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10 - Deep Learning Neural Networks and its Layers.mp4 53.84Мб
11 - Listing Directories.mp4 110.12Мб
12 - Import Image Data Generator.mp4 72.08Мб
13 - Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 1.mp4 140.32Мб
14 - Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 2.mp4 78.95Мб
15 - Advance Concept of Transfer Learning Part 3.mp4 69.15Мб
16 - Introduction to Project.mp4 5.86Мб
17 - Package Installation.mp4 81.36Мб
18 - Load Data Pretrained Mode.mp4 96.06Мб
19 - Train Model Fit Model.mp4 7.15Мб
1 - Overview of DLUT.mp4 73.16Мб
20 - Load Save Model.mp4 21.11Мб
21 - Function to Predict.mp4 18.63Мб
22 - Final Result.mp4 4.01Мб
23 - Introduction to Tensorflow with Python.mp4 62.90Мб
24 - Installation of Tensorflow.mp4 132.52Мб
25 - Basic Data Types for Tensorflow.mp4 94.56Мб
26 - Implementing Simple Linear Model.mp4 30.43Мб
27 - Creating a Python File.mp4 45.67Мб
28 - Optimization of Variable.mp4 91.81Мб
29 - Implementing the Constructor Variable.mp4 65.00Мб
2 - Scenario of Perceptron.mp4 157.97Мб
30 - Printing the Variable Result.mp4 33.09Мб
31 - Naming the Variable.mp4 45.32Мб
32 - Introduction to Course.mp4 11.62Мб
33 - Import the Libraries.mp4 32.72Мб
34 - Accessing the Caption Dataset for Training.mp4 72.81Мб
35 - Accessing the Image DataSet for Trainingb.mp4 15.64Мб
36 - Preprocessing the Text Data.mp4 173.35Мб
37 - PreProcess and Load Captions Data.mp4 84.28Мб
38 - Loading the Captions for Training and Test Data.mp4 63.00Мб
39 - Preprocessing of Image Data.mp4 43.79Мб
3 - Creating Neural Network Using TensorFlow.mp4 72.45Мб
40 - Loading Features for Train and Test Dataset.mp4 108.85Мб
41 - Text Tokenization and Sequence Text.mp4 55.80Мб
42 - Data Generators.mp4 53.84Мб
43 - Define the Model.mp4 34.75Мб
44 - Evaluation of Model.mp4 51.41Мб
45 - Test the Model.mp4 77.67Мб
46 - Create Streamlit App.mp4 50.13Мб
47 - Streamlit Prediction.mp4 30.47Мб
48 - Test Streamlit App.mp4 24.61Мб
49 - Deploy Streamlit on AWS EC2 Instance.mp4 95.34Мб
4 - Perform Multiclass Classification.mp4 57.65Мб
5 - Initializing the Model.mp4 141.84Мб
6 - Initializing the Model Continued.mp4 54.97Мб
7 - Image Processing Using CNN.mp4 58.96Мб
8 - Convolution Intuition.mp4 33.84Мб
9 - Classifying the Photos of Dogs and Cats.mp4 84.18Мб
Bonus Resources.txt 386б
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 182б
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