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Название Kush Audio - Complete Bundle (NO INSTALL, SymLink Installer) [VSEGDA KRASIVO REPACK 04.08.2022]
Размер 2.26Гб

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.DS_Store 6.00Кб
176 Creamer.preset 88б
50 Percenter.preset 180б
525 At It's Best.preset 88б
AC Guitar lift and sheen.preset 180б
Acoustic Guitar - 1.preset 88б
Acoustic Guitar - 2.preset 88б
Acoustic Guitar Plate.preset 68б
Aggressive Leveling.preset 88б
Aggressive Snap.preset 88б
Aggressive Snap.preset 88б
Airy Synths.preset 180б
Airy vocal open.preset 180б
Airy Widening.preset 180б
A Little Butta On My Toast.preset 80б
Amateur Hour.preset 88б
Ambient Guitar.preset 68б
Analog Burning Hot.preset 88б
API - Subtle Gooey Glue.preset 88б
API - Warm Thick & Loud.preset 88б
AR-1.vst3 16.41Мб
Assertively Tightened (Parallel).preset 80б
Ballistic College (JdM).preset 180б
Bass - Ampex Fuzzy Lows.preset 76б
Bass - API Drive.preset 76б
Bass - DI Needs Love 1.preset 144б
Bass - DI Needs Love 2.preset 144б
Bass - DI Needs Love 3.preset 144б
Bass Distortion.preset 88б
Bass - Fender Modernizer 1.preset 144б
Bass - Fender Modernizer 2.preset 144б
Bassgtr REVIVE.preset 180б
Bass Guitar.preset 88б
Bass - Jukebox Hero.preset 144б
Bass - Maybe Your Room is Bad.preset 144б
Bass - Presence.preset 180б
Bass - Shift the Weight Down 1.preset 144б
Bass - Shift the Weight Down 2.preset 144б
Bass - Shift the Weight Down 3.preset 144б
Bass - Sub Define.preset 180б
Bass - Sub Factory 1.preset 144б
Bass - Sub Factory 2.preset 144б
Bass - Sub Factory 3.preset 144б
Bass - Subtle Tube Definition.preset 76б
Bass - Sweet Neve Point.preset 76б
Bass Synth angry bird MS.preset 180б
Bass - Tone Enhancer.preset 180б
Bass - Vari-Mu Thumper.preset 76б
Beautiful Bloomer.preset 68б
Beautiful Bloomer.preset 68б
Beef It Up.preset 124б
Big.preset 180б
Big Drums.preset 68б
Blyss.vst3 15.57Мб
boobo.preset 180б
Bottom Reshaper.preset 124б
Bright.preset 180б
Bright Fairchild Knock.preset 88б
Bright Fairchild Knock.preset 88б
Bright Iron.preset 88б
Bright Vox.preset 68б
Bunch Of Width.preset 88б
Bunch Of WIIDDDDTTTTHHHH!.preset 88б
Cheap Mic Fixer.preset 80б
Chimey Thickness.preset 80б
Chocolate Cream.preset 80б
Choir Plate.preset 68б
Clariphonic DSP MKII.dll 36.27Мб
Classic For a Reason.preset 124б
Classic Plus Filtering.preset 124б
Claustrophobicized.preset 68б
Claustrophobicized.preset 68б
Clean & Transformless.preset 88б
Clean Green Machine.preset 80б
Clean Hollow Chuff.preset 68б
Clean Hollow Chuff.preset 68б
Come Together (Parallel).preset 80б
Compex Firm 2-1.preset 88б
Compex Limiter.preset 88б
Cool Plate.preset 68б
Creamy & Aggressive.preset 80б
Creamy and Thick.preset 124б
Creamy Density.preset 88б
Crunchy and Clicky .preset 124б
Crushed Tight Space.preset 68б
Crushed Tight Space.preset 68б
Crushed Wide Space.preset 68б
Crushed Wide Space.preset 68б
Crusty Old Spring.preset 68б
Crusty Old Spring.preset 68б
Dancing Percussives.preset 68б
Dancing Percussives.preset 68б
Dark & Dangerous.preset 68б
Dark & Dangerous.preset 68б
Dark Fairchild Thump.preset 88б
Dark Fairchild Thump.preset 88б
Darkly Bright.preset 80б
Dark Platre.preset 68б
Dark Smacker.preset 80б
Dark Times Ahead.preset 80б
Deep Down Dirty.preset 68б
Deep Gentle Wash.preset 68б
Deep Gentle Wash.preset 68б
Default.preset 80б
Default.preset 168б
Default.preset 64б
Default.preset 64б
Default.preset 68б
Default.preset 76б
Default.preset 168б
Dense & Glued.preset 88б
Diffuse Shimmer.preset 180б
Don't Tell Me To Relax!.preset 88б
Do These Drums Make Me Look Fat_!_.preset 88б
Drum Bus MS.preset 180б
Drum Buss - 1.preset 88б
Drum Buss - 2.preset 88б
Drum Buss Crush.preset 88б
Drum buss ENHANCE.preset 180б
Drum Buss Parallel - 1.preset 88б
Drum Buss Parallel - 2.preset 88б
Drum Buss Popper.preset 180б
Drum Buss Sizzle.preset 88б
Drum buss SPREAD1.preset 180б
Drum buss SPREAD2.preset 180б
Drum Buss Widener.preset 180б
Drum - Cloudlifter.preset 180б
Drum - I Love Hats.preset 180б
Drum - I Love Snare.preset 180б
Drum - Image Morph 1.preset 180б
Drum - Image Morph 2.preset 180б
Drum - Image Morph 3.preset 180б
Drum - Less Mud.preset 180б
Drum - Lift the Blanket.preset 180б
Drum Platre.preset 68б
Drums - Abbey Road Punch.preset 76б
Drums - Boxy Thud.preset 76б
Drums - Bus Enhancer.preset 180б
Drums - Clarified Transient.preset 76б
Drums - Dirty Presence.preset 76б
Drums - Filthy Backwards Pump.preset 76б
Drums - Flauer Pauer.preset 144б
Drums - Grainy Crunch.preset 76б
Drums - Green Pond Alge.preset 144б
Drums - Grimy Thwack.preset 76б
Drums - Hollow Thwack.preset 76б
Drums - Jerky Insanity.preset 76б
Drums - Kill the Paper 1.preset 144б
Drums - Kill the Paper 2.preset 144б
Drums - Lift the Lid 1.preset 144б
Drums - Lift the Lid 2.preset 144б
Drums - Lift the Lid 3.preset 144б
Drums - Muddy Helper 1.preset 144б
Drums - Muddy Helper 2.preset 144б
Drums - Serious Bottom.preset 144б
Drums - Slap Happy.preset 76б
Drums Snappy.preset 180б
Drums - Tight & Bright.preset 76б
Drums - Twitchy Plonk.preset 76б
Drums - Vintage Presence.preset 144б
Drums - Warm Syrupy Grunge.preset 76б
Drums - Willie Mitchell Bite.preset 144б
Drum - Veil Be Gone.preset 180б
Dry Hump.preset 80б
Echo Plate.preset 68б
EDM Acid Box Saw Mono.preset 180б
EDM Acid Box Sqr Mono.preset 180б
EDM Clap.preset 180б
EDM Distro Kick.preset 180б
EDM Distro Sweep Pad.preset 180б
EDM Hollywood Cowbell.preset 180б
EDM Minimal Kick.preset 180б
EDM Pad.preset 180б
EDM Pad Sweep Res.preset 180б
EDM Reese Bass.preset 180б
EDM String.preset 180б
Electra DSPx64.vst3 15.11Мб
Electric Guitar Buss - 1.preset 88б
Electric Guitar Buss - 2.preset 88б
Energized Vintage Punch.preset 88б
Engine.eng 97.81Кб
Ethereal Voice.preset 68б
Ethnic Percussion.preset 68б
Factory Default.preset 124б
Factory Default.preset 144б
Factory Default.preset 88б
Factory Default.preset 48б
Factory Default.preset 88б
Fairchild Pusher.preset 88б
Fast FET Smoothness.preset 88б
Fat Drums.preset 68б
FET Smooth.preset 88б
Filtered Dreamstate.preset 68б
Filtered Dreamstate.preset 68б
Filthy Dirty.preset 88б
Filthy - Max.preset 80б
Filthy - Med.preset 80б
Filthy - Min.preset 80б
Fire In The Hole.preset 80б
Firm & Clear Grab.preset 88б
Firm Vintage Leveling.preset 88б
Five Two Five Lovin.preset 124б
Floaty Density.preset 80б
Floyd Wash.preset 68б
Fluttering Uneasiness.preset 68б
Fluttering Uneasiness.preset 68б
Focused 15' Room.preset 68б
Focused 15' Room.preset 68б
Focus the Extremes.preset 124б
fungo.preset 180б
fuzzy dbx .preset 88б
Fuzzy Smoothness.preset 88б
Fuzzy Warm Embrace.preset 88б
Gentle But Firm.preset 80б
Gentle Pressure.preset 80б
Gentle Warmth and Presence.preset 124б
Gently Packed and Shiney.preset 124б
Gently Softened Peaks.preset 88б
Gold Plate.preset 68б
Goldplate.vst3 15.17Мб
Gone is the Hardness.preset 124б
Grinding Presence.preset 124б
Growling FET meets Diode Grind.preset 88б
Growling FET Tightener.preset 88б
Gtrs - Aggressive Bite.preset 180б
Gtrs - Gentle Rise.preset 180б
Gtrs - Vocal Separation 1.preset 180б
Gtrs - Vocal Separation 2.preset 180б
Gtrs - Vocal Separation 3.preset 180б
Gtrs - Vocal Separation 4.preset 180б
Gtrs - Zap Crackle Pop.preset 180б
Guitar Plate.preset 68б
Guitars with Attitude.preset 180б
Guitar Western top end.preset 180б
Halo of Clarity.preset 68б
Halo of Clarity.preset 68б
Hammer DSP.vst3 15.43Мб
Harsh Midrange Fixer.preset 88б
head glue.preset 180б
Heavy & Clicky.preset 88б
Heavy Boom Control.preset 124б
Heavy Germ Nasty Smack Comp.preset 88б
Heavy Transformer Punch.preset 88б
Heavy Transformer Punch.preset 88б
Heavy Tube Overtones.preset 88б
Heavy Zener Nasty Fast Comp.preset 88б
Honeypot (Parallel).preset 80б
Hop on the Neev Buss.preset 124б
Huge Bottom Smacky Top.preset 88б
Hybrid Bright Aggression.preset 88б
Hybrid Tight Aggression.preset 88б
Hype Factory.preset 124б
In A Box.preset 68б
Industry Standard Punch.preset 80б
Inside Out.preset 124б
In The Pocket.preset 68б
Inverted Loveliness.preset 88б
In Your Face Vocals Bus.preset 180б
It Shoudn't Work, But It Does.preset 88б
Just Plain Sweet.preset 88б
Just Plate.preset 68б
Kick Drum - 1.preset 88б
Kick Drum - 2.preset 88б
Kick Kontrol.preset 124б
Kush UBK-1x64.dll 6.67Мб
Last Lickz (JdM).preset 180б
Lead Vox - 1.preset 88б
Lead Vox - 2.preset 88б
Lead Vox - Don't Move!.preset 88б
Left Right.preset 180б
Lifted Vocals Bus.preset 180б
Light Dirt.preset 180б
Light Germ Firm Clean Comp .preset 88б
Light Zener Gentle Clean Comp .preset 88б
Looks LIke It Sounds Great.preset 80б
Low End Sweetener.preset 124б
Magic Chamber.preset 68б
Magic Chamber.preset 68б
Magnetic - Clipped Cobalt.preset 76б
Magnetic - Juiced Solidity.preset 76б
Magnetic - Odd-order Density.preset 76б
Magnetic - Spectral Ghost.preset 76б
Manley But Polite Grip.preset 88б
Many More Thicks.preset 124б
Massive Bottom, Hammered Top.preset 88б
Massive Bottom, Hammered Top.preset 88б
Mastering - Side Opener.preset 180б
Mastering - Smoothie.preset 180б
Mastering - Stereo Bliss.preset 180б
Medium Germ Aggro Snap Comp.preset 88б
Medium Zener Super Punchy Comp.preset 88б
MFX 1.preset 180б
Mix - A Gentle Awakening.preset 180б
Mix - Aggressive Modern Scoop 1.preset 144б
Mix - Aggressive Modern Scoop 2.preset 144б
Mix - Aggressive Modern Scoop 3.preset 144б
Mix - Air to the Throne.preset 180б
Mix - A Rude Awakening.preset 180б
Mix - Assertive Shine.preset 180б
Mix Buss .preset 88б
Mix buss AIR.preset 180б
Mix Buss - Airy.preset 88б
Mix Buss - Hairy.preset 88б
Mix buss SERIOUS.preset 180б
Mix Buss - SSL.preset 88б
Mix Bus subtle MS.preset 180б
Mix - Classic Mastering 1.preset 180б
Mix - Classic Mastering 2.preset 180б
Mix - Classic Mastering 3.preset 180б
Mix - Classic Mastering 4.preset 180б
Mix - Diffuse Width.preset 180б
Mix - Focused Width.preset 180б
Mix Lift.tfx 1.03Кб
Mix Lift MS.tfx 1.03Кб
Mix - Modernize 1.preset 180б
Mix - Modernize 2.preset 180б
Mix - Modernize 3.preset 180б
Mix - Outhouse in the Penthouse 1.preset 144б
Mix - Outhouse in the Penthouse 2.preset 144б
Mix - Pay Attention.preset 180б
Mix Pop MS.preset 180б
Mix - Simple Clarifier 1.preset 144б
Mix - Simple Clarifier 2.preset 144б
Mix - Simple Clarifier 3.preset 144б
Mix - Soft in the Middle.preset 180б
Mix - So Spreading.preset 180б
Mix - Strangely Helpful Cuts 1.preset 144б
Mix - Strangely Helpful Cuts 2.preset 144б
Mix - Strangely Helpful Cuts 3.preset 144б
Mix - Strangely Helpful Cuts 4.preset 144б
Mix - Strangely Helpful Cuts 5.preset 144б
Mix - Subtle Modern Glue.preset 144б
Mix - Subtle Pulled Tech.preset 144б
Mix - Subtle Vintage Points 1.preset 144б
Mix - Subtle Vintage Points 2.preset 144б
Mix - Such Widen.preset 180б
Mix - Treble Inverter 1.preset 180б
Mix - Treble Inverter 2.preset 180б
Mix - Treble Inverter 3.preset 180б
Mix - Treble Inverter 4.preset 180б
Mix - Treble Inverter 5.preset 180б
Mix - Up & Out.preset 180б
Mix - Vocal Snare Enhance.preset 180б
Mix - Vocal Snare Push.preset 180б
Mix - Vocal Snare Slam.preset 180б
Mix Winner!.preset 88б
Moderately Stiff.preset 80б
Moderate - Max.preset 80б
Moderate - Med.preset 80б
Moderate - Min.preset 80б
Modern Shine.preset 124б
Modestly Embiggened.preset 68б
Modestly Embiggened.preset 68б
Modestly Embiggened.preset 68б
MONO Wide.preset 180б
Moonlight Swimming.preset 68б
Moonlight Swimming.preset 68б
More of Everything Please.preset 124б
More of Everything Please 2.preset 124б
More Thud, Less Paper.preset 124б
MS13 (JdM).preset 180б
Muffler.preset 180б
Multi Vox.preset 68б
Muscular Diode Grip.preset 88б
MY 808 DrumLoop Focus & Silk.preset 180б
MY 808 Trap Duality ClariFocus DR.preset 180б
MY Acst Gt Duality.preset 180б
My Acst Gt Duality II.preset 180б
MY Acst Gt MidFocus.preset 180б
MY Acst Gt Open SheenBody.preset 180б
MY Body Soft Shime Master B.preset 180б
MY ClariPhy DRUMS.preset 180б
MY Drum Mud Out.preset 180б
MY Hollywood Strings Rise.preset 180б
Nailed Down & Growlin'.preset 88б
Neutral and Clear.preset 88б
Nobody Moves.preset 80б
noon.preset 180б
Novatron.vst3 16.65Мб
Omega 458A.dll 15.40Мб
Omega A.dll 15.31Мб
Omega N.dll 16.23Мб
Omega TWK.dll 14.52Мб
Ooogle Organza (Jdm).preset 180б
Open & Defined.preset 80б
Overdriven dbx .preset 88б
Overdriven dbx .preset 88б
Overheads open up.preset 180б
Percussion drive.preset 180б
Piano - Mid Presence.preset 180б
Piano - Side Sheen.preset 180б
Piano - Special Sauce.preset 180б
Pinned to the Wall.preset 124б
Plate 4 Brass.preset 68б
Plate Gate.preset 68б
Politely Polished.preset 68б
Politely Polished.preset 68б
Polsfussy (JdM).preset 180б
Preferences.xml 147б
Preferences.xml 147б
Preferences.xml 169б
Preferences.xml 139б
Preferences.xml 106б
Preferences.xml 106б
Preferences.xml 106б
Preferences.xml 98б
Preferences.xml 98б
Pressed Germanium Midrange.preset 88б
Probably Not a Good Idea.preset 88б
Proximity Fixer.preset 124б
Punchy Bottom Soft Top.preset 88б
Punchy Parallel Loudness.preset 88б
Pusherx64.dll 15.79Мб
Quivering Yet Calm.preset 68б
Quivering Yet Calm.preset 68б
RCA Meets CBS.preset 88б
REDDI.vst3 15.00Мб
Relaxed and Clean (ish).preset 88б
res.px 436.16Мб
res.px 301.43Мб
res.px 33.08Мб
res.px 47.75Мб
res.px 161.32Мб
res.px 261.10Мб
res.px 26.28Мб
res.px 13.19Мб
res.px 687.28Мб
res.px 37.76Мб
Respectfully Clipped.preset 124б
Rich Density.preset 80б
Rich Plate.preset 68б
Rockgtrs stereo IGNITE.preset 180б
Rock Plate.preset 68б
Room to Breathe.preset 68б
Room to Breathe.preset 68б
Rounded & Lush.preset 80б
Rounder and Sweeter.preset 124б
Round Punch.preset 88б
Round Punch.preset 88б
Saturated Fat.preset 80б
Scoop the Center.preset 124б
Sheen Machine (JdM).preset 180б
Shifting & Uplifting .preset 68б
Shifting & Uplifting .preset 68б
Short Platre.preset 68б
sidedish.preset 180б
SILIKA.vst3 16.64Мб
Silky and Soft.preset 124б
Silky Guitar.tfx 1.04Кб
Silky Guitar MS.tfx 1.04Кб
Sixties Chime.preset 80б
Sizzle Brizzle.preset 124б
Smack Daddy (Parallel).preset 80б
Small Vox Plate.preset 68б
Smashed and De-Hashed.preset 80б
Smiles Everyone.preset 124б
Smoothing Effects.preset 88б
Snare & Vocal Pressor.preset 88б
Snare - 1.preset 88б
Snare - 2.preset 88б
Snare - Parallel.preset 88б
Snare presence.preset 180б
Snare Trap (JdM).preset 180б
Soft & Wide.preset 88б
Soft and Warm.preset 80б
Solid Punch.preset 88б
Something is Wrong.preset 88б
Something is Wrong.preset 88б
Spitty Singer Fixer.preset 88б
SSL - Classic Definition.preset 88б
SSL - Modern GLue.preset 88б
SSL on Steroids.preset 88б
STA Leveled.preset 88б
Subtle - Max.preset 80б
Subtle - Med.preset 80б
Subtle - Min.preset 80б
Subtle Shimmer.preset 80б
Sweetly Saturated Squeeze.preset 88б
Swift and Certain.preset 88б
SymLink DeInstaller.cmd 2.28Кб
SymLink Installer.cmd 2.45Кб
Synth Lead.preset 68б
Synth Pads.preset 68б
Take it Easy Marshall.preset 124б
tense.preset 180б
Terrifically Broken.preset 88б
The Bat Cave.preset 68б
Tight and Punchy.preset 80б
Tight Kick.tfx 1.04Кб
Tight Latin Percussion.preset 180б
Tight Platre.preset 68б
Tilting Skywards.preset 124б
togetherness.preset 180б
Tom Buss.preset 88б
Tom Buss Parallel.preset 88б
Too Soon_.preset 88б
Tres Vintage.preset 124б
Tube Shine.preset 80б
Tubey Darkness.preset 80б
Tucked In With the Crispness.preset 124б
-- TUNED FOR -3VU INPUT PEAKS --.preset 88б
-- TUNED FOR -5VU INPUT PEAKS --.preset 88б
-- TUNED FOR -5VU INPUT PEAKS --.preset 88б
-- TUNED FOR -7VU INPUT PEAKS --.preset 88б
UBK-1.vst3 15.77Мб
Undigitizer.preset 124б
unins000.dat 19.09Кб
unins000.dat 18.61Кб
unins000.dat 10.07Кб
unins000.dat 27.82Кб
unins000.dat 9.91Кб
unins000.dat 16.98Кб
unins000.exe 1.15Мб
unins000.exe 1.15Мб
unins000.exe 1.15Мб
unins000.exe 1.34Мб
unins000.exe 1.15Мб
unins000.exe 1.15Мб
USER MANUAL - AR-1.pdf 4.47Мб
USER MANUAL - Blyss.pdf 8.29Мб
USER MANUAL - Electra DSP.pdf 4.17Мб
USER MANUAL - Goldplate.pdf 4.35Мб
USER MANUAL - Hammer DSP.pdf 3.01Мб
USER MANUAL - Novatron.pdf 4.51Мб
USER MANUAL - Pusher.pdf 1.42Мб
Velvet Crush.preset 80б
Very Bright and Wide Mix.preset 180б
Vintage 525 Smoother.preset 124б
Vintage Midrange Focus.preset 124б
Vocal - 525 Driven Hard.preset 76б
Vocal - Big Hair.preset 76б
Vocal Bliss.preset 68б
Vocal - Classic Brightener.preset 144б
Vocal - Colored Leveler.preset 76б
Vocal Echo Plate.preset 68б
Vocal - Feminine Body.preset 144б
Vocal focus.preset 180б
Vocal - Maybe It Needs Air 1.preset 144б
Vocal - Maybe It Needs Air 2.preset 144б
Vocal - Maybe It Needs Air 3.preset 144б
Vocal - Neve Mid Pockets.preset 76б
Vocal - Old Ribbony Tone 1.preset 144б
Vocal - Old Ribbony Tone 2.preset 144б
Vocal Plate.preset 68б
Vocal Plate 2.preset 68б
Vocal - Self Harmonizer.preset 76б
Vocal - Something is Broken.preset 76б
Vocal - Too Close to a Crap Mic 1.preset 144б
Vocal - Too Close to a Crap Mic 2.preset 144б
Vocal - Twirling Underfuzz.preset 76б
Vox Airy.preset 180б
Vox - Articulation Boost.preset 180б
Vox - Dynamic Mic Lifter.preset 180б
Vox - Make It Pop.preset 180б
Vox male EDGE.preset 180б
Vox - Proximity Correction.preset 180б
Vox - Radiophonic 1.preset 180б
Vox - Radiophonic 2.preset 180б
Vox - Radiophonic 3.preset 180б
Vox - Rarefied Air.preset 180б
Vox - Smooth and Forward.preset 180б
Vox - Soft Lift.preset 180б
Warm Fuzzy Blanket.preset 68б
Warm Fuzzy Blanket.preset 68б
Warm Iron.preset 88б
What's On Your Mixbuss_!_.preset 88б
What the What.preset 80б
Wholly Busted.preset 88б
Who Needs Transients Anyway.preset 88б
Wide Drums .tfx 1.04Кб
Wide Drums MS.tfx 1.04Кб
Widener - Cool Telephonic Spread.preset 144б
Widener - Murky Width 1.preset 144б
Widener - Murky Width 2.preset 144б
Widener - Up and Out.preset 144б
Widener - Warm Telephonic Spread 1.preset 144б
Widener - Warm Telephonic Spread 2.preset 144б
Widener - Wide Presence 1.preset 144б
Widener - Wide Presence 2.preset 144б
Wide Piano.preset 180б
Wide Vocals Bus.preset 180б
Wobbly Growl.preset 88б
Zep Would Be Proud.preset 88б
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