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Название Udemy - Photoshop 2020 MasterClass [Eng - Ita sub]
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 5.31Гб

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1. Adjustment Layers Chapter Introduction.mp4 24.80Мб
1. Adjustment Layers Chapter Introduction.srt 722б
1. Basics Chapter Introduction.mp4 51.75Мб
1. Basics Chapter Introduction.srt 1.51Кб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 46.13Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 16.70Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.srt 754б
1. Chapter Introduction.srt 603б
1. Content-Aware Fill Workspace.mp4 108.70Мб
1. Content-Aware Fill Workspace.srt 8.05Кб
1. Drawing Chapter Introduction.mp4 24.76Мб
1. Drawing Chapter Introduction.srt 668б
1. Layers Chapter Introduction.mp4 24.01Мб
1. Layers Chapter Introduction.srt 804б
1. Masking Chapter Introduction.mp4 16.56Мб
1. Masking Chapter Introduction.srt 1.25Кб
1. Object Selection Tool.mp4 107.77Мб
1. Object Selection Tool.srt 8.68Кб
1. Prepare for the Adobe Certified Associate exam.mp4 22.42Мб
1. Prepare for the Adobe Certified Associate exam.srt 11.92Кб
1. Retouching Chapter Introduction.mp4 40.63Мб
1. Retouching Chapter Introduction.srt 1.35Кб
1. Selections Chapter Introduction.mp4 39.43Мб
1. Selections Chapter Introduction.srt 1.47Кб
1. Smart Objects Chapter Introduction.mp4 40.61Мб
1. Smart Objects Chapter Introduction.srt 1.29Кб
1. Transformations Chapter Introduction.mp4 15.76Мб
1. Transformations Chapter Introduction.srt 600б
1. Type Chapter Introduction.mp4 32.72Мб
1. Type Chapter Introduction.srt 754б
1. Variable and SVG Fonts.mp4 14.64Мб
1. Variable and SVG Fonts.srt 7.23Кб
1. Why learn Photoshop.mp4 15.44Мб
1. Why learn Photoshop.srt 3.40Кб
1. Workflows Chapter Introduction.mp4 29.49Мб
1. Workflows Chapter Introduction.srt 1022б
10. Portrait Retouching project Part 3.mp4 23.71Мб
10. Portrait Retouching project Part 3.srt 8.24Кб
10. Timesavers.mp4 43.08Мб
10. Timesavers.srt 4.16Кб
11. Photo Restoration project.mp4 66.83Мб
11. Photo Restoration project.srt 19.26Кб
12. Advanced Clone Stamp Tool Techniques.mp4 133.73Мб
12. Advanced Clone Stamp Tool Techniques.srt 17.69Кб
2. Adjustment Layers Essentials.mp4 34.19Мб
2. Adjustment Layers Essentials.srt 13.97Кб
2. Bridge Integration.mp4 30.83Мб
2. Bridge Integration.srt 10.26Кб
2. Brush Tool Essentials.mp4 57.75Мб
2. Brush Tool Essentials.srt 24.59Кб
2. Build Your Portfolio.mp4 57.97Мб
2. Build Your Portfolio.srt 7.04Кб
2. Enhanced Warp.mp4 41.46Мб
2. Enhanced Warp.srt 4.37Кб
2. Healing Brushes.mp4 82.08Мб
2. Healing Brushes.srt 19.40Кб
2. How to study from this course.mp4 7.68Мб
2. How to study from this course.srt 4.38Кб
2. Layers Essentials.mp4 84.91Мб
2. Layers Essentials.srt 20.64Кб
2. Non-destructive Workflow.mp4 205.07Мб
2. Non-destructive Workflow.srt 34.56Кб
2. Painting Improvements.mp4 124.25Мб
2. Painting Improvements.srt 9.19Кб
2. Saving Your Work.mp4 39.72Мб
2. Saving Your Work.srt 12.54Кб
2. Selections Essentials.mp4 65.93Мб
2. Selections Essentials.srt 22.71Кб
2. Smart Objects Essentials.mp4 52.18Мб
2. Smart Objects Essentials.srt 12.40Кб
2. Timeline Panel.mp4 188.93Мб
2. Timeline Panel.srt 16.88Кб
2. Tranformations Essentials.mp4 76.43Мб
2. Tranformations Essentials.srt 21.72Кб
2. Updated Brushes panel.mp4 11.41Мб
2. Updated Brushes panel.srt 3.95Кб
2. Working with Images.mp4 42.82Мб
2. Working with Images.srt 13.52Кб
2. Working with Text.mp4 86.39Мб
2. Working with Text.srt 20.57Кб
3. 3D Layers.mp4 157.06Мб
3. 3D Layers.srt 20.40Кб
3. Adobe Camera RAW.mp4 26.93Мб
3. Adobe Camera RAW.srt 7.01Кб
3. Brush Smoothing.mp4 18.09Мб
3. Brush Smoothing.srt 8.46Кб
3. Clone Stamp Tool Essentials Part 1.mp4 42.24Мб
3. Clone Stamp Tool Essentials Part 1.srt 16.20Кб
3. Creating Custom Brushes.mp4 66.47Мб
3. Creating Custom Brushes.srt 20.39Кб
3. Creating Print-ready PDFs.mp4 44.56Мб
3. Creating Print-ready PDFs.srt 17.47Кб
3. Formatting Text.mp4 46.01Мб
3. Formatting Text.srt 14.47Кб
3. Frame Tool.mp4 240.41Мб
3. Frame Tool.srt 21.14Кб
3. Free Transform Improvements.mp4 41.69Мб
3. Free Transform Improvements.srt 4.16Кб
3. Getting an Adobe Certification.mp4 9.98Мб
3. Getting an Adobe Certification.srt 6.34Кб
3. Layers panel.mp4 55.70Мб
3. Layers panel.srt 15.15Кб
3. Pixel Masks.mp4 139.63Мб
3. Pixel Masks.srt 21.32Кб
3. Selections based on color and contrast Part 1.mp4 48.88Мб
3. Selections based on color and contrast Part 1.srt 18.08Кб
3. Special Transformations.mp4 54.43Мб
3. Special Transformations.srt 14.53Кб
3. Tonal Adjustments.mp4 79.55Мб
3. Tonal Adjustments.srt 22.11Кб
3. User Interface.mp4 29.70Мб
3. User Interface.srt 15.48Кб
3. Vector Smart Objects.mp4 48.48Мб
3. Vector Smart Objects.srt 10.17Кб
4. Clone Stamp Tool Essentials Part 2.mp4 43.45Мб
4. Clone Stamp Tool Essentials Part 2.srt 15.66Кб
4. Color Adjustments.mp4 85.09Мб
4. Color Adjustments.srt 27.19Кб
4. Convert Smart Objects to Layers.mp4 15.16Мб
4. Convert Smart Objects to Layers.srt 1.72Кб
4. Creative Techniques with Text.mp4 72.38Мб
4. Creative Techniques with Text.srt 25.77Кб
4. Lightroom Integration.mp4 83.68Мб
4. Lightroom Integration.srt 14.21Кб
4. Linked Smart Objects.mp4 66.44Мб
4. Linked Smart Objects.srt 15.71Кб
4. Navigation.mp4 130.53Мб
4. Navigation.srt 12.19Кб
4. Saving Files for the Web.mp4 31.94Мб
4. Saving Files for the Web.srt 11.15Кб
4. Selections based on color and contrast Part 2.mp4 49.75Мб
4. Selections based on color and contrast Part 2.srt 15.89Кб
4. Special Layers.mp4 41.16Мб
4. Special Layers.srt 18.85Кб
4. Symmetrical Painting.mp4 11.68Мб
4. Symmetrical Painting.srt 2.64Кб
4. Updated behaviours.mp4 174.48Мб
4. Updated behaviours.srt 13.26Кб
4. Vector Masks for Geometric Shapes.mp4 69.96Мб
4. Vector Masks for Geometric Shapes.srt 14.86Кб
4. Vector Shapes.mp4 51.34Мб
4. Vector Shapes.srt 24.23Кб
5. Advanced Selection Techniques.mp4 55.38Мб
5. Advanced Selection Techniques.srt 17.98Кб
5. Contrast Adjustments.mp4 65.32Мб
5. Contrast Adjustments.srt 13.62Кб
5. Curvature Tool.mp4 17.71Мб
5. Curvature Tool.srt 6.26Кб
5. Image Size and Resolution.mp4 29.41Мб
5. Image Size and Resolution.srt 10.45Кб
5. Layer Styles.mp4 22.94Мб
5. Layer Styles.srt 9.85Кб
5. Liquify Filter.mp4 76.50Мб
5. Liquify Filter.srt 15.53Кб
5. Properties Panel Updates.mp4 47.55Мб
5. Properties Panel Updates.srt 4.87Кб
5. Smart Filters.mp4 100.98Мб
5. Smart Filters.srt 22.87Кб
5. User Experience Design.mp4 15.94Мб
5. User Experience Design.srt 5.44Кб
5. Vector Masks for Organic Shapes.mp4 50.80Мб
5. Vector Masks for Organic Shapes.srt 9.12Кб
6. Blend Modes.mp4 40.18Мб
6. Blend Modes.srt 10.01Кб
6. Complex Selection Project.mp4 61.37Мб
6. Complex Selection Project.srt 22.57Кб
6. Content-aware Techniques.mp4 72.16Мб
6. Content-aware Techniques.srt 18.36Кб
6. Cropping Images.mp4 62.05Мб
6. Cropping Images.srt 13.92Кб
6. New Preset Panels.mp4 47.30Мб
6. New Preset Panels.srt 5.33Кб
6. Photoshop Mobile Apps.mp4 56.47Мб
6. Photoshop Mobile Apps.srt 18.89Кб
6. Select & Mask.mp4 8.57Мб
6. Select & Mask.srt 4.38Кб
7. Color Modes.mp4 22.80Мб
7. Color Modes.srt 7.49Кб
7. Dodge and Burn Tools.mp4 60.15Мб
7. Dodge and Burn Tools.srt 20.79Кб
7. Improved Upscaling with Preserve Details 2.0.mp4 14.94Мб
7. Improved Upscaling with Preserve Details 2.0.srt 5.88Кб
7. Lens Blur Updates.mp4 52.37Мб
7. Lens Blur Updates.srt 5.03Кб
8. Auto Sampling for Content-Aware Fill.mp4 20.65Мб
8. Auto Sampling for Content-Aware Fill.srt 1.75Кб
8. General Improvements.mp4 12.01Мб
8. General Improvements.srt 5.44Кб
8. Portrait Retouching project Part 1.mp4 35.82Мб
8. Portrait Retouching project Part 1.srt 11.46Кб
9. Cloud Documents.mp4 24.44Мб
9. Cloud Documents.srt 2.35Кб
9. Conclusion.mp4 9.60Мб
9. Conclusion.srt 953б
9. Portrait Retouching project Part 2.mp4 43.18Мб
9. Portrait Retouching project Part 2.srt 14.08Кб
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