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0123751047 Statistical Bioinformatics with R [Mathur 2010] {4448A98C}.pdf 3.52Мб
0123814855 Doing Bayesian Data Analysis; A Tutorial with R and BUGS [Kruschke 2010] (draft) {8F0FA212}.pdf 9.91Мб
0123969638 R and Data Mining; Examples and Case Studies [Zhao 2013] {D68C82E8}.pdf 9.67Мб
0124058884 Doing Bayesian Data Analysis; A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan (2nd ed.) [Kruschke 2015] {A4E53BB2}.pdf 22.58Мб
012411511X Data Mining Applications with R [Zhao & Cen 2014] {DA304885}.pdf 5.37Мб
0124171133 Mathematical Statistics with Applications in R [Ramachandran & Tsokos 2015] {3D79119B}.pdf 35.59Мб
0128013702 Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology using Linear Models with R, BUGS, and Stan [Korner-Nievergelt et al. 2015] {E9915F52}.pdf 4.04Мб
0128013788 Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology; Analysis of Distribution, Abundance and Species Richness in R and BUGS (vol. 1; Prelude and Static Models) [Kéry & Royle 2016] {254DD3A4}.pdf 35.86Мб
012802402X Relationship Inference with Familias and R; Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics [Egeland, Kling & Mostad 2016] {2D9A2B98}.pdf 5.13Мб
0128035900 Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks; A Statistical Framework and Practical Software Guide (In MATLAB and R) [Bellini 2017] {62AA48B6}.pdf 5.87Мб
0128126965 Productivity and Efficiency Measurement of Airlines; Data Envelopment Analysis using R [Lee 2023] {290733D4}.pdf 11.85Мб
0128130520 Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases in the Host; With MATLAB and R [Hernandez-Vargas 2019] {91D2A814}.pdf 13.84Мб
0128134917 R and Python for Oceanographers; A Practical Guide with Applications [Alyuruk 2019] {886AB591}.pdf 11.84Мб
0128142626 Easy Statistics for Food Science with R [Alkarkhi & Alqaraghuli 2019] {ACDE02B8}.pdf 3.45Мб
012814940X IFRS 9 and CECL Credit Risk Modelling and Validation; A Practical Guide with Examples Worked in R and SAS [Bellini 2019] {A9912C89}.pdf 8.20Мб
0128178159 Mathematical Statistics with Applications in R (3rd ed.) [Ramachandran & Tsokos 2021] {4C83C7DA}.pdf 13.41Мб
0128186224 Applied Statistics for Environmental Science with R [Alkarkhi & Alqaraghuli 2020] {482D117D}.pdf 10.22Мб
0128202505 Financial, Macro and Micro Econometrics using R [Vinod & Rao 2020] {D1E51485}.pdf 5.07Мб
0128207884 Basic Statistics with R; Reaching Decisions with Data [Loftus 2022] {E0BA0711}.pdf 5.18Мб
0128244305 Pedigree Analysis in R [Vigeland 2021] {3762DF76}.pdf 10.14Мб
013454692X R for Everyone; Advanced Analytics and Graphics (2nd ed.) [Lander 2017] {9F56087E}.pdf 9.36Мб
0135133106 Programming Skills for Data Science; Start Writing Code to Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Data with R [Freeman & Ross 2019] {DF40E98A}.pdf 16.12Мб
0190228083 Making Your Case; Using R for Program Evaluation [Auerbach & Zeitlin 2015] {24505358}.pdf 16.39Мб
0190656212, 0190656220 Using R for Data Analysis in Social Sciences; A Research Project-Oriented Approach [Li 2018] {EB12CB53}.pdf 9.19Мб
0190900660 Reproducible Econometrics using R [Racine 2019] {8924F4C8}.pdf 11.68Мб
0192859013, 0192859021 Statistical Modeling with R; A Dual Frequentist and Bayesian Approach for Life Scientists [Inchausti 2023] {0266BBD1}.pdf 35.98Мб
0198729057, 0198729065 The New Statistics with R; An Introduction for Biologists [Hector 2015] {93019441}.pdf 33.73Мб
0198782934, 0198808259 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis with R [Huffaker, Bittelli & Rosa 2017] {DA9DA5FD}.pdf 30.91Мб
0198787839, 0198787847 Getting Started with R; An Introduction for Biologists (2nd ed.) [Beckerman, Childs & Petchey 2017] {7E34B44D}.pdf 4.24Мб
0198798172, 0198798180 The New Statistics with R; An Introduction for Biologists (2nd ed.) [Hector 2021] {BF691949}.pdf 12.22Мб
0198829531, 019882954X Population Genetics with R; An Introduction for Life Scientists [Láruson & Reed 2021] {361A4C63}.pdf 3.29Мб
0198849818, 0198849826 Insights from Data with R; An Introduction for the Life and Environmental Sciences [Petchey et al. 2021] {D9B17AFC}.pdf 19.46Мб
0198862512, 0198862520 Random Process Analysis with R [Bittelli, Olmi & Rosa 2022] {587C963B}.pdf 10.53Мб
0198869339, 0198869975 Applied Statistics with R; A Practical Guide for the Life Sciences [Touchon 2021] {698B4E19}.pdf 8.26Мб
0199343594 SSD for R; An R Package for Analyzing Single-Subject Data [Auerbach & Zeitlin 2014] {5535AAF6}.pdf 6.31Мб
0199601615, 0199601623 Getting Started with R; An Introduction for Biologists [Beckerman & Petchey 2012] {97844BE8}.pdf 1.58Мб
0199671133 Circular Statistics in R [Pewsey, Neuhäuser & Ruxton 2013] {4FF2A481}.pdf 1.48Мб
019982763X Hurricane Climatology; A Modern Statistical Guide using R [Elsner & Jagger 2012] {D561C834}.pdf 9.78Мб
0231202121, 023120213X A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization using R (2nd ed.) [Hartvigsen 2021] {38B12711}.pdf 4.91Мб
0321852990 Probability & Statistics with R for Engineers and Scientists [Akritas 2016] {C7EFE936}.pdf 7.10Мб
0321853083 Instructor's Solutions Manual for Probability and Statistics with R for Engineers and Scientists [Zheng 2016] {B23632C4}.pdf 1.48Мб
0323908101 Integrated Population Models; Theory and Ecological Applications with R and JAGS [Schaub & Kéry 2022] {90F314B0}.pdf 16.03Мб
036713991X Statistical Rethinking; A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (2nd ed.) [McElreath 2020] {CBE80807}.pdf 23.64Мб
0367143984, 0367144026 Reproducible Research with R and RStudio (3rd ed.) [Gandrud 2020] {3EB51BD1}.pdf 7.52Мб
0367173875, 1032376740 Modern Applied Regressions; Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis of Categorical and Limited Response Variables with R and Stan [Xu 2023] {3CAFD578}.pdf 6.58Мб
036718253X, 0367182556 Learn R as a Language [Aphalo 2020] {6B93CAA1}.pdf 7.89Мб
0367187337 Introduction to Time Series Modeling with Applications in R (2nd ed.) [Kitagawa 2005] {F294D221}.pdf 4.34Мб
0367191490, 0367745445 Modern Data Science with R (2nd ed.) [Baumer, Kaplan & Horton 2021] {A186B63B}.pdf 32.48Мб
0367196859, 1032475684 R for College Mathematics and Statistics [Pfaff 2019] {24F081FF}.pdf 4.38Мб
0367205270, 1032475072 Advanced Environmental Monitoring with Remote Sensing Time Series Data and R [Gemitzi, Koutsias & Lakshmi 2020] {51C4E474}.pdf 3.41Мб
0367205483, 0367205491 R for Conservation and Development Projects; A Primer for Practitioners [Whitmore 2021] {73740449}.pdf 12.16Мб
0367221098 Time Series; A Data Analysis Approach using R [Shumway & Stoffer 2019] {4BBC89BB}.pdf 40.25Мб
0367224836, 1032654007 Moving Boundary PDE Analysis; Biomedical Applications in R [Schiesser 2019] {78C5CF96}.pdf 2.78Мб
0367255375, 0815384572 Advanced R (2nd ed.) [Wickham 2019] {CDBB587A}.pdf 7.04Мб
0367255383 Learning Microeconometrics with R [Adams 2021] {7019CD1F}.pdf 4.69Мб
036727258X, 103225775X Regression Analysis in R; A Comprehensive View for the Social Sciences [Bolin 2023] {922C0E6E}.pdf 5.71Мб
0367277328, 0367538822 Supervised Machine Learning; Optimization Framework and Applications with SAS and R [Kolosova & Berestizhevsky 2021] {504ADA6F}.pdf 5.03Мб
0367277980, 1032209577 Bayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with R [Sahu 2022] {A4776509}.pdf 12.10Мб
0367278847, 1032089423 Distributions for Modeling Location, Scale, and Shape; Using GAMLSS in R [Rigby et al. 2020] {F3FAE265}.pdf 28.74Мб
0367339986, 0367348683 Applied Mathematics with Open-Source Software; Operational Research Problems with Python and R [Knight & Palmer 2022] {0EC8BC9E}.pdf 7.38Мб
036735795X Geospatial Health Data; Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny [Moraga 2020] {07D06E60}.pdf 24.22Мб
0367357984 Introduction to Data Science; Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R [Irizarray 2019] {5424C990}.pdf 18.64Мб
0367365472, 1032220082 Statistical Methods for Mediation, Confounding and Moderation Analysis using R and SAS [Yu & Li 2022] {BA96AA8F}.pdf 9.01Мб
0367366517, 1032038497 Bayesian Networks; With Examples in R (2nd ed.) [Scutari & Denis 2022] {8C584A0E}.pdf 18.76Мб
0367377608, 1498717462 Introductory Adaptive Trial Designs; A Practical Guide with R [Chang 2015] {9993653F}.pdf 2.39Мб
0367379090, 1439878854 Foundations of Statistical Algorithms; with References to R Packages [Weihs, Mersmann & Ligges 2014] {D0FD3F25}.pdf 3.75Мб
0367409828, 0367409879 Statistical Inference via Data Science; A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse [Ismay & Kim 2020] {74FDEA4E}.pdf 12.27Мб
0367422247, 0367422255 Data Science in Education using R [Estrellado et al. 2021] {9408EA15}.pdf 6.56Мб
0367428199, 0367428326 R for Health Data Science [Harrison & Pius 2020] {018B539C}.pdf 7.45Мб
0367436671, 1032154411 Probability, Statistics, and Data; A Fresh Approach using R [Speegle & Clair 2022] {A8BFDF22}.pdf 22.21Мб
036743914X, 0367443201 Just Enough R! An Interactive Approach to Machine Learning and Analytics [Roiger 2020] {EF615F78}.pdf 9.57Мб
0367444674, 0367466023 Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps (R) [Fay et al. 2022] {720E1D8B}.pdf 26.81Мб
0367456850, 103221984X Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R [Taback 2022] {CFDB7A32}.pdf 5.76Мб
036746070X, 0367460726 Introduction to R for Social Scientists; A Tidy Programming Approach [Kennedy & Waggoner 2021] {2CF47010}.pdf 4.83Мб
0367460947, 1032128070 Multivariate Data Integration using R; Methods and Applications with the mixOmics Package [Cao & Welham 2022] {29AA5E62}.pdf 21.23Мб
036746988X, 0367469898 Using R for Modelling and Quantitative Methods in Fisheries [Haddon 2021] {DEB338CC}.pdf 10.02Мб
0367470764, 0367470772 Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics; Data Analysis in R [Kopczewska 2021] {75957974}.pdf 41.71Мб
0367471353, 0367495511 ODE-PDE Analysis of Multiple Myeloma; Programming in R [Schiesser 2020] {12A36BEB}.pdf 3.10Мб
0367486849, 1032020520 Linear Algebra and Its Applications with R [Yoshida 2021] {39B69A57}.pdf 11.60Мб
0367490129, 0367760673 Using R for Bayesian Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Health Modeling [Lawson 2021] {B7645715}.pdf 7.66Мб
0367495163, 1498772595 Analyzing High-Dimensional Gene Expression and DNA Methylation Data with R [Zhang 2020] {083C0208}.pdf 3.15Мб
0367507854, 0367561948 Mathematics and Programming for Machine Learning with R; From the Ground Up [Claster 2021] {6D3188A7}.pdf 10.29Мб
0367507897, 1032290765 Optimization Modeling using R [Anderson 2023] {F103B110}.pdf 9.08Мб
0367515385, 0367515393 Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods with R [Martinková & Hladká 2023] {2C86FE00}.pdf 21.65Мб
0367532468, 0367543826 Tree-Based Methods for Statistical Learning in R [Greenwell 2022] {3278CCC3}.pdf 29.12Мб
0367550547, 0367550563 Spatial Predictive Modeling with R [Li 2022] {3F9CF488}.pdf 11.11Мб
0367554186, 0367554194 Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R [Hvitfeldt & Silge 2022] {44FCBE33}.pdf 16.14Мб
036755576X, 0367569957 An Introduction to Acceptance Sampling and SPC with R [Lawson 2021] {2C3AA2A9}.pdf 7.49Мб
0367563827, 0367563835 R Markdown Cookbook [Xie, Dervieux & Riederer 2021] {54A957B6}.pdf 9.74Мб
0367610078, 0367619776 Doing Meta-Analysis with R; A Hands-On Guide [Harrer et al. 2022] {C22D5045}.pdf 17.74Мб
0367612941, 0367628767 Network Psychometrics with R; A Guide for Behavioral and Social Scientists [Isvoranu et al. 2022] {B30AC9D2}.pdf 9.25Мб
0367618451, 0367618567 Data Science with R for Psychologists and Healthcare Professionals [Ryan 2022] {D7FCE276}.pdf 13.46Мб
0367634600, 1498781853 Computational Genomics with R [Akalin 2021] {392D56D3}.pdf 34.80Мб
0367634686, 0367636255 A Step-by-Step Guide to Exploratory Factor Analysis with R and RStudio [Watkins 2021] {293575C4}.pdf 27.96Мб
0367680637, 0367680645 JavaScript for R [Coene 2021] {5A51D1C4}.pdf 6.95Мб
036770420X, 0367704226 ANOVA and Mixed Models; A Short Introduction using R [Meier 2023] {5CB3F8EA}.pdf 3.65Мб
0367705052, 0367705095 Fundamentals of Causal Inference with R [Brumback 2022] {2EEB54D0}.pdf 7.92Мб
0367738198, 1466587016 Parallel Computing for Data Science; With Examples in R, C++ and CUDA [Matloff 2016] {FAFC9377}.pdf 1.94Мб
0367738465, 1482237369 Using R and RStudio for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (2nd ed.) [Horton & Kleinman 2015] {CD16588B}.pdf 4.29Мб
0367739720, 1439873437 Nonparametric Statistical Methods using R [Kloke & McKean 2015] {387A8856}.pdf 1.92Мб
0367748452 Foundations of Statistics for Data Scientists; With R and Python [Agresti & Kateri 2022] {FB8F4472}.pdf 15.63Мб
0367753669, 0367753685 Linear Regression Models; Applications in R [Hoffmann 2022] {26D3A999}.pdf 3.67Мб
0367776391, 1032005602 Rasch Measurement Theory Analysis in R [Wind & Hua 2022] {9718FEC2}.pdf 4.06Мб
0367783452, 1498712363 Basics of Matrix Algebra for Statistics with R [Fieller 2016] {F01E6E57}.pdf 2.42Мб
0367818833, 0367818892 R for Political Data Science; A Practical Guide [Urdinez & Cruz 2022] {69C4BA18}.pdf 12.86Мб
0367860856 Spatial Analysis with R; Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods (2nd ed.) [Oyana 2021] {45369904}.pdf 8.31Мб
0367894637, 1032509511 Applications of Regression for Categorical Outcomes using R [Melamed & Doan 2024] {57E1A7F6}.pdf 8.95Мб
0367895862, 0367897067 A Tour of Data Science; Learn R and Python in Parallel [Zhang 2021] {32469002}.pdf 6.53Мб
0387094172 R for SAS and SPSS Users [Muenchen 2009] {C3BA0FB3}.pdf 5.61Мб
0387096078 A Modern Approach to Regression with R [Sheather 2009] {619F59E5}.pdf 6.54Мб
0387096159 Nonlinear Regression with R [Ritz & Streibig 2008] {004895E0}.pdf 1006.10Кб
0387251464 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and Bioconductor [Gentleman et al. 2005] {8566CD96}.pdf 7.37Мб
0387293175 Time Series Analysis and its Applications; With R Examples (2nd ed.) [Shumway & Stoffer 2006] {B6531D87}.pdf 5.22Мб
0387329145 Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R [Paradis 2006] {DD11FE5D}.pdf 1.07Мб
0387400818 Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression; A Practical Guide with S-PLUS and R Examples (2nd ed.) [Huet et al. 2004] {346A20D1}.pdf 1.59Мб
038740273X Introduction to Probability Simulation and Gibbs Sampling with R [Suess & Trumbo 2010] {6AE10A95}.pdf 10.64Мб
0387713840 Bayesian Computation with R [Albert 2007] {ADEEA70F}.pdf 4.87Мб
0387717617 Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis; With R and GGobi [Cook & Swayne 2007] {931848DA}.pdf 5.14Мб
0387747303 Data Manipulation with R [Spector 2008] {D4067DE7}.pdf 973.02Кб
0387758380 Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations; with R Examples [Iacus 2008] {5547682A}.pdf 1.92Мб
0387759352 Software for Data Analysis; Programming with R [Chambers 2008] {494E8EAB}.pdf 4.34Мб
0387759581 Time Series Analysis; With Applications in R (2nd ed.) [Cryer & Chan 2008] {489E053B}.pdf 5.44Мб
0387759603 Wavelet Methods in Statistics with R [Nason 2008] {EF88BF36}.pdf 6.35Мб
0387759662 Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R [Pfaff 2008] {0DDAEE2B}.pdf 1.35Мб
0387759689 Lattice; Multivariate Data Visualization with R [Sarkar 2008] {07B59E6D}.pdf 9.26Мб
0387772375 Dynamic Linear Models with R [Petris, Petrone & Campagnoli 2009] {33904F5A}.pdf 4.60Мб
0387773169 Applied Econometrics with R [Kleiber & Zeileis 2008] {F2EA22C9}.pdf 1.36Мб
038777789X Morphometrics with R [Claude 2008] {EE2FA1D4}.pdf 3.18Мб
0387781668 Statistical Methods for Environmental Epidemiology with R; A Case Study in Air Pollution and Health [Peng & Dominici 2008] {34E2EAD7}.pdf 8.32Мб
0387781706 Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R [Bivand, Pebesma & Gómez-Rubio 2008] {1B799C52}.pdf 7.47Мб
0387790535 Introductory Statistics with R (2nd ed.) [Dalgaard 2008] {A28497A3}.pdf 1.89Мб
0387859551 LNS 194; Permutation Tests for Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA; Theory and Applications with R [Basso et al. 2009] {8848B74F}.pdf 6.67Мб
0387874577 Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R [Zuur et al. 2009] {5DA823C9}.pdf 8.06Мб
0387886974 Introductory Time Series with R [Cowpertwait & Metcalfe 2009] {051DF1BA}.pdf 1.85Мб
0387895531 Applied Statistical Genetics with R; For Population-Based Association Studies [Foulkes 2009] {C139F04D}.pdf 1.50Мб
0387898816 A Primer of Ecology with R [Stevens 2009] {15B872B3}.pdf 5.56Мб
0387921249 A Guide to QTL Mapping with R-qtl [Broman & Sen 2009] {A9867292}.pdf 4.81Мб
0387922970 Bayesian Computation with R (2nd ed.) [Albert 2009] {2B2D0E3B}.pdf 1.72Мб
0387938362 A Beginner's Guide to R [Zuur, Ieno & Meesters 2009] {AE1E25B1}.pdf 3.36Мб
0387954759 Introductory Statistics with R [Dalgaard 2002] {F6E47260}.pdf 1.01Мб
0387981403 ggplot2; Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (R) [Wickham 2009] {968CEA74}.pdf 12.48Мб
0387981845 Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB [Ramsay, Hooker & Graves 2009] {C5255262}.pdf 4.48Мб
041564173X, 0415657202 R Data Analysis Without Programming [Gerbing 2014] {F505F6E8}.pdf 3.82Мб
0415832446, 0415832454 Latent Variable Modeling with R [Finch & French 2015] {35F16C19}.pdf 8.05Мб
0415962706, 0415962714 Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R; A Practical Introduction [Gries 2009] {98BFCF94}.pdf 38.98Мб
0415996007, 0805836519 Introductory Statistics; A Conceptual Approach using R [Ware, Ferron & Miller 2013] {A6A7F28A}.pdf 4.53Мб
0429173466, 1498711480 Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data; With Examples in R [Mehtätalo & Lappi 2020] {4F4FDDB2}.pdf 10.14Мб
0444634312 Computational Statistics with R [Rao & Rao 2014] {572DF58B}.pdf 11.92Мб
0444643117 Conceptual Econometrics using R [Vinod & Rao 2019] {D8BAEC94}.pdf 4.96Мб
0470022973, 0470022981 Statistics; An Introduction using R [Crawley 2005] {DBE9C90D}.pdf 2.56Мб
0470094826 Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference; With Examples in R, SAS and ADMB [Millar 2011] {DA579A60}.pdf 2.38Мб
0470117664 Optimal Portfolio Modeling; Models to Maximize Returns and Control Risk in Excel and R [McDonnell 2008] {1DD2B4C1}.pdf 142.57Мб
0470280735 Probability with R; An Introduction with Computer Science Applications [Horgan 2009] {6FBD2F4B}.pdf 11.00Мб
0470284307 Complex Surveys; A Guide to Analysis using R [Lumley 2010] {AFB6587C}.pdf 15.22Мб
0470384425 Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization; with R and Applications to Finance [Klemelä 2014] {4C99F075}.pdf 19.77Мб
0470467045 An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R [Chernick & LaBudde 2011] {0028E7FB}.pdf 1.02Мб
0470479884 Statistics for Censored Environmental Data using Minitab and R (2nd ed.) [Helsel 2012] {25A86D05}.pdf 2.16Мб
0470510242 The R Book [Crawley 2007] {DACAAE4A}.pdf 7.27Мб
0470583622 Time Series; Applications to Finance with R and S-Plus (2nd ed.) [Chan 2010] {D5A87AB7}.pdf 10.04Мб
0470621699 Comparing Groups; Randomization and Bootstrap Methods using R [Zieffler, Harring & Long 2011] {A37B74C7}.pdf 7.71Мб
0470669438 Financial Risk Forecasting; The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and MATLAB [Danı́elsson 2011] {D317E316}.pdf 3.08Мб
0470699620 Statistical Shape Analysis; With Applications in R (2nd ed.) [Dryden & Mardia 2016] {2165D14B}.pdf 8.19Мб
0470745843 Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R [Iacus 2011] {4C7126D9}.pdf 3.74Мб
0470758058 Statistics and Data with R; An Applied Approach through Examples [Cohen & Cohen 2008] {F253832D}.pdf 4.82Мб
0470824425 Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit; Using R (2nd ed.) [Rayner, Thas & Best 2009] {BDBA6A24}.pdf 4.60Мб
0470890819 An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R [Tsay 2013] {09F41ED0}.pdf 15.41Мб
0470922257 Adaptive Tests of Significance using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS [O'Gorman 2012] {EE66670F}.pdf 5.40Мб
047097124X Statistics in Psychology using R and SPSS [Rasch, Kubinger & Yanagida 2011] {C44F8E1D}.pdf 21.25Мб
0470971282 Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys; with Applications using R [Kenett & Salini 2012] {C2D29863}.pdf 4.29Мб
0470973927 The R Book (2nd ed.) [Crawley 2013] {A63D72A4}.pdf 9.43Мб
0470978708 Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R [Pfaff 2013] {5494EAE5}.pdf 5.26Мб
047098581X Statistical Data Analysis Explained; Applied Environmental Statistics with R [Reimann et al. 2008] {50640B17}.pdf 14.69Мб
052168689X, 0521867061 Data Analysis using Regression and Multilevel-Hierarchical Models [Gelman & Hill 2007] {D84C06E8}.pdf 8.78Мб
0521694248, 0521872650 A First Course in Statistical Programming with R [Braun & Murdoch 2007] {E2507C51}.pdf 841.13Кб
0521709180, 0521882591 Analyzing Linguistic Data; A Practical Introduction to Statistics using R [Baayen 2008] {1A17DC00}.pdf 4.44Мб
052175836X, 0521765137 Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models; With Applications in R [Guisan et al. 2017] {A980D477}.pdf 25.15Мб
0521762936 Data Analysis and Graphics using R; An Example-Based Approach (3rd ed.) [Maindonald & Braun 2010] {A183EAD4}.pdf 4.56Мб
052176727X Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy; with R Applications [Feigelson & Babu 2012] {7BDD56AB}.pdf 21.50Мб
0521813360 Data Analysis and Graphics using R; An Example-Based Approach [Maindonald & Braun 2003] {745369F6}.pdf 38.88Мб
0557249791 Introduction to Probability and Statistics using R [Kerns 2010] {A3272850}.pdf 2.31Мб
059680170X R in a Nutshell; A Desktop Quick Reference [Adler 2010] {9A956BB0}.pdf 3.79Мб
0596804776 Data Mashups in R [Leipzig & Yi 2009] {69EAF614}.pdf 1.43Мб
0596809158 R Cookbook; Proven Recipes for Data Analysis, Statistics, and Graphics [Teetor 2011] {D89217A2}.pdf 3.41Мб
0672338483 Teach Yourself R in 24 Hours [Nicholls, Pugh & Gott 2016] {4F3F1A6D}.pdf 34.63Мб
0691125228 Ecological Models and Data in R [Bolker 2008] {187237AC}.pdf 5.57Мб
0691219028, 0691219036 Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R [Revell & Harmon 2022] {3072D109}.pdf 13.38Мб
0761922792, 0761922806 An R and S-Plus Companion to Applied Regression [Fox 2002] {1511F86B}.pdf 31.73Мб
0789757850 R for Microsoft Excel Users; Making the Transition for Statistical Analysis [Carlberg 2017] {B26B05D0}.pdf 8.70Мб
0815363729, 0815363842 blogdown; Creating Websites with R Markdown [Xie, Thomas & Hill 2018] {55B2ED3B}.pdf 1.40Мб
0815392753 Spatial Data Analysis in Ecology and Agriculture using R (2nd ed.) [Plant 2019] {7088E1BA}.pdf 12.97Мб
0817648100 Contingency Table Analysis; Methods and Implementation using R [Kateri 2014] {CFCF313A}.pdf 3.78Мб
0821852337 Foundations and Applications of Statistics; An Introduction using R [Pruim 2011] {CC94A2B2}.pdf 7.02Мб
0826110258 Biostatistics for Epidemiology and Public Health using R [Chan 2016] {A8AF4F19}.pdf 11.82Мб
0954612000 The R Reference Manual Base Package (vol. 1) (ver. 1.8.1) [2003] {084B0A9C}.pdf 1.53Мб
0954612019 The R Reference Manual Base Package (vol. 2) (ver. 1.8.1) [2003] {42666806}.pdf 1.56Мб
0957174179 A Beginner's Guide to Data Exploration and Visualisation with R [Ieno & Zuur 2015] {D21FABD2}.pdf 6.97Мб
0993367941 Bayes' Rule with R; A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis [Stone 2016] {C0447E13}.pdf 5.33Мб
0997847913 Practical Time Series Forecasting with R; A Hands-On Guide (2nd ed.) [Shmueli & Lichtendahl 2016] {A775315F}.pdf 4.31Мб
1003380417, 1032461241 Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing with R; Lab Manual [Alves & Sanches 2023] {25DA42B6}.pdf 29.55Мб
1009009931, 1316518728 Qualitative Comparative Analysis using R; A Beginner's Guide [Oana, Schneider & Thomann 2021] {DFCEC0F5}.pdf 4.40Мб
1032007494, 1032007508 Advanced R Solutions [Grosser, Bumann & Wickham 2022] {588A6984}.pdf 5.01Мб
1032015039, 1032026219 Surveying with Geomatics and R [de Carvalho Alves & Sanches 2022] {66124A53}.pdf 48.92Мб
1032028769, 1032028777 Big Data Analytics in Oncology with R [Bhattacharjee 2023] {69A33C36}.pdf 10.43Мб
1032053704, 1498766811 Spatial Econometric Methods in Agricultural Economics using R [Postiglione, Benedetti & Piersimoni 2022] {7303C498}.pdf 7.76Мб
1032065362, 1032071591 Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery with R; Methodologies for Modeling, Inference and Prediction [Tsai 2022] {1320CFD5}.pdf 12.55Мб
1032067047 Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning using R [Ceja 2022] {F88AB91D}.pdf 30.85Мб
1032098139, 1498701272 Statistics in Toxicology using R [Hothorn 2016] {E5E056A3}.pdf 64.52Мб
1032123206, 1138587710 Event History Analysis with R (2nd ed.) [Broström 2022] {57D804B2}.pdf 6.46Мб
1032152117, 1032152133 Numerical Modeling of COVID-19 Neurological Effects; ODE-PDE Analysis in R [Schiesser 2022] {D979C55C}.pdf 3.81Мб
1032153733, 103215473X Stochastic Processes with R; An Introduction [Korosteleva 2022] {22DDFE8F}.pdf 5.96Мб
1032187425, 1032188057 Data Science for Infectious Disease Data Analytics; An Introduction with R [Wang 2023] {DBDD2ACE}.pdf 17.25Мб
1032193859, 1032193867 Spatial Sampling with R [Brus 2022] {CEC1F2E3}.pdf 22.29Мб
1032203250, 1032203382 An Introduction to R and Python for Data Analysis; A Side-by-Side Approach [Brown 2023] {22B06169}.pdf 6.05Мб
1032204974, 1032211245 Handbook of Graphs and Networks in People Analytics; With Examples in R and Python [McNulty 2022] {648F6103}.pdf 24.23Мб
1032231386, 1032231394 Deep Learning and Scientific Computing with R torch [Keydana 2023] {9A84FDCF}.pdf 10.65Мб
1032234954, 1032234962 Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation using mclust in R [Scrucca et al. 2023] {A5B18ACC}.pdf 28.26Мб
103224402X, 1032244038 R Data Analysis without Programming; Explanation and Interpretation (2nd ed.) [Gerbing 2023] {19A9CE1F}.pdf 59.88Мб
1032244070, 1032245514 Crime by the Numbers; A Criminologist's Guide to R [Kaplan 2023] {C9B8DE5B}.pdf 70.37Мб
1032246685, 1032246693 Factor Analysis and Dimension Reduction in R; A Social Scientist's Toolkit [Garson 2023] {AB292F14}.pdf 22.99Мб
1032252065, 1032252073 Individual-Based Models of Cultural Evolution; A Step-by-Step Guide using R [Acerbi, Mesoudi & Smolla 2023] {BF59ED23}.pdf 13.62Мб
1032259485, 1032261811 Exploring Modeling with Data and Differential Equations using R [Zobitz 2023] {2EB113C9}.pdf 8.50Мб
1032259620, 1032259639 Bayesian Multilevel Models for Repeated Measures Dаta; A Conceptual and Practical Introduction in R [Barreda & Silbert 2023] {1C078746}.pdf 44.96Мб
1032265582, 1138710466 An Introduction to the Rasch Model with Examples in R [Debelak, Strobl & Zeigenfuse 2022] {C4EFA0DB}.pdf 5.57Мб
1032290072, 1138497398 Bayesian Applications in Environmental and Ecological Studies with R and Stan [Qian, Dufour & Alameddine 2023] {20FCA328}.pdf 9.75Мб
1032316063, 1032317647 Chemotaxis Modeling of Autoimmune Inflammation; PDE Computer Analysis in R [Schiesser 2023] {28388EFB}.pdf 2.86Мб
1032325623, 1032325690 Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SAS and R [Wilson, Chen & Peace 2023] {350D7643}.pdf 5.54Мб
1032330473, 1032330503 Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences with Modeling using R [Fox & Sturdivant 2023] {71FF1DA7}.pdf 12.14Мб
1032340975, 1032340983 Hands-On Data Analysis in R for Finance [Collard 2023] {3FCFA7EC}.pdf 10.10Мб
1032347716, 1032352884 Geographic Data Science with R; Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Change [Wimberly 2023] {6EEAE192}.pdf 45.92Мб
1032415185, 1032415215 Mastering R; A Beginner's Guide [bin Uzayr 2024] {ECA34781}.pdf 11.33Мб
1032473924, 1138311189 Spatial Data Science; With Applications in R [Pebesma & Bivand 2023] {A7F42B23}.pdf 31.25Мб
1032477288, 1466568496 Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires; A Unified Approach Based on R and Stata [Bartolucci, Bacci & Gnaldi 2016] {0014B09A}.pdf 8.06Мб
1032477318, 1498715230 Graphical Data Analysis with R [Unwin 2015] {FFC6B441}.pdf 15.11Мб
1032477415, 1439873380 Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists using R [Aho 2014] {5D06D9FD}.pdf 9.06Мб
103247761X, 1420066501 Statistical Computing in C++ and R [Eubank & Kupresanin 2011] {7D1E9071}.pdf 4.09Мб
1032477806, 1420065211 Introduction to Probability with R [Baclawski 2008] {5E986D65}.pdf 3.87Мб
1071614177 An Introduction to Statistical Learning; With Applications in R (2nd ed.) [James et al. 2021] {1393F2CD}.pdf 13.75Мб
1107040213, 1107655579 Quantitative Methods in Archaeology using R [Carlson 2017] {1CFCB491}.pdf 26.26Мб
1107115612 Numerical Analysis using R; Solutions to ODEs and PDEs [Griffiths 2016] {3728AA8F}.pdf 17.47Мб
1107117410, 1107540259 Introduction to Data Science for Social and Policy Research; Collecting and Organizing Data with R and Python [Reyes 2017] {2DC936A1}.pdf 24.51Мб
1107133084 Bayesian Models for Astrophysical Data; Using R, JAGS, Python, and Stan [Hilbe, de Souza & Ishida 2017] {9969CBAE}.pdf 7.65Мб
1108446035 An R Companion for the Third Edition of The Fundamentals of Political Science Research [Kellstedt & Whitten 2021] {5B20522C}.pdf 5.57Мб
1108460755, 1108472915 Handbook of Trait-Based Ecology; From Theory to R Tools [de Bello et al. 2021] {8D45A106}.pdf 16.00Мб
1108480381, 1108727344 Biostatistics with R; An Introductory Guide for Field Biologists [Lepš & Šmilauer 2020] {22EE8EAC}.pdf 12.08Мб
1108492460, 1108716784 Joint Species Distribution Modelling; With Applications in R [Ovaskainen & Abrego 2020] {50240F7E}.pdf 6.98Мб
110849420X Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science; With Applications in R [Bouveyron et al. 2019] {02C68557}.pdf 41.30Мб
1108494331, 1108714382 Data Visualization for Social and Policy Research; A Step-by-Step Approach using R and Python [Reyes 2022] {524D4840}.pdf 19.88Мб
1108995144 A First Course in Statistical Programming with R (3rd ed.) [Braun & Murdoch 2021] {16A305D4}.pdf 6.42Мб
111802639X Guidebook to R Graphics using Microsoft Windows [Takezawa 2012] {92AB8E5E}.pdf 4.08Мб
1118029852 Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R [Chihara & Hesterberg 2011] {49D9EB0A}.pdf 6.47Мб
1118091574 Mixed Models; Theory and Applications with R (2nd ed.) [Demidenko 2013] {DE614B87}.pdf 38.31Мб
111816430X Beginning R; The Statistical Programming Language [Gardener 2012] {05424818}.pdf 17.58Мб
1118241258 Probability; With Applications and R [Dobrow 2014] {0A03F418}.pdf 6.79Мб
1118326555 Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Models with R-INLA [Blangiardo & Cameletti 2015] {D66A30DE}.pdf 26.36Мб
111833258X Data Mining Algorithms; Explained using R [Cichosz 2015] {88856BB7}.pdf 6.00Мб
1118387988 Advanced Statistics with Applications in R [Demidenko 2020] {B2AA6035}.pdf 10.27Мб
1118391411 The Essential R Reference [Gardener 2013] {598B521A}.pdf 14.56Мб
1118422546 Basic Data Analysis for Time Series with R [Derryberry 2014] {49182F95}.pdf 6.85Мб
1118428218 Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R (2nd ed.) [Good 2013] {F5191D5D}.pdf 2.68Мб
111844714X Data Mining and Business Analytics with R [Ledolter 2013] {A5626F90}.pdf 21.15Мб
1118456068 Modern Industrial Statistics; With Applications in R, MINITAB and JMP (2nd ed.) [Kenett & Zacks 2014] {CD2324A4}.pdf 11.01Мб
1118569288 Nonlinear Parameter Optimization using R Tools [Nash 2014] {A5186154}.pdf 3.07Мб
1118596307 Statistical Methods for Hospital Monitoring with R [Morton et al. 2013] {6FCC861A}.pdf 3.18Мб
1118617908 Multivariate Time Series Analysis; with R and Financial Applications [Tsay 2014] {4E6F5A2D}.pdf 5.49Мб
1118705181 Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering; Partial Differential Equation Applications with R [Schiesser 2014] {596ED97A}.pdf 2.22Мб
1118705483 Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering; Ordinary Differential Equation Applications with R [Schiesser 2014] {ACAF9DFE}.pdf 2.81Мб
1118738063 Robust Nonlinear Regression with Applications using R [Riazoshams, Midi & Ghilagaber 2019] {E727E182}.pdf 3.21Мб
1118740653 Introduction to Stochastic Processes with R [Dobrow 2016] {2214CA2D}.pdf 4.06Мб
111883481X Automated Data Collection with R; A Practical Guide to Web Scraping and Text Mining [Munzert et al. 2015] {3D6F2079}.pdf 4.65Мб
1118879368 Data Mining for Business Analytics; Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R [Shmueli et al. 2018] {6794EC67}.pdf 13.32Мб
1118897153 Statistical Data Cleaning with Applications in R [van der Loo & de Jonge 2018] {720318B5}.pdf 2.76Мб
1118941098 Statistics; An Introduction using R (2nd ed.) [Crawley 2015] {E843CCB4}.pdf 3.90Мб
1118944003 Investing in Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities; Financial Modeling with R and Open Source Analytics [Schultz 2016] {C4F4DD02}.pdf 11.44Мб
1118949161 Panel Data Econometrics with R [Croissant & Millo 2019] {5FA7F171}.pdf 3.08Мб
1119055806 R for Dummies (2nd ed.) [de Vries & Meys 2015] {E19C5C47}.pdf 5.39Мб
1119061393 Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods using R [Wilcox 2017] {8598A7B5}.pdf 3.69Мб
1119080029 A Data Scientist's Guide to Acquiring, Cleaning, and Managing Data in R [Buttrey & Whitaker 2018] {B39C4F91}.pdf 1.45Мб
1119119669 Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R (2nd ed.) [Pfaff 2016] {82A44385}.pdf 4.50Мб
1119152720 A Course in Statistics with R [Tattar, Ramaiah & Manjunath 2016] {0628F0EC}.pdf 8.04Мб
1119165024 Molecular Data Analysis using R [Ortutay & Ortutay 2017] {D5A98859}.pdf 5.84Мб
1119214688 Robust Statistics; Theory and Methods (with R) (2nd ed.) [Maronna et al. 2019] {421EB971}.pdf 1.97Мб
1119250382 Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks; Models, Methods & Applications using R [Ostoic 2021] {BC48DB5B}.pdf 8.94Мб
1119256410 SAS for R Users; A Book for Data Scientists [Ohri 2020] {AFF6A811}.pdf 3.07Мб
1119268133 Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering with R (2nd ed.) [Kvam, Vidakovic & Kim 2023] {C817240B}.pdf 10.98Мб
1119301033 Spline Collocation Methods for Partial Differential Equations; With Applications in R [Schiesser 2017] {DB6D755F}.pdf 5.26Мб
1119302609 Probability, Decisions and Games; A Gentle Introduction using R [Rodríguez & Mendes 2018] {2633D81E}.pdf 4.06Мб
1119337062 Statistical Analysis with R for Dummies [Schmuller 2017] {6D5CDE7D}.pdf 10.84Мб
1119387612 Applied Probabilistic Calculus for Financial Engineering; An Introduction using R [Chan 2017] {90E26439}.pdf 14.21Мб
1119392373 Handbook of Regression Analysis with Applications in R (2nd ed.) [Chatterjee & Simonoff 2020] {2D6B8F97}.pdf 7.65Мб
111941654X Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R (2nd ed.) [Chihara & Hesterberg 2019] {FABDD995}.pdf 11.91Мб
1119421098 Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R [Alfaro, Gámez & Garcia 2019] {210BFE1E}.pdf 3.02Мб
111944618X R Projects for Dummies [Schmuller 2018] {3987FBE7}.pdf 5.62Мб
1119516633 Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists using Minitab, R and JMP (2nd ed.) [Gupta, Guttman & Jayalath 2020] {3D4BD2F0}.pdf 60.99Мб
1119526817 Data Science using Python and R [Larose & Larose 2019] {62E20AC7}.pdf 4.29Мб
1119536944 Probability with R; An Introduction with Computer Science Applications (2nd ed.) [Horgan 2020] {073CBEDF}.pdf 12.17Мб
1119549930 Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics using R; Quantitative Tools for Data Analysis and Data Science [Denis 2020] {A1B7EF36}.pdf 7.64Мб
1119551528 Applied Statistics; Theory and Problem Solutions with R [Rasch, Verdooren & Pilz 2020] {4F93D744}.pdf 5.54Мб
1119583047 Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics; Understanding Statistics for Social and Natural Scientists, with Applications in SPSS and R (2nd ed.) [Denis 2021] {D6223C5F}.pdf 11.24Мб
1119591511 Practical Machine Learning in R [Nwanganga & Chapple 2020] {193E6B0E}.pdf 13.08Мб
1119598079 Sports Analytics in Practice with R [Kwartler 2022] {21B042FB}.pdf 5.57Мб
1119634326 The R Book (3rd ed.) [Jones, Harden & Crawley 2023] {8B7A7D30}.pdf 14.18Мб
1119692385 Probability; With Applications and R (2nd ed.) [Wagaman & Dobrow 2021] {C1EDB492}.pdf 7.80Мб
1119714907 Modern Industrial Statistics; With Applications in R, MINITAB and JMP (3rd ed.) [Kenett & Zacks 2021] {9E354B85}.pdf 21.26Мб
111979529X SAR Image Analysis; A Computational Statistics Approach; With R Code, Data, and Applications [Frery, Wu & Gomez 2022] {419BFA91}.pdf 11.90Мб
1119845017 Deep Learning; From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence with R [Tufféry 2023] {349DDE81}.pdf 10.95Мб
111995021X Statistical Hypothesis Testing with SAS and R [Taeger & Kuhnt 2014] {E2475A3A}.pdf 4.17Мб
1119951372 The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data; With Applications in R [de Uña-Álvarez, Moreira & Crujeiras 2022] {E9D54E24}.pdf 3.50Мб
1119952379 Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing; Rank and Permutation Methods with Applications in R [Bonnini et al. 2014] {F317BEEA}.pdf 1.99Мб
111998369X R All-in-One for Dummies [Schmuller 2023] {6C57E224}.pdf 11.75Мб
1137354070 Quantitative Trading with R; Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant's Perspective [Georgakopoulos 2015] {85F03DC9}.pdf 17.90Мб
1137428163 A Primer for Spatial Econometrics; With Applications in R [Arbia 2014] {7453E83D}.pdf 2.14Мб
1138024562, 1138024570 A Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language Research using SPSS and R (2nd ed.) [Larson-Hall 2016] {5B7EC3D9}.pdf 14.02Мб
1138033227 Statistical Methods for Survival Trial Design; With Applications to Cancer Clinical Trials using R [Wu 2018] {4321843A}.pdf 10.36Мб
1138033782, 1466592591 Computational Actuarial Science with R [Charpentier 2015] {B96D87E2}.pdf 15.05Мб
1138034231, 1482256592 Adaptive Design Theory and Implementation using SAS and R (2nd ed.) [Chang 2014] {A81D5005}.pdf 4.02Мб
1138034312 Dose-Response Analysis using R [Ritz et al. 2020] {F38C91C2}.pdf 2.75Мб
113803536X Robust Statistical Methods with R (2nd ed.) [Jurečková, Picek & Schindler 2019] {E4D52C46}.pdf 2.64Мб
1138049018 Advanced Regression Models with SAS and R [Korosteleva 2019] {EFA71CFF}.pdf 2.16Мб
1138054887 Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Estimation; with R Examples [Efromovich 2018] {632C1BD0}.pdf 84.25Мб
1138056081, 113805609X Statistics for Linguists; An Introduction using R [Winter 2020] {90D5FD19}.pdf 10.21Мб
1138066133, 1498795633 The Analysis of Time Series; An Introduction with R (7th ed.) [Chatfield & Xing 2019] {F0CB2165}.pdf 3.46Мб
1138088633, 1498740006 The Essentials of Data Science; Knowledge Discovery using R [Williams 2017] {12843C34}.pdf 6.01Мб
1138089982 Displaying Time Series, Spatial, and Space-Time Data with R (2nd ed.) [Lamigueiro 2018] {7BA11885}.pdf 23.06Мб
1138116033, 1439873658 An R Companion to Linear Statistical Models [Hay-Jahans 2012] {177F0EF1}.pdf 2.45Мб
1138196347 Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example using R (2nd ed.) [Husson, Lê & Pagès 2017] {FEB59CCB}.pdf 18.05Мб
1138197343 Introduction to Renewable Power Systems and the Environment with R [Acevedo 2019] {3C98629C}.pdf 20.86Мб
1138197459 Analysis of Correlated Data with SAS and R (4th ed.) [Shoukri 2018] {B847C8DA}.pdf 3.80Мб
1138197904 Flexible Regression and Smoothing; Using GAMLSS in R [Stasinopoulos et al. 2017] {40F86475}.pdf 18.36Мб
1138295876 Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development; Concepts, Algorithms, and Case Studies [Yang & Novick 2019] {29BF52FC}.pdf 5.99Мб
1138304514 Geocomputation with R [Lovelace, Nowosad & Muenchow 2019] {4ECD4250}.pdf 45.41Мб
1138329169, 1138329258 R Companion to Elementary Applied Statistics [Hay-Jahans 2019] {A4B2A261}.pdf 5.24Мб
1138340561 Omic Association Studies with R and Bioconductor [González & Cáceres 2019] {2F8DAB67}.pdf 80.30Мб
1138359335, 1138359424 R Markdown; The Definitive Guide [Xie, Allaire & Grolemund 2018] {F3A05522}.pdf 4.64Мб
1138368830 Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R [Rabbee 2020] {0C19AAE2}.pdf 8.26Мб
1138369853 Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations using R and INLA [Krainski et al. 2019] {F85041FB}.pdf 40.84Мб
1138386359, 1138726915 Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism [Machlis 2019] {B4CE7926}.pdf 37.51Мб
1138416517, 1466503963 Customer and Business Analytics; Applied Data Mining for Business Decision Making using R [Putler & Krider 2012] {D48E2603}.pdf 7.42Мб
1138424072, 1498711545 Spatial Microsimulation with R [Lovelace & Dumont 2016] {B03F46F1}.pdf 22.52Мб
1138464570, 1466570229 Analyzing Baseball Data with R [Marchi & Albert 2014] {C3E32A87}.pdf 3.34Мб
1138469270, 1498775713 Extending R [Chambers 2016] {BB2ADA9E}.pdf 3.54Мб
1138469289, 113870010X bookdown; Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown [Xie 2016] {5928C554}.pdf 917.70Кб
1138469297, 1482234815 Data Science in R; A Case Studies Approach to Computational Reasoning and Problem Solving [Nolan & Lang 2015] {22E6FB3C}.pdf 15.87Мб
1138469327, 1466586966 Advanced R [Wickham 2015] {54AD6079}.pdf 2.55Мб
1138469335, 1466515856 Multilevel Modeling using R [Finch, Bolin & Kelley 2014] {454C209E}.pdf 3.15Мб
1138469343, 1439881456 R for Statistics [Cornillon et al. 2012] {6F55BF74}.pdf 9.98Мб
1138469637, 1498716962 Dynamic Documents with R and knitr (2nd ed.) [Xie 2015] {9908D6E4}.pdf 6.61Мб
1138480606 Exploratory Data Analysis using R [Pearson 2018] {688D71CC}.pdf 3.40Мб
1138480711 Multilevel Modeling using R (2nd ed.) [Finch, Bolin & Kelley 2019] {64528B41}.pdf 5.51Мб
1138484032 Reproducible Finance with R; Code Flows and Shiny Apps for Portfolio Analysis [Regenstein 2019] {F6C871CC}.pdf 58.70Мб
1138495689 Hands-On Machine Learning with R [Boehmke & Greenwell 2020] {20881328}.pdf 35.14Мб
1138495719, 1138498955 Introduction to Bioinformatics with R; A Practical Guide for Biologists [Curry 2021] {F4E57C35}.pdf 3.92Мб
1138500771, 113850078X Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences using R and BlueSky Statistics [Lamprianou 2020] {6A4692EE}.pdf 13.02Мб
113850162X Finite Element Computations in Mechanics with R; A Problem-Centered Programming Approach [Mustapha 2018] {3139BC56}.pdf 11.61Мб
1138542784, 1138542792 Using R for Item Response Theory Model Applications [Paek & Cole 2020] {86910EFE}.pdf 2.03Мб
1138599492 Statistical Analysis of Financial Data; with Examples in R [Gentle 2020] {7510D6CB}.pdf 12.20Мб
1138599638 R Visualizations; Derive Meaning from Data [Gerbing 2020] {C2F8EDA6}.pdf 15.54Мб
1138600792, 1138600814 Basketball Data Science; With Applications in R [Zuccolotto & Manisera 2020] {4910093E}.pdf 7.91Мб
1138608181 Population Genomics with R [Paradis 2020] {51840A7C}.pdf 44.80Мб
1138626910 Textual Data Science with R [Bécue-Bertaut 2018] {B56F7481}.pdf 28.96Мб
1138627186, 1498736874 R for Programmers; Advanced Techniques [Zhang 2017] {1CF07287}.pdf 42.69Мб
1138627828 Data Analysis using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models with R [Lee, Rönnegård & Noh 2017] {D8739CB6}.pdf 6.68Мб
1138631973, 1498772552 The R Primer (2nd ed.) [Ekstrøm 2016] {31C38167}.pdf 6.52Мб
1138711136 Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R [Wikle, Zammit-Mangion & Cressie 2019] {2D07C184}.pdf 5.81Мб
1326189727 Learning Statistics with R; A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other Beginners (version 0.3) [Navarro 2015] (draft) {232B0B41}.pdf 5.70Мб
1349469866 Quantitative Trading with R; Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant's Perspective [Georgakopoulos 2015] {AE61426B}.pdf 9.71Мб
1365060063 Exploratory Data Analysis with R [Peng 2015] {C2A10C17}.pdf 9.65Мб
1402086237 A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling; Using R as a Simulation Platform [Soetaert & Herman 2009] {37174CA7}.pdf 10.07Мб
1405190086, 1444335243 Biostatistical Design and Analysis using R; A Practical Guide [Logan 2010] {AD0DF762}.pdf 3.58Мб
1420062069 Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R [Qian 2010] {CDF57693}.pdf 5.10Мб
1420063677 R Programming for Bioinformatics [Gentleman 2009] {C772B74A}.pdf 1.48Мб
1420068725 Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation using R [Jones, Maillardet & Robinson 2009] {07F3DF50}.pdf 7.64Мб
142006973X Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology using Perl and R [Valiente 2009] {A8C7BC08}.pdf 1.27Мб
1420070576 SAS and R; Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics [Kleinman & Horton 2010] {602115D6}.pdf 2.34Мб
1420076965 Solutions Manual for Statistical Computing with R [Rizzo 2008] {F533E30E}.pdf 4.03Мб
1420077473 Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data; A Practical Approach with Examples in R, SAS, and BUGS [Bogaerts, Komárek & Lesaffre 2018] {87AEEB5E}.pdf 10.02Мб
1420079336 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R (2nd ed.) [Everitt & Hothorn 2010] {C5B63011}.pdf 3.13Мб
1420086782 Computational Statistics; An Introduction to R [Sawitzki 2009] {BBB7756B}.pdf 4.41Мб
1420088262 Introduction to Data Analysis with R for Forensic Scientists [Curran 2011] {A5755EC5}.pdf 1.78Мб
1430245549 Beginning R; An Introduction to Statistical Programming [Pace 2012] {54BC1821}.pdf 4.87Мб
1430258063 Pro Data Visualization using R and JavaScript [Barker 2013] {C77215FB}.pdf 3.23Мб
1430266406 R Quick Syntax Reference; A Quick, Handy Guide to using R [Tollefson 2014] {A7BB5D76}.pdf 1.56Мб
1439809755 Statistics and Data Analysis for Microarrays; Using R and Bioconductor (2nd ed.) [Drăghici 2012] {B91EECA5}.pdf 74.25Мб
1439810184 Data Mining with R; Learning with Case Studies [Torgo 2011] {E9489E95}.pdf 1.69Мб
1439813264 Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models using R [Berridge & Crouchley 2011] {CAFC877C}.pdf 2.11Мб
1439816972 Optimal Experimental Design with R [Rasch et al. 2011] {EB9DB664}.pdf 5.12Мб
1439817669 Analysis of Questionnaire Data with R [Falissard 2012] {CCD80D26}.pdf 4.48Мб
1439819130 Spatial Data Analysis in Ecology and Agriculture using R [Plant 2012] {3500E049}.pdf 11.27Мб
1439827559 Using R for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics [Horton & Kleinman 2011] {7997079A}.pdf 3.41Мб
1439831645 Event History Analysis with R [Broström 2012] {FA49C60E}.pdf 2.54Мб
1439831769 R Graphics (2nd ed.) [Murrell 2012] {5B7218CD}.pdf 8.57Мб
1439835802 Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example using R [Husson, Lê & Pagès 2011] {D3DA7878}.pdf 8.74Мб
1439840202 Clinical Trial Data Analysis using R [Chen & Peace 2011] {B434527B}.pdf 4.71Мб
1439855676 Analysis of Categorical Data with R [Bilder & Loughin 2015] {EB8A0BE8}.pdf 4.59Мб
1439856826 Programming Graphical User Interfaces in R [Lawrence & Verzani 2012] {266978E1}.pdf 3.08Мб
143986084X Practical Graph Mining with R [Samatova et al. 2014] {A362B0C1}.pdf 22.56Мб
1439862060 The R Primer [Ekstrøm 2012] {67580E55}.pdf 2.62Мб
1439868131 Design and Analysis of Experiments with R [Lawson 2015] {2D893B06}.pdf 5.62Мб
1439872864 Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Applications in R [Rizopoulos 2012] {A78DC4EA}.pdf 3.07Мб
1439875405 The R Student Companion [Dennis 2013] {2077C7E8}.pdf 2.32Мб
143988448X Using R for Numerical Analysis in Science and Engineering [Bloomfield 2014] {C341CDD2}.pdf 4.95Мб
1439885389 Beyond Multiple Linear Regression; Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R [Roback & Legler 2021] {94CB1629}.pdf 5.83Мб
1439887330 Linear Models with R (2nd ed.) [Faraway 2015] {8CD029E9}.pdf 1.69Мб
1439895473 Statistics in Engineering; With Examples in MATLAB and R (2nd ed.) [Metcalfe et al. 2019] {4F01754D}.pdf 15.41Мб
1441900519 R through Excel; A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics [Heiberger & Neuwirth 2009] {40892B46}.pdf 20.65Мб
1441900845 Computer Simulation and Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Biophysics; An Introduction using R [Bloomfield 2009] {AE8A7115}.pdf 13.37Мб
1441901175 Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R [Dunn & Smyth 2018] {5362A53D}.pdf 8.85Мб
1441904670 Multivariate Nonparametric Methods with R; An Approach Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks [Oja 2010] {AEAF789B}.pdf 1.56Мб
1441913173 R for Stata Users [Muenchen & Hilbe 2010] {5CC2C7E9}.pdf 4.13Мб
1441915753 Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R [Robert & Casella 2010] {89746912}.pdf 3.44Мб
1441917632 Advances in Social Science Research using R [Vinod 2010] {FC281D2C}.pdf 6.09Мб
1441977619 Forest Analytics with R; An Introduction [Robinson & Hamann 2011] {6185CAF9}.pdf 2.70Мб
144197864X Time Series Analysis and Its Applications; With R Examples (3rd ed.) [Shumway & Stoffer 2011] {8959C65F}.pdf 6.84Мб
1441979603 Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R [Bogetoft & Otto 2011] {DEAC2EC4}.pdf 3.83Мб
1441979751 Numerical Ecology with R [Borcard, Gillet & Legendre 2011] {D8A0AA3F}.pdf 5.85Мб
1441996494 An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R [Everitt & Hothorn 2011] {E0FAC193}.pdf 4.19Мб
1441998896 Data Mining with Rattle and R; The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery [Williams 2011] {EB7EF302}.pdf 5.84Мб
1442218460, 1442218479 Basic Statistics; An Introduction with R [Raykov & Marcoulides 2012] {A95DC706}.pdf 1.96Мб
1446200450, 1446200469 Discovering Statistics using R [Field, Miles & Field 2012] {F2CBD1C2}.pdf 20.57Мб
1447149491 Introduction to Image Processing using R; Learning by Examples [Frery & Perciano 2013] {2C2102F8}.pdf 2.35Мб
1447153278 Guide to Programming and Algorithms using R [Ergül 2013] {134533F3}.pdf 2.33Мб
1449303234 25 Recipes for Getting Started with R; Excerpts from the R Cookbook [Teetor 2011] {D1B96153}.pdf 510.68Кб
1449303536 Data Mashups in R; A Case Study in Real-World Data Analysis [Leipzig & Li 2011] {1DC5EB07}.pdf 1.53Мб
1449309038 Getting Started with RStudio; An Integrated Development Environment for R [Verzani 2011] {491C8B7B}.pdf 7.83Мб
1449309925 Parallel R; Data Analysis in the Distributed World [McCallum & Weston 2012] {0D927094}.pdf 5.55Мб
144931208X R in a Nutshell; A Desktop Quick Reference (2nd ed.) [Adler 2012] {E510CA6E}.pdf 8.88Мб
1449315151 Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby; Discover the World Around You Through Programming [Chang 2012] {D7CDAC94}.pdf 12.25Мб
1449316956 R Graphics Cookbook; Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data [Chang 2013] {451F2C05}.pdf 27.38Мб
1449357105 Learning R; A Step-by-Step Function Guide to Data Analysis [Cotton 2013] {9E43D427}.pdf 13.55Мб
1449359019 Hands-On Programming with R; Write Your Own Functions and Simulations [Grolemund 2014] {BDD607BF}.pdf 6.95Мб
1461404053 Business Analytics for Managers (R) [Jank 2011] {3FF6B042}.pdf 4.59Мб
1461406846 R for SAS and SPSS Users (2nd ed.) [Muenchen 2011] {D2B507A0}.pdf 7.01Мб
1461412374 Behavioral Research Data Analysis with R [Li & Baron 2012] {C1BEDA39}.pdf 1.81Мб
146141301X Biostatistics with R; An Introduction to Statistics through Biological Data [Shahbaba 2012] {EAA4872D}.pdf 4.89Мб
1461413648 R by Example [Albert & Rizzo 2012] {89340A6A}.pdf 1.50Мб
1461417422 Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R (2nd ed.) [Paradis 2012] {935E7AD8}.pdf 2.39Мб
1461420342 Competing Risks and Multistate Models with R [Beyersmann, Schumacher & Allignol 2012] {789C6A62}.pdf 2.13Мб
1461421330 Two-Way Analysis of Variance; Statistical Tests and Graphics using R [MacFarland 2012] {5EBB87D4}.pdf 641.73Кб
1461422981 Graphical Models with R [Højsgaard, Edwards & Lauritzen 2012] {9A2D7A39}.pdf 2.49Мб
1461431212 Multivariate Methods of Representing Relations in R for Prioritization Purposes; Selective Scaling, Comparative Clustering, Collective Criteria and Sequenc [Myers & Patil 2012] {ADDE7489}.pdf 3.57Мб
1461436516 Six Sigma with R; Statistical Engineering for Process Improvement [Cano, Moguerza & Redchuk 2012] {40BFD766}.pdf 3.57Мб
1461438993 Linear Mixed-Effects Models using R; A Step-by-Step Approach [Gałecki & Burzykowski 2013] {83D3A7CC}.pdf 11.30Мб
1461443423 R for Business Analytics [Ohri 2012] {2208AC79}.pdf 13.39Мб
1461444748 Modeling Psychophysical Data in R [Knoblauch & Maloney 2012] {45BE78C7}.pdf 5.18Мб
1461445833 Qualitative Comparative Analysis with R; A User's Guide [Thiem & Duşa 2013] {98691BBC}.pdf 1.47Мб
1461454522 Multivariate Statistical Quality Control using R [Santos-Fernández 2012] {F0F82D14}.pdf 1.68Мб
1461456959 Applied Bayesian Statistics; With R and OpenBUGS Examples [Cowles 2013] {077E40FE}.pdf 2.90Мб
1461462266 Understanding Statistics using R [Schumacker & Tomek 2013] {159FDE86}.pdf 1.46Мб
1461464455 Bayesian Networks in R; With Applications in Systems Biology [Nagarajan, Scutari & Lèbre 2013] {1FCC6DAC}.pdf 1.63Мб
1461468671 Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp [Eddelbuettel 2013] {3F6576C0}.pdf 3.38Мб
1461471370 An Introduction to Statistical Learning; With Applications in R [James et al. 2015] {A6566730}.pdf 10.04Мб
1461476178 Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (2nd ed.) [Bivand, Pebesma & Gómez-Rubio 2013] {DF9D5F00}.pdf 9.84Мб
1461478995 XML and Web Technologies for Data Sciences with R [Nolan & Lang 2014] {FD220B90}.pdf 7.25Мб
1461484553 EnvStats; An R Package for Environmental Statistics [Millard 2013] {5EA359E8}.pdf 4.30Мб
1461486866 Bayesian Essentials with R (2nd ed.) [Marin & Robert 2014] {6B221370}.pdf 7.41Мб
1461487870 Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R (2nd ed.) [Carmona 2014] {DBF51521}.pdf 11.34Мб
1461490197 The R Software; Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis [de Micheaux, Drouilhet & Liquet 2013] {18CFC210}.pdf 10.37Мб
1461495415 Functional and Phylogenetic Ecology in R [Swenson 2014] {8404D0B0}.pdf 5.01Мб
1462530265, 1462530273 Reasoning with Data; An Introduction to Traditional and Bayesian Statistics using R [Stanton 2017] {5D078820}.pdf 5.48Мб
1462549888, 1462549896 An Introductory Guide to R; Easing the Learning Curve [Einspruch 2022] {AAEEDCD4}.pdf 5.00Мб
1466504390 Probability and Statistics with R (2nd ed.) [Ugarte, Militino & Arnholt 2016] {E31B36F4}.pdf 14.50Мб
1466505990 Applied Meta-Analysis with R [Chen & Peace 2013] {5032D3D4}.pdf 1.82Мб
1466516003 Nonparametric Models for Longitudinal Data; With Implementation in R [Wu & Tian 2018] {7CAB5E63}.pdf 4.78Мб
1466517158 Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R [Armstrong et al. 2014] {55C96F68}.pdf 2.60Мб
1466553324 Statistical Computing with R (2nd ed.) [Rizzo 2019] {43EAE3BA}.pdf 7.25Мб
1466565209 Displaying Time Series, Spatial, and Space-Time Data with R [Lamigueiro 2014] {D7399C95}.pdf 29.21Мб
1466565721 Analyzing Sensory Data with R [Lê & Worch 2015] {D068A074}.pdf 4.07Мб
1466568321 Statistical Studies of Income, Poverty and Inequality in Europe; Computing and Graphics in R using EU-SILC [Longford 2015] {BC580005}.pdf 3.42Мб
1466568380 R and MATLAB [Hiebeler 2015] {5E8AA0D9}.pdf 1.86Мб
1466569999 Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation using R (2nd ed.) [Jones, Maillardet & Robinson 2014] {6D816E9A}.pdf 8.27Мб
1466572841 Reproducible Research with R and RStudio [Gandrud 2014] {1155E73D}.pdf 5.27Мб
1466584327 Growth Curve Analysis and Visualization using R [Mirman 2014] {B3BA3789}.pdf 1.80Мб
1466584491 SAS and R; Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (2nd ed.) [Kleinman & Horton 2014] {80DCA793}.pdf 3.69Мб
1466590734 Using R for Introductory Statistics (2nd ed.) [Verzani 2014] {75D00810}.pdf 9.31Мб
1482203537 Dynamic Documents with R and knitr [Xie 2014] {821CF7BF}.pdf 3.10Мб
1482205475 Multiple Factor Analysis by Example using R [Pagès 2015] {5F24A87D}.pdf 2.40Мб
1482208237 Applied Biclustering Methods for Big and High-Dimensional Data using R [Kasim et al. 2017] {070B3EAE}.pdf 17.15Мб
1482210207 Spatial Point Patterns; Methodology and Applications with R [Baddeley, Rubak & Turner 2016] {C4698EC9}.pdf 25.46Мб
1482214849 Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging; Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples [Chakraborty 2018] {5035871B}.pdf 8.47Мб
1482225581 Bayesian Networks; With Examples in R [Scutari & Denis 2015] {598AB2F8}.pdf 1.98Мб
1482227819 Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Squares using Stata and R [Mehmetoglu & Venturini 2021] {A3943637}.pdf 10.87Мб
1482234890 Data Mining with R; Learning with Case Studies (2nd ed.) [Torgo 2017] {B8C1D5EF}.pdf 8.40Мб
148223520X Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R [Ogle 2016] {BF374F2E}.pdf 7.70Мб
1482253445 Statistical Rethinking; A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan [McElreath 2016] {7CD3AF7F}.pdf 11.09Мб
1482253836 Hidden Markov Models for Time Series; An Introduction using R (2nd ed.) [Zucchini, MacDonald & Langrock 2016] {FFB7FE9F}.pdf 3.55Мб
1483377962 Using R with Multivariate Statistics [Schumacker 2016] {52D833AE}.pdf 20.55Мб
1484201310 R Recipes; A Problem-Solution Approach [Pace 2014] {A20EC4A1}.pdf 5.90Мб
148420140X Using R for Statistics [Stowell 2014] {6A60BCAC}.pdf 6.98Мб
1484203747 Beginning R; An Introduction to Statistical Programming (2nd ed.) [Wiley & Pace 2015] {CDCACC13}.pdf 11.15Мб
1484210026 Learn Business Analytics in Six Steps using SAS and R [Tripathi 2016] {FF1A4D4D}.pdf 8.47Мб
1484220765 Advanced R; Data Programming and the Cloud [Wiley & Wiley 2016] {52E1DA0F}.pdf 11.61Мб
1484222970 Beginning SQL Server R Services; Analytics for Data Scientists [Beard 2016] {13E9798C}.pdf 21.18Мб
1484223330 Machine Learning using R; A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning [Ramasubramanian & Singh 2017] {1A5C68EF}.pdf 11.47Мб
1484225139 Business Analytics using R; A Practical Approach [Hodeghatta & Nayak 2017] {B7079754}.pdf 14.52Мб
1484226135 Data Science using Oracle Data Miner and Oracle R Enterprise; Transform Your Business Systems into an Analytical Powerhouse [Das 2016] {744E6C77}.pdf 12.99Мб
1484226704 Beginning Data Science in R; Data Analysis, Visualization, and Modelling for the Data Scientist [Mailund 2017] {EB0D59B9}.pdf 6.50Мб
1484227336 Introduction to Deep Learning using R; A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning and Implementing Deep Learning Models in R [Beysolow 2017] {146E7575}.pdf 7.09Мб
148422745X Functional Programming in R; Advanced Statistical Programming for Data Science, Analysis and Finance [Mailund 2017] {0E6CE64C}.pdf 968.50Кб
1484228715 Advanced R Statistical Programming and Data Models; Analysis, Machine Learning, and Visualization [Wiley & Wiley 2019] {D73C4881}.pdf 70.13Мб
1484228804 Metaprogramming in R; Advanced Statistical Programming for Data Science, Analysis and Finance [Mailund 2017] {CEB6BC75}.pdf 570.94Кб
1484229185 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R; Statistical Programming for Data Science, Analysis and Finance [Mailund 2017] {59B231FD}.pdf 1.06Мб
1484231430 Functional Data Structures in R; Advanced Statistical Programming in R [Mailund 2017] {92B8B29D}.pdf 3.28Мб
1484234944 Business Case Analysis with R; Simulation Tutorials to Support Complex Business Decisions [Brown 2018] {58EDA2D3}.pdf 7.04Мб
148423524X Applied Analytics through Case Studies using SAS and R; implementing Predictive Models and Machine Learning Techniques [Gupta 2018] {87E12D03}.pdf 7.97Мб
1484235630 Pro Machine Learning Algorithms; A Hands-On Approach to Implementing Algorithms in Python and R [Ayyadevara 2018] {42F8A4FA}.pdf 22.21Мб
1484235878 Domain-Specific Languages in R; Advanced Statistical Programming [Mailund 2018] {AC5CDD3C}.pdf 2.44Мб
1484241991 Learn R for Applied Statistics; with Data Visualizations, Regressions, and Statistics [Hui 2019] {1078DA72}.pdf 6.78Мб
1484242149 Machine Learning using R; With Time Series and Industry-Based Use Cases in R (2nd ed.) [Ramasubramanian & Singh 2019] {E2AD362A}.pdf 17.75Мб
1484244044 R Quick Syntax Reference; A Pocket Guide to the Language, APIs and Library (2nd ed.) [Tollefson 2019] {BD496AA0}.pdf 2.94Мб
1484248937 R Data Science Quick Reference; A Pocket Guide to APIs, Libraries, and Packages [Mailund 2019] {FF46F735}.pdf 2.15Мб
1484258282 Advanced Analytics in Power BI with R and Python; Ingesting, Transforming, Visualizing [Wade 2020] {AD20A3AC}.pdf 6.89Мб
1484259459 Practical R 4; Applying R to Data Manipulation, Processing and Integration [Westfall 2020] {BC8BEE36}.pdf 21.63Мб
1484259726 Advanced R 4 Data Programming and the Cloud; using PostgreSQL, AWS, and Shiny (2nd ed.) [Wiley & Wiley 2020] {5B0B311F}.pdf 7.26Мб
148426052X Beginning R 4; From Beginner to Pro [Wiley & Wiley 2020] {2D4A1A8B}.pdf 9.62Мб
148426875X CRAN Recipes; DPLYR, Stringr, Lubridate, and RegEx in R [Yarberry 2021] {7575FE4A}.pdf 5.96Мб
1484272013 Pro Data Visualization using R and JavaScript; Analyze and Visualize Key Data on the Web (2nd ed.) [Barker & Westfall 2022] {946F002C}.pdf 11.22Мб
1484279239 R 4 Quick Syntax Reference; A Pocket Guide to the Language, API's and Library (3rd ed.) [Tollefson 2022] {A0180D5F}.pdf 3.00Мб
1484281543 Beginning Data Science in R 4; Data Analysis, Visualization, and Modelling for the Data Scientist (2nd ed.) [Mailund 2022] {A59A26C4}.pdf 9.21Мб
1484287533 Practical Business Analytics using R and Python; Solve Business Problems using a Data-Driven Approach (2nd ed.) [Hodeghatta & Nayak 2023] {E8FC9AE8}.pdf 31.91Мб
1490433546 Visualizing Complex Data using R [Lewis 2013] {A2D13315}.pdf 3.98Мб
1491910399 R for Data Science; Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data [Wickham & Grolemund 2017] {A3EFA3E1}.pdf 20.15Мб
1491910593 R Packages; Organize, Test, Document, and Share Your Code [Wickham 2015] {25CC0BEE}.pdf 5.86Мб
1491919590 Data Science in the Cloud; With Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R [Elston 2015] {27574E1B}.pdf 1.78Мб
1491922613 Graphing Data with R; An Introduction [Hilfiger 2016] {189C82D2}.pdf 16.88Мб
1491950781 Efficient R Programming; A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming [Gillespie & Lovelace 2017] {00D1CC22}.pdf 3.00Мб
1491976446 Introduction to Machine Learning with R; Rigorous Mathematical Modeling [Burger 2018] {070B42AD}.pdf 3.95Мб
1491978600 R Graphics Cookbook; Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data (2nd ed.) [Chang 2018] (draft) {36496A5B}.pdf 8.94Мб
1491981652 Text Mining with R; A Tidy Approach [Silge & Robinson 2017] {5C4F0A10}.pdf 7.40Мб
1492033936 Python vs. R for Data Science [Grogan 2018] {31E0DC98}.pdf 456.37Кб
1492040681 R Cookbook; Proven Recipes for Data Analysis, Statistics, and Graphics (2nd ed.) [Long & Teetor 2019] {2CB83ECD}.pdf 7.51Мб
149204637X Mastering Spark with R; The Complete Guide to Large-Scale Analysis and Modeling [Luraschi, Kuo & Ruiz 2020] {DC3F3F2C}.pdf 7.46Мб
1492047384 Mastering Shiny; Build Interactive Apps, Reports & Dashboards Powered by R [Wickham 2021] {789C0927}.pdf 12.22Мб
1492061379 Behavioral Data Analysis with R & Python; Customer-Driven Data for Real Business Results [Buisson 2021] {EA82CDBD}.pdf 12.59Мб
149207294X Practical Statistics for Data Scientists; 50+ Essential Concepts using R and Python (2nd ed.) [Bruce, Bruce & Gedeck 2020] {CD30ABCD}.pdf 14.70Мб
1492093408 Python and R for the Modern Data Scientist; The Best of Both Worlds [Scavetta & Angelov 2021] {E6AE036E}.pdf 18.22Мб
149209434X Advancing into Analytics; From Excel to Python and R [Mount 2021] {1F110946}.pdf 9.48Мб
1492096482 Tidy Modeling with R; A Framework for Modeling in the Tidyverse [Kuhn & Silge 2022] {4B6D5F90}.pdf 21.39Мб
1493909827 Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R [Kolaczyk & Csárdi 2014] {2369C237}.pdf 4.97Мб
1493917013 R for Cloud Computing; An Approach for Data Scientists [Ohri 2014] {2E80CB30}.pdf 14.02Мб
1493921215 Statistical Analysis and Data Display; An Intermediate Course with Examples in R (2nd ed.) [Heiberger & Holland 2015] {7E97DDBF}.pdf 16.58Мб
1493926136 Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering; With R Examples (2nd ed.) [Ruppert & Matteson 2015] {0B80BFFD}.pdf 10.49Мб
1493928171 Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models; With an Implementation in R [Yee 2015] {CA36A917}.pdf 9.80Мб
1493988425 Oceanographic Analysis with R [Kelley 2018] {E63F1F38}.pdf 7.83Мб
1493988514 Semiparametric Regression with R [Harezlak, Ruppert & Wand 2018] {929B1DA2}.pdf 20.43Мб
1498704476 Sufficient Dimension Reduction; Methods and Applications with R [Li 2018] {1ACF1784}.pdf 42.03Мб
1498715370 Reproducible Research with R and RStudio (2nd ed.) [Gandrud 2015] {519EAD00}.pdf 2.90Мб
149872096X Extending the Linear Model with R; Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models (2nd ed.) [Faraway 2016] {2BBC5EFF}.pdf 4.46Мб
1498723632 Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R [Howard 2017] {13EC86B9}.pdf 5.15Мб
149872583X Discrete Data Analysis with R; Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data [Friendly & Meyer 2015] {BE744BE1}.pdf 6.77Мб
1498728332 Generalized Additive Models; An Introduction with R (2nd ed.) [Wood 2017] {2BB61A14}.pdf 14.52Мб
1498728723 Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R (2nd ed.) [Qian 2017] {8EB3DD04}.pdf 17.27Мб
1498734227 Applied Time Series Analysis with R (2nd ed.) [Woodward, Gray & Elliott 2017] {0896EB7F}.pdf 25.10Мб
149873507X Clinical Trial Optimization using R [Dmitrienko & Pulkstenis 2017] {E55C1CDD}.pdf 4.60Мб
1498736815 R for Programmers; Mastering the Tools [Zhang 2016] {24770A1D}.pdf 12.77Мб
1498736890 R for Programmers; Quantitative Investment Applications [Zhang 2018] {94A43C11}.pdf 17.57Мб
1498741908 Using the R Commander; A Point-and-Click Interface for R [Fox 2017] {DBEF4D75}.pdf 23.66Мб
1498763650 Testing R Code [Cotton 2017] {25E1CCC0}.pdf 3.89Мб
1498766099 R Programming and Its Applications in Financial Mathematics [Ohsaki, Ruppert-Felsot & Yoshikawa 2018] {D33534D9}.pdf 2.38Мб
1498770134 Handbook of Educational Measurement and Psychometrics using R [Desjardins & Bulut 2018] {D224BE8D}.pdf 33.63Мб
1498775675 Data Analysis for the Life Sciences with R [Irizarry & Love 2017] {2AC95787}.pdf 132.06Мб
1498779522 Clinical Trial Data Analysis using R and SAS (2nd ed.) [Chen, Peace & Zhang 2017] {710A4550}.pdf 9.26Мб
1498781594 Self-Controlled Case Series Studies; A Modelling Guide with R [Farrington, Whitaker & Weldeselassie 2018] {DB6C23BF}.pdf 30.72Мб
1498785751 Bayesian Hierarchical Models; With Applications using R (2nd ed.) [Congdon 2020] {AA334A37}.pdf 15.45Мб
1498789056 R Graphics (3rd ed.) [Murrell 2019] {D5C57E62}.pdf 8.28Мб
1498795889 Analyzing Health Data in R for SAS Users [Wahi & Seebach 2018] {10738808}.pdf 4.49Мб
1498797326 Uncertainty Analysis of Experimental Data with R [Shaw 2017] {6F9880B3}.pdf 4.73Мб
1502424665 Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus) [Yakir 2014] {93C0D1D0}.pdf 3.78Мб
1506368840 An R Companion to Political Analysis (2nd ed.) [Pollock & Edwards 2018] {8B973CA3}.pdf 11.16Мб
1506388159 Statistics with R; Solving Problems using Real-World Data [Harris 2021] {DBB8A8E9}.pdf 15.15Мб
1516513983 Probability and Statictics for Science & Engineering with Examples in R [Ahn 2017] {2A06E8B7}.pdf 10.06Мб
1516531108 Probability and Statistics for Science & Engineering with Examples in R (2nd ed.) [Ahn 2019] {283F17D1}.pdf 16.63Мб
151751679X 92 Applied Predictive Modeling Techniques in R [Lewis 2015] {4C7BA0E9}.pdf 14.99Мб
1519101236 Build Your Own Neural Network Today (R) [Lewis 2015] {8E81469B}.pdf 3.03Мб
1519514212 Deep Learning Made Easy with R; A Gentle Introduction For Data Science [Lewis 2016] {5739EBF3}.pdf 5.52Мб
1523285133 Using R for Introductory Econometrics [Heiss 2016] {00896486}.pdf 48.36Мб
1523459735 Learning from Data Made Easy with R; A Gentle Introduction for Data Science [Lewis 2016] {7E1BDF07}.pdf 1.84Мб
1526411490, 1526411504 Quantitative Social Science Data with R; An Introduction [Fogarty 2019] {36405948}.pdf 61.99Мб
1526428490, 1526428504 An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis & Mapping (2nd ed.) [Brunsdon & Comber 2019] {EADE7AA6}.pdf 13.01Мб
1527590186 Learning R and Python for Business School Students [Yan 2023] {59AF2475}.pdf 13.30Мб
1534798161 Scientific Software R; Programming Language and Applications [2016] {D8AC2077}.pdf 6.50Мб
1540314359 Survival Analysis by Example; Hands On Approach using R [Anderson 2016] {0698363C}.pdf 596.62Кб
1542462703 Practical Guide to Cluster Analysis in R; Unsupervised Machine Learning [Kassambara 2017] {69B74C50}.pdf 4.99Мб
154432457X Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics using R [Salkind & Shaw 2020] {8D1720EC}.pdf 15.04Мб
1546483756 Machine Learning Made Easy with R; An Intuitive Step by Step Blueprint for Beginners [Lewis 2017] {EB399734}.pdf 8.39Мб
1547417463 Business Statistics with Solutions in R [Akinkunmi 2019] {01D8139F}.pdf 4.74Мб
1584880872 Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R [Keen 2010] {7AC01F81}.pdf 3.92Мб
158488424X Extending the Linear Model with R; Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models [Faraway 2006] {C532F175}.pdf 3.02Мб
1584884258 Linear Models with R [Faraway 2005] {C7043A7D}.pdf 4.01Мб
1584884509 Using R for Introductory Statistics [Verzani 2005] {6E9D315C}.pdf 2.99Мб
1584884541 Robust Statistical Methods with R [Jurečková & Picek 2006] {AD13BB7E}.pdf 1.59Мб
1584884746 Generalized Additive Models; An Introduction with R [Wood 2006] {D9F3663F}.pdf 7.57Мб
158488486X R Graphics [Murrell 2006] {A39F2EF7}.pdf 2.71Мб
1584885289 Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with Java and R [Murtagh 2005] {2DBAD782}.pdf 1.34Мб
1584885394 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R [Everitt & Hothorn 2006] {82D095DC}.pdf 1.41Мб
1584885459 Statistical Computing with R [Rizzo 2008] {0678450B}.pdf 3.71Мб
1584885734 Hidden Markov Models for Time Series; An Introduction using R [Zucchini & MacDonald 2009] {657BE9A4}.pdf 2.06Мб
1584885742 Multiple Comparisons using R [Bretz, Hothorn & Westfall 2010] {3FD31A6E}.pdf 2.93Мб
1584886196 Analysis of Correlated Data with SAS and R (3rd ed.) [Shoukri & Chaudhary 2007] {D94685B6}.pdf 1.51Мб
1584887117 Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R [Karian & Dudewicz 2010] {DD4AB503}.pdf 33.74Мб
1584888911 Probability and Statistics with R [Ugarte, Militino & Arnholt 2008] {69A71651}.pdf 9.36Мб
1584889470 An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R [Trosset 2009] {D65E1E18}.pdf 3.40Мб
1584889624 Adaptive Design Theory and Implementation using SAS and R [Chang 2008] {0011EC8F}.pdf 3.01Мб
1593273843 The Art of R Programming; A Tour of Statistical Software Design [Matloff 2011] {0B5BF46C}.pdf 4.51Мб
1593276516 The Book of R; A First Course in Programming and Statistics [Davies 2016] {78DC44F2}.pdf 8.91Мб
1611975778 Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Theory, Applications, and Practice in R [Meyer 2019] {668E00DA}.pdf 18.92Мб
1617291382 R in Action; Data Analysis and Graphics with R (2nd ed.) [Kabacoff 2015] {C889DBAC}.pdf 9.54Мб
1617291560 Practical Data Science with R [Zumel & Mount 2014] {FFF56758}.pdf 20.26Мб
1617294594 Beyond Spreadsheets with R; A Beginner's Guide to R and RStudio [Carroll 2018] {AC156884}.pdf 12.05Мб
161729554X Deep Learning with R [Chollet & Allaire 2018] {7DFE0D62}.pdf 19.64Мб
1617295876 Practical Data Science with R (2nd ed.) [Zumel & Mount 2020] {754CD157}.pdf 13.09Мб
1617296058 R in Action; Data Analysis and Graphics with R and Tidyverse (3rd ed.) [Kabacoff 2022] {209AEAFD}.pdf 19.87Мб
1617296570 Machine Learning with R, the tidyverse, and mlr [Rhys 2020] {EDD435DD}.pdf 39.20Мб
1621821129 Using R at the Bench; Step-by-Step Data Analytics for Biologists [Bremer & Doerge 2015] {0EF7C18B}.pdf 4.10Мб
1633439844 Deep Learning with R (2nd ed.) [Chollet, Kalinowski & Allaire 2022] {1501F1D4}.pdf 48.66Мб
1634620968 Machine Learning and Data Science; An Introduction to Statistical Learning Methods with R [Gutierrez 2015] {2940BE56}.pdf 5.80Мб
1681735695, 1681735717 Spatiotemporal Modeling of Influenza; Partial Differential Equation Analysis in R [Schiesser 2019] {DFF2076B}.pdf 2.57Мб
168318016X Comparative Approaches to using R and Python for Statistical Data Analysis [Sarmento & Costa 2017] {EA964D07}.pdf 5.15Мб
1683925831 Data Science Tools; R, Excel, KNIME, OpenOffice [Greco 2020] {7ADD96B9}.pdf 31.28Мб
1696769647 R Programming; A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners [Bell 2020] {29FCAE45}.pdf 3.34Мб
1727588487 Data Visualization and Exploration with R [Pimpler 2017] {84E33A6C}.pdf 20.77Мб
1782160604 Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing [van der Loo & de Jonge 2012] {2DCDB015}.pdf 10.42Мб
1782162143 Machine Learning with R [Lantz 2013] {994FD325}.pdf 5.39Мб
178216328X Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop [Prajapati 2013] {0DD5DA13}.pdf 2.64Мб
1782163506 Instant R Starter [Teutonico 2013] {5331D641}.pdf 1022.12Кб
1782169350 Learning Predictive Analytics with R [Mayor 2015] {A6F618CB}.pdf 3.36Мб
178328093X Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance [Daróczi et al. 2013] {AF1CEF28}.pdf 4.06Мб
178328109X Data Manipulation with R [Abedin 2014] {1E10CCF3}.pdf 972.24Кб
1783281774 Social Media Mining with R [Danneman & Heimann 2014] {7483D09C}.pdf 1.73Мб
1783283130 Bioinformatics with R Cookbook [Sinha 2014] {96A02FF4}.pdf 12.19Мб
1783284471 Web Application Development with R using Shiny [Beeley 2013] {C1D4EB72}.pdf 8.47Мб
178355181X Mastering Text Mining with R [Kumar & Paul 2016] {6DE86EF8}.pdf 7.63Мб
1783552077 Mastering R for Quantitative Finance [Berlinger et al. 2015] {08B3D14A}.pdf 3.71Мб
1783554398 Practical Big Data Analytics (Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, R) [Dasgupta 2018] {3EEC79B1}.pdf 56.98Мб
1783554495 Building a Recommendation System with R [Gorakala & Usuelli 2015] {F32749D2}.pdf 1.73Мб
178355455X R Graph Essentials [Lillis 2014] {C534E048}.pdf 2.11Мб
1783555254 Mastering Scientific Computing with R [Gerrard & Johnson 2015] {A595C746}.pdf 3.97Мб
1783980249 Practical Data Science Cookbook (R, Python) [Ojeda et al. 2014] {75DB13C3}.pdf 5.19Мб
1783982020 Mastering Data Analysis with R [Daróczi 2015] {D783647E}.pdf 7.23Мб
1783982047 Machine Learning with R Cookbook [Chiu 2015] {605BEFFE}.pdf 11.70Мб
1783982101 Learning Data Mining with R [Makhabel 2015] {A7819418}.pdf 6.53Мб
1783982543 Mastering RStudio; Develop, Communicate, and Collaborate with R [Hillebrand & Nierhoff 2015] {23BDE700}.pdf 19.05Мб
1783982802 Mastering Predictive Analytics with R [Forte 2015] {44C482BF}.pdf 6.07Мб
1783984368 Learning R for Geospatial Analysis [Dorman 2014] {2DEA4A28}.pdf 5.83Мб
178398452X Mastering Machine Learning with R [Lesmeister 2015] {9B60AC3B}.pdf 4.26Мб
1783986689 R Object-Oriented Programming [Black 2014] {D2DC0B60}.pdf 1.35Мб
178398760X Learning Bayesian Models with R [Koduvely 2015] {D5A7F2F0}.pdf 1.24Мб
178398774X R Machine Learning Essentials [Usuelli 2014] {20657AA8}.pdf 2.81Мб
1783988789 R Graphs Cookbook (2nd ed.) [Abedin & Mittal 2014] {3ED2FCF4}.pdf 12.34Мб
1783989068 R Data Analysis Cookbook [Viswanathan & Viswanathan 2015] {8DAAE712}.pdf 4.83Мб
1783989262 R High Performance Programming [Lim & Tjhi 2015] {21DA0877}.pdf 1.72Мб
1783989505 R Data Visualization Cookbook [Gohil 2015] {518838D7}.pdf 3.46Мб
1783989688 R Data Mining Blueprints [Mishra 2016] {83744B3B}.pdf 9.00Мб
1784390844 R Machine Learning by Example [Bali & Sarkar 2016] {9A330DD2}.pdf 8.58Мб
1784390860 R for Data Science [Toomey 2014] {C5D7246D}.pdf 2.85Мб
1784391034 RStudio for R Statistical Computing Cookbook [Cirillo 2016] {6B77F497}.pdf 7.61Мб
1784392057 Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R [Bellot 2016] {D68E2940}.pdf 3.39Мб
1784393908 Machine Learning with R (2nd ed.) [Lantz 2015] {B7700D5E}.pdf 9.21Мб
1784394009 Mastering Parallel Programming with R [Chapple et al. 2016] {E426EBCD}.pdf 4.15Мб
1784396311 Mastering Social Media Mining with R [Ravindran & Garg 2015] {131190E1}.pdf 5.86Мб
1785280252 Introduction to R for Business Intelligence [Gendron 2016] {B5927C6F}.pdf 24.07Мб
1785280511 Practical Machine Learning Cookbook (R) [Tripathi 2017] {297193B0}.pdf 16.28Мб
1785280589 R Deep Learning Essentials [Wiley 2016] {B5336387}.pdf 1.78Мб
1785283529 ggplot2 Essentials (R) [Teutonico 2015] {47653808}.pdf 3.33Мб
1785288148 Data Analysis with R [Fischetti 2015] {F36092DC}.pdf 4.89Мб
1785288814 Data Manipulation with R (2nd ed.) [Abedin & Das 2015] {BB07F19D}.pdf 1.22Мб
1785480839 Statistical Inference in Financial and Insurance Mathematics with R [Brouste 2018] {5C3B4D8B}.pdf 2.77Мб
178548088X Biostatistics and Computer-Based Analysis of Health Data using R [Lalanne & Mesbah 2016] {0DB5B301}.pdf 1.77Мб
1785887092 Unsupervised Learning with R [Pacheco 2015] {BFF868D6}.pdf 5.17Мб
178588977X Learning R Programming [Ren 2016] {97A31024}.pdf 9.32Мб
1786460114 Advanced Analytics with R and Tableau [Stirrup & Ramos 2017] {F9DC6284}.pdf 5.49Мб
1786463504 R; Data Analysis and Visualization [Moses et al. 2016] {BB1D5761}.pdf 77.02Мб
1786465159 R Data Structures and Algorithms [Prakash & Rao 2016] {1DBC5B06}.pdf 5.27Мб
1787121089 R Deep Learning Cookbook [Prakash & Rao 2017] {F2BD0A87}.pdf 9.62Мб
1787121399 Mastering Predictive Analytics with R (2nd ed.) [Miller & Forte 2017] {EB9A98FA}.pdf 7.37Мб
1787124460 R Data Mining [Cirillo 2017] {82B7CD20}.pdf 15.16Мб
1787127346 R; Unleash Machine Learning Techniques [Bali et al. 2016] {0A4E1BD0}.pdf 25.84Мб
1787127524 Learning Social Media Analytics with R [Bali, Sarkar & Sharma 2017] {CFF419E6}.pdf 12.19Мб
1787129055 Modern R Programming Cookbook [Abedin 2017] {07E26370}.pdf 4.35Мб
1787129624 Practical Data Science Cookbook (R, Python) (2nd ed.) [Tattar et al. 2017] {966A718A}.pdf 14.22Мб
1787284395 Machine Learning with R Cookbook (2nd ed.) [Bhatia & Chiu 2017] {4CB45377}.pdf 10.21Мб
1787287475 Mastering Machine Learning with R (2nd ed.) [Lesmeister 2017] {72D815DC}.pdf 12.33Мб
1788292545 R Programming by Example [Navarro 2017] {E7CAC2FC}.pdf 3.49Мб
1788293746 R; Mining Spatial, Text, Web, and Social Media Data [Makhabel et al. 2016] {5786357D}.pdf 22.15Мб
1788295757 Statistics for Machine Learning (Python, R) [Dangeti 2017] {D62CFC7B}.pdf 16.45Мб
1788295862 Machine Learning with R; Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling (3rd ed.) [Lantz 2019] {255C19D2}.pdf 10.94Мб
1788397878 Neural Networks with R [Ciaburro & Venkateswaran 2017] {B24161A0}.pdf 2.23Мб
1788478401 R Deep Learning Projects [Liu & Maldonado 2018] {1BCE8804}.pdf 7.17Мб
1788621190 Statistical Application Development with R and Python (2nd ed.) [Tattar 2017] {8A65CE55}.pdf 7.38Мб
1788621875 R Data Analysis Projects [Subramanian 2017] {F7057A00}.pdf 8.45Мб
1788624149 Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R [Tattar 2018] {2B2263A0}.pdf 7.36Мб
178862730X Regression Analysis with R [Ciaburro 2018] {39828269}.pdf 18.91Мб
1788629159 Hands-On Time Series Analysis with R [Krispin 2019] {1FBB106E}.pdf 25.85Мб
1788991672 Hands-On Geospatial Analysis with R and QGIS [Islam 2018] {09A3B12B}.pdf 22.14Мб
178899289X R Deep Learning Essentials (2nd ed.) [Hodnett & Wiley 2018] {F77D466B}.pdf 15.70Мб
1788993128 Web Application Development with R using Shiny (3rd ed.) [Beeley & Sukhdeve 2018] {37BE2BC7}.pdf 6.12Мб
1788996836 Hands-On Deep Learning with R [Pawlus & Devine 2020] {B8D17760}.pdf 13.48Мб
1789138736 R Web Scraping Quick Start Guide [Aydin 2018] {2578E21A}.pdf 9.74Мб
1789618002 Mastering Machine Learning with R (3rd ed.) [Lesmeister 2019] {11ACD59F}.pdf 5.82Мб
178980437X Hands-On Exploratory Data Analysis with R [Datar & Garg 2019] {4F54E479}.pdf 5.22Мб
1789805678 Deep Learning with R Cookbook [Gupta, Ansari & Sarkar 2020] {74DE2083}.pdf 14.92Мб
1789807948 R Machine Learning Projects [Chinnamgari 2019] {272B8171}.pdf 10.68Мб
1789950694 R Bioinformatics Cookbook [MacLean 2019] {5F3ABA93}.pdf 9.69Мб
1801071322 Machine Learning with R (4th ed.) [Lantz 2023] {8C28B9C1}.pdf 43.78Мб
1803235403 Data Wrangling with R [Santos 2023] {295EAE10}.pdf 23.96Мб
1838556338 Applied Supervised Learning with R [Ramasubramanian & Moolayil 2019] {247DAA14}.pdf 8.32Мб
1847879020, 1847879039 Modern Regression Techniques using R; A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers [Wright & London 2009] {5D0F5EDD}.pdf 2.45Мб
1848726988, 1848726996 Latent Variable Modeling using R; A Step-by-Step Guide [Beaujean 2014] {368F823B}.pdf 1.58Мб
1849512086 Statistical Analysis with R Beginner's Guide [Quick 2010] {72FF55A9}.pdf 4.79Мб
1849513066 R Graphs Cookbook [Mittal 2011] {9E44B8DD}.pdf 4.02Мб
1849519447 R Statistical Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide [Tattar 2013] {5FCAB131}.pdf 10.59Мб
1852338822 An R and S-PLUS Companion to Multivariate Analysis [Everitt 2005] {4EE36DBC}.pdf 2.18Мб
1907807616, 1907807624 Community Ecology; Analytical Methods using R and Excel [Gardener 2014] {8B139296}.pdf 16.66Мб
1935182390 R in Action; Data Analysis and Graphics with R [Kabacoff 2011] {C9F9EA15}.pdf 14.93Мб
1975721136 Practical Guide to Principal Component Methods in R [Kassambara 2017] {DD096323}.pdf 3.21Мб
2759826015 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Related Topics with R [Wu & Qiu 2021] {91C5881F}.pdf 84.95Мб
3030019888 Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling; Applications with R [Fletcher & Fortin 2018] {4F09BDDC}.pdf 19.51Мб
3030029123 Rank and Pseudo-Rank Procedures for Independent Observations in Factorial Designs; Using R and SAS [Brunner, Bathke & Konietschke 2019] {0A265558}.pdf 11.61Мб
3030137848 Analyzing Dependent Data with Vine Copulas; A Practical Guide with R [Czado 2019] {D5E57D76}.pdf 8.36Мб
3030143155 R for Marketing Research and Analytics (2nd ed.) [Chapman & Feit 2019] {6E460597}.pdf 14.78Мб
3030176355 Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cancer Immunotherapy; Partial Differential Equation Analysis in R [Schiesser 2019] {6865D3DB}.pdf 3.88Мб
3030242765 Data Envelopment Analysis with R [Lotfi et al. 2020] {D05902F8}.pdf 5.06Мб
3030284433 Data Visualisation with R; 111 Examples (2nd ed.) [Rahlf 2019] {C1249438}.pdf 88.25Мб
3030287890 Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions; Applied to Multivariate Likelihood Ratio Tests using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R [Coelho & Arnold 2019] {7760B44C}.pdf 15.95Мб
3030291820 Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging; Modeling and Data Analysis using R [Polzehl & Tabelow 2019] {01FE540F}.pdf 7.77Мб
3030345289 Using R for Trade Policy Analysis; R Codes for the UNCTAD and WTO Practical Guide [Porto 2020] {55258E9A}.pdf 2.09Мб
3030396428 Text Analysis with R; For Students of Literature (2nd ed.) [Jockers & Thalken 2020] {DE503B75}.pdf 3.19Мб
3030441288 Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R (2nd ed.) [Kolaczyk & Csárdi 2020] {A0AE5E38}.pdf 5.40Мб
3030445038 Quantile Regression for Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data; Applications in Energy Markets using R [Uribe & Guillen 2020] {A25D2CE3}.pdf 2.85Мб
3030457982 Introduction to Probabilistic and Statistical Methods with Examples in R [Stapor 2020] {DCD22356}.pdf 2.78Мб
3030489965 An Introduction to Data Analysis in R; Hands-On Coding, Data Mining, Visualization and Statistics from Scratch [Saiz et al. 2020] {4B9DE7C2}.pdf 7.68Мб
3030514331 Retirement Income Recipes in R; From Ruin Probabilities to Intelligent Drawdowns [Milevsky 2020] {2BB06CCB}.pdf 20.10Мб
3030550192 Environmental Data Analysis; An Introduction with Examples in R [Dormann 2020] {52B8B7EB}.pdf 9.00Мб
3030564843 Random Forests with R [Genuer & Poggi 2020] {19408FC0}.pdf 2.18Мб
3030566803 Spatial Relationships Between Two Georeferenced Variables; With Applications in R [Vallejos, Osorio & Bevilacqua 2020] {5CFB765A}.pdf 6.63Мб
303062403X Using R for Biostatistics [MacFarland & Yates 2021] {7113E564}.pdf 16.01Мб
3030641546 Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models using R (2nd ed.) [Ang 2021] {C0CD63FB}.pdf 8.05Мб
3030648958 Soil Spectral Inference with R; Analysing Digital Soil Spectra using the R Programming Environment [Wadoux et al. 2021] {BADEE8C9}.pdf 22.07Мб
3030673103 Luminescence; Data Analysis and Modeling using R [Pagonis 2021] {74DF6787}.pdf 8.71Мб
3030675823 Statistical Regression Modeling with R; Longitudinal and Multi-Level Modeling [Chen & K Chen 2021] {00BC96AC}.pdf 3.96Мб
303068864X Virus Host Cell Genetic Material Transport; Computational ODE-PDE Modeling with R [Schiesser 2022] {861E2D3C}.pdf 2.11Мб
3030728188 Modern Optimization with R (2nd ed.) [Cortez 2021] {EFDFBE5F}.pdf 4.20Мб
3030729648 Measuring Productivity in Education and Not-for-Profits; With Tools and Examples in R [Moore 2021] {8EE71A6A}.pdf 3.85Мб
303073479X Bootstrap Methods; With Applications in R [Dikta & Scheer 2021] {85CCCE94}.pdf 13.59Мб
3030737918 Fundamentals of High-Dimensional Statistics; With Exercises and R Labs [Lederer 2022] {7991344D}.pdf 6.45Мб
3030743608 Permutation Statistical Methods with R [Berry et al. 2021] {89DCFD7B}.pdf 11.25Мб
303075717X Multilayer Networks; Analysis and Visualization; Introduction to muxViz with R [de Domenico 2022] {3BB2B539}.pdf 10.25Мб
3030805182 Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using R; A Workbook [Hair et al. 2021] {C01CE25D}.pdf 12.15Мб
3030825671 Geostatistics for Compositional Data with R [Tolosana-Delgado & Mueller 2021] {464E8CAF}.pdf 28.24Мб
3030973808 Nature in Silico; Population Genetic Simulation and its Evolutionary Interpretation Using C++ and R [Haasl 2022] {3D3B03DD}.pdf 14.59Мб
3031014383 Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R [Visser & Speekenbrink 2022] {06CC1354}.pdf 5.24Мб
3031052013 Introduction to Mathematics for Economics with R [Porto 2022] {11AF28B4}.pdf 10.86Мб
303109428X Probability, Statistics and Simulation; With Application Programs Written in R [Rotondi, Pedroni & Pievatolo 2022] {BCBAB708}.pdf 10.37Мб
3031098382 Bayes Factors for Forensic Decision Analyses with R [Bozza, Taroni & Biedermann 2022] {F9AE5002}.pdf 2.31Мб
3031118324 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis; With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R (2nd ed.) [Heumann, Schomaker & Shalabh 2022] {53BB3B19}.pdf 6.71Мб
3031120558 Epidemics; Models and Data using R (2nd ed.) [Bjørnstad 2023] {6B0ADABC}.pdf 33.31Мб
3031142357 Essentials of Excel VBA, Python, and R (vol. 1; Financial Statistics and Portfolio Analysis) (2nd ed.) [Lee & Lee 2022] {753C4971}.pdf 68.68Мб
3031174828 Data Science and Predictive Analytics; Biomedical and Health Applications using R (2nd ed.) [Dinov 2023] {2A0B10C3}.pdf 49.35Мб
3031177843 Uncertainty Quantification using R [de Cursi 2023] {D0D40182}.pdf 33.85Мб
3031213904 Bioinformatic and Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data; From Raw Sequences to Advanced Modeling with QIIME 2 and R [Xia & Sun 2023] {6D017E1B}.pdf 17.58Мб
3031277406 Introductory Applied Statistics; With Resampling Methods & R [Blaine 2023] {CEE37A9B}.pdf 8.04Мб
3031285700 Applied Calculus with R [Pfaff 2023] {A06CFCD1}.pdf 15.51Мб
303131171X An Introduction to Artificial Psychology; Application Fuzzy Set Theory and Deep Machine Learning in Psychological Research using R [Farahani et al. 2023] {20F2C993}.pdf 12.40Мб
3110205645, 3110205653 Statistics for Linguistics with R; A Practical Introduction [Gries 2009] {43CA1335}.pdf 2.55Мб
3110307286 Statistics for Linguistics with R; A Practical Introduction (2nd rev. ed.) [Gries 2013] {120D0840}.pdf 4.45Мб
311056467X Mathematical Foundations of Data Science using R [Dehmer, Moutari & Emmert-Streib 2020] {81737FBE}.pdf 29.95Мб
311070496X Practice R; An Interactive Textbook [Treischl 2023] {F5D54588}.pdf 31.03Мб
3110718162 Statistics for Linguistics with R; A Practical Introduction (3rd ed.) [Gries 2021] {3629477F}.pdf 4.94Мб
3110795884 Mathematical Foundations of Data Science using R (2nd ed.) [Emmert-Streib, Moutari & Dehmer 2022] {75C93971}.pdf 42.27Мб
3319025317 Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R; Statistics in the Large [MacFarland 2014] {78C2817A}.pdf 1.82Мб
3319031635 Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature [Jockers 2014] {BD400071}.pdf 2.16Мб
3319037420 Spatial Database for GPS Wildlife Tracking Data; A Practical Guide to Creating a Data Management System with PostgreSQL-PostGIS and R [Urbano & Cagnacci 2014] {74121881}.pdf 21.37Мб
3319082620 Modern Optimization with R [Cortez 2014] {D9C54CF8}.pdf 2.97Мб
3319083821 Multistate Analysis of Life Histories with R [Willekens 2014] {B0D4B6C8}.pdf 2.80Мб
3319120654 Beginning Data Science with R [Pathak 2014] {59BCACE0}.pdf 3.86Мб
3319140744 Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models using R [Ang 2015] {184D07B1}.pdf 39.77Мб
3319140922 Applied Multivariate Statistics with R [Zelterman 2015] {DF9D51EC}.pdf 7.24Мб
3319144359 R for Marketing Research and Analytics [Chapman & Feit 2015] {1096E0E2}.pdf 6.50Мб
331914474X Primer to Analysis of Genomic Data using R [Gondro 2015] {D2F4A6EC}.pdf 7.58Мб
3319205013 Production and Efficiency Analysis with R [Behr 2015] {CC9523B8}.pdf 2.72Мб
3319207016 Humanities Data in R; Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images, and Text [Arnold & Tilton 2015] {754AA7C1}.pdf 9.81Мб
3319214152 Meta-Analysis with R [Schwarzer, Carpenter & Rücker 2015] {DC28A373}.pdf 3.89Мб
3319234455 Political Analysis using R [Monogan 2015] {F032559B}.pdf 3.20Мб
3319238043 Modeling Binary Correlated Responses using SAS, SPSS and R [Wilson & Lorenz 2015] {AB9459EC}.pdf 3.87Мб
3319238825 A User's Guide to Network Analysis in R [Luke 2015] {30A66362}.pdf 5.47Мб
3319240447 Quality Control with R; An ISO Standards Approach [Cano, Moguerza & Corcoba 2015] {C0D858DD}.pdf 16.05Мб
3319287893 Learning Analytics in R; With SNA, LSA, and MPIA [Wild 2016] {895F6E9E}.pdf 8.93Мб
3319306332 Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics for the Biological Sciences using R [MacFarland & Yates 2016] {0016C35E}.pdf 5.13Мб
331931243X Applied Survival Analysis using R [Moore 2016] {9C71816A}.pdf 3.40Мб
3319340417 System Dynamics Modeling with R [Duggan 2016] {5DBBDF23}.pdf 12.11Мб
3319443259 Using R for Digital Soil Mapping [Malone, Minasny & McBratney 2017] {25165AB5}.pdf 5.13Мб
3319455982 Data Wrangling with R [Boehmke 2016] {DFD4CD11}.pdf 7.04Мб
3319457713 Working with the American Community Survey in R; A Guide to using the acs Package [Glenn 2016] {F703EEBC}.pdf 688.51Кб
3319461605 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis; With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R [Heumann, Schomaker & Shalabh 2016] {F26BDD02}.pdf 5.69Мб
3319467611 An Introduction to Data Analysis using Aggregation Functions in R [James 2016] {15646E82}.pdf 4.56Мб
3319497502 Data Visualization with R; 100 Examples [Rahlf 2017] {D41392AB}.pdf 99.38Мб
3319502700 Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata; Methods and Applications in R [Templ 2017] {90022686}.pdf 8.90Мб
3319518224 Applying Test Equating Methods; Using R [González & Wiberg 2017] {08D19314}.pdf 2.81Мб
3319524518 Time Series Analysis and Its Applications; With R Examples (4th ed.) [Shumway & Stoffer 2017] {0148A422}.pdf 5.72Мб
3319542044 The Basics of Item Response Theory using R [Baker & Kim 2017] {ABED9F01}.pdf 1.80Мб
3319557165 Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R package BCEA [Baio, Berardi & Heath 2017] {A4431063}.pdf 6.04Мб
3319645706 Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R; Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Linguistics [Desagulier 2017] {B44CF5D2}.pdf 7.42Мб
3319653547 Heart Rate Variability Analysis with the R Package RHRV [Martínez et al. 2017] {519D0CD6}.pdf 6.13Мб
3319692178 Computerized Adaptive and Multistage Testing with R; Using Packages catR and mstR [Magis, Yan & von Davier 2017] {DD1A6702}.pdf 1.89Мб
3319692410 Mathematics for Earth Science and Geography; Introductory Course with Practical Exercises and R-Xcas Resources [Fleurant & Bodin-Fleurant 2019] {37445B97}.pdf 6.36Мб
3319714031 Numerical Ecology with R (2nd ed.) [Borcard, Gillet & Legendre 2018] {B615658C}.pdf 14.87Мб
3319723464 Data Science and Predictive Analytics; Biomedical and Health Applications using R [Dinov 2018] {BFA1C7A3}.pdf 18.46Мб
3319756672 QCA with R; A Comprehensive Resource [Duşa 2019] {AB3EE73D}.pdf 5.44Мб
3319776452 Sound Analysis and Synthesis with R [Sueur 2018] {E96756A6}.pdf 21.54Мб
3319896342 Elements of Copula Modeling with R [Hofert et al. 2018] {94F79367}.pdf 65.43Мб
331993175X Modern Psychometrics with R [Mair 2018] {411FDB2F}.pdf 9.82Мб
331993547X Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences; A Computational Approach with R [Brown 2018] {30972600}.pdf 17.67Мб
3319964208 Applied Compositional Data Analysis; With Worked Examples in R [Filzmoser, Hron & Templ 2018] {02BDA428}.pdf 7.29Мб
3319974866 Epidemics; Models and Data using R [Bjørnstad 2018] {D1E823B7}.pdf 18.50Мб
3527339582 Computational Network Analysis with R; Applications in Biology, Medicine and Chemistry [Dehmer, Shi & Emmert-Streib 2017] {68A51526}.pdf 19.95Мб
3540709924 Modern Actuarial Risk Theory; Using R (2nd ed.) [Kaas et al. 2008] {49491549}.pdf 2.00Мб
3540719717 Applied Statistics using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R (2nd ed.) [de Sá 2007] {B4952E00}.pdf 6.54Мб
3642178405 Chemometrics with R; Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences [Wehrens 2011] {CCF1872C}.pdf 3.77Мб
3642179797 A Tiny Handbook of R [Allerhand 2011] {39A23048}.pdf 574.71Кб
3642240062 Modeling Dose-Response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments using R; Order-Restricted Analysis of Microarray Data [Lin et al. 2012] {E1D7D3F1}.pdf 8.34Мб
3642280692 Solving Differential Equations in R [Soetaert, Cash & Mazzia 2012] {7849F071}.pdf 4.70Мб
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3642368085 Analyzing Compositional Data with R [van den Boogaart & Tolosana-Delgado 2013] {FAABCDC4}.pdf 4.27Мб
3662467917 Geochemical Modelling of Igneous Processes; Principles and Recipes in R Language; Bringing the Power of R to a Geochemical Community [Janoušek et al. 2016] {0EAD9467}.pdf 8.90Мб
366262026X Chemometrics with R; Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural and Life Sciences (2nd ed.) [Wehrens 2011] {7BA10A64}.pdf 8.32Мб
3900051127 An Introduction to R (ver. 2.14.2) [Venables & Smith 2012] {ECCA3FC6}.pdf 772.07Кб
3906041018 Portfolio Optimization with R-Rmetrics [Würtz et al. 2009] {3DD9C0C2}.pdf 5.79Мб
3906041026 Basic R for Finance [Würtz et al. 2010] {57BEF486}.pdf 1.78Мб
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813222339X An Introduction to R for Quantitative Economics; Graphing, Simulating and Computing [Dayal 2015] {3FFCB502}.pdf 3.47Мб
8793379315 Educational Data Mining with R and Rattle [Kamath & Kamat 2016] {8F46CC95}.pdf 22.95Мб
9004410333 Ten Lectures on Corpus Linguistics with R; Applications for Usage-Based and Psycholinguistic Research [Gries 2020] {73A81183}.pdf 26.43Мб
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9027212244, 9027212252 How to do Linguistics with R; Data Exploration and Statistical Analysis [Levshina 2015] {60A15D9E}.pdf 8.41Мб
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946239069X Computational Finance; An Introductory Course with R [Arratia 2014] {D4C1DD55}.pdf 4.82Мб
9563626931 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ggplot2; Don't Panic and Create Beautiful Plots with R [Burchell & Vargas 2019] {AF05511C}.pdf 3.83Мб
9798648424364 Using R for Introductory Econometrics (2nd ed.) [Heiss 2020] {EC1F99BF}.pdf 41.41Мб
9798886973396 Machine Learning Analysis of qPCR Data using R [Marongiu 2022] {D3441946}.pdf 18.36Мб
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9811069948 Doubly Classified Model with R [Tan 2017] {7FE53ECA}.pdf 6.44Мб
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9811315337 Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data with R [Xia, Sun & Chen 2018] {BB4D94E9}.pdf 17.42Мб
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