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Название The Indochina, Vietnam and Korea Wars - Collection 5
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Anderegg (Ed.) - Inventing Vietnam; the War in Film and Television (1991).pdf 9.69Мб
Barr - The Vietnam War (1991).pdf 13.58Мб
Caputo - 10,000 Days of Thunder; a History of the Vietnam War (2005).pdf 25.32Мб
Chapman - Cauldron of Resistance; Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and 1950s Southern Vietnam (2013).pdf 2.17Мб
Characterizing Exposure of Veterans to Agent Orange and Other Herbicides Used in Vietnam, Final Report (2003).pdf 452.99Кб
Chattarji - Memories of a Lost War; American Poetic Responses to the Vietnam War (2001).pdf 1.04Мб
Cumings - The Korean War; a History (2010).epub 1.50Мб
Greiner - War Without Fronts; The USA in Vietnam (2009).pdf 26.38Мб
Grzyb (Ed.) - A Story for All Americans; Vietnam, Victims, and Veterans (2000).pdf 24.89Мб
Halberstam - The Making of a Quagmire; America and Vietnam During the Kennedy Era (2008).epub 1.69Мб
Harmon - Found, Featured, Then Forgotten; U.S. Network TV News and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (2011).pdf 3.11Мб
Jensen-Stevenson & Stevenson - Kiss the Boys Goodbye; How the U.S. Betrayed its Own POWs in Vietnam (2014).epub 21.84Мб
Kahin - Intervention, How America Become Involved in Vietnam (1986).epub 1.08Мб
Li - Voices from the Vietnam War; Stories from American, Asian, and Russian Veterans (2010).pdf 4.56Мб
Maga - The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Vietnam War, 2e (2010).epub 2.40Мб
Malkasian - The Korean War, 1950-1953 (2001).pdf 5.99Мб
Miller & Hall - My Confessions from Vietnam (2016).epub 1.90Мб
Nguyen - Nothing Ever Dies; Vietnam and the Memory of War (2016).epub 3.66Мб
Reeder - Through the Valley; My Captivity in Vietnam (2016).epub 7.60Мб
Rice-Maximin - Accommodation and Resistance; The French Left, Indochina and the Cold War, 1944-1954 (1986).pdf 8.68Мб
Stone - The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950-1951 (1952).pdf 7.27Мб
Toczek - The Battle of Ap Bac, Vietnam; They Did Everything but Learn from It (2001).pdf 15.12Мб
Udden - 21 Months, 24 Days; a Blue-Collar Kid's Journey to the Vietnam War and Back (2015).epub 8.09Мб
Ulander - Walking Point; From the Ashes of the Vietnam War (2016).epub 2.68Мб
Veterans and Agent Orange, Update 2014, NAS (2016).pdf 5.20Мб
Vickery - Kicking the Vietnam Syndrome in Cambodia; Collected Writings, 1975-2010 (2010).pdf 4.62Мб
Westmoreland - The Vietnam War; the History of America's Conflict in Southeast Asia (2015).epub 2.16Мб
Yarborough - Surviving Twice; Amerasian Children of the Vietnam War (2005).pdf 13.10Мб
Young - Vietnam Wars, 1945-1990 (1991).epub 6.67Мб
Zierler - The Invention of Ecoside; Agent Orange, Vietnam, and the Scientists Who Changed the Way We Think about the Environment (2011).pdf 5.39Мб
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