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Название Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital [audiobook] by dessalines
Тип Книги
Размер 118.41Мб
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cover.jpg 34.12Кб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 01 - Introduction.mp3 28.19Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 02 - Preliminary.mp3 5.00Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 03 - What are wages.mp3 11.91Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 04 - By what is the price of a commodity determined.mp3 13.64Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 05 - By what are wages determined.mp3 4.40Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 06 - The nature and growth of capital.mp3 8.31Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 07 - Relation of wage-labor to capital.mp3 13.16Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 08 - The general law that determines the rise and fall of wages and profit.mp3 7.27Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 09 - The interests of capital and wage-labor are diametrically opposed.mp3 10.37Мб
Karl Marx - Wage Labour and Capital - 10 - Effect of capitalist competition on the capitalist class.mp3 16.13Мб
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