoribonuclease XendoU_ From small nucleolar RNA processing to severe acute respiratory syndr.pdf 4.70Мб
2006 Three dimensional model of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus helicase ATPase catalytic domain and molec.pdf 860.79Кб
2006 Towards a Coronavirus-Based HIV Multigene Vaccine.pdf 263.58Кб
2006 Transmission Electron Microscopy of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 1.75Мб
2006 Transmission of bovine coronavirus and serologic responses in feedlot calves under field conditions.pdf 293.72Кб
2006 Ultrastructure and Origin of Membrane Vesicles Associated with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Re.pdf 1.79Мб
2006 Understanding Biology Using Peptides __ Design and Study of Novel Peptide Inhibitors against the SARS-Coronavirus S.pdf 146.13Кб
2006 Understanding the accessory viral proteins unique to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.pdf 330.68Кб
2006 Use of virus vectors for the expression in plants of active full-length and single chain anti-coronavirus antibodie.pdf 377.23Кб
2006 Viral load quantitation of SARS-coronavirus RNA using a one-step real-time RT-PCR.pdf 211.39Кб
2006 Whole blood cytokine profiles in cats infected by feline coronavirus and healthy non-FCoV infected specific pathoge.pdf 269.55Кб
2006 X-Ray Structures of the N- and C-Terminal Domains of a Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein_ Implications for Nucleocap.pdf 623.33Кб
2007 [IEEE 2007 Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies - Jeju City, South Korea (2007_.pdf 374.24Кб
2007 154_ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Like Particles (SARS-CoVLPs) Stimulate Human Monocyte-Derived De.pdf 611.80Кб
2007 5_-Proximal Hot Spot for an Inducible Positive-to-Negative-Strand Template Switch by Coronavirus RNA-Dependent RNA.pdf 1.96Мб
2007 Absence of E protein arrests transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus maturation in the secretory pathway.pdf 5.22Мб
2007 A Contemporary View of Coronavirus Transcription.pdf 427.81Кб
2007 Action of Disinfectants on Canine Coronavirus Replication _em_In Vitro__em_.pdf 52.45Кб
2007 Activation of human monocytes after infection by human coronavirus 229E.pdf 1.30Мб
2007 Acute life threatening event (ALTE) in an infant with human coronavirus HCoV-229E infection.pdf 55.15Кб
2007 Adenovirus-based vaccine prevents pneumonia in ferrets challenged with the SARS coronavirus and stimulates robust i.pdf 3.75Мб
2007 A Hypervariable Region within the 3_ cis-Acting Element of the Murine Coronavirus Genome Is Nonessential for RNA Sy.pdf 1.22Мб
2007 Altered Pathogenesis of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus in Pigs due to Immunosuppressive Effects of Dexamethasone_.pdf 1.05Мб
2007 A Massachusetts prototype like coronavirus isolated from wild peafowls is pathogenic to chickens.pdf 765.16Кб
2007 Amino Acid Substitutions in the S2 Region Enhance Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infectivity in Rat.pdf 132.66Кб
2007 A Mouse-Adapted SARS-Coronavirus Causes Disease and Mortality in BALB_c Mice.pdf 706.74Кб
2007 Analysis of the genome sequence of an alpaca coronavirus.pdf 332.70Кб
2007 An arginine-to-proline mutation in a domain with undefined functions within the helicase protein (Nsp13) is lethal.pdf 1.53Мб
2007 An efficient RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme can specifically target the 5_-untranslated region of severe acute respiratory.pdf 1.53Мб
2007 A novel subset of putative stem_progenitor CD34+Oct-4+ cells is the major target for SARS coronavirus in human lung.pdf 1.79Мб
2007 An RNA Stem-Loop within the Bovine Coronavirus nsp1 Coding Region Is a cis-Acting Element in Defective Interfering.pdf 852.92Кб
2007 Antigenic characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein expressed in insec.pdf 911.07Кб
2007 Antiviral Antibodies Are Necessary To Prevent Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Escape in Mice Infected with a Coronavirus.pdf 476.36Кб
2007 Antiviral Effects of Antisense Morpholino Oligomers in Murine Coronavirus Infection Models.pdf 1023.63Кб
2007 Antiviral Strategies Against Human Coronaviruses.pdf 175.94Кб
2007 A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus That Lacks the E Gene Is Attenuated In Vitro and In Vivo.pdf 1.48Мб
2007 A study on antigenicity and receptor-binding ability of fragment 450_650 of the spike protein of SARS coronavirus.pdf 932.93Кб
2007 A U-turn motif-containing stem-loop in the coronavirus 5_ untranslated region plays a functional role in replicatio.pdf 1.12Мб
2007 Biologic, Antigenic, and Full-Length Genomic Characterization of a Bovine-Like Coronavirus Isolated from a Giraffe.pdf 179.71Кб
2007 Bismuth Complexes Inhibit the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 248.68Кб
2007 Canine coronavirus induces apoptosis in cultured cells.pdf 671.50Кб
2007 CCR1 Deficiency Increases Susceptibility to Fatal Coronavirus Infection of the Central Nervous System.pdf 310.36Кб
2007 Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in the absence of p53.pdf 1.55Мб
2007 Cell Cycle Dependent Nucleolar Localization of the Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 588.07Кб
2007 Cell Entry by Enveloped Viruses_ Redox Considerations for HIV and SARS-Coronavirus.pdf 1.24Мб
2007 Cell-penetrating peptide_morpholino conjugates alter pre-mRNA splicing of DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and inh.pdf 103.10Кб
2007 Characterisation of cyclin D1 down-regulation in coronavirus infected cells.pdf 2.45Мб
2007 Characterization of divergent and atypical canine coronaviruses from Sweden.pdf 136.99Кб
2007 Characterization of the Nuclear Export Signal in the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 609.09Кб
2007 Clathrin-Dependent Entry of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus into Target Cells Expressing ACE2 with th.pdf 744.95Кб
2007 Cleavage of spike protein of SARS coronavirus by protease factor Xa is associated with viral infectivity.pdf 342.59Кб
2007 Clinical Disease in Children Associated With Newly Described Coronavirus Subtypes.pdf 307.00Кб
2007 Co-circulation of human metapneumovirus and SARS-associated coronavirus during a major nosocomial SARS outbreak in.pdf 220.33Кб
2007 Community Epidemiology of Human Metapneumovirus, Human Coronavirus NL63, and Other Respiratory Viruses in Healthy P.pdf 387.65Кб
2007 Comparative Analysis of Twelve Genomes of Three Novel Group 2c and Group 2d Coronaviruses Reveals Unique Group and.pdf 854.05Кб
2007 Comparison of effectiveness of whole viral, N and N199 proteins by ELISA for the rapid diagnosis of severe acute re.pdf 1.09Мб
2007 Comparison of Immunoglobulin G Responses to the Spike and Nucleocapsid Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom.pdf 392.75Кб
2007 Complete genome sequence of bat coronavirus HKU2 from Chinese horseshoe bats revealed a much smaller spike gene wit.pdf 1.05Мб
2007 Complete genomic sequences, a key residue in the spike protein and deletions in nonstructural protein 3b of US stra.pdf 363.49Кб
2007 Computational characterization and design of SARS coronavirus receptor recognition and antibody neutralization.pdf 145.27Кб
2007 Computational simulation of interactions between SARS coronavirus spike mutants and host species-specific receptors.pdf 135.89Кб
2007 Conductance and amantadine binding of a pore formed by a lysine-flanked transmembrane domain of SARS coronavirus en.pdf 574.60Кб
2007 Conformational Reorganization of the SARS Coronavirus Spike Following Receptor Binding_ Implications for Membrane F.pdf 285.37Кб
2007 Coronavirus Antibodies in African Bat Species.pdf 206.32Кб
2007 Coronavirus associated with an enteric syndrome on a quail farm.pdf 1.06Мб
2007 Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 180.89Кб
2007 Coronavirus envelope protein_ A small membrane protein with multiple functions.pdf 321.80Кб
2007 Coronaviruses in Children, Greece.pdf 98.32Кб
2007 Coronavirus HKU1 in an Italian pre-term infant with bronchiolitis.pdf 225.62Кб
2007 Coronavirus NL63 Illnesses in Infancy are a Risk Factor for Asthma at Age Six.pdf 59.86Кб
2007 Coronavirus Non-Structural Protein 1 Is a Major Pathogenicity Factor_ Implications for the Rational Design of Coron.pdf 462.40Кб
2007 Coronavirus nucleocapsid protein is an RNA chaperone.pdf 1.12Мб
2007 Coronavirus Replication Does Not Require the Autophagy Gene_ _i_ATG5__i_.pdf 350.36Кб
2007 CoVDB_ a comprehensive database for comparative analysis of coronavirus genes and genomes.pdf 8.67Мб
2007 Crystal Structure of a Monomeric Form of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Endonuclease nsp15 Suggests.pdf 904.10Кб
2007 Crystal structure of the X domain of human coronavirus NL63.pdf 160.78Кб
2007 Crystal Structures Reveal an Induced-fit Binding of a Substrate-like Aza-peptide Epoxide to SARS Coronavirus Main P.pdf 2.61Мб
2007 Cytosine deamination and selection of CpG suppressed clones are the two major independent biological forces that sh.pdf 2.28Мб
2007 Derivation of a novel SARS_coronavirus replicon cell line and its application for anti-SARS drug screening.pdf 875.84Кб
2007 Detection and Molecular Characterization of Calf Diarrhoea Bovine Coronaviruses Circulating in South Korea during 2.pdf 587.48Кб
2007 Detection of a Novel and Highly Divergent Coronavirus from Asian Leopard Cats and Chinese Ferret Badgers in Souther.pdf 971.64Кб
2007 Detection of Group 1 Coronaviruses in Bats in North America.pdf 285.92Кб
2007 Detection of turkey coronavirus in commercial turkey poults in Brazil.pdf 330.49Кб
2007 Differentiation of feline coronavirus type I and II infections by virus neutralization test.pdf 153.33Кб
2007 Disappearance of Antibodies to SARS-Associated Coronavirus after Recovery.pdf 116.29Кб
2007 DRAK2 regulates memory T cell responses following murine coronavirus infection.pdf 215.66Кб
2007 Dual enteric and respiratory tropisms of winter dysentery bovine coronavirus in calves.pdf 1.05Мб
2007 Editorial on Laboratory-Acquired Incidents in Taipei, Taiwan and Singapore following the Outbreak of SARS Coronavir.pdf 53.46Кб
2007 Effects of humidity and other factors on the generation and sampling of a coronavirus aerosol.pdf 251.98Кб
2007 Emodin blocks the SARS coronavirus spike protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 interaction.pdf 891.63Кб
2007 Enhancement of Murine Coronavirus Replication by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein 6 Requires t.pdf 4.93Мб
2007 Evaluation of SARS-Coronavirus Decontamination Procedures.pdf 159.63Кб
2007 Evidence for Quasi Species in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Associated Coronavirus Deletion Mutants.pdf 42.15Кб
2007 Evolutionary Insights into the Ecology of Coronaviruses.pdf 18.35Кб
2007 Evolutionary Relationships between Bat Coronaviruses and Their Hosts.pdf 272.66Кб
2007 Exceptional Flexibility in the Sequence Requirements for Coronavirus Small Envelope Protein Function.pdf 1.25Мб
2007 Exosomal vaccines containing the S protein of the SARS coronavirus induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies.pdf 842.91Кб
2007 Expression, post-translational modification and biochemical characterization of proteins encoded by subgenomic mRNA.pdf 695.09Кб
2007 Expression, purification and characterization of recombinant severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus non-stru.pdf 383.13Кб
2007 Generation and characterization of human monoclonal neutralizing antibodies with distinct binding and sequence feat.pdf 377.41Кб
2007 Generic Detection of Coronaviruses and Differentiation at the Prototype Strain Level by Reverse Transcription-PCR a.pdf 292.77Кб
2007 Genetic distance of SARS coronavirus from the recent natural case.pdf 694.33Кб
2007 Genomic characterization of equine coronavirus.pdf 1.25Мб
2007 Genomic RNA sequence of feline coronavirus strain FCoV C1Je.pdf 1.08Мб
2007 Group 2 coronaviruses prevent immediate early interferon induction by protection of viral RNA from host cell recogn.pdf 428.74Кб
2007 GxxxG Motif of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Transmembrane Domain Is Not Involve.pdf 179.70Кб
2007 Heparan sulfate is a binding molecule but not a receptor for CEACAM1-independent infection of murine coronavirus.pdf 449.79Кб
2007 Heparan Sulfate is a Selective Attachment Factor for the Avian Coronavirus IBV Beaudette.pdf 54.83Кб
2007 Heparan Sulfate Is a Selective Attachment Factor for the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Beaudette.pdf 401.93Кб
2007 Heparan Sulfate Is a Selective Attachment Factor for the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Beaudette (E.pdf 1.86Мб
2007 Heterologous MVA-S prime Ad5-S boost regimen induces high and persistent levels of neutralizing antibody response a.pdf 164.75Кб
2007 Heterologous viral RNA export elements improve expression of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus s.pdf 863.15Кб
2007 High-cell-passage canine coronavirus vaccine providing sterilising immunity.pdf 88.52Кб
2007 High Prevalence of the CD14-159CC Genotype in Patients Infected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated C.pdf 42.19Кб
2007 Human CD4+ memory T-lymphocyte responses to SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 384.65Кб
2007 Human Coronavirus 229E Papain-Like Proteases Have Overlapping Specificities but Distinct Functions in Viral Replica.pdf 419.90Кб
2007 Human Coronavirus Infection among Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Thailand.pdf 98.85Кб
2007 Human coronavirus infections in Hong Kong children.pdf 146.30Кб
2007 Human Coronavirus Infections in Rural Thailand_ A Comprehensive Study Using Real_Time Reverse_Transcription Polymer.pdf 159.45Кб
2007 Human Coronavirus-NL63 infections in Korean children, 2004_2006.pdf 253.16Кб
2007 Human Coronavirus OC43 Pneumonia in a Pediatric Cancer Patient With Down Syndrome and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.pdf 101.29Кб
2007 Human Immunodeficiency Viral Vector Pseudotyped with the Spike Envelope of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona.pdf 770.43Кб
2007 Human respiratory coronavirus HKU1 versus other coronavirus infections in Italian hospitalised patients.pdf 574.73Кб
2007 Identification and Characterization of Dominant Helper T-Cell Epitopes in the Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute.pdf 702.57Кб
2007 Identification of a mutation in the spike protein cleavage site in Brazilian strains of wild-type bovine coronaviru.pdf 181.11Кб
2007 Identification of mouse hepatitis coronavirus A59 nucleocapsid protein phosphorylation sites.pdf 1.28Мб
2007 Identification of new human coronaviruses.pdf 198.96Кб
2007 Identification of phosphorylation sites in the nucleocapsid protein (N protein) of SARS-coronavirus.pdf 727.29Кб
2007 Immune response induced by spike protein from transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus expressed in mouse mammary.pdf 540.37Кб
2007 Immune responses against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus induced by virus-like particles in mice.pdf 272.84Кб
2007 Immune responses and histopathological changes in rabbits immunized with inactivated SARS coronavirus.pdf 229.70Кб
2007 Immunogenicity of a receptor-binding domain of SARS coronavirus spike protein in mice_ Implications for a subunit v.pdf 310.06Кб
2007 Importance of the Penultimate Positive Charge in Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus A59 Membrane Protein.pdf 420.37Кб
2007 Induction of Apoptosis by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 7a Protein Is Dependent on Its Interact.pdf 625.75Кб
2007 Induction of Specific Immune Responses by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike DNA Vaccine with or w.pdf 176.18Кб
2007 Induction of T-cell response by a DNA vaccine encoding a novel HLA-A_0201 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronav.pdf 365.36Кб
2007 Inhibition of infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus by equine neutralizing a.pdf 523.08Кб
2007 Inhibition of SARS coronavirus helicase by bismuth complexes.pdf 332.71Кб
2007 Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Infection by Equine Neutralizing Antibody in.pdf 6.65Мб
2007 Inhibitor Design for SARS Coronavirus Main Protease Based on _Distorted Key Theory_.pdf 384.16Кб
2007 Interaction of a Peptide from the Pre-transmembrane Domain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spi.pdf 375.56Кб
2007 Intracellular localization of the SARS coronavirus protein 9b_ Evidence of active export from the nucleus.pdf 2.54Мб
2007 Isolation and sequence analysis of canine respiratory coronavirus.pdf 564.25Кб
2007 Lack of support for an association between CLEC4M homozygosity and protection against SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 56.95Кб
2007 Lethal Infection of K18-hACE2 Mice Infected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 649.74Кб
2007 Lipid rafts play an important role in the early stage of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus life cycle.pdf 578.75Кб
2007 Lithium chloride inhibits the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cell culture.pdf 318.58Кб
2007 Localization and Membrane Topology of Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 4_ Involvement of the Early Secretory Pathw.pdf 708.36Кб
2007 Long-term human coronavirus-myelin cross-reactive T-cell clones derived from multiple sclerosis patients.pdf 247.39Кб
2007 Manipulation of the infectious bronchitis coronavirus genome for vaccine development and analysis of the accessory.pdf 294.29Кб
2007 Membrane topology of murine coronavirus replicase nonstructural protein 3.pdf 896.17Кб
2007 Molecular analysis of the S glycoprotein gene of bovine coronaviruses isolated in Japan from 1999 to 2006.pdf 105.12Кб
2007 Molecular characterisation of the virulent canine coronavirus CB_05 strain.pdf 354.94Кб
2007 Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus A59 Nucleocapsid Protein Is a Type I Interferon Antagonist.pdf 627.28Кб
2007 Mouse hepatitis coronavirus replication induces host translational shutoff and mRNA decay, with concomitant formati.pdf 708.88Кб
2007 Murine coronavirus-induced oligodendrocyte apoptosis is mediated through the activation of the Fas signaling pathwa.pdf 1.21Мб
2007 Mutational Analysis of Aminopeptidase N, a Receptor for Several Group 1 Coronaviruses, Identifies Key Determinants.pdf 1.27Мб
2007 Natural Mutations in the Receptor Binding Domain of Spike Glycoprotein Determine the Reactivity of Cross-Neutraliza.pdf 222.27Кб
2007 New Structure Model for the Packaging Signal in the Genome of Group IIa Coronaviruses.pdf 472.38Кб
2007 Novel _-Barrel Fold in the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure of the Replicase Nonstructural Protein 1 from the S.pdf 888.03Кб
2007 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure of the N-Terminal Domain of Nonstructural Protein 3 from the Severe Acute Resp.pdf 984.90Кб
2007 O349 Molecular epidemiology, genotypes and recombination of coronavirus HKU1, a novel human coronavirus associated.pdf 45.47Кб
2007 Open Reading Frame 8a of the Human Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Not Only Promotes Viral Replicatio.pdf 15.52Мб
2007 Palmitoylation of the cysteine-rich endodomain of the SARS_coronavirus spike glycoprotein is important for spike-me.pdf 1.45Мб
2007 Pan_Viral Screening of Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults With and Without Asthma Reveals Unexpected Human Coro.pdf 3.70Мб
2007 Participation of both Host and Virus Factors in Induction of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in F344 Rats.pdf 999.02Кб
2007 Pathology and virus dispersion in cynomolgus monkeys experimentally infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 586.50Кб
2007 Plant lectins are potent inhibitors of coronaviruses by interfering with two targets in the viral replication cycle.pdf 260.47Кб
2007 Porcine aminopeptidase N is a functional receptor for the PEDV coronavirus.pdf 533.84Кб
2007 Potent cross-reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates by human monoclonal antibodies.pdf 495.92Кб
2007 Protection from Infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in a Chinese Hamster Model by Equine N.pdf 171.60Кб
2007 Proteolytic Processing and Deubiquitinating Activity of Papain-Like Proteases of Human Coronavirus NL63.pdf 552.53Кб
2007 Proteomic analysis of up-regulated proteins in human promonocyte cells expressing severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 664.23Кб
2007 Quantitative temporal-spatial distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) i.pdf 139.21Кб
2007 Quasispecies of bovine enteric and respiratory coronaviruses based on complete genome sequences and genetic changes.pdf 411.54Кб
2007 Rat coronaviruses infect rat alveolar type I epithelial cells and induce expression of CXC chemokines.pdf 1.20Мб
2007 Recent Developments in the Virology and Antiviral Research of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 443.05Кб
2007 Recombinant Protein-Based Assays for Detection of Antibodies to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike.pdf 114.99Кб
2007 Recombinant Truncated Nucleocapsid Protein as Antigen in a Novel Immunoglobulin M Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbe.pdf 53.67Кб
2007 Regulation of cell death during infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and other coronaviru.pdf 165.55Кб
2007 Regulation of IRF-3-dependent Innate Immunity by the Papain-like Protease Domain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Sy.pdf 1.08Мб
2007 Replicase Genes of Murine Coronavirus Strains A59 and JHM Are Interchangeable_ Differences in Pathogenesis Map to t.pdf 289.43Кб
2007 Reply to _Lack of support for an association between CLEC4M homozygosity and protection against SARS coronavirus in.pdf 144.89Кб
2007 Residues on the Dimer Interface of SARS Coronavirus 3C-like Protease_ Dimer Stability Characterization and Enzyme C.pdf 604.08Кб
2007 Reversible Unfolding of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Main Protease in Guanidinium Chloride.pdf 433.60Кб
2007 Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections.pdf 136.01Кб
2007 Ribonucleocapsid Formation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus through Molecular Action of the N-Termi.pdf 1.30Мб
2007 Role for Nonstructural Protein 1 of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Chemokine Dysregulation.pdf 16.89Кб
2007 Role of the Coronavirus E Viroporin Protein Transmembrane Domain in Virus Assembly.pdf 520.56Кб
2007 S392 Wildlife hosts of SARS-coronavirus and related viruses.pdf 45.73Кб
2007 Selection of SARS-Coronavirus-specific B cell epitopes by phage peptide library screening and evaluation of the imm.pdf 1.18Мб
2007 Selectivity in ISG15 and ubiquitin recognition by the SARS coronavirus papain-like protease.pdf 951.94Кб
2007 Seroepidemiology of group I human coronaviruses in children.pdf 596.17Кб
2007 Serological and molecular evidence that canine respiratory coronavirus is circulating in Italy.pdf 158.76Кб
2007 Serological Prevalence of Canine Respiratory Coronavirus in Southern Italy and Epidemiological Relationship with Ca.pdf 264.70Кб
2007 Serological Survey of Bovine Coronavirus in Korea.pdf 214.41Кб
2007 Serum _1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentration in non-symptomatic cats with feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection.pdf 182.48Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus.pdf 137.95Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Accessory Protein 6 Is a Virion-Associated Protein and Is Released fr.pdf 128.56Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus as an Agent of Emerging and Reemerging Infection.pdf 375.26Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Evades Antiviral Signaling_ Role of nsp1 and Rational Design of an At.pdf 630.95Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Gene 7 Products Contribute to Virus-Induced Apoptosis.pdf 1.08Мб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Vaccinated Ferrets.pdf 811.11Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection of Mice Transgenic for the Human Angiotensin-Converting Enz.pdf 807.96Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Open Reading Frame (ORF) 3b, ORF 6, and Nucleocapsid Proteins Functio.pdf 1.90Мб
2007 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Orf3a protein interacts with caveolin.pdf 784.60Кб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus ORF6 Antagonizes STAT1 Function by Sequestering Nuclear Import Factor.pdf 1.67Мб
2007 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein 6 Accelerates Murine Coronavirus Infections.pdf 572.59Кб
2007 Severe enteritis in Italian Mediterranean buffalo calves associated with a novel bovine-like coronavirus.pdf 295.35Кб
2007 siRNAs targeting terminal sequences of the SARS-associated coronavirus membrane gene inhibit M protein expression t.pdf 1.25Мб
2007 Soropreval_ncia das infec__es por parvov_rus, adenov_rus, coronav_rus canino e pelo v_rus da cinomose em c_es de Sa.pdf 73.18Кб
2007 Specific Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation Sites Are Critical for DC-SIGN- and L-SIGN-Mediated Severe Acute Respirato.pdf 810.24Кб
2007 Specific Plant Terpenoids and Lignoids Possess Potent Antiviral Activities against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom.pdf 314.86Кб
2007 Structural proteomics of the SARS coronavirus_ a model response to emerging infectious diseases.pdf 489.25Кб
2007 Structure of the SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein RNA-binding Dimerization Domain Suggests a Mechanism for Hel.pdf 1.62Мб
2007 Substrate Specificity Profiling and Identification of a New Class of Inhibitor for the Major Protease of the SARS C.pdf 4.31Мб
2007 Suppression of Coronavirus Replication by Inhibition of the MEK Signaling Pathway.pdf 429.29Кб
2007 SYBR Green real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for the generic detection of coronavirus.pdf 632.65Кб
2007 Synthesis of Stilbene Derivatives with Inhibition of SARS Coronavirus Replication__span___span_.pdf 34.20Кб
2007 Synthetic Reconstruction of Zoonotic and Early Human Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Isolates That Pr.pdf 1.49Мб
2007 The _SARS-unique domain_ (SUD) of SARS coronavirus is an oligo(G)-binding protein.pdf 412.73Кб
2007 The 29-Nucleotide Deletion Present in Human but Not in Animal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviruses Disru.pdf 472.41Кб
2007 The 3a Accessory Protein of SARS Coronavirus Specifically Interacts with the 5_UTR of Its Genomic RNA, Using a Uniq.pdf 624.68Кб
2007 The carbohydrate-binding plant lectins and the non-peptidic antibiotic pradimicin A target the glycans of the coron.pdf 707.12Кб
2007 The Coronavirus Spike Protein Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Upregulation of Intracellular Chemokine mRNA.pdf 488.22Кб
2007 The Cytoplasmic Tail of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Contains a Novel Endoplasmi.pdf 460.54Кб
2007 The detection of feline coronaviruses in blood samples from cats by mRNA RT-PCR.pdf 129.28Кб
2007 The immunity induced by recombinant spike proteins of SARS coronavirus in Balb_c mice.pdf 192.21Кб
2007 The Infectivity and Pathogenicity of a Group 2 Bovine Coronavirus in Pups.pdf 145.27Кб
2007 The intracellular sites of early replication and budding of SARS-coronavirus.pdf 2.59Мб
2007 The Molecular Biology of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 88.05Кб
2007 The nonstructural protein 8 (nsp8) of the SARS coronavirus interacts with its ORF6 accessory protein.pdf 1.28Мб
2007 The Novel Human Coronaviruses NL63 and HKU1.pdf 276.21Кб
2007 The ORF7b Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Is Expressed in Virus-Infected Cells.pdf 917.06Кб
2007 The response of microglia and astrocytes to the infected cortical neurons induced by a coronavirus.pdf 92.46Кб
2007 The SARS-Coronavirus Membrane protein induces apoptosis through modulating the Akt survival pathway.pdf 1.91Мб
2007 The SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein is selectively recognized by lung surfactant protein D and activates macrop.pdf 398.54Кб
2007 The S proteins of human coronavirus NL63 and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus bind overlapping regions.pdf 888.78Кб
2007 The Synergistic Interaction of Interferon Types I and II Leads to Marked Reduction in Severe Acute Respiratory Synd.pdf 115.49Кб
2007 The use of hepatitis C virus NS3_4A and secreted alkaline phosphatase to quantitate cell_cell membrane fusion media.pdf 637.83Кб
2007 Three men, a paint brush and a coronavirus.pdf 62.61Кб
2007 Trafficking motifs in the SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 506.75Кб
2007 Transmission maternof_tale des_coronavirus humains_ _tude prospective pilote.pdf 156.72Кб
2007 Two-Way Antigenic Cross-Reactivity between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Group 1 Ani.pdf 213.35Кб
2007 Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline.pdf 429.91Кб
2007 Type IVB Pilus Operon Promoter Controlling Expression of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavir.pdf 291.61Кб
2007 Up-regulation of IL-6 and TNF-_ induced by SARS-coronavirus spike protein in murine macrophages via NF-_B pathway.pdf 542.56Кб
2007 Use of Antibody Avidity Assays for Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 106.31Кб
2007 Use of anti-coronavirus antibody testing of cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis invo.pdf 445.98Кб
2007 Using patient-collected clinical samples and sera to detect and quantify the severe acute respiratory syndrome coro.pdf 172.24Кб
2007 Utility of the aged BALB_c mouse model to demonstrate prevention and control strategies for Severe Acute Respirator.pdf 1.38Мб
2008 [Methods in Molecular Biology] SARS- and Other Coronaviruses Volume 454 __ .pdf 4.13Мб
2008 [Methods in Molecular Biology] SARS- and Other Coronaviruses Volume 454 __ A Pancoronavirus RT-PCR Assay for Detect.pdf 558.40Кб
2008 [Methods in Molecular Biology] SARS- and Other Coronaviruses Volume 454 __ Isolation and Propagation of Coronavirus.pdf 381.44Кб
2008 [Methods in Molecular Biology] SARS- and Other Coronaviruses Volume 454 __ Large-Scale Preparation of UV-Inactivate.pdf 356.10Кб
2008 [Methods in Molecular Biology] SARS- and Other Coronaviruses Volume 454 __ Titration of Human Coronaviruses, HCoV-2.pdf 455.49Кб
2008 236 SARS-coronavirus inhibits interferon induction both at pre- and post-transcriptional levels.pdf 122.81Кб
2008 27 Severe SARS coronavirus infection in aged macaques is associated with reduced expression of anti-inflammatory ty.pdf 120.50Кб
2008 A chimeric multi-epitope DNA vaccine elicited specific antibody response against severe acute respiratory syndrome-.pdf 1.11Мб
2008 A coronavirus detected in the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus.pdf 36.83Кб
2008 A line immunoassay utilizing recombinant nucleocapsid proteins for detection of antibodies to human coronaviruses.pdf 288.57Кб
2008 A Live Attenuated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Is Immunogenic and Efficacious in Golden Syrian Ham.pdf 784.05Кб
2008 Amiodarone Alters Late Endosomes and Inhibits SARS Coronavirus Infection at a Post-Endosomal Level.pdf 587.07Кб
2008 Analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus structural proteins in virus-like particle assembly.pdf 324.12Кб
2008 An update on canine coronaviruses_ Viral evolution and pathobiology.pdf 488.37Кб
2008 A prime-boost vaccination protocol optimizes immune responses against the nucleocapsid protein of the SARS coronavi.pdf 540.42Кб
2008 A review of studies on animal reservoirs of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 1.20Мб
2008 Aromatic Amino Acids in the Juxtamembrane Domain of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotei.pdf 1.19Мб
2008 Association between faecal shedding of feline coronavirus and serum _1-acid glycoprotein sialylation.pdf 164.99Кб
2008 A Structural View of the Inactivation of the SARS Coronavirus Main Proteinase by Benzotriazole Esters.pdf 908.12Кб
2008 Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis attenuated live vaccines undergo selection of subpopulations and mutations.pdf 241.72Кб
2008 Biological and genetic analysis of a bovine-like coronavirus isolated from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves.pdf 1.26Мб
2008 Bovine-Like Coronaviruses Isolated from Four Species of Captive Wild Ruminants Are Homologous to Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 935.00Кб
2008 Broadening of Neutralization Activity to Directly Block a Dominant Antibody-Driven SARS-Coronavirus Evolution Pathw.pdf 1.06Мб
2008 Canine coronavirus inactivation with physical and chemical agents.pdf 179.84Кб
2008 Canine Respiratory Coronavirus_ An Emerging Pathogen in the Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex.pdf 165.44Кб
2008 Cathepsin L Functionally Cleaves the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Class I Fusion Protein Upstream.pdf 510.64Кб
2008 Cell Type-Specific Cleavage of Nucleocapsid Protein by Effector Caspases during SARS Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.09Мб
2008 Characterization of the Prefusion and Transition States of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus S2-HR2_.pdf 1.09Мб
2008 Chimeric coronavirus-like particles carrying severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SCoV) S protein protect.pdf 1.62Мб
2008 Cleavage of Group 1 Coronavirus Spike Proteins_ How Furin Cleavage Is Traded Off against Heparan Sulfate Binding up.pdf 245.52Кб
2008 Clinical manifestations of human coronavirus NL63 infection in children in Taiwan.pdf 156.76Кб
2008 Clinicopathologic Features of a Systemic Coronavirus-Associated Disease Resembling Feline Infectious Peritonitis in.pdf 2.09Мб
2008 Coinfection of pigs with porcine respiratory coronavirus and Bordetella bronchiseptica.pdf 932.22Кб
2008 Co-infection of respiratory bacterium with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus induces an exacerbated pne.pdf 723.74Кб
2008 Comments to the predecessor of human SARS coronavirus in 2003_2004 epidemic.pdf 394.11Кб
2008 Comparison of Serologic Techniques for the Detection of Antibodies against Feline Coronaviruses.pdf 150.58Кб
2008 Complete genomic sequence of turkey coronavirus.pdf 973.94Кб
2008 Complete nucleotide sequence of polyprotein gene 1 and genome organization of turkey coronavirus.pdf 655.02Кб
2008 Construction of a non-infectious SARS coronavirus replicon for application in drug screening and analysis of viral.pdf 484.27Кб
2008 Coronavirus Antibodies in Bat Biologists.pdf 123.62Кб
2008 Coronaviruses_ Molecular and Cellular Biology.pdf 143.95Кб
2008 Coronavirus Escape from Heptad Repeat 2 (HR2)-Derived Peptide Entry Inhibition as a Result of Mutations in the HR1.pdf 687.49Кб
2008 Coronavirus Infection Modulates the Unfolded Protein Response and Mediates Sustained Translational Repression.pdf 958.55Кб
2008 Coronavirus neuropathogenesis_ could SARS be the tip of the iceberg_.pdf 139.41Кб
2008 Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 16 Is a Cap-0 Binding Enzyme Possessing (Nucleoside-2_O)-Methyltransferase Activi.pdf 2.28Мб
2008 Coronavirus phylogeny based on Base-Base Correlation.pdf 274.76Кб
2008 Cytokine Responses in Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus-Infected Pigs Treated with Corticosteroids as a Model for Sev.pdf 604.90Кб
2008 Design and Synthesis of Cinanserin Analogs as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3CL Protease Inhibitors.pdf 540.90Кб
2008 Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Group 1 Coronaviruses in South American Bats.pdf 447.21Кб
2008 Detection and Prevalence Patterns of Group I Coronaviruses in Bats, Northern Germany.pdf 324.97Кб
2008 Detection of an Antigenic Group 2 Coronavirus in an Adult Alpaca with Enteritis.pdf 49.57Кб
2008 Detection of Antigenic Heterogeneity in Feline Coronavirus Nucleocapsid in Feline Pyogranulomatous Meningoencephali.pdf 2.31Мб
2008 Detection of bovine coronavirus using a TaqMan-based real-time RT-PCR assay.pdf 247.24Кб
2008 Determination and application of immunodominant regions of SARS coronavirus spike and nucleocapsid proteins recogni.pdf 680.25Кб
2008 Development of a Nucleocapsid-Based Human Coronavirus Immunoassay and Estimates of Individuals Exposed to Coronavir.pdf 219.42Кб
2008 Development of Broad-Spectrum Halomethyl Ketone Inhibitors Against Coronavirus Main Protease 3CLpro.pdf 1.01Мб
2008 Development of Human Single-Chain Antibodies against SARS-Associated Coronavirus.pdf 420.57Кб
2008 Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus.pdf 2.27Мб
2008 Differential Inhibitory Activities and Stabilisation of DNA Aptamers against the SARS Coronavirus Helicase.pdf 731.28Кб
2008 Differential role for low pH and cathepsin-mediated cleavage of the viral spike protein during entry of serotype II.pdf 1.25Мб
2008 Dissection and identification of regions required to form pseudoparticles by the interaction between the nucleocaps.pdf 2.38Мб
2008 Diversity of Coronaviruses in Bats_ Insights Into Origin of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 50.90Кб
2008 Electron Microscopy of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 3.47Мб
2008 Encyclopedia of Virology __ Coronaviruses_ General Features.pdf 249.05Кб
2008 Entry from the Cell Surface of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus with Cleaved S Protein as Revealed by.pdf 443.42Кб
2008 Envelope Protein Palmitoylations Are Crucial for Murine Coronavirus Assembly.pdf 1.01Мб
2008 Equine coronavirus induces apoptosis in cultured cells.pdf 427.84Кб
2008 Evaluating the 3C-like protease activity of SARS-Coronavirus_ Recommendations for standardized assays for drug disc.pdf 1.04Мб
2008 Evaluation of antibodies against feline coronavirus 7b protein for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis in ca.pdf 606.32Кб
2008 Evaluation of Seeplex_ RV Detection Kit for Detecting Rhinovirus, Human Metapneumovirus, and Coronavirus.pdf 204.61Кб
2008 Evidence for Differential Roles for NKG2D Receptor Signaling in Innate Host Defense against Coronavirus-Induced Neu.pdf 1.34Мб
2008 Evidence of the Recombinant Origin of a Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Like Coronavirus and Its Impli.pdf 1.07Мб
2008 Evolution of genomes, host shifts and the geographic spread of SARS-CoV and related coronaviruses.pdf 2.04Мб
2008 Experimental coronavirus retinopathy (ECOR)_ Retinal degeneration susceptible mice have an augmented interferon and.pdf 1.04Мб
2008 Experimental infection of dogs with a novel strain of canine coronavirus causing systemic disease and lymphopenia.pdf 496.40Кб
2008 Fusion core structure of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)_ In search of potent SARS-CoV.pdf 410.94Кб
2008 Gain, Preservation, and Loss of a Group 1a Coronavirus Accessory Glycoprotein.pdf 710.30Кб
2008 Gene expression, virulence and vaccine development in coronaviruses.pdf 316.86Кб
2008 Generation of a Protective T-Cell Response Following Coronavirus Infection of the Central Nervous System Is Not Dep.pdf 470.69Кб
2008 Genetic Interactions between an Essential 3_ cis-Acting RNA Pseudoknot, Replicase Gene Products, and the Extreme 3_.pdf 2.09Мб
2008 Genome Organization and Reverse Genetic Analysis of a Type I Feline Coronavirus.pdf 866.48Кб
2008 Genomic Analysis Reveals Age-Dependent Innate Immune Responses to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.15Мб
2008 Genomic characterizations of bat coronaviruses (1A, 1B and HKU8) and evidence for co-infections in Miniopterus bats.pdf 110.03Кб
2008 Glucose_6_Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Enhances Human Coronavirus 229E Infection.pdf 1.33Мб
2008 Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Coronavirus Infection in Pigs, Argentina.pdf 353.72Кб
2008 Heptad Repeat-Derived Peptides Block Protease-Mediated Direct Entry from the Cell Surface of Severe Acute Respirato.pdf 204.11Кб
2008 Human (non-severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus infections in hospitalised children in France.pdf 195.97Кб
2008 Human Coronavirus NL63 and 229E Seroconversion in Children.pdf 315.13Кб
2008 Human coronavirus NL63 infections in infants hospitalised with acute respiratory tract infections in South Africa.pdf 61.94Кб
2008 Human Metapneumovirus and Human Coronavirus NL63_ In Reply.pdf 233.78Кб
2008 Human Metapneumovirus and Human Coronavirus NL63.pdf 233.91Кб
2008 I-58 More and more human and animal coronaviruses.pdf 52.15Кб
2008 Identification of a Coronavirus Transcription Enhancer.pdf 1.17Мб
2008 Identification of a Newly Isolated Avian Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Variant in China Exhibiting Affinity for.pdf 241.83Кб
2008 Identification of a Newly Isolated Avian Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Variant In China Exhibiting Affinity For.pdf 53.66Кб
2008 Identification of a Novel Coronavirus from a Beluga Whale by Using a Panviral Microarray.pdf 720.26Кб
2008 Identification of a Novel Transcriptional Repressor (HEPIS) That Interacts with nsp-10 of SARS Coronavirus.pdf 255.79Кб
2008 Identification of Group 1 Coronavirus Antigen in Multisystemic Granulomatous Lesions in Ferrets (Mustela putorius f.pdf 5.57Мб
2008 Identification of residues in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein of human coronavirus NL63 that.pdf 374.41Кб
2008 Identification of the avian infectious bronchitis coronaviruses with mutations in gene 3.pdf 1.62Мб
2008 Importance of cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains in the interaction of the S protein of SARS-coronavirus with t.pdf 550.88Кб
2008 Importance of Conserved Cysteine Residues in the Coronavirus Envelope Protein.pdf 956.78Кб
2008 Induction of neutralising antibodies and cellular immune responses against SARS coronavirus by recombinant measles.pdf 446.40Кб
2008 Influenza C virus and bovine coronavirus esterase reveal a similar catalytic mechanism_ new insights for drug disco.pdf 250.46Кб
2008 Inhibition of human coronavirus 229E infection in human epithelial lung cells (L132) by chloroquine_ Involvement of.pdf 227.33Кб
2008 Interactions between M protein and other structural proteins of severe, acute respiratory syndrome-associated coron.pdf 498.98Кб
2008 Interferon and cytokine responses to SARS-coronavirus infection.pdf 592.90Кб
2008 Intracellular Restriction of a Productive Noncytopathic Coronavirus Infection.pdf 944.97Кб
2008 Intranasal Vaccination of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Encoding Receptor-Binding Domain of Severe Acute Respi.pdf 955.37Кб
2008 In vitro inhibition of coronavirus replications by the traditionally used medicinal herbal extracts, Cimicifuga rhi.pdf 409.36Кб
2008 Isolation of inhibitory RNA aptamers against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus NTPase_Helicase.pdf 647.90Кб
2008 Materno-fetal transmission of human coronaviruses_ a prospective pilot study.pdf 84.73Кб
2008 Maturation and Localization of Macrophages and Microglia During Infection with a Neurotropic Murine Coronavirus.pdf 1.16Мб
2008 Mechanism for Controlling the Dimer-Monomer Switch and Coupling Dimerization to Catalysis of the Severe Acute Respi.pdf 987.37Кб
2008 Mechanisms of Zoonotic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Host Range Expansion in Human Airway Epitheliu.pdf 966.86Кб
2008 Memory CD4+ T-Cell-Mediated Protection from Lethal Coronavirus Encephalomyelitis.pdf 1.34Мб
2008 Molecular analysis of the bovine coronavirus S1 gene by direct sequencing of diarrheic fecal specimens.pdf 458.88Кб
2008 Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus RNA Replication Depends on GBF1-Mediated ARF1 Activation.pdf 567.75Кб
2008 Mouse-Passaged Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Leads to Lethal Pulmonary Edema and Diffuse.pdf 2.39Мб
2008 Murine Coronaviruses Encoding nsp2 at Different Genomic Loci Have Altered Replication, Protein Expression, and Loca.pdf 865.16Кб
2008 Murine Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Is Recognized by MDA5 and Induces Type I Interferon in Brain Macrophages_M.pdf 1.31Мб
2008 Mutation in murine coronavirus replication protein nsp4 alters assembly of double membrane vesicles.pdf 1.91Мб
2008 Mutation of Gly-11 on the Dimer Interface Results in the Complete Crystallographic Dimer Dissociation of Severe Acu.pdf 969.50Кб
2008 Neuroprotective Effect of Apolipoprotein D against Human Coronavirus OC43-Induced Encephalitis in Mice.pdf 461.96Кб
2008 Neurotropic Viral Infections __ Neurotropic coronavirus infections.pdf 679.21Кб
2008 Nidoviruses __ Coronaviruses of Domestic Livestock and Poultry_ Interspecies Transmission, Pathogenesis, and Immuni.pdf 211.41Кб
2008 Nidoviruses __ Coronavirus Structural Proteins and Virus Assembly.pdf 386.73Кб
2008 Nidoviruses __ Supramolecular Architecture of the Coronavirus Particle.pdf 607.20Кб
2008 On The Structure of Coronaviruses_ Cryo-electron Tomography of Mouse Hepatitis Virus.pdf 486.82Кб
2008 Outbreaks of human coronavirus in a paediatric and neonatal intensive care unit.pdf 156.41Кб
2008 Pathogenesis of feline enteric coronavirus infection.pdf 529.17Кб
2008 Pathogenicity of severe acute respiratory coronavirus deletion mutants in hACE-2 transgenic mice.pdf 2.41Мб
2008 Pathological Changes in Masked Palm Civets Experimentally Infected by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coro.pdf 2.45Мб
2008 Pathology of Experimental SARS Coronavirus Infection in Cats and Ferrets.pdf 6.74Мб
2008 Pathways of Cross-Species Transmission of Synthetically Reconstructed Zoonotic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Co.pdf 1.30Мб
2008 Peptide Mimicrying Between SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein and Human Proteins Reacts with SARS Patient Serum.pdf 3.64Мб
2008 Peptides from the SARS-associated coronavirus as tags for protein expression and purification.pdf 917.31Кб
2008 Persistent Replication of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Human Tubular Kidney Cells Selects for A.pdf 848.26Кб
2008 Phosphorylation of the arginine_serine dipeptide-rich motif of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nu.pdf 754.00Кб
2008 Phylogenetic analysis of human coronavirus NL63 circulating in Italy.pdf 499.70Кб
2008 Plaque assay for human coronavirus NL63 using human colon carcinoma cells.pdf 1.96Мб
2008 Polymorphisms in the C-type lectin genes cluster in chromosome 19 and predisposition to severe acute respiratory sy.pdf 432.14Кб
2008 Poultry Diseases __ Coronaviridae.pdf 405.40Кб
2008 Preparation of Armored RNA as a Control for Multiplex Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Detection of Influenza Vi.pdf 312.24Кб
2008 Prevalence of antibodies to canine respiratory coronavirus in some dog populations in Japan.pdf 69.25Кб
2008 Prevalence of Feline Coronavirus Antibodies in Cats in Bursa (Turkey) by An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.pdf 59.95Кб
2008 Priming of CD8+ T Cells during Central Nervous System Infection with a Murine Coronavirus Is Strain Dependent.pdf 1.16Мб
2008 Prior Immunization with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Nucleocapsid Pro.pdf 1.18Мб
2008 Proteolytic processing of polyproteins 1a and 1ab between non-structural proteins 10 and 11_12 of Coronavirus infec.pdf 588.46Кб
2008 Proteomics Analysis Unravels the Functional Repertoire of Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 3.pdf 922.46Кб
2008 QM_QM studies for Michael reaction in coronavirus main protease (3CLPro).pdf 1.26Мб
2008 Recent antiviral strategies against human coronavirus-related respiratory illnesses.pdf 104.25Кб
2008 Respiratory Disease Associated with Bovine Coronavirus Infection in Cattle Herds in Southern Italy.pdf 142.21Кб
2008 Rhesus angiotensin converting enzyme 2 supports entry of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Chinese m.pdf 1.56Мб
2008 Role of human metapneumovirus, human coronavirus NL63 and human bocavirus in infants and young children with acute.pdf 140.61Кб
2008 Role of IFN-_ responsiveness in CD8 T cell-mediated viral clearance and demyelination in coronavirus-infected mice.pdf 1.75Мб
2008 Role of phosphorylation clusters in the biology of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 562.93Кб
2008 SARS coronavirus_ Unusual lability of the nucleocapsid protein.pdf 323.71Кб
2008 SARS coronavirus accessory proteins.pdf 435.66Кб
2008 SARS coronavirus and innate immunity.pdf 822.35Кб
2008 SARS coronavirus entry into host cells through a novel clathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytic pathway.pdf 1.39Мб
2008 SARS coronavirus replicase proteins in pathogenesis.pdf 1.07Мб
2008 SARS-Coronavirus Replication_Transcription Complexes Are Membrane-Protected and Need a Host Factor for Activity In.pdf 304.84Кб
2008 SARS-Coronavirus Replication Is Supported by a Reticulovesicular Network of Modified Endoplasmic Reticulum.pdf 3.16Мб
2008 Seroprevalence of SARS Coronavirus Among Residents Near a Hospital with a Nosocomial Outbreak.pdf 718.21Кб
2008 Seroprevalence of Turkey Coronavirus in North American Turkeys Determined by a Newly Developed Enzyme-Linked Immuno.pdf 248.56Кб
2008 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Interacts with Smad3 and Modulates Tr.pdf 984.71Кб
2008 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3a protein activates the mitochondrial death pathway through p38 MAP.pdf 602.96Кб
2008 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Elicits a Weak Interferon Response Compared to Traditional Interferon.pdf 362.08Кб
2008 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Causes Neuronal Death in the Absence of Encephalitis in Mic.pdf 1.46Мб
2008 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp1 Suppresses Host Gene Expression, Including That of Type I Interf.pdf 625.64Кб
2008 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein confers ability to efficiently produce virus-lik.pdf 465.73Кб
2008 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein 6 Accelerates Murine Hepatitis Virus Infections by More than.pdf 1.10Мб
2008 Severe outbreak of bovine coronavirus infection in dairy cattle during the warmer season.pdf 379.19Кб
2008 siRNA silencing of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 reduced severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus.pdf 260.97Кб
2008 Solution Structure of the C-terminal Dimerization Domain of SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Solved by the SAI.pdf 2.85Мб
2008 Spike Protein, S, of Human Coronavirus HKU1_ Role in Viral Life Cycle and Application in Antibody Detection.pdf 2.08Мб
2008 Stability of human metapneumovirus and human coronavirus NL63 on medical instruments and in the patient environment.pdf 82.80Кб
2008 Steady-State and Pre-Steady-State Kinetic Evaluation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) 3C.pdf 185.56Кб
2008 Structural Analysis of Major Species Barriers between Humans and Palm Civets for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 489.79Кб
2008 Structural and Biological Basis of CTL Escape in Coronavirus-Infected Mice.pdf 1.22Мб
2008 Structural and Functional Analyses of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Endoribonuclease Nsp15.pdf 1.12Мб
2008 Structural Basis for Potent Cross-Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibody Protection against Lethal Human and Zoonot.pdf 1.34Мб
2008 Structural Flexibility of the Pentameric SARS Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel.pdf 125.63Кб
2008 Structural Lability in Stem_Loop 1 Drives a 5_ UTR_3_ UTR Interaction in Coronavirus Replication.pdf 1.49Мб
2008 Structure of a SARS coronavirus-derived peptide bound to the human major histocompatibility complex class I molecul.pdf 526.90Кб
2008 Structure of coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase offers insight into corona and influenza virus evolution.pdf 694.99Кб
2008 Structure of the Main Protease from a Global Infectious Human Coronavirus, HCoV-HKU1.pdf 681.92Кб
2008 Structure of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein RNA-binding dimerization domain.pdf 241.75Кб
2008 Structures of Two Coronavirus Main Proteases_ Implications for Substrate Binding and Antiviral Drug Design.pdf 1.36Мб
2008 Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in mice.pdf 516.32Кб
2008 Systematic Assembly of a Full-Length Infectious Clone of Human Coronavirus NL63.pdf 782.69Кб
2008 Systemic fatal type II coronavirus infection in a dog_ Pathological findings and immunohistochemistry.pdf 802.20Кб
2008 T Cell Responses to Whole SARS Coronavirus in Humans.pdf 619.63Кб
2008 The expression and antigenicity of a truncated spike-nucleocapsid fusion protein of severe acute respiratory syndro.pdf 972.38Кб
2008 The M, E, and N Structural Proteins of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Are Required for Efficient.pdf 2.68Мб
2008 The management of coronavirus infections with particular reference to SARS.pdf 89.47Кб
2008 The nucleocapsid protein of SARS-associated coronavirus inhibits B23 phosphorylation.pdf 354.58Кб
2008 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Inhibits Cell Cytokinesis and Proliferati.pdf 924.62Кб
2008 The role of programmed-1 ribosomal frameshifting in coronavirus propagation.pdf 508.52Кб
2008 The SARS-Coronavirus PLnc domain of nsp3 as a replication_transcription scaffolding protein.pdf 1.22Мб
2008 The search for a structural basis for therapeutic intervention against the SARS coronavirus.pdf 638.18Кб
2008 The Spike Glycoprotein of Murine Coronavirus MHV-JHM Mediates Receptor-Independent Infection and Spread in the Cent.pdf 681.29Кб
2008 The Transmembrane Domain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus ORF7b Protein Is Necessary and Suffic.pdf 1.84Мб
2008 Thiopurine analogues inhibit papain-like protease of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 601.47Кб
2008 Titration of Human Coronaviruses Using an Immunoperoxidase Assay.pdf 62.53Кб
2008 Toona sinensis Roem tender leaf extract inhibits SARS coronavirus replication.pdf 531.49Кб
2008 Topology and Membrane Anchoring of the Coronavirus Replication Complex_ Not All Hydrophobic Domains of nsp3 and nsp.pdf 1.17Мб
2008 Turkey Coronavirus Non-Structure Protein NSP15 _ndash_ An Endoribonuclease.pdf 387.82Кб
2008 Type I Interferons Are Essential in Controlling Neurotropic Coronavirus Infection Irrespective of Functional CD8 T.pdf 830.16Кб
2008 Utilization of DC-SIGN for Entry of Feline Coronaviruses into Host Cells.pdf 616.07Кб
2008 Vaccination of mice with recombinant baculovirus expressing spike or nucleocapsid protein of SARS-like coronavirus.pdf 476.83Кб
2008 Vaccines to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-induced disease.pdf 1.36Мб
2008 Validation of an Immunohistochemistry Assay to Detect Turkey Coronavirus_ A Rapid and Simple Screening Tool for Lim.pdf 846.23Кб
2008 Variable Oligomerization Modes in Coronavirus Non-structural Protein 9.pdf 1.39Мб
2008 Virological and Serological Studies of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus Infection on a Japanese Farm.pdf 175.19Кб
2008 Without Its N-Finger, the Main Protease of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Can Form a Novel Dimer thr.pdf 630.62Кб
2009 [American Thoracic Society American Thoracic Society 2009 International Conference, May 15-20, 2009 _ San Diego, C.pdf 116.39Кб
2009 [IEEE 2009 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) - Hong Kong, China (2009_07_13-2009_07_17)] 2.pdf 57.42Кб
2009 Activation of the SARS coronavirus spike protein via sequential proteolytic cleavage at two distinct sites.pdf 594.26Кб
2009 A human coronavirus OC43 variant harboring persistence-associated mutations in the S glycoprotein differentially in.pdf 1.98Мб
2009 Altered pathogenicity, immunogenicity, tissue tropism and 3_-7__xa0_kb region sequence of an avian infectious bronc.pdf 917.17Кб
2009 A new Sephadex_-based method for removing microbicidal and cytotoxic residues when testing antiseptics against viru.pdf 653.68Кб
2009 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) from raccoon dog can serve as an efficient receptor for the spike protein of.pdf 520.39Кб
2009 Antigen-Capture Blocking Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Based on a Baculovirus Recombinant Antigen to Differenti.pdf 502.89Кб
2009 Antiviral Activity of Chloroquine against Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection in Newborn Mice.pdf 443.89Кб
2009 APOBEC3G cytidine deaminase association with coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 1015.30Кб
2009 A Poisson model of sequence comparison and its application to coronavirus phylogeny.pdf 580.71Кб
2009 Aryl diketoacids (ADK) selectively inhibit duplex DNA-unwinding activity of SARS coronavirus NTPase_helicase.pdf 365.66Кб
2009 A two-pronged strategy to suppress host protein synthesis by SARS coronavirus Nsp1 protein.pdf 1.22Мб
2009 Avian influenza virus, Streptococcus suis serotype 2, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus and beyond_ mol.pdf 935.98Кб
2009 Bovine coronavirus detection in a collection of diarrheic stool samples positive for group a bovine rotavirus.pdf 41.90Кб
2009 Bovine Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 1 (p28) Is an RNA Binding Protein That Binds Terminal Genomic cis-Replicat.pdf 1.09Мб
2009 Broadly targeted multiprobe QPCR for detection of coronaviruses_ Coronavirus is common among mallard ducks (Anas pl.pdf 1.16Мб
2009 Characterization of a Highly Conserved Domain within the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protei.pdf 3.86Мб
2009 Characterization of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes and immune responses to SARS coronavirus spike DNA vaccine expr.pdf 308.08Кб
2009 ChemInform Abstract_ Design and Synthesis of Cinanserin Analogues as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 21.69Кб
2009 Cleavage of the SARS Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein by Airway Proteases Enhances Virus Entry into Human Bronchial E.pdf 416.61Кб
2009 Clinical and Diagnostic Virology __ SARS CoV and other coronaviruses.pdf 253.53Кб
2009 Clinical Virology, Third Edition __ Coronaviruses.pdf 330.08Кб
2009 Comparative Analysis of Complete Genome Sequences of Three Avian Coronaviruses Reveals a Novel Group 3c Coronavirus.pdf 1.06Мб
2009 Comparative study of synonymous codon usage variations between the nucleocapsid and spike genes of coronavirus, and.pdf 834.18Кб
2009 Comparison of vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotyped with the S proteins from a porcine and a human coronavirus.pdf 237.41Кб
2009 Coronavirose syst_mique chez le furet (Mustela putorius)__ int_r_t de l_analyse histologique et immunohistochimique.pdf 1.19Мб
2009 Coronavirus Diversity, Phylogeny and Interspecies Jumping.pdf 1.23Мб
2009 Coronaviruses post-SARS_ update on replication and pathogenesis.pdf 696.52Кб
2009 Coronavirus Genetically Redirected to the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Exhibits Effective Antitumor Activity ag.pdf 1.83Мб
2009 Coronavirus humains (HCoV).pdf 1.22Мб
2009 Coronavirus infection and hospitalizations for acute respiratory illness in young children.pdf 65.09Кб
2009 Coronavirus N Protein N-Terminal Domain (NTD) Specifically Binds the Transcriptional Regulatory Sequence (TRS) and.pdf 1.66Мб
2009 Corrigendum to _Individual and common inhibitors of coronavirus and picornavirus main proteases_ [FEBS Lett_ 583 (2.pdf 148.35Кб
2009 Cryo-electron tomography of mouse hepatitis virus_ Insights into the structure of the coronavirion.pdf 1.80Мб
2009 Crystal structure of NL63 respiratory coronavirus receptor-binding domain complexed with its human receptor.pdf 1.94Мб
2009 Crystal structures of the X-domains of a Group-1 and a Group-3 coronavirus reveal that ADP-ribose-binding may not b.pdf 345.40Кб
2009 Crystal Structures of Two Coronavirus ADP-Ribose-1__-Monophosphatases and Their Complexes with ADP-Ribose_ a System.pdf 1.79Мб
2009 CXCL10 and trafficking of virus-specific T cells during coronavirus-induced demyelination.pdf 450.52Кб
2009 Detection and Molecular Characterization of Gene 3 and 5 of Turkey Coronavirus from Turkeys with Severe Enteritis i.pdf 60.16Кб
2009 Detection of four human coronaviruses in respiratory infections in children_ A one-year study in Colorado.pdf 104.97Кб
2009 Detection of Nonstructural Protein 6 in Murine Coronavirus-Infected Cells and Analysis of the Transmembrane Topolog.pdf 2.51Мб
2009 Detection of Novel SARS-like and Other Coronaviruses in Bats from Kenya.pdf 242.42Кб
2009 Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in human serum using a local.pdf 231.60Кб
2009 Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay-Based Test with a Cocktail of Nucleocapsid and Spike Proteins f.pdf 198.53Кб
2009 Development of a quantitative real-time PCR for the detection of canine respiratory coronavirus.pdf 816.69Кб
2009 Differential stepwise evolution of SARS coronavirus functional proteins in different host species.pdf 359.61Кб
2009 Differential Virological and Immunological Outcome of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Su.pdf 3.25Мб
2009 Distant Relatives of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Close Relatives of Human Coronavirus 229E in.pdf 682.43Кб
2009 Drug Targets in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Virus and other Coronavirus Infections.pdf 827.90Кб
2009 Dynamics of SARS-coronavirus HR2 domain in the prefusion and transition states.pdf 388.13Кб
2009 Early Upregulation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Associated Cytokines Promotes Lethal Disease in an Aged-M.pdf 17.83Кб
2009 Efficient induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated cor.pdf 770.75Кб
2009 Elevated Plasma Surfactant Protein D (SP-D) Levels and a Direct Correlation with Anti-severe Acute Respiratory Synd.pdf 197.36Кб
2009 Elucidation of the stability and functional regions of the human coronavirus OC43 nucleocapsid protein.pdf 468.17Кб
2009 Epidemiological aspects of astrovirus and coronavirus in poults in the South Eastern Region of Brazil.pdf 45.82Кб
2009 Epidemiology and Clinical Presentations of Human Coronavirus NL63 Infections in Hong Kong Children.pdf 539.43Кб
2009 Evaluation of rapid assays for the detection of bovine coronavirus, rotavirus A and Cryptosporidium parvum in faeca.pdf 126.96Кб
2009 Evaluation of the protection conferred by commercial vaccines and attenuated heterologous isolates in China against.pdf 148.36Кб
2009 Examination of seroprevalence of coronavirus HKU1 infection with S protein-based ELISA and neutralization assay aga.pdf 1.15Мб
2009 Expression, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human coronavirus HKU1 nonstructural protein.pdf 360.03Кб
2009 Expression of SARS-coronavirus spike glycoprotein inPichia pastoris.pdf 330.35Кб
2009 Feline infectious peritonitis-like coronavirus in ferrets.pdf 470.77Кб
2009 Field strain feline coronaviruses with small deletions in ORF7b associated with both enteric infection and feline i.pdf 358.61Кб
2009 FIP and coronavirus 7b protein antibodies.pdf 55.63Кб
2009 Formation of stable homodimer via the C-terminal _-helical domain of coronavirus nonstructural protein 9 is critica.pdf 1.61Мб
2009 Functional screen reveals SARS coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp14 as a novel cap N7 methyltransferase.pdf 727.52Кб
2009 Genetically Diverse Coronaviruses in Wild Bird Populations of Northern England.pdf 454.29Кб
2009 Genetic diversity and correlation with feline infectious peritonitis of feline coronavirus type I and II_ A 5-year.pdf 305.59Кб
2009 Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of Feline Coronavirus sequences from Portugal.pdf 573.48Кб
2009 Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Regulates the Phosphorylation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocap.pdf 711.02Кб
2009 Host cell proteins interacting with the 3_ end of TGEV coronavirus genome influence virus replication.pdf 493.91Кб
2009 Host-pathogen interactions during coronavirus infection of primary alveolar epithelial cells.pdf 197.80Кб
2009 Human airway epithelial cell culture to identify new respiratory viruses_ Coronavirus NL63 as a model.pdf 2.12Мб
2009 Human Coronavirus (HCOV) and Rhinovirus (HRHV) Infection among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HCT) Recipi.pdf 72.75Кб
2009 Human Coronavirus and Acute Respiratory Illness in Older Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.pdf 314.23Кб
2009 Human Coronaviruses 229E and NL63_ Close Yet Still So Far.pdf 294.00Кб
2009 Human monoclonal antibodies to SARS-coronavirus inhibit infection by different mechanisms.pdf 957.86Кб
2009 Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses Induced by 3a DNA Vaccines against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) o.pdf 323.42Кб
2009 Identification of a novel linear B-cell epitope in the M protein of avian infectious bronchitis coronaviruses.pdf 918.80Кб
2009 Identification of In Vivo-Interacting Domains of the Murine Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein.pdf 3.39Мб
2009 Identification of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I C Molecule as an Attachment Factor That Facilitates Coro.pdf 1.67Мб
2009 IFN-_-mediated suppression of coronavirus replication in glial-committed progenitor cells.pdf 840.63Кб
2009 Immunogenicity difference between the SARS coronavirus and the bat SARS-like coronavirus spike (S) proteins.pdf 369.94Кб
2009 Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay based on the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-like coronaviruses.pdf 406.88Кб
2009 Individual and common inhibitors of coronavirus and picornavirus main proteases.pdf 1.20Мб
2009 Infection with a pathogenic turkey coronavirus isolate negatively affects growth performance and intestinal morphol.pdf 467.06Кб
2009 Inhibition of Protein Kinase R Activation and Upregulation of GADD34 Expression Play a Synergistic Role in Facilita.pdf 1.89Мб
2009 Interaction of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Membrane Protein with _-Actin and Its Implication in Vir.pdf 636.04Кб
2009 Interferon-_ in the serum and effusions of cats with feline coronavirus infection.pdf 129.63Кб
2009 Interferon priming enables cells to partially overturn the SARS coronavirus-induced block in innate immune activati.pdf 340.14Кб
2009 Interferon response in murine plasmacytoid dendritic cells after SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 55.78Кб
2009 Investigation of the pharmacophore space of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) NTPase_helicas.pdf 611.80Кб
2009 Isolation and identification of a canine coronavirus strain from giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).pdf 1.43Мб
2009 Kawasaki Disease Lacks Association With Human Coronavirus NL63 and Human Bocavirus.pdf 115.57Кб
2009 Lack of association between polymorphisms ofMASP2and susceptibility to SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 447.15Кб
2009 Livestock Diseases and Zoonoses __ Avian Influenza Virus, Streptococcus suis Serotype 2, Severe Acute Respiratory S.pdf 2.75Мб
2009 Macrophage interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-_ are induced by coronavirus fixation to Toll-like receptor 2_h.pdf 613.06Кб
2009 Mikrobiologische Diagnostik __ 48 Coronaviren.pdf 1.05Мб
2009 Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Infectious Bronchitis Coronaviruses_ Complicated Evolution and Epid.pdf 276.17Кб
2009 Molecular characterization of a canine respiratory coronavirus strain detected in Italy.pdf 403.64Кб
2009 Molecular Determinants for Subcellular Localization of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Open Readi.pdf 2.03Мб
2009 More and More Coronaviruses_ Human Coronavirus HKU1.pdf 310.87Кб
2009 mRNA Display Design of Fibronectin-based Intrabodies That Detect and Inhibit Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coro.pdf 1.42Мб
2009 Multiple Nucleic Acid Binding Sites and Intrinsic Disorder of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleoc.pdf 888.18Кб
2009 Murine Coronavirus Cell Type Dependent Interaction with the Type I Interferon Response.pdf 375.54Кб
2009 Mutagenesis of the transmembrane domain of the SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein_ refinement of the requirements.pdf 1.31Мб
2009 Neutralizing antibody against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus spike is highly effective for th.pdf 311.92Кб
2009 Non-invasive imaging of mouse hepatitis coronavirus infection reveals determinants of viral replication and spread.pdf 1.10Мб
2009 Novel coronaviruses and astroviruses in bats.pdf 150.07Кб
2009 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure of the Nucleic Acid-Binding Domain of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona.pdf 3.89Мб
2009 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure Shows that the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Unique Domain Con.pdf 3.37Мб
2009 O_7_8 Burden of disease due to human coronavirus NL63 infections in children under 3 years of age.pdf 50.60Кб
2009 P_062 Human coronavirus NL63 and 229E seroconversion in children.pdf 50.17Кб
2009 Phylogenetic perspectives on the epidemiology and origins of SARS and SARS-like coronaviruses.pdf 670.08Кб
2009 Phylogenetic Studies of Bovine Coronaviruses Isolated in Japan.pdf 314.87Кб
2009 PI-9 Prevalence of feline coronavirus in a university animal hospital_ a 10-year retrospective analysis.pdf 43.23Кб
2009 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus modifies innate immunity and alters disease outcome in pigs sub.pdf 1.06Мб
2009 Potential enhancement of osteoclastogenesis by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3a_X1 protein.pdf 374.59Кб
2009 Prevalence of feline coronavirus antibodies in cats in Bursa province, Turkey, by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent as.pdf 122.69Кб
2009 Prevalence of feline coronavirus in two cat populations in Malaysia.pdf 105.90Кб
2009 Protease-Mediated Entry via the Endosome of Human Coronavirus 229E.pdf 1.90Мб
2009 Proteolytic Activation of the Spike Protein at a Novel RRRR_S Motif Is Implicated in Furin-Dependent Entry, Syncyti.pdf 3.67Мб
2009 Quantification of mRNA encoding cytokines and chemokines and assessment of ciliary function in canine tracheal epit.pdf 626.80Кб
2009 Rapid detection of bovine coronavirus by a semi-nested RT-PCR.pdf 305.17Кб
2009 Rat respiratory coronavirus infection_ replication in airway and alveolar epithelial cells and the innate immune re.pdf 612.85Кб
2009 Recently Discovered Human Coronaviruses.pdf 106.51Кб
2009 Recombinant Canine Coronaviruses Related to Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus of Swine Are Circulating in Dogs.pdf 741.83Кб
2009 Reduced likelihood of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection on organic compared to co.pdf 247.23Кб
2009 Regulation of Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in Primary Mouse Astrocytes by Coronavirus Infection.pdf 2.29Мб
2009 Reverse genetic characterization of the natural genomic deletion in SARS-Coronavirus strain Frankfurt-1 open readin.pdf 3.15Мб
2009 Rhesus Theta-Defensin Prevents Death in a Mouse Model of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pulmonary Di.pdf 1.34Мб
2009 RNA aptamer-based sensitive detection of SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.pdf 371.24Кб
2009 Role of regulatory T cells in coronavirus-induced acute encephalitis.pdf 1011.62Кб
2009 Role of Spike Protein Endodomains in Regulating Coronavirus Entry.pdf 1.84Мб
2009 SARS-coronavirus modulation of myocardial ACE2 expression and inflammation in patients with SARS.pdf 683.81Кб
2009 SARS coronavirus spike protein-induced innate immune response occurs via activation of the NF-_B pathway in human m.pdf 672.33Кб
2009 SARS-coronavirus spike S2 domain flanked by cysteine residues C822 and C833 is important for activation of membrane.pdf 485.52Кб
2009 Sequence analysis of divergent canine coronavirus strains present in a UK dog population.pdf 386.83Кб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus-Induced Lung Epithelial Cytokines Exacerbate SARS Pathogenesis.pdf 425.16Кб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Infection in Toronto Children_ A Second Look.pdf 260.60Кб
2009 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus accessory protein 9b is a virion-associated protein.pdf 738.36Кб
2009 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus and human coronavirus-NL63_ an updated overview.pdf 381.93Кб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus M Protein Inhibits Type I Interferon Production by Impeding the Forma.pdf 2.24Мб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 2 Interacts with a Host Protein Complex Involve.pdf 591.53Кб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp9 Dimerization Is Essential for Efficient Viral Growth.pdf 955.86Кб
2009 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein does not modulate transcription of the human FGL.pdf 336.75Кб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Papain-Like Protease Ubiquitin-Like Domain and Catalytic Domain Regul.pdf 1.03Мб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein 6 Is Required for Optimal Replication.pdf 1.32Мб
2009 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Triggers Apoptosis via Protein Kinase R but Is Resistant to Its Antiv.pdf 1.53Мб
2009 Significance of Coronavirus Mutants in Feces and Diseased Tissues of Cats Suffering from Feline Infectious Peritoni.pdf 157.25Кб
2009 Structural Insights into Immune Recognition of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus S Protein Receptor.pdf 459.80Кб
2009 Structure and Inhibition of the SARS Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel.pdf 1.04Мб
2009 Structure-Based Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of a Series of Novel and Reversible Inhibitors for the.pdf 4.17Мб
2009 Structure of the C-terminal domain of nsp4 from feline coronavirus.pdf 628.17Кб
2009 Structure of the X (ADRP) domain of nsp3 from feline coronavirus.pdf 1.01Мб
2009 Suppression of Host Gene Expression by nsp1 Proteins of Group 2 Bat Coronaviruses.pdf 971.66Кб
2009 Survey of Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Coronaviruses in Captive Neotropical Wild Felids from Southern Brazil.pdf 691.03Кб
2009 Survival of Coronaviruses in Water and Wastewater.pdf 198.17Кб
2009 Survival of surrogate coronaviruses in water.pdf 338.14Кб
2009 Synthesis inEscherichia colicells and characterization of the active exoribonuclease of severe acute respiratory sy.pdf 344.26Кб
2009 Synthetic peptides coupled to the surface of liposomes effectively induce SARS coronavirus-specific cytotoxic T lym.pdf 1.11Мб
2009 The antiviral action of common household disinfectants and antiseptics against murine hepatitis virus, a potential.pdf 90.81Кб
2009 The Biology of Persistent Infection_ Inflammation and Demyelination Following Murine Coronavirus Infection of the C.pdf 297.94Кб
2009 The ion channel activity of the SARS-coronavirus 3a protein is linked to its pro-apoptotic function.pdf 2.70Мб
2009 The Pediatric Burden of Human Coronaviruses Evaluated for Twenty Years.pdf 271.33Кб
2009 Therapies for coronaviruses_ Part 2_ inhibitors of intracellular life cycle.pdf 594.12Кб
2009 Therapies for coronaviruses_ Part I of II _ viral entry inhibitors.pdf 571.50Кб
2009 The SARS-Unique Domain (SUD) of SARS Coronavirus Contains Two Macrodomains That Bind G-Quadruplexes.pdf 1010.26Кб
2009 The seroprevalence of canine respiratory coronavirus and canine influenza virus in dogs in New Zealand.pdf 131.23Кб
2009 The Spike Protein of Murine Coronavirus Regulates Viral Genome Transport from the Cell Surface to the Endoplasmic R.pdf 1.71Мб
2009 Thiopurine Analogue Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Papain-Like Protease, a Deubiquitin.pdf 332.01Кб
2009 Toll-like receptors, chemokine receptors and death receptor ligands responses in SARS coronavirus infected human mo.pdf 691.88Кб
2009 Towards construction of viral vectors based on avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus for gene delivery and.pdf 1.16Мб
2009 Translational control of the subgenomic RNAs of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 398.17Кб
2009 Two adjacent mutations on the dimer interface of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease cause different conformational c.pdf 1.29Мб
2009 Two-Step Conformational Changes in a Coronavirus Envelope Glycoprotein Mediated by Receptor Binding and Proteolysis.pdf 797.20Кб
2009 Type I IFN-Mediated Protection of Macrophages and Dendritic Cells Secures Control of Murine Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.09Мб
2009 Type I interferon receptor-independent and -dependent host transcriptional responses to mouse hepatitis coronavirus.pdf 1.22Мб
2009 Viral Genome Replication __ Coronavirus Genome Replication.pdf 977.94Кб
2009 Virus shedding and serum antibody responses during experimental turkey coronavirus infections in young turkey poult.pdf 230.86Кб
2010 Accessory Protein 5a Is a Major Antagonist of the Antiviral Action of Interferon against Murine Coronavirus.pdf 1.99Мб
2010 Achieving a Golden Mean_ Mechanisms by Which Coronaviruses Ensure Synthesis of the Correct Stoichiometric Ratios of.pdf 1.00Мб
2010 A Conserved Domain in the Coronavirus Membrane Protein Tail Is Important for Virus Assembly.pdf 1.15Мб
2010 An ELISA based on recombinant spike protein S for the detection of antibodies to transmissible gastroenteritis viru.pdf 202.78Кб
2010 An Interaction between the Nucleocapsid Protein and a Component of the Replicase-Transcriptase Complex Is Crucial f.pdf 1.59Мб
2010 Annexin A2 on lung epithelial cell surface is recognized by severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronaviru.pdf 1.37Мб
2010 An Outbreak of Canine Coronavirus in Puppies in a Greek Kennel.pdf 208.74Кб
2010 Antiseptic properties of two calix[4]arenes derivatives on the human coronavirus 229E.pdf 217.73Кб
2010 A Serological Survey of Canine Respiratory Coronavirus and Canine Influenza Virus in Korean Dogs.pdf 615.46Кб
2010 A Single Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation Site of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Glycoprote.pdf 1.68Мб
2010 A Single Tyrosine in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Membrane Protein Cytoplasmic Tail Is Importa.pdf 1.30Мб
2010 Associations between bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections and animal performance in.pdf 208.60Кб
2010 Autocrine Interferon Priming in Macrophages but Not Dendritic Cells Results in Enhanced Cytokine and Chemokine Prod.pdf 1.12Мб
2010 Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus susceptibility to botanical oleoresins and essential oils in vitro an.pdf 381.84Кб
2010 Bat Coronaviruses and Experimental Infection of Bats, the Philippines.pdf 276.06Кб
2010 Bid cleavage, cytochrome c release and caspase activation in canine coronavirus-induced apoptosis.pdf 1.16Мб
2010 Binding of SARS coronavirus to its receptor damages islets and causes acute diabetes.pdf 472.19Кб
2010 Bovine Coronavirus Associated Syndromes.pdf 927.81Кб
2010 Bovine Respiratory Coronavirus.pdf 212.09Кб
2010 Broad-Spectrum In Vitro Activity and In Vivo Efficacy of the Antiviral Protein Griffithsin against Emerging Viruses.pdf 20.63Кб
2010 Burden of disease due to human coronavirus NL63 infections and periodicity of infection.pdf 216.48Кб
2010 Candidates in Astroviruses, Seadornaviruses, Cytorhabdoviruses and Coronaviruses for +1 frame overlapping genes acc.pdf 1.98Мб
2010 Cellular Immune Responses to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Infection in Senescent BALB_c.pdf 3.20Мб
2010 Changement de tropisme des coronavirus.pdf 367.41Кб
2010 Characterisation of bubaline coronavirus strains associated with gastroenteritis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).pdf 211.74Кб
2010 Characterization of a Variant Virus from Ascitic Fluid of Subacute Granulomatous Serositis in Interferon-_-Deficien.pdf 315.92Кб
2010 Chimeric Feline Coronaviruses That Encode Type II Spike Protein on Type I Genetic Background Display Accelerated Vi.pdf 1.27Мб
2010 Circulation of Group 2 Coronaviruses in a Bat Species Common to Urban Areas in Western Europe.pdf 370.85Кб
2010 Coexistence of Different Genotypes in the Same Bat and Serological Characterization of Rousettus Bat Coronavirus HK.pdf 1.47Мб
2010 Comparative sequence analysis of the distal one-third of the genomes of a systemic and an enteric ferret coronaviru.pdf 1.25Мб
2010 Comprehensive Detection and Identification of Seven Animal Coronaviruses and Human Respiratory Coronavirus 229E wit.pdf 326.82Кб
2010 Cooperative translocation enhances the unwinding of duplex DNA by SARS coronavirus helicase nsP13.pdf 4.10Мб
2010 Coronaviruses Hijack the LC3-I-Positive EDEMosomes, ER-Derived Vesicles Exporting Short-Lived ERAD Regulators, for.pdf 958.38Кб
2010 Coronavirus Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis.pdf 299.41Кб
2010 Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Facilitates Template Switching and Is Required for Efficient Transcription.pdf 1.40Мб
2010 Coronavirus Survival on Healthcare Personal Protective Equipment___.pdf 207.95Кб
2010 Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the N-terminal domain of human coronavirus OC43 nucle.pdf 366.27Кб
2010 Culturing the Unculturable_ Human Coronavirus HKU1 Infects, Replicates, and Produces Progeny Virions in Human Cilia.pdf 1.67Мб
2010 Cytopathy of an infiltrating monocyte lineage during the early phase of infection with murinecoronavirus in the bra.pdf 1.49Мб
2010 Dendritic Cell-Specific Antigen Delivery by Coronavirus Vaccine Vectors Induces Long-Lasting Protective Antiviral a.pdf 2.13Мб
2010 Detection of coronaviruses in children with acute gastroenteritis in Maddina, Saudi Arabia.pdf 140.41Кб
2010 Detection of Coronavirus in Capybaras (Hydrochoeris hydrochaeris) by Transmission Electron Microscopy in S_o Paulo,.pdf 348.97Кб
2010 Detection of human coronaviruses in children with acute gastroenteritis.pdf 213.20Кб
2010 Detection of swine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus using loop-mediated isothermal amplification.pdf 1.02Мб
2010 Deubiquitinating and Interferon Antagonism Activities of Coronavirus Papain-Like Proteases.pdf 1.79Мб
2010 Development, Characterization, and Application of Monoclonal Antibodies against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 653.46Кб
2010 Development of a Dose-Response Model for SARS Coronavirus.pdf 205.94Кб
2010 Diagnostic Methods for Feline Coronavirus_ A Review.pdf 1.99Мб
2010 Differential Downregulation of ACE2 by the Spike Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Huma.pdf 1.74Мб
2010 Differentiation of Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) genotypes by a restriction enzyme assay.pdf 125.66Кб
2010 Dynamic Innate Immune Responses of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated.pdf 1.28Мб
2010 Dynamics of Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Complexes.pdf 3.60Мб
2010 Ecoepidemiology and Complete Genome Comparison of Different Strains of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Rh.pdf 2.20Мб
2010 Effect of mucosal and systemic immunization with virus-like particles of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi.pdf 237.66Кб
2010 Effects of Air Temperature and Relative Humidity on Coronavirus Survival on Surfaces.pdf 495.15Кб
2010 Efficient Activation of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein by the Transmembrane Protea.pdf 1.92Мб
2010 Elastase-mediated Activation of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein at Discrete Sites w.pdf 1.03Мб
2010 Elucidation of the avian nucleolar proteome by quantitative proteomics using SILAC and changes in cells infected wi.pdf 221.73Кб
2010 Emergence of a group 3 coronavirus through recombination.pdf 601.18Кб
2010 Epidemiology and Clinical Presentations of the Four Human Coronaviruses 229E, HKU1, NL63, and OC43 Detected over 3.pdf 725.03Кб
2010 Epidemiology of canine parvovirus and coronavirus in dogs presented with severe diarrhoea to PDSA PetAid hospitals.pdf 777.61Кб
2010 Escape from Human Monoclonal Antibody Neutralization Affects In Vitro and In Vivo Fitness of Severe Acute Respirato.pdf 1.96Мб
2010 Evaluation of relationship betweenRotavirusandCoronavirusinfections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISA.pdf 110.76Кб
2010 Evolved Variants of the Membrane Protein Can Partially Replace the Envelope Protein in Murine Coronavirus Assembly.pdf 3.45Мб
2010 Exchange of the Coronavirus Replicase Polyprotein Cleavage Sites Alters Protease Specificity and Processing.pdf 898.90Кб
2010 Exposure of pampas fox (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) and crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) from the Southern region of.pdf 52.31Кб
2010 Feline infectious peritonitis_ insights into feline coronavirus pathobiogenesis and epidemiology based on genetic a.pdf 323.83Кб
2010 Ferret Coronavirus-Associated Diseases.pdf 1.44Мб
2010 Functional and Genetic Studies of the Substrate Specificity of Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus 3C-Like Prot.pdf 1.56Мб
2010 Gamma Interferon Signaling in Oligodendrocytes Is Critical for Protection from Neurotropic Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1019.08Кб
2010 Genetic analysis of canine group 2 coronavirus in Korean dogs.pdf 225.00Кб
2010 Genetic Diversity of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isolated from Domestic Chicken Flocks and Coronaviruses from.pdf 64.84Кб
2010 Genomic characterization of a proventriculitis-associated infectious bronchitis coronavirus.pdf 127.37Кб
2010 Genomic Characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus in European Bats and Classificati.pdf 3.40Мб
2010 Group-specific structural features of the 5_-proximal sequences of coronavirus genomic RNAs.pdf 3.69Мб
2010 Human Coronavirus and Acute Respiratory Illness in Older Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.pdf 52.96Кб
2010 Human coronaviruses are uncommon in patients with gastrointestinal illness.pdf 123.66Кб
2010 Human Coronavirus NL63 Open Reading Frame 3 encodes a virion-incorporated N-glycosylated membrane protein.pdf 2.40Мб
2010 Identification of a Novel Coronavirus Possibly Associated with Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Alpacas (Vicugna Pacos.pdf 630.59Кб
2010 Identification of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Like Virus in a Leaf-Nosed Bat in Nigeria.pdf 1.36Мб
2010 Identification of key amino acid residues required for horseshoe bat angiotensin-I converting enzyme 2 to function.pdf 244.77Кб
2010 Identification of phenanthroindolizines and phenanthroquinolizidines as novel potent anti-coronaviral agents for po.pdf 1.12Мб
2010 Identification of SARS-like coronaviruses in horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in Slovenia.pdf 295.62Кб
2010 Immunity after natural exposure to enteric canine coronavirus does not provide complete protection against infectio.pdf 560.88Кб
2010 Immunization with an attenuated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus deleted in E protein protects against.pdf 1.11Мб
2010 Immunogenicity of the spike glycoprotein of Bat SARS-like coronavirus.pdf 409.30Кб
2010 Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication in a Lethal SARS-Cov Balb_C Mouse Model by.pdf 70.89Кб
2010 Integrity of the Early Secretory Pathway Promotes, but Is Not Required for, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coron.pdf 7.90Мб
2010 Interactions of SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein with the host cell proteasome subunit p42.pdf 845.19Кб
2010 Interferon interplay helps tissue cells to cope with SARS-Coronavirus infection.pdf 629.85Кб
2010 Intranasal immunization with plasmid DNA encoding spike protein of SARS-coronavirus_polyethylenimine nanoparticles.pdf 409.90Кб
2010 Intraspecies diversity of SARS-like coronaviruses in Rhinolophus sinicus and its implications for the origin of SAR.pdf 298.55Кб
2010 In Vitro Reconstitution of SARS-Coronavirus mRNA Cap Methylation.pdf 1.88Мб
2010 Maturation Mechanism of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus 3C-like Proteinase.pdf 2.10Мб
2010 Medicinal herbal extracts of Sophorae radix, Acanthopanacis cortex, Sanguisorbae radix and Torilis fructus inhibit.pdf 498.93Кб
2010 Molecular Biology of the SARS-Coronavirus __ The Nucleocapsid Protein of the SARS Coronavirus_ Structure, Function.pdf 237.81Кб
2010 Molecular diversity in the nucleocapsid protein of feline coronaviruses (FCoVs).pdf 60.44Кб
2010 Molecular Mapping of the RNA Cap 2_-O-Methyltransferase Activation Interface between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 3.12Мб
2010 Multiplex semi-nested RT-PCR with exogenous internal control for simultaneous detection of bovine coronavirus and g.pdf 166.71Кб
2010 Murine Coronavirus Delays Expression of a Subset of Interferon-Stimulated Genes.pdf 2.45Мб
2010 Murine Coronavirus Induces Type I Interferon in Oligodendrocytes through Recognition by RIG-I and MDA5.pdf 2.21Мб
2010 Murine coronavirus neuropathogenesis_ determinants of virulence.pdf 203.44Кб
2010 Murine Coronavirus Receptors Are Differentially Expressed in the Central Nervous System and Play Virus Strain-Depen.pdf 6.80Мб
2010 Mutation of Glu-166 Blocks the Substrate-Induced Dimerization of SARS Coronavirus Main Protease.pdf 1.08Мб
2010 Mutations in the spike glycoprotein of human coronavirus OC43 modulate disease in BALB_c mice from encephalitis to.pdf 1.32Мб
2010 Nitric oxide is elicited and inhibits viral replication in pigs infected with porcine respiratory coronavirus but n.pdf 438.37Кб
2010 Novel Immunodominant Peptide Presentation Strategy_ a Featured HLA-A_2402-Restricted Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Epitope.pdf 1.95Мб
2010 Nsp1 proteins of group I and SARS coronaviruses share structural and functional similarities.pdf 358.28Кб
2010 Pathogenesis of Murine Coronavirus in the Central Nervous System.pdf 419.24Кб
2010 Pathogenic characteristics of persistent feline enteric coronavirus infection in cats.pdf 820.29Кб
2010 Pathology and Tissue Distribution of Turkey Coronavirus in Experimentally Infected Chicks and Turkey Poults.pdf 694.23Кб
2010 Picornaviral 3C protease inhibitors and the dual 3C protease_coronaviral 3C-like protease inhibitors.pdf 942.80Кб
2010 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus_Induced Immunosuppression Exacerbates the Inflammatory Response.pdf 913.98Кб
2010 Preparation and Characterization of Polyclonal Antibody Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Corona.pdf 298.23Кб
2010 Prevalence and Phylogeny of Coronaviruses in Wild Birds from the Bering Strait Area (Beringia).pdf 292.79Кб
2010 Prevalence of Antibodies against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus among Pigs.pdf 497.38Кб
2010 Prevalence of Antibodies to Four Human Coronaviruses Is Lower in Nasal Secretions than in Serum.pdf 1.23Мб
2010 Prevalence of canine enteric coronavirus in a cross-sectional survey of dogs presenting at veterinary practices.pdf 493.99Кб
2010 Prevalence of coronavirus.pdf 65.45Кб
2010 Prevalence of feline coronavirus.pdf 68.97Кб
2010 Production of specific antibodies against SARS-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein without cross reactivity with human.pdf 672.98Кб
2010 Prolonged depletion of circulating CD4+ T lymphocytes and acute monocytosis after pantropic canine coronavirus infe.pdf 597.45Кб
2010 Proteomic analysis of purified coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus particles.pdf 1.07Мб
2010 PS3-04 Cytokine induction during coronavirus entry.pdf 150.70Кб
2010 Putative probioticLactobacillusspp_ from porcine gastrointestinal tract inhibit transmissible gastroenteritis coron.pdf 210.17Кб
2010 Qualitative and quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the membrane rearrangements induced by coronavirus.pdf 792.63Кб
2010 Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Reveals BAG3 as a Potential Target To Suppress Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 1.24Мб
2010 Quantitative Proteomics Using Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino Acids in Cell Culture Reveals Changes in the Cytop.pdf 836.87Кб
2010 Recombinant Canine Coronaviruses in Dogs, Europe.pdf 315.94Кб
2010 Recombination, Reservoirs, and the Modular Spike_ Mechanisms of Coronavirus Cross-Species Transmission.pdf 1.99Мб
2010 Regulatory T Cells Inhibit T Cell Proliferation and Decrease Demyelination in Mice Chronically Infected with a Coro.pdf 916.17Кб
2010 Renin_angiotensin system in human coronavirus pathogenesis.pdf 1.11Мб
2010 Risk factors for seropositivity to bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus in dairy herds.pdf 976.45Кб
2010 Role of Human Coronavirus NL63 in Hospitalized Children With Croup.pdf 332.53Кб
2010 SARS-coronavirus protein 6 conformations required to impede protein import into the nucleus.pdf 923.52Кб
2010 SARS coronavirus protein 7a interacts with human Ap4A-hydrolase.pdf 385.42Кб
2010 SARS Coronavirus Unique Domain_ Three-Domain Molecular Architecture in Solution and RNA Binding.pdf 3.16Мб
2010 Self-assembly of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Membrane Protein.pdf 2.32Мб
2010 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Coronavirus.pdf 230.33Кб
2010 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Papain-like Novel Protease Inhibitors_ Design, Synthesis, Protein_Lig.pdf 3.63Мб
2010 Significance of the Myxovirus Resistance A (MxA) Gene _123C_A Single_Nucleotide Polymorphism in Suppressed Interfer.pdf 1.68Мб
2010 Single-dose Intranasal Delivery with DEF201 (Adenovirus Vectored Mouse Interferon-_) Protects Against Phlebovirus a.pdf 67.60Кб
2010 Sites of feline coronavirus persistence in healthy cats.pdf 308.88Кб
2010 Small Interfering RNA Effectively Inhibits the Expression of SARS Coronavirus Membrane Gene at Two Novel Targeting.pdf 682.42Кб
2010 Specific real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for detection and quantitation of turkey coronav.pdf 680.55Кб
2010 Structures of the N- and C-terminal domains of MHV-A59 nucleocapsid protein corroborate a conserved RNA-protein bin.pdf 720.36Кб
2010 Studies of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathology in Human Cases and Animal Models.pdf 540.89Кб
2010 Subgenomic messenger RNA amplification in coronaviruses.pdf 1.46Мб
2010 Synergistic antiviral effect of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin and nelfinavir against feline coronavirus.pdf 603.57Кб
2010 Synthesis and evaluation of pyrazolone compounds as SARS-coronavirus 3C-like protease inhibitors.pdf 343.13Кб
2010 T Cell Responses Are Required for Protection from Clinical Disease and for Virus Clearance in Severe Acute Respirat.pdf 1.87Мб
2010 The 7a Accessory Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Acts as an RNA Silencing Suppressor.pdf 1.67Мб
2010 The Cellular RNA Helicase DDX1 Interacts with Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 14 and Enhances Viral Replication.pdf 1.67Мб
2010 The Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Is Dynamically Associated with the Replication-Transcription Complexes.pdf 1.42Мб
2010 The envelope protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus interacts with the non-structural protein 3 a.pdf 1.56Мб
2010 The First Case of Feline Infectious Peritonitis-like Pyogranuloma in a Ferret Infected by Coronavirus in Japan.pdf 326.75Кб
2010 The Membrane Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Acts as a Dominant Immunogen Revealed by a Cl.pdf 6.89Мб
2010 The Murine Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Gene Is a Determinant of Virulence.pdf 1.95Мб
2010 The N-Terminal Region of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein 6 Induces Membrane Rearrangement and.pdf 4.40Мб
2010 The Open Reading Frame 3a Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Promotes Membrane Rea.pdf 8.14Мб
2010 The Pathogenesis of Murine Coronavirus Infection of the Central Nervous System.pdf 1.60Мб
2010 The Proteasome Inhibitor Velcade Enhances rather than Reduces Disease in Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus-Infected Mice.pdf 2.09Мб
2010 The RNA polymerase activity of SARS-coronavirus nsp12 is primer dependent.pdf 8.35Мб
2010 The SARS Coronavirus E Protein Interacts with PALS1 and Alters Tight Junction Formation and Epithelial Morphogenesi.pdf 4.22Мб
2010 The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Plays an Important Role during Various Stages of the Coronavirus Infection Cycle.pdf 1.56Мб
2010 Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Mechanism for a Prefibrotic Phenotype in STAT1 Knockout Mice during Severe Acute.pdf 3.21Мб
2010 Type I canine enteric coronavirus reported at a low prevalence in dogs in the UK.pdf 566.68Кб
2010 Understanding Human Coronavirus HCoV-NL63~!2009-11-13~!2010-04-09~!2010-05-25~!.pdf 820.57Кб
2010 Update on SARS research and other possibly zoonotic coronaviruses.pdf 404.56Кб
2010 Upregulation of the Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2 via a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike-ACE2 S.pdf 2.27Мб
2010 Visual detection of turkey coronavirus RNA in tissues and feces by reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal a.pdf 301.27Кб
2010 Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replicatio.pdf 1.12Мб
2011 [Advances in Virus Research] Volume 81 __ Coronavirus Pathogenesis.pdf 1.14Мб
2011 150 Identification of human coronaviruses among Brazilian children with cystic fibrosis.pdf 45.82Кб
2011 2,6-Bis-arylmethyloxy-5-hydroxychromones with antiviral activity against both hepatitis C virus (HCV) and SARS-asso.pdf 367.47Кб
2011 A 15-year analysis of molecular epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China.pdf 532.45Кб
2011 Abdominal radiographic and ultrasonographic findings in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) with systemic coronavirus i.pdf 1.45Мб
2011 A conserved RNA pseudoknot in a putative molecular switch domain of the 3_-untranslated region of coronaviruses is.pdf 2.31Мб
2011 A Double-Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Vaccine Provides Incomplete Protection in Mice a.pdf 6.79Мб
2011 Alphacoronaviruses in New World Bats_ Prevalence, Persistence, Phylogeny, and Potential for Interaction with Humans.pdf 318.51Кб
2011 Alphacoronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus nsp1 Protein Suppresses Protein Translation in Mammalian Cells.pdf 2.08Мб
2011 An Optimal cis-Replication Stem-Loop IV in the 5_ Untranslated Region of the Mouse Coronavirus Genome Extends 16 Nu.pdf 2.21Мб
2011 Anti-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Antibodies Trigger Infection of Human Immune Cells via a p.pdf 3.08Мб
2011 Association of seropositivity for influenza and coronaviruses with history of mood disorders and suicide attempts.pdf 180.34Кб
2011 A structural analysis of M protein in coronavirus assembly and morphology.pdf 2.45Мб
2011 A Transmembrane Serine Protease Is Linked to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Receptor and Activat.pdf 1.87Мб
2011 Attenuated live vaccine usage affects accurate measures of virus diversity and mutation rates in avian coronavirus.pdf 1.06Мб
2011 Avian Coronavirus in Wild Aquatic Birds.pdf 1.12Мб
2011 A Virus-Binding Hot Spot on Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Is Critical for Binding of Two Different Coronavi.pdf 1.11Мб
2011 Binding of Avian Coronavirus Spike Proteins to Host Factors Reflects Virus Tropism and Pathogenicity.pdf 3.11Мб
2011 Biochemical and Structural Insights into the Mechanisms of SARS Coronavirus RNA Ribose 2_-O-Methylation by nsp16_ns.pdf 3.11Мб
2011 Blocking eIF4E-eIF4G Interaction as a Strategy To Impair Coronavirus Replication.pdf 2.17Мб
2011 Canine Coronavirus_ Not Only an Enteric Pathogen.pdf 1.38Мб
2011 Cell-Type-Specific Type I Interferon Antagonism Influences Organ Tropism of Murine Coronavirus.pdf 2.32Мб
2011 Characterization of the spike protein of human coronavirus NL63 in receptor binding and pseudotype virus entry.pdf 817.30Кб
2011 Chimeric severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) S glycoprotein and influenza matrix 1 efficiently.pdf 989.61Кб
2011 Cleavage and Activation of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein by Human Airway Trypsin-.pdf 1.88Мб
2011 Coronavirus Causes Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Less Frequently Than RSV in Hospitalized Norwegian Children.pdf 212.34Кб
2011 Coronaviruses.pdf 1.57Мб
2011 Coronavirus Gene 7 Counteracts Host Defenses and Modulates Virus Virulence.pdf 10.59Мб
2011 Coronavirus HKU1 in Children, Brazil, 1995.pdf 170.76Кб
2011 Coronavirus Immunoreactivity in Individuals With a Recent Onset of Psychotic Symptoms.pdf 82.81Кб
2011 Coronavirus Infection Induces DNA Replication Stress Partly through Interaction of Its Nonstructural Protein 13 wit.pdf 3.29Мб
2011 Coronavirus nsp6 proteins generate autophagosomes from the endoplasmic reticulum via an omegasome intermediate.pdf 2.88Мб
2011 Crystallization and diffraction analysis of the SARS coronavirus nsp10_nsp16 complex.pdf 451.54Кб
2011 Crystal Structure and Functional Analysis of the SARS-Coronavirus RNA Cap 2_-O-Methyltransferase nsp10_nsp16 Comple.pdf 4.03Мб
2011 Crystal structure of mouse coronavirus receptor-binding domain complexed with its murine receptor.pdf 1.43Мб
2011 CS15_3 More and more coronaviruses after the SARS epidemic_ human coronavirus HKU1 and other coronaviruses.pdf 44.24Кб
2011 Cyclosporin A inhibits the replication of diverse coronaviruses.pdf 734.17Кб
2011 Deficient incorporation of spike protein into virions contributes to the lack of infectivity following establishmen.pdf 1.33Мб
2011 Detection and characterization of bovine-like coronaviruses from four species of zoo ruminants.pdf 173.18Кб
2011 Detection and genetic characterization of canine parvoviruses and coronaviruses in southern Ireland.pdf 243.97Кб
2011 Detection and genotyping of canine coronavirus RNA in diarrheic dogs in Japan.pdf 148.82Кб
2011 Detection of alpha and betacoronaviruses in multiple Iberian bat species.pdf 1.72Мб
2011 Detection of a virus related to betacoronaviruses in Italian greater horseshoe bats.pdf 86.00Кб
2011 Development and RNA-Synthesizing Activity of Coronavirus Replication Structures in the Absence of Protein Synthesis.pdf 2.41Мб
2011 Development and Validation of RT-PCR Tests for the Detection and S1 Genotyping of Infectious Bronchitis Virus and O.pdf 286.20Кб
2011 Development of a molecular-beacon-based multi-allelic real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of human coronavirus.pdf 924.16Кб
2011 Development of a recombinant truncated nucleocapsid protein based immunoassay for detection of antibodies against h.pdf 558.61Кб
2011 Development of a SYBR Green I based real-time RT-PCR assay for detection and quantification of bovine coronavirus.pdf 437.44Кб
2011 Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of human coronavirus-NL63.pdf 437.21Кб
2011 Different host cell proteases activate the SARS-coronavirus spike-protein for cell_cell and virus_cell fusion.pdf 927.86Кб
2011 Differentiation between Human Coronaviruses NL63 and 229E Using a Novel Double-Antibody Sandwich Enzyme-Linked Immu.pdf 408.82Кб
2011 Distinct Patterns of IFITM-Mediated Restriction of Filoviruses, SARS Coronavirus, and Influenza A Virus.pdf 990.82Кб
2011 Distinct Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Induced Acute Lung Injury Pathways in Two Different Nonhuman.pdf 2.22Мб
2011 Early gene expression events in ferrets in response to SARS coronavirus infection versus direct interferon-alpha2b.pdf 1.71Мб
2011 Emodin inhibits current through SARS-associated coronavirus 3a protein.pdf 500.11Кб
2011 Engineering T Cells Specific for a Dominant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus CD8 T Cell Epitope.pdf 1.29Мб
2011 Enteric Coronavirus in Ferrets, the Netherlands.pdf 118.95Кб
2011 Epithelial Cells Lining Salivary Gland Ducts Are Early Target Cells of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviru.pdf 2.29Мб
2011 Evidence that TMPRSS2 Activates the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein for Membrane Fusion.pdf 1.89Мб
2011 Expression, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the C-terminal half of nsp2 from SARS coronav.pdf 584.51Кб
2011 Feline and Canine Coronaviruses_ Common Genetic and Pathobiological Features.pdf 214.90Кб
2011 Feline Coronavirus in Multicat Environments.pdf 7.06Мб
2011 Fenner_s Veterinary Virology __ Coronaviridae.pdf 1.97Мб
2011 First full-length sequences of the S gene of European isolates reveal further diversity among turkey coronaviruses.pdf 1.83Мб
2011 Fully Human Monoclonal Antibody Directed to Proteolytic Cleavage Site in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) C.pdf 662.96Кб
2011 Gene N Proximal and Distal RNA Motifs Regulate Coronavirus Nucleocapsid mRNA Transcription.pdf 1.81Мб
2011 Genetically Diverse Coronaviruses in Captive Bird Populations in a Brazilian Zoological Park.pdf 301.52Кб
2011 Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Disease __ Evolution of SARS Coronavirus and the Relevance of Modern Molecular.pdf 581.14Кб
2011 Glutamate Excitotoxicity Is Involved in the Induction of Paralysis in Mice after Infection by a Human Coronavirus w.pdf 2.69Мб
2011 Highly Activated Cytotoxic CD8 T Cells Express Protective IL-10 at the Peak of Coronavirus-Induced Encephalitis.pdf 1.49Мб
2011 Human Coronaviruses HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1 in Hospitalized Children with Acute Respiratory Infections in Beijing,.pdf 210.75Кб
2011 Human coronavirus NL63_ a clinically important virus_.pdf 364.15Кб
2011 Identification and characterization of a neutralizing-epitope-containing spike protein fragment in turkey coronavir.pdf 404.29Кб
2011 Identification and Characterization of Three Novel Small Interference RNAs That Effectively Down-Regulate the Isola.pdf 1.28Мб
2011 Identification of a Golgi Complex-Targeting Signal in the Cytoplasmic Tail of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 1.80Мб
2011 Identification of coronaviral antibodies and coronavirus - specific antibody complexes in ascites fluid of cats dia.pdf 480.29Кб
2011 Identification of host factors involved in coronavirus replication by quantitative proteomics analysis.pdf 203.57Кб
2011 Identification of RNA Pseudoknot-Binding Ligand That Inhibits the _1 Ribosomal Frameshifting of SARS-Coronavirus by.pdf 809.89Кб
2011 Immunogenicity and protective efficacy in dogs of an MF59_-adjuvanted vaccine against recombinant canine_porcine co.pdf 204.85Кб
2011 Inactivation of surrogate coronaviruses on hard surfaces by health care germicides.pdf 413.65Кб
2011 Infection with human coronavirus NL63 enhances streptococcal adherence to epithelial cells.pdf 756.72Кб
2011 Inhibition of RNA Helicases of ssRNA+ Virus Belonging to Flaviviridae, Coronaviridae and Picornaviridae Families.pdf 2.30Мб
2011 Inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replication in a lethal SARS-CoV BALB_c mouse model by.pdf 403.15Кб
2011 Interference of ribosomal frameshifting by antisense peptide nucleic acids suppresses SARS coronavirus replication.pdf 702.88Кб
2011 Investigation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of SARS coronavirus infection and its role in pathogenesis of.pdf 176.99Кб
2011 In vitro inhibition of feline coronavirus replication by small interfering RNAs.pdf 750.52Кб
2011 Isolation, tissue distribution and molecular characterization of two recombinant canine coronavirus strains.pdf 455.10Кб
2011 Isolation of an equine coronavirus from adult horses with pyrogenic and enteric disease and its antigenic and genom.pdf 589.47Кб
2011 Les uv_ites f_lines__ pr_valence de l_infection par les coronavirus, les r_trovirus, l_herp_s virus f_lin et Toxopl.pdf 50.42Кб
2011 Lipoteichoic acid from Staphylococcus aureus exacerbates respiratory disease in porcine respiratory coronavirus-inf.pdf 334.09Кб
2011 Longitudinal profiles of immunoglobulin G antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus componen.pdf 191.03Кб
2011 Mobility and Interactions of Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 4.pdf 2.76Мб
2011 Molecular characterization of a new species in the genus Alphacoronavirus associated with mink epizootic catarrhal.pdf 199.85Кб
2011 Molecular Epidemiology of Human Coronavirus OC43 Reveals Evolution of Different Genotypes over Time and Recent Emer.pdf 1.90Мб
2011 Novel system for detecting SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein using an ssDNA aptamer.pdf 722.29Кб
2011 On the mechanisms of bananin activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 477.34Кб
2011 Pathogenesis of neurotropic murine coronavirus is multifactorial.pdf 4.72Мб
2011 Peptide aldehyde inhibitors challenge the substrate specificity of the SARS-coronavirus main protease.pdf 1.34Мб
2011 Phage displayed peptides recognizing porcine aminopeptidase N inhibit transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus inf.pdf 766.97Кб
2011 Phylogenetic analysis of infectious bronchitis coronaviruses newly isolated in China, and pathogenicity and evaluat.pdf 689.34Кб
2011 Prevalence of human coronaviruses in adults with acute respiratory tract infections in Beijing, China.pdf 188.63Кб
2011 Prevalence of Korean cats with natural feline coronavirus infections.pdf 185.40Кб
2011 Production of IFN-_ in feline whole blood after incubation with potential T-cell epitopes of the nucleocapsid prote.pdf 243.11Кб
2011 Proteomic analysis of chicken embryonic trachea and kidney tissues after infectionin ovoby avian infectious bronchi.pdf 3.34Мб
2011 Quantitative and sensitive detection of SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein using quantum dots-conjugated RNA apt.pdf 143.24Кб
2011 Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Bovine Coronavirus and Group A Bovine Rotavirus from Fecal Samples by Using One-St.pdf 824.25Кб
2011 Recent development of 3C and 3CL protease inhibitors for anti-coronavirus and anti-picornavirus drug discovery.pdf 478.10Кб
2011 Recent developments in anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus chemotherapy.pdf 541.76Кб
2011 Recombinational histories of avian infectious bronchitis virus and turkey coronavirus.pdf 1.66Мб
2011 Recombination in Avian Gamma-Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 1.15Мб
2011 Regulation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and dual-specificity phosphatase 1 feedback loop modulates t.pdf 1021.25Кб
2011 Replicating Vaccines __ Recombinant Live Vaccines to Protect Against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavi.pdf 631.25Кб
2011 RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions in coronavirus replication and transcription.pdf 828.14Кб
2011 Role of human coronavirus in Brazilian hospitalized children with respiratory lower infection.pdf 48.17Кб
2011 SARS coronavirus 8b reduces viral replication by down-regulating E via an ubiquitin-independent proteasome pathway.pdf 579.73Кб
2011 SARS-Coronavirus ancestor_s foot-prints in South-East Asian bat colonies and the refuge theory.pdf 2.46Мб
2011 SARS Coronavirus nsp1 Protein Induces Template-Dependent Endonucleolytic Cleavage of mRNAs_ Viral mRNAs Are Resista.pdf 6.17Мб
2011 SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Monoclonal Antibodies.pdf 27.30Кб
2011 SARS Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Monoclonal Antibodies Developed Using a Prokaryotic Expressed Protein.pdf 161.17Кб
2011 SARS-CoV and emergent coronaviruses_ viral determinants of interspecies transmission.pdf 922.74Кб
2011 Sequence Analysis of Feline Coronaviruses and the Circulating Virulent_Avirulent Theory.pdf 2.57Мб
2011 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Envelope Protein Regulates Cell Stress Response and Apoptosis.pdf 2.66Мб
2011 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease suppressed alpha interferon-induced responses th.pdf 1.19Мб
2011 Spongiform degeneration induced by neuropathogenic murine coronavirus infection.pdf 1010.18Кб
2011 Structure and Functional Relevance of a Transcription-Regulating Sequence Involved in Coronavirus Discontinuous RNA.pdf 1.69Мб
2011 Subcellular location and topology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus envelope protein.pdf 2.80Мб
2011 Successful Vaccination Strategies That Protect Aged Mice from Lethal Challenge from Influenza Virus and Heterologou.pdf 5.70Мб
2011 The ADP-ribose-1__-monophosphatase domains of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 2.pdf 338.37Кб
2011 The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus.pdf 242.35Кб
2011 The Evolutionary Processes of Canine Coronaviruses.pdf 387.45Кб
2011 The Paradox of Feline Coronavirus Pathogenesis_ A Review.pdf 111.86Кб
2011 The Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein Affects Coronavirus RNA Accumulation Levels and Relocalizes Viral RNAs to.pdf 3.12Мб
2011 The RNA polymerase activity of SARS-coronavirus nsp12 is primer dependent.pdf 34.01Кб
2011 The SARS coronavirus E protein interacts with the PALS1 and alters tight junction formation and epithelial morphoge.pdf 172.81Кб
2011 The SARS-Coronavirus-Host Interactome_ Identification of Cyclophilins as Target for Pan-Coronavirus Inhibitors.pdf 1.78Мб
2011 The sialic acid binding activity of the S protein facilitates infection by porcine transmissible gastroenteritis co.pdf 163.56Кб
2011 The solution structure of coronaviral stem-loop 2 (SL2) reveals a canonical CUYG tetraloop fold.pdf 634.71Кб
2011 Ultrastructure of Felis catus whole fetus (Fcwf-4) cell culture following infection with feline coronavirus.pdf 577.62Кб
2011 Unconventional Use of LC3 by Coronaviruses through the Alleged Subversion of the ERAD Tuning Pathway.pdf 3.99Мб
2011 Update on Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections.pdf 177.50Кб
2011 Virally Expressed Interleukin-10 Ameliorates Acute Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Demyelination in Coronavirus-Infec.pdf 1.93Мб
2011 Western European epidemiological survey for parvovirus and coronavirus infections in dogs.pdf 347.20Кб
2012 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Volume 730 __ A New Model for.pdf 718.03Кб
2012 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Volume 730 __ Molecular Analys.pdf 888.65Кб
2012 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Volume 730 __ Pathogenesis of.pdf 1.54Мб
2012 [IEEE 2012 IEEE Sensors - Taipei, Taiwan (2012_10_28-2012_10_31)] 2012 IEEE Sensors - Investigation of the binding.pdf 932.80Кб
2012 A facile inhibitor screening of SARS coronavirus N protein using nanoparticle-based RNA oligonucleotide.pdf 533.27Кб
2012 A Human Coronavirus Responsible for the Common Cold Massively Kills Dendritic Cells but Not Monocytes.pdf 2.24Мб
2012 A live, impaired-fidelity coronavirus vaccine protects in an aged, immunocompromised mouse model of lethal disease.pdf 1.06Мб
2012 Alphacoronavirus Detected in Bats in the United Kingdom.pdf 270.22Кб
2012 A novel full-length isoform of murinepregnancy-specific glycoprotein 16(psg16) is expressed in the brain but does n.pdf 426.81Кб
2012 Antagonism of the Interferon-Induced OAS-RNase L Pathway by Murine Coronavirus ns2 Protein Is Required for Virus Re.pdf 1.47Мб
2012 Anti-Human Coronavirus (anti-HCoV) Triterpenoids from the Leaves of_ _i_Euphorbia Neriifolia__i_.pdf 321.35Кб
2012 A pantropic canine coronavirus genetically related to the prototype isolate CB_05.pdf 995.33Кб
2012 A Real-Time PCR Assay for Bat SARS-Like Coronavirus Detection and Its Application to Italian Greater Horseshoe Bat.pdf 2.98Мб
2012 A Single Polar Residue and Distinct Membrane Topologies Impact the Function of the Infectious Bronchitis Coronaviru.pdf 1.90Мб
2012 Avian coronavirusSpike Glycoprotein Ectodomain Shows a Low Codon Adaptation toGallus galluswith Virus-Exclusive Cod.pdf 257.11Кб
2012 Bat severe acute respiratory syndrome-like coronavirus ORF3b homologues display different interferon antagonist act.pdf 870.95Кб
2012 Binding of the 5_-untranslated region of coronavirus RNA to zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA-binding motif 1 enhances.pdf 5.36Мб
2012 Biochemical characterization of a recombinant SARS coronavirus nsp12 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase capable of copyin.pdf 501.69Кб
2012 Biogenesis and Dynamics of the Coronavirus Replicative Structures.pdf 872.45Кб
2012 Broad-Spectrum Antivirals against 3C or 3C-Like Proteases of Picornaviruses, Noroviruses, and Coronaviruses.pdf 1.33Мб
2012 Calreticulin as a hydrophilic chimeric molecular adjuvant enhances IgG responses to the spike protein of severe acu.pdf 764.92Кб
2012 Changes in nonstructural protein 3 are associated with attenuation in avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus.pdf 367.08Кб
2012 Characterization and Complete Genome Sequence of Human Coronavirus NL63 Isolated in China.pdf 84.60Кб
2012 Characterization and Immunological Evaluation of Chitosan Nanoparticles as Adjuvants for Bovine Coronavirus N Prote.pdf 464.51Кб
2012 Characterization of a recombinant canine coronavirus with a distinct receptor-binding (S1) domain.pdf 1.09Мб
2012 Characterization of cellular furin content as a potential factor determining the susceptibility of cultured human a.pdf 1008.41Кб
2012 Characterization of Human Coronavirus Etiology in Chinese Adults with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection by Re.pdf 235.71Кб
2012 ChemInform Abstract_ 2,6-Bis-arylmethyloxy-5-hydroxychromones with Antiviral Activity Against Both Hepatitis C Viru.pdf 32.45Кб
2012 Clusters of coronavirus cases put scientists on alert.pdf 622.18Кб
2012 Co-circulation of Four Human Coronaviruses (HCoVs) in Queensland Children with Acute Respiratory Tract Illnesses in.pdf 441.03Кб
2012 Combined action of type I and type III interferon restricts initial replication of severe acute respiratory syndrom.pdf 460.63Кб
2012 Comparative Evaluation of Two Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates in Mice.pdf 993.85Кб
2012 Comparative in vivo analysis of the nsp15 endoribonuclease of murine, porcine and severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 1.54Мб
2012 Comparison of electrocardiographic parameters and serum electrolytes and microelements between single infection of.pdf 97.32Кб
2012 Comparison of three diagnostic techniques for detection of rotavirus and coronavirus in calf faeces in Australia.pdf 372.17Кб
2012 Complete Genome Sequences of Two Chinese Virulent Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Variants.pdf 85.14Кб
2012 Coronavirus E protein forms ion channels with functionally and structurally-involved membrane lipids.pdf 764.97Кб
2012 Coronavirus infection in intensively managed cattle with respiratory disease.pdf 1.17Мб
2012 Coronavirus infection of rat dorsal root ganglia_ Ultrastructural characterization of viral replication, transfer,.pdf 3.62Мб
2012 Coronavirus infections in hospitalized pediatric patients with acute respiratory tract disease.pdf 241.91Кб
2012 Coronavirus Papain-like Proteases Negatively Regulate Antiviral Innate Immune Response through Disruption of STING-.pdf 867.30Кб
2012 Correlation between TGF-_1 expression and proteomic profiling induced by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi.pdf 1.07Мб
2012 Cross sectional and longitudinal surveys of canine enteric coronavirus infection in kennelled dogs_ A molecular mar.pdf 455.22Кб
2012 Crystal Structure of Bovine Coronavirus Spike Protein Lectin Domain.pdf 2.28Мб
2012 CXCR2 signaling and host defense following coronavirus-induced encephalomyelitis.pdf 436.25Кб
2012 Detection of Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus type QX infection in Switzerland.pdf 799.87Кб
2012 Detection of bat coronaviruses fromMiniopterus fuliginosusin Japan.pdf 203.74Кб
2012 Detection of Human Coronavirus NL63 and OC43 in Children with Acute Respiratory Infections in Niigata, Japan, betwe.pdf 189.62Кб
2012 Detection of human coronavirus strain HKU1 in a 2_years old girl with asthma exacerbation caused by acute pharyngit.pdf 148.89Кб
2012 Detection of subgenomic mRNA of feline coronavirus by real-time polymerase chain reaction based on primer-probe ene.pdf 786.39Кб
2012 Development of chemical inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus_ Viral helicase as a potential target.pdf 385.59Кб
2012 Diagnostics of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid antigen using chick.pdf 765.03Кб
2012 Diarylheptanoids from Alnus japonica Inhibit Papain-Like Protease of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.16Мб
2012 Differential domain structure stability of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease.pdf 642.65Кб
2012 Discovery of Seven Novel Mammalian and Avian Coronaviruses in the Genus Deltacoronavirus Supports Bat Coronaviruses.pdf 2.22Мб
2012 Emerging Human Coronaviruses _ Disease Potential and Preparedness.pdf 352.99Кб
2012 Emerging outbreaks associated with equine coronavirus in adult horses.pdf 71.44Кб
2012 Epidemiology of the four human coronaviruses 229E, HKU1, NL63 and OC43 detected over 30 months in the Singapore mil.pdf 91.45Кб
2012 Equine coronavirus, a possible cause for adult horse enteric disease outbreaks.pdf 175.30Кб
2012 Evidence for ACE2-Utilizing Coronaviruses (CoVs) Related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV in Bats.pdf 1.47Мб
2012 Evidence for a Common Evolutionary Origin of Coronavirus Spike Protein Receptor-Binding Subunits.pdf 1.01Мб
2012 Evidence Supporting a Zoonotic Origin of Human Coronavirus Strain NL63.pdf 1.08Мб
2012 Expression and purification of coronavirus envelope proteins using a modified _-barrel construct.pdf 1.04Мб
2012 Expression of the C-type lectins DC-SIGN or L-SIGN alters host cell susceptibility for the avian coronavirus, infec.pdf 775.26Кб
2012 Fatal outbreaks in dogs associated with pantropic canine coronavirus in France and Belgium.pdf 812.74Кб
2012 Feline infectious peritonitis_ Role of the feline coronavirus 3c gene in intestinal tropism and pathogenicity based.pdf 1.44Мб
2012 Flavonoid-mediated inhibition of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease expressed inPichia pastoris.pdf 476.75Кб
2012 Genetic Diversity of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus in Recent Years in China.pdf 3.79Мб
2012 Genetic Evidence of a Long-Range RNA-RNA Interaction between the Genomic 5_ Untranslated Region and the Nonstructur.pdf 3.88Мб
2012 Genetic relatedness of the novel human group C betacoronavirus to Tylonycteris bat coronavirus HKU4 and Pipistrellu.pdf 1.25Мб
2012 Genomic analysis of 16 Colorado human NL63 coronaviruses identifies a new genotype, high sequence diversity in the.pdf 1.04Мб
2012 Genomic and serological detection of bat coronavirus from bats in the Philippines.pdf 336.86Кб
2012 Genomic Characterization of a Newly Discovered Coronavirus Associated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in H.pdf 844.57Кб
2012 Genomic characterization of seven distinct bat coronaviruses in Kenya.pdf 714.71Кб
2012 Human Coronavirus EMC Does Not Require the SARS-Coronavirus Receptor and Maintains Broad Replicative Capability in.pdf 850.94Кб
2012 Human Coronaviruses_ Insights into Environmental Resistance and Its Influence on the Development of New Antiseptic.pdf 375.59Кб
2012 Human Coronavirus-Induced Neuronal Programmed Cell Death Is Cyclophilin D Dependent and Potentially Caspase Dispens.pdf 2.89Мб
2012 Human Coronavirus in Young Children Hospitalized for Acute Respiratory Illness and Asymptomatic Controls.pdf 774.17Кб
2012 Human coronavirus NL-63 infection in a Brazilian patient suspected of H1N1 2009 influenza infection_ Description of.pdf 163.04Кб
2012 Human coronavirus NL63 in hospitalized children with respiratory infection_ A 2-year study from Chongqing, China.pdf 488.97Кб
2012 Identification and Characterization of a Novel Alpaca Respiratory Coronavirus Most Closely Related to the Human Cor.pdf 455.51Кб
2012 Identification of myricetin and scutellarein as novel chemical inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus helicase, nsP13.pdf 680.36Кб
2012 Immunotherapy could be answer to treating novel coronavirus.pdf 59.71Кб
2012 Implications of altered replication fidelity on the evolution and pathogenesis of coronaviruses.pdf 577.92Кб
2012 Increased Antibody Affinity Confers Broad In Vitro Protection against Escape Mutants of Severe Acute Respiratory Sy.pdf 1.30Мб
2012 Induction of Alternatively Activated Macrophages Enhances Pathogenesis during Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Cor.pdf 8.86Мб
2012 Infection of human alveolar macrophages by human coronavirus strain 229E.pdf 1.13Мб
2012 Infections with human coronaviruses NL63 and OC43 among hospitalised and outpatient individuals in S_o Paulo, Brazi.pdf 197.89Кб
2012 Influenza and SARS-Coronavirus Activating Proteases TMPRSS2 and HAT Are Expressed at Multiple Sites in Human Respir.pdf 1.11Мб
2012 In this issue _ October 2012 _ Behavioural responses of lambs after clipping___Bovine coronavirus___Mares at risk o.pdf 111.63Кб
2012 In vitro inhibition of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus replication in swine testicular cells by short hai.pdf 829.18Кб
2012 Involvement of Autophagy in Coronavirus Replication.pdf 403.59Кб
2012 Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Betacoronavirus Subgroup A Coronavirus, Rabbit Coronavirus HKU14, from Do.pdf 3.75Мб
2012 Isolation and molecular characterization of type I and type II feline coronavirus in Malaysia.pdf 513.61Кб
2012 Isolation of a Novel Coronavirus from a Man with Pneumonia in Saudi Arabia.pdf 542.92Кб
2012 Is the discovery of the novel human betacoronavirus 2c EMC_2012 (HCoV-EMC) the beginning of another SARS-like pande.pdf 877.58Кб
2012 Lack of Innate Interferon Responses during SARS Coronavirus Infection in a Vaccination and Reinfection Ferret Model.pdf 927.67Кб
2012 Mechanisms of Coronavirus Cell Entry Mediated by the Viral Spike Protein.pdf 977.62Кб
2012 Mechanisms of Host Receptor Adaptation by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 2.10Мб
2012 Modification of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus for vaccine development.pdf 1.32Мб
2012 Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of bovine coronavirus based on the spike glycoprotein gene.pdf 2.28Мб
2012 Molecular Biology of the SARS-Coronavirusedited by Sunil K_ Lal.pdf 89.26Кб
2012 Molecular characterization of a canine coronavirus NA_09 strain detected in a dog_s organs.pdf 213.84Кб
2012 Molecular Determinants of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathogenesis and Virulence in Young and Age.pdf 3.31Мб
2012 Molecular evolution and emergence of avian gammacoronaviruses.pdf 359.61Кб
2012 Monitoring of S Protein Maturation in the Endoplasmic Reticulum by Calnexin Is Important for the Infectivity of Sev.pdf 1.31Мб
2012 Neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ target, mechanism of act.pdf 333.51Кб
2012 New coronavirus.pdf 72.41Кб
2012 Nonstructural Proteins 7 and 8 of Feline Coronavirus Form a 2_1 Heterotrimer That Exhibits Primer-Independent RNA P.pdf 2.68Мб
2012 No Serologic Evidence for Zoonotic Canine Respiratory Coronavirus Infections among Immunocompetent Adults_span___sp.pdf 68.13Кб
2012 Nouvelle alerte OMS au coronavirus nouveau.pdf 137.22Кб
2012 O030 Evasion of the OAS-RNase L pathway by murine coronavirus ns2 protein is required for viral replication and hep.pdf 133.66Кб
2012 On Channel Activity of Synthetic Peptides Derived from Severe and Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV).pdf 56.95Кб
2012 Organ tropism of murine coronavirus does not correlate with the expression levels of the membrane-anchored or secre.pdf 470.85Кб
2012 P115 Pathogenic Influenza A viruses and SARS-Coronaviruses modulate global interferon stimulated gene induction thr.pdf 35.21Кб
2012 P136 Combined action of type I and type III IFN restricts initial replication of SARS-coronavirus in the lung but f.pdf 54.68Кб
2012 Patient with new strain of coronavirus is treated in intensive care at London hospital.pdf 126.95Кб
2012 Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase III_ Is Required for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike-mediated Cel.pdf 3.64Мб
2012 Prevalence of Feline Coronavirus Antibodies in Japanese Domestic Cats during the Past Decade.pdf 793.05Кб
2012 Primary Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Limits Replication but Not Lung Inflammation upon H.pdf 1.75Мб
2012 Protective Role of Toll-like Receptor 3-Induced Type I Interferon in Murine Coronavirus Infection of Macrophages.pdf 2.81Мб
2012 Proteomics analysis of differentially expressed proteins in chicken trachea and kidney after infection with the hig.pdf 890.37Кб
2012 Quarantine protects Falkland Islands (Malvinas) cats from feline coronavirus infection.pdf 666.45Кб
2012 Rapid detection of Betacoronavirus 1 from clinical fecal specimens by a novel reverse transcription loop-mediated i.pdf 825.08Кб
2012 Ready, Set, Fuse! The Coronavirus Spike Protein and Acquisition of Fusion Competence.pdf 691.82Кб
2012 Recent Progress in Studies of Arterivirus- and Coronavirus-Host Interactions.pdf 978.54Кб
2012 Recent Transmission of a Novel Alphacoronavirus, Bat Coronavirus HKU10, from Leschenault_s Rousettes to Pomona Leaf.pdf 1.87Мб
2012 Regulatory T Cells in Arterivirus and Coronavirus Infections_ Do They Protect Against Disease or Enhance it_.pdf 232.44Кб
2012 Replication-dependent downregulation of cellular angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 protein expression by human corona.pdf 444.44Кб
2012 Replication of human coronaviruses SARS-CoV, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-229E is inhibited by the drug FK506.pdf 920.44Кб
2012 Replication of murine coronavirus requires multiple cysteines in the endodomain of spike protein.pdf 1.62Мб
2012 Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses (Applications and Perspectives) __ Coronavirus Reverse Genetics.pdf 450.22Кб
2012 Reverse Genetics of SARS-Related Coronavirus Using Vaccinia Virus-Based Recombination.pdf 1011.68Кб
2012 RNA 3_-end mismatch excision by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp10_nsp14.pdf 672.70Кб
2012 Roadmap to developing a recombinant coronavirus S protein receptor-binding domain vaccine for severe acute respirat.pdf 980.72Кб
2012 SARS Coronavirus 3b Accessory Protein Modulates Transcriptional Activity of RUNX1b.pdf 461.13Кб
2012 SARS-Coronavirus ancestor_s foot-prints in Thai bat colonies and the refuge theory_ A phylogeography perspective.pdf 96.66Кб
2012 SARS coronavirus pathogenesis_ host innate immune responses and viral antagonism of interferon.pdf 1.15Мб
2012 SARS-like virus in the Middle East_ A truly bat-related coronavirus causing human diseases.pdf 279.43Кб
2012 SARS veterans tackle coronavirus.pdf 781.35Кб
2012 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus accessory proteins 6 and 9b interact in vivo.pdf 1.18Мб
2012 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp1 Facilitates Efficient Propagation in Cells through a Specific Tr.pdf 1.58Мб
2012 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Protein nsp1 Is a Novel Eukaryotic Translation Inhibitor That Repress.pdf 1.92Мб
2012 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication Inhibitor That Interferes with the Nucleic Acid Unwinding.pdf 1.52Мб
2012 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication Is Severely Impaired by MG132 due to Proteasome-Independe.pdf 1.24Мб
2012 Severe Respiratory Illness Associated With a Novel Coronavirus _ Saudi Arabia and Qatar, 2012.pdf 283.34Кб
2012 Short peptides derived from the interaction domain of SARS coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp10 can suppress the.pdf 1.08Мб
2012 Simultaneous Treatment of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells with Serine and Cysteine Protease Inhibitors Prevents Se.pdf 2.17Мб
2012 Spike Protein Fusion Peptide and Feline Coronavirus Virulence.pdf 478.77Кб
2012 Stability of bovine coronavirus on lettuce surfaces under household refrigeration conditions.pdf 476.62Кб
2012 Structural Bases of Coronavirus Attachment to Host Aminopeptidase N and Its Inhibition by Neutralizing Antibodies.pdf 3.11Мб
2012 Suppression of feline coronavirus replication in vitro by cyclosporin A.pdf 339.36Кб
2012 Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 7-O-arylmethylquercetin derivatives against SARS-associated coronavirus (SCV).pdf 543.65Кб
2012 Systemic coronavirus-associated disease resembling feline infectious peritonitis in ferrets in the UK.pdf 545.46Кб
2012 Temperature-Sensitive Mutants and Revertants in the Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 5 Protease (3CLpro) Define Re.pdf 1.59Мб
2012 The Coronavirus Endoribonuclease Nsp15 Interacts with Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Protein.pdf 2.41Мб
2012 The Coronavirus E Protein_ Assembly and Beyond.pdf 927.73Кб
2012 The Differential Clinical Impact of Human Coronavirus Species in Children With Cystic Fibrosis.pdf 147.57Кб
2012 The dominance of human coronavirus OC43 and NL63 infections in infants.pdf 297.33Кб
2012 The first complete genome sequences of clinical isolates of human coronavirus 229E.pdf 190.57Кб
2012 The Murine Coronavirus Hemagglutinin-esterase Receptor-binding Site_ A Major Shift in Ligand Specificity through Mo.pdf 591.32Кб
2012 The Role of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-Coronavirus Accessory Proteins in Virus Pathogenesis.pdf 407.70Кб
2012 The SARS-coronavirus nsp7+nsp8 complex is a unique multimeric RNA polymerase capable of both de novo initiation and.pdf 11.18Мб
2012 Tracing the transmission of bovine coronavirus infections in cattle herds based on S gene diversity.pdf 346.23Кб
2012 Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase and Nonstructural Proteins 2, 3, and 8 Are I.pdf 1.58Мб
2012 Two palmitylated cysteine residues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike (S) protein are criti.pdf 255.86Кб
2012 Unconventional roles of nonlipidated LC3 in ERAD tuning and coronavirus infection.pdf 910.11Кб
2012 Understanding the T cell immune response in SARS coronavirus infection.pdf 306.83Кб
2012 Understanding Viral Transmission Behavior via Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction_ Coronaviruses.pdf 929.85Кб
2012 Use of a novel virus detection assay to identify coronavirus HKU1 in the lungs of a hematopoietic stem cell transpl.pdf 866.58Кб
2012 Virus Pathogen Database and Analysis Resource (ViPR)_ A Comprehensive Bioinformatics Database and Analysis Resource.pdf 1.49Мб
2012 Virus Taxonomy __ Coronaviridae.pdf 2.68Мб
2012 Visualizing Coronavirus RNA Synthesis in Time by Using Click Chemistry.pdf 2.98Мб
2012 WHO assists Middle East authorities with coronavirus investigation.pdf 55.88Кб
2013 [IEEE 2013 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT) - Rajampet, India (2013_09_21-.pdf 373.24Кб
2013 3C protein of feline coronavirus inhibits viral replication independently of the autophagy pathway.pdf 849.50Кб
2013 Absence of Coronaviruses, Paramyxoviruses, and Influenza A Viruses in Seabirds in the Southwestern Indian Ocean.pdf 57.46Кб
2013 A Case for the Ancient Origin of Coronaviruses.pdf 1.07Мб
2013 Acute febrile respiratory infection symptoms in Australian Hajjis at risk of exposure to Middle East respiratory sy.pdf 158.02Кб
2013 Adaptive evolution of bat dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (dpp4)_ implications for the origin and emergence of Middle East r.pdf 1.02Мб
2013 A decade after SARS_ strategies for controlling emerging coronaviruses.pdf 649.45Кб
2013 A DNA prime-protein boost vaccination strategy targeting turkey coronavirus spike protein fragment containing neutr.pdf 754.26Кб
2013 A family cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus infections related to a likely unrecognized asympt.pdf 848.39Кб
2013 Alarm bells over MERS coronavirus.pdf 275.00Кб
2013 A Leaderless Genome Identified during Persistent Bovine Coronavirus Infection Is Associated with Attenuation of Gen.pdf 3.97Мб
2013 Alphacoronavirus Protein 7 Modulates Host Innate Immune Response.pdf 2.72Мб
2013 Altering SARS Coronavirus Frameshift Efficiency Affects Genomic and Subgenomic RNA Production.pdf 825.97Кб
2013 Amid Heightened Concerns, New Name for Novel Coronavirus Emerges.pdf 239.82Кб
2013 A Multigene Approach for Comparing Genealogy of_ _i_Betacoronavirus__i__ from Cattle and.pdf 1.58Мб
2013 An_ _i_Avian Coronavirus__i__ in Quail with Respiratory and Reproductive Signs.pdf 357.98Кб
2013 Analysis of the Host Transcriptome from Demyelinating Spinal Cord of Murine Coronavirus-Infected Mice.pdf 1.53Мб
2013 A new approach for diagnosis of bovine coronavirus using a reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplificati.pdf 519.86Кб
2013 A New Virulent Human Coronavirus_ How Much Does Tissue Culture Tropism Tell Us_.pdf 71.47Кб
2013 An experimental study of the survival of turkey coronavirus at room temperature and +4_C.pdf 141.88Кб
2013 An outbreak of feline infectious peritonitis in a Taiwanese shelter_ epidemiologic and molecular evidence for horiz.pdf 305.42Кб
2013 A novel coronavirus capable of lethal human infections_ an emerging picture.pdf 228.65Кб
2013 A novel human coronavirus_ Middle East respiratory syndrome human coronavirus.pdf 574.35Кб
2013 Antibodies induced by receptor-binding domain in spike protein of SARS-CoV do not cross-neutralize the novel human.pdf 619.54Кб
2013 Antigenic variation among recent Japanese isolates of bovine coronaviruses belonging to phylogenetically distinct g.pdf 222.91Кб
2013 Anti-SARS coronavirus agents_ a patent review (2008 _ present).pdf 495.84Кб
2013 Antiviral effects of a probioticEnterococcus faeciumstrain against transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.pdf 529.69Кб
2013 Applying lessons from SARS to a newly identified coronavirus.pdf 42.15Кб
2013 A predicted receptor-binding and critical neutralizing domain in S protein of the novel human coronavirus HCoV-EMC.pdf 501.01Кб
2013 A safe and convenient pseudovirus-based inhibition assay to detect neutralizing antibodies and screen for viral ent.pdf 306.42Кб
2013 Assembly and immunogenicity of coronavirus-like particles carrying infectious bronchitis virus M and S proteins.pdf 1.31Мб
2013 Assessing Activity and Inhibition of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Papain-Like and 3C-Like Proteases.pdf 1.70Мб
2013 Association of the chicken MHC B haplotypes with resistance to avian coronavirus.pdf 710.96Кб
2013 Autoprocessing mechanism of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus_3C-like protease (SARS-CoV 3CL_.pdf 839.17Кб
2013 Bats as animal reservoirs for the SARS coronavirus_ Hypothesis proved after 10 years of virus hunting.pdf 347.38Кб
2013 Bilateral Entry and Release of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Induces Profound Apoptosis of Human Bro.pdf 3.25Мб
2013 Bovine coronaviruses from the respiratory tract_ Antigenic and genetic diversity.pdf 399.40Кб
2013 Br_ve_ Nouveau coronavirus_ plus de 100 cas enregistr_s.pdf 1.11Мб
2013 Brief Report_ Family Cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections.pdf 302.82Кб
2013 Brief Report_ Isolation of a Novel Coronavirus from a Man with Pneumonia in Saudi Arabia.pdf 374.01Кб
2013 Broad-spectrum antivirals for the emerging Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 828.34Кб
2013 Camels could be the source of MERS coronavirus, research finds.pdf 183.27Кб
2013 Canine coronavirus, Greece_ Molecular analysis and genetic diversity characterization.pdf 1.53Мб
2013 CDC Eyes New Coronavirus.pdf 70.44Кб
2013 CDC Updates Guidance to Detect Novel Coronavirus Infections.pdf 187.50Кб
2013 Cell Host Response to Infection with Novel Human Coronavirus EMC Predicts Potential Antivirals and Important Differ.pdf 1.57Мб
2013 Cell-mediated immune responses in the head-associated lymphoid tissues induced to a live attenuated avian coronavir.pdf 488.52Кб
2013 Cell-Type-Specific Activation of the Oligoadenylate Synthetase-RNase L Pathway by a Murine Coronavirus.pdf 2.01Мб
2013 Characterization of a Critical Interaction between the Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein and Nonstructural Protein 3.pdf 1.15Мб
2013 Characterization of a recombinant coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus with distinct S1 subunits of spike and nu.pdf 709.28Кб
2013 Characterization of the guanine-N7 methyltransferase activity of coronavirus nsp14 on nucleotide GTP.pdf 1.32Мб
2013 Chimeric Exchange of Coronavirus nsp5 Proteases (3CLpro) Identifies Common and Divergent Regulatory Determinants of.pdf 1.63Мб
2013 Clinical features and viral diagnosis of two cases of infection with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus_.pdf 830.30Кб
2013 Clinical features and virological analysis of a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 531.77Кб
2013 Clinical Impact of Human Coronaviruses 229E and OC43 Infection in Diverse Adult Populations.pdf 267.26Кб
2013 Close Relative of Human Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Bat, South Africa.pdf 511.16Кб
2013 Comparative analysis of four Massachusetts type infectious bronchitis coronavirus genomes reveals a novel Massachus.pdf 446.28Кб
2013 Complete Genome Analysis of Canine Respiratory Coronavirus.pdf 112.80Кб
2013 Complete Protection against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Mediated Lethal Respiratory Disease in Ag.pdf 6.60Мб
2013 Coronavirus _ conseils de la HAS.pdf 376.73Кб
2013 Coronavirus _ du nCoV au MERS-CoV.pdf 396.89Кб
2013 Coronavirus_ need for a therapeutic approach.pdf 43.52Кб
2013 Coronavirus, le retour, en France aussi.pdf 162.69Кб
2013 Coronavirus controversy.pdf 79.95Кб
2013 Coronaviruses as DNA Wannabes_ A New Model for the Regulation of RNA Virus Replication Fidelity.pdf 314.10Кб
2013 Coronaviruses in bats from Mexico.pdf 1.65Мб
2013 Coronaviruses in South African Bats.pdf 182.73Кб
2013 Coronaviruses Lacking Exoribonuclease Activity Are Susceptible to Lethal Mutagenesis_ Evidence for Proofreading and.pdf 2.62Мб
2013 Coronavirus genotype diversity and prevalence of infection in wild carnivores in the Serengeti National Park, Tanza.pdf 265.73Кб
2013 Coronavirus will spread as long as natural host is unknown, say scientists.pdf 148.84Кб
2013 Cross-reactive antibodies in convalescent SARS patients_ sera against the emerging novel human coronavirus EMC (201.pdf 2.49Мб
2013 Crystal structure-based exploration of the important role of Arg106 in the RNA-binding domain of human coronavirus.pdf 1.47Мб
2013 Crystal Structure of the Receptor-Binding Domain from Newly Emerged Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.93Мб
2013 Crystal structures of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) spike protein.pdf 118.61Кб
2013 Deadly coronavirus found in bats.pdf 35.26Кб
2013 Deadly MERS Coronavirus Not Yet a Global Concern.pdf 99.90Кб
2013 Delayed induction of proinflammatory cytokines and suppression of innate antiviral response by the novel Middle Eas.pdf 626.90Кб
2013 Dendritic Cell-Specific Delivery of Flt3L by Coronavirus Vectors Secures Induction of Therapeutic Antitumor Immunit.pdf 1.77Мб
2013 Design, synthesis and crystallographic analysis of nitrile-based broad-spectrum peptidomimetic inhibitors for coron.pdf 771.25Кб
2013 Detection ofAlphacoronavirusin velvety free-tailed bats (Molossus molossus) and Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarid.pdf 244.98Кб
2013 Detection of Ascitic Feline Coronavirus RNA from Cats with Clinically Suspected Feline Infectious Peritonitis.pdf 564.74Кб
2013 Detection of Coronaviruses in Bats of Various Species in Italy.pdf 296.71Кб
2013 Detection of fecal coronavirus antigen in diarrheic calves of high and average producing Holstein dairy cows.pdf 86.56Кб
2013 Detection of human coronaviruses in simultaneously collected stool samples and nasopharyngeal swabs from hospitaliz.pdf 166.37Кб
2013 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Using AlGaN_GaN High Electro.pdf 152.25Кб
2013 Development of transgenic mice expressing a coronavirus-specific public CD4 T cell receptor.pdf 1.05Мб
2013 Diagnostic utility of a direct immunofluorescence test to detect feline coronavirus antigen in macrophages in effus.pdf 347.44Кб
2013 Differential Cell Line Susceptibility to the Emerging Novel Human Betacoronavirus 2c EMC_2012_ Implications for Dis.pdf 9.50Мб
2013 Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 is a functional receptor for the emerging human coronavirus-EMC.pdf 1.66Мб
2013 Discovery, Synthesis, And Structure-Based Optimization of a Series of_ _i_N__i__ -(_.pdf 3.74Мб
2013 Discovery of N-(benzo[1,2,3]triazol-1-yl)-N-(benzyl)acetamido)phenyl) carboxamides as severe acute respiratory synd.pdf 2.93Мб
2013 Een nieuw type coronavirus_ MERS-CoV.pdf 44.83Кб
2013 Effect of Coronavirus Infection on Reproductive Performance of Turkey Hens.pdf 2.58Мб
2013 Effects of dietary vitamin A content on antibody responses of feedlot calves inoculated intramuscularly with an ina.pdf 238.36Кб
2013 Efficient Replication of the Novel Human Betacoronavirus EMC on Primary Human Epithelium Highlights Its Zoonotic Po.pdf 2.78Мб
2013 Emergence of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 127.36Кб
2013 Emerging Human Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Causes Widespread Infection and Alveolar Damage in Huma.pdf 1.18Мб
2013 Emerging outbreaks associated with equine coronavirus in adult horses.pdf 214.60Кб
2013 Engineering a Replication-Competent, Propagation-Defective Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus as a Vaccin.pdf 2.36Мб
2013 Epidemic of Equine Coronavirus at Obihiro Racecourse, Hokkaido, Japan in 2012.pdf 786.08Кб
2013 Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavi.pdf 509.64Кб
2013 Epidemiological and clinical features of human coronavirus infections among different subsets of patients.pdf 351.90Кб
2013 Epstein_Barr virus-induced gene 3 negatively regulates neuroinflammation and T cell activation following coronaviru.pdf 1.15Мб
2013 Establishment of feline intestinal epithelial cell cultures for the propagation and study of feline enteric coronav.pdf 948.68Кб
2013 European Surveillance for Pantropic Canine Coronavirus.pdf 712.30Кб
2013 Evolutionary dynamics of bovine coronaviruses_ natural selection pattern of the spike gene implies adaptive evoluti.pdf 3.13Мб
2013 Extraordinary GU-rich single-strand RNA identified from SARS coronavirus contributes an excessive innate immune res.pdf 1.02Мб
2013 Family Cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections.pdf 605.31Кб
2013 Fatal respiratory distress syndrome due to coronavirus infection in a child with severe combined immunodeficiency.pdf 71.22Кб
2013 Fine level epitope mapping and conservation analysis of two novel linear B-cell epitopes of the avian infectious br.pdf 2.10Мб
2013 First infection by all four non-severe acute respiratory syndrome human coronaviruses takes place during childhood.pdf 632.87Кб
2013 Fourth European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL-4)_ Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Res.pdf 307.07Кб
2013 From SARS to MERS_ 10 years of research on highly pathogenic human coronaviruses.pdf 1.00Мб
2013 Full genome analysis of a novel type II feline coronavirus NTU156.pdf 420.84Кб
2013 Full-Genome Deep Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Human Betacoronavirus.pdf 556.09Кб
2013 Full-length infectious cDNA clone of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 114.09Кб
2013 Functional Analysis of the Murine Coronavirus Genomic RNA Packaging Signal.pdf 1.99Мб
2013 Functional analysis of the stem loop S3 and S4 structures in the coronavirus 3_UTR.pdf 1.29Мб
2013 Future treatment strategies for novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 922.24Кб
2013 Genetic Characterization of Betacoronavirus Lineage C Viruses in Bats Reveals Marked Sequence Divergence in the Spi.pdf 2.46Мб
2013 Group C Betacoronavirus in Bat Guano Fertilizer, Thailand.pdf 351.37Кб
2013 HexaPrime_ A novel method for detection of coronaviruses.pdf 811.39Кб
2013 High Incidence but Low Burden of Coronaviruses and Preferential Associations between Respiratory Viruses.pdf 399.76Кб
2013 Highly diversified coronaviruses in neotropical bats.pdf 2.01Мб
2013 Hospital-Associated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections.pdf 444.69Кб
2013 Hospital Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 375.68Кб
2013 How great is the risk of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus to the global population_.pdf 352.13Кб
2013 Human Betacoronavirus 2c EMC_2012_related Viruses in Bats, Ghana and Europe.pdf 1.38Мб
2013 Human Cell Tropism and Innate Immune System Interactions of Human Respiratory Coronavirus EMC Compared to Those of.pdf 1.05Мб
2013 Human Coronavirus EMC Is Not the Same as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 90.52Кб
2013 Human coronaviruses_ Clinical features and phylogenetic analysis.pdf 555.14Кб
2013 Human Coronavirus HKU1 Infection of Primary Human Type II Alveolar Epithelial Cells_ Cytopathic Effects and Innate.pdf 6.77Мб
2013 Human coronavirus ocurrence in different populations of Sao Paulo_ a comprehensive nine-year study using a pancoron.pdf 810.57Кб
2013 Identification of a Noncanonically Transcribed Subgenomic mRNA of Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Other Gammacorona.pdf 1.02Мб
2013 Identification of a Receptor-Binding Domain in the S Protein of the Novel Human Coronavirus Middle East Respiratory.pdf 54.87Кб
2013 Identification of cellular proteome using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis in ST cells infected with.pdf 700.94Кб
2013 Identification of immunogenic determinants of the spike protein of SARS-like coronavirus.pdf 453.08Кб
2013 Identification of two ATR-dependent phosphorylation sites on coronavirus nucleocapsid protein with nonessential fun.pdf 1.18Мб
2013 Immunogenicity and Protection Efficacy of Monomeric and Trimeric Recombinant SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein Subunit.pdf 280.60Кб
2013 Immunoreactivity characterisation of the three structural regions of the human coronavirus OC43 nucleocapsid protei.pdf 729.38Кб
2013 Immunotherapy could help against new coronavirus.pdf 819.98Кб
2013 Infection of cats with atypical feline coronaviruses harbouring a truncated form of the canine type I non-structura.pdf 512.59Кб
2013 Infektionen mit neuem humanen Betacoronavirus 2c EMC_2012 (hCoV-EMC).pdf 71.94Кб
2013 Inhibition of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection by Anti-CD26 Monoclonal Antibody.pdf 2.02Мб
2013 Inhibition of novel _ coronavirus replication by a combination of interferon-_2b and ribavirin.pdf 1.49Мб
2013 Innate Immune Response of Human Alveolar Type II Cells Infected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome_Coronavirus.pdf 1.06Мб
2013 Interferon lambda 4 signals via the IFN_ receptor to regulate antiviral activity against HCV and coronaviruses.pdf 1.76Мб
2013 Interhuman transmissibility of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ estimation of pandemic risk.pdf 439.62Кб
2013 Intrahost Diversity of Feline Coronavirus_ A Consensus between the Circulating Virulent_Avirulent Strains and the I.pdf 1.86Мб
2013 In vitro antiviral activity of phlorotannins isolated from Ecklonia cava against porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavi.pdf 1.46Мб
2013 In-vitrorenal epithelial cell infection reveals a viral kidney tropism as a potential mechanism for acute renal fai.pdf 730.42Кб
2013 Ion Channels Formed by SARS Coronavirus Envelope Protein_ Lipid Regulation of Conductance and Selectivity.pdf 44.62Кб
2013 Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor.pdf 4.34Мб
2013 Isolation and Characterization of Current Human Coronavirus Strains in Primary Human Epithelial Cell Cultures Revea.pdf 1.54Мб
2013 Isolation and genetic characterization ofhuman coronavirusNL63 in primary human renal proximal tubular epithelial c.pdf 1.58Мб
2013 Lack of MERS Coronavirus Neutralizing Antibodies in Humans, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia.pdf 424.68Кб
2013 Lack of small animal model hinders MERS coronavirus research.pdf 292.90Кб
2013 Lessons Learned From SARS Outbreak Prompt Rapid Response to New Coronavirus.pdf 208.86Кб
2013 Long-Distance RNA-RNA Interactions in the Coronavirus Genome Form High-Order Structures Promoting Discontinuous RNA.pdf 1.59Мб
2013 Macrocyclic inhibitors of 3C and 3C-like proteases of picornavirus, norovirus, and coronavirus.pdf 847.00Кб
2013 Mechanism for controlling the monomer_dimer conversion of SARS coronavirus main protease.pdf 1.82Мб
2013 Mechanisms of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Induced Acute Lung Injury.pdf 2.29Мб
2013 Mensch-zu-Mensch-_bertragung erfolgt - Neues Coronavirus im Nahen Osten.pdf 559.79Кб
2013 MERS coronavirus has low pandemic potential, so far.pdf 137.49Кб
2013 MERS-coronavirus replication induces severe in vitro cytopathology and is strongly inhibited by cyclosporin A or in.pdf 2.33Мб
2013 Middle East Coronavirus Infections Surpass 100_ Fatality Rate is 45_.pdf 183.95Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus_ A New Challenge for Veterinarians_.pdf 74.39Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus_ What travel health advice should be given to Hajj pilgrims_.pdf 188.71Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ Announcement of the Coronavirus Study Group.pdf 789.71Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ A Perpetual Challenge.pdf 312.18Кб
2013 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ challenges in_identifying its source and controlling its s.pdf 572.62Кб
2013 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) _ l_hypoth_se chameau.pdf 573.88Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV)_ Update 2013.pdf 265.14Кб
2013 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) causes transient lower respiratory tract infection in rhesu.pdf 1.61Мб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) serology in major livestock species in an affected region i.pdf 340.23Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Accessory Protein 4a Is a Type I Interferon Antagonist.pdf 1.29Мб
2013 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus conference.pdf 37.76Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Bats, Saudi Arabia.pdf 598.93Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-coronavirus infection_ An overview.pdf 310.60Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Mediated by the Transmembrane Serine Protease TMPRSS2.pdf 4.18Мб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections in Health Care Workers.pdf 431.54Кб
2013 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus neutralising serum antibodies in dromedary camels_ a comparative serol.pdf 424.84Кб
2013 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Delivered by Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Efficiently.pdf 974.62Кб
2013 Molecular basis of binding between novel human coronavirus MERS-CoV and its receptor CD26.pdf 1.42Мб
2013 Molecular Characterization of Major Structural Protein Genes of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isola.pdf 1.25Мб
2013 Mutation in Spike Protein Cleavage Site and Pathogenesis of Feline Coronavirus.pdf 662.54Кб
2013 N_o-Coronavirus au Moyen-Orient.pdf 94.26Кб
2013 NCoV, nouveau coronavirus, de l_Arabie _ la France.pdf 185.21Кб
2013 Negatively charged residues in the endodomain are critical for specific assembly of spike protein into murine coron.pdf 7.33Мб
2013 Neonatal diarrhea by bovine coronavirus (BCoV) in beef cattle herds.pdf 668.49Кб
2013 New Coronavirus Reveals Some of Its Secrets.pdf 636.09Кб
2013 New coronavirus with _pandemic potential_ sparks global surveillance efforts.pdf 93.37Кб
2013 No novel coronaviruses identified in a large collection of human nasopharyngeal specimens using family-wide CODEHOP.pdf 204.65Кб
2013 Nouveau coronavirus (NcOV).pdf 87.60Кб
2013 Nouveau coronavirus issu d_Arabie.pdf 1007.83Кб
2013 Novel coronavirus_ how much of a threat_.pdf 143.99Кб
2013 Novel coronavirus spreads.pdf 68.33Кб
2013 Novel coronavirus still of international concern.pdf 276.97Кб
2013 Novel Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Entry That Act by Three Distinct Mechanisms.pdf 1.47Мб
2013 Novel SARS-like Betacoronaviruses in Bats, China, 2011.pdf 294.65Кб
2013 Oligomerization of the carboxyl terminal domain of the human coronavirus 229E nucleocapsid protein.pdf 656.96Кб
2013 Patient dies from novel coronavirus in UK.pdf 126.57Кб
2013 Peptides Corresponding to the Predicted Heptad Repeat 2 Domain of the Feline Coronavirus Spike Protein Are Potent I.pdf 491.92Кб
2013 Person-to-Person Spread of the MERS Coronavirus _ An Evolving Picture.pdf 381.45Кб
2013 Phages bearing affinity peptides to severe acute respiratory syndromes-associated coronavirus differentiate this vi.pdf 1.33Мб
2013 Phylogenetic Analysis of Feline Coronavirus Strains in an Epizootic Outbreak of Feline Infectious Peritonitis.pdf 241.13Кб
2013 Phylogeny of canine coronavirus (CCoV) from Brazilian dogs based on membrane protein partial sequences.pdf 165.07Кб
2013 Pneumonia from Human Coronavirus in a Macaque Model.pdf 774.83Кб
2013 Potent inhibition of feline coronaviruses with peptidyl compounds targeting coronavirus 3C-like protease.pdf 805.81Кб
2013 Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of human coronavirus HKU1 in patients with acute respiratory illness.pdf 331.45Кб
2013 Progress stalled on coronavirus.pdf 595.76Кб
2013 Proteolytic activation of the SARS-coronavirus spike protein_ Cutting enzymes at the cutting edge of antiviral rese.pdf 1.22Мб
2013 Public health_ Broad reception for coronavirus.pdf 838.17Кб
2013 Public health investigations required for protecting the population against novel coronaviruses_.pdf 300.07Кб
2013 Receptor for new coronavirus found.pdf 1.00Мб
2013 Receptor recognition and cross-species infections of SARS coronavirus.pdf 2.16Мб
2013 Regulation of Coronaviral Poly(A) Tail Length during Infection.pdf 1.70Мб
2013 Release of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nuclear Import Block Enhances Host Transcription in Human.pdf 3.41Мб
2013 Respiratorische Infektionen in Saudi-Arabien und Katar _ Neues Coronavirus identifiziert.pdf 438.28Кб
2013 Reverse genetics with a full-length infectious cDNA of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 1.08Мб
2013 Reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of rodent coronaviruses.pdf 696.13Кб
2013 RNA dimerization plays a role in ribosomal frameshifting of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 3.44Мб
2013 Role of CD25+ CD4+ T cells in acute and persistent coronavirus infection of the central nervous system.pdf 3.64Мб
2013 Samples with high virus load cause a trend toward lower signal in feline coronavirus antibody tests.pdf 578.82Кб
2013 Scientists look to Saudi Arabia for coronavirus clues.pdf 35.41Кб
2013 Seroepidemiology for MERS coronavirus using microneutralisation and pseudoparticle virus neutralisation assays reve.pdf 323.81Кб
2013 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Proteins 3, 4, and 6 Induce Double-Membrane Vesicles.pdf 4.98Мб
2013 Severity and Outcome Associated With Human Coronavirus OC43 Infections Among Children.pdf 200.56Кб
2013 Sialic Acid Binding Properties of Soluble Coronavirus Spike (S1) Proteins_ Differences between Infectious Bronchiti.pdf 416.26Кб
2013 Simultaneous detection of five major serotypes of Avian coronavirus by a multiplex microsphere-based assay.pdf 931.48Кб
2013 Single particle assay of coronavirus membrane fusion with proteinaceous receptor-embedded supported bilayers.pdf 1.65Мб
2013 Spiking the MERS-coronavirus receptor.pdf 401.24Кб
2013 Structure-Function Analysis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus RNA Cap Guanine-N7-Methyltransferase.pdf 1.74Мб
2013 Structure of Alphacoronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus nsp1 Has Implications for Coronavirus nsp1 Functi.pdf 2.65Мб
2013 Structure of the Fusion Core and Inhibition of Fusion by a Heptad Repeat Peptide Derived from the S Protein of Midd.pdf 1.45Мб
2013 Suppression of Coronavirus Replication by Cyclophilin Inhibitors.pdf 367.98Кб
2013 Synergistic Inhibitor Binding to the Papain-Like Protease of Human SARS Coronavirus_ Mechanistic and Inhibitor Desi.pdf 1.60Мб
2013 Tachycardie atriale chaotique au cours d_une infection respiratoire _ coronavirus NL63.pdf 702.20Кб
2013 Tensions linger over discovery of coronavirus.pdf 1.00Мб
2013 The Acetyl-Esterase Activity of the Hemagglutinin-Esterase Protein of Human Coronavirus OC43 Strongly Enhances the.pdf 4.15Мб
2013 The Cellular Interactome of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Nucleocapsid Protein and Functional Implica.pdf 2.96Мб
2013 The chemokine receptor CXCR2 and coronavirus-induced neurologic disease.pdf 220.75Кб
2013 The Emergence of Human Coronavirus EMC_ How Scared Should We Be_.pdf 350.52Кб
2013 The emerging novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ The _knowns_ and _unknowns_.pdf 587.16Кб
2013 The evolution of codon usage in structural and non-structural viral genes_ The case of Avian coronavirus and its na.pdf 1.17Мб
2013 The Intracellular Cargo Receptor ERGIC-53 Is Required for the Production of Infectious Arenavirus, Coronavirus, and.pdf 3.00Мб
2013 The New Age of Virus Discovery_ Genomic Analysis of a Novel Human Betacoronavirus Isolated from a Fatal Case of Pne.pdf 100.80Кб
2013 The newly emerged SARS-Like coronavirus HCoV-EMC also has an _Achilles_ heel__ current effective inhibitor targetin.pdf 405.87Кб
2013 Therapeutic Options for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) _ possible lessons from a systemati.pdf 690.42Кб
2013 The Receptor Binding Domain of the New Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Maps to a 231-Residue Region in.pdf 669.66Кб
2013 The Spike Protein of the Emerging Betacoronavirus EMC Uses a Novel Coronavirus Receptor for Entry, Can Be Activated.pdf 1.22Мб
2013 The structural and accessory proteins M, ORF 4a, ORF 4b, and ORF 5 of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 1.31Мб
2013 TMPRSS2 Activates the Human Coronavirus 229E for Cathepsin-Independent Host Cell Entry and Is Expressed in Viral Ta.pdf 1.96Мб
2013 Tracking down MERS coronavirus.pdf 86.29Кб
2013 Transcriptome analysis of chicken kidney tissues following coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus infection.pdf 1.25Мб
2013 Transgenic CCL2 Expression in the Central Nervous System Results in a Dysregulated Immune Response and Enhanced Let.pdf 4.26Мб
2013 Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Genome Packaging Signal Is Located at the 5_ End of the Genome and Promot.pdf 1.43Мб
2013 Transmission and evolution of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Saudi Arabia_ a descriptive genom.pdf 905.41Кб
2013 Tropism and pathological findings associated with canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV).pdf 1.45Мб
2013 Tropism of and Innate Immune Responses to the Novel Human Betacoronavirus Lineage C Virus in Human Ex Vivo Respirat.pdf 2.67Мб
2013 Two cases of novel coronavirus are confirmed in France.pdf 169.60Кб
2013 Two more cases of novel coronavirus are confirmed in UK.pdf 128.24Кб
2013 Unusual presentation of systemic coronavirosis in a ferret.pdf 2.19Мб
2013 Update_ Severe Respiratory Illness Associated With a Novel Coronavirus_Worldwide, 2012-2013.pdf 113.95Кб
2013 Update_ Severe Respiratory Illness Associated With a Novel Coronavirus-Worldwide, 2012-2013.pdf 192.98Кб
2013 Update_ Severe Respiratory Illness Associated With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)-Worldwid.pdf 396.67Кб
2013 Upregulation of CHOP_GADD153 during Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infection Modulates Apoptosis by Restri.pdf 3.31Мб
2013 Viral evolution_ Fooling the coronavirus proofreading machinery.pdf 192.58Кб
2013 Viral Infections and Global Change (Singh_Viral Infections and Global Change) __ BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE INTERSPE.pdf 258.81Кб
2013 WHO sets up expert committee to advise on coronavirus.pdf 127.03Кб
2013 WHO to probe claims that Dutch scientists restricted access to novel coronavirus.pdf 144.91Кб
2013 Zum Auftreten eine neuartigen Coronavirus.pdf 56.89Кб
2014 _i_Coronavirus__i__ Nsp10, a Critical Co-factor for Activation of Multiple Replicative Enzymes.pdf 3.63Мб
2014 1159BanLec, a banana lectin, is a potent inhibitor of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in in vitro assa.pdf 259.37Кб
2014 766Clinical Features and Outcome of Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection.pdf 56.62Кб
2014 Accessory proteins of SARS-CoV and other coronaviruses.pdf 1.08Мб
2014 A Chimeric Virus-Mouse Model System for Evaluating the Function and Inhibition of Papain-Like Proteases of Emerging.pdf 1.42Мб
2014 A Conformation-Dependent Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Specifically Targeting Receptor-Binding Domain in Middle.pdf 3.19Мб
2014 Active Replication of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Aberrant Induction of Inflammatory Cytokines.pdf 1.20Мб
2014 Adenosine Deaminase Acts as a Natural Antagonist for Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4-Mediated Entry of the Middle East Respi.pdf 1.40Мб
2014 Advancing Priority Research on the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 89.53Кб
2014 A highly conserved WDYPKCDRA epitope in the RNA directed RNA polymerase of human coronaviruses can be used as epito.pdf 815.04Кб
2014 Alternative Screening Approaches for Discovery of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Inhibitors.pdf 266.86Кб
2014 A lysine-methionine exchange in a coronavirus surface protein transforms a retention motif into an endocytosis sign.pdf 2.39Мб
2014 Amino acid changes in the spike protein of feline coronavirus correlate with systemic spread of virus from the inte.pdf 282.43Кб
2014 A Mouse Model for Betacoronavirus Subgroup 2c Using a Bat Coronavirus Strain HKU5 Variant.pdf 3.91Мб
2014 An Animal Model of MERS Produced by Infection of Rhesus Macaques With MERS Coronavirus.pdf 559.55Кб
2014 An eight-year epidemiologic study based on baculovirus-expressed type-specific spike proteins for the differentiati.pdf 881.76Кб
2014 Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camels, Kenya, 1992_2013.pdf 422.71Кб
2014 Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camels, United Arab Emirates, 2003 and 2013.pdf 435.09Кб
2014 Antibody-dependent infection of human macrophages by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 748.08Кб
2014 Antibody-dependent SARS coronavirus infection is mediated by antibodies against spike proteins.pdf 1.91Мб
2014 Antiviral drugs specific for coronaviruses in preclinical development.pdf 929.68Кб
2014 A patient with severe respiratory failure caused by novel human coronavirus.pdf 227.66Кб
2014 A Scenario-Based Evaluation of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and the Hajj.pdf 269.48Кб
2014 Association of host tropism of Middle East syndrome coronavirus with the amino acid structure of host cell receptor.pdf 2.81Мб
2014 A structural view of coronavirus_receptor interactions.pdf 653.52Кб
2014 Atlas of coronavirus replicase structure.pdf 2.02Мб
2014 Attenuation and Restoration of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Mutant Lacking 2_-O-Methyltransferase.pdf 5.31Мб
2014 Bat Origins of MERS-CoV Supported by Bat Coronavirus HKU4_Usage of Human Receptor CD26.pdf 3.08Мб
2014 Blocking of Exchange Proteins Directly Activated by cAMP Leads to Reduced Replication of Middle East Respiratory Sy.pdf 2.17Мб
2014 Bovine coronavirus suspected in the deaths of housed calves.pdf 6.52Мб
2014 BST2_CD317 counteracts human coronavirus 229E productive infection by tethering virions at the cell surface.pdf 5.09Мб
2014 Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases __ Feline Coronavirus Infection.pdf 3.14Мб
2014 Canine Enteric Coronaviruses_ Emerging Viral Pathogens with Distinct Recombinant Spike Proteins.pdf 827.70Кб
2014 CAPNETZ AWARD 2014 _ Studie zum Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus ausgezeichnet.pdf 1.16Мб
2014 Caracter_sticas de las infecciones respiratorias agudas causadas por los coronavirus OC43, NL63 y 229E.pdf 442.15Кб
2014 Case definition and management of patients with MERS coronavirus in Saudi Arabia.pdf 117.21Кб
2014 Catalytic Function and Substrate Specificity of the Papain-Like Protease Domain of nsp3 from the Middle East Respir.pdf 3.63Мб
2014 Cell adhesion as a novel approach to determining the cellular binding motif on the severe acute respiratory syndrom.pdf 1.08Мб
2014 Cell-based antiviral screening against coronaviruses_ Developing virus-specific and broad-spectrum inhibitors.pdf 816.23Кб
2014 Characterization of a Novel Betacoronavirus Related to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in European Hed.pdf 1.88Мб
2014 Characterization of Human Coronavirus OC43 and Human Coronavirus NL63 Infections Among Hospitalized Children _5 Yea.pdf 473.03Кб
2014 Characterization of pantropic canine coronavirus from Brazil.pdf 581.92Кб
2014 Clinical and Laboratory Findings of the First Imported Case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus to the.pdf 1.17Мб
2014 Clinical aspects and outcomes of 70 patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection_ a single-.pdf 573.87Кб
2014 Clinical Course and Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 526.09Кб
2014 Clinical Epidemiology of Bocavirus, Rhinovirus, Two Polyomaviruses and Four Coronaviruses in HIV-Infected and HIV-U.pdf 607.37Кб
2014 Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of acute respiratory infections by coronavirus OC43, NL63 and 229E.pdf 455.50Кб
2014 Community Case Clusters of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Hafr Al-Batin, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia_.pdf 566.97Кб
2014 Comparative analysis of the activation of unfolded protein response by spike proteins of severe acute respiratory s.pdf 976.54Кб
2014 Comparative In Vivo Analysis of Recombinant Type II Feline Coronaviruses with Truncated and Completed ORF3 Region.pdf 761.92Кб
2014 Comparative proteome analysis of tracheal tissues in response to infectious bronchitis coronavirus, Newcastle disea.pdf 486.59Кб
2014 Comparative survey of canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus and canine enteric coronavirus infection in free-ra.pdf 538.50Кб
2014 Comparison of Bovine coronavirus-specific and Bovine respiratory syncytial virus-specific antibodies in serum versu.pdf 357.46Кб
2014 Competitive Fitness in Coronaviruses Is Not Correlated with Size or Number of Double-Membrane Vesicles under Reduce.pdf 7.75Мб
2014 Complete Genome Characterization of Korean Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain KOR_KNU14-04_2014.pdf 143.03Кб
2014 Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Coronavirus HKU15 Strain IN2847 from the United States.pdf 113.28Кб
2014 Complete Genome Sequence of Strain SDCV_USA_Illinois121_2014, a Porcine Deltacoronavirus from the United States.pdf 119.15Кб
2014 Complete genomic sequence of the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus SHXB isolated in China.pdf 1.45Мб
2014 Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) _ risque aussi pour les professionnels de sant_.pdf 154.24Кб
2014 Coronavirus Associated Fulminant Myocarditis Successfully Treated With Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Extracorporea.pdf 17.28Кб
2014 Coronavirus breitet sich im Nahen Osten aus _ Dramatischer Anstieg der MERS-CoV-Infektionen.pdf 601.59Кб
2014 Coronavirus Cell Entry Occurs through the Endo-_Lysosomal Pathway in a Proteolysis-Dependent Manner.pdf 1.30Мб
2014 Coronavirus entry and release in polarized epithelial cells_ a review.pdf 1.45Мб
2014 Coronaviruses_ Important Emerging Human Pathogens.pdf 251.43Кб
2014 Coronaviruses.pdf 288.29Кб
2014 Coronaviruses in children with febrile neutropenia.pdf 236.70Кб
2014 Coronaviruses Induce Entry-Independent, Continuous Macropinocytosis.pdf 1.81Мб
2014 Coronaviruses Resistant to a 3C-Like Protease Inhibitor Are Attenuated for Replication and Pathogenesis, Revealing.pdf 2.61Мб
2014 Coronavirus-induced demyelination of neural pathways triggers neurogenic bladder overactivity in a mouse model of m.pdf 2.28Мб
2014 Coronavirus-induced ER stress response and its involvement in regulation of coronavirus_host interactions.pdf 2.63Мб
2014 Coronavirus infection, ER stress, apoptosis and innate immunity.pdf 761.61Кб
2014 Coronavirus membrane-associated papain-like proteases induce autophagy through interacting with Beclin1 to negative.pdf 2.19Мб
2014 Coronavirus MHV-A59 infects the lung and causes severe pneumonia in C57BL_6 mice.pdf 1.22Мб
2014 Coronavirus non-structural protein 16_ Evasion, attenuation, and possible treatments.pdf 1.81Мб
2014 Coronavirus NSP6 protein (nsp6).pdf 129.59Кб
2014 Coronavirus NSP6 restricts autophagosome expansion.pdf 8.20Мб
2014 Coronavirus Replicase-Reporter Fusions Provide Quantitative Analysis of Replication and Replication Complex Formati.pdf 1.20Мб
2014 Coronavirus reverse genetic systems_ Infectious clones and replicons.pdf 608.07Кб
2014 Coronavirus virulence genes with main focus on SARS-CoV envelope gene.pdf 3.53Мб
2014 Correction_ Coronaviruses Lacking Exoribonuclease Activity Are Susceptible to Lethal Mutagenesis_ Evidence for Proo.pdf 138.56Кб
2014 Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of human coronavirus NL63 main protease in complex with an i.pdf 510.64Кб
2014 Crystal Structure of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Papain-like Protease Bound to Ubiq.pdf 4.35Мб
2014 Crystal structure of the papain-like protease of MERS coronavirus reveals unusual, potentially druggable active-sit.pdf 2.74Мб
2014 Dependence of Coronavirus RNA Replication on an NH2-Terminal Partial Nonstructural Protein 1 in cis.pdf 3.38Мб
2014 Depletion of Alveolar Macrophages Ameliorates Virus-Induced Disease following a Pulmonary Coronavirus Infection.pdf 519.44Кб
2014 DESC1 and MSPL Activate Influenza A Viruses and Emerging Coronaviruses for Host Cell Entry.pdf 2.03Мб
2014 Design of an epitope-based peptide vaccine against spike protein of human coronavirus_ an in silico approach.pdf 2.21Мб
2014 Design of potential RNAi (miRNA and siRNA) molecules for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) ge.pdf 340.10Кб
2014 Detection and genetic characterization of Canine parvovirus and Canine coronavirus strains circulating in district.pdf 296.35Кб
2014 Detection and Genetic Characterization of Deltacoronavirus in Pigs, Ohio, USA, 2014.pdf 525.23Кб
2014 Detection of bat coronaviruses in the bat population in Taiwan.pdf 62.60Кб
2014 Detection of Human Coronavirus OC43 in Children with Acute Respiratory Infections in Mie, Japan.pdf 374.22Кб
2014 Detection of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal ampl.pdf 1.44Мб
2014 Detection of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Genome in an Air Sample Originating from a Camel Barn.pdf 700.34Кб
2014 Differences in the tissue tropism to chicken oviduct epithelial cells between avian coronavirus IBV strains QX and.pdf 2.06Мб
2014 Discovery of a Novel Bottlenose Dolphin Coronavirus Reveals a Distinct Species of Marine Mammal Coronavirus in Gamm.pdf 2.53Мб
2014 Does form meet function in the coronavirus replicative organelle_.pdf 1.18Мб
2014 Ecology, evolution and classification of bat coronaviruses in the aftermath of SARS.pdf 2.21Мб
2014 EF1A interacting with nucleocapsid protein of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus and plays a role in virus r.pdf 622.76Кб
2014 Effect of small interfering RNAs on in vitro replication and gene expression of feline coronavirus.pdf 223.19Кб
2014 Effects of Human Anti-Spike Protein Receptor Binding Domain Antibodies on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronav.pdf 2.24Мб
2014 Effects of Toll-Like Receptor Stimulation on Eosinophilic Infiltration in Lungs of BALB_c Mice Immunized with UV-In.pdf 2.60Мб
2014 Emergence of Pathogenic Coronaviruses in Cats by Homologous Recombination between Feline and Canine Coronaviruses.pdf 1.71Мб
2014 Emerging Infectious Diseases __ Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection.pdf 102.25Кб
2014 Enhanced MERS Coronavirus Surveillance of Travelers from the Middle East to England.pdf 739.30Кб
2014 Evaluation of Serologic and Antigenic Relationships Between Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Oth.pdf 1.81Мб
2014 Evaluation of SSYA10-001 as a Replication Inhibitor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Mouse Hepatitis, and Midd.pdf 5.60Мб
2014 Evidence for Camel-to-Human Transmission of MERS Coronavirus.pdf 252.54Кб
2014 Exceptionally Potent Neutralization of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Human Monoclonal Antibodies.pdf 1.25Мб
2014 Experimental inoculation of equine coronavirus into Japanese draft horses.pdf 290.71Кб
2014 Expression, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the functional mutant (N60K) of nonstructural.pdf 425.34Кб
2014 Family Cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections, Tunisia, 2013.pdf 549.88Кб
2014 First Confirmed Cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection in the United States, Up.pdf 3.28Мб
2014 First detection of equine coronavirus (ECoV) in Europe.pdf 530.88Кб
2014 From SARS to MERS_ crystallographic studies on coronaviral proteases enable antiviral drug design.pdf 552.32Кб
2014 Full-Genome Sequence of Human Betacoronavirus 2c Jordan-N3_2012 after Serial Passage in Mammalian Cells.pdf 124.38Кб
2014 Full-Length Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain USA_IA_2014_8734.pdf 122.63Кб
2014 Functional analysis of the receptor binding domain of SARS coronavirus S1 region and its monoclonal antibody.pdf 1.95Мб
2014 Genes _ cells_ Drug candidate may stop MERS_ Chemical disrupts assembly centers of coronaviruses.pdf 1.10Мб
2014 Genetic Characterization of Coronaviruses from Domestic Ferrets, Japan.pdf 575.02Кб
2014 Genotypic Characterization of Canine Coronaviruses Associated with Fatal Canine Neonatal Enteritis in the United St.pdf 1.21Мб
2014 Geographic Distribution of MERS Coronavirus among Dromedary Camels, Africa.pdf 590.35Кб
2014 Group B Betacoronavirus in Rhinolophid Bats, Japan.pdf 458.12Кб
2014 Has Hajj-associated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus transmission occurred_ The case for effective post.pdf 143.98Кб
2014 Heat inactivation of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 79.94Кб
2014 Hospital-Associated Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ A Serologic, Epidemiologic, and Clini.pdf 216.99Кб
2014 Host cell entry of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus after two-step, furin-mediated activation of the sp.pdf 863.38Кб
2014 Host Species Restriction of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus through Its Receptor, Dipeptidyl Peptidase.pdf 5.88Мб
2014 Human coronaviruses_ Viral and cellular factors involved in neuroinvasiveness and neuropathogenesis.pdf 3.52Мб
2014 Human coronavirus NL63 replication is cyclophilin A-dependent and inhibited by non-immunosuppressive cyclosporine A.pdf 1.83Мб
2014 Human Coronavirus NL63 Utilizes Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans for Attachment to Target Cells.pdf 2.67Мб
2014 Human Coronavirus OC43 Nucleocapsid Protein Binds MicroRNA 9 and Potentiates NF-_B Activation.pdf 2.41Мб
2014 Human Infection with MERS Coronavirus after Exposure to Infected Camels, Saudi Arabia, 2013.pdf 472.58Кб
2014 Human neutralizing mAbs against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 113.66Кб
2014 Human Respiratory Viral Infections __ Human Coronavirus Respiratory Infections.pdf 1.08Мб
2014 Identification and characterisation of small molecule inhibitors of feline coronavirus replication.pdf 1.28Мб
2014 Identification and Characterization of a Proteolytically Primed Form of the Murine Coronavirus Spike Proteins after.pdf 1.77Мб
2014 Identification of _-fodrin as an autoantigen in experimental coronavirus retinopathy (ECOR).pdf 718.77Кб
2014 Identification of a Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Small Molecule against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus a.pdf 1.67Мб
2014 Identification of Cis-Acting Elements on Positive-Strand Subgenomic mRNA Required for the Synthesis of Negative-Str.pdf 1.27Мб
2014 Identification of Diverse Alphacoronaviruses and Genomic Characterization of a Novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 3.08Мб
2014 Ifit2 Deficiency Results in Uncontrolled Neurotropic Coronavirus Replication and Enhanced Encephalitis via Impaired.pdf 2.56Мб
2014 IFITM Proteins Inhibit Entry Driven by the MERS-Coronavirus Spike Protein_ Evidence for Cholesterol-Independent Mec.pdf 1.42Мб
2014 Immunogenicity of an adenoviral-based Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine in BALB_c mice.pdf 1.90Мб
2014 Immunoglobulin A as an Early Humoral Responder After Mucosal Avian Coronavirus Vaccination.pdf 494.72Кб
2014 Influence of hydrophobic and electrostatic residues on SARS-coronavirus S2 protein stability_ Insights into mechani.pdf 1.23Мб
2014 Inhibition of NF-_B-Mediated Inflammation in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Infected Mice Increases.pdf 2.90Мб
2014 Insights into RNA synthesis, capping, and proofreading mechanisms of SARS-coronavirus.pdf 2.23Мб
2014 Interferon-_ and mycophenolic acid are potent inhibitors of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in cell-ba.pdf 1.18Мб
2014 Interferon induction of IFITM proteins promotes infection by human coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.37Мб
2014 Investigating Turkey Enteric Coronavirus Circulating in the Southeastern United States and Arkansas During 2012 and.pdf 291.91Кб
2014 Is Aerosol-Based Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Possible_.pdf 38.04Кб
2014 Isolation, propagation, genome analysis and epidemiology of HKU1 betacoronaviruses.pdf 527.40Кб
2014 Isolation of MERS Coronavirus from a Dromedary Camel, Qatar, 2014.pdf 483.12Кб
2014 Kaempferol Derivatives as Antiviral Drugs against the 3a Channel Protein of Coronavirus.pdf 169.69Кб
2014 Lack of detection of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in mild and severe respiratory infections in Cata.pdf 416.76Кб
2014 Lack of MERS Coronavirus but Prevalence of Influenza Virus in French Pilgrims after 2013 Hajj.pdf 286.85Кб
2014 Mapping of the receptor-binding domain and amino acids critical for attachment in the spike protein of avian corona.pdf 2.58Мб
2014 Marmoset model of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.pdf 108.66Кб
2014 Mass gathering-related mask use during 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) and Middle East respiratory syndrome corona.pdf 896.60Кб
2014 Membrane ectopeptidases targeted by human coronaviruses.pdf 1.38Мб
2014 Membrane rearrangements mediated by coronavirus nonstructural proteins 3 and 4.pdf 8.14Мб
2014 MERS_ emergence of a novel human coronavirus.pdf 313.07Кб
2014 MERS coronavirus_ Data gaps for laboratory preparedness.pdf 1.64Мб
2014 MERS Coronaviruses in Dromedary Camels, Egypt.pdf 638.27Кб
2014 MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camel Herd, Saudi Arabia.pdf 951.75Кб
2014 MERS Coronavirus Neutralizing Antibodies in Camels, Eastern Africa, 1983_1997.pdf 181.65Кб
2014 M gene analysis of canine coronavirus strains detected in Korea.pdf 463.40Кб
2014 Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 116.66Кб
2014 Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus and camels.pdf 194.22Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ A Case-Control Study of Hospitalized Patients.pdf 212.94Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ epidemic potential or a storm in a teacup_.pdf 407.30Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ epidemiology and disease control measures.pdf 503.86Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ Implications for health care facilities.pdf 229.88Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ quantification of the extent of the epidemic, surveillance biases, an.pdf 257.80Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ transmission and phylogenetic evolution.pdf 355.05Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ evidence and speculations.pdf 646.97Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ Prevention in travelers.pdf 741.28Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 54.20Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) entry inhibitors targeting spike protein.pdf 2.10Мб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in dromedary camels, Oman, 2013.pdf 283.29Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection_ Chest CT Findings.pdf 863.98Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) RNA and neutralising antibodies in milk collected according.pdf 674.73Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) viral shedding in the respiratory tract_ an observational a.pdf 292.61Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 4a Protein Is a Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Protein That Suppresses PA.pdf 2.62Мб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Antibody Reactors Among Camels in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2005.pdf 207.85Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Disease in Children.pdf 214.60Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels_ an outbreak investigation.pdf 860.33Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection control_ The missing piece_.pdf 234.96Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Dromedary Camels in Saudi Arabia.pdf 47.55Кб
2014 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus not detected in children hospitalized with acute respiratory illness i.pdf 53.36Кб
2014 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Quasispecies That Include Homologues of Human Isolates Revealed throug.pdf 2.77Мб
2014 Molecular characterization of canine coronavirus strains circulating in Brazil.pdf 477.63Кб
2014 Molecular Survey of RNA Viruses in Hungarian Bats_ Discovering Novel Astroviruses, Coronaviruses, and Caliciviruses.pdf 660.25Кб
2014 Mouse Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Is Not a Functional Receptor for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infectio.pdf 1.74Мб
2014 Murine AKAP7 Has a 2_,5_-Phosphodiesterase Domain That Can Complement an Inactive Murine Coronavirus ns2 Gene.pdf 1.55Мб
2014 Mutations in the 3c and 7b genes of feline coronavirus in spontaneously affected FIP cats.pdf 378.29Кб
2014 Neutralizing the MERS Coronavirus Threat.pdf 579.84Кб
2014 Neutrophils are needed for an effective immune response against pulmonary rat coronavirus infection, but also contr.pdf 513.66Кб
2014 New Alphacoronavirus in_ _i_Mystacina tuberculata__i__ Bats, New Zealand.pdf 614.42Кб
2014 No Evidence of Coronavirus Infection by Reverse Transcriptase-PCR in Bats in Belgium.pdf 53.59Кб
2014 Novel Avian Coronavirus and Fulminating Disease in Guinea Fowl, France.pdf 578.68Кб
2014 Novel Betacoronavirus in Dromedaries of the Middle East, 2013.pdf 888.19Кб
2014 Novel Coronavirus and Astrovirus in Delaware Bay Shorebirds.pdf 364.37Кб
2014 Novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 181.26Кб
2014 Nucleic acid-based differential diagnostic assays for feline coronavirus.pdf 1.74Мб
2014 Nucleocapsid Phosphorylation and RNA Helicase DDX1 Recruitment Enables Coronavirus Transition from Discontinuous to.pdf 2.50Мб
2014 O-020_Human Coronaviruses Infection In Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection In Children.pdf 195.47Кб
2014 One severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein complex integrates processive RNA polymerase and exonucle.pdf 1.23Мб
2014 Origin and characteristics of the recombinant novel avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus isolate ck_CH_LJL_11105.pdf 1.09Мб
2014 Overlapping and Distinct Molecular Determinants Dictating the Antiviral Activities of TRIM56 against Flaviviruses a.pdf 2.25Мб
2014 Overview of preparedness and response for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Oman.pdf 236.32Кб
2014 Palmitoylation of the Alphacoronavirus TGEV spike protein S is essential for incorporation into virus-like particle.pdf 2.75Мб
2014 Pathogenic Influenza Viruses and Coronaviruses Utilize Similar and Contrasting Approaches To Control Interferon-Sti.pdf 3.90Мб
2014 Performance and clinical validation of the RealStar_ MERS-CoV Kit for detection of Middle East respiratory syndrome.pdf 422.94Кб
2014 Phagocytic cells contribute to the antibody-mediated elimination of pulmonary-infected SARS coronavirus.pdf 2.26Мб
2014 Polymorphisms in the feline TNFA and CD209 genes are associated with the outcome of feline coronavirus infection.pdf 567.41Кб
2014 Porcine Coronavirus HKU15 Detected in 9 US States, 2014.pdf 298.61Кб
2014 Possible involvement of infection with human coronavirus 229E, but not NL63, in Kawasaki disease.pdf 225.88Кб
2014 Prevalence and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Human Coronavirus OC43 among Adult Patients with Acute Respiratory Inf.pdf 338.84Кб
2014 Prevalence of rotavirus (GARV) and coronavirus (BCoV) associated with neonatal diarrhea in calves in western Algeri.pdf 309.88Кб
2014 Productive replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in monocyte-derived dendritic cells modulate.pdf 1.43Мб
2014 Progression From IgD+ IgM+ to Isotype-Switched B Cells Is Site Specific during Coronavirus-Induced Encephalomyeliti.pdf 2.11Мб
2014 Protection from SARS coronavirus conferred by live measles vaccine expressing the spike glycoprotein.pdf 1.88Мб
2014 Protein Interferon-Stimulated Gene 15 Conjugation Delays but Does Not Overcome Coronavirus Proliferation in a Model.pdf 828.54Кб
2014 Proteolytic Activation of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coronavirus Spike Fusion Protein by Trypsin in Cell Culture.pdf 4.37Мб
2014 Proteolytic processing, deubiquitinase and interferon antagonist activities of Middle East respiratory syndrome cor.pdf 1.22Мб
2014 Proteome Profile of Swine Testicular Cells Infected with Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus.pdf 2.74Мб
2014 Purified coronavirus spike protein nanoparticles induce coronavirus neutralizing antibodies in mice.pdf 866.69Кб
2014 Rapid Detection, Complete Genome Sequencing, and Phylogenetic Analysis of Porcine Deltacoronavirus.pdf 143.53Кб
2014 Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay Panel for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 648.20Кб
2014 Receptor usage and cell entry of bat coronavirus HKU4 provide insight into bat-to-human transmission of MERS corona.pdf 1.06Мб
2014 Receptor Variation and Susceptibility to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.25Мб
2014 Recognition of the Murine Coronavirus Genomic RNA Packaging Signal Depends on the Second RNA-Binding Domain of the.pdf 2.34Мб
2014 Recombinant feline coronaviruses as vaccine candidates confer protection in SPF but not in conventional cats.pdf 575.73Кб
2014 Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences __ Coronaviruses_ Molecular Biology_.pdf 1.83Мб
2014 Regulation of coronaviral poly(A) tail length during infection is not coronavirus species- or host cell-specific.pdf 1.54Мб
2014 Relationship between rate of infection and markers of inflammation_immunity in Holy Birman cats with feline coronav.pdf 479.49Кб
2014 Replicative Capacity of MERS Coronavirus in Livestock Cell Lines.pdf 484.09Кб
2014 Reprint of_ Coronavirus reverse genetic systems_ Infectious clones and replicons.pdf 1.57Мб
2014 Repurposing of Clinically Developed Drugs for Treatment of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.24Мб
2014 Reselection of a Genomic Upstream Open Reading Frame in Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus 5_-Untranslated-Region Mutants.pdf 1.21Мб
2014 Response to _Novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_.pdf 185.44Кб
2014 Ribavirin and interferon (IFN)-alpha-2b as primary and preventive treatment for Middle East respiratory syndrome co.pdf 1.64Мб
2014 Ribavirin and interferon alfa-2a for severe Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection_ a retrospective.pdf 382.73Кб
2014 Ribavirin and interferon therapy in patients infected with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ an obs.pdf 527.89Кб
2014 RNA structure analysis of alphacoronavirus terminal genome regions.pdf 2.03Мб
2014 Role of sialic acids in feline enteric coronavirus infections.pdf 430.17Кб
2014 Rooting the Phylogenetic Tree of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus by Characterization of a Conspecific.pdf 601.46Кб
2014 SARS-Coronavirus Open Reading Frame-9b Suppresses Innate Immunity by Targeting Mitochondria and the MAVS_TRAF3_TRAF.pdf 1.76Мб
2014 SARS coronavirus papain-like protease inhibits the type I interferon signaling pathway through interaction with the.pdf 750.46Кб
2014 Screening for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in hospital patients and their healthcare work.pdf 239.13Кб
2014 Screening of an FDA-Approved Compound Library Identifies Four Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Middle East Respiratory.pdf 919.18Кб
2014 Searching for an ideal vaccine candidate among different MERS coronavirus receptor-binding fragments_The importance.pdf 1.50Мб
2014 Serological assays for emerging coronaviruses_ Challenges and pitfalls.pdf 993.34Кб
2014 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel Activity Promotes Virus Fitness and Path.pdf 12.72Мб
2014 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus infection in aged nonhuman primates is associated with modulated pulm.pdf 677.23Кб
2014 Spread, Circulation, and Evolution of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.65Мб
2014 Stability of infectious human coronavirus NL63.pdf 373.62Кб
2014 Stability of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Milk.pdf 295.93Кб
2014 Stillbirth During Infection With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 310.87Кб
2014 Structural and functional characterization of MERS coronavirus papain-like protease.pdf 792.26Кб
2014 Structural basis for catalysis and ubiquitin recognition by the_ _i_Severe acute respiratory syndrome.pdf 633.82Кб
2014 Structural Basis for the Identification of the N-Terminal Domain of Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein as an Antivira.pdf 1.05Мб
2014 Structure-based discovery of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus fusion inhibitor.pdf 1.76Мб
2014 Structure of a Conserved Golgi Complex-targeting Signal in Coronavirus Envelope Proteins.pdf 4.15Мб
2014 Substitution at Aspartic Acid 1128 in the SARS Coronavirus Spike Glycoprotein Mediates Escape from a S2 Domain-Targ.pdf 1.08Мб
2014 Suppression of innate antiviral response by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus M protein is mediated thr.pdf 1.86Мб
2014 Surveillance of Avian Coronaviruses in Wild Bird Populations of Korea.pdf 763.50Кб
2014 Systems approaches to coronavirus pathogenesis.pdf 1.14Мб
2014 Tailoring Subunit Vaccine Immunity with Adjuvant Combinations and Delivery Routes Using the Middle East Respiratory.pdf 1.36Мб
2014 Targeting Membrane-Bound Viral RNA Synthesis Reveals Potent Inhibition of Diverse Coronaviruses Including the Middl.pdf 9.82Мб
2014 T cell-mediated immune response to respiratory coronaviruses.pdf 661.11Кб
2014 T cell mediated suppression of neurotropic coronavirus replication in neural precursor cells.pdf 1.73Мб
2014 The avian coronavirus spike protein.pdf 3.32Мб
2014 The Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Is a Multifunctional Protein.pdf 789.61Кб
2014 The discrepant epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 313.24Кб
2014 The effects ofNigella sativa(Ns),Anthemis hyalina(Ah) andCitrus sinensis(Cs) extracts on the replication of coronav.pdf 1.42Мб
2014 The emergence of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus.pdf 696.87Кб
2014 The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Sensor IRE1_ Protects Cells from Apoptosis Induced by the Coronavirus Infectious B.pdf 1.21Мб
2014 The Hajj pilgrimage and surveillance for Middle East Respiratory syndrome coronavirus in pilgrims from African coun.pdf 87.67Кб
2014 The Novel Human Coronavirus EMC Causes Disease in Macaques but not in Ferrets.pdf 62.19Кб
2014 The ORF4a protein of human coronavirus 229E functions as a viroporin that regulates viral production.pdf 980.81Кб
2014 The ORF4b-encoded accessory proteins of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and two related bat coronaviru.pdf 845.16Кб
2014 The pattern of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Saudi Arabia_ a descriptive epidemiological analysis.pdf 443.27Кб
2014 The PDZ-Binding Motif of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Envelope Protein Is a Determinant of Viral P.pdf 6.56Мб
2014 The SARS Coronavirus 3a protein binds calcium in its cytoplasmic domain.pdf 675.54Кб
2014 The SARS-coronavirus membrane protein induces apoptosis via interfering with PDK1_PKB_Akt signalling.pdf 837.36Кб
2014 The SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein _ Forms and functions.pdf 2.44Мб
2014 The SARS coronavirus papain like protease can inhibit IRF3 at a post activation step that requires deubiquitination.pdf 2.00Мб
2014 The YXX_ motif within the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) 3a protein is crucial for its in.pdf 561.45Кб
2014 TMPRSS2 and ADAM17 Cleave ACE2 Differentially and Only Proteolysis by TMPRSS2 Augments Entry Driven by the Severe A.pdf 3.47Мб
2014 To sense or not to sense viral RNA_essentials of coronavirus innate immune evasion.pdf 761.65Кб
2014 Towards improving clinical management of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 298.78Кб
2014 Transmission of MERS-Coronavirus in Household Contacts.pdf 488.60Кб
2014 Travel implications of emerging coronaviruses_ SARS and MERS-CoV.pdf 460.37Кб
2014 Triumphs, trials, and tribulations of the global response to MERS coronavirus.pdf 267.89Кб
2014 Tropism and replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus from dromedary camels in the human respirat.pdf 4.09Мб
2014 Two Cases of Systemic Coronavirus-Associated Disease Resembling Feline Infectious Peritonitis in Domestic Ferrets i.pdf 2.06Мб
2014 Unanswered questions about the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 251.11Кб
2014 Unraveling the Mysteries of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.78Мб
2014 Use of Heliox Delivered via High-Flow Nasal Cannula to Treat an Infant With Coronavirus-Related Respiratory Infecti.pdf 259.79Кб
2014 Use of recombinant nucleocapsid proteins for serological diagnosis of feline coronavirus infection by three immunoc.pdf 1.11Мб
2014 Virological and serological analysis of a recent Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection case on a t.pdf 806.26Кб
2014 Viruses and the Lung __ Coronavirus.pdf 549.27Кб
2014 Virus-Specific Memory CD8 T Cells Provide Substantial Protection from Lethal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coro.pdf 2.28Мб
2014 Wild-type and innate immune-deficient mice are not susceptible to the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 599.22Кб
2014 X-ray Structural and Biological Evaluation of a Series of Potent and Highly Selective Inhibitors of Human Coronavir.pdf 3.71Мб
2014 Yeast-based assays for the high-throughput screening of inhibitors of coronavirus RNA cap guanine-N7-methyltransfer.pdf 2.04Мб
2015 (+)-Catechin inhibition of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus in swine testicular cells is involved its anti.pdf 994.90Кб
2015 [IEEE 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) - Washington, DC, USA (2015_11_9.pdf 112.37Кб
2015 [Methods in Molecular Biology] Coronaviruses Volume 1282 __ .pdf 8.34Мб
2015 Absence of MERS-Coronavirus in Bactrian Camels, Southern Mongolia, November 2014.pdf 293.15Кб
2015 Absence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Bactrian camels in the West Inner Mongolia Autonomous Re.pdf 178.62Кб
2015 A Case of Long-term Excretion and Subclinical Infection With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in a Heal.pdf 293.44Кб
2015 A Coronavirus E Protein is Present in Two Distinct Pools with Different Effects on Assembly and the Secretory Pathw.pdf 3.50Мб
2015 Acquisition of new protein domains by coronaviruses_ analysis of overlapping genes coding for proteins N and 9b in.pdf 664.44Кб
2015 Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus.pdf 3.66Мб
2015 Acute Management and Long-Term Survival Among Subjects With Severe Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pne.pdf 1.23Мб
2015 Acute Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ Temporal Lung Changes Observed on the Chest Radiographs of 55 P.pdf 672.41Кб
2015 Acute Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Livestock Dromedaries, Dubai, 2014.pdf 254.45Кб
2015 Age-dependent immune responses and immune protection after avian coronavirus vaccination.pdf 1.23Мб
2015 A G-quadruplex-binding macrodomain within the _SARS-unique domain_ is essential for the activity of the SARS-corona.pdf 1.57Мб
2015 A highly immunogenic and protective MERS-Coronavirus vaccine based on recombinant MV vaccine platform.pdf 9.31Мб
2015 A Kinome-Wide Small Interfering RNA Screen Identifies Proviral and Antiviral Host Factors in Severe Acute Respirato.pdf 3.28Мб
2015 Alphacoronaviruses Detected in French Bats Are Phylogeographically Linked to Coronaviruses of European Bats.pdf 546.82Кб
2015 A meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of real-time PCR for diagnosing novel coronavirus infections.pdf 690.25Кб
2015 A more detailed picture of the epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 193.28Кб
2015 An Acute Immune Response to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication Contributes to Viral Pathogeni.pdf 4.08Мб
2015 An educational programme for nursing college staff and students during a MERS- coronavirus outbreak in Saudi Arabia.pdf 354.63Кб
2015 Animal models for SARS and MERS coronaviruses.pdf 392.17Кб
2015 Animal models of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infection.pdf 2.83Мб
2015 An Observational, Laboratory-Based Study of Outbreaks of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Jeddah and.pdf 652.99Кб
2015 An Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in South Korea, 2015.pdf 2.46Мб
2015 Antibody against nucleocapsid protein predicts susceptibility to human coronavirus infection.pdf 679.05Кб
2015 Antiviral Potential of ERK_MAPK and PI3K_AKT_mTOR Signaling Modulation for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronav.pdf 1.62Мб
2015 An Unexpected Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in the Republic of Korea, 2015.pdf 325.87Кб
2015 A phylogenetically distinct Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus detected in a dromedary calf from a closed.pdf 897.93Кб
2015 A retrospective clinical and epidemiological study on feline coronavirus (FCoV) in cats in Istanbul, Turkey.pdf 463.55Кб
2015 A review of genetic methods and models for analysis of coronavirus-induced severe pneumonitis.pdf 188.30Кб
2015 A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.pdf 1.59Мб
2015 A screen of the NIH Clinical Collection small molecule library identifies potential anti-coronavirus drugs.pdf 1.62Мб
2015 A sensitive and specific antigen detection assay for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 805.89Кб
2015 A Single Point Mutation Creating a Furin Cleavage Site in the Spike Protein Renders Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coron.pdf 1.75Мб
2015 Asymptomatic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in Rabbits.pdf 1.67Мб
2015 A synthetic consensus anti-spike protein DNA vaccine induces protective immunity against Middle East respiratory sy.pdf 1.55Мб
2015 ATP1A1-Mediated Src Signaling Inhibits Coronavirus Entry into Host Cells.pdf 4.19Мб
2015 Author_s Response to Letter to Editor on _Characteristics and Outcomes of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavi.pdf 59.74Кб
2015 Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Coronavirus Pandemic Among Public in Saudi Arabia.pdf 97.99Кб
2015 Bat Coronavirus in Brazil Related to Appalachian Ridge and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses.pdf 159.68Кб
2015 Bat origin of human coronaviruses.pdf 925.28Кб
2015 Bats and Viruses (A New Frontier of Emerging Infectious Diseases) __ Bat Coronaviruses.pdf 299.51Кб
2015 Bat-to-human_ spike features determining _host jump_ of coronaviruses SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and beyond.pdf 1.56Мб
2015 Betacoronavirus 1 in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) in the High Peruvian Andes.pdf 284.75Кб
2015 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds.pdf 373.63Кб
2015 Broad-Spectrum Inhibitors against 3C-Like Proteases of Feline Coronaviruses and Feline Caliciviruses.pdf 1.39Мб
2015 CDC_s Early Response to a Novel Viral Disease, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), September 2.pdf 476.50Кб
2015 Characterisation of different forms of the accessory gp3 canine coronavirus type I protein identified in cats.pdf 1.56Мб
2015 Characteristics and Outcomes of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care.pdf 109.58Кб
2015 Characterization and Demonstration of value of a Lethal Mouse Model of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 7.08Мб
2015 Characterization and evolution of porcine deltacoronavirus in the United States.pdf 1.03Мб
2015 Characterization and Inhibition of the Main Protease of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.24Мб
2015 Cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections in Iran, 2014.pdf 477.85Кб
2015 Co-circulation of three camel coronavirus species and recombination of MERS-CoVs in Saudi Arabia.pdf 1.18Мб
2015 Combination siRNA therapy against feline coronavirus can delay the emergence of antiviral resistance in vitro.pdf 623.71Кб
2015 Commonly circulating human coronaviruses do not have a significant role in the etiology of gastrointestinal infecti.pdf 431.77Кб
2015 Complete genome analysis of equine coronavirus isolated in Japan.pdf 359.32Кб
2015 Complete Genome Sequence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) from the First Imported MERS-Co.pdf 143.00Кб
2015 Complete Genome Sequence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus KOR_KNIH_002_05_2015, Isolated in South Ko.pdf 138.31Кб
2015 Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CH_Sichuan_S27_2012 from Mainland China.pdf 141.87Кб
2015 Conservation of nucleotide sequences for molecular diagnosis of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus.pdf 111.03Кб
2015 Considerations Left behind Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Outbreaks in Republic of Korea.pdf 227.92Кб
2015 Continuous and Discontinuous RNA Synthesis in Coronaviruses.pdf 446.31Кб
2015 Cooperative Activity of SARS Coronavirus Nsp13 Helicase Characterized by Single Molecule FRET.pdf 41.16Кб
2015 Coronavirus_ A new threat to pilgrims.pdf 183.61Кб
2015 Coronavirus and Influenza Virus Proteolytic Priming Takes Place in Tetraspanin-Enriched Membrane Microdomains.pdf 1.42Мб
2015 Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Illnesses Comparing Older with Young Adults.pdf 1.09Мб
2015 Coronavirus envelope (E) protein remains at the site of assembly.pdf 6.29Мб
2015 Coronaviruses_ emerging and re-emerging pathogens in humans and animals.pdf 382.55Кб
2015 Coronaviruses Detected in Brazilian Wild Birds Reveal Close Evolutionary Relationships with Beta- and Deltacoronavi.pdf 656.26Кб
2015 Coronavirus Host Range Expansion and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Emergence_ Biochemical Mechanisms.pdf 3.55Мб
2015 Coronavirus Infections in Pediatric Outpatients with Febrile Respiratory Tract Infections in Hiroshima, Japan, over.pdf 83.04Кб
2015 Coronavirus nonstructural protein 1_ Common and distinct functions in the regulation of host and viral gene express.pdf 2.59Мб
2015 Coronavirus nsp10_nsp16 Methyltransferase Can Be Targeted by nsp10-Derived Peptide_ _i_In Vitro__i__.pdf 7.40Мб
2015 Correction_ Coronavirus Cell Entry Occurs through the Endo-_Lysosomal Pathway in a Proteolysis-Dependent Manner.pdf 79.30Кб
2015 Critical Assessment of the Important Residues Involved in the Dimerization and Catalysis of MERS Coronavirus Main P.pdf 2.31Мб
2015 Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a nonstructural protein 15 mutant from_.pdf 645.87Кб
2015 Crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal domain of_ _i_Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 344.26Кб
2015 CT Correlation With Outcomes in 15 Patients With Acute Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 726.30Кб
2015 Design, synthesis and evaluation of a series of acyclic fleximer nucleoside analogues with anti-coronavirus activit.pdf 423.48Кб
2015 Design of Potential RNAi (miRNA and siRNA) Molecules for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Ge.pdf 508.92Кб
2015 Detection of Astrovirus, Coronavirus and Haemorrhagic Enteritis Virus in Turkeys with Poult Enteritis Mortality Syn.pdf 477.52Кб
2015 Detection of coronavirus genomes in Moluccan naked-backed fruit bats in Indonesia.pdf 267.44Кб
2015 Detection of feline coronavirus in cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis in cats with.pdf 364.78Кб
2015 Detection of feline coronavirus spike gene mutations as a tool to diagnose feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 919.53Кб
2015 Detection of new genetic variants of Betacoronaviruses in Endemic Frugivorous Bats of Madagascar.pdf 1.50Мб
2015 Detection of the Human Coronavirus 229E, HKU1, NL63, and OC43 between 2010 and 2013 in Yamagata, Japan.pdf 238.13Кб
2015 Development and Application of an ELISA for the Detection of Porcine Deltacoronavirus IgG Antibodies.pdf 206.77Кб
2015 Development and evaluation of novel real-time RT-PCR assays with locked nucleic acid probes targeting the leader se.pdf 486.73Кб
2015 Development and Validation of a Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for Detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.pdf 2.06Мб
2015 Development of a new detection tool by real time PCR for the detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome human Co.pdf 64.73Кб
2015 Development of animal models against emerging coronaviruses_ From SARS to MERS coronavirus.pdf 542.40Кб
2015 Differences in the seasonality of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and influenza in the Middle East.pdf 603.00Кб
2015 Discovery, diversity and evolution of novel coronaviruses sampled from rodents in China.pdf 2.76Мб
2015 Discovery of a Novel Coronavirus, China Rattus Coronavirus HKU24, from Norway Rats Supports the Murine Origin of Be.pdf 5.46Мб
2015 Discovery of T-Cell Infection and Apoptosis by Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 67.54Кб
2015 Disease Associated with Equine Coronavirus Infection and High Case Fatality Rate.pdf 118.33Кб
2015 Dissection of Amino-Terminal Functional Domains of Murine Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 3.pdf 1.61Мб
2015 Diversegammacoronavirusesdetected in wild birds from Madagascar.pdf 514.31Кб
2015 Diversity of coronavirus in bats from Eastern Thailand.pdf 1.42Мб
2015 Dromedary Camels and the Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 491.58Кб
2015 Dynamics of avian coronavirus circulation in commercial and non-commercial birds in Asia _ a review_.pdf 1.09Мб
2015 Ebola Virus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Display Late Cell Entry Kinetics_ Evidence that Trans.pdf 3.09Мб
2015 Editorial Commentary_ Critical Contribution of Laboratories to Outbreak Response Support for Middle East Respirator.pdf 81.70Кб
2015 Effectiveness of the Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus protocol in enhancing the function of an Emergenc.pdf 159.23Кб
2015 El coronavirus causante del s_ndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio.pdf 214.16Кб
2015 Enteric disease in postweaned beef calves associated with Bovine coronavirus clade 2.pdf 486.08Кб
2015 Epidemiology of human coronavirus NL63 infection among hospitalized patients with pneumonia in Taiwan.pdf 1.29Мб
2015 Estimating financial loss to medical clinics resulting from the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbre.pdf 2.74Мб
2015 Evaluation of antiviral activities of Houttuynia cordata Thunb_ extract, quercetin, quercetrin and cinanserin on mu.pdf 1.20Мб
2015 Evidence for an ancestral association of human coronavirus 229E with bats.pdf 1021.74Кб
2015 Feasibility, safety, clinical, and laboratory effects of convalescent plasma therapy for patients with Middle East.pdf 1.16Мб
2015 Feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to assess treatment of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (M.pdf 414.95Кб
2015 Feline coronavirus quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction on effusion samples in cats with an.pdf 664.96Кб
2015 First Case of Systemic Coronavirus Infection in a Domestic Ferret (_ _i_Mustela putorius furo__i__.pdf 467.15Кб
2015 First Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) case in Southeast Asia (outside Middle East).pdf 66.59Кб
2015 Follow-up of Contacts of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_Infected Returning Travelers, the Netherlands.pdf 277.83Кб
2015 Full genome sequence of guinea fowl coronavirus associated with fulminating disease.pdf 468.96Кб
2015 Full-Genome Sequence of Pantropic Canine Coronavirus.pdf 139.22Кб
2015 Full-length genome analysis of canine coronavirus type I.pdf 533.65Кб
2015 Full-Length Genome Characterization of Chinese Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CH_SXD1_2015.pdf 141.53Кб
2015 Functional characterization and proteomic analysis of the nucleocapsid protein of porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 1.94Мб
2015 Functional polymorphisms of the CCL2 and MBL genes cumulatively increase susceptibility to severe acute respiratory.pdf 512.92Кб
2015 Generation of a Transgenic Mouse Model of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection and Disease.pdf 2.90Мб
2015 Genetic deficiency and polymorphisms of cyclophilin A reveal its essential role for Human Coronavirus 229E replicat.pdf 541.20Кб
2015 Genetic drift of human coronavirus OC43 spike gene during adaptive evolution.pdf 762.95Кб
2015 Genome-Wide Screen Reveals Valosin-Containing Protein Requirement for Coronavirus Exit from Endosomes.pdf 1.91Мб
2015 Genomic Analysis and Surveillance of the Coronavirus Dominant in Ducks in China.pdf 1.75Мб
2015 Genomic Analysis of 15 Human Coronaviruses OC43 (HCoV-OC43s) Circulating in France from 2001 to 2013 Reveals a High.pdf 970.37Кб
2015 Genomic and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of infectious bronchitis coronavirus.pdf 1.46Мб
2015 Genomic sequencing and analysis of the first imported middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV) in Ch.pdf 662.97Кб
2015 Genotype shift in human coronavirus OC43 and emergence of a novel genotype by natural recombination.pdf 2.61Мб
2015 Genotyping coronaviruses associated with feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 2.35Мб
2015 Genotyping of turkey coronavirus field isolates from various geographic locations in the Unites States based on the.pdf 825.24Кб
2015 Glomerulonephritis in a ferret with feline coronavirus infection.pdf 875.82Кб
2015 Glycosylation of Mouse DPP4 Plays a Role in Inhibiting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 2.86Мб
2015 Hatchery Spray Cabinet Administration Does Not Damage Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Vaccine Based o.pdf 153.66Кб
2015 Healthcare workers infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and infection control.pdf 2.03Мб
2015 High prevalence of common respiratory viruses and no evidence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Ha.pdf 256.79Кб
2015 High Secretion of Interferons by Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells upon Recognition of Middle East Respiratory Syn.pdf 2.01Мб
2015 Host cell proteases_ Critical determinants of coronavirus tropism and pathogenesis.pdf 1.32Мб
2015 Host-directed therapies for improving poor treatment outcomes associated with the middle east respiratory syndrome.pdf 223.86Кб
2015 Human Coronavirus 229E Remains Infectious on Common Touch Surface Materials.pdf 2.55Мб
2015 Human Coronavirus-Associated Influenza-Like Illness in the Community Setting in Peru.pdf 482.93Кб
2015 Human Coronavirus HKU1 Spike Protein Uses_ _i_O__i__ -Acetylated Sialic Acid as an Attach.pdf 9.11Мб
2015 Human coronavirus OC43 3CL protease and the potential of ML188 as a broad-spectrum lead compound_ Homology modellin.pdf 3.75Мб
2015 Human neutralizing antibodies against MERS coronavirus_ implications for future immunotherapy.pdf 1.55Мб
2015 Identification of a Gamma Interferon-Activated Inhibitor of Translation-Like RNA Motif at the 3_ End of the Transmi.pdf 2.14Мб
2015 Identification of an ideal adjuvant for receptor-binding domain-based subunit vaccines against Middle East respirat.pdf 955.14Кб
2015 Identification of Avian Coronavirus in Wild Aquatic Birds of the Central and Eastern USA.pdf 62.40Кб
2015 Identification of information types and sources by the public for promoting awareness of Middle East respiratory sy.pdf 127.57Кб
2015 Identification of the Receptor-Binding Domain of the Spike Glycoprotein of Human Betacoronavirus HKU1.pdf 8.91Мб
2015 Inactivation and safety testing of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 411.71Кб
2015 Incorporation of Spike and Membrane Glycoproteins into Coronavirus Virions.pdf 862.65Кб
2015 Infection prevention and control strategies for the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and outcome in Oma.pdf 215.62Кб
2015 Infectious bronchitis coronavirus inhibits STAT1 signalling and requires accessory proteins for resistance to type.pdf 892.22Кб
2015 Infectious MERS-Coronavirus excretion and serotype variability based on live virus isolates from patients in Saudi.pdf 944.03Кб
2015 Inferring the hosts of coronavirus using dual statistical models based on nucleotide composition.pdf 327.34Кб
2015 Inhibition of Endoplasmic Reticulum-Resident Glucosidases Impairs Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and.pdf 1.59Мб
2015 Inhibition of Proprotein Convertases Abrogates Processing of the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Sp.pdf 630.14Кб
2015 Isolation and characterization of a novel bat coronavirus closely related to the direct progenitor of SARS coronavi.pdf 5.20Мб
2015 Isolation and Characterization of Porcine Deltacoronavirus from Pigs with Diarrhea in the United States.pdf 2.99Мб
2015 Kinetics of Serologic Responses to MERS Coronavirus Infection in Humans, South Korea.pdf 450.83Кб
2015 Laboratory Testing for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, California, USA, 2013_2014.pdf 1.06Мб
2015 Lack of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Transmission from Infected Camels.pdf 250.48Кб
2015 Lessons learned from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus cluster in Korea.pdf 953.93Кб
2015 Ligand-induced Dimerization of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus nsp5 Protease (3CL_.pdf 5.78Мб
2015 Longitudinal study ofSalmonellaspp_, diarrheagenicEscherichia coli,Rotavirus, andCoronavirusisolated from healthy a.pdf 393.03Кб
2015 Low prevalence of equine coronavirus in foals in the largest thoroughbred horse breeding region of Japan, 2012_2014.pdf 786.22Кб
2015 MDA5 is critical to host defense during infection with murine coronavirus.pdf 2.53Мб
2015 MERS coronavirus_ diagnostics, epidemiology and transmission.pdf 2.80Мб
2015 MERS coronavirus envelope protein has a single transmembrane domain that forms pentameric ion channels.pdf 867.01Кб
2015 Mers coronavirus infection of rabbits.pdf 63.33Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome_ An emerging coronavirus infection tracked by the crowd.pdf 8.83Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ Another Zoonotic Betacoronavirus Causing SARS-Like Disease.pdf 5.43Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus _MERS-CoV__ Current Knowledge Gaps.pdf 485.48Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ transmission, virology and therapeutic targeting to aid in outbreak c.pdf 1.68Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ Update for Clinicians.pdf 407.26Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ What Do We Know_.pdf 188.67Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 389.40Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ A cluster analysis with implications for global management.pdf 717.33Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ animal to human interaction.pdf 711.42Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ An Updated Overview and Pharmacotherapeutics.pdf 1.68Мб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ what lessons can we learn_.pdf 785.56Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in pilgrims returning from the Hajj.pdf 488.16Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-Cov) screening of exposed healthcare workers in a tertiary care.pdf 217.22Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) shows poor replication and weak induction of antiviral resp.pdf 68.58Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Causes Multiple Organ Damage and Lethal Disease in Mice Transgenic for.pdf 2.60Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Efficiently Infects Human Primary T Lymphocytes and Activates the Extr.pdf 1.12Мб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in children.pdf 246.09Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection_ virus-host cell interactions and implications on pathogenes.pdf 445.95Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Not Found in Camels in Japan.pdf 84.00Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in healthcare settings.pdf 191.50Кб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus nsp1 inhibits host gene expression by selectively targeting nuclear-tr.pdf 7.11Мб
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus ORF4b protein inhibits type I interferon production through both cytop.pdf 1.71Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak in the Republic of Korea, 2015.pdf 1.34Мб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Patients in the ICU.pdf 58.78Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Recombination and the Evolution of Science and Public Health in China.pdf 78.36Кб
2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Superspreading Event Involving 81 Persons, Korea 2015.pdf 1.55Мб
2015 Modeling [18F]-FDG lymphoid tissue kinetics to characterize nonhuman primate immune response to Middle East respira.pdf 1.84Мб
2015 Molecular and antigenic characteristics of Massachusetts genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China.pdf 3.94Мб
2015 Molecular and antigenic characterization of bovine Coronavirus circulating in Argentinean cattle during 1994_2010.pdf 512.41Кб
2015 Molecular epidemiological study of feline coronavirus strains in Japan using RT-PCR targeting nsp14 gene.pdf 1.09Мб
2015 Molecular pathology of emerging coronavirus infections.pdf 383.89Кб
2015 Murine Coronavirus Ubiquitin-Like Domain Is Important for Papain-Like Protease Stability and Viral Pathogenesis.pdf 1.36Мб
2015 Mutations in Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 10 Decrease Virus Replication Fidelity.pdf 2.10Мб
2015 Myd88 initiates early innate responses and promotes CD4 T cells during coronavirus encephalomyelitis.pdf 1.51Мб
2015 Necrotizing Enteritis and Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Associated With Equine Coronavirus Infection in Equids.pdf 1.33Мб
2015 Neonatal calf diarrhea induced by rotavirus and coronavirus_ a review.pdf 535.65Кб
2015 Neotropical Bats from Costa Rica harbour Diverse Coronaviruses.pdf 475.42Кб
2015 New CLEM Method to Reveal Ultrastructural Reorganization in the Host Cell during Coronavirus Infection.pdf 306.33Кб
2015 New coronavirus outbreak_ Lessons learned from the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic.pdf 521.90Кб
2015 New insights on the role of paired membrane structures in coronavirus replication.pdf 753.69Кб
2015 Newly Emerged Porcine_ _i_Deltacoronavirus__i__ Associated With Diarrhoea in Swine in Chi.pdf 430.53Кб
2015 Novel Receptor Specificity of Avian Gammacoronaviruses That Cause Enteritis.pdf 3.23Мб
2015 Nucleocapsid gene analysis from an imported case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Malaysia.pdf 500.91Кб
2015 On the biased nucleotide composition of the human coronavirus RNA genome.pdf 703.64Кб
2015 Optimization of antigen dose for a receptor-binding domain-based subunit vaccine against MERS coronavirus.pdf 483.84Кб
2015 ORF8-Related Genetic Evidence for Chinese Horseshoe Bats as the Source of Human Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome C.pdf 902.32Кб
2015 Origin, Evolution, and Virulence of Porcine Deltacoronaviruses in the United States.pdf 3.18Мб
2015 Origin and Possible Genetic Recombination of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus from the First Import.pdf 2.47Мб
2015 p53 Degradation by a Coronavirus Papain-like Protease Suppresses Type I Interferon Signaling.pdf 3.32Мб
2015 Pan-human coronavirus and human bocavirus SYBR Green and TaqMan PCR assays_ use in studying influenza A viruses co-.pdf 310.08Кб
2015 Passive Immunotherapy with Dromedary Immune Serum in an Experimental Animal Model for Middle East Respiratory Syndr.pdf 4.51Мб
2015 Pathogenesis of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 1.42Мб
2015 Pathogenicity and pathogenesis of a United States porcine deltacoronavirus cell culture isolate in 5-day-old neonat.pdf 5.10Мб
2015 Pathogenicity of 2 Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strains in Gnotobiotic Pigs.pdf 2.88Мб
2015 PCR-based retrospective evaluation of diagnostic samples for emergence of porcine deltacoronavirus in US swine.pdf 197.94Кб
2015 Phage display technique identifies the interaction of SARS coronavirus ORF6 protein with nuclear pore complex inter.pdf 1.68Мб
2015 Phylogenetic and phylogeographic mapping of the avian coronavirus spike protein-encoding gene in wild and synanthro.pdf 3.41Мб
2015 Porcine Deltacoronavirus in Mainland China.pdf 335.91Кб
2015 Potential Broad Spectrum Inhibitors of the Coronavirus 3CLpro_ A Virtual Screening and Structure-Based Drug Design.pdf 1.91Мб
2015 Prediction and biochemical analysis of putative cleavage sites of the 3C-like protease of Middle East respiratory s.pdf 495.85Кб
2015 Presence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus antibodies in Saudi Arabia_ a nationwide, cross-sectional,.pdf 776.21Кб
2015 Prevalence of equine coronavirus in nasal secretions from horses with fever and upper respiratory tract infection.pdf 316.97Кб
2015 Prevalence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in dromedary camels in Abu Dhabi Emirate, Uni.pdf 215.02Кб
2015 Prevenci_n y control de la infecci_n ante sujetos sospechosos de infecci_n por el nuevo coronavirus MERS-CoV en Uni.pdf 713.71Кб
2015 Probable transmission chains of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the multiple generations of second.pdf 1.00Мб
2015 Prophylactic and postexposure efficacy of a potent human monoclonal antibody against MERS coronavirus.pdf 1.69Мб
2015 Protease inhibitors targeting coronavirus and filovirus entry.pdf 1.25Мб
2015 Protective Effect of Intranasal Regimens Containing Peptidic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Fusion In.pdf 1.61Мб
2015 Protective Efficacy of Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Delivering Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coron.pdf 1.22Мб
2015 Protein-Protein Interactions of Viroporins in Coronaviruses and Paramyxoviruses_ New Targets for Antivirals_.pdf 1.41Мб
2015 Rapid and Effective Virucidal Activity of Povidone-Iodine Products Against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronav.pdf 486.98Кб
2015 Rapid detection of equine coronavirus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification.pdf 284.61Кб
2015 Real-Time Sequence-Validated Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assays for Detection of Middle East Respiratory.pdf 2.07Мб
2015 Receptor Recognition Mechanisms of Coronaviruses_ a Decade of Structural Studies.pdf 2.13Мб
2015 Receptor Usage and Cell Entry of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coronavirus.pdf 2.12Мб
2015 Recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to turkey corona.pdf 594.96Кб
2015 Recombinant Receptor Binding Domain Protein Induces Partial Protective Immunity in Rhesus Macaques Against Middle E.pdf 1.54Мб
2015 Reconstitution of the receptor-binding motif of the SARS coronavirus.pdf 795.89Кб
2015 Regulation of Cellular MicroRNA Expression in Oligodendrocytes during Acute and Persistent Coronavirus Infection.pdf 787.58Кб
2015 Renal Complications and Their Prognosis in Korean Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus from t.pdf 355.95Кб
2015 Research Driven by Curiosity_ The Journey from Basic Molecular Biology and Virology to Studies of Human Pathogenic.pdf 658.22Кб
2015 Retrospective testing and case series study of porcine delta coronavirus in U_S_ swine herds.pdf 560.86Кб
2015 Role of the lipid rafts in the life cycle of canine coronavirus.pdf 237.64Кб
2015 SARS Coronavirus ORF7a inhibits BST-2 virion tethering through a novel mechanism of glycosylation interference.pdf 4.02Мб
2015 SARS coronavirus ORF8 protein is acquired from SARS-related coronavirus from greater horseshoe bats through recombi.pdf 3.79Мб
2015 Serotype shift of a 793_B genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus by natural recombination.pdf 4.06Мб
2015 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Vaccines Formulated with Delta Inulin Adjuvants Provide En.pdf 3.64Мб
2015 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus E protein transports calcium ions and activates the NLRP3 inflammasom.pdf 1.23Мб
2015 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviruses with Mutations in the E Protein Are Attenuated and Promising Vaccin.pdf 4.58Мб
2015 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein 6 mediates ubiquitin-dependent proteosomal degradation of N-M.pdf 1.23Мб
2015 Spatiotemporal interplay of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and respiratory mucosal cells drives vira.pdf 6.84Мб
2015 Structural basis and functional analysis of the SARS coronavirus nsp14_nsp10 complex.pdf 1.41Мб
2015 Structure-based virtual screening and experimental validations for discovery of inhibitors targeted towards the hum.pdf 1.44Мб
2015 Structures of the_ _i_Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus__i__ 3C-like protease.pdf 1.94Мб
2015 Systemic and mucosal immunity in mice elicited by a single immunization with human adenovirus type 5 or 41 vector-b.pdf 629.29Кб
2015 Targeting zoonotic viruses_ Structure-based inhibition of the 3C-like protease from bat coronavirus HKU4_The likely.pdf 854.46Кб
2015 Temporal dynamics, diversity, and interplay in three components of the virodiversity of a Mallard population_ Influ.pdf 661.85Кб
2015 Testing of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication Inhibitors for the Ability To Block Viral Entry.pdf 406.80Кб
2015 The clinical impact of coronavirus infection in patients with hematologic malignancies and hematopoietic stem cell.pdf 589.74Кб
2015 The effect of inhibition of PP1 and TNF_ signaling on pathogenesis of SARS coronavirus.pdf 1.25Мб
2015 The heptad repeat region is a major selection target in MERS-CoV and related coronaviruses.pdf 965.44Кб
2015 The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 435.74Кб
2015 The ns12_9 accessory protein of human coronavirus OC43 is a viroporin involved in virion morphogenesis and pathogen.pdf 922.91Кб
2015 The nsp1, nsp13, and M Proteins Contribute to the Hepatotropism of Murine Coronavirus JHM_WU.pdf 2.01Мб
2015 The nsp3 Macrodomain Promotes Virulence in Mice with Coronavirus-Induced Encephalitis.pdf 3.26Мб
2015 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Coronaviruses Acts as a Viral Suppressor of RNA Silencing in Mammalian Cells.pdf 6.74Мб
2015 The Nucleocapsid Protein of Human Coronavirus NL63.pdf 14.40Мб
2015 The Preparedness for Re-emerged and Emerging Infectious Diseases_ A Lesson Through Outbreak of Middle East Respirat.pdf 5.26Мб
2015 The Prevalence of Human Bocavirus, Human Coronavirus-NL63, Human Metapneumovirus, Human Polyomavirus KI and WU in R.pdf 502.14Кб
2015 Therapeutic Options for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection_ How Close Are We_.pdf 880.64Кб
2015 The Same Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) yet Different Outbreak Patterns and Public Health.pdf 924.25Кб
2015 The SARS-coronavirus papain-like protease_ Structure, function and inhibition by designed antiviral compounds.pdf 5.69Мб
2015 The structure and functions of coronavirus genomic 3_ and 5_ ends.pdf 1.43Мб
2015 Thiopurine analogs and mycophenolic acid synergistically inhibit the papain-like protease of Middle East respirator.pdf 670.17Кб
2015 Toll-Like Receptor 3 Signaling via TRIF Contributes to a Protective Innate Immune Response to Severe Acute Respirat.pdf 3.79Мб
2015 Transmission of SARS and MERS coronaviruses and influenza virus in healthcare settings_ the possible role of dry su.pdf 492.46Кб
2015 Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.14Мб
2015 Utility of feline coronavirus antibody tests.pdf 399.03Кб
2015 VHL negatively regulates SARS coronavirus replication by modulating nsp16 ubiquitination and stability.pdf 1.38Мб
2015 Viral shedding and antibody response in 37 patients with MERS-coronavirus infection.pdf 1.33Мб
2015 Viral Shedding and Environmental Cleaning in Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 426.24Кб
2015 What needs to be done to control the spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_.pdf 1.63Мб
2016 _i_Gammacoronavirus__i__ and_ _i_Deltacoronavirus__i__ in Quail.pdf 422.85Кб
2016 [Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology] __ The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus _ A Continuing.pdf 255.22Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Contributors.pdf 26.61Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Copyright.pdf 147.49Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Coronavirus cis-Acting RNA Elements.pdf 721.37Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Coronavirus Spike Protein and Tropism Changes.pdf 1.08Мб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Feline Coronaviruses.pdf 417.95Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Index.pdf 50.47Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ In Memoriam.pdf 208.72Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Interaction of SARS and MERS Coronaviruses with the Antivir.pdf 784.05Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Molecular Basis of Coronavirus Virulence and Vaccine Develo.pdf 1.21Мб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Preface.pdf 25.76Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Series Page.pdf 13.89Кб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ The Nonstructural Proteins Directing Coronavirus RNA Synthe.pdf 3.69Мб
2016 [Advances in Virus Research] Coronaviruses Volume 96 __ Viral and Cellular mRNA Translation in Coronavirus-Infected.pdf 368.54Кб
2016 [IEEE 2016 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) - Pyeongchang Kwangwoon Do,.pdf 143.77Кб
2016 [Methods in Molecular Biology] Vaccine Design Volume 1403 __ Development of a SARS Coronavirus Vaccine from Recombi.pdf 302.65Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ .pdf 5.97Мб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for Differential Detec.pdf 180.27Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Animal Coronaviruses_ A Brief Introduction.pdf 296.80Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ An RT-PCR Assay for Detection of Infectious Bronchitis Coron.pdf 196.77Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Antibody-Capture Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detec.pdf 179.68Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Detection of Bovine Coronavirus by Conventional Reverse Tran.pdf 236.65Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Feline Coronavirus RT-PCR Assays for Feline Infectious Perit.pdf 403.16Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Genotype-Specific Detection of Ferret Coronavirus by Convent.pdf 460.87Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction fo.pdf 169.60Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Real-Time RT-PCR Detection of Equine Coronavirus.pdf 358.96Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Recombinant Turkey Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Expresse.pdf 210.08Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Reverse Genetics of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis.pdf 619.26Кб
2016 [Springer Protocols Handbooks] Animal Coronaviruses __ Whole-Genome Sequencing of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus b.pdf 278.21Кб
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2016 Absence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Camelids, Kazakhstan, 2015.pdf 468.40Кб
2016 A Comparative Review of Animal Models of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 934.90Кб
2016 A Comparative Study of Clinical Presentation and Risk Factors for Adverse Outcome in Patients Hospitalised with Acu.pdf 1.05Мб
2016 A Coronavirus Associated with Runting Stunting Syndrome in Broiler Chickens.pdf 914.02Кб
2016 Activation of RNase L by murine coronavirus in myeloid cells is dependent on basal_ _i_Oas__i__.pdf 2.24Мб
2016 Active screening and surveillance in the United Kingdom for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in returni.pdf 828.26Кб
2016 Airway Memory CD4+ T Cells Mediate Protective Immunity against Emerging Respiratory Coronaviruses.pdf 4.71Мб
2016 A key role for the carboxy-terminal tail of the murine coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in coordination of genome p.pdf 1.25Мб
2016 Alphacoronavirus in urban Molossidae and Phyllostomidae bats, Brazil.pdf 1.33Мб
2016 Altered pathogenicity of a tl_CH_LDT3_03 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus due to natural recombination in.pdf 1.95Мб
2016 A Melting Curve-Based Multiplex RT-qPCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Four Human Coronaviruses.pdf 1.65Мб
2016 A molecular arms race between host innate antiviral response and emerging human coronaviruses.pdf 463.41Кб
2016 A mouse model for MERS coronavirus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome.pdf 3.71Мб
2016 Analyses of Coronavirus Assembly Interactions with Interspecies Membrane and Nucleocapsid Protein Chimeras.pdf 591.54Кб
2016 Analysis of intrapatient heterogeneity uncovers the microevolution of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 1.74Мб
2016 Analytical and Clinical Validation of Six Commercial Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus RNA Detection Kit.pdf 252.32Кб
2016 An Analysis of Actual Conditions with the Infectious Disease of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-.pdf 250.10Кб
2016 Another emerging disease_ Swine Enteric Coronaviruses.pdf 111.96Кб
2016 An Overview of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) 3CL Protease Inhibitors_ Peptidomimetics an.pdf 1.87Мб
2016 Antagonism of RNase L is required for murine coronavirus replication in Kupffer cells and liver sinusoidal endothel.pdf 1.92Мб
2016 A phase trial of the oralLactobacillus caseivaccine polarizes Th2 cell immunity against transmissible gastroenterit.pdf 882.82Кб
2016 A poxvirus-based vaccine reduces virus excretion after MERS coronavirus infection in dromedary camels.pdf 61.96Кб
2016 Aquaculture Virology __ Coronaviruses in Aquatic Organisms.pdf 795.64Кб
2016 A recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect antibodies against po.pdf 710.01Кб
2016 Are Saudi medical students aware of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus during an outbreak_.pdf 360.79Кб
2016 A Safe and Sensitive Antiviral Screening Platform Based on Recombinant Human Coronavirus OC43 Expressing the Lucife.pdf 4.85Мб
2016 A six-year descriptive epidemiological study of human coronavirus infections in hospitalized patients in Hong Kong.pdf 642.25Кб
2016 A synthetic consensus anti-Spike protein DNA vaccine induces protective immunity against Middle East Respiratory Sy.pdf 130.48Кб
2016 Avoiding Regions Symptomatic of Conformational and Functional Flexibility to Identify Antiviral Targets in Current.pdf 1.77Мб
2016 A winter dysentery (coronavirus infection) outbreak in a dairy herd in Galicia (northwestern Spain).pdf 274.66Кб
2016 Bat SARS-like coronavirus WIV1 encodes an extra accessory protein ORFX involved in modulation of host immune respon.pdf 2.17Мб
2016 Biochemical Characterization of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Helicase.pdf 2.55Мб
2016 Bioinformatics and functional analyses of coronavirus nonstructural proteins involved in the formation of replicati.pdf 14.49Мб
2016 Bovine coronavirus in naturally and experimentally exposed calves_ viral shedding and the potential for transmissio.pdf 1.88Мб
2016 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus antibodies in bulk tank milk _ risk factors and spatial a.pdf 1.88Мб
2016 Carcinoembryonic Antigen-related Cell Adhesion Molecule 5 (CEACAM5) Is an Important Surface Attachment Factor Facil.pdf 5.88Мб
2016 Cell entry of porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus is activated by lysosomal proteases.pdf 3.03Мб
2016 Cellular peptidyl-prolyl cis_trans isomerase Pin1 facilitates replication of feline coronavirus.pdf 872.53Кб
2016 Cerebral pyogranuloma associated with systemic coronavirus infection in a ferret.pdf 940.13Кб
2016 Characterization of an Immunodominant Epitope in the Endodomain of the Coronavirus Membrane Protein.pdf 37.34Мб
2016 Characterization of a Novel Chimeric Swine Enteric Coronavirus from Diseased Pigs in Central Eastern Europe in 2016.pdf 337.16Кб
2016 Characterization of canine coronavirus spread among domestic dogs in Vietnam.pdf 298.23Кб
2016 Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against feline coronavirus accessory protein 7b.pdf 1.38Мб
2016 Characterization of the Role of Hexamer AGUAAA and Poly(A) Tail in Coronavirus Polyadenylation.pdf 2.51Мб
2016 Chest Radiographs of the Acute Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 420.01Кб
2016 Clinical Implications of 5 Cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in a South Korean Outbre.pdf 756.87Кб
2016 Clinical Isolates of Human Coronavirus 229E Bypass the Endosome for Cell Entry.pdf 859.23Кб
2016 Clinical Progression and Cytokine Profiles of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 751.54Кб
2016 Clinical Significance of Human Coronavirus in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples From Hematopoietic Cell Transplantatio.pdf 68.79Кб
2016 Clinical spectrum of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 445.61Кб
2016 Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and Ultrastructural Findings of a Fatal Case of Middle East Respiratory Syn.pdf 2.87Мб
2016 Co-Circulation of Canine Coronavirus I and IIa_b with High Prevalence and Genetic Diversity in Heilongjiang Provinc.pdf 1.39Мб
2016 Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft.pdf 664.30Кб
2016 Comparative Evaluation of Three Homogenization Methods for Isolating Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus N.pdf 189.11Кб
2016 Comparative molecular epidemiology of two closely related coronaviruses, bovine coronavirus (BCoV) and human corona.pdf 1.35Мб
2016 Comparison of lentiviruses pseudotyped with S proteins from coronaviruses and cell tropisms of porcine coronaviruse.pdf 3.55Мб
2016 Comparison of the Reproductive Numbers of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nosocomial Outbreaks in Saud.pdf 59.06Кб
2016 Complete Genome Sequence of a Brazil-Type_ _i_Avian coronavirus__i__ Detected in a Chicke.pdf 138.59Кб
2016 Complete Genome Sequence of Human Coronavirus OC43 Isolated from Mexico.pdf 146.64Кб
2016 Complete Genome Sequence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Isolated from a Dromedary Camel in Egypt.pdf 128.45Кб
2016 Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Isolated in Thailand in 2015.pdf 144.71Кб
2016 Conserved antigenic sites between MERS-CoV and Bat-coronavirus are revealed through sequence analysis.pdf 976.26Кб
2016 Contribution of Lewis X Carbohydrate Structure to Neuropathogenic Murine Coronaviral Spread.pdf 1.82Мб
2016 Coronavirus_ epidemiology, genome replication and the interactions with their hosts.pdf 152.12Кб
2016 Coronaviruses _ drug discovery and therapeutic options.pdf 1.88Мб
2016 Coronaviruses and the human airway_ a universal system for virus-host interaction studies.pdf 709.74Кб
2016 Coronaviruses in the Middle East.pdf 426.74Кб
2016 Coronavirus Infection and Diversity in Bats in the Australasian Region.pdf 751.74Кб
2016 Coronavirus Infection in Ferrets_ Antigen Distribution and Inflammatory Response.pdf 1.01Мб
2016 Coronavirus Infections in the Central Nervous System and Respiratory Tract Show Distinct Features in Hospitalized C.pdf 160.06Кб
2016 Coronavirus NL63-induced Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.pdf 476.60Кб
2016 Coronavirus receptor switch explained from the stereochemistry of protein_carbohydrate interactions and a single mu.pdf 1.43Мб
2016 Coronavirus respiratoires humains_neurotropes.pdf 1.51Мб
2016 Correction_ Reversal of the Progression of Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Cats by a Broad-Spectrum Coronavirus Prot.pdf 104.53Кб
2016 Corrigendum_ A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.pdf 106.18Кб
2016 Corrigendum to _Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak in the Republic of Korea, 2015_ [Volume 6, Is.pdf 118.36Кб
2016 Corrigendum to _Phagocytic cells contribute to the antibody-mediated elimination of pulmonary-infected SARS coronav.pdf 1.15Мб
2016 Crisis prevention and management by infection control nurses during the Middle East respiratory coronavirus outbrea.pdf 160.25Кб
2016 Cross host transmission in the emergence of MERS coronavirus.pdf 576.82Кб
2016 Crucial steps in the structure determination of a coronavirus spike glycoprotein using cryo-electron microscopy.pdf 3.13Мб
2016 Cryo-electron microscopy structure of a coronavirus spike glycoprotein trimer.pdf 19.00Мб
2016 Delayed management of Staphyloccocus aureus infective endocarditis in a Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviru.pdf 190.00Кб
2016 Deletion Variants of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus from Humans, Jordan, 2015.pdf 584.33Кб
2016 Design and synthesis of a series of serine derivatives as small molecule inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus 3CL pro.pdf 1.38Мб
2016 Detection and characterization of diverse alpha- and betacoronaviruses from bats in China.pdf 860.01Кб
2016 Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Porcine Deltacoronavirus in Korean Swine Farms, 2015.pdf 311.67Кб
2016 Detection of novel ferret coronaviruses and evidence of recombination among ferret coronaviruses.pdf 1004.68Кб
2016 Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Like Bat Coronaviruses and Gr.pdf 346.00Кб
2016 Detection of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus and_ _i_Alphacoronavirus__i__.pdf 256.52Кб
2016 Development of an equine coronavirus-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine serological responses.pdf 306.13Кб
2016 Development of Medical Countermeasures to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.46Мб
2016 Development of monoclonal antibodies and serological assays including indirect ELISA and fluorescent microsphere im.pdf 1.53Мб
2016 Development of Monoclonal Antibody and Diagnostic Test for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Using Cell-.pdf 3.87Мб
2016 Diagnosis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Japan.pdf 90.40Кб
2016 Differential effect of cholesterol on type I and II feline coronavirus infection.pdf 1.93Мб
2016 Differential expression of the MERS-coronavirus receptor in the upper respiratory tract of humans and dromedary cam.pdf 914.40Кб
2016 Different Lineage of Porcine Deltacoronavirus in Thailand, Vietnam and Lao PDR in 2015.pdf 1.42Мб
2016 Discovery of Novel Alphacoronaviruses in European Rodents and Shrews.pdf 1.50Мб
2016 Distribution and Evolutionary History of the Mobile Genetic Element s2m in Coronaviruses.pdf 3.31Мб
2016 Diversity and Evolutionary Histories of Human Coronaviruses NL63 and 229E Associated with Acute Upper Respiratory T.pdf 2.68Мб
2016 Efficacy of an Automated Multiple Emitter Whole-Room Ultraviolet-C Disinfection System Against Coronaviruses MHV an.pdf 134.95Кб
2016 Emerging infectious diseases_ Focus on infection control issues for novel coronaviruses (Severe Acute Respiratory S.pdf 323.46Кб
2016 Engineering Coronaviruses to Evaluate Emergence and Pathogenic Potential.pdf 246.65Кб
2016 Epidemiological investigation of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camel farms linked with.pdf 432.47Кб
2016 Epidemiology, Genetic Recombination, and Pathogenesis of Coronaviruses.pdf 4.49Мб
2016 Epidemiology of a Novel Recombinant Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Humans in Saudi Arabia.pdf 899.44Кб
2016 Equine coronavirus_ An emerging enteric virus of adult horses.pdf 1.40Мб
2016 Erratum to_ Alphacoronavirus in urban Molossidae and Phyllostomidae bats, Brazil.pdf 338.54Кб
2016 Establishment of serological test to detect antibody against ferret coronavirus.pdf 617.77Кб
2016 Estimating the Severity and Subclinical Burden of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in the Kin.pdf 818.99Кб
2016 Evaluation of two singleplex reverse transcription-Insulated isothermal PCR tests and a duplex real-time RT-PCR tes.pdf 1.36Мб
2016 Experimental feline enteric coronavirus infection reveals an aberrant infection pattern and shedding of mutants wit.pdf 1.27Мб
2016 Experimental Infection and Response to Rechallenge of Alpacas with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 736.50Кб
2016 Experimental infection of conventional nursing pigs and their dams with Porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 683.25Кб
2016 Experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with the cell-culture-adapted porcine deltacoronavirus strain OH-FD22.pdf 1.45Мб
2016 Extensive coronavirus-induced membrane rearrangements are not a determinant of pathogenicity.pdf 2.28Мб
2016 Extensive positive selection drives the evolution of non-structural proteins in lineage C Betacoronaviruses.pdf 1.47Мб
2016 Extensive viable Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus contamination in air and surrounding environme.pdf 1.57Мб
2016 Factors Influencing Emergency Nurses_ Burnout During an Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in.pdf 263.96Кб
2016 Factors influencing preventive behavior against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus among nursing students.pdf 223.63Кб
2016 Fatal outcome of human coronavirus NL63 infection despite successful viral elimination by IFN-alpha in a patient wi.pdf 201.23Кб
2016 Feline Coronavirus 3c Protein_ A Candidate for a Virulence Marker_.pdf 1.19Мб
2016 First genome sequences of buffalo coronavirus from water buffaloes in Bangladesh.pdf 380.54Кб
2016 Formation of fibroblastic reticular network in the brain after infection with neurovirulent murine coronavirus.pdf 10.74Мб
2016 Full genome analysis of Australian infectious bronchitis viruses suggests frequent recombination events between vac.pdf 2.49Мб
2016 Functional Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (DPP4) in mink supports entry and replication of Middle Eastern respiratory syndr.pdf 53.26Кб
2016 Gamma and Deltacoronaviruses in quail and pheasants from Northern Italy.pdf 920.33Кб
2016 Genetic and antigenic characterization of recombinant nucleocapsid proteins derived from canine coronavirus and can.pdf 903.55Кб
2016 Genetic diversity of bats coronaviruses in the Atlantic Forest hotspot biome, Brazil.pdf 1.96Мб
2016 Genetic diversity of coronaviruses inMiniopterus fuliginosusbats.pdf 782.61Кб
2016 Glycan shield and epitope masking of a coronavirus spike protein observed by cryo-electron microscopy.pdf 3.97Мб
2016 Glycopeptide Antibiotics Potently Inhibit Cathepsin L in the Late Endosome_Lysosome and Block the Entry of Ebola Vi.pdf 4.29Мб
2016 Guidelines for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Korea.pdf 442.15Кб
2016 Hematologic and Biochemical Changes in Hospitalized Patients With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus.pdf 59.99Кб
2016 Homology-based identification of a mutation in the coronavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that confers resistance.pdf 10.05Мб
2016 Host resilience to emerging coronaviruses.pdf 1.56Мб
2016 Host-symbionts interactions between bats and coronaviruses.pdf 58.92Кб
2016 Human coronavirus and severe acute respiratory infection in Southern Brazil.pdf 606.32Кб
2016 Human Coronaviruses_ A Review of Virus_Host Interactions.pdf 3.43Мб
2016 Human coronaviruses in severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) cases in southwest India.pdf 51.79Кб
2016 Human Coronavirus OC43 Associated with Fatal Encephalitis.pdf 513.91Кб
2016 Human-Dromedary Camel Interactions and the Risk of Acquiring Zoonotic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 489.09Кб
2016 Identification and subcellular localization of porcine deltacoronavirus accessory protein NS6.pdf 1.01Мб
2016 Identification of a Lineage D Betacoronavirus in Cave Nectar Bats (_ _i_Eonycteris spelaea__i__.pdf 647.89Кб
2016 Identification of an infectious bronchitis coronavirus strain exhibiting a classical genotype but altered antigenic.pdf 1.69Мб
2016 Identification of the Fusion Peptide-Containing Region in Betacoronavirus Spike Glycoproteins.pdf 1.39Мб
2016 Immune evasion of porcine enteric coronaviruses and viral modulation of antiviral innate signaling.pdf 957.53Кб
2016 Immunization with inactivated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine leads to lung immunopathology on.pdf 1.13Мб
2016 Immunodominant SARS Coronavirus Epitopes in Humans Elicited both Enhancing and Neutralizing Effects on Infection in.pdf 3.30Мб
2016 Impact of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS_CoV) on pregnancy and perinatal outcome.pdf 477.55Кб
2016 Inactivation of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in plasma products using a riboflavin-based.pdf 83.20Кб
2016 Increase in Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Cases in Saudi Arabia Linked to Hospital Outbreak With Con.pdf 373.39Кб
2016 Infection, Replication, and Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Alpacas.pdf 1.74Мб
2016 Infection control and prevention practices implemented to reduce transmission risk of Middle East respiratory syndr.pdf 856.55Кб
2016 Infection control measures for the prevention of MERS coronavirus transmission in healthcare settings.pdf 555.85Кб
2016 Infectious bronchitis coronavirus limits interferon production by inducing a host shutoff that requires accessory p.pdf 5.40Мб
2016 Infectious diseases_ Cattle engineered to produce human antibodies against coronavirus.pdf 150.24Кб
2016 Insectivorous bats carry host specific astroviruses and coronaviruses across different regions in Germany.pdf 1.06Мб
2016 Institutional Preparedness to Prevent Future Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-Like Outbreaks in Republi.pdf 1.31Мб
2016 Interpreting Results From Environmental Contamination Studies of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 107.07Кб
2016 Introduction of neutralizing immunogenicity index to the rational design of MERS coronavirus subunit vaccines.pdf 781.33Кб
2016 Isolation, genomic characterization, and pathogenicity of a Chinese porcine deltacoronavirus strain CHN-HN-2014.pdf 3.41Мб
2016 Isolation and Characterization of Dromedary Camel Coronavirus UAE-HKU23 from Dromedaries of the Middle East_ Minima.pdf 3.49Мб
2016 Isolation of Coronavirus NL63 from Blood from Children in Rural Haiti_ Phylogenetic Similarities with Recent Isolat.pdf 4.12Мб
2016 Isolation of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus from a Patient of the 2015 Korean Outbreak.pdf 6.45Мб
2016 Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours of Healthcare Workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to MERS Coronavirus and Ot.pdf 884.35Кб
2016 Laboratory-Confirmed Human Coronavirus Infections Among Children_ Does Type Matter_.pdf 116.56Кб
2016 Lack of transmission among healthcare workers in contact with a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviru.pdf 396.24Кб
2016 Les infections _ coronavirus humains.pdf 453.74Кб
2016 Link of a ubiquitous human coronavirus to dromedary camels.pdf 1.09Мб
2016 Longitudinal surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats by quantitative real-time PCR.pdf 257.70Кб
2016 Macro Domain from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Is an Efficient ADP-ribose Binding Module.pdf 2.37Мб
2016 Mapping the specific amino acid residues to confer hamster DPP4 into a functional receptor for Middle East respirat.pdf 2.79Мб
2016 Memory T cell responses targeting the SARS coronavirus persist up to 11 years post-infection.pdf 1.58Мб
2016 MERS coronavirus induces apoptosis in kidney and lung by upregulating Smad7 and FGF2.pdf 2.91Мб
2016 Mers Coronavirus Infection in Dromedary Camels.pdf 56.29Кб
2016 Microbiological evaluation of respiratory tract infections in pilgrims returning from countries affected by Middle.pdf 53.67Кб
2016 Microevolution of Outbreak-Associated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, South Korea, 2015.pdf 416.16Кб
2016 MicroRNA-155 enhances T cell trafficking and antiviral effector function in a model of coronavirus-induced neurolog.pdf 2.23Мб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus Accessory Protein 4a Inhibits PKR-Mediated Antiviral Stress Responses.pdf 4.24Мб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ a comprehensive review.pdf 544.44Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ current situation and travel-associated concerns.pdf 456.38Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ review of the current situation in the world.pdf 979.72Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ Impact on Saudi Arabia, 2015.pdf 535.78Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) origin and animal reservoir.pdf 463.64Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) outbreak in South Korea, 2015_ Epidemiology, characteristic.pdf 507.02Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus during Pregnancy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2013.pdf 344.76Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia_ Demographic, clinical and survival d.pdf 461.25Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Infection_ A Case Report of Serial Computed Tomographic Findings in a.pdf 1.84Мб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection_ a short note on cases with renal failure problem.pdf 425.53Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection During Pregnancy_ A Report of 5 Cases From Saudi Arabia_ Tab.pdf 130.00Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection is inhibited by griffithsin.pdf 2.22Мб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Intra-Host Populations Are Characterized by Numerous High Frequency Va.pdf 1.06Мб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus M protein suppresses type I interferon expression through the inhibiti.pdf 1.36Мб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus on inanimate surfaces_ A risk for health care transmission.pdf 152.92Кб
2016 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus shows poor replication but significant induction of antiviral response.pdf 682.52Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Transmission in Dialysis Unit and Infection Control Interventions in K.pdf 86.07Кб
2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Transmission in Extended Family, Saudi Arabia, 2014.pdf 2.04Мб
2016 Molecular characterisation of human coronaviruses from patients with respiratory disease in Slovenia.pdf 62.25Кб
2016 Molecular characterization of human coronaviruses and their circulation dynamics in Kenya, 2009_2012.pdf 780.69Кб
2016 Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens __ Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 260.49Кб
2016 Molecular detection of bovine coronavirus in a diarrhea outbreak in pasture-feeding Nellore steers in southern Braz.pdf 340.22Кб
2016 Molecular epidemiology and characterization of human coronavirus in Thailand, 2012_2013.pdf 1.22Мб
2016 Molecular epidemiology and evolutionary histories of human coronavirus OC43 and HKU1 among patients with upper resp.pdf 1003.52Кб
2016 Molecular epidemiology of circulating human coronaviruses in children at a tertiary hospital in Catalonia (Spain) f.pdf 51.70Кб
2016 Molecular Evolution of Human Coronavirus Genomes.pdf 3.07Мб
2016 Molecular mechanisms of coronavirus RNA capping and methylation.pdf 743.00Кб
2016 Monitoring the Spread of Swine Enteric Coronavirus Diseases in the United States in the Absence of a Regulatory Fra.pdf 2.02Мб
2016 Mutagenesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-binding Residues in Coronavirus nsp14 N7-Methyltransferase Demonstrates Diff.pdf 5.00Мб
2016 Neurological Complications of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ A Report of Two Cases and Review of the.pdf 1.52Мб
2016 Neurotropic Viral Infections __ Neurotropic Coronavirus Infections.pdf 751.46Кб
2016 New Chimeric Porcine Coronavirus in Swine Feces, Germany, 2012.pdf 463.54Кб
2016 Nitazoxanide, a new drug candidate for the treatment of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 258.92Кб
2016 NMR assignments of the macro domain from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 815.17Кб
2016 Occurrence and sequence analysis of porcine deltacoronaviruses in southern China.pdf 980.29Кб
2016 Origin and evolution of LX4 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China.pdf 1.60Мб
2016 p53 down-regulates SARS coronavirus replication and is targeted by the SARS-unique domain and PL_ _sup.pdf 1.79Мб
2016 Passive immunotherapy for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infection with equine immunoglobulin or immu.pdf 1.34Мб
2016 Passive Transfer of A Germline-like Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibody Protects Transgenic Mice Against Lethal.pdf 1012.30Кб
2016 Persistence of Antibodies against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 425.73Кб
2016 Phylogenetic investigation of enteric bovine coronavirus in Ireland reveals partitioning between European and globa.pdf 671.56Кб
2016 Pivotal role of RIP1 and MLKL in neuronal cell death induced by the human neuroinvasive coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.66Мб
2016 Pneumonies et Coronavirus.pdf 369.24Кб
2016 Polyphyletic origin of MERS coronaviruses and isolation of a novel clade A strain from dromedary camels in the Unit.pdf 4.72Мб
2016 Porcine deltacoronavirus_ histological lesions and genetic characterization.pdf 850.28Кб
2016 Porcine Deltacoronavirus_ Overview of Infection Dynamics, Diagnostic Methods, Prevalence and Genetic Evolution.pdf 1.70Мб
2016 Porcine Deltacoronavirus, Thailand, 2015.pdf 299.57Кб
2016 Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) infection suppresses RIG-I-mediated interferon-_ production.pdf 3.46Мб
2016 Porcine deltacoronavirus induces apoptosis in swine testicular and LLC porcine kidney cell lines in vitro but not i.pdf 1.42Мб
2016 Porcine deltacoronavirus infection_ Etiology, cell culture for virus isolation and propagation, molecular epidemiol.pdf 541.40Кб
2016 Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and Discovery of a Recombinant Swine Enteric Coronavirus, Italy.pdf 609.59Кб
2016 Pre-fusion structure of a human coronavirus spike protein.pdf 12.41Мб
2016 Prevalence and phylogenetic characterization of canine coronavirus from diseased pet dogs in Beijing, China.pdf 641.93Кб
2016 Prevalence of canine coronavirus (CCoV) in dog in Japan_ detection of CCoV RNA and retrospective serological analys.pdf 574.11Кб
2016 Prevalence of diabetes in the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ a syste.pdf 785.93Кб
2016 Proceedings of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus research initiative workshop, September 9_10.pdf 188.55Кб
2016 Protective T Cell Responses Featured by Concordant Recognition of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_Deri.pdf 1.61Мб
2016 Proteolytic processing of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus spikes expands virus tropism.pdf 1004.20Кб
2016 Putative receptor-binding domain of bat-derived coronavirus HKU9 spike protein_ evolution of betacoronavirus recept.pdf 1.89Мб
2016 Pyogranulomatous panophthalmitis with systemic coronavirus disease in a domestic ferret (_ _i_Mustela.pdf 438.71Кб
2016 Recent progress in the discovery of inhibitors targeting coronavirus proteases.pdf 648.58Кб
2016 Recognition of Lys48-Linked Di-ubiquitin and Deubiquitinating Activities of the SARS Coronavirus Papain-like Protea.pdf 3.54Мб
2016 Recombinant receptor-binding domains of multiple MERS-coronaviruses induce cross-neutralizing antibodies against di.pdf 6.00Мб
2016 Recommendations for a standardized avian coronavirus (AvCoV) nomenclature_ outcome from discussions within the fram.pdf 505.01Кб
2016 Recommendations for a Standardized Avian Coronavirus (AvCoV) Nomenclature_ Outcome from Discussions Within the Fram.pdf 40.76Кб
2016 Regulation of Stress Responses and Translational Control by Coronavirus.pdf 850.45Кб
2016 Reply to _Chest Radiographs of the Acute Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_.pdf 424.35Кб
2016 Reversal of the Progression of Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Cats by a Broad-Spectrum Coronavirus Protease Inhibit.pdf 1.61Мб
2016 Risk Factors for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection among Healthcare Personnel.pdf 494.63Кб
2016 Risk Factors for Primary Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Illness in Humans, Saudi Arabia, 2014.pdf 449.07Кб
2016 Risk factors for transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection during the 2015 outbreak in.pdf 1017.41Кб
2016 Risk of global spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) via the air transport network.pdf 431.09Кб
2016 Risks of Death and Severe Disease in Patients With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, 2012_2015.pdf 112.76Кб
2016 RNA internal control, a new tool for the rapid development of detection tools by real time PCR in outbreak situatio.pdf 63.35Кб
2016 SARS and MERS_ recent insights into emerging coronaviruses.pdf 2.44Мб
2016 SARS Coronavirus Fusion Peptide-Derived Sequence Suppresses Collagen-Induced Arthritis in DBA_1J Mice.pdf 1.33Мб
2016 SARS coronavirus papain-like protease induces Egr-1-dependent up-regulation of TGF-_1 via ROS_p38 MAPK_STAT3 pathwa.pdf 2.44Мб
2016 SARS Coronavirus Papain-Like Protease Inhibits the TLR7 Signaling Pathway through Removing Lys63-Linked Polyubiquit.pdf 1.97Мб
2016 Selective Inhibition of Enzymatic Activities of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Helicase with a Thiox.pdf 158.46Кб
2016 Seroprevalence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Among Healthcare Personnel Caring for Patients With.pdf 73.32Кб
2016 Serotype, antigenicity, and pathogenicity of a naturally recombinant TW I genotype infectious bronchitis coronaviru.pdf 1.45Мб
2016 Single-dose treatment with a humanized neutralizing antibody affords full protection of a human transgenic mouse mo.pdf 1.82Мб
2016 Spread of Mutant Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus with Reduced Affinity to Human CD26 during the South.pdf 1.69Мб
2016 Standard and AEGIS nicking molecular beacons detect amplicons from the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 2.20Мб
2016 Structural and mutational analysis of the interaction between the Middle-East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MER.pdf 8.59Мб
2016 Structure, Function, and Evolution of Coronavirus Spike Proteins.pdf 5.38Мб
2016 Structure of Main Protease from Human Coronavirus NL63_ Insights for Wide Spectrum Anti-Coronavirus Drug Design.pdf 2.05Мб
2016 Successful treatment of suspected organizing pneumonia in a patient with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavir.pdf 1.25Мб
2016 Surveillance for Coronaviruses in Bats, Lebanon and Egypt, 2013_2015.pdf 388.74Кб
2016 Surveillance of the MERS Coronavirus Infection in Healthcare Workers after Contact with Confirmed MERS Patients_ In.pdf 1.25Мб
2016 Survey of Clinical Laboratory Practices for 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak in the Repub.pdf 237.16Кб
2016 Synthetic virus-like particles prepared via protein corona formation enable effective vaccination in an avian model.pdf 3.95Мб
2016 Taking forward a _ONE HEALTH_ approach for turning the tide against The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviru.pdf 135.73Кб
2016 The Characteristics of Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Transmission Dynamics in South Korea.pdf 719.44Кб
2016 The close genetic relationship of lineage DBetacoronavirusfrom Nigerian and Kenyan straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolo.pdf 1.27Мб
2016 The Conserved Coronavirus Macrodomain Promotes Virulence and Suppresses the Innate Immune Response during Severe Ac.pdf 3.12Мб
2016 The critical care response to a hospital outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infect.pdf 1.02Мб
2016 The epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2012_2015.pdf 536.07Кб
2016 The first detection and full-length genome sequence of porcine deltacoronavirus isolated in Lao PDR.pdf 400.52Кб
2016 The Korean Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak and Our Responsibility to the Global Scientific Co.pdf 693.41Кб
2016 The Membrane Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Functions as a Novel Cytosolic Pathogen-Assoc.pdf 2.63Мб
2016 The Microbiology of Respiratory System Infections __ SARS coronavirus infections of the lower respiratory tract and.pdf 1.13Мб
2016 The Microbiology of Respiratory System Infections __ The middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus respiratory i.pdf 349.20Кб
2016 The prevalence, origin, and prevention of six human coronaviruses.pdf 222.56Кб
2016 The recent ancestry of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Korea has been shaped by recombination.pdf 1.53Мб
2016 The role of diabetes in the severity of 2009 influenza A (H1N1) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviru.pdf 52.18Кб
2016 The roles of transportation and transportation hubs in the propagation of influenza and coronaviruses_ a systematic.pdf 332.56Кб
2016 Transplant Infections __ Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Enterovirus, and Bocavirus After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantati.pdf 416.30Кб
2016 Treatment outcomes for patients with Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV) infection at a coro.pdf 390.03Кб
2016 Tubulins interact with porcine and human S proteins of the genus Alphacoronavirus and support successful assembly a.pdf 16.21Мб
2016 Two-tube multiplex real-time reverse transcription PCR to detect six human coronaviruses.pdf 219.67Кб
2016 Two-way antigenic cross-reactivity between porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 626.90Кб
2016 Understanding bat SARS-like coronaviruses for the preparation of future coronavirus outbreaks - Implications for co.pdf 299.22Кб
2016 Update on Human Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections.pdf 294.19Кб
2016 Use of the Human Coronavirus 2012 (MERS) GeneSig kit for MERS-CoV detection.pdf 228.40Кб
2016 Vaccines against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus for humans and camels.pdf 174.31Кб
2016 Vaccines for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and other Swine Coronaviruses.pdf 607.45Кб
2016 Ventilation of general hospital wards for mitigating infection risks of three kinds of viruses including Middle Eas.pdf 1.81Мб
2016 Viral Load Kinetics of MERS Coronavirus Infection.pdf 148.09Кб
2016 Viral RNA in Blood as Indicator of Severe Outcome in Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.28Мб
2016 Virulence factors in porcine coronaviruses and vaccine design.pdf 1012.34Кб
2017 _i_In Situ__i__ Tagged nsp15 Reveals Interactions with Coronavirus Replication_Transcription Complex-A.pdf 2.89Мб
2017 _i_ORF3a__i__ deletion in field strains of porcine-transmissible gastroenteritis virus in China_ A hin.pdf 914.25Кб
2017 _Your Health Essential for Your Hajj__ Muslim pilgrims_ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding Middle East re.pdf 395.77Кб
2017 [Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology] __ Host Factors in Coronavirus Replication.pdf 624.92Кб
2017 [Global Health Diplomacy] Pathways to Global Health Volume 5 (Case Studies in Global Health Diplomacy(Volume 2)) __.pdf 688.52Кб
2017 [Methods in Molecular Biology] Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses Volume 1602 __ Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for.pdf 1.00Мб
2017 [Methods in Molecular Biology] Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses Volume 1602 __ Reverse Genetics System for the Avian.pdf 603.03Кб
2017 A25_Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleocapsid and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase fragments of the first imported case.pdf 35.14Кб
2017 A47_Origin and possible genetic recombination of the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus from the first im.pdf 66.12Кб
2017 A cross-sectional quantitative RT-PCR study of feline coronavirus viremia and replication in peripheral blood of he.pdf 594.69Кб
2017 Activation of the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase pathway by coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus promotes apoptosis i.pdf 1.42Мб
2017 Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy after Coronavirus Infection with Recurrent Rash.pdf 1.88Мб
2017 Alisporivir inhibits MERS- and SARS-coronavirus replication in cell culture, but not SARS-coronavirus infection in.pdf 1.62Мб
2017 Allelic Variation in the Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein_ _i_Ticam2__i__ Contributes t.pdf 1.63Мб
2017 A New Bat-HKU2_like Coronavirus in Swine, China, 2017.pdf 427.78Кб
2017 An Opportunistic Pathogen Afforded Ample Opportunities_ Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 408.69Кб
2017 A novel strain of porcine deltacoronavirus in Vietnam.pdf 1.16Мб
2017 Antibody-dependent enhancement of serotype II feline enteric coronavirus infection in primary feline monocytes.pdf 862.68Кб
2017 Antibody response to equine coronavirus in horses inoculated with a bovine coronavirus vaccine.pdf 714.03Кб
2017 Antiviral Effects of a Probiotic Metabolic Products against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus.pdf 786.01Кб
2017 Antiviral gets the jump on coronaviruses.pdf 1.11Мб
2017 A pandemic risk assessment of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Saudi Arabia.pdf 1.01Мб
2017 A reverse genetics system for avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus based on targeted RNA recombination.pdf 1.55Мб
2017 A simple and rapid identification method for newly emerged porcine Deltacoronavirus with loop-mediated isothermal a.pdf 1.15Мб
2017 Assessing the Detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus IgG in Suspected and Proven Cases of Middle.pdf 102.51Кб
2017 Bats and Human Health (Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond) __ BATS AND CORONAVIRUSES.pdf 152.37Кб
2017 Betacoronavirus Adaptation to Humans Involved Progressive Loss of Hemagglutinin-Esterase Lectin Activity.pdf 3.42Мб
2017 Binding of the Methyl Donor_ _i_S__i__ -Adenosyl-l-Methionine to Middle East Respiratory.pdf 4.01Мб
2017 Biopolymeric nano_microspheres for selective and reversible adsorption of coronaviruses.pdf 1.34Мб
2017 Brazilian strain of bovine respiratory coronavirus is derived from dual enteric and respiratory tropism.pdf 503.75Кб
2017 Broad-spectrum Investigational Agent GS-5734 for the Treatment of Ebola, MERS Coronavirus and Other Pathogenic Vira.pdf 267.23Кб
2017 Calves are susceptible to infection with the newly emerged porcine deltacoronavirus, but not with the swine enteric.pdf 1.69Мб
2017 Caract_ristiques microbiologiques et cliniques des patients hospitalis_s pour suspicion d_infection _ Middle East R.pdf 342.67Кб
2017 Case characteristics among Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak and non-outbreak cases in Saudi Ar.pdf 1.03Мб
2017 Clinical and Epidemiologic Characteristics of Spreaders of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus during the.pdf 559.27Кб
2017 Clinical Significance of Human Coronavirus in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples From Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Rec.pdf 636.55Кб
2017 Clinical validation of 3 commercial real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assays for the detect.pdf 196.26Кб
2017 Comparative epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Saudi Arabia and South Korea.pdf 973.26Кб
2017 Comparative pathology of rhesus macaque and common marmoset animal models with Middle East respiratory syndrome cor.pdf 3.00Мб
2017 Comparison of mono- and co-infection by swine influenza A viruses and porcine respiratory coronavirus in porcine pr.pdf 1.57Мб
2017 Complete Genome Characterization of Chinese Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CHN_Tianjin_2016.pdf 108.45Кб
2017 Complete Genome Characterization of Novel Chinese Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain SD.pdf 108.75Кб
2017 Complete Genome Characterization of the Porcine Deltacoronavirus HKD_JPN_2016, Isolated in Japan, 2016.pdf 114.79Кб
2017 Complete Genome of_ _i_Avian coronavirus__i__ Vaccine Strains Ma5 and BR-I.pdf 118.18Кб
2017 Complete Genome Sequence of Human Coronavirus Strain 229E Isolated from Plasma Collected from a Haitian Child in 20.pdf 144.78Кб
2017 Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CH_JXJGS01_2016, Isolated in Jiangxi Province, China, 2.pdf 113.87Кб
2017 Complete Genome Sequences of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strains DH1_2016 and DH2_2016 Isolated in South Korea.pdf 112.13Кб
2017 Computational modeling of the bat HKU4 coronavirus 3CL_ _sup_pro__sup__ inhibitors as a t.pdf 916.42Кб
2017 Coronavirus and paramyxovirus in bats from Northwest Italy.pdf 941.71Кб
2017 Coronaviruses and arteriviruses display striking differences in their cyclophilin A-dependence during replication i.pdf 978.91Кб
2017 Coronavirus HKU15 in respiratory tract of pigs and first discovery of coronavirus quasispecies in 5_-untranslated r.pdf 1.11Мб
2017 Coronavirus Infection in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients.pdf 277.09Кб
2017 Coronavirus infections in horses in Saudi Arabia and Oman.pdf 1.02Мб
2017 Coronavirus nonstructural protein 15 mediates evasion of dsRNA sensors and limits apoptosis in macrophages.pdf 1.98Мб
2017 Coronavirus nucleocapsid proteins assemble constitutively in high molecular oligomers.pdf 1.90Мб
2017 Correction for Zhang et al_, _Complete Genome Sequence of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strain CH_JXJGS01_2016, Isolated.pdf 90.39Кб
2017 Correction to_ Simultaneous detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome, and r.pdf 515.37Кб
2017 Cross-neutralization of SARS coronavirus-specific antibodies against bat SARS-like coronaviruses.pdf 453.51Кб
2017 Cryo-EM structure of porcine delta coronavirus spike protein in the pre-fusion state.pdf 4.58Мб
2017 Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of the spike glycoprotein of human betacoronavirus HKU1.pdf 1.51Мб
2017 Cytoplasmic tail of coronavirus spike protein has intracellular targeting signals.pdf 13.85Мб
2017 D-107 Structure and Stabilization of Coronavirus Spike Proteins in the Prefusion Conformation.pdf 2.69Мб
2017 Detec__o de coronav_rus em amostras de fezes diarreicas de b_falos ( Bubalus bubalis ) criados no Estado de S_o Pau.pdf 740.25Кб
2017 Detection of alpha- and betacoronaviruses in rodents from Yunnan, China.pdf 1.46Мб
2017 Detection of Alphacoronavirus vRNA in the Feces of Brazilian Free-Tailed Bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) from a Colony.pdf 1.43Мб
2017 Detection of Bovine Coronavirus in Healthy and Diarrheic Dairy Calves.pdf 475.42Кб
2017 Detection of pancoronavirus using PCR inCamelus dromedariusin Iran (first report).pdf 267.77Кб
2017 Detection of potentially novel paramyxovirus and coronavirus viral RNA in bats and rats in the Mekong Delta region.pdf 343.52Кб
2017 Determination of Ferret Enteric Coronavirus Genome in Laboratory Ferrets.pdf 458.86Кб
2017 Development and application of a recombinant M protein-based indirect ELISA for the detection of porcine deltacoron.pdf 484.80Кб
2017 Development of Different Animal Models for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection.pdf 58.43Кб
2017 Development of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Vaccines _ Advances and Challenges.pdf 772.03Кб
2017 Differential Cell Count and CRP Level in Blood as Predictors for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infec.pdf 260.35Кб
2017 Discovery and genetic analysis of novel coronaviruses in least horseshoe bats in southwestern China.pdf 2.57Мб
2017 Discovery of a highly divergent coronavirus in the Asian house shrew from China illuminates the origin of the alpha.pdf 3.80Мб
2017 Discovery of a novel canine respiratory coronavirus support genetic recombination among betacoronavirus1.pdf 1.22Мб
2017 Discovery of a novel swine enteric alphacoronavirus (SeACoV) in southern China.pdf 569.08Кб
2017 Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coron.pdf 11.06Мб
2017 Discrepancies between feline coronavirus antibody and nucleic acid detection in effusions of cats with suspected fe.pdf 222.81Кб
2017 Disulfiram can inhibit MERS and SARS coronavirus papain-like proteases via different modes.pdf 2.77Мб
2017 Diversity of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviruses in 109 dromedary camels based on full-genome sequencing.pdf 2.50Мб
2017 DNA vaccine encoding Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus S1 protein induces protective immune responses in.pdf 1.08Мб
2017 Efficacy of antibody-based therapies against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in common marm.pdf 1.12Мб
2017 Electron microscopy studies of the coronavirus ribonucleoprotein complex.pdf 2.39Мб
2017 Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases of Livestock __ Coronaviridae_ Infectious Bronchitis Virus.pdf 1.04Мб
2017 Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases of Livestock __ Equine Coronavirus Infection.pdf 740.29Кб
2017 Emerging Developments on Pathogenicity, Molecular Virulence, Epidemiology and Clinical Symptoms of Current Middle E.pdf 917.89Кб
2017 Entry of human coronavirus NL63 to the cell_.pdf 5.74Мб
2017 Epidemic and Emerging Coronaviruses (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).pdf 609.69Кб
2017 Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus and Bocavirus Respiratory Infections after Allogeneic S.pdf 853.46Кб
2017 Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Iran.pdf 721.51Кб
2017 Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of human coronaviruses OC43, 229E, NL63, and HKU1_ a study of hospitalize.pdf 858.98Кб
2017 Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Human Coronaviruses in the Pediatric Population.pdf 304.71Кб
2017 Epigenetic Landscape during Coronavirus Infection.pdf 2.13Мб
2017 Establishment and Application of a Universal Coronavirus Screening Method Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry.pdf 889.13Кб
2017 Estimation of basic reproduction number of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) during the o.pdf 1.42Мб
2017 Evaluation and Clinical Validation of Two Field-deployable Reverse Transcription-Insulated Isothermal PCR Assays fo.pdf 1.21Мб
2017 Evaluation of polyphenols from_ _i_Broussonetia papyrifera__i__ as coronavirus protease i.pdf 1.54Мб
2017 Evaluation of the effect of serum antibody abundance against bovine coronavirus on bovine coronavirus shedding and.pdf 944.61Кб
2017 Expression and Cleavage of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp3-4 Polyprotein Induce the Formation of.pdf 4.79Мб
2017 Extensive diversity of coronaviruses in bats from China.pdf 3.55Мб
2017 Fatality risks for nosocomial outbreaks of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Middle East and Sout.pdf 445.02Кб
2017 Feed additives decrease survival of delta coronavirus in nursery pig diets.pdf 522.65Кб
2017 Fenner_s Veterinary Virology __ Coronaviridae.pdf 2.64Мб
2017 Fenner and White_s Medical Virology __ Coronaviruses.pdf 2.96Мб
2017 First Complete Genome Sequence of a French_ _i_Bovine coronavirus__i__ Strain.pdf 115.56Кб
2017 First Confirmed Case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in the Kingdom of Bahrain_ In a Saud.pdf 1.63Мб
2017 Further Evidence for Bats as the Evolutionary Source of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 2.35Мб
2017 Genetic Characteristics of Coronaviruses from Korean Bats in 2016.pdf 859.88Кб
2017 Genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats in Lao PDR and Cambodia.pdf 1.05Мб
2017 Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases __ Evolution of SARS Coronavirus and the Relevance of Modern Molecula.pdf 1.31Мб
2017 Genetic variability of the S1 subunit of enteric and respiratory bovine coronavirus isolates.pdf 710.39Кб
2017 Genome Sequencing and Analysis of a Porcine Delta Coronavirus from Eastern China.pdf 1.02Мб
2017 Genome-wide analysis of codon usage bias in Bovine Coronavirus.pdf 429.79Кб
2017 Global patterns in coronavirus diversity.pdf 55.05Кб
2017 Glycan shield and fusion activation of a deltacoronavirus spike glycoprotein fine-tuned for enteric infections.pdf 7.64Мб
2017 Hematologic, hepatic, and renal function changes in hospitalized patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome cor.pdf 179.99Кб
2017 High Prevalence of Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus in Young Dromedary Camels in Jordan.pdf 219.98Кб
2017 High reproduction number of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in nosocomial outbreaks_ Mathematical mode.pdf 451.72Кб
2017 Human Coronavirus (HCoV) Infection Among Adults in Cleveland, Ohio_ An Increasingly Recognized Respiratory Pathogen.pdf 438.46Кб
2017 Human Coronavirus Circulation in the USA, 2014_2017.pdf 587.66Кб
2017 Human Coronavirus-HKU1 Infection Among Adults in Cleveland, Ohio.pdf 298.36Кб
2017 Human Coronavirus in the 2014 Winter Season as a Cause of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection.pdf 634.79Кб
2017 Human intestinal tract serves as an alternative infection route for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 14.15Мб
2017 Identification and evaluation of potent Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) 3CL Pro inhibitors.pdf 1.36Мб
2017 Identification and evolutionary dynamics of two novel human coronavirus OC43 genotypes associated with acute respir.pdf 1.92Мб
2017 Identification of Alpha and Beta Coronavirus in Wildlife Species in France_ Bats, Rodents, Rabbits, and Hedgehogs.pdf 7.02Мб
2017 Identification of a Novel Inhibitor against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 8.86Мб
2017 Identification of residues controlling restriction versus enhancing activities of IFITM proteins on the entry of hu.pdf 3.03Мб
2017 Identification of sialic acid-binding function for the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike glycoprot.pdf 2.10Мб
2017 Identified Transmission Dynamics of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection During an Outbreak_ Impl.pdf 1.00Мб
2017 IL-10 expression in pyramidal neurons after neuropathogenic coronaviral infection.pdf 4.33Мб
2017 IL-22 suppresses the infection of porcine enteric coronaviruses and rotavirus by activating STAT3 signal pathway.pdf 1.70Мб
2017 Impact of Respiratory Virus Infection before Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) on Post-Transplant Outcomes i.pdf 85.05Кб
2017 Inactivation of Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus in human plasma using amotosalen and ultraviolet A lig.pdf 275.04Кб
2017 Infection of porcine precision cut intestinal slices by transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus demonstrates the.pdf 514.60Кб
2017 Infectivity of an Asymptomatic Patient With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 83.54Кб
2017 Influenza is more common than Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) among hospitalized adult Saud.pdf 1.00Мб
2017 Influenza virus but not MERS coronavirus circulation in Iran, 2013_2016_ Comparison between pilgrims and general po.pdf 1.03Мб
2017 Inhibition of cytosolic phospholipase A2_ impairs an early step of coronavirus replication in cell culture.pdf 8.39Мб
2017 Interpatient mutational spectrum of human coronavirus-OC43 revealed by illumina sequencing.pdf 747.71Кб
2017 Isolation and identification of human coronavirus 229E from frequently touched environmental surfaces of a universi.pdf 298.77Кб
2017 Jumping species_a mechanism for coronavirus persistence and survival.pdf 1.18Мб
2017 Limitations of using feline coronavirus spike protein gene mutations to diagnose feline infectious peritonitis.pdf 1.02Мб
2017 Lineage A Betacoronavirus NS2 Proteins and the Homologous Torovirus Berne pp1a Carboxy-Terminal Domain Are Phosphod.pdf 2.87Мб
2017 Lipidation increases antiviral activities of coronavirus fusion-inhibiting peptides.pdf 1.09Мб
2017 Livestock Susceptibility to Infection with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 3.52Мб
2017 Longitudinal study of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infection in dromedary camel herds in Saudi Arab.pdf 816.89Кб
2017 MERS, SARS and other coronaviruses as causes of pneumonia.pdf 204.56Кб
2017 MERS-coronavirus_ From discovery to intervention.pdf 441.24Кб
2017 MERS coronavirus nsp1 participates in an efficient propagation through a specific interaction with viral RNA.pdf 1.29Мб
2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome_ Emergence of a Pathogenic Human Coronavirus.pdf 566.89Кб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus_ Putting one health principles into practice_.pdf 145.52Кб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus and dromedaries.pdf 490.63Кб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ five years later.pdf 1.20Мб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.pdf 557.79Кб
2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Outbreak and National and Hospital Response in Korea.pdf 69.04Кб
2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Children.pdf 262.41Кб
2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Pulmonary Tuberculosis Coinfection_ Implications for Infection Con.pdf 90.11Кб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus experimental transmission using a pig model.pdf 592.26Кб
2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 16 Is Necessary for Interferon Resistance and Vi.pdf 1.89Мб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus transmission among health care workers_ Implication for infection cont.pdf 215.31Кб
2017 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccines_ current status and novel approaches.pdf 575.00Кб
2017 Molecular and phylogenetic characterization of bovine coronavirus virus isolated from dairy cattle in Central Regio.pdf 456.56Кб
2017 Molecular Characterization of Canine Parvovirus and Canine Enteric Coronavirus in Diarrheic Dogs on the Island of S.pdf 727.09Кб
2017 Molecular Evolution of MERS Coronavirus_ Dromedaries as a Recent Intermediate Host or Long-Time Animal Reservoir_.pdf 5.79Мб
2017 Molecular stability of a vaccine strain of Canine coronavirus after serial passages in A72 cells.pdf 145.72Кб
2017 Mouse-adapted MERS coronavirus causes lethal lung disease in human DPP4 knockin mice.pdf 2.12Мб
2017 Murine Olfactory Bulb Interneurons Survive Infection with a Neurotropic Coronavirus.pdf 1.17Мб
2017 Myeloablation-associated deletion of ORF4 in a human coronavirus 229E infection.pdf 653.21Кб
2017 Nanoparticulate vacuolar ATPase blocker exhibits potent host-targeted antiviral activity against feline coronavirus.pdf 1.69Мб
2017 Neural precursor cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells exhibit reduced susceptibility to infection with.pdf 1.01Мб
2017 Neurovirulent Murine Coronavirus JHM_SD Uses Cellular Zinc Metalloproteases for Virus Entry and Cell-Cell Fusion.pdf 3.45Мб
2017 New episode of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus outbreak in Saudi Arabia_ an emerging public health thr.pdf 388.37Кб
2017 Nosocomial amplification of MERS-coronavirus in South Korea, 2015.pdf 611.20Кб
2017 Novel Alphacoronaviruses and Paramyxoviruses co-circulate with Type 1 and SARS-related Betacoronaviruses in synanth.pdf 1.38Мб
2017 Novel coronaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses and circoviruses in insectivorous bats from northern China.pdf 884.38Кб
2017 Nursery pig growth performance and tissue accretion modulation due to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus or porcine de.pdf 362.39Кб
2017 Origins and pathogenesis of Middle East respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus_ recent advances.pdf 822.58Кб
2017 Outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Saudi Arabian experience.pdf 182.54Кб
2017 Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Causes High Fatality After Cardiac Operations.pdf 951.29Кб
2017 Outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Saudi Arabia_ a retrospective study.pdf 601.85Кб
2017 Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina.pdf 1023.33Кб
2017 Pathogenic human coronavirus infections_ causes and consequences of cytokine storm and immunopathology.pdf 1.07Мб
2017 Patterns of Human Respiratory Viruses and Lack of MERS-Coronavirus in Patients with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract I.pdf 1.51Мб
2017 PCR Array Profiling of Antiviral Genes in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells Expressing Human Coronavirus OC43 Structural.pdf 468.67Кб
2017 Performance Evaluation of the PowerChek MERS (upE _ ORF1a) Real-Time PCR Kit for the Detection of Middle East Respi.pdf 195.09Кб
2017 Permissivity of DPP4 Orthologs to MERS-Coronavirus is Governed by Glycosylation and Other Complex Determinants.pdf 4.78Мб
2017 Persistent infections support maintenance of a coronavirus in a population of Australian bats (Myotis macropus).pdf 216.57Кб
2017 Persistent or long-term coronavirus infection in Australian bats.pdf 414.13Кб
2017 Porcine Deltacoronavirus Nsp5 Antagonizes Type I Interferon Signaling by Cleaving STAT2.pdf 6.91Мб
2017 Porcine deltacoronavirus nsp5 inhibits interferon-_ production through the cleavage of NEMO.pdf 1.17Мб
2017 Porcine Deltacoronavirus Outbreaks in the World.pdf 268.38Кб
2017 Prevalence, complete genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus in South Korea, 2014-2.pdf 621.93Кб
2017 Prevalence and genetic diversity analysis of human coronaviruses among cross-border children.pdf 1.53Мб
2017 Prevalence and genetic diversity of coronaviruses in wild birds, Finland.pdf 1.40Мб
2017 Prevalence of Fecal Shedding of Equine Coronavirus in Hospitalized Horses.pdf 83.84Кб
2017 Progress of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccines_ a patent review.pdf 1.07Мб
2017 Prolonged Shedding of Human Coronavirus in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients_ Risk Factors and Viral Genome.pdf 208.61Кб
2017 Proofreading-Deficient Coronaviruses Adapt for Increased Fitness over Long-Term Passage without Reversion of Exorib.pdf 4.06Мб
2017 Protective Humoral Immunity in the CNS Requires Peripheral CD19-Dependent Germinal Center Formation Following Coron.pdf 3.26Мб
2017 Public health risk and transmission route of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)_ MERS coronavirus in dromedary.pdf 698.94Кб
2017 Re_ _Assessing the Detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus IgG in Suspected and Proven Cases of M.pdf 30.66Кб
2017 Reactivity of anti-PEDV structural protein antibodies to porcine enteric coronaviruses_ diagnostic implications.pdf 2.26Мб
2017 Receptor-binding loops in alphacoronavirus adaptation and evolution.pdf 1.35Мб
2017 Research needed to prevent MERS coronavirus outbreaks.pdf 113.07Кб
2017 Retrospective, epidemiological cluster analysis of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epid.pdf 249.38Кб
2017 Retrospective investigation and evolutionary analysis of a novel porcine deltacoronavirus strain detected in Thaila.pdf 659.05Кб
2017 Reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of feline coronavirus.pdf 391.24Кб
2017 Role of the inflammasome-related cytokines Il-1 and Il-18 during infection with murine coronavirus.pdf 960.46Кб
2017 SARS coronavirus papain-like protease up-regulates the collagen expression through non-Samd TGF-_1 signaling.pdf 1.78Мб
2017 SARS-Unique Fold in the_ _i_Rousettus__i__ Bat Coronavirus HKU9.pdf 1.49Мб
2017 Searching for animal models and potential target species for emerging pathogens_ Experience gained from Middle East.pdf 748.32Кб
2017 Seasonal Fluctuations of Astrovirus, But Not Coronavirus Shedding in Bats Inhabiting Human-Modified Tropical Forest.pdf 477.39Кб
2017 Sensitivity and specificity of a real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction detecting feline coronav.pdf 706.36Кб
2017 Serological evidence of coronavirus infections in native hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) of the Kingd.pdf 159.81Кб
2017 Serologic responses of 42 MERS-coronavirus-infected patients according to the disease severity.pdf 694.86Кб
2017 Seroprevalence and risk factors for infection with equine coronavirus in healthy horses in the USA.pdf 475.27Кб
2017 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors For Infection With Equine Coronavirus in Healthy Horses in the USA.pdf 42.72Кб
2017 Sex-Based Differences in Susceptibility to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.93Мб
2017 Simultaneous detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome, and related bat coro.pdf 687.72Кб
2017 Spatial modelling of contribution of individual level risk factors for mortality from Middle East respiratory syndr.pdf 5.44Мб
2017 Structural and functional conservation of cis -acting RNA elements in coronavirus 5_-terminal genome regions.pdf 1.28Мб
2017 Structural and molecular basis of mismatch correction and ribavirin excision from coronavirus RNA.pdf 2.13Мб
2017 Structural and Molecular Evidence Suggesting Coronavirus-driven Evolution of Mouse Receptor.pdf 3.03Мб
2017 Structural insights into the interaction of coronavirus papain-like proteases and interferon-stimulated gene produc.pdf 2.77Мб
2017 Structural insights into the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus 4a protein and its dsRNA binding mechanis.pdf 4.26Мб
2017 Structure of the S1 subunit C-terminal domain from bat-derived coronavirus HKU5 spike protein.pdf 2.83Мб
2017 Surveillance and Testing for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, Saudi Arabia, April 2015_February 2016.pdf 458.92Кб
2017 Surveillance of Bat Coronaviruses in Kenya Identifies Relatives of Human Coronaviruses NL63 and 229E and Their Reco.pdf 608.39Кб
2017 Survival of aerosolized coronavirus in the ambient air.pdf 387.87Кб
2017 Systematic, active surveillance for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in camels in Egypt.pdf 1.83Мб
2017 Systemic Corticosteroid Therapy May Delay Viral Clearance in Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronav.pdf 92.17Кб
2017 Targeting Coronaviral Replication and Cellular JAK2 Mediated Dominant NF-_B Activation for Comprehensive and Ultima.pdf 5.53Мб
2017 The cholesterol transport inhibitor U18666A inhibits type I feline coronavirus infection.pdf 1.87Мб
2017 The coronavirus nucleocapsid protein is ADP-ribosylated.pdf 715.88Кб
2017 The detection and phylogenetic analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus from Guangdong Province in Southern China.pdf 945.56Кб
2017 The First Infant Death Associated With Human Coronavirus NL63 Infection.pdf 254.14Кб
2017 The French Infectious Diseases Society_s readiness and response to epidemic or biological risk_the current situatio.pdf 896.69Кб
2017 The genetic diversity and complete genome analysis of two novel porcine deltacoronavirus isolates in Thailand in 20.pdf 1.33Мб
2017 The impact of co-infection of influenza A virus on the severity of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 479.14Кб
2017 The persistent prevalence and evolution of cross-family recombinant coronavirus GCCDC1 among a bat population_ a tw.pdf 1.42Мб
2017 The recombinant N-terminal domain of spike proteins is a potential vaccine against Middle East respiratory syndrome.pdf 3.28Мб
2017 The role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling in SARS coronavirus-induced pulmonary fibrosis.pdf 2.64Мб
2017 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Inhibits Type I Interferon Production by Interfering.pdf 5.95Мб
2017 The tetraspanin CD9 facilitates MERS-coronavirus entry by scaffolding host cell receptors and proteases.pdf 4.19Мб
2017 Tissue Distribution of the MERS-Coronavirus Receptor in Bats.pdf 2.44Мб
2017 TMPRSS2_ A potential target for treatment of influenza virus and coronavirus infections.pdf 2.10Мб
2017 Transgene expression in the genome of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus based on a novel reverse genetic.pdf 1.36Мб
2017 Two-amino acids change in the nsp4 of SARS coronavirus abolishes viral replication.pdf 1.43Мб
2017 Two deletion variants of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus found in a patient with characteristic sympto.pdf 1.00Мб
2017 Update on therapeutic options for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 649.71Кб
2017 Vaccines for Emerging Infectious Diseases_ lessons from MERS coronavirus and Zika virus.pdf 1.16Мб
2017 Viral-induced suppression of self-reactive T cells_ Lessons from neurotropic coronavirus-induced demyelination.pdf 653.49Кб
2017 Viral metagenomics, protein structure, and reverse genetics_ Key strategies for investigating coronaviruses.pdf 697.24Кб
2017 Virucidal Activity of World Health Organization_Recommended Formulations Against Enveloped Viruses, Including Zika,.pdf 1.08Мб
2017 Viruses __ Family Coronaviridae.pdf 1.87Мб
2017 Wild-type human coronaviruses prefer cell-surface TMPRSS2 to endosomal cathepsins for cell entry.pdf 784.97Кб
2017 X-ray Structure and Enzymatic Activity Profile of a Core Papain-like Protease of MERS Coronavirus with utility for.pdf 1.22Мб
2017 Zoonotic origin and transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the UAE.pdf 1.49Мб
2018 [Advances in Virus Research] Volume 100 __ Hosts and Sources of Endemic Human Coronaviruses.pdf 1.11Мб
2018 1583_ The Utility of the Immunodeficiency Scoring Index (ISI) to Predict Outcomes of Coronavirus (HCoV) Infections.pdf 418.75Кб
2018 634_ Transcriptional Stimulation of Antiviral Response Components by the Structural and Accessory_ _i_.pdf 327.48Кб
2018 739_ Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Profile in Qatar_ A 7-Year Retrospective Study.pdf 329.07Кб
2018 Accessory proteins 8b and 8ab of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus suppress the interferon signaling pa.pdf 1.10Мб
2018 Activation of Viruses by Host Proteases __ Priming Time_ How Cellular Proteases Arm Coronavirus Spike Proteins.pdf 714.33Кб
2018 Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Microbiology (Volume 2_ Applications) __ The Human Coronaviruses.pdf 324.91Кб
2018 A fast and simple one-step duplex PCR assay for canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine coronavirus (CCoV) detectio.pdf 912.49Кб
2018 A Highly Pathogenic Strain of Porcine Deltacoronavirus Caused Watery Diarrhea in Newborn Piglets.pdf 7.90Мб
2018 A long-term animal experiment indicating persistent infection of bovine coronavirus in cattle.pdf 226.00Кб
2018 A Mini Review of the Zoonotic Threat Potential of Influenza Viruses, Coronaviruses, Adenoviruses, and Enteroviruses.pdf 1.15Мб
2018 An _Old_ protein with a new story_ Coronavirus endoribonuclease is important for evading host antiviral defenses.pdf 653.57Кб
2018 A novel human coronavirus OC43 genotype detected in mainland China.pdf 394.46Кб
2018 A Novel Nanobody Targeting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Receptor-Binding Domain Has Pote.pdf 4.76Мб
2018 A rapid scoping review of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in animal hosts.pdf 615.66Кб
2018 A Rare Case of Human Coronavirus 229E Associated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Healthy Adult.pdf 2.19Мб
2018 A spike-modified Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infectious clone elicits mild respiratory.pdf 2.37Мб
2018 Asymptomatic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection_ Extent and implications for infecti.pdf 482.36Кб
2018 Attenuation of replication by a 29 nucleotide deletion in SARS-coronavirus acquired during the early stages of huma.pdf 3.00Мб
2018 Avian coronavirus isolated from a pigeon sample induced clinical disease, tracheal ciliostasis, and a high humoral.pdf 668.27Кб
2018 Bat-Origin Coronaviruses Expand Their Host Range to Pigs.pdf 1.63Мб
2018 Bats, Coronaviruses, and Deforestation_ Toward the Emergence of Novel Infectious Diseases_.pdf 1.17Мб
2018 Bioinformatics_ Sequences, Structures, Phylogeny __ Advanced In Silico Tools for Designing of Antigenic Epitope as.pdf 958.24Кб
2018 Bovine-like coronaviruses in domestic and wild ruminants.pdf 359.87Кб
2018 Br_ve _ Coronavirus _ retour par la Chine.pdf 438.21Кб
2018 Broad receptor engagement of an emerging global coronavirus may potentiate its diverse cross-species transmissibili.pdf 1.78Мб
2018 Burden and Risk Factors for Coronavirus Infections in Infants in Rural Nepal.pdf 188.63Кб
2018 Canine respiratory coronavirus employs caveolin-1-mediated pathway for internalization to HRT-18G cells.pdf 3.72Мб
2018 Case Report of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Infection Associated with Small Intestine and Brain Lesion.pdf 200.89Кб
2018 CD8+ T Cells Responding to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Delivered by Vacci.pdf 1.98Мб
2018 Cell Tropism of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Experimentally Infected Dromedaries.pdf 57.38Кб
2018 Cellular localisation of the proteins of region 3 of feline enteric coronavirus.pdf 4.04Мб
2018 Challenges of convalescent plasma infusion therapy in Middle East respiratory coronavirus infection_ a single centr.pdf 630.06Кб
2018 Chaperna-Mediated Assembly of Ferritin-Based Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Nanoparticles.pdf 8.94Мб
2018 Characteristics and Outcomes of Coronavirus Infection in Children_ The Role of Viral Factors and an Immunocompromis.pdf 313.55Кб
2018 Chemokine CXCL10 and Coronavirus-Induced Neurologic Disease.pdf 873.96Кб
2018 Chiral zirconium quantum dots_ A new class of nanocrystals for optical detection of coronavirus.pdf 2.41Мб
2018 Cholesterol is important for the entry process of porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 3.11Мб
2018 Circulation and Genetic Diversity of Feline Coronavirus Type I and II From Clinically Healthy and FIP-Suspected Cat.pdf 1.03Мб
2018 Circulation of Alphacoronavirus , Betacoronavirus and Paramyxovirus in Hipposideros bat species in Zimbabwe.pdf 861.92Кб
2018 Clinical implication of radiographic scores in acute Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus pneumonia_ Report.pdf 2.66Мб
2018 Clinical management of respiratory syndrome in patients hospitalized for suspected Middle East respiratory syndrome.pdf 827.55Кб
2018 Co-localization of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 in the respir.pdf 1.64Мб
2018 Combination attenuation offers strategy for live-attenuated coronavirus vaccines.pdf 4.64Мб
2018 Complement Activation Contributes to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathogenesis.pdf 3.60Мб
2018 Complemented Palindromic Small RNAs First Discovered from SARS Coronavirus.pdf 1.53Мб
2018 Complete Genome Sequence of_ _i_Avian Coronavirus__i__ Strain D274.pdf 113.43Кб
2018 Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus, CH_FJWT_2018, Isolated in Fujian, Ch.pdf 109.00Кб
2018 Complete Genome Sequences of Four Bovine Coronavirus Isolates from Pennsylvania.pdf 130.32Кб
2018 Complete Genome Sequences of Four Novel Human Coronavirus OC43 Isolates Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory In.pdf 114.93Кб
2018 Complete Genome Sequences of Two Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strains, CHN-GD16-03 and CHN-GD16-05, Isolated in Souther.pdf 115.41Кб
2018 Contribution of porcine aminopeptidase N to porcine deltacoronavirus infection.pdf 3.53Мб
2018 Coronavirus and Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction.pdf 134.12Кб
2018 Coronaviruses in guano from_ _i_Pteropus medius__i__ bats in Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.pdf 541.83Кб
2018 Coronavirus infection retards the development of the cortico-medullary capillary network in the bursa of Fabricius.pdf 3.78Мб
2018 Coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus non-structural proteins 8 and 12 form stable complex independent of the non.pdf 837.43Кб
2018 Coronavirus Susceptibility to the Antiviral Remdesivir (GS-5734) Is Mediated by the Viral Polymerase and the Proofr.pdf 3.37Мб
2018 Coronavirus TGEV Evades the Type I Interferon Response through IRE1_-Mediated Manipulation of the miR-30a-5p_SOCS1_.pdf 6.32Мб
2018 Could human coronavirus OC43 have co-evolved with early humans_.pdf 1.21Мб
2018 Countrywide Survey for MERS-Coronavirus Antibodies in Dromedaries and Humans in Pakistan.pdf 926.88Кб
2018 Cryo-EM structure of infectious bronchitis coronavirus spike protein reveals structural and functional evolution of.pdf 1.67Мб
2018 Cryo-EM structure of the SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein in complex with its host cell receptor ACE2.pdf 13.93Мб
2018 Crystal structure of the post-fusion core of the_ _i_Human coronavirus 229E__i__ spike pr.pdf 1.86Мб
2018 Current understanding of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in human and animal models.pdf 1.69Мб
2018 Dairy calf rearing unit and infectious diseases_ diarrhea outbreak by bovine coronavirus as a model for the dispers.pdf 346.00Кб
2018 Definitive diagnosis in suspected Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus cases.pdf 164.24Кб
2018 Description and initial characterization of metatranscriptomic nidovirus-like genomes from the proposed new family.pdf 3.18Мб
2018 Detection, sequence analysis, and antibody prevalence of porcine deltacoronavirus in Taiwan.pdf 1.19Мб
2018 Detection and characterisation of coronaviruses in migratory and non-migratory Australian wild birds.pdf 3.76Мб
2018 Detection and Characterization of Distinct Alphacoronaviruses in Five Different Bat Species in Denmark.pdf 3.28Мб
2018 Detection and genetic characterization of porcine_ _i_deltacoronavirus__i__ in Tibetan pi.pdf 852.58Кб
2018 Detection of bovine coronavirus in nasal swab of non-captive wild water deer, Korea.pdf 799.41Кб
2018 Detection of distinct MERS-Coronavirus strains in dromedary camels from Kenya, 2017.pdf 995.11Кб
2018 Detection of equine coronavirus in horses in the United Kingdom.pdf 107.86Кб
2018 Detection of feline Coronavirus in effusions of cats with and without feline infectious peritonitis using loop-medi.pdf 1.45Мб
2018 Detection of feline coronavirus mutations in paraffin-embedded tissues in cats with feline infectious peritonitis a.pdf 176.21Кб
2018 Development of a Conventional RT-PCR Assay for Rapid Detection of Porcine Deltacoronavirus with the Same Detection.pdf 1.39Мб
2018 Development of a one-step RT-PCR assay for detection of pancoronaviruses (_-, _-, _-, and _-coronaviruses) using ne.pdf 591.73Кб
2018 Development of a real time reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification method (RT-LAMP) for detect.pdf 360.66Кб
2018 Development of a risk-prediction model for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in dialysis patie.pdf 227.48Кб
2018 Development of fluorescent reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) using quenching p.pdf 377.00Кб
2018 Differential induction of type I interferon by type I and type II feline coronaviruses in vitro.pdf 946.38Кб
2018 Differential susceptibility of macrophages to serotype II feline coronaviruses correlates with differences in the v.pdf 647.61Кб
2018 Dimerization of Coronavirus nsp9 with Diverse Modes Enhances Its Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity.pdf 3.65Мб
2018 Discovery and sequence analysis of four deltacoronaviruses from birds in the Middle East suggest interspecies jumpi.pdf 4.69Мб
2018 Discovery of Hydrocarbon-Stapled Short _-Helical Peptides as Promising Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 812.46Кб
2018 Distinct Gene Profiles of Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages and Microglia During Neurotropic Coronavirus-Induced Demy.pdf 4.29Мб
2018 DPP4, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Receptor, is Upregulated in Lungs of Smokers and Chronic Obs.pdf 2.32Мб
2018 Early events during human coronavirus OC43 entry to the cell.pdf 6.75Мб
2018 Effect of Human Coronavirus OC43 Structural and Accessory Proteins on the Transcriptional Activation of Antiviral R.pdf 323.23Кб
2018 Effect of interferon alpha and cyclosporine treatment separately and in combination on Middle East Respiratory Synd.pdf 2.45Мб
2018 Elevated Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Expression Reduces the Susceptibility of hDPP4 Transgenic Mice to Middle East.pdf 658.87Кб
2018 Engineering a stable CHO cell line for the expression of a MERS-coronavirus vaccine antigen.pdf 2.15Мб
2018 Enhanced protection in mice induced by immunization with inactivated whole viruses compare to spike protein of midd.pdf 2.64Мб
2018 Enteric coronavirus infection in adult horses.pdf 1.10Мб
2018 Epidemiological factors and worldwide pattern of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus from 2013 to 2016.pdf 145.69Кб
2018 Erratum for Byukusenge et al_, _Complete Genome Sequences of Four Bovine Coronavirus Isolates from Pennsylvania_.pdf 89.29Кб
2018 Establishment of porcine enterocyte_myofibroblast co-cultures for the growth of porcine rota- and coronaviruses.pdf 9.18Мб
2018 Evaluation of a multiplex immunoassay for bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus antibodies in b.pdf 308.71Кб
2018 Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirus as a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform.pdf 1.15Мб
2018 Evaluation of preparedness of healthcare student volunteers against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (M.pdf 405.11Кб
2018 Evaluation of visual triage for screening of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients.pdf 312.77Кб
2018 Experimental infection of dromedaries with Middle East respiratory syndrome-Coronavirus is accompanied by massive c.pdf 3.38Мб
2018 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 963.29Кб
2018 Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin.pdf 2.96Мб
2018 Feline coronavirus_ Insights into viral pathogenesis based on the spike protein structure and function.pdf 2.16Мб
2018 Feline coronavirus antibody titer in cerebrospinal fluid from cats with neurological signs.pdf 819.57Кб
2018 Fine Tuning the Cytokine Storm by IFN and IL-10 Following Neurotropic Coronavirus Encephalomyelitis.pdf 947.47Кб
2018 First detection of bovine noroviruses and detection of bovine coronavirus in Australian dairy cattle.pdf 293.63Кб
2018 First identification of a single amino acid change in the spike protein region of feline coronavirus detected from.pdf 347.32Кб
2018 First outbreak with chimeric swine enteric coronavirus (SeCoV) on pig farms in Slovakia _ lessons to learn.pdf 349.42Кб
2018 Full genome characterization of two novel Alpha-coronavirus species from Italian bats.pdf 581.34Кб
2018 Functional analysis of potential cleavage sites in the MERS-coronavirus spike protein.pdf 3.02Мб
2018 Genetic characterization and pathogenicity of Japanese porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 676.80Кб
2018 Genetic Evidence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-Cov) and Widespread Seroprevalence among Cam.pdf 1.34Мб
2018 Genomic characterization and infectivity of a novel SARS-like coronavirus in Chinese bats.pdf 1.73Мб
2018 Genomic characterization and pathogenicity of porcine deltacoronavirus strain CHN-HG-2017 from China.pdf 4.71Мб
2018 Glutathione-capped Ag2S nanoclusters inhibit coronavirus proliferation through blockage of viral RNA synthesis and.pdf 1.94Мб
2018 Healthcare-associated Infections_ The Hallmark of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) With.pdf 628.47Кб
2018 Herd level estimation of probability of disease freedom applied on the Norwegian control program for bovine respira.pdf 744.10Кб
2018 Herd-level prevalence and incidence of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV) and porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV).pdf 1.23Мб
2018 Heterologous prime_boost vaccination with adenoviral vector and protein nanoparticles induces both Th1 and Th2 resp.pdf 2.51Мб
2018 Human bocavirus, coronavirus, and polyomavirus detected among patients hospitalised with severe acute respiratory i.pdf 211.05Кб
2018 Human Coronavirus Circulation in the United States 2014_2017.pdf 453.95Кб
2018 Human Coronaviruses and other Respiratory Infections in Young Adults on a University Campus_ Prevalence, Symptoms,.pdf 1.03Мб
2018 Human Coronavirus Infections in Israel_ Epidemiology, Clinical Symptoms and Summer Seasonality of HCoV-HKU1.pdf 1.37Мб
2018 Human Coronavirus in Hospitalized Children with Respiratory Tract Infections_ A Nine-year-long, Population-based St.pdf 991.03Кб
2018 Human Coronavirus NL63 Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Patterns in Rural Coastal Kenya.pdf 663.34Кб
2018 Human coronavirus OC43 outbreak in wild chimpanzees, C_te d_Ivoire, 2016.pdf 372.25Кб
2018 Identification and characterization of Coronaviridae genomes from Vietnamese bats and rats based on conserved prote.pdf 1.69Мб
2018 Identification of N-linked glycosylation sites in the spike protein and their functional impact on the replication.pdf 1.35Мб
2018 Identification of Pantropic Canine Coronavirus in a Wolf (_ _i_Canis lupus italicus__i__.pdf 627.54Кб
2018 Immune responses in influenza A virus and human coronavirus infections_ an ongoing battle between the virus and hos.pdf 459.93Кб
2018 Immune responses to MERS coronavirus during the acute and convalescent phases of human infection.pdf 982.91Кб
2018 Immunosensor based on Antibody-functionalized MoS2 for Rapid Detection of Avian Coronavirus on Cotton Thread.pdf 481.28Кб
2018 Improving Virus Taxonomy by Recontextualizing Sequence-Based Classification with Biologically Relevant Data_ the Ca.pdf 1.21Мб
2018 Inactivation of Ebola virus and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in platelet concentrates and plasma by.pdf 136.31Кб
2018 Incidence, significance, and persistence of human coronavirus infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recip.pdf 882.38Кб
2018 Individual and network characteristic associated with hospital-acquired Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronaviru.pdf 1.15Мб
2018 Infection control influence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ A hospital-based analysis.pdf 662.45Кб
2018 Inhibition of stress granule formation by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus 4a accessory protein facilit.pdf 3.68Мб
2018 Initial Performance Evaluation of a Spotted Array Mobile Analysis Platform (MAP) for the Detection of Influenza A_B.pdf 800.30Кб
2018 Insight into the evolution of nidovirus endoribonuclease based on the finding that Nsp15 from porcine deltacoronavi.pdf 3.05Мб
2018 Intensive care admission for Coronavirus OC43 respiratory tract infections.pdf 388.28Кб
2018 Interplay between co-divergence and cross-species transmission in the evolutionary history of bat coronaviruses.pdf 780.59Кб
2018 Interplay between coronavirus, a cytoplasmic RNA virus, and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway.pdf 1.48Мб
2018 Interplay between the poly(A) tail, poly(A)-binding protein and coronavirus nucleocapsid protein regulates gene exp.pdf 4.69Мб
2018 Investigation of an experimental infection model of equine coronavirus in adult horses.pdf 445.27Кб
2018 Isolation and characterization of A Highly Pathogenic Strain of_ _i_Porcine enteric alphacoronavirus__.pdf 1.03Мб
2018 Isolation and characterization of Korean porcine deltacoronavirus strain KNU16-07.pdf 3.87Мб
2018 Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus from pigs with diarrhoea in Hebei province, China.pdf 973.61Кб
2018 Is regulation preventing the development of therapeutics that may prevent future coronavirus pandemics_.pdf 1019.98Кб
2018 Knowledge and attitude towards the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus among healthcare personnel in the s.pdf 238.01Кб
2018 Knowledge and practices regarding Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus among camel handlers in a Slaughterh.pdf 295.25Кб
2018 Lack of seasonal variation of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 940.91Кб
2018 Leader sequences of coronavirus are altered during infection.pdf 1.18Мб
2018 Lectin Affinity Plasmapheresis for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus and Marburg Virus Glycoprotein Elim.pdf 1.11Мб
2018 Live-attenuated bivalent measles virus-derived vaccines targeting Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus indu.pdf 1.66Мб
2018 Longitudinal study of age-specific pattern of coronavirus infection in Lyle_s flying fox (Pteropus lylei) in Thaila.pdf 1.05Мб
2018 Longitudinal Surveillance of Betacoronaviruses in Fruit Bats in Yunnan Province, China During 2009_2016.pdf 774.95Кб
2018 Lysosomal proteases are a determinant of coronavirus tropism.pdf 1.81Мб
2018 MERS coronaviruses from camels in Africa exhibit region-dependent genetic diversity.pdf 955.82Кб
2018 MERS coronavirus outbreak_ Implications for emerging viral infections.pdf 1.83Мб
2018 MERS-CoV_ Understanding the Latest Human Coronavirus Threat.pdf 510.74Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ risk factors and determinants of primary, household, and nosocomial t.pdf 464.77Кб
2018 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection during pregnancy_ Report of two cases _ review of.pdf 197.35Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and bat coronavirus HKU9 both can utilize GRP78 for attachment onto ho.pdf 8.07Мб
2018 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Antibodies in Dromedary Camels, Bangladesh, 2015.pdf 369.35Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in pediatrics_ a report of seven cases from Saudi Arabia.pdf 188.49Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus intermittent positive cases_ Implications for infection control.pdf 744.75Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus specific antibodies in naturally exposed Israeli llamas, alpacas and c.pdf 576.77Кб
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein is not activated directly by cellular furin during viral.pdf 1.08Мб
2018 Modeling pathogenesis of emergent and pre-emergent human coronaviruses in mice.pdf 1.98Мб
2018 Modeling the spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Saudi Arabia.pdf 585.80Кб
2018 Modulation of the immune response by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 683.77Кб
2018 Molecular detection of Clostridium perfringens toxinotypes, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, rotavirus and corona.pdf 1.39Мб
2018 Molecular dynamics of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV) fusion heptad repeat trimers.pdf 2.13Мб
2018 Molecular evolution of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine deltacoronavirus strains in Central China.pdf 4.31Мб
2018 Molecular identification of Betacoronavirus in bats from Sardinia (Italy)_ first detection and phylogeny.pdf 1.18Мб
2018 Multihospital Outbreak of a Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Deletion Variant, Jordan_ A Molecular, Ser.pdf 298.71Кб
2018 Multisite Inhibitors for Enteric Coronavirus_ Antiviral Cationic Carbon Dots Based on Curcumin.pdf 1.68Мб
2018 Mutation of the _i_S__i_ and _i_3c__i_ genes in genomes of feline coronaviruses.pdf 365.16Кб
2018 NAADP-dependent Ca 2+ signaling regulates Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus pseudovirus translocation t.pdf 2.25Мб
2018 Nasal priming by a murine coronavirus provides protective immunity against lethal heterologous virus pneumonia.pdf 2.77Мб
2018 Network Analysis of MERS Coronavirus within Households, Communities, and Hospitals to Identify Most Centralized and.pdf 2.19Мб
2018 Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies as Promising Therapeutics against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus I.pdf 516.35Кб
2018 Newly emerged porcine enteric alphacoronavirus in southern China_ Identification, origin and evolutionary history a.pdf 1.05Мб
2018 Novel coronavirus-like particles targeting cells lining the respiratory tract.pdf 46.72Мб
2018 Novel findings from a beta coronavirus outbreak on an American Miniature Horse breeding farm in upstate New York.pdf 191.49Кб
2018 Nsp3 of coronaviruses_ Structures and functions of a large multi-domain protein.pdf 11.28Мб
2018 Nucleocapsid protein-dependent assembly of the RNA packaging signal of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 3.52Мб
2018 Nurses_ experiences of care for patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus in South Korea.pdf 197.76Кб
2018 Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses.pdf 1.92Мб
2018 Overexpression of the nucleocapsid protein of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus up-regulates CXCL10.pdf 869.30Кб
2018 Pancreatitis and Systemic Coronavirus Infection in a Ferret (_ _i_Mustela putorius furo__i__.pdf 106.27Кб
2018 PCR array profiling of antiviral genes in human embryonic kidney cells expressing human coronavirus OC43 structural.pdf 879.92Кб
2018 Pneumonia Caused by Coronavirus 229E and Parainfluenza 3 Coinfection in a Lung Transplant Recipient.pdf 115.10Кб
2018 Porcine deltacoronavirus accessory protein NS6 antagonizes IFN-_ production by interfering with the binding of RIG-.pdf 1.58Мб
2018 Porcine deltacoronavirus engages the transmissible gastroenteritis virus functional receptor porcine aminopeptidase.pdf 2.58Мб
2018 Porcine deltacoronavirus induces caspase-dependent apoptosis through activation of the cytochrome c -mediated intr.pdf 1.24Мб
2018 Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and Porcine Deltacoronavirus not Detected in Waterfowl in the North American Missis.pdf 53.47Кб
2018 Porcine Intestinal Enteroids_ a New Model for Studying Enteric Coronavirus PEDV Infection and the Host Innate Respo.pdf 1.89Мб
2018 Post-translational modifications of coronavirus proteins_ roles and function.pdf 2.75Мб
2018 Predicting the receptor-binding domain usage of the coronavirus based on kmer frequency on spike protein.pdf 509.56Кб
2018 Prevalence of comorbidities in cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus_ a retrospective study.pdf 146.88Кб
2018 Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases __ Human Coronaviruses.pdf 869.97Кб
2018 Proficiency testing for the detection of Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus demonstrates global capacity.pdf 172.79Кб
2018 Protease inhibitors broadly effective against feline, ferret and mink coronaviruses.pdf 1.24Мб
2018 Publisher Correction_ Stabilized coronavirus spikes are resistant to conformational changes induced by receptor rec.pdf 665.60Кб
2018 Rapid detection and monitoring of human coronavirus infections.pdf 294.80Кб
2018 Rapid detection of MERS coronavirus-like viruses in bats_ potential for tracking MERS coronavirus transmission and.pdf 863.25Кб
2018 Receptor usage of a novel bat lineage C betacoronavirus reveals evolution of MERS-related coronavirus spike protein.pdf 1.26Мб
2018 Recombinant live attenuated avian coronavirus vaccines with deletions in the accessory genes 3ab and_or 5ab protect.pdf 1.43Мб
2018 Reduction of soluble dipeptidyl peptidase 4 levels in plasma of patients infected with Middle East respiratory synd.pdf 520.11Кб
2018 Replication of MERS and SARS coronaviruses in bat cells offers insights to their ancestral origins.pdf 2.22Мб
2018 Replicative virus shedding in the respiratory tract of patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus i.pdf 680.83Кб
2018 Resistance to coronavirus infection in amino peptidase N-deficient pigs.pdf 1.75Мб
2018 Retrospective detection and phylogenetic analysis of swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus in pigs in southern.pdf 1.65Мб
2018 Reverse Genetics for Type I Feline Coronavirus Field Isolate To Study the Molecular Pathogenesis of Feline Infectio.pdf 1.72Мб
2018 Role of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Viroporins E, 3a, and 8a in Replication and Pathogenesis.pdf 3.91Мб
2018 Safety and tolerability of a novel, polyclonal human anti-MERS coronavirus antibody produced from transchromosomic.pdf 245.86Кб
2018 Saracatinib Inhibits Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Replication In Vitro.pdf 2.19Мб
2018 SARS-Coronavirus Open Reading Frame-3a drives multimodal necrotic cell death.pdf 3.42Мб
2018 SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world.pdf 931.98Кб
2018 SARS-Like Coronavirus WIV1-CoV Does Not Replicate in Egyptian Fruit Bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus).pdf 2.51Мб
2018 Screening for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus among febrile Indonesian Hajj pilgrims_ A study on 28,19.pdf 98.22Кб
2018 Selective Packaging in Murine Coronavirus Promotes Virulence by Limiting Type I Interferon Responses.pdf 1.32Мб
2018 Serological Evidence of Bat SARS-Related Coronavirus Infection in Humans, China.pdf 910.93Кб
2018 Serologic follow-up of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Cases and Contacts _ Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emi.pdf 848.75Кб
2018 Sero-prevalence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) specific antibodies in Dromedary Camels.pdf 553.28Кб
2018 Severe Respiratory Illness Outbreak Associated with Human Coronavirus NL63 in a Long-Term Care Facility.pdf 335.79Кб
2018 Significant Spike-Specific IgG and Neutralizing Antibodies in Mice Induced by a Novel Chimeric Virus-Like Particle.pdf 584.71Кб
2018 Species-specific clinical characteristics of human coronavirus infection among otherwise healthy adolescents and ad.pdf 339.29Кб
2018 Spillover of Swine Coronaviruses, United States.pdf 455.11Кб
2018 Stabilized coronavirus spikes are resistant to conformational changes induced by receptor recognition or proteolysi.pdf 4.44Мб
2018 Structural and biochemical characterization of endoribonuclease Nsp15 encoded by Middle East respiratory syndrome c.pdf 9.45Мб
2018 Structural model of the SARS coronavirus E channel in LMPG micelles.pdf 956.09Кб
2018 Structure-guided design of potent and permeable inhibitors of MERS coronavirus 3CL protease that utilize a piperidi.pdf 1.91Мб
2018 Susceptibility of porcine IPEC-J2 intestinal epithelial cells to infection with porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) an.pdf 1.63Мб
2018 Swine enteric coronavirus disease_ A review of 4_years with porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus and porcine deltacoron.pdf 1.64Мб
2018 Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modeling of a novel series of fused 1,2,3-triazoles as potential ant.pdf 787.19Кб
2018 Temporal dynamics of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Arabian Peninsula, 2012_2017.pdf 657.53Кб
2018 Temporary carriage of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus by fomites and human nasal mucosa a.pdf 702.92Кб
2018 The battle against SARS and MERS coronaviruses_ Reservoirs and Animal Models.pdf 1.36Мб
2018 The cardenolide ouabain suppresses coronaviral replication via augmenting a Na + _K + -ATPase-dependent PI3K_PDK1 a.pdf 5.78Мб
2018 The emergence of novel sparrow deltacoronaviruses in the United States more closely related to porcine deltacoronav.pdf 632.14Кб
2018 The endonucleolytic RNA cleavage function of nsp1 of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus promotes the prod.pdf 2.28Мб
2018 The Human Sodium Iodide Symporter as a Reporter Gene for Studying Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Path.pdf 2.11Мб
2018 The OC43 human coronavirus envelope protein is critical for infectious virus production and propagation in neuronal.pdf 2.45Мб
2018 The papain-like protease determines a virulence trait that varies among members of the SARS-coronavirus species.pdf 10.16Мб
2018 The prevalence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) antibodies in dromedary camels in Israel.pdf 469.85Кб
2018 The prevalence of Middle East respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in livestock and temporal relat.pdf 1.39Мб
2018 Three Main Inducers of Alphacoronavirus Infection of Enterocytes_ Sialic Acid, Proteases, and Low pH.pdf 1.02Мб
2018 Tissue Distribution of the Mers-Coronavirus Receptor in Bats.pdf 54.48Кб
2018 TMPRSS11A activates the influenza A virus hemagglutinin and the MERS coronavirus spike protein and is insensitive a.pdf 949.70Кб
2018 Transmission Kinetics and histopathology induced by European Turkey Coronavirus during experimental infection of sp.pdf 1.27Мб
2018 Transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections among healthcare personnel in the Middle Ea.pdf 128.22Кб
2018 Underlying trend, seasonality, prediction, forecasting and the contribution of risk factors_ an analysis of globall.pdf 72.21Кб
2018 Un nouveau coronavirus en Chine _ il cible le porc.pdf 162.10Кб
2018 Unusual presentation of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus leading to a large outbreak in Riyadh during 2.pdf 440.31Кб
2018 White-nose syndrome is associated with increased replication of a naturally persisting coronaviruses in bats.pdf 1.36Мб
2019 _i_Feline coronavirus__i_ isolates from a part of Brazil_ insights into molecular epidemiology and phylogeny inferr.pdf 620.57Кб
2019 _p_Epidemiological status of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in 2019_ an update from January 1 to.pdf 334.05Кб
2019 _p_Estimation Of Direct Medical Costs Of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection_ A Single-Center Re.pdf 572.93Кб
2019 [Advances in Virus Research] Complementary Strategies to Understand Virus Structure and Function Volume 105 __ Stru.pdf 2.37Мб
2019 A48_Identification and full-genome characterization of Alpha- and Beta-Coronaviruses viruses from bats in Italy.pdf 63.38Кб
2019 A52_MERS coronaviruses from camels in Africa exhibit region-dependent genetic diversity.pdf 62.78Кб
2019 A Case Study Evaluating the Risk of Infection from Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS_CoV) in a.pdf 1.02Мб
2019 A complete protocol for whole-genome sequencing of virus from clinical samples_ Application to coronavirus OC43.pdf 1.39Мб
2019 A conserved region of nonstructural protein 1 from alphacoronaviruses inhibits host gene expression and is critical.pdf 1.97Мб
2019 Activation of C-Type Lectin Receptor and (RIG)-I-Like Receptors Contributes to Proinflammatory Response in Middle E.pdf 1.42Мб
2019 Acute phase response in bovine coronavirus positive post-weaned calves with diarrhea.pdf 829.39Кб
2019 Acute Respiratory Infection in Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4-Transgenic Mice Infected with Middle East Respiratory S.pdf 6.01Мб
2019 A database of geopositioned Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus occurrences.pdf 2.61Мб
2019 A Fluorogenic Peptide Cleavage Assay to Screen for Proteolytic Activity_ Applications for coronavirus spike protein.pdf 332.39Кб
2019 African green monkey model of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.pdf 355.07Кб
2019 Alphacoronavirus Detection in Lungs, Liver, and Intestines of Bats from Brazil.pdf 1.21Мб
2019 A mathematical model of the transmission of middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels (Camel.pdf 240.50Кб
2019 Amotosalen and ultraviolet A light efficiently inactivate MERS-coronavirus in human platelet concentrates.pdf 4.87Мб
2019 Analysis of coronavirus temperature-sensitive mutants reveals an interplay between the macrodomain and papain-like.pdf 2.06Мб
2019 Analysis of long non-coding RNAs in neonatal piglets at different stages of porcine deltacoronavirus infection.pdf 4.95Мб
2019 A Novel Gold Nanorod-based HR1 Peptide Inhibitor for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 1.32Мб
2019 Antagonism of dsRNA-Induced Innate Immune Pathways by NS4a and NS4b Accessory Proteins during MERS Coronavirus Infe.pdf 2.15Мб
2019 Antibodies and vaccines against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 3.12Мб
2019 Antiviral activity of itraconazole against type I feline coronavirus infection.pdf 6.06Мб
2019 Antiviral activity of Sambucus FormosanaNakai ethanol extract and related phenolic acid constituents against human.pdf 1.77Мб
2019 Antiviral Effect of Lithium Chloride and Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate on Porcine Deltacoronavirus In Vitro.pdf 6.04Мб
2019 An ultra-rapid real-time RT-PCR method for detecting Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus using a mobile PC.pdf 3.44Мб
2019 A pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting the HR1 domain of human coronavirus spike.pdf 5.33Мб
2019 A review of asymptomatic and sub-clinical Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections.pdf 1.08Мб
2019 A serological survey of canine respiratory coronavirus in dogs in New Zealand.pdf 647.42Кб
2019 A Systematic Review of therapeutic agents for the treatment of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (ME.pdf 1.07Мб
2019 A TaqMan-probe-based multiplex real-time RT-qPCR for simultaneous detection of porcine enteric coronaviruses.pdf 1.60Мб
2019 Attenuation and characterization of porcine enteric alphacoronavirus strain GDS04 via serial cell passage.pdf 2.82Мб
2019 Attenuation of a virulent swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus strain via cell culture passage.pdf 3.63Мб
2019 Avian coronavirus infection induces mannose-binding lectin production in dendritic cell precursors of chicken lymph.pdf 8.71Мб
2019 Bactrian camels shed large quantities of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) after experimental.pdf 2.14Мб
2019 Bat Coronaviruses in China.pdf 1.79Мб
2019 Bats and Coronaviruses.pdf 222.44Кб
2019 Biochemical analysis of coronavirus spike glycoprotein conformational intermediates during membrane fusion.pdf 3.81Мб
2019 Blocking transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in llamas by vaccination with a re.pdf 2.58Мб
2019 Bovine coronavirus in Uruguay_ genetic diversity, risk factors and transboundary introductions from neighboring cou.pdf 2.12Мб
2019 Broad cross-species infection of cultured cells by the bat HKU2-related swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (.pdf 3.91Мб
2019 Broad spectrum antiviral remdesivir inhibits human endemic and zoonotic deltacoronaviruses with a highly divergent.pdf 19.24Мб
2019 Broad-spectrum coronavirus antiviral drug discovery.pdf 1.76Мб
2019 Burden of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in Saudi Arabia.pdf 452.21Кб
2019 Canine Respiratory Coronavirus, Bovine Coronavirus, and Human Coronavirus OC43_ Receptors and Attachment Factors.pdf 28.07Мб
2019 Characteristics of the Life Cycle of Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) In Vitro_ Replication Kinetics, Cellular Ultr.pdf 2.89Мб
2019 Characterization and evolution of the coronavirus porcine epidemic diarrhea virus_ _scp_HLJBY__scp__.pdf 4.68Мб
2019 Characterization and Pathogenicity of the Porcine Deltacoronavirus Isolated in Southwest China.pdf 5.42Мб
2019 Characterization of amino acid substitutions in feline coronavirus 3C-like protease from a cat with feline infectio.pdf 4.50Мб
2019 Characterization of a New Member of Alphacoronavirus with Unique Genomic Features in Rhinolophus Bats.pdf 4.56Мб
2019 Characterization of a novel bat-HKU2-like swine enteric alphacoronavirus (SeACoV) infection in cultured cells and d.pdf 3.80Мб
2019 Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase negatively regulates porcine intestinal coronavirus replication by the production of 25-.pdf 1.71Мб
2019 Circular RNA CircEZH2 Suppresses Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus-induced Opening of Mitochondrial Permeab.pdf 3.00Мб
2019 Circulation of Non-MERS Coronaviruses in Imported Camels In Saudi Arabia.pdf 163.50Кб
2019 Clinical outcomes among hospital patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection.pdf 424.49Кб
2019 Clinical predictors of mortality of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection_ A cohort stu.pdf 958.33Кб
2019 Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, and outcome of adult horses with equine coronavirus infection at a vete.pdf 407.24Кб
2019 Comparative Analysis of Eleven Healthcare-Associated Outbreaks of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mer.pdf 2.02Мб
2019 Comparative Serological Study for the Prevalence of Anti-MERS Coronavirus Antibodies in High- and Low-Risk Groups i.pdf 1.48Мб
2019 Comparison of Serologic Assays for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 816.46Кб
2019 Complete genome analysis of a SARS-like bat coronavirus identified in the Republic of Korea.pdf 947.19Кб
2019 Complete Genome Sequence of a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus from Kenyan Bats.pdf 196.91Кб
2019 Complete Genome Sequences of Two Porcine Deltacoronavirus Strains from Henan Province, China.pdf 126.28Кб
2019 Comprehensive codon usage analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 1.54Мб
2019 Construction of Lentivirus-Based Reference Material for RT-PCR Detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona.pdf 2.46Мб
2019 Coronaviren als Ursache respiratorischer Infektionen_ Coronaviruses as the cause of respiratory infections_ .pdf 829.72Кб
2019 Coronavirus-associated bronchiolitis in an immunocompetent adult with anti-glomerular basement membrane disease.pdf 1.01Мб
2019 Coronavirus endoribonuclease activity in porcine epidemic diarrhea virus suppresses type I and type III interferon.pdf 3.35Мб
2019 Coronavirus envelope protein_ current knowledge.pdf 1.41Мб
2019 Coronaviruses Detected in Bats in Close Contact with Humans in Rwanda.pdf 2.48Мб
2019 Coronavirus genomic RNA packaging.pdf 1.80Мб
2019 Correction__ _i_Case characteristics among Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak and n.pdf 100.98Кб
2019 Correction to_ Genetic Evidence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-Cov) and Widespread Seropreva.pdf 188.67Кб
2019 Current epidemiological status of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the world from 1_1_2017 to 17_1_2.pdf 425.16Кб
2019 Decline of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its complex evolutionary relationship with porcine respiratory c.pdf 6.50Мб
2019 Delicate structural coordination of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus Nsp13 upon ATP hydrolysis.pdf 4.18Мб
2019 Descriptive Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (M.pdf 220.69Кб
2019 Detection and spike gene characterization in porcine deltacoronavirus in China during 2016_2018.pdf 10.77Мб
2019 Detection of multiple viral sequences in the respiratory tract samples of suspected Middle East respiratory syndrom.pdf 364.33Кб
2019 Development and Evaluation of a Multiplexed Immunoassay for Simultaneous Detection of Serum IgG Antibodies to Six H.pdf 1.30Мб
2019 Development and Validation of a S1 Protein-Based ELISA for the Specific Detection of Antibodies against Equine Coro.pdf 521.86Кб
2019 Development of a SYBR green-based real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of the emerging swine acute diarrhea s.pdf 776.29Кб
2019 Diagnostic delays in Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients and health systems.pdf 332.41Кб
2019 Differential neurodegenerative phenotypes are associated with heterogeneous voiding dysfunction in a coronavirus-in.pdf 2.37Мб
2019 Differential recognition of peptides within feline coronavirus polyprotein 1 ab by sera from healthy cats and cats.pdf 1.22Мб
2019 Direct RNA nanopore sequencing of full-length coronavirus genomes provides novel insights into structural variants.pdf 733.80Кб
2019 Discovery and Characterization of Novel Bat Coronavirus Lineages from Kazakhstan.pdf 4.28Мб
2019 Disease features of equine coronavirus and enteric salmonellosis are similar in horses.pdf 485.37Кб
2019 Diseases of Swine __ Coronaviruses.pdf 1.41Мб
2019 Distinct mutation in the feline coronavirus spike protein cleavage activation site in a cat with feline infectious.pdf 421.70Кб
2019 Divergent coronaviruses detected in wild birds in Brazil, including a central park in S_o Paulo.pdf 6.02Мб
2019 Diversity of dromedary camel coronavirus HKU23 in African camels revealed multiple recombination events among close.pdf 2.50Мб
2019 Effectiveness of an education health programme about Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus tested during tra.pdf 256.60Кб
2019 Effect of cat litters on feline coronavirus infection of cell culture and cats.pdf 332.63Кб
2019 Efficacy of an Adjuvanted Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Vaccine in Dromedary Camels an.pdf 4.74Мб
2019 EIF4A2 interacts with the membrane protein of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus and plays a role in virus r.pdf 1.46Мб
2019 Emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses in pigs.pdf 858.19Кб
2019 Emerging lethal infectious bronchitis coronavirus variants with multiorgan tropism.pdf 20.99Мб
2019 Endocytic Pathway of Feline Coronavirus for Cell Entry_ Differences in Serotype-Dependent Viral Entry Pathway.pdf 4.56Мб
2019 Entry of Scotophilus Bat Coronavirus-512 and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Human and Multiple An.pdf 8.37Мб
2019 Epidemiology of Deltacoronaviruses (_-CoV) and Gammacoronaviruses (_-CoV) in Wild Birds in the United States.pdf 1.95Мб
2019 Epitope_based peptide vaccine design and target site depiction against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 3.83Мб
2019 Epitope mapping and cellular localization of swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein using a.pdf 1.77Мб
2019 Erratum to_ _Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, and outcome of adult horses with equine coronavirus infect.pdf 164.25Кб
2019 Establishment of a virulent full-length cDNA clone for type I feline coronavirus strain C3663.pdf 1.08Мб
2019 Evaluating the potential impact of targeted vaccination strategies against severe acute respiratory syndrome corona.pdf 3.29Мб
2019 Evaluation of equine coronavirus fecal shedding among hospitalized horses.pdf 377.33Кб
2019 Evaluation of serological assays available in a biosafety level 2 laboratory and their application for survey of Mi.pdf 294.44Кб
2019 Evaluation of the Serologic Cross-Reactivity between Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus and Porcine Respirat.pdf 1.32Мб
2019 Exploring Knowledge and Attitude toward Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Among University He.pdf 153.74Кб
2019 Expression profile analysis of 5-day-old neonatal piglets infected with porcine Deltacoronavirus.pdf 1.90Мб
2019 Extension of the known distribution of a novel clade C betacoronavirus in a wildlife host.pdf 405.11Кб
2019 Feline coronavirus-associated myocarditis in a domestic longhair cat.pdf 337.47Кб
2019 Feline coronavirus with and without spike gene mutations detected by real-time RT-PCRs in cats with feline infectio.pdf 156.62Кб
2019 Feline infectious peritonitis_ answers to frequently asked questions concerning FIP and coronavirus.pdf 1.01Мб
2019 First Complete Genome Sequence of a Feline Alphacoronavirus 1 Strain from Brazil.pdf 128.89Кб
2019 First Complete Genome Sequence of Human Coronavirus HKU1 from a Nonill Bat Guano Miner in Thailand.pdf 645.24Кб
2019 First report and phylogenetic analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus in Mexico.pdf 580.47Кб
2019 First Report of Coronaviruses in Northern European Bats.pdf 189.98Кб
2019 Fitness barriers limit reversion of a proofreading-deficient coronavirus.pdf 2.24Мб
2019 Focus on Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).pdf 1.55Мб
2019 Frequency of molecular detection of equine coronavirus in faeces and nasal secretions in 277 horses with acute onse.pdf 155.79Кб
2019 From SARS to MERS, Thrusting Coronaviruses into the Spotlight.pdf 1.35Мб
2019 Functional Carbon Quantum Dots as Medical Countermeasures to Human Coronavirus (HCoV).pdf 1.58Мб
2019 Genetic, antigenic and pathogenic characterization of avian coronaviruses isolated from pheasants (Phasianus colchi.pdf 4.58Мб
2019 Genetic Analysis of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Yellow Chickens in Southern China over the Pas.pdf 4.07Мб
2019 Genetic characterization of bovine coronavirus in Vietnam.pdf 529.00Кб
2019 Genetic Characterization of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, South Korea, 2018.pdf 1.83Мб
2019 Genetic Diversity and Phylodynamics of Avian Coronaviruses in Egyptian Wild Birds.pdf 4.52Мб
2019 Genome Organization of Canada Goose Coronavirus, A Novel Species Identified in a Mass Die-off of Canada Geese.pdf 1.77Мб
2019 Geographical structure of bat SARS-related coronaviruses.pdf 413.89Кб
2019 Global status of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels_ a systematic review _ CORRIGENDU.pdf 74.96Кб
2019 Global status of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels_ a systematic review.pdf 374.11Кб
2019 Glycosylation of the viral attachment protein of avian coronavirus is essential for host cell and receptor binding.pdf 1.80Мб
2019 Gold nanoparticle_adjuvanted S protein induces a strong antigen_specific IgG response against severe acute respirat.pdf 1.64Мб
2019 Guinea Fowl Coronavirus Diversity has Phenotypic Consequences for Glycan and Tissue Binding.pdf 3.40Мб
2019 Haemophilus parainfluenzae endocarditis with multiple cerebral emboli in a pregnant woman with coronavirus.pdf 611.77Кб
2019 High-throughput Screening and Identification of Potent Broad-spectrum Inhibitors of Coronaviruses.pdf 5.41Мб
2019 Human-animal interactions and bat coronavirus spillover potential among rural residents in Southern China.pdf 615.52Кб
2019 Human Coronavirus_ Host-Pathogen Interaction.pdf 2.93Мб
2019 Human coronavirus alone or in co-infection with rhinovirus C is a risk factor for severe respiratory disease and ad.pdf 434.18Кб
2019 Human Coronaviruses and Other Respiratory Viruses_ Underestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous Sy.pdf 1.83Мб
2019 Human coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 bind to 9-_ _i_O__i__ -acetylated sialic acids via a co.pdf 1.86Мб
2019 Identification and characterization of a human coronavirus 229E nonstructural protein 8-associated RNA 3_-terminal.pdf 1.96Мб
2019 Identification of a Novel Betacoronavirus (Merbecovirus) in Amur Hedgehogs from China.pdf 4.61Мб
2019 Identification of Diverse Bat Alphacoronaviruses and Betacoronaviruses in China Provides New Insights Into the Evol.pdf 5.10Мб
2019 Identification of novel proteolytically inactive mutations in coronavirus 3C-like protease using a combined approac.pdf 2.32Мб
2019 Increasing the translation of mouse models of MERS coronavirus pathogenesis through kinetic hematological analysis.pdf 621.35Кб
2019 Inflammatory Mediators in the Mesenteric Lymph Nodes, Site of a Possible Intermediate Phase in the Immune Response.pdf 1.89Мб
2019 Insilico Alpha-Helical Structural Recognition of Temporin Antimicrobial Peptides and Its Interactions with Middle E.pdf 2.37Мб
2019 Interaction of coronavirus nucleocapsid protein with the 5__ and 3__ends of the coronavirus genome is involved in g.pdf 1.34Мб
2019 Interaction of cyclophilin a and human coronavirus 229E N protein is essential for virus replication.pdf 1.59Мб
2019 Interferon Regulatory Factor 3-Mediated Signaling Limits Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus Propag.pdf 4.47Мб
2019 Lack of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Transmission in Rabbits.pdf 3.28Мб
2019 Longitudinal study of humoral immunity to bovine coronavirus, virus shedding, and treatment for bovine respiratory.pdf 1.19Мб
2019 Membrane binding proteins of coronaviruses.pdf 2.19Мб
2019 Membrane Cholesterol Modulates Oligomeric Status and Peptide-membrane Interaction of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr.pdf 1.12Мб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, Saudi Arabia, 2017_2018.pdf 820.90Кб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)_ Infection, Immunological Response, and Vaccine Development.pdf 1.62Мб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Dromedary Camels in Africa and Middle East.pdf 778.98Кб
2019 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus-encoded ORF8b strongly antagonizes IFN-_ promoter activation_ its impl.pdf 735.93Кб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Dromedaries in Ethiopia Is Antigenically Different From the Middle.pdf 10.08Мб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Dynamics and Antibody Responses among Clinically Diverse Pat.pdf 3.58Мб
2019 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in non-camelid domestic mammals.pdf 979.32Кб
2019 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the last two years_ Health care workers still at risk.pdf 550.81Кб
2019 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Seropositivity in Camel Handlers and Their Families, Pakistan.pdf 359.68Кб
2019 Modeling the transmission dynamics of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) with latent immig.pdf 911.80Кб
2019 Molecular and serological monitoring of dromedary camel herds for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.pdf 220.26Кб
2019 Molecular characterization of HLJ-073, a recombinant canine coronavirus strain from China with an ORF3abc deletion.pdf 2.27Мб
2019 Molecular epidemiology, evolution and phylogeny of SARS coronavirus.pdf 27.46Мб
2019 Molecular mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement of coronavirus entry.pdf 1.12Мб
2019 Molecular Pathogenesis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus.pdf 1.24Мб
2019 Mucosal Immune Response to Feline Enteric Coronavirus Infection.pdf 1.41Мб
2019 Murine coronavirus infection activates AhR in an IDO1-independent manner contributing to cytokine modulation and pr.pdf 6.86Мб
2019 Narrative review of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection_ updates and implications for.pdf 245.28Кб
2019 Natural Bis-Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids-Tetrandrine, Fangchinoline, and Cepharanthine, Inhibit Human Coronavirus O.pdf 1.97Мб
2019 New and emerging infectious diseases (Ebola, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus, carbapenem-resistant.pdf 497.17Кб
2019 Novel Bat Alphacoronaviruses in Southern China Support Chinese Horseshoe Bats as an Important Reservoir for Potenti.pdf 1.13Мб
2019 Nucleocapsid protein recruitment to replication-transcription complexes plays a crucial role in coronaviral life cy.pdf 1.27Мб
2019 Nucleoside analogues for the treatment of coronavirus infections.pdf 397.17Кб
2019 Overview of Current Therapeutics and Novel Candidates Against Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Middle Ea.pdf 1.00Мб
2019 Paramyxo- and Coronaviruses in Rwandan Bats.pdf 1.59Мб
2019 Pathogenicity of porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) strain NH and immunization of pregnant sows with an inactivated P.pdf 2.60Мб
2019 PEDV and PDCoV Pathogenesis_ The Interplay Between Host Innate Immune Responses and Porcine Enteric Coronaviruses.pdf 2.44Мб
2019 Peptide-Protein Interaction Studies of Antimicrobial Peptides Targeting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviru.pdf 5.81Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) modulates calcium influx to favor viral replication.pdf 1.68Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus causes diarrhea in various ages of field-infected pigs in China.pdf 5.37Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus enters cells via two pathways_ A protease-mediated one at the cell surface and another fac.pdf 2.03Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus induces TLR3, IL-12, IFN-_, IFN-_ and PKR mRNA expression in infected Peyer_s patches in v.pdf 1.58Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus nsp15 antagonizes interferon-_ production independently of its endoribonuclease activity.pdf 1.73Мб
2019 Porcine deltacoronavirus nucleocapsid protein antagonizes IFN-_ production by impairing dsRNA and PACT binding to R.pdf 1.56Мб
2019 Porcine Deltacoronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Suppressed IFN-_ Production by Interfering Porcine RIG-I dsRNA-Bindin.pdf 2.85Мб
2019 Potential Intermediate Hosts for Coronavirus Transmission_ No Evidence of Clade 2c Coronaviruses in Domestic Livest.pdf 505.18Кб
2019 Potent MERS-CoV Fusion Inhibitory Peptides Identified from HR2 Domain in Spike Protein of Bat Coronavirus HKU4.pdf 1.98Мб
2019 Preliminary investigation on feline coronavirus presence in the reproductive tract of the tom cat as a potential ro.pdf 107.91Кб
2019 Preparation of virus-like particle mimetic nanovesicles displaying the S protein of Middle East respiratory syndrom.pdf 2.38Мб
2019 Prevalence, phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of porcine deltacoronavirus in Henan province, China.pdf 1.31Мб
2019 Prevalence and risk factors for agents causing diarrhea (Coronavirus, Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium spp_, Eimeria spp_.pdf 663.36Кб
2019 Prevalence of a novel bovine coronavirus strain with a recombinant hemagglutinin_esterase gene in dairy calves in C.pdf 1.25Мб
2019 Preventive Behavioral Responses to the 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Outbreak in Korea.pdf 487.51Кб
2019 Production of Pseudotyped Particles to Study Highly Pathogenic Coronaviruses in a Biosafety Level 2 Setting.pdf 237.10Кб
2019 Qatar experience on One Health approach for middle-east respiratory syndrome coronavirus, 2012_2017_ A viewpoint.pdf 171.25Кб
2019 Recent Advances in the Vaccine Development Against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus.pdf 397.24Кб
2019 Recent Aspects on the Pathogenesis Mechanism, Animal Models and Novel Therapeutic Interventions for Middle East Res.pdf 3.06Мб
2019 Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences __ Human Coronaviruses_ General Features.pdf 767.26Кб
2019 Retrospective study, full_length genome characterization and evaluation of viral infectivity and pathogenicity of c.pdf 4.86Мб
2019 Risk Factors for Fatal Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infections in Saudi Arabia_ Analysis of the WHO.pdf 524.79Кб
2019 SARS coronavirus protein nsp1 disrupts localization of Nup93 from the nuclear pore complex.pdf 784.13Кб
2019 Scope and extent of healthcare-associated Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus transmission during two cont.pdf 708.79Кб
2019 Selection and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus thro.pdf 1.35Мб
2019 Sensitive and Specific Detection of Low-Level Antibody Responses in Mild Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavir.pdf 1.96Мб
2019 Sequential Emergence and Wide Spread of Neutralization Escape Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Mutants,.pdf 2.35Мб
2019 Seroepidemiological study of feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection in domiciled cats from Botucatu, S_o Paulo, Brazil.pdf 338.82Кб
2019 Serological Screening for Coronavirus Infections in Cats.pdf 1.46Мб
2019 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ORF3a protein activates the NLRP3 inflammasome by promoting TRAF3-dep.pdf 1.74Мб
2019 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein counteracts BST2_mediated restriction of virus_like par.pdf 739.58Кб
2019 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Viroporin 3a Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome.pdf 2.30Мб
2019 S gene and 5a accessory gene are responsible for the attenuation of virulent infectious bronchitis coronavirus.pdf 2.26Мб
2019 Shared Common Ancestry of Rodent Alphacoronaviruses Sampled Globally.pdf 3.48Мб
2019 Short hairpin RNAs targeting M and N genes reduce replication of porcine deltacoronavirus in ST cells.pdf 977.89Кб
2019 Significant inhibition of re-emerged and emerging swine enteric coronavirus in vitro using the multiple shRNA expre.pdf 4.40Мб
2019 SKP2 attenuates autophagy through Beclin1-ubiquitination and its inhibition reduces MERS-Coronavirus infection.pdf 1.99Мб
2019 Small molecule antiviral _-D-_ _i_N__i__ _sup_4__sup__ -hydroxycytidine inhi.pdf 1.93Мб
2019 Some One Health based control strategies for the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 577.67Кб
2019 Spike proteins of novel MERS-coronavirus isolates from North- and West-African dromedary camels mediate robust vira.pdf 939.86Кб
2019 Structural basis for human coronavirus attachment to sialic acid receptors.pdf 4.15Мб
2019 Structural Studies of Coronavirus Fusion Proteins.pdf 72.21Кб
2019 Structure and oligomerization state of the C-terminal region of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus nu.pdf 1.57Мб
2019 Structure of the SARS-Unique Domain C From the Bat Coronavirus HKU4.pdf 2.13Мб
2019 Susceptibility of Chickens to Porcine Deltacoronavirus Infection.pdf 11.28Мб
2019 Susceptibility of porcine IPI-2I intestinal epithelial cells to infection with swine enteric coronaviruses.pdf 2.58Мб
2019 Synthesis and anti_coronavirus activity of a series of 1_thia_4_azaspiro[4_5]decan_3_one derivatives.pdf 933.29Кб
2019 The characteristics of hDPP4 transgenic mice subjected to aerosol MERS coronavirus infection via an animal nose_onl.pdf 3.41Мб
2019 The coronavirus macrodomain is required to prevent PARP-mediated inhibition of virus replication and enhancement of.pdf 3.07Мб
2019 The C-terminal domain of the MERS coronavirus M protein contains a trans-Golgi network localization signal.pdf 2.92Мб
2019 The ER stress sensor IRE1 and MAP kinase ERK modulate autophagy induction in cells infected with coronavirus infect.pdf 1.79Мб
2019 The First Detection of Equine Coronavirus in Adult Horses and Foals in Ireland.pdf 335.22Кб
2019 The Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Envelope Protein Alters Golgi pH to Protect Spike Protein and Promote Release.pdf 3.42Мб
2019 The Porcine Deltacoronavirus Replication Organelle Comprises Double-Membrane Vesicles and Zippered Endoplasmic Reti.pdf 9.83Мб
2019 The S2 Subunit of QX-type Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Spike Protein Is an Essential Determinant of Neurotropi.pdf 3.00Мб
2019 Three Amino Acid Changes In Avian Coronavirus Spike Protein Allows Binding To Kidney Tissue.pdf 2.21Мб
2019 TMPRSS2 Contributes to Virus Spread and Immunopathology in the Airways of Murine Models after Coronavirus Infection.pdf 5.73Мб
2019 Towards a solution to MERS_ protective human monoclonal antibodies targeting different domains and functions of the.pdf 3.20Мб
2019 Transcriptome analysis of PK-15 cells in innate immune response to porcine deltacoronavirus infection.pdf 2.70Мб
2019 UBXN1 interacts with the S1 protein of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus and plays a role in viral replicat.pdf 1.91Мб
2019 Unexpected Receptor Functional Mimicry Elucidates Activation of Coronavirus Fusion.pdf 9.22Мб
2019 Vaccine against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.pdf 48.89Кб
2019 Verification and diagnostic evaluation of the RealStar_ _sup____sup__ Middle East respira.pdf 1.31Мб
2019 Viral Metagenomics Revealed Sendai Virus and Coronavirus Infection of Malayan Pangolins (Manis javanica).pdf 3.13Мб
2019 Viral Polymerases __ Polymerases of Coronaviruses.pdf 1.50Мб
2019 Viromimetic STING Agonist_Loaded Hollow Polymeric Nanoparticles for Safe and Effective Vaccination against Middle E.pdf 2.35Мб
2019 What Have We Learned About Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Emergence in Humans_ A Systematic Literatur.pdf 692.90Кб
2019 Whole genome characterisation of quail deltacoronavirus detected in Poland.pdf 597.59Кб
2020 Analysis of preferred codon usage in the coronavirus N genes and their implications for genome evolution and vaccin.pdf 4.60Мб
2020 A Tale of Two Viruses_ The Distinct Spike Glycoproteins of Feline Coronaviruses.pdf 3.75Мб
2020 Characterization of novel monoclonal antibodies against MERS-coronavirus spike protein.pdf 3.30Мб
2020 Cryo-EM analysis of a feline coronavirus spike protein reveals a unique structure and camouflaging glycans.pdf 2.08Мб
2020 Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens __ Avian Coronavirus_ Case of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Pathogenesis, Dia.pdf 1.33Мб
2020 Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens __ Coronaviridae_ 100,000 Years of Emergence and Reemergence.pdf 2.52Мб
2020 Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens __ Molecular Modeling of Major Structural Protein Genes of Avian Coronaviru.pdf 706.28Кб
2020 Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens __ The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus_ An Emerging Virus of G.pdf 892.96Кб
2020 Genetic manipulation of porcine deltacoronavirus reveals insights into NS6 and NS7 functions_ a novel strategy for.pdf 3.37Мб
2020 Identification of the immunodominant neutralizing regions in the spike glycoprotein of porcine deltacoronavirus.pdf 3.21Мб
2020 Immunohistochemical and molecular detection of natural cases of bovine rotavirus and coronavirus infection causing.pdf 3.95Мб
2020 Inactivation of three emerging viruses _ severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Crimean_Congo haemorrhagic.pdf 124.29Кб
2020 Preparedness and proactive infection control measures against the emerging Wuhan coronavirus pneumonia in China.pdf 296.17Кб
2020 Sero-prevalence, cross-species infection and serological determinants of prevalence of Bovine Coronavirus in Cattle.pdf 1.62Мб
2020 The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health _ The latest 2019 novel coronaviru.pdf 275.60Кб
2020 The use of cells from ANPEP knockout pigs to evaluate the role of aminopeptidase N (APN) as a receptor for porcine.pdf 629.92Кб
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