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1.1 IP_Heli_Camera_Scripts.zip |
5.80Кб |
1.1 IP_HeliCourse_Vehicles_08032020.zip |
403.68Мб |
1.1 IP_HeliPhysics_01162019.zip |
451.97Мб |
1.1 IP_HeliPhysics_05012019.zip |
492.24Мб |
1.1 IP_HeliPhysics_06092019.zip |
490.24Мб |
1.1 VFX_Muzzle_Flash.zip |
129.13Кб |
1.2 IP_HeliPhysics_06092019.zip |
490.24Мб |
1.2 IP_Huey_VFX_Assets_08112019.zip |
996.04Кб |
1.3 IP_Huey_VFX_Shaders_08132019.zip |
22.15Кб |
1. And so we Conclude.mp4 |
12.89Мб |
1. And so we Conclude.srt |
3.87Кб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
9.46Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
8.22Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
50.95Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
6.14Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
7.46Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
9.38Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
5.63Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
5.12Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
9.01Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
5.88Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
8.38Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
8.43Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
9.96Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
8.75Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
8.55Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
11.66Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
10.04Мб |
1. Introduction.mp4 |
15.47Мб |
1. Introduction.srt |
3.03Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.39Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
6.38Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
1.91Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.66Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
3.50Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.01Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.07Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.97Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.34Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.98Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.66Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
3.26Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.87Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
2.43Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
3.29Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
3.49Кб |
1. Introduction.srt |
4.95Кб |
1. Pre-Reqs.mp4 |
11.35Мб |
1. Pre-Reqs.srt |
3.21Кб |
10. Adding some Weapon Audio.mp4 |
77.47Мб |
10. Adding some Weapon Audio.srt |
7.00Кб |
10. Auto Leveling - Part 2.mp4 |
192.96Мб |
10. Auto Leveling - Part 2.srt |
17.16Кб |
10. Blurring the Tail Rotor.mp4 |
81.08Мб |
10. Blurring the Tail Rotor.srt |
8.67Кб |
10. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 3.mp4 |
40.64Мб |
10. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 3.srt |
4.90Кб |
11. Adding Cyclic Force.mp4 |
166.33Мб |
11. Adding Cyclic Force.srt |
16.88Кб |
11. Clamping Inputs.mp4 |
37.62Мб |
11. Clamping Inputs.srt |
6.23Кб |
11. Conclusion.mp4 |
5.62Мб |
11. Conclusion.srt |
2.16Кб |
12. Creating the Input Controller.mp4 |
84.64Мб |
12. Creating the Input Controller.srt |
15.71Кб |
2.1 Heli_Physics_Code_Diagram.zip |
2.30Кб |
2.1 IP_Framework_12302018.zip |
2.25Мб |
2.1 IP_HeliPhysics_Ships_05012019.zip |
39.87Мб |
2.1 IP_Rigidbody_01232019.zip |
526.82Кб |
2. Capturing the Default Rotor.mp4 |
52.94Мб |
2. Capturing the Default Rotor.srt |
8.62Кб |
2. Creating a New Weapon Type.mp4 |
133.36Мб |
2. Creating a New Weapon Type.srt |
16.01Кб |
2. Demo Flight.mp4 |
91.44Мб |
2. Demo Flight.srt |
6.51Кб |
2. Designing the System.mp4 |
26.35Мб |
2. Designing the System.srt |
3.25Кб |
2. Getting Comfy with Draw.io.mp4 |
74.79Мб |
2. Getting Comfy with Draw.io.srt |
10.78Кб |
2. Introduction to the Rigidbody in Unity.mp4 |
115.57Мб |
2. Introduction to the Rigidbody in Unity.srt |
11.23Кб |
2. Muzzle Flash - Houdini Overview.mp4 |
51.15Мб |
2. Muzzle Flash - Houdini Overview.srt |
7.18Кб |
2. Physics Review and New Models!.mp4 |
93.85Мб |
2. Physics Review and New Models!.srt |
10.08Кб |
2. Setting up the Indie-Pixel Framework.mp4 |
45.97Мб |
2. Setting up the Indie-Pixel Framework.srt |
10.13Кб |
2. Setting up the new Camera.mp4 |
84.84Мб |
2. Setting up the new Camera.srt |
8.79Кб |
2. Stubbing in the Controller Script.mp4 |
88.79Мб |
2. Stubbing in the Controller Script.srt |
15.01Кб |
2. Stubbing in the Input Scripts.mp4 |
120.03Мб |
2. Stubbing in the Input Scripts.srt |
17.06Кб |
2. Stubbing in the Script.mp4 |
36.81Мб |
2. Stubbing in the Script.mp4 |
115.84Мб |
2. Stubbing in the Script.srt |
5.62Кб |
2. Stubbing in the Script.srt |
13.58Кб |
2. Stubbing in the Scripts.mp4 |
107.83Мб |
2. Stubbing in the Scripts.srt |
12.59Кб |
2. Stub In the Scripts.mp4 |
106.89Мб |
2. Stub In the Scripts.srt |
14.44Кб |
2. Theory of Lift.mp4 |
62.63Мб |
2. Theory of Lift.srt |
10.15Кб |
2. Understanding the Four Forces Acting on a Helicopter.mp4 |
20.37Мб |
2. Understanding the Four Forces Acting on a Helicopter.srt |
5.35Кб |
2. Updating the Helicopter Menu Setup.mp4 |
117.41Мб |
2. Updating the Helicopter Menu Setup.srt |
17.09Кб |
3.1 IP_Huey_Vehicles_09022019.zip |
403.67Мб |
3.2 IP_HeliPhysics_10072018_001.zip |
27.90Мб |
3. Adding to our Inputs.mp4 |
170.74Мб |
3. Adding to our Inputs.srt |
20.16Кб |
3. Animating the Gatling Gun.mp4 |
73.40Мб |
3. Animating the Gatling Gun.srt |
12.47Кб |
3. Basic Follow Camera.mp4 |
225.00Мб |
3. Basic Follow Camera.srt |
28.01Кб |
3. Creating a Base Camera Class.mp4 |
135.16Мб |
3. Creating a Base Camera Class.srt |
20.04Кб |
3. Creating a Sticky Collective.mp4 |
114.01Мб |
3. Creating a Sticky Collective.srt |
13.17Кб |
3. Handling the Helicopter Lift.mp4 |
74.87Мб |
3. Handling the Helicopter Lift.srt |
10.20Кб |
3. Helicopter Model Walkthrough.mp4 |
154.33Мб |
3. Helicopter Model Walkthrough.srt |
14.04Кб |
3. Helicopter System - Code Review.mp4 |
101.78Мб |
3. Helicopter System - Code Review.srt |
13.19Кб |
3. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 1.mp4 |
122.06Мб |
3. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 1.srt |
21.19Кб |
3. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 1.mp4 |
141.90Мб |
3. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 1.srt |
11.96Кб |
3. Preparing the Development Scene.mp4 |
59.65Мб |
3. Preparing the Development Scene.srt |
9.13Кб |
3. Requiring Components.mp4 |
92.00Мб |
3. Requiring Components.srt |
13.25Кб |
3. Setting up the Houdini Network.mp4 |
104.61Мб |
3. Setting up the Houdini Network.srt |
17.63Кб |
3. Setting up the Huey - Basic Components.mp4 |
81.64Мб |
3. Setting up the Huey - Basic Components.srt |
10.06Кб |
3. Stubbing in the Core Weapons System.mp4 |
75.81Мб |
3. Stubbing in the Core Weapons System.srt |
9.20Кб |
3. Stubbing in the Engine Script.mp4 |
97.66Мб |
3. Stubbing in the Engine Script.srt |
15.81Кб |
3. Stub in the Scripts.mp4 |
50.47Мб |
3. Stub in the Scripts.srt |
6.62Кб |
3. Using C# Interfaces.mp4 |
97.03Мб |
3. Using C# Interfaces.srt |
15.52Кб |
3. Using the Force.mp4 |
159.69Мб |
3. Using the Force.srt |
21.07Кб |
4. Adding the VFX.mp4 |
93.10Мб |
4. Adding the VFX.srt |
8.04Кб |
4. Automatic Render Button.mp4 |
71.26Мб |
4. Automatic Render Button.srt |
14.38Кб |
4. Calculating Degrees per Second from RPM's.mp4 |
140.80Мб |
4. Calculating Degrees per Second from RPM's.srt |
17.11Кб |
4. Camera Switching.mp4 |
96.38Мб |
4. Camera Switching.srt |
13.25Кб |
4. Coding the Base Weapon Script.mp4 |
57.43Мб |
4. Coding the Base Weapon Script.srt |
13.47Кб |
4. Following within a Range.mp4 |
242.59Мб |
4. Following within a Range.srt |
27.36Кб |
4. Handling the Helicopter Cyclic.mp4 |
65.53Мб |
4. Handling the Helicopter Cyclic.srt |
7.96Кб |
4. Hooking the Engine up to the Controller.mp4 |
105.24Мб |
4. Hooking the Engine up to the Controller.srt |
16.16Кб |
4. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 2.mp4 |
102.21Мб |
4. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 2.srt |
15.70Кб |
4. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 2.mp4 |
176.84Мб |
4. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 2.srt |
12.84Кб |
4. Positioning the Camera.mp4 |
120.70Мб |
4. Positioning the Camera.srt |
13.05Кб |
4. Preparing the Helicopter - Part 1.mp4 |
88.79Мб |
4. Preparing the Helicopter - Part 1.srt |
10.57Кб |
4. Section 003 Quiz.html |
161б |
4. Setting up the Huey - Colliders.mp4 |
87.31Мб |
4. Setting up the Huey - Colliders.srt |
11.58Кб |
4. Stub in the Characteristics Script.mp4 |
104.94Мб |
4. Stub in the Characteristics Script.srt |
14.56Кб |
4. Torque Forces.mp4 |
106.57Мб |
4. Torque Forces.srt |
14.98Кб |
4. Updating The Base Rigibody Class.mp4 |
47.52Мб |
4. Updating The Base Rigibody Class.srt |
6.38Кб |
4. Wrap Up!.mp4 |
5.34Мб |
4. Wrap Up!.srt |
1.55Кб |
5. Adding a Lead to the Camera.mp4 |
53.13Мб |
5. Adding a Lead to the Camera.srt |
6.82Кб |
5. Adding the Arcade Characteristics Script.mp4 |
67.27Мб |
5. Adding the Arcade Characteristics Script.srt |
9.98Кб |
5. Automation with Menu Items.mp4 |
145.11Мб |
5. Automation with Menu Items.srt |
22.45Кб |
5. Calculating Horsepower and RPM's.mp4 |
29.45Мб |
5. Calculating Horsepower and RPM's.srt |
4.76Кб |
5. Coding the Weapon Controller.mp4 |
50.24Мб |
5. Coding the Weapon Controller.srt |
8.20Кб |
5. Conclusion.mp4 |
6.23Мб |
5. Conclusion.srt |
2.78Кб |
5. Creating Lift - Part 1.mp4 |
87.48Мб |
5. Creating Lift - Part 1.srt |
11.43Кб |
5. Creating the Cockpit Camera.mp4 |
191.34Мб |
5. Creating the Cockpit Camera.srt |
19.20Кб |
5. Handling the Helicopter Pedal.mp4 |
79.49Мб |
5. Handling the Helicopter Pedal.srt |
10.57Кб |
5. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 3.mp4 |
117.26Мб |
5. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 3.srt |
17.70Кб |
5. Modifying the Blade Pitch.mp4 |
118.71Мб |
5. Modifying the Blade Pitch.srt |
13.79Кб |
5. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 3.mp4 |
57.66Мб |
5. Muzzle Flash Particle System – Part 3.srt |
6.03Кб |
5. Preparing the Helicopter - Part 2.mp4 |
171.36Мб |
5. Preparing the Helicopter - Part 2.srt |
16.74Кб |
5. Rotating within a Range and Speed.mp4 |
193.27Мб |
5. Rotating within a Range and Speed.srt |
19.62Кб |
5. Utilizing Drag.mp4 |
124.36Мб |
5. Utilizing Drag.srt |
17.12Кб |
6.1 ip_heli_rotor_blur_textures.zip |
9.47Мб |
6. Adding to the Inputs.mp4 |
111.18Мб |
6. Adding to the Inputs.srt |
12.68Кб |
6. Banking.mp4 |
170.31Мб |
6. Banking.srt |
19.12Кб |
6. Blurring the Rotors - Part 1.mp4 |
141.67Мб |
6. Blurring the Rotors - Part 1.srt |
16.77Кб |
6. Camera System Polish.mp4 |
104.04Мб |
6. Camera System Polish.srt |
11.58Кб |
6. Conclusion.mp4 |
7.54Мб |
6. Conclusion.srt |
2.88Кб |
6. Creating Lift - Part 2.mp4 |
127.51Мб |
6. Creating Lift - Part 2.srt |
13.76Кб |
6. Heat Distortion Particle System – Part 1.mp4 |
92.61Мб |
6. Heat Distortion Particle System – Part 1.srt |
7.36Кб |
6. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 4.mp4 |
137.18Мб |
6. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 4.srt |
17.23Кб |
6. Setting up our Post Effects.mp4 |
150.66Мб |
6. Setting up our Post Effects.srt |
19.83Кб |
6. Smoothing the Camera Motion.mp4 |
72.63Мб |
6. Smoothing the Camera Motion.srt |
8.32Кб |
6. Understanding Weight.mp4 |
95.97Мб |
6. Understanding Weight.srt |
13.23Кб |
6. Using Animation Curves to model Power Efficiency.mp4 |
106.20Мб |
6. Using Animation Curves to model Power Efficiency.srt |
15.13Кб |
6. Visualizing the MinMax Range.mp4 |
163.65Мб |
6. Visualizing the MinMax Range.srt |
18.10Кб |
7.1 Huey_Projectile_Assets.zip |
31.77Кб |
7. Blurring the Rotors - Part 2.mp4 |
144.48Мб |
7. Blurring the Rotors - Part 2.srt |
17.35Кб |
7. Conclusion.mp4 |
8.19Мб |
7. Conclusion.mp4 |
4.99Мб |
7. Conclusion.srt |
3.46Кб |
7. Conclusion.srt |
1.64Кб |
7. Creating a Projectile.mp4 |
138.28Мб |
7. Creating a Projectile.srt |
10.84Кб |
7. Creating Tail Rotor Torque.mp4 |
94.20Мб |
7. Creating Tail Rotor Torque.srt |
8.64Кб |
7. Ground Height.mp4 |
125.15Мб |
7. Ground Height.srt |
13.64Кб |
7. Heat Distortion Particle System – Part 2.mp4 |
126.49Мб |
7. Heat Distortion Particle System – Part 2.srt |
10.46Кб |
7. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 5.mp4 |
140.13Мб |
7. Hooking up Keyboard Inputs - Part 5.srt |
22.49Кб |
7. Implementing a Sticky Throttle.mp4 |
99.95Мб |
7. Implementing a Sticky Throttle.srt |
15.51Кб |
7. Making a Hovering Object.mp4 |
207.47Мб |
7. Making a Hovering Object.srt |
31.10Кб |
7. Section 002 Quiz.html |
161б |
8. Blurring the Rotors - Part 3.mp4 |
83.93Мб |
8. Blurring the Rotors - Part 3.srt |
9.55Кб |
8. Conclusion.mp4 |
7.02Мб |
8. Conclusion.srt |
2.30Кб |
8. Creating Cyclic Torque Force.mp4 |
143.37Мб |
8. Creating Cyclic Torque Force.srt |
15.85Кб |
8. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 1.mp4 |
45.69Мб |
8. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 1.srt |
7.88Кб |
8. Scripting the Projectile.mp4 |
97.67Мб |
8. Scripting the Projectile.srt |
14.37Кб |
8. Using Inheritance to Create Modular Code.mp4 |
67.68Мб |
8. Using Inheritance to Create Modular Code.srt |
10.73Кб |
9. Auto Leveling - Part 1.mp4 |
137.10Мб |
9. Auto Leveling - Part 1.srt |
13.51Кб |
9. Blurring the Rotors - Part 4.mp4 |
77.19Мб |
9. Blurring the Rotors - Part 4.srt |
8.93Кб |
9. Creating a Weapon Type.mp4 |
98.47Мб |
9. Creating a Weapon Type.srt |
13.09Кб |
9. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 2.mp4 |
169.29Мб |
9. Hooking up Xbox Inputs - Part 2.srt |
20.23Кб |