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Название Criticism of the Bible - Collection 49
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Bible Revision, by Members of the American Revision Committee (1879).pdf 11.33Мб
Blackmer - “No Name Woman. Noah’s Wife and Heterosexual Incestuous Relations in Genesis 9.18–29”, Judaica Ukrainica I (2012).pdf 447.56Кб
Brueggemann - Chosen. Reading the Bible Amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2015).epub 190.46Кб
Bucaille, M. (2003) - The Bible, The Qur’an and Science. The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge, Tahrike.pdf 1.23Мб
Burnett - Studying the New Testament through Inscriptions (2020).epub 6.03Мб
Chadwick - The Bible of Today. A Course of Lectures (1879).pdf 12.52Мб
Coogan - God and Sex; What the Bible Really Says (2010).epub 1.47Мб
Delaney - Abraham on Trial. The Social Legacy of Biblical Myth (1998).pdf 29.86Мб
Dever - Beyond the Texts; an Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah (2017).pdf 7.08Мб
Dimashkiah - Let the Bible Speak (1997).pdf 46.13Мб
Feinman - Jerusalem Throne Games; The Battle of Bible Stories after the Death of David (2017).pdf 22.45Мб
French - Chronicles Through the Centuries (2017).pdf 4.15Мб
Glasse - Moses; the Man Who Never Was (2017).epub 2.48Мб
Greer et al (Eds.) - Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament. Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts (2018).epub 75.73Мб
Gudme & Hjelm (Eds.) - Myths of Exile. History and Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible (2015).pdf 4.88Мб
Harvey - Retelling the Torah. The Deuteronomistic Historian's Use of Tetrateuchal Narratives (2004).pdf 7.05Мб
Heiser - Supernatural. What the Bible Teaches about the Unseen World - and Why It Matters (2015).epub 256.81Кб
Keith - The Gospel as Manuscript. An Early History of the Jesus Tradition as Material Artifact (2020).pdf 16.20Мб
Kharlamov - The Authorship of the Pseudo-Dionysian Corpus. A Deliberate Forgery or Clever Literary Ploy (2020).pdf 951.01Кб
Knoppers - “Sex, Religion, and Politics. The Deuteronomist on Intermarriage”,.pdf 922.38Кб
Kuenen, A. - An Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Origin and Composition of the Hexateuch (1886).pdf 27.33Мб
LaPorte - Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible (2011).pdf 2.92Мб
LeBlanc - The Bible Led Me to Islam, 5e (2005).pdf 3.21Мб
Lim - The Formation of the Jewish Canon (2013).epub 20.87Мб
Mandurah - 25 Testimonies Against the Bible (2020).pdf 1.28Мб
Mislin - Washington Gladden's Church. The Minister Who Made Modern American Protestantism (2020).pdf 967.86Кб
Nelligan - The Quest for Mark’s Sources. An Exploration of the Case for Mark’s Use of First Corinthians (2015).epub 1.46Мб
Patterson et al - The Fifth Gospel; The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age (2011).pdf 548.02Кб
Sabar - Veritas. A Harvard Professor, a Con Man, and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife (2020).epub 29.70Мб
Sarna - Exploring Exodus; the Origins of Biblical Israel (1986).epub 3.31Мб
Shah, Z.A. - “A Study of Anthropomorphism and Transcendence in the Bible and Qur'an”, PhD Thesis, U. Wales, 1997..pdf 62.95Мб
Skinner - Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes (1996).pdf 16.27Мб
Soulen, R.N. - “Marriage and Divorce; A Problem in New Testament Interpretation”, (Downloaded from int.sagepub.com at UCSF LIBRARY & CKM).pdf 971.79Кб
Weaks, J.A. - “Mark without Mark. Problematizing the Reliability of a Reconstructed Text of Q”, PhD Thesis, Texas Christian Univ., Jan. 2010.pdf 12.67Мб
Weinreb - Roots of the Bible. An Ancient View for a New Outlook, 3e (2013).epub 3.07Мб
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