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Название Udemy - Python 3 Deep Dive full 2019
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1.1 01 - Project - Description.zip.zip 2.07Кб
1.1 Coding Exercises.ipynb.zip.zip 2.97Кб
1.1 Coding Exercises.ipynb.zip.zip 1.79Кб
1.1 Exercises.zip.zip 3.27Кб
1.1 Introduction.pdf.pdf 707.56Кб
1.1 Introduction - Context Managers.pdf.pdf 331.10Кб
1.1 Introduction - Generators.pdf.pdf 250.18Кб
1.1 Introduction - Iterables and Iterators.pdf.pdf 298.88Кб
1.1 Introduction - Sequences.pdf.pdf 262.78Кб
1.1 Iteration Tools - Introduction.pdf.pdf 276.73Кб
1.1 Project 1.ipynb.zip.zip 2.14Кб
1.1 Project 1.zip.zip 1.35Кб
1.1 Project 3 - Description.zip.zip 21.08Кб
1.1 Project 5 - Description.zip.zip 28.01Кб
1.1 Project 6 - Description.zip.zip 7.79Кб
1.1 Project - Description.zip.zip 74.42Кб
1.1 Quick Refresher Introduction.pdf.pdf 260.66Кб
1.1 Section 1 - Intro.pdf.pdf 783.56Кб
1.2 Project 1 (Slides).zip.zip 220.75Кб
1. Course Overview.mp4 279.22Мб
1. Course Overview.mp4 90.32Мб
1. Course Overview.mp4 167.06Мб
1. Exercises.mp4 29.43Мб
1. Exercises10.mp4 43.35Мб
1. Exercises4.mp4 57.09Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 52.24Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 8.77Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 13.43Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 14.80Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 3.53Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 20.38Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 7.69Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 16.57Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 8.12Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 164.60Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 145.40Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 28.81Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 54.50Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 28.10Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 83.68Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 46.69Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 85.15Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 38.81Мб
1. Introduction3.mp4 16.51Мб
1. Introduction5.mp4 25.80Мб
1. Project 1 - Goals.mp4 40.51Мб
1. Project Description.mp4 15.89Мб
1. Project Description.mp4 138.26Мб
1. Project Description.mp4 26.03Мб
1. Project Description.mp4 85.92Мб
1. Project - Description.mp4 147.34Мб
1. Project - Description.mp4 238.90Мб
10.1 08 - Random Samples.zip.zip 2.42Кб
10.1 09 - What are Packages.pdf.pdf 544.35Кб
10.1 10 - Decorators 1.pdf.pdf 428.46Кб
10.1 10 - Floats - Equality Testing.pdf.pdf 415.86Кб
10.1 Callables.zip.zip 1.10Кб
10.1 Chaining and Teeing.pdf.pdf 374.03Кб
10.1 ChainMap.ipynb.zip.zip 5.07Кб
10.1 Classes.zip.zip 5.66Кб
10.1 Decorating Generator Functions.pdf.pdf 411.31Кб
10.1 Lazy Iterables.pdf.pdf 341.62Кб
10.1 Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values.zip.zip 1.09Кб
10.1 Notebook (Variable Equality).zip.zip 1.63Кб
10.1 Slicing.pdf.pdf 498.36Кб
10.1 star-args.zip.zip 2.39Кб
10.1 Yield From.pdf.pdf 284.39Кб
10.2 10 - Callables.pdf.pdf 300.64Кб
10.2 10 - Variable Equality.pdf.pdf 342.83Кб
10. args - Coding.mp4 37.07Мб
10. Callables.mp4 60.38Мб
10. Chaining and Teeing - Lecture.mp4 177.60Мб
10. ChainMap - Coding.mp4 92.73Мб
10. Classes.mp4 82.41Мб
10. Custom Classes and Hashing - Lecture.mp4 389.30Мб
10. Custom JSON Decoding - Lecture.mp4 315.21Мб
10. Decorators (Part 1) - Lecture.mp4 105.49Мб
10. Floats Equality Testing - Lecture.mp4 92.94Мб
10. Lazy Iterables - Lecture.mp4 77.13Мб
10. Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values.mp4 23.05Мб
10. Random Samples.mp4 10.16Мб
10. Sending Exceptions to Generators - Lecture.mp4 150.76Мб
10. Slicing - Lecture.mp4 657.25Мб
10. The contextmanager Decorator - Lecture.mp4 197.72Мб
10. Update Operations - Lecture.mp4 116.35Мб
10. Variable Equality.mp4 65.00Мб
10. What are Packages - Lecture.mp4 54.63Мб
10. Yield From - Lecture.mp4 49.36Мб
11.1 11 - Chaining and Teeing Iterators.zip.zip 2.80Кб
11.1 11 - Everything is an Object.pdf.pdf 322.36Кб
11.1 11 - Keyword Arguments.pdf.pdf 367.89Кб
11.1 11 - Lazy Iterables.zip.zip 2.26Кб
11.1 11 - Map, Filter, Zip.pdf.pdf 456.98Кб
11.1 11 - Slicing.zip.zip 2.82Кб
11.1 11 - Yield From.zip.zip 3.50Кб
11.1 Custom Classes and Hashing.ipynb.zip.zip 7.98Кб
11.1 Custom JSON Decoding.ipynb.zip.zip 6.10Кб
11.1 Decorators 1.zip.zip 2.44Кб
11.1 Floats - Equality Testing.zip.zip 2.12Кб
11.1 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.zip.zip 3.68Кб
11.1 packages.zip.zip 3.38Кб
11.1 Sending Exceptions to Generators.zip.zip 3.88Кб
11.1 The contextmanager Decorator.zip.zip 2.66Кб
11.1 Timing code using timeit.zip.zip 5.61Кб
11.1 Update Operations.ipynb.zip.zip 3.74Кб
11.2 Notebook (Everything is an Object).zip.zip 3.13Кб
11. Chaining and Teeing - Coding.mp4 82.10Мб
11. Custom Classes and Hashing - Coding.mp4 157.13Мб
11. Custom JSON Decoding - Coding.mp4 268.59Мб
11. Decorators (Part 1) - Coding.mp4 73.32Мб
11. Everything is an Object.mp4 57.84Мб
11. Floats Equality Testing - Coding.mp4 237.88Мб
11. Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4 44.95Мб
11. Lazy Iterables - Coding.mp4 66.56Мб
11. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4 106.10Мб
11. Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4 104.21Мб
11. Sending Exceptions to Generators - Coding.mp4 128.34Мб
11. Slicing - Coding.mp4 59.23Мб
11. The contextmanager Decorator - Coding.mp4 128.18Мб
11. Timing code using timeit.mp4 25.55Мб
11. Update Operations - Coding.mp4 86.42Мб
11. UserDict - Lecture.mp4 106.05Мб
11. What are Packages - Coding.mp4 40.15Мб
11. Yield From - Coding.mp4 53.98Мб
12.1 11 - Why Packages.pdf.pdf 427.77Кб
12.1 12 - Floats to Integers.pdf.pdf 395.90Кб
12.1 Custom Sequences - Part 1.pdf.pdf 436.78Кб
12.1 Decorator Application (Timer).zip.zip 3.81Кб
12.1 Don't Use args and kwargs Names Blindly.zip.zip 1.64Кб
12.1 Keyword Arguments.zip.zip 1.99Кб
12.1 Map, Filter and Zip.zip.zip 2.72Кб
12.1 Mapping and Accumulation.pdf.pdf 404.07Кб
12.1 Nested Context Managers.zip.zip 4.02Кб
12.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Interning).zip.zip 1.20Кб
12.1 Python's Built-In Iterables and Iterators.pdf.pdf 366.63Кб
12.1 UserDict.ipynb.zip.zip 6.78Кб
12.2 12 - Python Optimizations - Interning.pdf.pdf 341.62Кб
12. Copying Sets - Lecture.mp4 23.26Мб
12. Custom Sequences - Part 1 - Lecture.mp4 219.30Мб
12. Decorator Application (Timer).mp4 125.54Мб
12. Don't Use args and kwargs Names Blindly.mp4 13.86Мб
12. Floats Coercing to Integers - Lecture.mp4 48.10Мб
12. Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4 45.21Мб
12. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Coding.mp4 68.77Мб
12. Mapping and Reducing - Lecture.mp4 325.76Мб
12. Nested Context Managers.mp4 193.09Мб
12. Python's Built-In Iterables and Iterators - Lecture.mp4 49.48Мб
12. Python Optimizations Interning.mp4 41.62Мб
12. UserDict - Coding.mp4 140.90Мб
12. Using Decorators to Prime Coroutines - Lecture.mp4 108.71Мб
12. Using JSONDecoder - Lecture.mp4 28.71Мб
12. Why Packages.mp4 35.66Мб
13.1 13 - Custom Sequences - Part 1.zip.zip 4.63Кб
13.1 13 - Mapping and Reducing.zip.zip 2.91Кб
13.1 13 - Reducing Functions.pdf.pdf 509.64Кб
13.1 16 - Python's Built-In Iterables and Iterators.zip.zip 19.69Кб
13.1 argparse.zip.zip 5.83Кб
13.1 Copying Sets.ipynb.zip.zip 2.06Кб
13.1 Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked).zip.zip 2.54Кб
13.1 Floats - Coercing to Integers.zip.zip 891б
13.1 kwargs.zip.zip 1.16Кб
13.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - String Interning).zip.zip 1.90Кб
13.1 sturcturing_package_imports.zip.zip 4.84Кб
13.1 Using Decorators to Prime Coroutines.zip.zip 2.03Кб
13.1 Using JSONDecoder.ipynb.zip.zip 4.97Кб
13.2 13 - kwargs.pdf.pdf 291.72Кб
13.2 13 - Python Optimizations String Interning.pdf.pdf 372.89Кб
13. Command Line Arguments.mp4 95.33Мб
13. Copying Sets - Coding.mp4 34.23Мб
13. Custom Sequences - Part 1 - Coding.mp4 162.27Мб
13. Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked Decorators).mp4 76.99Мб
13. Floats Coercing to Integers - Coding.mp4 18.70Мб
13. kwargs.mp4 40.62Мб
13. Mapping and Reducing - Coding.mp4 81.96Мб
13. Python's Built-In Iterables and Iterators - Coding.mp4 94.89Мб
13. Python Optimizations String Interning.mp4 77.18Мб
13. Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4 125.58Мб
13. Structuring Packages - Part 1.mp4 58.02Мб
13. Using Decorators to Prime Coroutines - Coding.mp4 37.39Мб
13. Using JSONDecoder - Coding.mp4 215.80Мб
14.1 10 - Sorting Iterables.zip.zip 1.26Кб
14.1 14 - Floats - Rounding.pdf.pdf 487.73Кб
14.1 14 - Putting it all together.pdf.pdf 456.45Кб
14.1 Decorator Application (Memoization).zip.zip 3.37Кб
14.1 In-Place Concatenation and Repetition.pdf.pdf 397.36Кб
14.1 JSONSchema.ipynb.zip.zip 4.07Кб
14.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Peephole).zip.zip 2.03Кб
14.1 Reducing Functions.zip.zip 3.10Кб
14.1 Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults.zip.zip 1.68Кб
14.1 sturcturing_package_imports.zip.zip 4.84Кб
14.1 Zipping Iterables.pdf.pdf 308.62Кб
14.2 14 - Python Optimizations - Peephole.pdf.pdf 323.86Кб
14. Decorator Application (Memoization).mp4 99.02Мб
14. Floats Rounding - Lecture.mp4 122.21Мб
14. Frozen Sets - Lecture.mp4 131.23Мб
14. In-Place Concatenation and Repetition - Lecture.mp4 114.27Мб
14. JSON Schema.mp4 118.46Мб
14. Putting it all Together - Lecture.mp4 63.07Мб
14. Python Optimizations Peephole.mp4 82.54Мб
14. Reducing Functions - Coding.mp4 71.88Мб
14. Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults.mp4 56.39Мб
14. Sorting Iterables.mp4 34.03Мб
14. Structuring Packages - Part 2.mp4 60.04Мб
14. Yield From - Two-Way Communications - Lecture.mp4 196.44Мб
14. Zipping - Lecture.mp4 66.83Мб
15.1 14 - Namespace Packages.pdf.pdf 375.37Кб
15.1 15 - Decorators 2.pdf.pdf 441.79Кб
15.1 15 - In-Place Concatenation and Repetition.zip.zip 1.64Кб
15.1 15 - Partial Functions.pdf.pdf 349.38Кб
15.1 15 - Zipping.zip.zip 2.15Кб
15.1 Floats - Rounding.zip.zip 1.47Кб
15.1 Frozen Sets.ipynb.zip.zip 5.04Кб
15.1 Marshmallow.ipynb.zip.zip 4.35Кб
15.1 Putting it all Together.zip.zip 2.11Кб
15.1 Simulating a simple Switch in Python.zip.zip 2.59Кб
15.1 The iter() Function.pdf.pdf 394.67Кб
15.1 Yield From - Two-Way Communications.zip.zip 2.59Кб
15. Decorators (Part 2) - Lecture.mp4 57.21Мб
15. Floats Rounding - Coding.mp4 50.68Мб
15. Frozen Sets - Coding.mp4 105.06Мб
15. In-Place Concatenation and Repetition - Coding.mp4 34.40Мб
15. Marshmallow.mp4 189.55Мб
15. Namespace Packages.mp4 28.09Мб
15. Partial Functions - Lecture.mp4 56.05Мб
15. Putting it all Together - Coding.mp4 60.00Мб
15. Simulating a simple switch in Python.mp4 102.61Мб
15. The iter() Function - Lecture.mp4 132.05Мб
15. Yield From - Two-Way Communications - Coding.mp4 69.60Мб
15. Zipping - Coding.mp4 30.18Мб
16.1 14 - The iter() Function.zip.zip 3.54Кб
16.1 16 - Decimals.pdf.pdf 319.08Кб
16.1 A Simple Function Timer.zip.zip 1.77Кб
16.1 Assignments in Mutable Sequences.pdf.pdf 395.17Кб
16.1 Decorators 2.zip.zip 3.43Кб
16.1 Grouping.pdf.pdf 311.75Кб
16.1 Partial Functions.zip.zip 3.34Кб
16.1 YAML.ipynb.zip.zip 5.41Кб
16.1 zipped_packages.zip.zip 10.45Кб
16. Application A Simple Function Timer.mp4 64.71Мб
16. Assignments in Mutable Sequences - Lecture.mp4 145.25Мб
16. Decimals - Lecture.mp4 87.57Мб
16. Decorators (Part 2) - Coding.mp4 84.78Мб
16. Dictionary Views - Lecture.mp4 180.13Мб
16. Grouping - Lecture.mp4 204.47Мб
16. Importing from Zip Archives.mp4 5.87Мб
16. Partial Functions - Coding.mp4 86.53Мб
16. PyYaml.mp4 113.67Мб
16. The iter() Function - Coding.mp4 60.95Мб
16. Yield From - Sending Data - Lecture.mp4 112.14Мб
17.1 17 - Assignments in Mutable Sequences.zip.zip 2.90Кб
17.1 17 - Default Values.pdf.pdf 370.03Кб
17.1 17 - Grouping.zip.zip 12.97Кб
17.1 17 - The operator Module.pdf.pdf 436.30Кб
17.1 Decimals.zip.zip 1.61Кб
17.1 Decorator Application (Decorator Class).zip.zip 1.39Кб
17.1 Dictionary Views.ipynb.zip.zip 4.58Кб
17.1 Iterating Callables.pdf.pdf 346.12Кб
17.1 Serpy.ipynb.zip.zip 2.02Кб
17.1 Yield From - Sending Data.zip.zip 3.48Кб
17.2 Default Values - Beware.zip.zip 1.06Кб
17. Assignments in Mutable Sequences - Coding.mp4 47.05Мб
17. Decimals - Coding.mp4 36.15Мб
17. Decorator Application (Decorator Class).mp4 31.33Мб
17. Dictionary Views - Coding.mp4 114.03Мб
17. Grouping - Coding.mp4 143.64Мб
17. Iterating Callables - Lecture.mp4 96.95Мб
17. Parameter Defaults - Beware!!.mp4 79.02Мб
17. Serpy.mp4 43.67Мб
17. The operator Module - Lecture.mp4 73.99Мб
17. Yield From - Sending Data - Coding.mp4 122.62Мб
18.1 16 - Iterating Callables.zip.zip 3.03Кб
18.1 18 - Decimals - Constructors and Contexts.pdf.pdf 368.20Кб
18.1 Combinatorics.pdf.pdf 406.76Кб
18.1 Custom Sequences - Part 2.pdf.pdf 378.85Кб
18.1 Decorator Application (Decorating Classes).zip.zip 6.17Кб
18.1 operator module.zip.zip 3.46Кб
18.1 Parameter Defaults - Beware 2.zip.zip 2.61Кб
18. Combinatorics - Lecture.mp4 195.13Мб
18. Custom Sequences - Part 2 - Lecture.mp4 190.39Мб
18. Decimals Constructors and Contexts - Lecture.mp4 50.65Мб
18. Decorator Application (Decorating Classes).mp4 100.92Мб
18. Iterating Callables - Coding.mp4 68.00Мб
18. Parameter Defaults - Beware Again!!.mp4 65.20Мб
18. The operator Module - Coding.mp4 108.99Мб
18. Yield From - Closing and Return - Lecture.mp4 120.81Мб
19.1 18 - Delegating Iterators.zip.zip 1.64Кб
19.1 19 - Combinatorics.zip.zip 6.01Кб
19.1 19 - Custom Sequences - Part 2a.zip.zip 2.85Кб
19.1 Decimals - Constructors and Contexts.zip.zip 1.72Кб
19.1 Decorator Application (Single Dispatch Generic Functions).zip.zip 8.72Кб
19.1 Yield From - Closing and Return.zip.zip 2.30Кб
19. Combinatorics - Coding (Product).mp4 101.00Мб
19. Custom Sequences - Part 2A - Coding.mp4 82.90Мб
19. Decimals Constructors and Contexts - Coding.mp4 35.34Мб
19. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1.mp4 110.99Мб
19. Example 3 - Delegating Iterators.mp4 33.85Мб
19. Yield From - Closing and Return - Coding.mp4 66.80Мб
2.1 02 - Argument vs Parameter.pdf.pdf 310.76Кб
2.1 02 - Docstrings and Annotations.pdf.pdf 442.31Кб
2.1 02 - Global and Local Scopes.pdf.pdf 807.32Кб
2.1 02 - Project Solution - Goal 1.zip.zip 1.91Кб
2.1 02 - Tuples.pdf.pdf 430.41Кб
2.1 Additional Resources.pdf.pdf 1.04Мб
2.1 Aggregators.pdf.pdf 392.24Кб
2.1 Coding Exercises - Solution 1.ipynb.zip.zip 1.89Кб
2.1 Context Managers.pdf.pdf 494.94Кб
2.1 Exercise 1 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 2.15Кб
2.1 Exercise 1 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 4.00Кб
2.1 Integers - Data Type.zip.zip 1.16Кб
2.1 Iterating Collections.pdf.pdf 464.07Кб
2.1 Notebook (Variables are Memory References).zip.zip 1.01Кб
2.1 Prerequisites.pdf.pdf 337.32Кб
2.1 project_4_solution_goal_1.zip.zip 74.26Кб
2.1 Project 1 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 5.55Кб
2.1 Project 1 Solution - Goal 1.zip.zip 4.57Кб
2.1 Project 3 - Solution - Goal 1.zip.zip 46.30Кб
2.1 Project 5 - Solution - Goal 1.zip.zip 27.91Кб
2.1 Project 6 - Solution.zip.zip 8.56Кб
2.1 Python Type Hierarchy.pdf.pdf 346.15Кб
2.1 Sequence Types.pdf.pdf 457.79Кб
2.1 What is a Module.zip.zip 6.73Кб
2.1 Yielding and Generators.pdf.pdf 441.03Кб
2.2 02 - Integers Data Type.pdf.pdf 376.98Кб
2.2 02 - Variables are Memory References.pdf.pdf 386.57Кб
2. Additional Resources.mp4 49.06Мб
2. Aggregators - Lecture.mp4 191.91Мб
2. Argument vs Parameter.mp4 17.70Мб
2. Associative Arrays.mp4 108.35Мб
2. Basic Set Theory.mp4 238.53Мб
2. Context Managers - Lecture.mp4 465.73Мб
2. Coroutines - Lecture.mp4 483.26Мб
2. Creating Dictionaries - Lecture.mp4 253.92Мб
2. DefaultDict - Lecture.mp4 123.98Мб
2. Docstrings and Annotations - Lecture.mp4 77.53Мб
2. Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4 167.22Мб
2. Integers Data Types.mp4 83.41Мб
2. Iterating Collections - Lecture.mp4 216.37Мб
2. Pickling - Lecture.mp4 113.61Мб
2. Pre-Requisites.html 1.57Кб
2. Prerequisites.mp4 98.73Мб
2. Pre-Requisites.mp4 89.11Мб
2. Project 1 - Solution.mp4 284.28Мб
2. Project Solution.mp4 78.40Мб
2. Project Solution Goal 1.mp4 104.64Мб
2. Project Solution Goal 1.mp4 225.22Мб
2. Project Solution Goal 1.mp4 36.86Мб
2. Project Solution Goal 1.mp4 267.53Мб
2. Project Solution Goal 1.mp4 305.16Мб
2. Sequence Types - Lecture.mp4 351.98Мб
2. Solution 1.mp4 32.37Мб
2. Solution 1.mp4 21.21Мб
2. Solution 1.mp4 88.84Мб
2. The Python Type Hierarchy.mp4 28.95Мб
2. Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture.mp4 94.24Мб
2. Variables are Memory References.mp4 33.27Мб
2. What is a Module.mp4 42.19Мб
2. Yielding and Generator Functions - Lecture.mp4 362.43Мб
20.1 20 - Combinatorics.zip.zip 6.01Кб
20.1 20 - Custom Sequences - Part 2b.zip.zip 7.78Кб
20.1 20 - Decimals - Math Operations.pdf.pdf 381.17Кб
20.1 Reversed Iteration.pdf.pdf 362.74Кб
20. Combinatorics - Coding (Permutation, Combination).mp4 120.55Мб
20. Custom Sequences - Part 2B - Coding.mp4 188.61Мб
20. Decimals Math Operations - Lecture.mp4 48.98Мб
20. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2.mp4 123.18Мб
20. Reversed Iteration - Lecture.mp4 200.76Мб
20. Yield From - Throwing Exceptions - Lecture.mp4 52.59Мб
21.1 20 - Reversed Iteration.zip.zip 3.92Кб
21.1 21 - Custom Sequences - Part 2c.zip.zip 7.78Кб
21.1 Decimals - Math Operations.zip.zip 1.78Кб
21.1 Yield From - Throwing Exceptions.zip.zip 3.17Кб
21. Custom Sequences - Part 2C - Coding.mp4 131.67Мб
21. Decimals Math Operations - Coding.mp4 52.24Мб
21. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3.mp4 103.21Мб
21. Reversed Iteration - Coding.mp4 107.32Мб
21. Yield From - Throwing Exceptions - Coding.mp4 126.58Мб
22.1 22 - Decimals - Performance Considerations.pdf.pdf 311.01Кб
22.1 23 - Caveat Using Iterators as Function Arguments.zip.zip 20.37Кб
22.1 Sorting Sequences.pdf.pdf 448.74Кб
22.2 Decimals - Performance.zip.zip 1.33Кб
22. Application - Pipelines - Lecture.mp4 86.71Мб
22. Caveat Using Iterators as Function Arguments.mp4 129.37Мб
22. Decimals Performance Considerations.mp4 38.48Мб
22. Sorting Sequences - Lecture.mp4 366.73Мб
23.1 23 - Complex Numbers.pdf.pdf 342.69Кб
23.1 23 - Sorting Sequences.zip.zip 5.67Кб
23.1 Pipelines - Pulling Data.zip.zip 8.67Кб
23. Application - Pipelines - Pulling Data.mp4 65.20Мб
23. Complex Numbers - Lecture.mp4 60.93Мб
23. Sorting Sequences - Coding.mp4 134.68Мб
24.1 Complex Numbers.zip.zip 2.47Кб
24.1 List Comprehensions.pdf.pdf 440.04Кб
24.1 Pipelines - Pushing Data.zip.zip 1.37Кб
24. Application - Pipelines - Pushing Data.mp4 34.47Мб
24. Complex Numbers - Coding.mp4 50.54Мб
24. List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4 367.48Мб
25.1 25 - List Comprehensions.zip.zip 6.45Кб
25.1 Booleans.zip.zip 1.81Кб
25.1 Pipelines - Broadcasting.zip.zip 100.35Кб
25.2 25 - Booleans.pdf.pdf 386.40Кб
25. Application - Pipelines - Broadcasting Data.mp4 197.51Мб
25. Booleans.mp4 89.14Мб
25. List Comprehensions - Coding.mp4 224.32Мб
26.1 26 - Booleans - Truth Values - Lecture.pdf.pdf 356.39Кб
26. Booleans Truth Values - Lecture.mp4 46.44Мб
27.1 Booleans - Truth Values.zip.zip 3.81Кб
27. Booleans Truth Values - Coding.mp4 49.06Мб
28.1 28 - Boolean - Precedence and Short-Circuiting.pdf.pdf 454.82Кб
28. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture.mp4 102.78Мб
29.1 Booleans - Precedence and Short-Circuiting.zip.zip 2.91Кб
29. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Coding.mp4 44.83Мб
3.1 03 - Aggregators.zip.zip 4.35Кб
3.1 03 - Iterating Collections.zip.zip 3.95Кб
3.1 03 - Positional Arguments.pdf.pdf 424.61Кб
3.1 03 - Project Solution - Goal 2.zip.zip 2.78Кб
3.1 03 - Sequence Types.zip.zip 5.58Кб
3.1 03 - Yielding and Generators.zip.zip 3.25Кб
3.1 Coding Exercises - Solution 2.ipynb.zip.zip 1.65Кб
3.1 Context Managers in Python.zip.zip 4.14Кб
3.1 Coroutines.zip.zip 4.25Кб
3.1 Creating Python Dictionaries.ipynb.zip.zip 4.63Кб
3.1 defaultdict.ipynb.zip.zip 4.85Кб
3.1 Docstrings and Annotations.zip.zip 2.15Кб
3.1 Exercise 2 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 1.80Кб
3.1 Exercise 2 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 3.86Кб
3.1 Global and Local Scopes.zip.zip 2.69Кб
3.1 How Python Imports Modules.zip.zip 6.90Кб
3.1 Integers - Operations.zip.zip 1.52Кб
3.1 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.pdf.pdf 393.18Кб
3.1 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.zip.zip 1.92Кб
3.1 Notebook (Reference Counting).zip.zip 1.30Кб
3.1 Pickling.ipynb.zip.zip 4.56Кб
3.1 project_4_solution_goal_2.zip.zip 74.46Кб
3.1 Project 1 Solution - Goal 2.zip.zip 2.76Кб
3.1 Project 3 - Solution - Goal 2.zip.zip 23.24Кб
3.1 Project 5 - Solution - Goal 2.zip.zip 28.58Кб
3.1 Python 3.6 Highlights.zip.zip 2.35Кб
3.1 Python Tools Needed.pdf.pdf 275.21Кб
3.1 Tuples as Data Structures.zip.zip 5.10Кб
3.2 03 - Integers - Operations.pdf.pdf 400.15Кб
3.2 03 - Reference Counting.pdf.pdf 296.22Кб
3.2 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.pdf.pdf 393.18Кб
3.2 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.zip.zip 1.92Кб
3. Aggregators - Coding.mp4 113.62Мб
3. Code Projects and Notebooks.html 460б
3. Context Managers - Coding.mp4 184.28Мб
3. Coroutines - Coding.mp4 81.47Мб
3. Creating Dictionaries - Coding.mp4 85.32Мб
3. DefaultDict - Coding.mp4 149.83Мб
3. Docstrings and Annotations - Coding.mp4 51.95Мб
3. Global and Local Scopes - Coding.mp4 50.42Мб
3. Hash Maps.mp4 462.17Мб
3. How does Python Import Modules.mp4 78.51Мб
3. Integers Operations.mp4 100.01Мб
3. Iterating Collections - Coding.mp4 99.18Мб
3. Multi-Line Statements and Strings.mp4 89.19Мб
3. Pickling - Coding.mp4 135.74Мб
3. Positional and Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4 63.17Мб
3. Project Solution Goal 2.mp4 86.65Мб
3. Project Solution Goal 2.mp4 65.23Мб
3. Project Solution Goal 2.mp4 41.96Мб
3. Project Solution Goal 2.mp4 108.04Мб
3. Project Solution Goal 2.mp4 364.44Мб
3. Python 3.6 Highlights.mp4 12.81Мб
3. Python Sets.mp4 170.11Мб
3. Python Tools Needed.mp4 45.74Мб
3. Reference Counting.mp4 56.95Мб
3. Sequence Types - Coding.mp4 114.20Мб
3. Solution 2.mp4 21.41Мб
3. Solution 2.mp4 7.00Мб
3. Solution 2.mp4 121.41Мб
3. Tuples as Data Structures - Coding.mp4 84.98Мб
3. Yielding and Generator Functions - Coding.mp4 79.48Мб
30.1 30 - Boolean - Boolean Operators.pdf.pdf 473.97Кб
30. Booleans Boolean Operators - Lecture.mp4 85.02Мб
31.1 Booleans - Boolean Operators.zip.zip 1.75Кб
31. Booleans Boolean Operators - Coding.mp4 47.98Мб
32.1 Comparison Operators.zip.zip 1.71Кб
32.2 32 - Comparison Operators.pdf.pdf 412.67Кб
32. Comparison Operators.mp4 83.15Мб
4.1 04 - Example - Fibonacci Sequence.zip.zip 2.97Кб
4.1 04 - Garbage Collection.pdf.pdf 311.11Кб
4.1 04 - Integers - Constructors and Bases.pdf.pdf 527.87Кб
4.1 04 - Lambda Expressions.pdf.pdf 384.54Кб
4.1 04 - Named Tuples.pdf.pdf 575.46Кб
4.1 04 - NonLocal Sopes.pdf.pdf 723.65Кб
4.1 Caveat with Lazy Iterators.zip.zip 65.49Кб
4.1 Coding Exercises - Solution 3.ipynb.zip.zip 2.10Кб
4.1 Exercise 3 - Solution.ipynb.zip.zip 5.89Кб
4.1 Exercise 3 - Solution.zip.zip 4.27Кб
4.1 Imports and importlib.zip.zip 4.49Кб
4.1 Iterators.pdf.pdf 348.46Кб
4.1 Mutable Sequence Types.pdf.pdf 341.10Кб
4.1 Positional Arguments.zip.zip 1.45Кб
4.1 project_4_solution_goal_3.zip.zip 74.60Кб
4.1 Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering.zip.zip 2.79Кб
4.1 Slicing Iterables.pdf.pdf 316.55Кб
4.1 Variable Names.pdf.pdf 357.75Кб
4.2 Notebook (Garbage Collection).zip.zip 1.82Кб
4. Caveat when used with Lazy Iterators.mp4 18.13Мб
4. Common Operations - Lecture.mp4 159.01Мб
4. Creating Sets - Lecture.mp4 69.41Мб
4. Example - Fibonacci Sequence.mp4 82.29Мб
4. Garbage Collection.mp4 104.55Мб
4. Generator States - Lecture.mp4 61.04Мб
4. Imports and importlib.mp4 58.69Мб
4. Integers Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4 136.36Мб
4. Iterators - Lecture.mp4 120.59Мб
4. JSON Serialization - Lecture.mp4 139.74Мб
4. Lambda Expressions - Lecture.mp4 59.15Мб
4. Mutable Sequence Types - Lecture.mp4 149.92Мб
4. Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4 134.83Мб
4. Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4 105.20Мб
4. OrderedDict - Lecture.mp4 69.29Мб
4. Positional and Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4 19.20Мб
4. Project Solution Goal 3.mp4 90.24Мб
4. Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering.mp4 26.59Мб
4. Python Dictionaries.mp4 182.82Мб
4. Slicing - Lecture.mp4 62.45Мб
4. Solution 3.mp4 107.88Мб
4. Solution 3.mp4 33.40Мб
4. Solution 3.mp4 123.76Мб
4. Variable Names.mp4 53.20Мб
5.1 05 - Dynamic vs Static Typing.pdf.pdf 348.21Кб
5.1 05 - Import Variants.pdf.pdf 462.30Кб
5.1 05 - Iterators.zip.zip 2.58Кб
5.1 05 - Mutable Sequence Types.zip.zip 2.33Кб
5.1 05 - Slicing Iterables.zip.zip 2.65Кб
5.1 05 - Unpacking Iterables.pdf.pdf 440.51Кб
5.1 Coding Exercises - Solution 4.ipynb.zip.zip 2.45Кб
5.1 Common Operations.ipynb.zip.zip 5.59Кб
5.1 Conditionals.zip.zip 1.07Кб
5.1 Creating Sets.ipynb.zip.zip 3.85Кб
5.1 Generator States.zip.zip 2.27Кб
5.1 Integers - Bases and Constructors.zip.zip 3.99Кб
5.1 JSON Serialization.ipynb.zip.zip 6.75Кб
5.1 Lambda Expressions.zip.zip 1.34Кб
5.1 Making an Iterable from a Generator.pdf.pdf 401.14Кб
5.1 Named Tuples.zip.zip 7.34Кб
5.1 Nonlocal Scopes.zip.zip 1.79Кб
5.1 Not just a Context Manager.zip.zip 3.20Кб
5.1 OrderedDict.ipynb.zip.zip 4.83Кб
5.1 project_4_solution_goal_4.zip.zip 76.09Кб
5.1 Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs - Named Tuple Application.zip.zip 1.22Кб
5.2 Notebook (Dynamic vs Static Typing).zip.zip 899б
5. Common Operations - Coding.mp4 131.18Мб
5. Conditionals.mp4 24.04Мб
5. Creating Sets - Coding.mp4 57.60Мб
5. Dynamic vs Static Typing.mp4 25.37Мб
5. Generator States - Coding.mp4 25.22Мб
5. Import Variants and Misconceptions - Lecture.mp4 51.57Мб
5. Integers Constructors and Bases - Coding.mp4 66.57Мб
5. Iterators - Coding.mp4 52.76Мб
5. JSON Serialization - Coding.mp4 120.00Мб
5. Lambda Expressions - Coding.mp4 50.27Мб
5. Making an Iterable from a Generator - Lecture.mp4 143.47Мб
5. Mutable Sequence Types - Coding.mp4 71.01Мб
5. Named Tuples - Coding.mp4 127.92Мб
5. Nonlocal Scopes - Coding.mp4 45.23Мб
5. Not just a Context Manager.mp4 38.70Мб
5. OrderedDict - Coding.mp4 113.81Мб
5. Project Solution Goal 4.mp4 453.57Мб
5. Python's hash() Function.mp4 154.33Мб
5. Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs and Named Tuple Application.mp4 8.22Мб
5. Slicing - Coding.mp4 60.81Мб
5. Solution 4.mp4 27.31Мб
5. Unpacking Iterables - Lecture.mp4 60.78Мб
6.1 06 - Closures.pdf.pdf 483.20Кб
6.1 06 - Lists vs Tuples.zip.zip 4.76Кб
6.1 06 - Making an Iterable from a Generator.zip.zip 1.78Кб
6.1 06 - Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending.pdf.pdf 486.17Кб
6.1 06 - Rational Numbers.pdf.pdf 358.98Кб
6.1 06 - Variable Re-Assignment.pdf.pdf 304.47Кб
6.1 Additional Uses.pdf.pdf 366.38Кб
6.1 Functions.zip.zip 2.50Кб
6.1 Import Variants and Misconceptions.zip.zip 10.59Кб
6.1 Iterators and Iterables.pdf.pdf 457.09Кб
6.1 Lambdas and Sorting.zip.zip 1.92Кб
6.1 OrderedDict vs Plain Dict.ipynb.zip.zip 4.87Кб
6.1 Python 3.6 - Underscores and Numeric Literals.zip.zip 1.03Кб
6.1 Selecting and Filtering.pdf.pdf 391.75Кб
6.1 Unpacking Iterables.zip.zip 1.75Кб
6.2 Notebook (Variable Re-Assignment).zip.zip 846б
6. Additional Uses - Lecture.mp4 124.84Мб
6. Closures - Lecture.mp4 190.34Мб
6. Common Operations - Lecture.mp4 61.30Мб
6. Custom JSON Encoding - Lecture.mp4 47.89Мб
6. Dictionary Views - Lecture.mp4 205.75Мб
6. Functions.mp4 42.38Мб
6. Import Variants and Misconceptions - Coding.mp4 57.04Мб
6. Iterators and Iterables - Lecture.mp4 216.32Мб
6. Lambdas and Sorting.mp4 52.19Мб
6. Lists vs Tuples.mp4 119.71Мб
6. Making an Iterable from a Generator - Coding.mp4 28.20Мб
6. Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Lecture.mp4 73.45Мб
6. OrderedDict and Python 3.6 Dicts.mp4 121.91Мб
6. Python 3.6 - Underscores in Numeric Literals.mp4 4.94Мб
6. Rational Numbers - Lecture.mp4 69.55Мб
6. Selecting and Filtering - Lecture.mp4 190.09Мб
6. Sending to Generators - Lecture.mp4 280.42Мб
6. Unpacking Iterables - Coding.mp4 64.56Мб
6. Variable Re-Assignment.mp4 20.61Мб
7.1 07 - Example - Card Deck.zip.zip 2.37Кб
7.1 07 - Extended Unpacking.pdf.pdf 552.57Кб
7.1 07 - Iterators and Iterables.zip.zip 5.18Кб
7.1 07 - Object Mutability.pdf.pdf 369.25Кб
7.1 07 - Selecting and Filtering.zip.zip 2.74Кб
7.1 Additional Uses.zip.zip 3.24Кб
7.1 Challenge - Randomizing using Sorted.zip.zip 966б
7.1 Closures.zip.zip 4.18Кб
7.1 Common Set Operations.ipynb.zip.zip 4.62Кб
7.1 Custom JSON Encoding.ipynb.zip.zip 6.73Кб
7.1 Dictionary Views.ipynb.zip.zip 5.03Кб
7.1 Index Base and Slice Bounds.pdf.pdf 437.08Кб
7.1 Named Tuples - Modifying, Extending.zip.zip 3.67Кб
7.1 Python 3.6 - f-Strings.zip.zip 1.43Кб
7.1 Rational Numbers.zip.zip 4.05Кб
7.1 Reloading Modules.zip.zip 3.60Кб
7.1 Sending Data To Generators.zip.zip 3.78Кб
7.1 While Loops.zip.zip 2.04Кб
7.2 Notebook (Object Mutability).zip.zip 1.68Кб
7. Additional Uses - Coding.mp4 180.56Мб
7. Challenge - Randomize an Iterable using Sorted!!.mp4 8.33Мб
7. Closures - Coding.mp4 112.35Мб
7. Common Operations - Coding.mp4 63.58Мб
7. Counter - Lecture.mp4 95.62Мб
7. Custom JSON Encoding - Coding.mp4 221.62Мб
7. Dictionary Views - Coding.mp4 125.85Мб
7. Example - Card Deck.mp4 64.73Мб
7. Extended Unpacking - Lecture.mp4 83.39Мб
7. Index Base and Slice Bounds - Rationale.mp4 312.43Мб
7. Iterators and Iterables - Coding.mp4 153.38Мб
7. Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Coding.mp4 78.29Мб
7. Object Mutability.mp4 65.77Мб
7. Python 3.6 - f-Strings.mp4 12.51Мб
7. Rationals Numbers - Coding.mp4 41.48Мб
7. Reloading Modules.mp4 26.60Мб
7. Selecting and Filtering - Coding.mp4 65.12Мб
7. Sending to Generators - Coding.mp4 83.48Мб
7. The While Loop.mp4 42.67Мб
8.1 08 - Example 1 - Consuming Iterators Manually.zip.zip 17.57Кб
8.1 08 - Floats - Internal Representation.pdf.pdf 345.28Кб
8.1 08 - Function Introspection.pdf.pdf 462.80Кб
8.1 08 - Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values.pdf.pdf 426.20Кб
8.1 Break, Continue and Try Statements.zip.zip 1.17Кб
8.1 Closure Applications 1.zip.zip 2.09Кб
8.1 Copying Sequences.pdf.pdf 573.11Кб
8.1 Counter.ipynb.zip.zip 7.98Кб
8.1 Extended Unpacking.zip.zip 4.32Кб
8.1 Generator Expressions.pdf.pdf 344.74Кб
8.1 Generators and Context Managers.pdf.pdf 390.29Кб
8.1 Infinite Iterators.pdf.pdf 331.17Кб
8.1 Notebook (Function Arguments and Mutability).zip.zip 1.49Кб
8.1 Random Seeds.zip.zip 3.39Кб
8.1 Using __main__.zip.zip 1.29Кб
8.2 08 - Function Arguments and Mutability.pdf.pdf 379.38Кб
8. Break, Continue and the Try Statement.mp4 33.73Мб
8. Closing Generators - Lecture.mp4 160.68Мб
8. Closure Applications - Part 1.mp4 58.65Мб
8. Copying Sequences - Lecture.mp4 604.96Мб
8. Counter - Coding.mp4 201.00Мб
8. Example 1 - Consuming Iterators Manually.mp4 215.02Мб
8. Extended Unpacking - Coding.mp4 89.78Мб
8. Floats Internal Representations - Lecture.mp4 96.46Мб
8. Function Arguments and Mutability.mp4 69.08Мб
8. Function Introspection - Lecture.mp4 96.43Мб
8. Generator Expressions and Performance - Lecture.mp4 189.94Мб
8. Generators and Context Managers - Lecture.mp4 219.88Мб
8. Infinite Iterators - Lecture.mp4 112.87Мб
8. Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Lecture.mp4 66.14Мб
8. Random Seeds.mp4 26.51Мб
8. Set Operations - Lecture.mp4 151.41Мб
8. Updating, Merging, and Copying - Lecture.mp4 234.56Мб
8. Using __main__.mp4 63.53Мб
8. Using JSONEncoder - Lecture.mp4 221.12Мб
9.1 08 - Modules Recap.pdf.pdf 376.65Кб
9.1 09 - Copying Sequences.zip.zip 3.56Кб
9.1 09 - Example 2 - Cyclic Iterators.zip.zip 1.72Кб
9.1 09 - Generator Expressions.zip.zip 4.49Кб
9.1 09 - Infinite Iterators.zip.zip 3.25Кб
9.1 09 - Shared References and Mutability.pdf.pdf 364.71Кб
9.1 09 - star-args.pdf.pdf 317.43Кб
9.1 Closing Generators.zip.zip 12.03Кб
9.1 Closure Applications 2.zip.zip 2.38Кб
9.1 Custom Encoding using JSONEncoder.ipynb.zip.zip 7.76Кб
9.1 Floats - Internal Representation.zip.zip 2.73Кб
9.1 For Loop.zip.zip 2.26Кб
9.1 Function Introspection.zip.zip 4.68Кб
9.1 Generators and Context Managers.zip.zip 1.69Кб
9.1 Named Tuples - Docstrings, DefaultValues.zip.zip 2.89Кб
9.1 Random Choices.zip.zip 3.76Кб
9.1 Set Operations.ipynb.zip.zip 4.49Кб
9.1 Updating, Merging and Copying.ipynb.zip.zip 4.76Кб
9.2 Notebook (Shared References and Mutability).zip.zip 1.49Кб
9. args - Lecture.mp4 28.67Мб
9. ChainMap - Lecture.mp4 211.32Мб
9. Closing Generators - Coding.mp4 170.83Мб
9. Closure Applications - Part 2.mp4 75.28Мб
9. Copying Sequences - Coding.mp4 112.10Мб
9. Example 2 - Cyclic Iterators.mp4 143.29Мб
9. Floats Internal Representations - Coding.mp4 16.40Мб
9. Function Introspection - Coding.mp4 98.52Мб
9. Generator Expressions and Performance - Coding.mp4 171.66Мб
9. Generators and Context Managers - Coding.mp4 60.67Мб
9. Infinite Iterators - Coding.mp4 103.87Мб
9. Modules Recap.mp4 34.30Мб
9. Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Coding.mp4 56.82Мб
9. Random Choices.mp4 51.90Мб
9. Set Operations - Coding.mp4 78.20Мб
9. Shared References and Mutability.mp4 41.54Мб
9. The For Loop.mp4 56.04Мб
9. Updating, Merging, and Copying - Coding.mp4 153.97Мб
9. Using JSONEncoder - Coding.mp4 187.33Мб
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