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Название Florian Freistetter - The Story of the Universe in 100 Stars
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000. Introduction - The Story of the Universe in 100 Stars.mp3 2.46Мб
001. Hikoboshi - The Cowherd and the Heavenly Weaver Girl.mp3 2.34Мб
002. 2MASS J18082002-5104378 B - Catching Sight of the Big Bang.mp3 2.93Мб
003. 34 Tauri - The Planet That Was Once a Star.mp3 2.05Мб
004. Alcyone - Georg von Peuerbach and the Start of a Revolution.mp3 2.71Мб
005. FREISTETTER'S STAR - Can You Buy a Star's Name.mp3 2.46Мб
006. HR0001 - Mrs. Hoffleit Counts the Stars.mp3 2.21Мб
007. VEGA - Underrated Dust.mp3 2.34Мб
008. RASALHAGUE - Confounded Astrologers.mp3 2.68Мб
009. TXS 0506+056 - Ice Cube Astronomy.mp3 3.05Мб
010. Pi1 GRUIS - A Simmering Giant.mp3 2.38Мб
011. B CASSIOPEIAE - A Dogma Blows Up.mp3 2.03Мб
012. ACRUX - One Star, Too Many Names.mp3 2.01Мб
013. 51 PEGASI - The Answer to a Thousand-Year-Old Question.mp3 2.58Мб
014. 61 CYGNI - Killer of the Crystal Spheres.mp3 2.44Мб
015. BPS CS 22948-0093 - A Cosmic Shortage of Lithium.mp3 2.24Мб
016. 62 ORIONIS - Caroline Herschel Emerges from Her Brother's Shadow.mp3 2.33Мб
017. ANTARES - Fluff in the Superbubble.mp3 2.19Мб
018. HAIRY STARS - Portents of Death and Messengers from the Past.mp3 2.23Мб
019. HD 142 - Our Bright Astronomers Frequently Generate Killer Mnemonics.mp3 2.90Мб
020. SIDERA MEDICEA - Not Stars, But Still Revolutionary.mp3 2.08Мб
021. HD 10180 - Lots of Numbers, Lots of Planets.mp3 2.82Мб
022. TEIDE 1 - A Star Gone Wrong.mp3 2.82Мб
023. ALDEBARAN - Rendezvous in the Distant Future.mp3 2.09Мб
024. WISE 0855-0714 - All Alone in the Universe.mp3 2.31Мб
025. WOLF 359 - The Battle for Earth.mp3 2.38Мб
026. SN 1990O - Dark Energy—an Unsolved Puzzle.mp3 2.88Мб
027. ALGOL - The Demon Star.mp3 2.14Мб
028. POLARIS - One of Many.mp3 2.41Мб
029. TYC 278-748-1 - The Asteroids' Shadow.mp3 3.17Мб
030. SS LEPORIS - To the Roche Limit.mp3 2.04Мб
031. L1448-IRS2E - Star Under Construction.mp3 2.24Мб
032. NEMESIS - The Sun's Invisible Escort.mp3 2.48Мб
033. NAVI - An Astronaut's Prank.mp3 2.06Мб
034. 14 HERCULIS - Heavy Metal Stars.mp3 2.19Мб
035. ALPHA CAPRICORNI - The Wellspring of Shooting Stars.mp3 2.52Мб
036. ANWAR AL FARKADAIN - The End of the Night.mp3 2.05Мб
037. SIRIUS B - The Future of the Sun.mp3 2.44Мб
038. IOTA CARINAE - The Cosmic Eye Needs Glasses.mp3 2.48Мб
039. SUN - The Lengthy Search for the Astronomical Unit.mp3 2.57Мб
040. NOMAD1 0856-0015072 - Pluto's Belated Revenge.mp3 2.67Мб
041. Z CHAMAELEONTIS - Too Soon for Black Dwarfs.mp3 2.13Мб
042. HD 162826 - The Sun's Long-Lost Sibling.mp3 2.40Мб
043. 40 CANCRI - A Rejuvenating Collision.mp3 1.81Мб
044. 171 PUPPIS A - The Birthplace of Gold and Silver.mp3 2.80Мб
045. ALPHA ANTLIAE - The Sky's Toolbox.mp3 2.18Мб
046. W75N(B)-VLA2 - A Baby Star Loses Mass.mp3 2.60Мб
047. HIP 13044 - A Case for Astro-Archaeology.mp3 2.19Мб
048. KIC 4150611 - We Need More Syzygies!.mp3 2.08Мб
049. DELTA CEPHEI - Henrietta Swan Leavitt's Wonderful Stars.mp3 2.36Мб
050. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM - A Messiah's Status Symbol.mp3 2.45Мб
051. ARCTURUS - The Speed of Rainbows.mp3 2.46Мб
052. GAMMA DRACONIS - And Yet It Moves!.mp3 2.04Мб
053. MERAK - Bears in the Big Dipper.mp3 2.22Мб
054. GS0416200054 - Creative Roads to Discovery.mp3 2.62Мб
055. PSR B1919+21 - Smashed and on Its Last Legs.mp3 2.86Мб
056. CANOPUS - Blinding Brightness.mp3 1.91Мб
057. ETA CARINAE - A Leak in the Hull.mp3 2.12Мб
058. ALPHECCA - A Colorless Jewel in the Celestial Crown.mp3 1.99Мб
059. BARNARD'S STAR - A Controversial Fast Bowler.mp3 2.42Мб
060. DENEB - Cecilia Payne Fathoms the Stars.mp3 2.59Мб
061. BETA PICTORIS - Visions of an Alien World.mp3 2.36Мб
062. 72 TAURI - The Star That Made Einstein's Name.mp3 2.65Мб
063. V1 - The Most Important Star in the Universe.mp3 2.70Мб
064. KEPLER-1 - Bright Sun, Dark World.mp3 2.47Мб
065. HD 209458 - The Star with an Evaporating Planet.mp3 2.27Мб
066. PROXIMA CENTAURI - The Star Next Door.mp3 2.41Мб
067. NGS - Killed by Laser.mp3 1.96Мб
068. M87 - The Invisible Made Visible.mp3 2.89Мб
069. KIC 11145123 - The Roundest Star in the Universe.mp3 2.60Мб
070. THE MORNING STAR - Light-Bringer in Disguise.mp3 1.87Мб
071. OGLE-2003-BLG-235MOA-2003-BLG-53 - Starry Spectacles.mp3 2.39Мб
072. ORION SOURCE I - A Rather Salty Star.mp3 2.05Мб
073. LICH - A Dead Star's Phantom Planets.mp3 2.29Мб
074. S0-102 - The Star Gazing into the Abyss.mp3 2.20Мб
075. GRB 010119 - Quantum Gravity and Planck Stars.mp3 2.66Мб
076. SCHOLZ'S STAR - A Near Miss in the Stone Age.mp3 1.97Мб
077. ICARUS - The Light of the Most Distant Star.mp3 2.14Мб
078. SIRIUS - The Flood-Bringer's Dawn.mp3 2.46Мб
079. V1364 CYGNI - In Search of Dark Matter.mp3 2.53Мб
080. KIC 8462852 - The Rise and Fall of an Alien Civilization.mp3 2.62Мб
081. STAR 23 - The Riddle of the Sky Disk.mp3 2.32Мб
082. SN 2008ha - The Sky Belongs to Everyone.mp3 1.89Мб
083. SPICA - Climate Change and Celestial Mechanics.mp3 2.43Мб
084. FELIS - Celestial Ex-Cat.mp3 1.78Мб
085. WASP-12 - Wet Asphalt in Space.mp3 2.11Мб
086. ULAS J1342+0928 - Shining a Light into the Cosmic Dark Age.mp3 2.80Мб
087. SANDULEAK -69 202 - The Long-Awaited.mp3 2.58Мб
088. 3C 58 - Star Full of Quarks.mp3 2.21Мб
089. CoRoT-7 - Home of the Super-Earth.mp3 2.29Мб
090. CYGNUS X-1 - The Black Hole's Bright Light.mp3 2.50Мб
091. THE GREEN STAR - It's Black and White.mp3 2.00Мб
092. GLIESE 710 - A Close Encounter in the Distant Future.mp3 2.05Мб
093. GRB 080319B - The Biggest Explosions in the Universe.mp3 2.52Мб
094. GW150914 - Gravity's Light.mp3 2.53Мб
095. R136a1 - The Monster in the Tarantula Nebula.mp3 2.18Мб
096. TRAPPIST-1 - The Perpetual Discovery of the Second Earth.mp3 2.64Мб
097. P CYGNI - A Question of Distance.mp3 2.18Мб
098. OUTCAST - Through the Milky Way at Hyperspeed.mp3 2.02Мб
099. S MONOCEROTIS - The Spiral Galaxy in the Christmas Tree.mp3 2.43Мб
100. ZETA OPHIUCHI - Cosmic Rays and Climate Change.mp3 2.32Мб
101. Afterword - More Stories About the Universe.mp3 1.75Мб
Erich Karkoschka - The Observers Sky Atlas.pdf 15.15Мб
Florian Freistetter - The Story of the Universe in 100 Stars.epub 17.07Мб
Wil Tirion and Roger W. Sinnott - Sky Atlas 2000.0 (2nd Ed.).pdf 61.86Мб
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