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Название [Coursera] Game Theory
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_README.txt 2.32Кб
1 - 10 - 1-10 Pareto Optimality (8_56).mp4 13.44Мб
1 - 10 - 1-10 Pareto Optimality (8_56).srt 11.02Кб
1 - 1 - 1-1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff (11_23).mp4 16.74Мб
1 - 1 - 1-1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff (11_23).srt 16.14Кб
1 - 2 - 1-2 Self-Interested Agents and Utility Theory (3_53).mp4 5.57Мб
1 - 2 - 1-2 Self-Interested Agents and Utility Theory (3_53).srt 4.10Кб
1 - 3 - 1-3 Defining Games (10_36).mp4 16.69Мб
1 - 3 - 1-3 Defining Games (10_36).srt 13.63Кб
1 - 4 - 1-4 Examples of Games (5_59).mp4 8.18Мб
1 - 4 - 1-4 Examples of Games (5_59).srt 6.00Кб
1 - 5 - 1-5 Nash Equilibrium Intro (4_06).mp4 6.11Мб
1 - 5 - 1-5 Nash Equilibrium Intro (4_06).srt 5.58Кб
1 - 6 - 1-6 Strategic Reasoning (10_00).mp4 14.69Мб
1 - 6 - 1-6 Strategic Reasoning (10_00).srt 14.62Кб
1 - 7 - 1-7 Best Response and Nash Equilibrium (2_43).mp4 3.80Мб
1 - 7 - 1-7 Best Response and Nash Equilibrium (2_43).srt 3.10Кб
1 - 8 - 1-8 Nash Equilibrium of Example Games (6_14).mp4 8.41Мб
1 - 8 - 1-8 Nash Equilibrium of Example Games (6_14).srt 7.55Кб
1 - 9 - 1-9 Dominant Strategies (7_32).mp4 7.52Мб
1 - 9 - 1-9 Dominant Strategies (7_32).srt 9.30Кб
2 - 1 - 2-1 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (I) (2_35).mp4 4.78Мб
2 - 1 - 2-1 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (I) (2_35).srt 3.35Кб
2 - 2 - 2-2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (II) (14_00).mp4 20.76Мб
2 - 2 - 2-2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (II) (14_00).srt 17.66Кб
2 - 3 - 2-3 Computing Mixed Nash Equilibrium (11_45).mp4 12.37Мб
2 - 3 - 2-3 Computing Mixed Nash Equilibrium (11_45).srt 16.22Кб
2 - 4 - 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Basic (5_12).mp4 7.42Мб
2 - 4 - 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Basic (5_12).srt 5.50Кб
2 - 5 - 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Advanced (20_50).mp4 30.60Мб
2 - 5 - 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Advanced (20_50).srt 21.08Кб
2 - 6 - 2-5 Example_ Mixed Strategy Nash (10_33).mp4 10.77Мб
2 - 6 - 2-5 Example_ Mixed Strategy Nash (10_33).srt 13.63Кб
2 - 7 - 2-6 Data_ Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies (10_44).mp4 15.67Мб
2 - 7 - 2-6 Data_ Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies (10_44).mp4.part 399.19Кб
2 - 7 - 2-6 Data_ Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies (10_44).srt 14.46Кб
3 - 1 - 3-1 Beyond the Nash Equilibrium (3_48).mp4 5.84Мб
3 - 1 - 3-1 Beyond the Nash Equilibrium (3_48).srt 5.00Кб
3 - 2 - 3-2 Strictly Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal (19_37).mp4 51.67Мб
3 - 2 - 3-2 Strictly Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal (19_37).srt 26.06Кб
3 - 3 - 3-3 Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal_ An Application (9_25).mp4 14.55Мб
3 - 3 - 3-3 Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal_ An Application (9_25).srt 12.58Кб
3 - 4 - 3-4 Maxmin Strategies (9_32).mp4 14.07Мб
3 - 4 - 3-4 Maxmin Strategies (9_32).srt 9.43Кб
3 - 5 - 3-4 Maxmin Strategies - Advanced.mp4 46.45Мб
3 - 5 - 3-4 Maxmin Strategies - Advanced.srt 17.31Кб
3 - 6 - 3-5 Correlated Equilibrium_ Intuition (5_08).mp4 7.85Мб
3 - 6 - 3-5 Correlated Equilibrium_ Intuition (5_08).srt 7.70Кб
4 - 10 - 4-10 Incomplete Information in the Extensive Form_ Beyond Subgame Perfection (13_16).mp4 19.38Мб
4 - 10 - 4-10 Incomplete Information in the Extensive Form_ Beyond Subgame Perfection (13_16).srt 17.55Кб
4 - 1 - 4-1 Perfect Information Extensive Form_ Taste (3_59).mp4 5.48Мб
4 - 1 - 4-1 Perfect Information Extensive Form_ Taste (3_59).srt 4.17Кб
4 - 2 - 4-2 Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games (6_15).mp4 18.34Мб
4 - 2 - 4-2 Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games (6_15).srt 7.95Кб
4 - 3 - 4-3 Perfect Information Extensive Form_ Strategies, BR, NE (13_40).mp4 20.58Мб
4 - 3 - 4-3 Perfect Information Extensive Form_ Strategies, BR, NE (13_40).srt 19.17Кб
4 - 4 - 4-4 Subgame Perfection (9_37).mp4 28.21Мб
4 - 4 - 4-4 Subgame Perfection (9_37).srt 9.83Кб
4 - 5 - 4-5 Backward Induction (13_01).mp4 20.36Мб
4 - 5 - 4-5 Backward Induction (13_01).srt 15.55Кб
4 - 6 - 4-6 Subgame Perfect Application_ Ultimatum Bargaining (17_50).mp4 26.73Мб
4 - 6 - 4-6 Subgame Perfect Application_ Ultimatum Bargaining (17_50).srt 24.36Кб
4 - 7 - 4-7 Imperfect Information Extensive Form_ Poker (3_36).mp4 5.39Мб
4 - 7 - 4-7 Imperfect Information Extensive Form_ Poker (3_36).srt 5.18Кб
4 - 8 - 4-8 Imperfect Information Extensive Form_ Definition, Strategies (10_54).mp4 16.73Мб
4 - 8 - 4-8 Imperfect Information Extensive Form_ Definition, Strategies (10_54).srt 16.46Кб
4 - 9 - 4-9 Mixed and Behavioral Strategies (8_53).mp4 26.46Мб
4 - 9 - 4-9 Mixed and Behavioral Strategies (8_53).srt 8.75Кб
5 - 1 - 5-1 Repeated Games (06_17).mp4 9.17Мб
5 - 1 - 5-1 Repeated Games (06_17).srt 8.87Кб
5 - 2 - 5-2 Infinitely Repeated Games_ Utility (06_31).mp4 9.71Мб
5 - 2 - 5-2 Infinitely Repeated Games_ Utility (06_31).srt 9.41Кб
5 - 3 - 5-3 Stochastic Games (05_37).mp4 7.80Мб
5 - 3 - 5-3 Stochastic Games (05_37).srt 5.77Кб
5 - 4 - 5-4 Learning in Repeated Games (15_43).mp4 21.72Мб
5 - 4 - 5-4 Learning in Repeated Games (15_43).srt 16.22Кб
5 - 5 - 5-5 Equilibria of Infinitely Repeated Games (28_44).mp4 44.54Мб
5 - 5 - 5-5 Equilibria of Infinitely Repeated Games (28_44).srt 36.39Кб
5 - 6 - 5-6 Discounted Repeated Games (13_26).mp4 20.18Мб
5 - 6 - 5-6 Discounted Repeated Games (13_26).srt 18.37Кб
5 - 7 - 5-7 A Folk Theorem for Discounted Repeated Games (10_54).mp4 16.36Мб
5 - 7 - 5-7 A Folk Theorem for Discounted Repeated Games (10_54).srt 13.84Кб
6 - 1 - 6-1 Bayesian Games_ Taste (06_23).mp4 10.21Мб
6 - 1 - 6-1 Bayesian Games_ Taste (06_23).srt 8.27Кб
6 - 2 - 6-2 Bayesian Games_ First Definition (09_41).mp4 14.90Мб
6 - 2 - 6-2 Bayesian Games_ First Definition (09_41).srt 13.40Кб
6 - 3 - 6-2 yoav.mp4 12.37Мб
6 - 3 - 6-2 yoav.srt 8.22Кб
6 - 4 - 6-3 Bayesian Games_ Second Definition (06_55).mp4 10.05Мб
6 - 4 - 6-3 Bayesian Games_ Second Definition (06_55).srt 6.44Кб
6 - 5 - 6-4 Analyzing Bayesian Games (11_16).mp4 16.47Мб
6 - 5 - 6-4 Analyzing Bayesian Games (11_16).srt 14.21Кб
6 - 6 - 6-5 Analyzing Bayesian Games_ Another Example (10_16).mp4 14.83Мб
6 - 6 - 6-5 Analyzing Bayesian Games_ Another Example (10_16).srt 13.10Кб
7 - 1 - 7-1 Coalitional Game Theory_ Taste (04_05).mp4 5.38Мб
7 - 1 - 7-1 Coalitional Game Theory_ Taste (04_05).srt 4.35Кб
7 - 2 - 7-2 Coalitional Game Theory_ Definitions (06_14).mp4 9.23Мб
7 - 2 - 7-2 Coalitional Game Theory_ Definitions (06_14).srt 7.13Кб
7 - 3 - 7-3 The Shapley Value (16_16).mp4 23.80Мб
7 - 3 - 7-3 The Shapley Value (16_16).srt 20.85Кб
7 - 4 - 7-4 The Core (14_42).mp4 22.23Мб
7 - 4 - 7-4 The Core (14_42).srt 16.95Кб
7 - 5 - 7-5 Comparing the Core and Shapley value in an Example (10_45).mp4 15.77Мб
7 - 5 - 7-5 Comparing the Core and Shapley value in an Example (10_45).srt 12.72Кб
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