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Название Lynda. Illustrator CC for Web Design. Wireframing
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 229.72Мб

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001 Welcome.mp4 5.99Мб
002 How to use exercise files.mp4 1.02Мб
003 Understanding challenges.mp4 1.75Мб
004 How to send feedback.mp4 3.15Мб
005 Choosing a color scheme for your wireframes.mp4 13.31Мб
006 Creating a layer structure for your wireframe.mp4 5.47Мб
007 Developing a screen template for specific devices.mp4 4.69Мб
008 Defining a grid for your artboards.mp4 9.55Мб
009 Using symbols vs. libraries.mp4 10.53Мб
010 Creating common UI placeholders.mp4 16.60Мб
011 Building flexible buttons.mp4 15.44Мб
012 Building form and media elements.mp4 13.66Мб
013 Creating a lorem ipsum library.mp4 12.04Мб
014 Building a wireframe library.mp4 18.68Мб
015 Laying out your UI placeholders.mp4 11.42Мб
016 Adding behavior indicators to your wireframe.mp4 10.03Мб
017 Adding labels and comments to your wireframe.mp4 7.83Мб
018 Using arrowhead strokes for emphasis.mp4 6.64Мб
019 Challenge - Assemble your wireframe.mp4 2.92Мб
020 Solution - Assemble your wireframe.mp4 25.21Мб
021 Developing a file-naming convention.mp4 3.44Мб
022 Versioning your projects.mp4 12.36Мб
023 Presenting your wireframes to clients.mp4 10.55Мб
024 Where to go from here.mp4 3.70Мб
Exercise Files.zip 3.74Мб
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