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Название [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Linux Academy - DevSecOps Essentials
Размер 1.98Гб

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0. (1Hack.Us) Premium Tutorials-Guides-Articles & Community based Forum.url 377б
1. (FreeCoursesOnline.Me) Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, Pluralsight Free.url 286б
1-About The Author.mp4 6.18Мб
1-Automated Deployment.mp4 84.28Мб
1-Automated Provisioning with PaaS Tooling.mp4 55.41Мб
1-Clean Repositories.mp4 110.33Мб
1-Production Monitoring.mp4 53.24Мб
1-Summation and Next Steps.mp4 74.34Мб
1-The 16 Gates.mp4 81.06Мб
2. (NulledPremium.com) Download E-Learning, E-Books, Audio-Books, & more.etc.url 163б
2-About The DevSecOps Essentials Course.mp4 94.62Мб
2-Automated Provisioning with PaaS Tooling (OpenShift Demo).mp4 116.20Мб
2-Configuration Management.mp4 60.63Мб
2-Dashboards and Automated Vulnerability Detection.mp4 141.37Мб
2-Securing Public Repositories.mp4 144.11Мб
3. (FTUApps.com) Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url 239б
3-An Overview of DevSecOps.mp4 70.67Мб
3-Secure Containerization.mp4 122.47Мб
3-Securing The Automated Build.mp4 69.63Мб
4-Cyber Security Standards and Concepts (Part 1).mp4 58.23Мб
4-Docker Trusted Repositories.mp4 86.12Мб
4-Securing The Automated Build (Jenkins Pipeline Demo).mp4 87.89Мб
5-Cyber Security Standards (NIST Intelligence NVD and NCP Demo).mp4 52.13Мб
5-Docker Bench.mp4 91.46Мб
5-Vulnerability Detection and Remediation.mp4 162.76Мб
6-Identity and Access Management.mp4 47.51Мб
6-Vulnerability Detection and Remediation (OWASP Dependency Check Demo).mp4 117.26Мб
7-Secure Staging.mp4 39.35Мб
How you can help our Group!.txt 208б
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