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Название Sins of Colonialism - Collection 49 (.. in Africa 11)
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Ahmida - Genocide in Libya. Shar, a Hidden Colonial History (2021).pdf 3.11Мб
Asseraf - Electric News in Colonial Algeria (2019).pdf 2.58Мб
Bangura - The Temne of Sierra Leone. African Agency in the Making of a British Colony (2017).pdf 8.18Мб
Bedjaoui - Cinema and the Algerian War of Independence. Culture, Politics, and Society (2020).pdf 5.94Мб
Ben-Ghiat & Fuller (Eds.) - Italian Colonialism (2005).pdf 29.53Мб
Campbell - Four Essays on Neo-Colonialism in Uganda. The Barbarity of Idi Amin (1975).pdf 2.15Мб
CRE - The Colonies of British South Africa. The History and Legacy. of British Imperialism in Modern South Africa and Zimbabwe.pdf 11.02Мб
CRE - The Colonization and Decolonization of Africa. The History and Legacy of European Imperialism across the African Continent.epub 4.65Мб
Cross - Dirty War. Rhodesia and Chemical Biological Warfare, 1975-1980 (2017).epub 7.81Мб
Daughton - In the Forest of No Joy. The Congo-Ocean Railroad and the Tragedy of French Colonialism (2021).epub 29.69Мб
Hunt - A Nervous State. Violence, Remedies, and Reverie in Colonial Congo (2016).pdf 7.96Мб
Keller - Colonial Suspects. Suspicion, Imperial Rule, and Colonial Society in Interwar French West Africa (2018).epub 864.85Кб
Kolb - Epidemic Empire. Colonialism, Contagion, and Terror, 1817– 2020 (2021).pdf 12.94Мб
Korieh - The Land Has Changed. History, Society and Gender in Colonial Eastern Nigeria (2010).pdf 6.34Мб
Laband - The Land Wars. The Dispossession of the Khoisan and AmaXhosa in the Cape Colony (2020).epub 8.73Мб
Likaka - Naming Colonialism. History and Collective Memory in the Congo, 1870-1960 (2009).pdf 987.50Кб
Loffman - Church, State and Colonialism in Southeastern Congo, 1890-1962 (2019).pdf 4.58Мб
Maloba - The Anatomy of Neo-Colonialism in Kenya. British Imperialism and Kenyatta, 1963–1978 (2017).pdf 2.90Мб
Murray - Atlantic Passages. Race, Mobility, and Liberian Colonization (2021).pdf 2.60Мб
Naidoo - Women Surviving Apartheid’s Prisons (2021).epub 1.58Мб
Ngwenya - Media Power and Hegemony in South Africa. The Myth of Independence (2021).pdf 3.18Мб
Nkrumah - Neo-colonialism. The Last Stage of Imperialism (1965).pdf 5.70Мб
Nkrumah - Towards Colonial Freedom. Africa In The Struggle Against World Imperialism (1962).pdf 13.98Мб
Pigeaud & Sylla - Africa’s Last Colonial Currency. The CFA Franc Story (2020).pdf 2.06Мб
Porch - The Conquest of Morocco (2005).epub 960.09Кб
Powell - France’s Wars in Chad. Military Intervention and Decolonization in Africa (2021).pdf 3.50Мб
Press - Blood and Diamonds. Germany’s Imperial Ambitions in Africa (2021).pdf 32.57Мб
Stanard - Selling the Congo. A History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism (2011).pdf 3.07Мб
Stucki - Violence and Gender in Africa’s Iberian Colonies. Feminizing the Portuguese and Spanish Empire, 1950s–1970s (2019).pdf 4.46Мб
Surkis - Sex, Law, and Sovereignty in French Algeria, 1830–1930 (2019).pdf 4.13Мб
Tallie - Queering Colonial Natal. Indigeneity and the Violence of Belonging in Southern Africa (2019).pdf 2.61Мб
Vince - The Algerian War, The Algerian Revolution (2020).pdf 3.23Мб
Vuuren - Apartheid Guns and Money. A Tale of Profit (2018).epub 7.05Мб
White - The Blood of the Colony. Wine and the Rise and Fall of French Algebra (2021).epub 40.96Мб
Wilder - The French Imperial Nation-State. Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the Two World Wars (2005).pdf 7.84Мб
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