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Название Coursera - Algorithms part 1 (2013)
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001_1 - 1 - Introduction _ Why Study Algorithms.srt 27.77Кб
001_1 - 1 - Introduction Why Study Algorithms (19 min).mp4 19.14Мб
001_algo-intro_typed.pdf 729.13Кб
002_1 - 2 - About the Course (17 min).mp4 17.37Мб
002_1 - 2 - About the Course (17 min).srt 30.15Кб
002_algo-about_typed.pdf 731.44Кб
003_1 - 3 - Merge Sort_ Motivation and Example (9 min).srt 13.22Кб
003_1 - 3 - Merge Sort Motivation and Example (9 min).mp4 10.68Мб
003_algo-merge1_typed.pdf 697.13Кб
004_1 - 4 - Merge Sort_ Pseudocode (13 min).srt 20.17Кб
004_1 - 4 - Merge Sort Pseudocode (13 min).mp4 15.01Мб
004_algo-merge2_typed.pdf 663.91Кб
005_1 - 5 - Merge Sort_ Analysis (9 min).srt 13.82Кб
005_1 - 5 - Merge Sort Analysis (9 min).mp4 11.31Мб
005_algo-merge3_typed.pdf 720.55Кб
006_1 - 6 - Guiding Principles for Analysis of Algorithms (15 min).mp4 17.99Мб
006_1 - 6 - Guiding Principles for Analysis of Algorithms (15 min).srt 24.47Кб
006_algo-guiding_typed.pdf 554.01Кб
007_2 - 1 - Big-Oh Notation (4 min).mp4 4.13Мб
007_2 - 1 - Big-Oh Notation (4 min).srt 6.34Кб
007_algo-asymptotic1_typed.pdf 812.01Кб
008_2 - 2 - Basic Examples (7 min).mp4 7.30Мб
008_2 - 2 - Basic Examples (7 min).srt 11.05Кб
008_algo-asymptotic2_typed.pdf 337.64Кб
009_2 - 3 - Big Omega and Theta (7 min).mp4 7.49Мб
009_2 - 3 - Big Omega and Theta (7 min).srt 11.72Кб
009_algo-asymptotic3_typed.pdf 989.55Кб
010_2 - 4 - Additional Examples [Review - Optional] (8 min).mp4 7.72Мб
010_2 - 4 - Additional Examples [Review - Optional] (8 min).srt 11.99Кб
010_algo-asymptotic4_typed.pdf 822.38Кб
011_3 - 1 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions I (13 min).mp4 12.85Мб
011_3 - 1 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions I (13 min).srt 20.08Кб
011_algo-inversions1_typed.pdf 915.10Кб
012_3 - 2 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions II (17 min).mp4 17.19Мб
012_3 - 2 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Counting Inversions II (17 min).srt 27.25Кб
012_algo-inversions2_typed.pdf 452.36Кб
013_3 - 3 - Strassen's Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (22 min).srt 31.38Кб
013_3 - 3 - Strassens Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (22 min).mp4 23.57Мб
013_algo-strassen_typed.pdf 1.83Мб
014_3 - 4 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair I [Advanced - Optional] (32 min).mp4 36.22Мб
014_3 - 4 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair I [Advanced - Optional] (32 min).srt 51.98Кб
014_algo-closest1_typed.pdf 2.08Мб
015_3 - 5 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair II [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 20.14Мб
015_3 - 5 - O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair II [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).srt 29.09Кб
015_algo-closest2_typed.pdf 3.88Мб
016_4 - 1 - Motivation (8 min).mp4 8.25Мб
016_4 - 1 - Motivation (8 min).srt 12.29Кб
016_algo-master1_typed.pdf 456.60Кб
017_4 - 2 - Formal Statement (10 min).mp4 10.42Мб
017_4 - 2 - Formal Statement (10 min).srt 14.43Кб
017_algo-master2_typed.pdf 362.17Кб
018_4 - 3 - Examples (13 min).mp4 14.40Мб
018_4 - 3 - Examples (13 min).srt 19.15Кб
018_algo-master3_typed.pdf 855.17Кб
019_4 - 4 - Proof I (10 min).mp4 11.46Мб
019_4 - 4 - Proof I (10 min).srt 15.32Кб
019_algo-master4_typed.pdf 944.36Кб
020_4 - 5 - Interpretation of the 3 Cases (11 min).mp4 13.11Мб
020_4 - 5 - Interpretation of the 3 Cases (11 min).srt 17.23Кб
020_algo-master5_typed.pdf 276.98Кб
021_4 - 6 - Proof II (16 min).mp4 16.60Мб
021_4 - 6 - Proof II (16 min).srt 24.44Кб
021_algo-master6_typed.pdf 825.66Кб
022_5 - 1 - Quicksort_ Overview (12 min).srt 17.73Кб
022_5 - 1 - Quicksort Overview (12 min).mp4 12.19Мб
022_algo-qsort-intro_typed.pdf 1.30Мб
023_5 - 2 - Partitioning Around a Pivot (25 min).mp4 24.84Мб
023_5 - 2 - Partitioning Around a Pivot (25 min).srt 36.76Кб
023_algo-qsort-partition_typed.pdf 3.87Мб
024_5 - 3 - Correctness of Quicksort [Review - Optional] (11 min).mp4 11.82Мб
024_5 - 3 - Correctness of Quicksort [Review - Optional] (11 min).srt 13.97Кб
024_algo-qsort-correctness_typed.pdf 1.03Мб
025_5 - 4 - Choosing a Good Pivot (22min).mp4 21.74Мб
025_5 - 4 - Choosing a Good Pivot (22min).srt 34.93Кб
025_algo-qsort-pivot_typed.pdf 1.46Мб
026_6 - 1 - Analysis I_ A Decomposition Principle [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).srt 33.27Кб
026_6 - 1 - Analysis I A Decomposition Principle [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 21.65Мб
026_algo-qsort-analysis1_typed.pdf 1.40Мб
027_6 - 2 - Analysis II_ The Key Insight [Advanced - Optional] (12min).srt 17.34Кб
027_6 - 2 - Analysis II The Key Insight [Advanced - Optional] (12min).mp4 11.98Мб
027_algo-qsort-analysis2_typed.pdf 301.39Кб
028_6 - 3 - Analysis III_ Final Calculations [Advanced - Optional] (9min).srt 12.13Кб
028_6 - 3 - Analysis III Final Calculations [Advanced - Optional] (9min).mp4 8.92Мб
028_algo-qsort-analysis3_typed.pdf 999.48Кб
029_7 - 1 - Part I [Review - Optional] (25 min).mp4 25.42Мб
029_7 - 1 - Part I [Review - Optional] (25 min).srt 40.88Кб
029_algo-prob_review1_typed.pdf 1.54Мб
030_7 - 2 - Part II [Review - Optional] (17 min).mp4 17.26Мб
030_7 - 2 - Part II [Review - Optional] (17 min).srt 24.42Кб
030_algo-prob_review2_typed.pdf 1.21Мб
031_8 - 1 - Randomized Selection - Algorithm (22 min).mp4 21.40Мб
031_8 - 1 - Randomized Selection - Algorithm (22 min).srt 35.55Кб
031_algo-select-ralgorithm_typed.pdf 1.94Мб
032_8 - 2 - Randomized Selection - Analysis (21 min).mp4 20.62Мб
032_8 - 2 - Randomized Selection - Analysis (21 min).srt 31.21Кб
032_algo-select-ranalysis_typed.pdf 2.05Мб
033_8 - 3 - Deterministic Selection - Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (17 min).mp4 17.55Мб
033_8 - 3 - Deterministic Selection - Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (17 min).srt 27.79Кб
033_algo-select-dalgorithm_typed.pdf 1.70Мб
034_8 - 4 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).mp4 22.82Мб
034_8 - 4 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (22 min).srt 32.71Кб
034_algo-select-danalysis_typed.pdf 2.22Мб
035_8 - 5 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).mp4 12.83Мб
035_8 - 5 - Deterministic Selection - Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).srt 20.40Кб
035_algo-select-danalysis2_typed.pdf 305.30Кб
036_8 - 6 - Omega(n log n) Lower Bound for Comparison-Based Sorting [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).mp4 13.68Мб
036_8 - 6 - Omega(n log n) Lower Bound for Comparison-Based Sorting [Advanced - Optional] (13 min).srt 22.29Кб
036_algo-select-sortinglb_typed.pdf 269.98Кб
037_9 - 1 - Graphs and Minimum Cuts (16 min).mp4 15.21Мб
037_9 - 1 - Graphs and Minimum Cuts (16 min).srt 23.86Кб
037_algo-karger-overview_typed.pdf 496.72Кб
038_9 - 2 - Graph Representations (14 min).mp4 15.69Мб
038_9 - 2 - Graph Representations (14 min).srt 21.74Кб
038_algo-karger-representations_typed.pdf 461.31Кб
039_9 - 3 - Random Contraction Algorithm (9 min).mp4 8.28Мб
039_9 - 3 - Random Contraction Algorithm (9 min).srt 13.57Кб
039_algo-karger-algorithm_typed.pdf 626.84Кб
040_9 - 4 - Analysis of Contraction Algorithm (30 min).mp4 29.87Мб
040_9 - 4 - Analysis of Contraction Algorithm (30 min).srt 42.61Кб
040_algo-karger-analysis_typed.pdf 613.31Кб
041_9 - 5 - Counting Minimum Cuts (7 min).mp4 7.41Мб
041_9 - 5 - Counting Minimum Cuts (7 min).srt 9.55Кб
041_algo-karger-counting_typed.pdf 279.53Кб
042_10 - 1 - Graph Search - Overview (23 min).mp4 23.25Мб
042_10 - 1 - Graph Search - Overview (23 min).srt 38.09Кб
042_algo-graphs-search_typed.pdf 1.99Мб
043_10 - 2 - Breadth-First Search (BFS)_ The Basics (14 min).srt 22.23Кб
043_10 - 2 - Breadth-First Search (BFS) The Basics (14 min).mp4 14.28Мб
043_algo-graphs-bfs_typed.pdf 2.70Мб
044_10 - 3 - BFS and Shortest Paths (8 min).mp4 7.90Мб
044_10 - 3 - BFS and Shortest Paths (8 min).srt 11.84Кб
044_algo-graphs-dfs_typed.pdf 2.09Мб
045_10 - 4 - BFS and Undirected Connectivity (13 min).mp4 13.70Мб
045_10 - 4 - BFS and Undirected Connectivity (13 min).srt 22.09Кб
045_algo-graphs-scc_typed.pdf 1.51Мб
046_10 - 5 - Depth-First Search (DFS)_ The Basics (7 min).srt 12.27Кб
046_10 - 5 - Depth-First Search (DFS) The Basics (7 min).mp4 7.16Мб
046_algo-graphs-sccanalysis_typed.pdf 462.39Кб
047_10 - 6 - Topological Sort (22 min).mp4 22.08Мб
047_10 - 6 - Topological Sort (22 min).srt 33.11Кб
047_algo-graphs-web_typed.pdf 245.49Кб
048_10 - 7 - Computing Strong Components_ The Algorithm (29 min).srt 46.18Кб
048_10 - 7 - Computing Strong Components The Algorithm (29 min).mp4 29.50Мб
048_algo-dijkstra-basics_typed.pdf 432.73Кб
049_10 - 8 - Computing Strong Components_ The Analysis (26 min).srt 39.50Кб
049_10 - 8 - Computing Strong Components The Analysis (26 min).mp4 26.77Мб
049_algo-dijkstra-correctness_typed.pdf 433.84Кб
050_10 - 9 - Structure of the Web [Optional] (19 min).mp4 18.63Мб
050_10 - 9 - Structure of the Web [Optional] (19 min).srt 29.35Кб
050_algo-dijkstra-runtime_typed.pdf 442.96Кб
051_11 - 1 - Dijkstra's Shortest-Path Algorithm (21 min).srt 32.16Кб
051_11 - 1 - Dijkstras Shortest-Path Algorithm (21 min).mp4 20.96Мб
051_algo-ds-overview_typed.pdf 192.87Кб
052_11 - 2 - Dijkstra's Algorithm_ Examples (13 min).srt 18.84Кб
052_11 - 2 - Dijkstras Algorithm Examples (13 min).mp4 12.88Мб
052_algo-ds-heaps-basics_typed.pdf 220.89Кб
053_11 - 3 - Correctness of Dijkstra's Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).srt 27.31Кб
053_11 - 3 - Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 20.31Мб
053_algo-ds-heaps-guts_typed.pdf 1.02Мб
054_11 - 4 - Dijkstra's Algorithm_ Implementation and Running Time (26 min).srt 40.52Кб
054_11 - 4 - Dijkstras Algorithm Implementation and Running Time (26 min).mp4 26.46Мб
054_algo-ds-trees-ops-typed.pdf 122.54Кб
055_12 - 1 - Data Structures_ Overview (5 min).srt 7.20Кб
055_12 - 1 - Data Structures Overview (5 min).mp4 4.66Мб
055_algo-ds-trees-basics-typed.pdf 457.52Кб
056_12 - 2 - Heaps_ Operations and Applications (18 min).srt 28.61Кб
056_12 - 2 - Heaps Operations and Applications (18 min).mp4 18.62Мб
056_algo-ds-trees-redblack-typed.pdf 246.64Кб
057_12 - 3 - Heaps_ Implementation Details [Advanced - Optional] (21 min).srt 32.71Кб
057_12 - 3 - Heaps Implementation Details [Advanced - Optional] (21 min).mp4 20.92Мб
057_algo-ds-hash-basics_typed.pdf 223.62Кб
058_16 - 1 - Balanced Search Trees_ Operations and Applications (11 min).srt 16.94Кб
058_16 - 1 - Balanced Search Trees Operations and Applications (11 min).mp4 10.99Мб
058_algo-ds-hash-guts_typed.pdf 1.65Мб
059_16 - 2 - Binary Search Tree Basics, Part I (13 min).srt 20.85Кб
059_16 - 2 - Binary Search Tree Basics Part I (13 min).mp4 13.28Мб
059_algo-ds-hash-universal1-typed.pdf 122.20Кб
060_16 - 3 - Binary Search Tree Basics, Part II (30 min).srt 47.51Кб
060_16 - 3 - Binary Search Tree Basics Part II (30 min).mp4 29.97Мб
060_algo-ds-hash-universal-2_typed.pdf 771.91Кб
061_16 - 4 - Red-Black Trees (21 min).mp4 21.83Мб
061_16 - 4 - Red-Black Trees (21 min).srt 35.25Кб
061_algo-ds-hash-universal3-typed.pdf 369.74Кб
062_16 - 5 - Rotations [Advanced - Optional] (8 min).mp4 10.32Мб
062_16 - 5 - Rotations [Advanced - Optional] (8 min).srt 9.69Кб
062_algo-ds-hash-universal4-typed.pdf 152.46Кб
063_16 - 6 - Insertion in a Red-Black Tree [Advanced] (15 min).mp4 20.78Мб
063_16 - 6 - Insertion in a Red-Black Tree [Advanced] (15 min).srt 19.76Кб
063_algo-ds-bloom-typed.pdf 185.88Кб
064_13 - 1 - Hash Tables Operations and Applications (19 min).mp4 19.73Мб
065_13 - 2 - Hash Tables Implementation Details Part I (19 min).mp4 19.88Мб
066_13 - 3 - Hash Tables Implementation Details Part II (22 min).mp4 22.53Мб
067_14 - 1 - Pathological Data Sets and Universal Hashing Motivation (22 min).mp4 22.49Мб
068_14 - 2 - Universal Hashing Definition and Example [Advanced - Optional] (26 min).mp4 26.15Мб
069_14 - 3 - Universal Hashing Analysis of Chaining [Advanced - Optional] (19 min).mp4 18.46Мб
070_14 - 4 - Hash Table Performance with Open Addressing [Advanced - Optional] (16 min).mp4 15.60Мб
071_15 - 1 - Bloom Filters The Basics (16 min).mp4 15.43Мб
072_15 - 2 - Bloom Filters_ Heuristic Analysis (13 min).srt 19.96Кб
072_15 - 2 - Bloom Filters Heuristic Analysis (13 min).mp4 13.57Мб
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