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Название [ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn Ubuntu for Absolute Beginners 2023 Deep into Linux
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 2.70Гб

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1. Appearances and Display Resolution.mp4 71.85Мб
1. Installing Apache2 Web Server and Web Hosting in Ubuntu.mp4 138.06Мб
1. Installing pip in Ubuntu.mp4 65.33Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 11.61Мб
1. Introduction to Bash Scripting.mp4 85.93Мб
10. Creating User for Ubuntu.mp4 140.78Мб
11. Deleting a User in Ubuntu.mp4 34.54Мб
12. cat command.mp4 100.65Мб
13. Free, Kill & top commands.mp4 115.91Мб
2. Environment Variables in Ubuntu.mp4 101.11Мб
2. Installing Flatpak to Replace the Snap Package Manager.mp4 60.32Мб
2. Installing NGINX in Ubuntu.mp4 63.31Мб
2. Installing Python in Ubuntu.mp4 62.43Мб
2. Installing Ubuntu in VMware.mp4 95.36Мб
3. Customizing Terminal and Installing Starship.mp4 133.29Мб
3. Installing, Configuring and Testing MariaDB.mp4 222.09Мб
3. Installing Visual Studio Code For Python Coding.mp4 59.07Мб
3. pwd and cd commands.mp4 179.60Мб
3. Update and Upgrade Ubuntu with drivers.mp4 74.75Мб
4. LibreOffice in Ubuntu.mp4 41.44Мб
4. ls command.mp4 139.02Мб
4. Speeding Up Firefox in Ubuntu.mp4 61.44Мб
4. Writing First Python Program in Ubuntu.mp4 17.43Мб
5. Installing G++ & GCC For CC++ Coding in Ubuntu.mp4 74.20Мб
5. mkdir and rmdir commands.mp4 109.55Мб
6. files and touch commands.mp4 108.45Мб
6. Writing C++ Program in vscode in Ubuntu.mp4 24.65Мб
7. rm and cp commands.mp4 50.34Мб
7. Using make and Creating Makefile for CC++ in Ubuntu.mp4 161.09Мб
8. Installing and Using CodeBlocks For CC++ in Ubuntu.mp4 47.38Мб
8. mv command.mp4 31.84Мб
9. Lss, whatis and which commands.mp4 78.64Мб
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 182б
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