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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt |
585б |
0 |
118б |
1 |
50б |
1.1 react-sandbox.zip |
841.50Кб |
1. Alert Context & Reducer.mp4 |
54.62Мб |
1. Alert Context & Reducer.srt |
9.31Кб |
1. APIs & Requests Explained.mp4 |
25.90Мб |
1. APIs & Requests Explained.srt |
9.61Кб |
1. Create a Context & Provider.mp4 |
52.72Мб |
1. Create a Context & Provider.srt |
8.84Кб |
1. Creating Routes (React Router 5).mp4 |
61.18Мб |
1. Creating Routes (React Router 5).srt |
11.36Кб |
1. Creating Your First Component & Props.mp4 |
48.44Мб |
1. Creating Your First Component & Props.srt |
11.96Кб |
1. Explore Page.mp4 |
32.58Мб |
1. Explore Page.srt |
5.40Кб |
1. Feedback Project Intro.mp4 |
8.58Мб |
1. Feedback Project Intro.srt |
4.43Кб |
1. Fetch Single Listing.mp4 |
53.52Мб |
1. Fetch Single Listing.srt |
9.01Кб |
1. Form Input & State.mp4 |
45.39Мб |
1. Form Input & State.srt |
7.94Кб |
1. Github API & Getting Token.mp4 |
45.41Мб |
1. Github API & Getting Token.srt |
10.95Кб |
1. GitHub Finder Project Intro.mp4 |
13.64Мб |
1. GitHub Finder Project Intro.srt |
3.90Кб |
1. House Marketplace Project Intro.mp4 |
43.21Мб |
1. House Marketplace Project Intro.srt |
7.34Кб |
1. Move SearchUsers To Actions File.mp4 |
50.84Мб |
1. Move SearchUsers To Actions File.srt |
8.15Кб |
1. Section Intro.mp4 |
4.36Мб |
1. Section Intro.srt |
1.15Кб |
1. Sign In & Sign Up Forms.mp4 |
94.81Мб |
1. Sign In & Sign Up Forms.srt |
18.30Кб |
1. Welcome To The Course!.mp4 |
31.49Мб |
1. Welcome To The Course!.srt |
3.00Кб |
10 |
1007.79Кб |
10. Clear Users.mp4 |
25.09Мб |
10. Clear Users.srt |
4.33Кб |
10. Edit Listing.mp4 |
118.03Мб |
10. Edit Listing.srt |
14.09Кб |
10. Google OAuth.mp4 |
100.81Мб |
10. Google OAuth.srt |
16.55Кб |
10. Quick Note & Change.mp4 |
20.82Мб |
10. Quick Note & Change.srt |
3.09Кб |
100 |
222.48Кб |
101 |
601.49Кб |
102 |
184.82Кб |
103 |
564.68Кб |
104 |
800.53Кб |
105 |
41.53Кб |
106 |
585.82Кб |
107 |
748.21Кб |
108 |
355.75Кб |
109 |
933.32Кб |
11 |
220.23Кб |
11. Clear Up Console Warnings.mp4 |
38.35Мб |
11. Clear Up Console Warnings.srt |
4.63Кб |
110 |
363.58Кб |
111 |
434.54Кб |
112 |
369.07Кб |
12 |
197.13Кб |
12. Deploy To Vercel.mp4 |
24.07Мб |
12. Deploy To Vercel.srt |
4.41Кб |
13 |
457.53Кб |
14 |
760.26Кб |
15 |
843.91Кб |
16 |
196.18Кб |
17 |
227.06Кб |
18 |
38.58Кб |
19 |
363.74Кб |
2 |
153.74Кб |
2.1 house-marketplace-resources.zip |
4.64Мб |
2. Adding Styles To A Component.mp4 |
32.17Мб |
2. Adding Styles To A Component.srt |
7.91Кб |
2. Alert Component.mp4 |
49.58Мб |
2. Alert Component.srt |
8.99Кб |
2. App & FIrebase Setup.mp4 |
52.32Мб |
2. App & FIrebase Setup.srt |
9.95Кб |
2. Create React App.mp4 |
56.03Мб |
2. Create React App.srt |
10.88Кб |
2. Custom Button Component.mp4 |
38.20Мб |
2. Custom Button Component.srt |
7.48Кб |
2. Fetch Listings From Firebase.mp4 |
109.75Мб |
2. Fetch Listings From Firebase.srt |
18.95Кб |
2. Get Global State With The useContext Hook.mp4 |
41.60Мб |
2. Get Global State With The useContext Hook.srt |
6.47Кб |
2. Listing Details.mp4 |
65.11Мб |
2. Listing Details.srt |
13.35Кб |
2. Move getUser To Actions File.mp4 |
62.38Мб |
2. Move getUser To Actions File.srt |
9.76Кб |
2. Register User.mp4 |
41.61Мб |
2. Register User.srt |
7.03Кб |
2. Setting Up JSON-Server Mock Backend.mp4 |
40.76Мб |
2. Setting Up JSON-Server Mock Backend.srt |
11.38Кб |
2. Setup Tailwind & Daisy UI.mp4 |
66.68Мб |
2. Setup Tailwind & Daisy UI.srt |
11.04Кб |
2. Upgrading To React Router 6.mp4 |
14.09Мб |
2. Upgrading To React Router 6.srt |
3.78Кб |
2. useRef Example 1 - Create DOM Reference.mp4 |
50.34Мб |
2. useRef Example 1 - Create DOM Reference.srt |
11.71Кб |
2. UserList Component.mp4 |
68.76Мб |
2. UserList Component.srt |
13.48Кб |
2. What Is React.mp4 |
34.85Мб |
2. What Is React.srt |
13.12Кб |
20 |
939.09Кб |
21 |
763.55Кб |
22 |
861.32Кб |
23 |
32.81Кб |
24 |
242.06Кб |
25 |
426.17Кб |
26 |
471.46Кб |
27 |
238.22Кб |
28 |
332.72Кб |
29 |
963.81Кб |
3 |
774.66Кб |
3. Cleaning Up Our Actions & Axios.mp4 |
22.41Мб |
3. Cleaning Up Our Actions & Axios.srt |
9.45Кб |
3. Contact Landlord Page.mp4 |
79.18Мб |
3. Contact Landlord Page.srt |
13.51Кб |
3. Creating Links (v5 & v6).mp4 |
38.68Мб |
3. Creating Links (v5 & v6).srt |
7.45Кб |
3. Enable Authentication & Create Rules.mp4 |
52.09Мб |
3. Enable Authentication & Create Rules.srt |
12.05Кб |
3. Environment Setup.mp4 |
44.99Мб |
3. Environment Setup.srt |
8.64Кб |
3. Get Single User.mp4 |
68.54Мб |
3. Get Single User.srt |
12.65Кб |
3. Initializing React.mp4 |
36.81Мб |
3. Initializing React.srt |
10.68Кб |
3. Listing Item Component.mp4 |
76.81Мб |
3. Listing Item Component.srt |
12.70Кб |
3. Loading Spinner.mp4 |
23.28Мб |
3. Loading Spinner.srt |
3.59Кб |
3. Moving Functions To Context.mp4 |
64.17Мб |
3. Moving Functions To Context.srt |
9.96Кб |
3. Navbar Component.mp4 |
19.22Мб |
3. Navbar Component.srt |
11.96Кб |
3. Real-Time Validation.mp4 |
36.65Мб |
3. Real-Time Validation.srt |
6.11Кб |
3. Run Client & Server With Concurrently.mp4 |
16.43Мб |
3. Run Client & Server With Concurrently.srt |
3.79Кб |
3. Save User To Firestore.mp4 |
35.66Мб |
3. Save User To Firestore.srt |
6.14Кб |
3. State & useState Hook.mp4 |
19.45Мб |
3. State & useState Hook.srt |
12.83Кб |
3. useRef Example 2 - Get Previous State.mp4 |
31.02Мб |
3. useRef Example 2 - Get Previous State.srt |
6.79Кб |
30 |
638.39Кб |
31 |
907.95Кб |
32 |
396.04Кб |
33 |
572.63Кб |
34 |
854.76Кб |
35 |
959.24Кб |
36 |
586.52Кб |
37 |
630.92Кб |
38 |
841.13Кб |
39 |
22.54Кб |
4 |
893.29Кб |
4. Code Repos.mp4 |
17.96Мб |
4. Code Repos.srt |
3.13Кб |
4. Deploy To Vercel.mp4 |
15.65Мб |
4. Deploy To Vercel.srt |
3.48Кб |
4. Display Users.mp4 |
48.04Мб |
4. Display Users.srt |
8.65Кб |
4. Dummy Data & Indexes.mp4 |
99.02Мб |
4. Dummy Data & Indexes.srt |
16.53Кб |
4. Edit Feedback Event.mp4 |
44.95Мб |
4. Edit Feedback Event.srt |
7.50Кб |
4. Fetch Data From JSON-Server Backend.mp4 |
38.83Мб |
4. Fetch Data From JSON-Server Backend.srt |
6.50Кб |
4. Footer Component.mp4 |
22.78Мб |
4. Footer Component.srt |
4.81Кб |
4. Intro To JSX.mp4 |
38.39Мб |
4. Intro To JSX.srt |
10.21Кб |
4. Leaflet Map.mp4 |
66.77Мб |
4. Leaflet Map.srt |
9.39Кб |
4. Managing Global State.mp4 |
60.98Мб |
4. Managing Global State.srt |
11.09Кб |
4. NavLink & useParams.mp4 |
16.27Мб |
4. NavLink & useParams.srt |
9.03Кб |
4. Offers Page.mp4 |
25.50Мб |
4. Offers Page.srt |
4.37Кб |
4. Rating Select Component.mp4 |
56.16Мб |
4. Rating Select Component.srt |
9.86Кб |
4. useRef Example 3 - Memory Leak Error Fix.mp4 |
64.06Мб |
4. useRef Example 3 - Memory Leak Error Fix.srt |
12.91Кб |
4. User Profile Top.mp4 |
68.97Мб |
4. User Profile Top.srt |
14.58Кб |
4. User Sign In.mp4 |
64.44Мб |
4. User Sign In.srt |
9.77Кб |
40 |
311.88Кб |
41 |
514.85Кб |
42 |
805.23Кб |
43 |
61.88Кб |
44 |
865.15Кб |
45 |
927.14Кб |
46 |
997.02Кб |
47 |
384.40Кб |
48 |
391.88Кб |
49 |
492.31Кб |
5 |
467.97Кб |
5. Add Feedback.mp4 |
58.21Мб |
5. Add Feedback.srt |
9.67Кб |
5. Alerts With React Toastify.mp4 |
41.27Мб |
5. Alerts With React Toastify.srt |
6.66Кб |
5. Card Component & Conditional Styles.mp4 |
72.08Мб |
5. Card Component & Conditional Styles.srt |
13.52Кб |
5. Dynamic Values & LIsts in JSX.mp4 |
29.16Мб |
5. Dynamic Values & LIsts in JSX.srt |
7.88Кб |
5. Links & Resources.html |
4.85Кб |
5. Listings Page Slider.mp4 |
65.38Мб |
5. Listings Page Slider.srt |
8.92Кб |
5. Navigate & Nested Routes.mp4 |
39.07Мб |
5. Navigate & Nested Routes.srt |
9.24Кб |
5. Pages & Routes.mp4 |
46.19Мб |
5. Pages & Routes.mp4 |
39.23Мб |
5. Pages & Routes.srt |
9.61Кб |
5. Pages & Routes.srt |
8.33Кб |
5. Setup Github Context.mp4 |
73.64Мб |
5. Setup Github Context.srt |
12.13Кб |
5. Side Effects With useEffect.mp4 |
66.06Мб |
5. Side Effects With useEffect.srt |
11.09Кб |
5. Spinner Component.mp4 |
45.13Мб |
5. Spinner Component.srt |
7.31Кб |
5. Start Create Listing Page.mp4 |
98.78Мб |
5. Start Create Listing Page.srt |
14.54Кб |
5. useMemo Example.mp4 |
70.16Мб |
5. useMemo Example.srt |
14.21Кб |
5. User Profile Stats.mp4 |
57.94Мб |
5. User Profile Stats.srt |
10.43Кб |
50 |
290.96Кб |
51 |
697.37Кб |
52 |
935.29Кб |
53 |
168.06Кб |
54 |
677.12Кб |
55 |
429.83Кб |
56 |
68.80Кб |
57 |
577.34Кб |
58 |
985.54Кб |
59 |
588.02Кб |
6 |
252.50Кб |
6. Add Feedback & Setting a Proxy.mp4 |
48.93Мб |
6. Add Feedback & Setting a Proxy.srt |
7.15Кб |
6. Conditionals in JSX.mp4 |
33.46Мб |
6. Conditionals in JSX.srt |
7.20Кб |
6. Create Listing Form.mp4 |
122.51Мб |
6. Create Listing Form.srt |
23.12Кб |
6. Events & Prop Drilling.mp4 |
85.26Мб |
6. Events & Prop Drilling.srt |
14.18Кб |
6. Explore Slider.mp4 |
108.33Мб |
6. Explore Slider.srt |
14.49Кб |
6. Fade Animation With Framer Motion.mp4 |
30.30Мб |
6. Fade Animation With Framer Motion.srt |
5.82Кб |
6. Navbar Component.mp4 |
68.58Мб |
6. Navbar Component.srt |
12.67Кб |
6. Reducers & useReducer Hook.mp4 |
74.78Мб |
6. Reducers & useReducer Hook.srt |
13.44Кб |
6. Repo Items.mp4 |
59.50Мб |
6. Repo Items.srt |
10.60Кб |
6. Update Feedback Item.mp4 |
41.74Мб |
6. Update Feedback Item.srt |
7.29Кб |
6. useCallback Example.mp4 |
56.09Мб |
6. useCallback Example.srt |
8.95Кб |
6. User Logout.mp4 |
33.92Мб |
6. User Logout.srt |
7.00Кб |
60 |
824.62Кб |
61 |
604.71Кб |
62 |
628.50Кб |
63 |
889.28Кб |
64 |
8.67Кб |
65 |
49.45Кб |
66 |
811.29Кб |
67 |
269.56Кб |
68 |
396.18Кб |
69 |
407.17Кб |
7 |
681.01Кб |
7. Clean Up Fetch Users.mp4 |
30.52Мб |
7. Clean Up Fetch Users.srt |
4.95Кб |
7. Custom Hook 1 - useFetch.mp4 |
70.25Мб |
7. Custom Hook 1 - useFetch.srt |
11.84Кб |
7. Deploy To Netlify.mp4 |
29.33Мб |
7. Deploy To Netlify.srt |
8.14Кб |
7. Display & Update User Details.mp4 |
94.55Мб |
7. Display & Update User Details.srt |
17.11Кб |
7. FeedbackStats Component & Reactivity.mp4 |
54.62Мб |
7. FeedbackStats Component & Reactivity.srt |
10.16Кб |
7. Get Coords With Geocoding API.mp4 |
127.40Мб |
7. Get Coords With Geocoding API.srt |
20.21Кб |
7. Profile Listings & Delete.mp4 |
111.13Мб |
7. Profile Listings & Delete.srt |
13.72Кб |
7. Update & Delete From JSON-Server.mp4 |
31.90Мб |
7. Update & Delete From JSON-Server.srt |
6.02Кб |
70 |
749.69Кб |
71 |
243.76Кб |
72 |
791.05Кб |
73 |
956.63Кб |
74 |
169.76Кб |
75 |
329.60Кб |
76 |
620.01Кб |
77 |
663.67Кб |
78 |
819.32Кб |
79 |
191.94Кб |
8 |
194.80Кб |
8. Custom Hook 2 - useLocalStorage.mp4 |
114.24Мб |
8. Custom Hook 2 - useLocalStorage.srt |
18.40Кб |
8. Load More Pagination.mp4 |
73.96Мб |
8. Load More Pagination.srt |
11.82Кб |
8. PrivateRoute Component & useAuthStatus Hook.mp4 |
110.54Мб |
8. PrivateRoute Component & useAuthStatus Hook.srt |
18.05Кб |
8. Uploading Images To FIrebase.mp4 |
99.32Мб |
8. Uploading Images To FIrebase.srt |
14.90Кб |
8. User Search Component.mp4 |
64.61Мб |
8. User Search Component.srt |
11.96Кб |
80 |
358.37Кб |
81 |
346.19Кб |
82 |
151.61Кб |
83 |
42.72Кб |
84 |
86.80Кб |
85 |
551.71Кб |
86 |
427.43Кб |
87 |
853.41Кб |
88 |
102.57Кб |
89 |
526.64Кб |
9 |
699.76Кб |
9. Edit Listing Icon.mp4 |
47.43Мб |
9. Edit Listing Icon.srt |
7.28Кб |
9. Forgot Password Page.mp4 |
60.70Мб |
9. Forgot Password Page.srt |
10.55Кб |
9. Save Listings To Firestore.mp4 |
62.43Мб |
9. Save Listings To Firestore.srt |
10.73Кб |
9. Search Users.mp4 |
33.96Мб |
9. Search Users.srt |
5.85Кб |
90 |
1007.18Кб |
91 |
496.15Кб |
92 |
717.63Кб |
93 |
685.50Кб |
94 |
861.06Кб |
95 |
106.83Кб |
96 |
517.06Кб |
97 |
934.25Кб |
98 |
957.22Кб |
99 |
733.96Кб |
TutsNode.com.txt |
63б |