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Название Advanced Scratch Programming for Kids
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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 98б
1 392.81Кб
1.1 Starter project.html 104б
1.1 Starter project.html 104б
1.1 Starter Project.html 104б
1. Congratulations!.mp4 6.82Мб
1. Congratulations!.srt 1.02Кб
1. Getting Started.mp4 60.81Мб
1. Getting Started.srt 8.70Кб
1. Intro.mp4 87.94Мб
1. Intro.mp4 47.34Мб
1. Intro.mp4 33.83Мб
1. Intro.srt 10.46Кб
1. Intro.srt 7.63Кб
1. Intro.srt 6.64Кб
1. What We'll Build.mp4 30.11Мб
1. What We'll Build.srt 6.34Кб
10 989.65Кб
10.1 Finished project.html 104б
10. Harder Enemies.mp4 76.57Мб
10. Harder Enemies.srt 14.60Кб
10. Programming Sound Loops (optional).mp4 119.71Мб
10. Programming Sound Loops (optional).srt 21.84Кб
11 613.68Кб
11. Harder Enemies, Part 2.mp4 161.32Мб
11. Harder Enemies, Part 2.srt 29.91Кб
12 596.74Кб
12. Harder Enemies, Part 3.mp4 72.31Мб
12. Harder Enemies, Part 3.srt 13.42Кб
13 409.25Кб
13. Harder Enemies, Part 4.mp4 98.20Мб
13. Harder Enemies, Part 4.srt 15.27Кб
14 292.80Кб
14. Levels and Winning the Game, Version 1.0.mp4 87.18Мб
14. Levels and Winning the Game, Version 1.0.srt 17.27Кб
15 951.22Кб
15. Boss Fights!.mp4 93.09Мб
15. Boss Fights!.srt 18.72Кб
16 333.25Кб
16. Boss Fights, Part 2.mp4 171.24Мб
16. Boss Fights, Part 2.srt 29.60Кб
17 538.56Кб
17. Boss Fights, Part 3.mp4 191.46Мб
17. Boss Fights, Part 3.srt 26.63Кб
18 792.66Кб
18. Game Complete, Version 2.0.mp4 47.06Мб
18. Game Complete, Version 2.0.srt 6.90Кб
19 705.42Кб
19. Player Power-Ups Extra Life.mp4 107.31Мб
19. Player Power-Ups Extra Life.srt 20.48Кб
2 692.85Кб
2. Drawing Squares.mp4 97.11Мб
2. Drawing Squares.srt 22.15Кб
2. Moving the Player.mp4 131.03Мб
2. Moving the Player.srt 29.91Кб
2. Programming the Main Menu.mp4 106.91Мб
2. Programming the Main Menu.srt 21.11Кб
2. Starting the Game.mp4 97.17Мб
2. Starting the Game.srt 18.24Кб
20 88.05Кб
20. Player Power-Ups More Lasers.mp4 140.81Мб
20. Player Power-Ups More Lasers.srt 25.41Кб
21 151.99Кб
21. Player Power-Ups Shield.mp4 103.60Мб
21. Player Power-Ups Shield.srt 19.92Кб
22 406.90Кб
22.1 Finished project.html 104б
22. Game Complete, Version 3.0!.mp4 62.73Мб
22. Game Complete, Version 3.0!.srt 5.08Кб
23 643.03Кб
24 119.64Кб
25 815.96Кб
26 113.21Кб
27 499.00Кб
28 847.63Кб
29 915.00Кб
3 839.65Кб
3. Drawing Perfect Shapes.mp4 115.67Мб
3. Drawing Perfect Shapes.srt 26.99Кб
3. Making the Player Jump.mp4 113.47Мб
3. Making the Player Jump.srt 23.09Кб
3. Moving the Bubble.mp4 103.37Мб
3. Moving the Bubble.srt 18.87Кб
3. Visual Effects Programming the Stars.mp4 109.23Мб
3. Visual Effects Programming the Stars.srt 21.41Кб
30 750.41Кб
31 929.47Кб
32 62.16Кб
33 834.93Кб
34 842.90Кб
35 442.82Кб
36 711.40Кб
37 689.56Кб
38 691.67Кб
39 429.85Кб
4 389.57Кб
4. Drawing Stars.mp4 71.33Мб
4. Drawing Stars.srt 15.51Кб
4. Growing the Bubble.mp4 131.31Мб
4. Growing the Bubble.srt 25.69Кб
4. Staying on White.mp4 97.89Мб
4. Staying on White.srt 21.93Кб
4. Visual Effects Programming Space Nebulas.mp4 62.45Мб
4. Visual Effects Programming Space Nebulas.srt 10.88Кб
40 1015.12Кб
41 276.96Кб
42 566.92Кб
43 196.64Кб
44 674.29Кб
45 784.51Кб
46 965.22Кб
47 174.81Кб
48 914.33Кб
5 196.21Кб
5.1 Finished project.html 104б
5. Drawing Spirals and Optical Illusions.mp4 68.32Мб
5. Drawing Spirals and Optical Illusions.srt 17.19Кб
5. Jumping Off Walls.mp4 125.40Мб
5. Jumping Off Walls.srt 25.39Кб
5. Moving the Player Ship.mp4 85.18Мб
5. Moving the Player Ship.srt 15.20Кб
5. Popping the Bubble.mp4 137.95Мб
5. Popping the Bubble.srt 24.40Кб
6 635.63Кб
6. Color Swaps and Player Reset.mp4 96.27Мб
6. Color Swaps and Player Reset.srt 22.31Кб
6. Firing Lasers.mp4 47.23Мб
6. Firing Lasers.srt 9.55Кб
6. Scoring.mp4 118.07Мб
6. Scoring.srt 21.72Кб
6. Snowflakes!.mp4 99.88Мб
6. Snowflakes!.srt 22.00Кб
7 47.63Кб
7. Completing Levels.mp4 66.58Мб
7. Completing Levels.srt 14.87Кб
7. Easy Enemies.mp4 97.51Мб
7. Easy Enemies.srt 19.07Кб
7. Power-Ups Invincible.mp4 148.62Мб
7. Power-Ups Invincible.srt 27.48Кб
7. Snowflakes, Part 2.mp4 63.01Мб
7. Snowflakes, Part 2.srt 11.94Кб
8 215.29Кб
8.1 Finished Project.html 104б
8.1 Snowflakes finished project.html 104б
8. Player Ship Takes Damage.mp4 104.85Мб
8. Player Ship Takes Damage.srt 23.20Кб
8. Power-Ups Speed.mp4 124.42Мб
8. Power-Ups Speed.srt 21.57Кб
8. Programming All the Levels, Winning the Game.mp4 120.60Мб
8. Programming All the Levels, Winning the Game.srt 25.40Кб
8. Snowflakes, Part 3.mp4 138.38Мб
8. Snowflakes, Part 3.srt 26.98Кб
9 708.85Кб
9. Generating Explosion Effects.mp4 136.79Мб
9. Generating Explosion Effects.srt 26.71Кб
9. Power-Ups Dizzy.mp4 161.18Мб
9. Power-Ups Dizzy.srt 25.57Кб
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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