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Название JavaScript for Beginners - Learn with 6 main projects!
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 15б
1 277.22Кб
1.1 40_variables.html 480б
1. Introduction 7 JavaScript Facts.mp4 23.82Мб
1. Introduction 7 JavaScript Facts.srt 10.06Кб
1. Introduction to Variables.mp4 38.77Мб
1. Introduction to Variables.srt 15.14Кб
1. Summary.mp4 11.08Мб
1. Summary.srt 4.76Кб
10 243.75Кб
10.1 140_Mini_Project_2.html 703б
10. Mini Project #2.mp4 45.34Мб
10. Mini Project #2.srt 12.72Кб
11 87.80Кб
11.1 150_Handling_Special_Cases.html 945б
11. Handling Special Cases.mp4 33.72Мб
11. Handling Special Cases.srt 9.37Кб
12 258.90Кб
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12. Code Commenting.mp4 20.30Мб
12. Code Commenting.srt 6.21Кб
13 273.21Кб
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13. Introduction to Simple Arithmetic.mp4 23.55Мб
13. Introduction to Simple Arithmetic.srt 8.58Кб
14 192.99Кб
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14. Boolean Logic.srt 11.47Кб
15 313.43Кб
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15. Making Lists with Arrays.srt 13.79Кб
16 76.26Кб
16.1 200_Checking_Variable_Types.html 612б
16. Checking Variable Types.mp4 38.90Мб
16. Checking Variable Types.srt 11.01Кб
17 287.66Кб
17.1 210_Type_Casting.html 896б
17. Variable Casting.mp4 34.89Мб
17. Variable Casting.srt 10.18Кб
18 229.09Кб
18.1 220_More_Comparison_Operators.html 1.53Кб
18. More Comparison Operators.mp4 53.69Мб
18. More Comparison Operators.srt 17.62Кб
19 382.26Кб
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19. Mini Project #3.mp4 34.82Мб
19. Mini Project #3.srt 8.35Кб
2 196.41Кб
2.1 50_merging_variables.html 403б
2. Download the Course Files.html 262б
2. Merging Variables.mp4 39.85Мб
2. Merging Variables.srt 14.52Кб
20 238.21Кб
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20. Functions.mp4 48.28Мб
20. Functions.srt 14.43Кб
21 164.26Кб
21.1 250_Practice_With_Functions.html 1.31Кб
21. Practice with Functions.mp4 81.44Мб
21. Practice with Functions.srt 21.59Кб
22 501.28Кб
22.1 260_Mini_Project_4.html 1.01Кб
22. Mini Project #4.mp4 41.53Мб
22. Mini Project #4.srt 10.89Кб
23 176.69Кб
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23. Query Selectors.mp4 87.83Мб
23. Query Selectors.srt 19.81Кб
24 40.03Кб
24.1 280_Events.html 995б
24. Introduction to Events.mp4 53.43Мб
24. Introduction to Events.srt 14.52Кб
25 483.88Кб
25.1 290_Calculator_Project.html 3.46Кб
25. Tip Calculator Project.mp4 106.81Мб
25. Tip Calculator Project.srt 20.68Кб
26 219.86Кб
26.1 300_Anonymous_Functions.html 1.68Кб
26. Anonymous Functions.mp4 32.29Мб
26. Anonymous Functions.srt 10.05Кб
27 154.48Кб
27.1 310_IIFE.html 1.92Кб
27. IIFE.mp4 23.83Мб
27. IIFE.srt 7.09Кб
28 104.87Кб
28.1 320_The_This_Keyword.html 1.46Кб
28. This 'this' Keyword.mp4 29.96Мб
28. This 'this' Keyword.srt 8.75Кб
29 154.27Кб
29.1 330_Scope.html 1.75Кб
29. Scope.mp4 35.54Мб
29. Scope.srt 9.75Кб
3 81.26Кб
3.1 10_your_first_script.html 487б
3.1 60_console_log.html 520б
3. Console Logging.mp4 22.99Мб
3. Console Logging.srt 8.78Кб
3. Your First Script.mp4 23.54Мб
3. Your First Script.srt 8.03Кб
30 239.77Кб
30.1 340_Hoisting.html 1.45Кб
30. Hoisting.mp4 51.72Мб
30. Hoisting.srt 15.59Кб
31 63.50Кб
31.1 350_Introduction_To_Event_Listeners.html 1.73Кб
31. Introduction to Event Listeners.mp4 36.76Мб
31. Introduction to Event Listeners.srt 9.91Кб
32 242.75Кб
32.1 360_Getting_Input_Values.html 1.65Кб
32. Getting Input Values.mp4 34.78Мб
32. Getting Input Values.srt 8.61Кб
33 472.46Кб
33.1 370_Changing_CSS_With_Event_Listeners.html 2.48Кб
33. Changing CSS with Event Listeners.mp4 69.56Мб
33. Changing CSS with Event Listeners.srt 14.27Кб
34 113.02Кб
34.1 380_Mini_Project_5.html 2.48Кб
34. Mini Project #5.mp4 54.23Мб
34. Mini Project #5.srt 11.16Кб
35 147.13Кб
35.1 390_Objects.html 1.73Кб
35. Objects.mp4 59.25Мб
35. Objects.srt 20.32Кб
36 179.92Кб
36.1 400_For_Loops.html 2.24Кб
36. For Loops.mp4 67.76Мб
36. For Loops.srt 15.95Кб
37 227.43Кб
37.1 410_While_Loops.html 1.89Кб
37. While Loops.mp4 46.27Мб
37. While Loops.srt 11.54Кб
38 287.01Кб
38.1 420_For_Each_Loops.html 2.50Кб
38. For Each Loops.mp4 53.81Мб
38. For Each Loops.srt 11.88Кб
39 217.53Кб
39.1 430_Guessing_Game.html 1.86Кб
39. Guessing Game Project.mp4 42.96Мб
39. Guessing Game Project.srt 10.51Кб
4 169.76Кб
4.1 70_selecting_html_elements.html 483б
4. A Brief History.mp4 17.00Мб
4. A Brief History.srt 9.30Кб
4. Selecting HTML Elements.mp4 37.44Мб
4. Selecting HTML Elements.srt 11.57Кб
40 39.84Кб
40.1 440_Let_And_Const.html 1.95Кб
40. Let and Const.mp4 47.13Мб
40. Let and Const.srt 10.81Кб
41 55.43Кб
41.1 450_OOP.html 1.83Кб
41. Introduction to OOP.mp4 59.41Мб
41. Introduction to OOP.srt 15.11Кб
42 92.21Кб
42.1 460_Extending_Classes.html 2.31Кб
42. Extending Classes.mp4 76.68Мб
42. Extending Classes.srt 18.18Кб
43 388.58Кб
43.1 470_Mini_Project_Modal.html 2.68Кб
43. Modal Project.mp4 117.37Мб
43. Modal Project.srt 22.17Кб
44 5.99Кб
44.1 480_Home_Stretch.html 468б
44. Home Stretch.mp4 5.38Мб
44. Home Stretch.srt 2.11Кб
45 179.00Кб
45.1 490_Template_Literals.html 590б
45. Template Literals.mp4 26.62Мб
45. Template Literals.srt 4.30Кб
46 189.38Кб
46.1 500_Object_Literals.html 795б
46. Object Literals.mp4 15.72Мб
46. Object Literals.srt 4.66Кб
47 458.96Кб
47.1 510_Destructuring.html 1.67Кб
47. Destructuring Arrays and Objects, and All the Rest.mp4 80.67Мб
47. Destructuring Arrays and Objects, and All the Rest.srt 19.14Кб
48 467.79Кб
48.1 520_Timeout.html 798б
48. Timeouts.mp4 19.20Мб
48. Timeouts.srt 5.58Кб
49 13.11Кб
49.1 530_Interval.html 655б
49. Intervals.mp4 13.37Мб
49. Intervals.srt 4.25Кб
5 61.77Кб
5.1 90_mini_project_1.html 549б
5. Mini Project #1.mp4 24.99Мб
5. Mini Project #1.srt 7.97Кб
5. Optional Extra Developer Support.html 1.09Кб
50 208.82Кб
50.1 540_APIs_and_Ajax_using_Fetch.html 913б
50. API's and Ajax Requests.mp4 79.51Мб
50. API's and Ajax Requests.srt 16.87Кб
51 309.70Кб
51.1 550_Arrow_Functions.html 1.32Кб
51. Arrow Functions.mp4 44.33Мб
51. Arrow Functions.srt 13.04Кб
52 4.23Кб
52.1 560_Adding_Removing_Classes.html 713б
52. Adding and Removing CSS Classes.mp4 27.91Мб
52. Adding and Removing CSS Classes.srt 5.49Кб
53 287.67Кб
53.1 570_Final_Project.html 1.73Кб
53. Final Project.mp4 104.92Мб
53. Final Project.srt 20.09Кб
54 133.98Кб
55 429.55Кб
6 334.80Кб
6.1 100_String_Manipulation.html 1.04Кб
6. String Manipulation.mp4 118.12Мб
6. String Manipulation.srt 25.82Кб
7 497.10Кб
7.1 110_Accepting_User_Input.html 553б
7. Accepting User Input.mp4 38.85Мб
7. Accepting User Input.srt 12.70Кб
8 330.55Кб
8.1 120_Comparison_Operators.html 554б
8. Introduction to Comparison Operators.mp4 45.01Мб
8. Introduction to Comparison Operators.srt 13.59Кб
9 447.02Кб
9.1 130_Opposite_Comparison_Operators.html 715б
9. Handling Opposite Operators.mp4 27.95Мб
9. Handling Opposite Operators.srt 6.74Кб
TutsNode.org.txt 63б
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