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Название Slate.Digital.VerbSuite.Classics.v1.0.12.5-R2R
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 14.12Гб

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01 Bright Plate.fir 45.23Мб
01 Large Ambience.fir 21.91Мб
01 Large Chamber.fir 35.82Мб
01 Large Hall.fir 54.32Мб
01 Large Hall.fir 60.00Мб
01 Music Club.fir 29.77Мб
01 Nonlin A.fir 11.96Мб
01 North Church.fir 72.26Мб
01 Open Space.fir 59.99Мб
01 Plate A.fir 45.81Мб
01 Studio A.fir 19.81Мб
02 Dark Plate.fir 37.80Мб
02 East Church.fir 60.77Мб
02 Large And Stage.fir 61.42Мб
02 Large Room.fir 20.23Мб
02 Med Ambience.fir 17.57Мб
02 Med Chamber.fir 32.50Мб
02 Medium Hall.fir 46.79Мб
02 Med Space.fir 35.60Мб
02 Nonlin B.fir 10.60Мб
02 Small Plate.fir 38.63Мб
02 Studio B Close.fir 20.93Мб
03 London Plate.fir 44.57Мб
03 Medium Hall.fir 47.71Мб
03 Med Room.fir 15.86Мб
03 Nonlin C.fir 13.31Мб
03 Small Ambience.fir 13.04Мб
03 Small Chamber.fir 26.95Мб
03 Small Hall.fir 36.64Мб
03 Small Space.fir 16.55Мб
03 Snare Plate.fir 33.88Мб
03 South Church.fir 77.67Мб
03 Studio B Far.fir 18.65Мб
04 Dark Plate.fir 48.73Мб
04 Large and Dark.fir 27.65Мб
04 Large and Dark.fir 37.47Мб
04 Large and Near.fir 52.83Мб
04 Medium And Stage.fir 46.58Мб
04 Nonlin D.fir 13.90Мб
04 Small Room.fir 12.09Мб
04 Snare Plate A.fir 32.08Мб
04 Studio C.fir 16.09Мб
04 VOX Ambience.fir 43.14Мб
04 West Church.fir 102.07Мб
05 Big Bottom.fir 47.83Мб
05 Cinema Room.fir 12.29Мб
05 Lg Wood Room.fir 30.70Мб
05 Medium and Dark.fir 25.46Мб
05 Medium and Near.fir 45.94Мб
05 Rich Plate A.fir 48.15Мб
05 Small and Dark.fir 31.83Мб
05 Small Hall.fir 31.58Мб
05 Snare Plate B.fir 28.11Мб
05 Studio D.fir 13.61Мб
06 Cathedral.fir 104.90Мб
06 Large and Bright.fir 40.17Мб
06 Rich Plate B.fir 48.64Мб
06 Scoring Stage.fir 50.50Мб
06 Small and Dark.fir 14.31Мб
06 Small and Near.fir 35.94Мб
06 Small And Stage.fir 31.08Мб
06 Sm Wood Room.fir 21.82Мб
06 Studio E.fir 27.20Мб
06 Vocal Plate.fir 38.70Мб
07 Bath House.fir 66.72Мб
07 Deep Stone.fir 31.74Мб
07 Grand Stage.fir 59.52Мб
07 Large and Bright.fir 25.42Мб
07 Large and Dark.fir 52.96Мб
07 Large Chamber.fir 47.92Мб
07 Large Church.fir 98.74Мб
07 Old Plate.fir 33.04Мб
07 Small and Bright.fir 26.38Мб
07 Thin Plate.fir 35.96Мб
08 Car Park.fir 78.98Мб
08 Kick Chamber.fir 19.68Мб
08 Large and Deep.fir 53.67Мб
08 Lush Church.fir 105.07Мб
08 Med and Bright.fir 20.06Мб
08 Music Room.fir 28.34Мб
08 Rich Plate.fir 46.83Мб
08 Small Chamber.fir 38.61Мб
08 Small Church.fir 57.32Мб
08 Vocal Plate A.fir 42.29Мб
09 Arena.fir 66.61Мб
09 Bright Chamber.fir 45.06Мб
09 Gold Plate.fir 44.56Мб
09 Grand Church.fir 96.68Мб
09 Heavy Room.fir 18.41Мб
09 Jazz Hall.fir 36.70Мб
09 Medium and Deep.fir 45.05Мб
09 Small and Bright.fir 12.03Мб
09 Snare Chamber.fir 31.59Мб
09 Vocal Plate B.fir 39.63Мб
10 Concert Hall.fir 51.97Мб
10 Concert Wave.fir 108.89Мб
10 Deep Ambience.fir 27.92Мб
10 Dense Plate.fir 40.74Мб
10 Drum Plate.fir 36.52Мб
10 Large Wooden.fir 31.48Мб
10 Redwood Forest.fir 51.63Мб
10 Tiled Room.fir 29.07Мб
10 Vocal Chamber.fir 40.00Мб
10 West Hall.fir 55.91Мб
11 A and M Chamber.fir 52.36Мб
11 Concert A.fir 57.08Мб
11 Fat Chamber.fir 35.47Мб
11 Gold Hall.fir 46.32Мб
11 Large Plate.fir 53.60Мб
11 Long Ambience.fir 30.76Мб
11 Long Vox Space.fir 47.26Мб
11 Silver Plate.fir 47.66Мб
11 Small Wooden.fir 17.02Мб
11 Tanglewood.fir 71.38Мб
12 Academy Yard.fir 79.22Мб
12 CD Chamber.fir 45.35Мб
12 Clear Ambience.fir 18.98Мб
12 Concert B.fir 53.63Мб
12 Dark Warm Room.fir 30.59Мб
12 Fat Plate.fir 28.77Мб
12 Large Tiled.fir 30.72Мб
12 Percussion Plate.fir 28.38Мб
12 Sandors Hall.fir 59.79Мб
12 Studio 1.fir 20.31Мб
13 Alpha Plate.fir 45.85Мб
13 Dense Hall.fir 48.90Мб
13 Echo Plate.fir 43.34Мб
13 Heavy Ambience.fir 15.61Мб
13 Hillside.fir 66.02Мб
13 Live Hall.fir 61.79Мб
13 Live Room.fir 39.57Мб
13 Medium Tiled.fir 25.86Мб
13 Old Chamber.fir 57.23Мб
13 Studio 2.fir 17.15Мб
14 Bass XXL.fir 27.31Мб
14 Cavern.fir 118.63Мб
14 CD Plate A.fir 39.94Мб
14 Clear Hall.fir 50.18Мб
14 Deep Chamber.fir 44.74Мб
14 Koncert Piano.fir 53.11Мб
14 Shimmering Sky.fir 126.18Мб
14 Small Tiled.fir 18.80Мб
14 Studio 3.fir 20.98Мб
14 Vocal Shimmer.fir 46.20Мб
15 Amb Chamber A.fir 40.54Мб
15 Brass Hall.fir 49.30Мб
15 CD Plate B.fir 40.79Мб
15 Drum and Chamber.fir 33.21Мб
15 Oak Ballroom.fir 126.19Мб
15 Percussion Air.fir 13.51Мб
15 Stone Quarry.fir 126.19Мб
15 Studio 4.fir 29.26Мб
16 Amb Chamber B.fir 37.67Мб
16 Amsterdam Hall.fir 52.98Мб
16 Djangos Room.fir 21.07Мб
16 Gated Space.fir 26.98Мб
16 Guitar Room.fir 33.49Мб
16 Ice House.fir 126.18Мб
16 Large Plate.fir 51.74Мб
17 Berliner Hall.fir 56.36Мб
17 Ice Beads.fir 90.89Мб
17 Marble Room.fir 35.79Мб
17 Reflect Chapel.fir 85.36Мб
17 Small Plate.fir 23.91Мб
17 Small Vox.fir 28.17Мб
17 Sunset Chamber.fir 53.03Мб
18 A and M Chamber B.fir 52.05Мб
18 Boston Hall A.fir 48.77Мб
18 Deep Chamber.fir 45.88Мб
18 Fat Plate.fir 25.49Мб
18 Glass Room.fir 19.87Мб
18 Music Forest.fir 71.25Мб
18 Reflect Church.fir 86.44Мб
19 Boston Hall B.fir 43.28Мб
19 Crystal Plate.fir 31.78Мб
19 Dark Chamber.fir 49.14Мб
19 Percussion Room.fir 18.88Мб
19 Stone Chamber.fir 41.83Мб
19 Waving Bloom.fir 128.69Мб
20 Brick Chamber.fir 17.95Мб
20 Chicago Hall.fir 50.58Мб
20 Marble Foyer.fir 31.30Мб
20 Sun Plate A.fir 57.48Мб
20 Tiled Chamber.fir 42.07Мб
20 Vocal Chamber.fir 43.06Мб
21 Fat Chamber.fir 42.49Мб
21 Large Q Room.fir 60.16Мб
21 Sun Plate B.fir 55.89Мб
21 Vienna Hall.fir 48.89Мб
21 Wide Room.fir 27.14Мб
22 Echo Chamber.fir 47.44Мб
22 Lush Room.fir 26.23Мб
22 Small Q Room.fir 32.35Мб
22 Sun Plate C.fir 51.66Мб
22 Worcester Hall.fir 53.88Мб
23 Large Red Room.fir 26.21Мб
23 The ArchDuke.fir 42.30Мб
23 Vocal Plate B.fir 53.83Мб
24 Red Room.fir 11.98Мб
24 Repro Plate.fir 46.81Мб
24 Troy Hall.fir 54.14Мб
25 Blue Room.fir 16.15Мб
25 Saint Sylvian.fir 91.97Мб
26 Large Room.fir 27.88Мб
26 Mechanics Hall.fir 57.70Мб
27 Saint Gerold.fir 80.11Мб
27 Small Room.fir 16.41Мб
28 Front Room.fir 11.55Мб
28 Pepes Hall A.fir 44.46Мб
29 Center Room.fir 14.01Мб
29 Pepes Hall B.fir 45.84Мб
30 Back Room.fir 14.99Мб
30 Reflect Hall A.fir 58.72Мб
31 Reflect Hall B.fir 56.55Мб
31 Studio K.fir 7.83Мб
32 Piano Hall.fir 48.67Мб
32 Waits Room.fir 22.66Мб
33 Corn Room.fir 49.40Мб
34 Oakland Room.fir 38.96Мб
35 SF Perf Room.fir 37.66Мб
36 Long Wood Room.fir 31.63Мб
CLA Audio Legends 2 Plate.fir 46.99Мб
CLA Audio Legends 2 Room.fir 18.61Мб
FG-16X Ambience 0.6 Decay Time.sdls 525.04Кб
FG-16X Ambience 1.7 Decay Time.sdls 1.46Мб
FG-16X Ambience 3.0 Decay Time.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-16X Ambience INIT 4.0 Decay Time.sdls 3.30Мб
FG-16X Hall B3 0.6 Decay Time.sdls 450.04Кб
FG-16X Hall B3 1.7 Decay Time.sdls 1.98Мб
FG-16X Hall B3 INIT 4.0 Decay Time.sdls 3.44Мб
FG-16X Hall C1 1.2 Decay Time.sdls 1.03Мб
FG-16X Hall C1 2.3 Decay Time.sdls 2.20Мб
FG-16X Hall C1 INIT 4.0 Decay Time.sdls 3.30Мб
FG-16X Nonlin 2.0 Decay Time.sdls 300.04Кб
FG-16X Nonlin 6.0 Decay Time.sdls 412.54Кб
FG-16X Nonlin 9.9 Decay Time.sdls 450.04Кб
FG-16X Nonlin INIT 4.0 Decay Time.sdls 375.04Кб
FG-16X Plate 0.6 Decay Time.sdls 525.05Кб
FG-16X Plate 3.0 Decay Time.sdls 4.03Мб
FG-16X Plate INIT 2.0 Decay Time.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-16X Reverse 1.2 Decay Time.sdls 375.04Кб
FG-16X Reverse 2.3 Decay Time.sdls 375.04Кб
FG-16X Reverse INIT 4.0 Decay Time.sdls 375.04Кб
FG-16X Room 0.6 Decay Time.sdls 375.04Кб
FG-16X Room 1.7 Decay Time.sdls 525.04Кб
FG-16X Room 2.3 Decay Time.sdls 825.04Кб
FG-16X Room 3.0 Decay Time.sdls 3.30Мб
FG-16X Room INIT 1.0 Decay Time.sdls 337.54Кб
FG-2000 CLA Snare Setting.sdls 900.04Кб
FG-2000 Reverb A 1.0 Decay.sdls 1.10Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 2.0 Decay.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 3.0 Decay.sdls 4.03Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 4.0 Decay.sdls 5.49Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 5.0 Decay.sdls 6.96Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 6.0 Decay.sdls 8.42Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 8.0 Decay.sdls 11.35Мб
FG-2000 Reverb A 9.9 Decay.sdls 14.28Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 1.0 Decay.sdls 1.10Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 2.0 Decay.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 3.0 Decay.sdls 3.22Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 4.0 Decay.sdls 3.88Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 5.0 Decay.sdls 4.61Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 6.0 Decay.sdls 5.27Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 8.0 Decay.sdls 6.23Мб
FG-2000 Reverb C 9.9 Decay.sdls 6.23Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 1.0 Decay.sdls 1.10Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 2.0 Decay.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 3.0 Decay.sdls 3.66Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 4.0 Decay.sdls 4.98Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 5.0 Decay.sdls 6.01Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 7.0 Decay.sdls 7.91Мб
FG-2000 Reverb D 9.9 Decay.sdls 10.99Мб
FG-2016 Generic Reverb 10.0s_14 Step_10 Room Size.sdls 7.32Мб
FG-2016 Generic Reverb 2.0s_14 Step_10 Room Size.sdls 1.68Мб
FG-2016 Generic Reverb 2.0s_6 Step_3 Room Size.sdls 1.68Мб
FG-2016 Generic Reverb 2.0s.sdls 2.20Мб
FG-2016 Generic Reverb 6.0s_6 Step_7 Room Size.sdls 3.74Мб
FG-2016 Hi Density Plate 1.0s.sdls 1.46Мб
FG-2016 Hi Density Plate 2.0s.sdls 2.93Мб
FG-2016 Hi Density Plate 25.0s.sdls 29.30Мб
FG-2016 Hi Density Plate 3.0s.sdls 4.39Мб
FG-2016 Hi Density Plate 5.0s.sdls 7.32Мб
FG-2016 Plate Reverb 1.0s.sdls 900.04Кб
FG-2016 Plate Reverb 3.0s.sdls 2.27Мб
FG-2016 Plate Reverb 4.0s.sdls 3.15Мб
FG-2016 Plate Reverb 7.0s.sdls 4.32Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 1.0s.sdls 1.10Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 10.0s_4 Step.sdls 8.79Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 2.0s_7 Step.sdls 2.56Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 3.0s.sdls 2.93Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 5.0s_7 Step.sdls 5.20Мб
FG-2016 Room Reverb 7.0s.sdls 5.86Мб
FG-2016 Stereo Room 10.0s_2 Step_Low Diffusion.sdls 3.27Мб
FG-2016 Stereo Room 2.0s_14 Step_Hi Diffusion.sdls 2.42Мб
FG-2016 Stereo Room 2.0s_2 Step_Hi Diffusion.sdls 1.54Мб
FG-2016 Stereo Room 3.0s_10 Step_Hi Diffusion.sdls 2.93Мб
FG-2016 Stereo Room 6.0s_2 Step_Low Diffusion.sdls 1.01Мб
FG-224 Chamber.fir 45.61Мб
FG-224 Large Hall B.fir 52.39Мб
FG-224 Perc Plate.fir 39.75Мб
FG-224 Room A.fir 32.60Мб
FG-224 Small Hall A.fir 44.02Мб
FG-224 Small Hall B.fir 56.37Мб
FG-224 Voc Plate.fir 41.42Мб
FG-224XL Bright Hall V1.fir 61.02Мб
FG-224XL Bright Hall V2.fir 35.97Мб
FG-224XL Concert Hall V1.fir 61.97Мб
FG-224XL Concert Hall V2.fir 37.71Мб
FG-224XL Constant Density Plate A V1.fir 40.88Мб
FG-224XL Constant Density Plate B V1.fir 42.31Мб
FG-224XL Constant Density Plate B V2.fir 11.99Мб
FG-224XL Dark Chamber V1.fir 50.58Мб
FG-224XL Dark Chamber V3.fir 36.28Мб
FG-224XL Dark Hall V1.fir 59.66Мб
FG-224XL Dark Hall V2.fir 36.82Мб
FG-224XL Plate V1.fir 38.00Мб
FG-224XL Plate V3.fir 80.52Мб
FG-224XL Rich Chamber V1.fir 53.54Мб
FG-224XL Rich Chamber V3.fir 35.50Мб
FG-224XL Rich Plate V1.fir 48.18Мб
FG-224XL Rich Plate V3.fir 25.49Мб
FG-224XL Room.fir 32.60Мб
FG-224XL Room V2.fir 27.32Мб
FG-224XL Room V4.fir 11.12Мб
FG-224XL Small Plate V1.fir 34.69Мб
FG-224XL Small Plate V3.fir 80.40Мб
FG-224XL Small Room V1.fir 14.31Мб
FG-224XL Small Room V3.fir 10.72Мб
FG-250_T_0.4_LD_0.5_HD_0.25_Front.fir 9.49Мб
FG-250_T_0.4_LD_1.0_HD_0.25_Rear.fir 9.49Мб
FG-250_T_0.4_LD_1.5_HD_0.25_Front.fir 9.49Мб
FG-250_T_0.4_LD_1.5_HD_0.33_Front.fir 9.49Мб
FG-250_T_0.4_LD_2.0_HD_MAX_Rear.fir 9.49Мб
FG-250_T_0.8_LD_1.5_HD_MAX_Front.fir 18.87Мб
FG-250_T_0.8_LD_1.5_HD_MAX_Rear.fir 18.87Мб
FG-250_T_0.8_LD_2.0_HD_0.50_Rear.fir 18.87Мб
FG-250_T_1.5_LD_0.5_HD_MAX_Front.fir 30.59Мб
FG-250_T_1.5_LD_1.0_HD_0.50_Front.fir 29.42Мб
FG-250_T_1.5_LD_1.0_HD_0.50_Rear.fir 29.42Мб
FG-250_T_1.5_LD_1.5_HD_MAX_Rear.fir 32.93Мб
FG-250_T_1.5_LD_2.0_HD_MAX_Front.fir 32.93Мб
FG-250_T_2.5_LD_0.5_HD_MAX_Front.fir 49.34Мб
FG-250_T_2.5_LD_1.0_HD_0.33_Front.fir 46.99Мб
FG-250_T_2.5_LD_1.0_HD_MAX_Front.fir 50.51Мб
FG-250_T_2.5_LD_1.5_HD_MAX_Front.fir 56.37Мб
FG-250_T_2.5_LD_2.0_HD_MAX_Front.fir 56.37Мб
FG-250_T_3.3_LD_0.5_HD_MAX_Rear.sdls 8.20Мб
FG-250_T_3.3_LD_2.0_HD_0.25_Rear.sdls 9.67Мб
FG-250_T_4.5_LD_0.5_HD_0.25_Front.sdls 8.64Мб
FG-250_T_4.5_LD_0.5_HD_MAX_Front.sdls 10.84Мб
FG-250_T_4.5_LD_1.5_HD_0.50_Rear.sdls 13.18Мб
FG-3000 Big Sweep.fir 35.28Мб
FG-3000 Bright Room.fir 30.38Мб
FG-3000 Canyon.fir 117.31Мб
FG-3000 Dark Room.fir 35.28Мб
FG-3000 Delay To Wash.fir 30.54Мб
FG-3000 Reverb Factory.fir 33.80Мб
FG-3000 Shimmerish.fir 35.28Мб
FG-3000 Small Dark Room.fir 30.54Мб
FG-3000 Small Room.fir 15.88Мб
FG-3000 Space Flange.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3000 Swept Reverb.fir 28.21Мб
FG-3000 Warm Hall.fir 29.71Мб
FG-3500 Alice-Verb.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3500 Alive Chamber.fir 35.28Мб
FG-3500 Ballad Snare.fir 31.65Мб
FG-3500 Bathroom.fir 16.69Мб
FG-3500 Bob's Room.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3500 Breathing Canyon.fir 117.31Мб
FG-3500 Concert Hall.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3500 Dark Cellar.fir 12.58Мб
FG-3500 Dave's Plate.fir 21.18Мб
FG-3500 Dith Verb.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3500 Echo Verb.fir 58.71Мб
FG-3500 Empty Closet.fir 5.94Мб
FG-3500 Empty Water Tanks.fir 21.36Мб
FG-3500 Hat Room.fir 4.28Мб
FG-3500 Hi Hat Breath.fir 2.46Мб
FG-3500 Itchy Coo Tom.fir 2.46Мб
FG-3500 Kerr Verb.fir 21.35Мб
FG-3500 Lexy Room.fir 21.35Мб
FG-3500 Lite Room.fir 15.77Мб
FG-3500 Long Room.fir 73.69Мб
FG-3500 Medium Space.fir 16.81Мб
FG-3500 Northwest Hall.fir 46.99Мб
FG-3500 Reverb Ramp.fir 82.15Мб
FG-3500 Short Room.fir 15.64Мб
FG-3500 SlapVerb.fir 35.28Мб
FG-3500 Small Tiled Rm.fir 15.64Мб
FG-3500 Tight & Bright.fir 18.41Мб
FG-3500 Tight Room.fir 10.76Мб
FG-480 Ambient Hall.fir 45.71Мб
FG-480 Announcer.fir 11.72Мб
FG-480 A Plate.sdls 5.86Мб
FG-480 Auto Park.sdls 15.50Мб
FG-480 Bathroom.sdls 960.07Кб
FG-480 Big Bottom.sdls 3.37Мб
FG-480 Brick Wall.sdls 720.07Кб
FG-480 CLA Audio Legends 480 Plate.fir 94.18Мб
FG-480 CLA Audio Legends 480 Room.fir 28.36Мб
FG-480 Fat Plate.sdls 5.80Мб
FG-480 Inside Out.fir 33.05Мб
FG-480 Jazz Hall.fir 30.71Мб
FG-480 Large+Stage.fir 52.50Мб
FG-480 Large Church.sdls 15.67Мб
FG-480 Large Hall.fir 52.50Мб
FG-480 Lg Chamber.sdls 2.58Мб
FG-480 Lg Wood Room.sdls 3.90Мб
FG-480 Living Room.sdls 72.07Кб
FG-480 Medium Hall.fir 41.96Мб
FG-480 Medium Room.sdls 1.46Мб
FG-480 Music Club.sdls 3.02Мб
FG-480 Reverb Tail.sdls 70.31Мб
FG-480 Ricochet.fir 31.64Мб
FG-480 Silica Beads.sdls 10.69Мб
FG-480 Small And Bright.sdls 1.90Мб
FG-480 Small Foley.fir 3.52Мб
FG-480 Small Plate.sdls 4.39Мб
FG-480 Sm Wood Room.sdls 1.90Мб
FG-480 Snare Plate.sdls 5.39Мб
FG-480 Strong Ambience.fir 15.00Мб
FG-480 Thin Plate.sdls 4.25Мб
FG-480 Very Lg Ambience.fir 44.53Мб
FG-480 Warehouse.fir 41.02Мб
FG-6000 Auditorium.fir 22.15Мб
FG-6000 Big Empty Club.fir 38.79Мб
FG-6000 Church Coffee House.fir 16.06Мб
FG-6000 Concert Piano.fir 39.96Мб
FG-6000 Conga Lounge.fir 22.62Мб
FG-6000 Dreamy Dark Guitar Verb.sdls 10.25Мб
FG-6000 Empty Room.fir 14.42Мб
FG-6000 Generic Live Club.fir 21.21Мб
FG-6000 Gospel Verb.sdls 8.79Мб
FG-6000 Medium String Hall.fir 46.99Мб
FG-6000 Rich Voc.sdls 7.03Мб
FG-6000 Rusty Plate.fir 24.73Мб
FG-6000 Small Tower Hall.fir 49.34Мб
FG-6000 Snare Room Bright.fir 28.24Мб
FG-6000 Sound Col.fir 56.37Мб
FG-6000 Stairway Plate.fir 23.56Мб
FG-6000 Studio 40x40 Ft.fir 35.28Мб
FG-6000 The Studio.fir 23.56Мб
FG-6000 Tom-Tom Reverb.fir 27.07Мб
FG-6000 Tunnel.sdls 7.62Мб
FG-6000 WoodFlr.fir 13.01Мб
FG-QRS 1000 Litre Oil Tank (Main Outs).sdls 1.46Мб
FG-QRS Chamber Music Studio (Main Outs).sdls 2.55Мб
FG-QRS Church (Main Outs).sdls 5.45Мб
FG-QRS Concert Hall Empty (Main Outs).sdls 2.91Мб
FG-QRS Concert Hall Full (Main Outs).sdls 2.18Мб
FG-QRS Living Room Furnished Curtain Closed (Main Outs).sdls 293.34Кб
FG-QRS Living Room Furnished Curtain Open (Main Outs).sdls 368.34Кб
FG-QRS Living Room Unfurnished (Main Outs).sdls 893.34Кб
FG-QRS Saint Peters Cathedral (Main Outs).sdls 13.10Мб
FG-QRS Ship - Submarine (Main Outs).sdls 1018.41Кб
FG-QRS Taj Mahal (Main Outs).sdls 29.22Мб
FG-QRS Wardrobe Empty (Main Outs).sdls 222.09Кб
FG-QRS Wardrobe Full (Main Outs).sdls 147.09Кб
R2R.nfo 14.24Кб
R2R.txt 167б
Setup VerbSuite Classics v1.0.12.5.exe 42.25Мб
VSC_LibPlacer.exe 141.50Кб
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Германия (DE) 1
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Список IP Полный список IP-адресов, которые скачивают или раздают этот торрент