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Название Advanced WordPress & Elementor Build A Membership Website
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 1.62Кб
1 3.68Кб
1.1 23 - pricing page - hero.zip 229.54Кб
1.1 Contact Page.zip 146.19Кб
1.1 robot-hero.png 149.36Кб
1. Add our primary menu.mp4 38.11Мб
1. Building a hero section.mp4 155.67Мб
1. Building our pricing page hero banner.mp4 231.21Мб
1. Creating our first package using the Duplicator plugin.mp4 58.92Мб
1. Design & build a 'Contact' page.mp4 217.41Мб
1. Download & install Local WP.mp4 35.72Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 103.05Мб
1. Making our homepage fully responsive.mp4 280.85Мб
1. Membership plugins...which one to choose.mp4 60.56Мб
1. Overview of our Paid Membership Pro pages.mp4 28.80Мб
1. Planning the build of your membership site.mp4 70.90Мб
1. What next.mp4 23.31Мб
10 188.43Кб
10. Making a few functionality tweaks.mp4 215.15Мб
11 599.17Кб
11.1 Redirect code snippet.html 157б
11. Adding some code to redirect members after login.mp4 103.56Мб
12 866.59Кб
12. Updating our member navigation menu.mp4 54.54Мб
13 25.95Кб
13. Free version of membership plugins vs premium.html 1.28Кб
14 713.95Кб
14.1 60 - course page.zip 460.89Кб
14. Building a course page manually (Part 1).mp4 266.44Мб
15 930.69Кб
15. Building a course page manually (Part 2).mp4 112.62Мб
16 214.06Кб
16. Creating a blog with free content and members only content.mp4 115.57Мб
17 312.32Кб
18 505.56Кб
19 283.33Кб
2 8.47Кб
2.1 coconut logos.zip 21.88Кб
2.1 Partner Logos.zip 32.09Кб
2. Adding our restricted members pages.mp4 78.17Мб
2. Add our site logo & icon.mp4 22.46Мб
2. Building our partners section.mp4 314.82Мб
2. Building our pricing cards section.mp4 184.79Мб
2. Design & build the 'Contact' page - part 2.mp4 219.62Мб
2. Designing a narrow width template for our Paid Memberships Pro Pages.mp4 156.63Мб
2. Download, install & configure Paid Memberships Pro.mp4 125.78Мб
2. Getting our domain name & hosting account ready for migration.mp4 56.79Мб
2. Making our pricing page fully responsive.mp4 177.51Мб
2. Setting up our website locally.mp4 77.10Мб
2. Who is this course for.mp4 85.44Мб
20 101.62Кб
21 124.32Кб
22 374.02Кб
23 338.75Кб
24 558.30Кб
25 642.98Кб
26 230.12Кб
27 536.88Кб
28 612.72Кб
29 441.48Кб
3 117.62Кб
3.1 25 - finishing off pricing.zip 834.78Кб
3.1 28 - about page pt1.zip 307.27Кб
3.1 Info-box-icons.zip 39.90Кб
3. Branding & graphic design.mp4 39.50Мб
3. Building the cards section.mp4 229.63Мб
3. Design & build our 'About' page.mp4 172.72Мб
3. Designing a boxed width template.mp4 79.06Мб
3. Finishing off our pricing page.mp4 158.88Мб
3. Installing Elementor Pro & our child theme.mp4 76.93Мб
3. Intro to the membership admin dashboard.mp4 243.24Мб
3. Making our contact page fully responsive.mp4 44.77Мб
3. Meet the website we are going to build.mp4 151.45Мб
3. Migrating your website to your new domain.mp4 116.40Мб
3. Restricting access by membership level.mp4 60.81Мб
30 388.11Кб
31 357.83Кб
32 331.13Кб
33 450.22Кб
34 976.18Кб
35 163.89Кб
36 429.19Кб
37 331.19Кб
38 133.14Кб
39 578.24Кб
4 86.05Кб
4.1 Global Style Defaults.html 157б
4.1 Money-back-guarantee.zip 152.71Кб
4. Adding a SSL certificate.mp4 35.05Мб
4. Adding our global defaults.mp4 71.73Мб
4. Adding our membership levels.mp4 86.87Мб
4. Building the sticky section.mp4 210.97Мб
4. Changing our 'Membership Levels' page.mp4 81.74Мб
4. Configuring our Elementor settings.mp4 70.97Мб
4. Design & build the 'About' page - part 2.mp4 262.92Мб
4. Editing the display conditions for our existing header.mp4 22.22Мб
4. Making our about page fully responsive.mp4 101.84Мб
40 661.76Кб
41 265.17Кб
42 959.56Кб
43 851.87Кб
44 916.92Кб
45 72.26Кб
46 281.35Кб
47 32.22Кб
48 103.88Кб
49 190.48Кб
5 328.51Кб
5.1 30 - about page part 3.zip 1.00Мб
5.1 avatar-testimonial.png 3.00Кб
5. Adding a new member manually.mp4 25.33Мб
5. Building the testimonials section.mp4 99.58Мб
5. Design & build our checkout page.mp4 149.37Мб
5. Design & build our header.mp4 205.09Мб
5. Design & build the 'About' page - part 3.mp4 223.46Мб
5. Editing email templates.mp4 91.68Мб
5. Responsive design.html 161б
50 448.18Кб
51 85.40Кб
52 153.17Кб
53 211.05Кб
54 468.52Кб
55 240.30Кб
56 513.82Кб
57 911.94Кб
58 290.62Кб
59 657.84Кб
6 812.09Кб
6. Add our footer menu.mp4 35.36Мб
6. Building the subscribe section.mp4 169.90Мб
6. Design and build our members area header template.mp4 387.71Мб
6. Fully responsive design.html 161б
6. Terms & conditions and privacy policy pages.mp4 84.35Мб
60 972.28Кб
61 207.13Кб
62 689.25Кб
63 705.88Кб
64 550.35Кб
65 796.30Кб
7 375.09Кб
7. Adding an optional cookie policy page and plugin.mp4 57.85Мб
7. Applying scrolling effects and a sticky menu to our header.mp4 184.70Мб
7. Design & build our footer.mp4 208.30Мб
7. Mobile responsive design.html 1.05Кб
8 554.86Кб
8. Adding a single page template for our service pages.mp4 219.00Мб
8. Making our footer responsive.mp4 117.48Мб
8. Making our members header fully responsive.mp4 105.68Мб
9 390.21Кб
9. Do you want to be a WordPress Developer.html 849б
9. Making our header responsive.mp4 107.65Мб
TutsNode.net.txt 63б
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