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Название Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 189 (Slavery 27)
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Bunting & Quirk (Eds.) - Contemporary Slavery. Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice (2017).pdf 27.18Мб
Chin et al (Eds.) - Haiti. A Slave Revolution 200 Years After 1804 (2004).pdf 17.14Мб
Diene (Ed.) - From Chains to Bonds. The Slave Trade Revisited (2001).pdf 19.65Мб
Dresser - Slavery Obscured. The Social History of the Slave Trade in Bristol (2001).pdf 148.04Мб
Egerton - He Shall Go Out Free. The Lives of Denmark Vesey, Rev. Updated Ed. (2004).epub 870.58Кб
Fischer - Modernity Disavowed. Haiti and the Cultures of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (2004).pdf 48.68Мб
Greene - Slave Owners of West Africa. Decision Making in the Age of Abolition (2017).epub 1.23Мб
Hirschfeld - George Washington and Slavery. A documentary portrayal (1997).pdf 17.84Мб
Innis - The Princeton Fugitive Slave. The Trials of James Collins Johnson (2023).epub 4.07Мб
Kadish (Ed.) - Slavery in the Caribbean Francophone World. Distant Voices, Forgotten Acts, Forged Identities (2000).epub 2.75Мб
Kartzow - The Slave Metaphor and Gendered Enslavement in Early Christian Discourse. Double Trouble Embodied (2018).epub 785.52Кб
Kelley - American Slavers. Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644–1865 (2023).epub 10.87Мб
Klarer (Ed.) - Barbary Captives. An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa (2022).epub 17.58Мб
Konadu - Many Black Women of this Fortress. Graça, Mónica and Adwoa. Three Enslaved Women of Portugal’s African Empire (2022).epub 3.35Мб
Larson - American Inheritance. Liberty and Slavery in the Birth of a Nation, 1765–1795 (2022).epub 10.61Мб
Law - Ouidah. The Social History of a West African Slaving ‘Port’, 1727-1892 (2004).pdf 14.68Мб
Linden & Garcia (Eds.) - On Coerced Labor. Work and Compulsion after Chattel Slavery (2016).pdf 1.85Мб
Lovejoy - Slavery in the Global Diaspora of Africa (2019).pdf 5.65Мб
Martin & Yaquinto (Eds.) - Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States. On Reparations for Slavery, Jim Crow, and Their Legacies (2007).pdf 7.80Мб
Maskiell - Bound by Bondage. Slavery and the Creation of a Northern Gentry (2022).pdf 6.10Мб
McGill & Frazier - Sleeping with the Ancestors. How I Followed the Footprints of Slavery (2023).epub 17.36Мб
Moore - Slavery and the Making of Early American Libraries British. British Literature, Political Thought, and the Transatlantic Book Trade, 1731–1814 (2019).pdf 3.39Мб
Morgan - Laboring Women. Reproduction and Gender in New World Slavery (2004).pdf 2.88Мб
Nellis - Shaping the New World. African Slavery in the Americas, 1500-1888 (2013).epub 1.84Мб
Nobles - The Education of Betsey Stockton. An Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom (2022).epub 1.39Мб
Polgar et al (Eds.) - Beyond 1619. The Atlantic Origins of American Slavery (2023).pdf 9.18Мб
Ross - Slavery, Surveillance, and Genre in Antebellum United States Literature (2022).pdf 3.45Мб
Smith - The Stormy Present. Conservatism and the Problem of Slavery in Northern Politics, 1846–1865 (2017).pdf 22.06Мб
Soares - People of Faith. Slavery and African Catholics in Eighteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro (2011).pdf 1.10Мб
Swarns - The 272. The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church (2023).epub 19.63Мб
Tolstoy - The Slavery of Our Times (1900, 2021).epub 651.72Кб
Uhl & Buell - A primary source investigation of slavery (2019).epub 7.22Мб
Vidal - Caribbean New Orleans. Empire, Race, and the Making of a Slave Society (2019).pdf 3.83Мб
Woo - Master Slave Husband Wife. An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom (2023).epub 24.57Мб
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