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Название Приключения Джеки Чана (jackie-chan-adventures-1080p-ai-upscale)
Тип Фильм
Размер 117.96Гб
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Приключения Джеки Чана (сериал 2000 – 2005)
Название Приключения Джеки Чана (сериал 2000 – 2005)
Оригинальное название Jackie Chan Adventures
Год 2000
Страна США, Гонконг
Жанр мультфильм, фэнтези, боевик, комедия, приключения, семейный
Режиссёр Кристофер Беркли, Майкл Чанг, Энди Том, ...
В ролях Джеки Чан, Джеймс Си, Стэйси Чан, Саб Симоно, Ной Нельсон, Клэнси Браун, Адам Болдуин, Джулиан Сэндс, Джон Ди Маджио, Джеймс Хонг
Описание Образ анимационного персонажа Джеки объединил в себе черты сразу двух известных героев: прославленного археолога Индианы Джонса и всемирно известного актёра — Джеки Чана. Как и его прототип, Джеки путешествует по миру в поисках древностей, многие из которых обнаруживают в себе магические свойства. Кроме того, мультяшный Джеки как две капли воды похож на киноактёра, любимца и детей и взрослых — Джеки Чана. Подобно герою боевиков Джеки Чану, рисованный Джеки виртуозно владеет восточными единоборствами, он стремительный, неуловимый, он борется со злом во всех его проявлениях.
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Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x01 - The Dark Hand.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x01 - The Dark Hand.mp4 119.90Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x02 - The Power Within.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x02 - The Power Within.mp4 119.50Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x03 - The Mask of El Toro Fuerte.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x03 - The Mask of El Toro Fuerte.mp4 118.61Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x04 - Enter the Viper.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x04 - Enter the Viper.mp4 119.23Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x05 - Shell Game.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x05 - Shell Game.mp4 118.65Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x06 - Project A, for Astral.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x06 - Project A, for Astral.mp4 119.63Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x07 - Bullies.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x07 - Bullies.mp4 119.78Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x08 - Tough Break.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x08 - Tough Break.mp4 119.59Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x09 - The Rock.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x09 - The Rock.mp4 120.04Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x10 - The Jade Monkey.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x10 - The Jade Monkey.mp4 119.62Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x11 - The Dog and Piggy Show.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x11 - The Dog and Piggy Show.mp4 119.83Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x12 - The Tiger and the Pussycat.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x12 - The Tiger and the Pussycat.mp4 119.43Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x13 - Day of the Dragon.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 1x13 - Day of the Dragon.mp4 119.90Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x01 - The Stronger Evil.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x01 - The Stronger Evil.mp4 120.42Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x02 - The J-Team.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x02 - The J-Team.mp4 120.51Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x03 - Jade Times Jade.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x03 - Jade Times Jade.mp4 120.23Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x04 - Rumble In The Big House.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x04 - Rumble In The Big House.mp4 120.39Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x05 - And He Does His Own Stunts.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x05 - And He Does His Own Stunts.mp4 119.54Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x06 - Queen Of The Shadowkhan.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x06 - Queen Of The Shadowkhan.mp4 120.26Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x07 - Shanghai Moon.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x07 - Shanghai Moon.mp4 119.50Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x08 - Armor Of The Gods.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x08 - Armor Of The Gods.mp4 119.34Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x09 - Tale Of The Demon Tail.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x09 - Tale Of The Demon Tail.mp4 119.80Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x10 - The New Atlantis.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x10 - The New Atlantis.mp4 119.63Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x11 - The Eighth Door.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x11 - The Eighth Door.mp4 119.94Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x12 - Demon World, Part 1 Of 2.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x12 - Demon World, Part 1 Of 2.mp4 120.52Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x13 - Demon World, Part 2 Of 2.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x13 - Demon World, Part 2 Of 2.mp4 120.56Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x14 - Mother Of All Battles.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x14 - Mother Of All Battles.mp4 120.25Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x15 - Danger In The Deep Freeze.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x15 - Danger In The Deep Freeze.mp4 120.29Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x16 - Into The Mouth Of Evil.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x16 - Into The Mouth Of Evil.mp4 120.48Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x17 - Lost City Of The Muntabs.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x17 - Lost City Of The Muntabs.mp4 120.30Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x18 - The Lotus Temple.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x18 - The Lotus Temple.mp4 120.21Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x19 - The Curse Of El Chupacabra.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x19 - The Curse Of El Chupacabra.mp4 119.80Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x20 - Showdown In The Old West.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x20 - Showdown In The Old West.mp4 120.36Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x21 - Origami.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x21 - Origami.mp4 119.73Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x22 - Agent Tag.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x22 - Agent Tag.mp4 119.93Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x23 - The Return Of The Pussycat.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x23 - The Return Of The Pussycat.mp4 120.46Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x24 - Scouts Honor.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x24 - Scouts Honor.mp4 119.55Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x25 - The King And Jade.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x25 - The King And Jade.mp4 120.17Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x26 - Enter The Cat.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x26 - Enter The Cat.mp4 120.98Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x27 - Pleasure Cruise.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x27 - Pleasure Cruise.mp4 120.33Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x28- The Chosen One.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x28- The Chosen One.mp4 120.01Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x29 - Glove Story.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x29 - Glove Story.mp4 120.20Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x30 - Tough Luck.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x30 - Tough Luck.mp4 119.89Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x31 - The Amazing T-Girl.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x31 - The Amazing T-Girl.mp4 119.36Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x32 - The Chan Who Knew Too Much.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x32 - The Chan Who Knew Too Much.mp4 120.15Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x33 - Shrink Rap.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x33 - Shrink Rap.mp4 120.24Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x34 - I_ll Be A Monkey_s Puppet.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x34 - I_ll Be A Monkey_s Puppet.mp4 120.14Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x35 - Chi Of The Vampire.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x35 - Chi Of The Vampire.mp4 120.45Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x36 - The Good, The Bad, The Blind, The Deaf And The Mute.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x36 - The Good, The Bad, The Blind, The Deaf And The Mute.mp4 120.04Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x37 - The Warrior Incarnate.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x37 - The Warrior Incarnate.mp4 120.08Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x38 - Snake Hunt.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x38 - Snake Hunt.mp4 120.02Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x39 - Through The Rabbit Hole.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 2x39 - Through The Rabbit Hole.mp4 119.89Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x01 - Re-Enter the J Team.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x01 - Re-Enter the J Team.mp4 120.47Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x02 - The Powers Unleashed.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x02 - The Powers Unleashed.mp4 120.06Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x03 - Viva Las Jackies.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x03 - Viva Las Jackies.mp4 119.41Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x04 - Aztec Rat Race.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x04 - Aztec Rat Race.mp4 120.15Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x05 - Monkey a Go-Go.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x05 - Monkey a Go-Go.mp4 120.06Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x06 - When Pigs Fly.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x06 - When Pigs Fly.mp4 119.54Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x07 - Rabbit Run.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x07 - Rabbit Run.mp4 119.95Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x08 - Sheep in, Sheep Out.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x08 - Sheep in, Sheep Out.mp4 120.40Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x09 - The Invisible Mom.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x09 - The Invisible Mom.mp4 120.49Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x10 - A Jolly J-Team Xmas.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x10 - A Jolly J-Team Xmas.mp4 120.07Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x11 - Little Valmont, Big Jade.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x11 - Little Valmont, Big Jade.mp4 119.78Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x12 - The Ox-Head Incident.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x12 - The Ox-Head Incident.mp4 120.35Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x13 - Animal Crackers.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x13 - Animal Crackers.mp4 119.98Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x14 - Tohru Who.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x14 - Tohru Who.mp4 120.34Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x15 - Re-Enter the Dragon.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x15 - Re-Enter the Dragon.mp4 120.76Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x16 - A Night at the Opera.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x16 - A Night at the Opera.mp4 119.98Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x17 - Attack of the J-Clones.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 3x17 - Attack of the J-Clones.mp4 120.30Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x01 - The Masks of the Shadowkhan.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x01 - The Masks of the Shadowkhan.mp4 120.34Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x02 - Samurai Ratso.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x02 - Samurai Ratso.mp4 120.38Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x03 - The Amazing T-Troop.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x03 - The Amazing T-Troop.mp4 119.91Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x04 - Black Magic.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x04 - Black Magic.mp4 120.14Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x05 - The Demon Behind.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x05 - The Demon Behind.mp4 118.25Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x06 - Fright Fight Night.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x06 - Fright Fight Night.mp4 120.09Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x07 - Half a Mask of Kung-Fu.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x07 - Half a Mask of Kung-Fu.mp4 120.02Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x08 - The Shadow Eaters.mkv 1.13Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x08 - The Shadow Eaters.mp4 120.17Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x09 - The Good Guys.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x09 - The Good Guys.mp4 119.78Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x10 - J2 Rise of the Dragons.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x10 - J2 Rise of the Dragons.mp4 120.30Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x11 - The J-Tots.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x11 - The J-Tots.mp4 119.90Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x12 - Déjà Vu.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x12 - Déjà Vu.mp4 119.87Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x13 - Ninja Twilight.mkv 1.12Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 4x13 - Ninja Twilight.mp4 119.86Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x01 - Relics of Demons Past.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x01 - Relics of Demons Past.mp4 118.16Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x02 - It_s All in the Game.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x02 - It_s All in the Game.mp4 118.61Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x03 - Black and White and Chi All Over.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x03 - Black and White and Chi All Over.mp4 117.75Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x04 - Dragon Scouts.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x04 - Dragon Scouts.mp4 118.73Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x05 - The Demon Beneath My Wings.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x05 - The Demon Beneath My Wings.mp4 118.46Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x06 - Mirror, Mirror.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x06 - Mirror, Mirror.mp4 118.64Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x07 - Antler Action.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x07 - Antler Action.mp4 118.03Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x08 - Clash of the Titanics.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x08 - Clash of the Titanics.mp4 118.59Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x09 - Stealing Thunder.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x09 - Stealing Thunder.mp4 117.60Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x10 - Weight and See.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x10 - Weight and See.mp4 118.79Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x11 - J2 Revisited.mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x11 - J2 Revisited.mp4 118.72Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x12 - The Powers That Be (1).mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x12 - The Powers That Be (1).mp4 118.31Мб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x13 - The Powers That Be (2).mkv 1.11Гб
Jackie Chan Adventures - 5x13 - The Powers That Be (2).mp4 117.84Мб
Thumbs.db 66.00Кб
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