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Название [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - DevSecOps Fundamentals
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001 Course summary_en.vtt 5.56Кб
001 Course summary.mp4 21.93Мб
001 Docker explained_en.vtt 11.27Кб
001 Docker explained.mp4 46.84Мб
001 Docker-website.url 47б
001 Introduction_en.vtt 765б
001 Introduction_en.vtt 1.21Кб
001 Introduction_en.vtt 2.26Кб
001 Introduction.mp4 1.22Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 2.05Мб
001 Introduction.mp4 3.93Мб
001 Jenkins-distributed-builds-documentation.url 82б
001 Jenkins explained_en.vtt 2.23Кб
001 Jenkins explained.mp4 12.99Мб
001 Jenkins-website.url 47б
001 Terraform explained_en.vtt 1.69Кб
001 Terraform explained.mp4 9.71Мб
001 Terraform-website.url 49б
001 What we will cover course contents_en.vtt 4.11Кб
001 What we will cover course contents.mp4 18.13Мб
001 YML_en.vtt 6.04Кб
001 YML.mp4 19.42Мб
002 AWS-container-registry-ECR-.url 51б
002 Azure-container-registry.url 86б
002 chmod-man-page.url 57б
002 chown-man-page.url 57б
002 Docker-Hub-website.url 47б
002 Docker registries_en.vtt 2.66Кб
002 Docker registries.mp4 8.40Мб
002 Docker-registry-self-hosted-.url 57б
002 File permissions and ownership_en.vtt 6.83Кб
002 File permissions and ownership.mp4 29.05Мб
002 GitHub-container-registry.url 135б
002 Gitlab-ci.yml-template.url 128б
002 GitLab-container-registry.url 84б
002 Jenkins-distributed-builds-documentation.url 82б
002 Jenkins recommendations_en.vtt 12.95Кб
002 Jenkins recommendations.mp4 57.32Мб
002 Meet your instructor_en.vtt 1.56Кб
002 Meet your instructor.mp4 8.66Мб
002 Mozilla-TLS-recommendations.url 73б
002 OWASP_en.vtt 4.62Кб
002 OWASP.mp4 25.36Мб
002 OWASP-list-of-SCA-SAST-tools.url 82б
002 OWASP-projects-list.url 51б
002 OWASP-Secure-Headers-project.url 69б
002 OWASP-website.url 42б
002 SAST_en.vtt 3.22Кб
002 SAST.mp4 15.65Мб
002 Standard pipeline hands on demo_en.vtt 15.30Кб
002 Standard pipeline hands on demo.mp4 72.33Мб
002 Terraform recommendations_en.vtt 5.20Кб
002 Terraform recommendations.mp4 15.97Мб
003 chmod-calculator-website.url 53б
003 chmod explained walkthrough_en.vtt 1.84Кб
003 chmod explained walkthrough.mp4 5.64Мб
003 Docker-Dockerfile-documentation.url 73б
003 Dockerfiles_en.vtt 5.99Кб
003 Dockerfiles.mp4 23.46Мб
003 Horusec-GitHub.url 56б
003 Jenkins hands on demo_en.vtt 8.35Кб
003 Jenkins hands on demo.mp4 22.91Мб
003 main.tf 627б
003 OWASP-Juice-Shop-GitHub.url 64б
003 OWASP ZAP_en.vtt 3.95Кб
003 OWASP ZAP.mp4 16.01Мб
003 OWASP-ZAP-alerts.url 60б
003 OWASP-ZAP-in-Ten-training-videos.url 59б
003 OWASP-ZAP-SSL-TLS-HTTPS-documentation.url 91б
003 OWASP-ZAP-website.url 48б
003 SAST hands on demo_en.vtt 9.07Кб
003 SAST hands on demo.mp4 84.58Мб
003 Security testing in pipelines hands on demo_en.vtt 34.98Кб
003 Security testing in pipelines hands on demo.mp4 205.92Мб
003 Terraform-azurerm-documentation.url 93б
003 Terraform hands on demo_en.vtt 12.88Кб
003 Terraform hands on demo.mp4 78.18Мб
003 tfsec.url 61б
003 Ubuntu-Virtualbox-tutorial.url 127б
003 What is DevSecOps_en.vtt 7.03Кб
003 What is DevSecOps.mp4 39.19Мб
004 chmod-man-page.url 57б
004 chown-man-page.url 57б
004 DAST_en.vtt 2.79Кб
004 DAST.mp4 13.69Мб
004 Docker-command-documentation.url 81б
004 Docker commands_en.vtt 1.85Кб
004 Docker commands.mp4 9.29Мб
004 File permissions hands on demo_en.vtt 3.43Кб
004 File permissions hands on demo.mp4 22.49Мб
004 Linux environment_en.vtt 2.07Кб
004 Linux environment.mp4 2.56Мб
004 OWASP-DAST-tool-list.url 84б
004 OWASP Top 10 (2021)_en.vtt 8.78Кб
004 OWASP Top 10 (2021).mp4 50.56Мб
004 OWASP-Top-10-2021.url 48б
004 Ubuntu-Virtualbox-tutorial.url 127б
004 Virtualbox-website.url 51б
005 DAST hands on demo_en.vtt 12.67Кб
005 DAST hands on demo.mp4 94.85Мб
005 Docker-Bench-Security.url 71б
005 Docker-network-documentation.url 56б
005 Docker recommendations_en.vtt 10.77Кб
005 Docker recommendations.mp4 33.89Мб
005 Docker-run-flag-documentation.url 69б
005 Dockle.url 62б
005 Hadolint.url 60б
005 OWASP ASVS_en.vtt 1.01Кб
005 OWASP ASVS.mp4 6.78Мб
005 OWASP-ASVS-website.url 97б
005 OWASP-Juice-Shop-Github.url 64б
005 OWASP-ZAP-Baseline-Docker.url 74б
005 OWASP-ZAP-Docker-website.url 66б
005 passwd file explaned_en.vtt 4.32Кб
005 passwd file explaned.mp4 15.71Мб
005 passwd-man-page.url 75б
005 Snyk.url 40б
005 Trivy.url 61б
006 Docker hands on demo_en.vtt 17.96Кб
006 Docker hands on demo.mp4 108.16Мб
006 Hadolint-Github.url 60б
006 OWASP ASVS hands on demo_en.vtt 5.78Кб
006 OWASP ASVS hands on demo.mp4 40.21Мб
006 OWASP-ASVS-v4.0.3-PDF.url 140б
006 OWASP-list-of-SCA-SAST-tools.url 82б
006 SCA_en.vtt 7.08Кб
006 SCA.mp4 31.47Мб
006 shadow file explained_en.vtt 4.61Кб
006 shadow file explained.mp4 16.96Мб
006 shadow-man-page.url 58б
006 Trivy-Github.url 61б
007 group file explained_en.vtt 1.37Кб
007 group file explained.mp4 2.78Мб
007 group-man-page.url 57б
007 OWASP Cheatsheets_en.vtt 1.27Кб
007 OWASP Cheatsheets.mp4 7.20Мб
007 OWASP-Cheatsheets-website.url 59б
007 OWASP-Juice-Shop-Github.url 64б
007 SCA hands on demo_en.vtt 9.15Кб
007 SCA hands on demo.mp4 70.41Мб
007 Snyk.url 40б
008 OWASP Cheatsheets hands on demo_en.vtt 5.30Кб
008 OWASP Cheatsheets hands on demo.mp4 30.41Мб
008 OWASP-Cheatsheets-website.url 59б
008 Penetration Testing_en.vtt 4.16Кб
008 Penetration Testing.mp4 22.81Мб
008 sudo explained_en.vtt 4.68Кб
008 sudo explained.mp4 21.23Мб
008 sudo-man-page.url 56б
009 CIS benchmarks_en.vtt 3.38Кб
009 CIS benchmarks.mp4 21.86Мб
009 CIS-benchmarks.url 66б
009 CIS-website.url 51б
009 sudo hands on demo_en.vtt 5.63Кб
009 sudo hands on demo.mp4 27.00Мб
009 Vulnerbility Assessement_en.vtt 1.54Кб
009 Vulnerbility Assessement.mp4 8.88Мб
010 CIS controls_en.vtt 2.00Кб
010 CIS controls.mp4 8.36Мб
010 CIS-controls.url 59б
010 CIS-website.url 50б
010 Key security principles_en.vtt 6.87Кб
010 Key security principles.mp4 36.20Мб
010 LinEnum.url 61б
010 linPEAS.url 83б
010 linuxprivchecker.url 81б
010 OWASP-Authorisation-least-privilege.url 70б
010 OWASP-defense-in-depth-wiki.url 73б
010 Privilege escalation explained_en.vtt 5.89Кб
010 Privilege escalation explained.mp4 23.79Мб
010 unix-privesc-check.url 80б
011 apt-get & apt explained_en.vtt 5.75Кб
011 apt-get & apt explained.mp4 22.96Мб
011 CIS-benchmarks.url 66б
011 CIS benchmarks and controls walkthrough_en.vtt 4.11Кб
011 CIS benchmarks and controls walkthrough.mp4 24.50Мб
011 CIS-controls.url 59б
011 Confidentiality integrity and availability (CIA Triad)_en.vtt 4.04Кб
011 Confidentiality integrity and availability (CIA Triad).mp4 22.11Мб
012 Automatic updates explained_en.vtt 2.49Кб
012 Automatic updates explained.mp4 7.96Мб
012 CVEs_en.vtt 4.22Кб
012 CVEs.mp4 19.19Мб
012 CVE-website-mitre.org-.url 46б
012 Debian-automatic-updates-documentation.url 66б
012 Krebs-on-security.url 52б
012 Threatpost.url 47б
012 Ubuntu-automatic-updates-documentation.url 82б
013 CVSS_en.vtt 1.91Кб
013 CVSS.mp4 8.55Мб
013 CVSS-v3.1-calculator.url 65б
013 CVSS-website-first.org-.url 51б
013 SSH explained_en.vtt 9.50Кб
013 SSH explained.mp4 41.25Мб
013 ssh-man-page.url 55б
014 CISA_en.vtt 3.78Кб
014 CISA.mp4 19.86Мб
014 CISA-alerts.url 63б
014 CISA-known-exploited-vulnerabilities.url 84б
014 CISA-website.url 44б
014 denyhosts.url 57б
014 fail2ban.url 73б
014 Mozilla-SSH-recommendations.url 70б
014 SSH recommendations_en.vtt 3.61Кб
014 SSH recommendations.mp4 17.80Мб
015 Mozilla-SSH-recommendations.url 70б
015 SSH Mozilla recommendations_en.vtt 3.73Кб
015 SSH Mozilla recommendations.mp4 23.32Мб
016 cat-man-page.url 55б
016 grep-man-page.url 56б
016 man-man-page.url 55б
016 Useful commands_en.vtt 4.25Кб
016 Useful commands.mp4 21.67Мб
016 WSL-Microsoft-documentation.url 69б
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Dockerfile 219б
Dockerfile 219б
external-links.txt 194б
external-links.txt 1.11Кб
external-links.txt 1.63Кб
external-links.txt 1.57Кб
external-links.txt 1.20Кб
external-links.txt 214б
external-links.txt 433б
external-links.txt 136б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 183б
gitlab-ci.yml 4.11Кб
package.json 240б
package.json 263б
README.md 6.07Кб
server.js 216б
server.js 273б
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