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[CourseClub.ME].url 122б
[FCS Forum].url 133б
[FreeCourseSite.com].url 127б
1.1 25. Face Recognition All Notebooks.tar.gz.gz 120.75Мб
1.1 Credit-Card Number Identification.zip.zip 128.45Кб
1.1 CVApiWebAPp.tar.gz.gz 7.70Мб
1.1 Download Your Deep Learning Virtual Machine HERE.html 143б
1.1 MasterOpenCV.tar.gz.gz 47.11Мб
1.2 Master Deep Learning Computer Vision Slides.pdf.pdf 56.54Мб
1.3 DeepLearningCV2.tar.gz.gz 643.19Мб
1.4 MIRROR - Download Your Deep Learning Virtual Machine HERE.html 108б
1. Basic Face Recognition using LittleVGG CNN.html 997б
1. Building a CNN in Keras.mp4 5.61Мб
1. Building a CNN in Keras.vtt 1.21Кб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 2.90Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 2.27Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 1.85Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 2.09Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 4.57Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 3.39Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 2.46Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 2.52Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 1.50Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.mp4 3.21Мб
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 757б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 726б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 561б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 584б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 1.15Кб
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 1.01Кб
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 690б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 595б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 445б
1. Chapter Introduction.vtt 948б
1. Chapter Overview on Image Segmentation & Medical Imaging in U-Net.mp4 2.92Мб
1. Chapter Overview on Image Segmentation & Medical Imaging in U-Net.vtt 804б
1. Convolutional Neural Networks Chapter Overview.mp4 5.13Мб
1. Convolutional Neural Networks Chapter Overview.vtt 1.29Кб
1. Course Introduction.mp4 90.21Мб
1. Course Introduction.vtt 13.76Кб
1. Data Augmentation Chapter Overview.mp4 3.92Мб
1. Data Augmentation Chapter Overview.vtt 1.33Кб
1. Generative Adverserial Neural Networks Chapter Overview.mp4 4.65Мб
1. Generative Adverserial Neural Networks Chapter Overview.vtt 1.05Кб
1. Get Started! Handwriting Recognition, Simple Object Classification OpenCV Demo.mp4 7.48Мб
1. Get Started! Handwriting Recognition, Simple Object Classification OpenCV Demo.vtt 801б
1. Install and Run Flask.html 5.01Кб
1. Introduction to Computer Vision & Deep Learning.mp4 3.12Мб
1. Introduction to Computer Vision & Deep Learning.vtt 776б
1. Introduction to the Confusion Matrix & Viewing Misclassifications.mp4 2.54Мб
1. Introduction to the Confusion Matrix & Viewing Misclassifications.vtt 818б
1. Introduction to the types of Optimizers, Learning Rates & Callbacks.mp4 3.42Мб
1. Introduction to the types of Optimizers, Learning Rates & Callbacks.vtt 932б
1. Introduction to Visualizing What CNNs 'see' & Filter Visualizations.mp4 8.25Мб
1. Introduction to Visualizing What CNNs 'see' & Filter Visualizations.vtt 1.30Кб
1. Intro to Building LeNet, AlexNet in Keras & Understand Batch Normalization.mp4 2.76Мб
1. Intro to Building LeNet, AlexNet in Keras & Understand Batch Normalization.vtt 773б
1. Neural Networks Chapter Overview.mp4 7.83Мб
1. Neural Networks Chapter Overview.vtt 1.89Кб
1. Setting up your Deep Learning Virtual Machine (Download Code, VM & Slides here!).mp4 77.40Мб
1. Setting up your Deep Learning Virtual Machine (Download Code, VM & Slides here!).vtt 12.30Кб
1. Setup OpenCV.mp4 13.91Мб
1. Setup OpenCV.vtt 1.89Кб
1. Step 1 - Creating a Credit Card Number Dataset.html 12.30Кб
1. Why use Cloud GPUs and How to Setup a PaperSpace Gradient Notebook.html 15.03Кб
10. Epochs, Iterations and Batch Sizes.mp4 26.08Мб
10. Epochs, Iterations and Batch Sizes.vtt 4.23Кб
10. Saving and Loading Your Model.mp4 29.52Мб
10. Saving and Loading Your Model.vtt 3.92Кб
10. Transformations, Affine And Non-Affine - The Many Ways We Can Change Images.mp4 11.05Мб
10. Transformations, Affine And Non-Affine - The Many Ways We Can Change Images.vtt 3.07Кб
11. Displaying Your Model Visually.mp4 25.45Мб
11. Displaying Your Model Visually.vtt 3.77Кб
11. Image Translations - Moving Images Up, Down. Left And Right.mp4 18.51Мб
11. Image Translations - Moving Images Up, Down. Left And Right.vtt 3.51Кб
11. Measuring Performance and the Confusion Matrix.mp4 52.08Мб
11. Measuring Performance and the Confusion Matrix.vtt 8.48Кб
12. Building a Simple Image Classifier using CIFAR10.mp4 74.36Мб
12. Building a Simple Image Classifier using CIFAR10.vtt 9.74Кб
12. Review and Best Practices.mp4 27.13Мб
12. Review and Best Practices.vtt 5.35Кб
12. Rotations - How To Spin Your Image Around And Do Horizontal Flipping.mp4 23.09Мб
12. Rotations - How To Spin Your Image Around And Do Horizontal Flipping.vtt 4.04Кб
13. Scaling, Re-sizing and Interpolations - Understand How Re-Sizing Affects Quality.mp4 36.57Мб
13. Scaling, Re-sizing and Interpolations - Understand How Re-Sizing Affects Quality.vtt 5.72Кб
14. Image Pyramids - Another Way of Re-Sizing.mp4 14.23Мб
14. Image Pyramids - Another Way of Re-Sizing.vtt 2.44Кб
15. Cropping - Cut Out The Image The Regions You Want or Don't Want.mp4 24.11Мб
15. Cropping - Cut Out The Image The Regions You Want or Don't Want.vtt 3.38Кб
16. Arithmetic Operations - Brightening and Darkening Images.mp4 31.09Мб
16. Arithmetic Operations - Brightening and Darkening Images.vtt 4.47Кб
17. Bitwise Operations - How Image Masking Works.mp4 28.89Мб
17. Bitwise Operations - How Image Masking Works.vtt 4.92Кб
18. Blurring - The Many Ways We Can Blur Images & Why It's Important.mp4 70.24Мб
18. Blurring - The Many Ways We Can Blur Images & Why It's Important.vtt 9.59Кб
19. Sharpening - Reverse Your Images Blurs.mp4 17.33Мб
19. Sharpening - Reverse Your Images Blurs.vtt 2.34Кб
2.1 AlexNet CIFAR10.zip.zip 29.60Кб
2.1 datasets.zip.zip 65.69Мб
2.1 Download the code (for those not using the Virtual Machine).html 108б
2.1 Download the YOLO files (if not using the VM).html 108б
2.1 fer2013.zip.zip 143.26Мб
2.1 vgg_face_weights.h5.tar.gz.gz 520.71Мб
2. Alternative Frameworks PyTorch, MXNet, Caffe, Theano & OpenVINO.mp4 22.99Мб
2. Alternative Frameworks PyTorch, MXNet, Caffe, Theano & OpenVINO.vtt 4.07Кб
2. Build an Emotion, Facial Expression Detector.mp4 201.96Мб
2. Build an Emotion, Facial Expression Detector.vtt 21.98Кб
2. Build LeNet and test on MNIST.mp4 32.13Мб
2. Build LeNet and test on MNIST.vtt 3.80Кб
2. Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction.mp4 36.66Мб
2. Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction.vtt 6.12Кб
2. DeepDream – How AI Generated Art All Started.mp4 83.97Мб
2. DeepDream – How AI Generated Art All Started.vtt 9.88Кб
2. Dying ReLU Problem and Introduction to Leaky ReLU, ELU and PReLUs.mp4 32.33Мб
2. Dying ReLU Problem and Introduction to Leaky ReLU, ELU and PReLUs.vtt 5.86Кб
2. Experiment with a Handwriting Classifier.mp4 67.30Мб
2. Experiment with a Handwriting Classifier.vtt 7.08Кб
2. Face Matching with VGGFace.html 1.07Кб
2. ImageNet - Experimenting with pre-trained Models in Keras (VGG16, ResNet50, Mobi.mp4 82.05Мб
2. ImageNet - Experimenting with pre-trained Models in Keras (VGG16, ResNet50, Mobi.vtt 10.22Кб
2. Introducing LittleVGG.mp4 11.45Мб
2. Introducing LittleVGG.vtt 1.72Кб
2. Introduction To GANs.mp4 85.35Мб
2. Introduction To GANs.vtt 14.29Кб
2. Introduction to Keras & Tensorflow.mp4 73.70Мб
2. Introduction to Keras & Tensorflow.vtt 15.47Кб
2. Machine Learning Overview.mp4 52.28Мб
2. Machine Learning Overview.vtt 9.99Кб
2. Object Detection Introduction - Sliding Windows with HOGs.mp4 51.65Мб
2. Object Detection Introduction - Sliding Windows with HOGs.vtt 6.78Кб
2. Optional - Troubleshooting Guide for VM Setup & for resolving some MacOS Issues.html 5.86Кб
2. Running Your Computer Vision Web App on Flask Locally.html 6.64Кб
2. Saliency Maps & Class Activation Maps.mp4 64.16Мб
2. Saliency Maps & Class Activation Maps.vtt 8.01Кб
2. Setting up and install Yolo DarkNet and DarkFlow.mp4 51.66Мб
2. Setting up and install Yolo DarkNet and DarkFlow.vtt 6.43Кб
2. Splitting Data into Test and Training Datasets.mp4 103.83Мб
2. Splitting Data into Test and Training Datasets.vtt 12.26Кб
2. Step 2 - Training Our Model.html 4.72Кб
2. TFOD API Install and Setup.mp4 47.57Мб
2. TFOD API Install and Setup.vtt 5.85Кб
2. Train a AlexNet on PaperSpace.html 6.89Кб
2. Types Optimizers and Adaptive Learning Rate Methods.mp4 67.23Мб
2. Types Optimizers and Adaptive Learning Rate Methods.vtt 9.57Кб
2. Understanding the Confusion Matrix.mp4 93.03Мб
2. Understanding the Confusion Matrix.vtt 14.18Кб
2. What are Images.mp4 15.99Мб
2. What are Images.vtt 2.97Кб
2. What is Computer Vision and What Makes it Hard.mp4 60.12Мб
2. What is Computer Vision and What Makes it Hard.vtt 7.45Кб
2. What is Segmentation And Applications in Medical Imaging.mp4 29.65Мб
2. What is Segmentation And Applications in Medical Imaging.vtt 4.95Кб
2. What is Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning.mp4 44.92Мб
2. What is Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning.vtt 8.14Кб
20. Thresholding (Binarization) - Making Certain Images Areas Black or White.mp4 64.84Мб
20. Thresholding (Binarization) - Making Certain Images Areas Black or White.vtt 10.63Кб
21. Dilation, Erosion, OpeningClosing - Importance of ThickeningThinning Lines.mp4 42.04Мб
21. Dilation, Erosion, OpeningClosing - Importance of ThickeningThinning Lines.vtt 6.33Кб
22. Edge Detection using Image Gradients & Canny Edge Detection.mp4 45.66Мб
22. Edge Detection using Image Gradients & Canny Edge Detection.vtt 6.37Кб
23. Perspective & Affine Transforms - Take An Off Angle Shot & Make It Look Top Down.mp4 31.65Мб
23. Perspective & Affine Transforms - Take An Off Angle Shot & Make It Look Top Down.vtt 4.90Кб
24. Mini Project 1 - Live Sketch App - Turn your Webcam Feed Into A Pencil Drawing.mp4 43.78Мб
24. Mini Project 1 - Live Sketch App - Turn your Webcam Feed Into A Pencil Drawing.vtt 6.55Кб
25. Segmentation and Contours - Extract Defined Shapes In Your Image.mp4 77.42Мб
25. Segmentation and Contours - Extract Defined Shapes In Your Image.vtt 14.55Кб
26. Sorting Contours - Sort Those Shapes By Size.mp4 106.18Мб
26. Sorting Contours - Sort Those Shapes By Size.vtt 106.20Мб
27. Approximating Contours & Finding Their Convex Hull - Clean Up Messy Contours.mp4 46.95Мб
27. Approximating Contours & Finding Their Convex Hull - Clean Up Messy Contours.vtt 7.11Кб
28. Matching Contour Shapes - Match Shapes In Images Even When Distorted.mp4 52.91Мб
28. Matching Contour Shapes - Match Shapes In Images Even When Distorted.vtt 6.89Кб
29. Mini Project 2 - Identify Shapes (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle & Stars).mp4 47.29Мб
29. Mini Project 2 - Identify Shapes (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle & Stars).vtt 7.20Кб
3.1 17_flowers.tar.gz.gz 57.54Мб
3.1 age-gender-estimation.tar.gz.gz 552.20Мб
3.1 simpsons.tar.gz.gz 549.54Мб
3. Advanced Initializations.mp4 14.96Мб
3. Advanced Initializations.vtt 3.16Кб
3. Build AlexNet and test on CIFAR10.mp4 42.16Мб
3. Build AlexNet and test on CIFAR10.vtt 5.39Кб
3. Build a Monkey Breed Classifier with MobileNet using Transfer Learning.mp4 135.31Мб
3. Build a Monkey Breed Classifier with MobileNet using Transfer Learning.vtt 15.11Кб
3. Build EmotionAgeGender Recognition in our Deep Surveillance Monitor.mp4 260.79Мб
3. Build EmotionAgeGender Recognition in our Deep Surveillance Monitor.vtt 26.21Кб
3. Building a Handwriting Recognition CNN.mp4 11.15Мб
3. Building a Handwriting Recognition CNN.vtt 2.21Кб
3. Convolutions & Image Features.mp4 102.36Мб
3. Convolutions & Image Features.vtt 15.18Кб
3. Experiment with a Image Classifier.mp4 27.30Мб
3. Experiment with a Image Classifier.vtt 3.69Кб
3. Experiment with a ResNet SSD on images, webcam and videos.mp4 83.56Мб
3. Experiment with a ResNet SSD on images, webcam and videos.vtt 8.58Кб
3. Experiment with YOLO on still images, webcam and videos.mp4 104.49Мб
3. Experiment with YOLO on still images, webcam and videos.vtt 10.39Кб
3. Face Recognition using WebCam & Identifying Friends TV Show Characters in Video.html 441б
3. Finding and Viewing Misclassified Data.mp4 44.37Мб
3. Finding and Viewing Misclassified Data.vtt 7.31Кб
3. How are Images Formed.mp4 21.26Мб
3. How are Images Formed.vtt 4.13Кб
3. Keras Callbacks and Checkpoint, Early Stopping and Adjust Learning Rates that Pl.mp4 51.15Мб
3. Keras Callbacks and Checkpoint, Early Stopping and Adjust Learning Rates that Pl.vtt 8.25Кб
3. Mathematics of GANs.mp4 27.16Мб
3. Mathematics of GANs.vtt 4.54Кб
3. Neural Networks Explained.mp4 23.34Мб
3. Neural Networks Explained.vtt 4.80Кб
3. Neural Style Transfer.mp4 124.76Мб
3. Neural Style Transfer.vtt 15.00Кб
3. Optional - Manual Setup of Ubuntu Virtual Machine.html 3.52Кб
3. Popular APIs Google, Microsoft, ClarifAI Amazon Rekognition and others.mp4 8.57Мб
3. Popular APIs Google, Microsoft, ClarifAI Amazon Rekognition and others.vtt 1.38Кб
3. R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN.mp4 135.88Мб
3. R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN.vtt 18.26Кб
3. Running Your Computer Vision API.html 4.79Кб
3. Saliency Maps & Class Activation Maps.mp4 80.79Мб
3. Saliency Maps & Class Activation Maps.vtt 9.89Кб
3. Simpsons Character Recognition using LittleVGG.mp4 99.60Мб
3. Simpsons Character Recognition using LittleVGG.vtt 10.75Кб
3. Step 3 - Extracting A Credit Card from the Background.html 7.97Кб
3. Train a Cats vs. Dogs Classifier.mp4 44.78Мб
3. Train a Cats vs. Dogs Classifier.vtt 5.33Кб
3. Understanding VGG16 and VGG19.mp4 14.44Мб
3. Understanding VGG16 and VGG19.vtt 2.11Кб
3. U-Net Image Segmentation with CNNs.mp4 30.47Мб
3. U-Net Image Segmentation with CNNs.vtt 4.41Кб
3. What are Images.mp4 58.79Мб
3. What are Images.vtt 9.29Кб
30. Line Detection - Detect Straight Lines E.g. The Lines On A Sudoku Game.mp4 65.69Мб
30. Line Detection - Detect Straight Lines E.g. The Lines On A Sudoku Game.vtt 8.63Кб
31. Circle Detection.html 1.59Кб
32. Blob Detection - Detect The Center of Flowers.mp4 32.24Мб
32. Blob Detection - Detect The Center of Flowers.vtt 4.52Кб
33. Mini Project 3 - Counting Circles and Ellipses.mp4 51.90Мб
33. Mini Project 3 - Counting Circles and Ellipses.vtt 7.83Кб
34. Object Detection Overview.mp4 30.81Мб
34. Object Detection Overview.vtt 4.38Кб
35. Mini Project # 4 - Finding Waldo (Quickly Find A Specific Pattern In An Image).mp4 25.89Мб
35. Mini Project # 4 - Finding Waldo (Quickly Find A Specific Pattern In An Image).vtt 3.81Кб
36. Feature Description Theory - How We Digitally Represent Objects.mp4 35.32Мб
36. Feature Description Theory - How We Digitally Represent Objects.vtt 6.46Кб
37. Finding Corners - Why Corners In Images Are Important to Object Detection.mp4 52.08Мб
37. Finding Corners - Why Corners In Images Are Important to Object Detection.vtt 9.17Кб
38. Histogram of Oriented Gradients - Another Novel Way Of Representing Images.mp4 81.98Мб
38. Histogram of Oriented Gradients - Another Novel Way Of Representing Images.vtt 10.42Кб
39. HAAR Cascade Classifiers - Learn How Classifiers Work And Why They're Amazing.mp4 43.06Мб
39. HAAR Cascade Classifiers - Learn How Classifiers Work And Why They're Amazing.vtt 6.90Кб
4.1 fruits-360.tar.gz.gz 376.04Мб
4.1 monkey_breed.zip.zip 546.68Мб
4. Batch Normalization.mp4 23.17Мб
4. Batch Normalization.vtt 3.75Кб
4. Boosting Accuracy with Data Augmentation.mp4 43.51Мб
4. Boosting Accuracy with Data Augmentation.vtt 6.48Кб
4. Build a Flower Classifier with VGG16 using Transfer Learning.mp4 81.96Мб
4. Build a Flower Classifier with VGG16 using Transfer Learning.vtt 81.97Мб
4. Build a Fruit Classifier.mp4 92.95Мб
4. Build a Fruit Classifier.vtt 9.92Кб
4. Build your own YOLO Object Detector - Detecting London Underground Signs.mp4 159.12Мб
4. Build your own YOLO Object Detector - Detecting London Underground Signs.vtt 19.00Кб
4. Depth, Stride and Padding.mp4 46.53Мб
4. Depth, Stride and Padding.vtt 7.91Кб
4. Filter Visualizations.mp4 89.49Мб
4. Filter Visualizations.vtt 11.68Кб
4. Forward Propagation.mp4 63.35Мб
4. Forward Propagation.vtt 9.87Кб
4. How to Train a TFOD Model.mp4 74.21Мб
4. How to Train a TFOD Model.vtt 10.29Кб
4. Implementing GANs in Keras.mp4 96.36Мб
4. Implementing GANs in Keras.vtt 13.44Кб
4. Intro to OpenCV, OpenVINO™ & their Limitations.mp4 41.46Мб
4. Intro to OpenCV, OpenVINO™ & their Limitations.vtt 8.10Кб
4. Loading Our Data.mp4 52.93Мб
4. Loading Our Data.vtt 7.45Кб
4. OpenCV Demo – Live Sketch with Webcam.mp4 41.17Мб
4. OpenCV Demo – Live Sketch with Webcam.vtt 4.71Кб
4. Optional - Setting up a shared drive with your Host OS.html 2.92Кб
4. Popular Computer Vision Conferences & Finding Datasets.mp4 19.59Мб
4. Popular Computer Vision Conferences & Finding Datasets.vtt 3.10Кб
4. Setting Up An AWS Account.html 1.74Кб
4. Single Shot Detectors (SSDs).mp4 12.46Мб
4. Single Shot Detectors (SSDs).vtt 2.40Кб
4. Step 4 - Use our Model to Identify the Digits & Display it onto our Credit Card.html 4.10Кб
4. Storing Images on Computers.mp4 42.31Мб
4. Storing Images on Computers.vtt 5.94Кб
4. The Intersection over Union (IoU) Metric.mp4 42.97Мб
4. The Intersection over Union (IoU) Metric.vtt 5.51Кб
4. Understanding ResNet50.mp4 9.76Мб
4. Understanding ResNet50.vtt 1.83Кб
40. Face and Eye Detection - Detect Human Faces and Eyes In Any Image.mp4 89.25Мб
40. Face and Eye Detection - Detect Human Faces and Eyes In Any Image.vtt 14.30Кб
41. Mini Project 6 - Car and Pedestrian Detection in Videos.mp4 56.43Мб
41. Mini Project 6 - Car and Pedestrian Detection in Videos.vtt 9.16Кб
5.1 fashion_mnist.tar.gz.gz 29.45Мб
5.1 GenerativeNetworks.tar.gz.gz 116.98Мб
5.1 U_NET.zip.zip 89.95Мб
5. Activation Functions.mp4 59.63Мб
5. Activation Functions.vtt 10.19Кб
5. Build a Clothing & Apparel Classifier (Fashion MNIST).mp4 56.34Мб
5. Build a Clothing & Apparel Classifier (Fashion MNIST).vtt 7.32Кб
5. Building a Deep Learning Machine vs. Cloud GPUs.mp4 28.23Мб
5. Building a Deep Learning Machine vs. Cloud GPUs.vtt 4.89Кб
5. Face Aging GAN.mp4 46.77Мб
5. Face Aging GAN.vtt 6.46Кб
5. Finding the Nuclei in Divergent Images.mp4 171.06Мб
5. Finding the Nuclei in Divergent Images.vtt 18.03Кб
5. Getting our data in ‘Shape’.mp4 33.81Мб
5. Getting our data in ‘Shape’.vtt 5.10Кб
5. Getting Started with OpenCV - A Brief OpenCV Intro.mp4 74.90Мб
5. Getting Started with OpenCV - A Brief OpenCV Intro.vtt 10.68Кб
5. Heat Map Visualizations of Class Activations.mp4 34.21Мб
5. Heat Map Visualizations of Class Activations.vtt 4.39Кб
5. ReLU.mp4 10.89Мб
5. ReLU.vtt 2.17Кб
5. Setting Up Your AWS EC2 Instance & Installing Keras, TensorFlow, OpenCV & Flask.html 6.88Кб
5. Types of Data Augmentation.mp4 52.51Мб
5. Types of Data Augmentation.vtt 7.17Кб
5. Understanding InceptionV3.mp4 14.35Мб
5. Understanding InceptionV3.vtt 3.11Кб
5. YOLO to YOLOv3.mp4 33.09Мб
5. YOLO to YOLOv3.vtt 4.66Кб
6. Changing your EC2 Security Group.html 1.59Кб
6. Grayscaling - Converting Color Images To Shades of Gray.mp4 15.00Мб
6. Grayscaling - Converting Color Images To Shades of Gray.vtt 2.50Кб
6. Hot One Encoding.mp4 18.19Мб
6. Hot One Encoding.vtt 3.48Кб
6. Pooling.mp4 28.83Мб
6. Pooling.vtt 5.65Кб
6. Training Part 1 – Loss Functions.mp4 58.42Мб
6. Training Part 1 – Loss Functions.vtt 10.38Кб
7. Building & Compiling Our Model.mp4 36.22Мб
7. Building & Compiling Our Model.vtt 4.78Кб
7. The Fully Connected Layer.mp4 13.85Мб
7. The Fully Connected Layer.vtt 2.79Кб
7. Training Part 2 – Backpropagation and Gradient Descent.mp4 72.63Мб
7. Training Part 2 – Backpropagation and Gradient Descent.vtt 11.55Кб
7. Understanding Color Spaces - The Many Ways Color Images Are Stored Digitally.mp4 106.22Мб
7. Understanding Color Spaces - The Many Ways Color Images Are Stored Digitally.vtt 14.70Кб
7. Using FileZilla to transfer files to your EC2 Instance.html 4.73Кб
8. Backpropagation & Learning Rates – A Worked Example.mp4 99.85Мб
8. Backpropagation & Learning Rates – A Worked Example.vtt 15.35Кб
8. Histogram representation of Images - Visualizing the Components of Images.mp4 42.39Мб
8. Histogram representation of Images - Visualizing the Components of Images.vtt 5.44Кб
8. Running your CV Web App on EC2.html 2.45Кб
8. Training CNNs.mp4 27.16Мб
8. Training CNNs.vtt 3.70Кб
8. Training Our Classifier.mp4 40.79Мб
8. Training Our Classifier.vtt 6.12Кб
9. Creating Images & Drawing on Images - Make Squares, Circles, Polygons & Add Text.mp4 30.97Мб
9. Creating Images & Drawing on Images - Make Squares, Circles, Polygons & Add Text.vtt 4.72Кб
9. Designing Your Own CNN.mp4 24.25Мб
9. Designing Your Own CNN.vtt 4.65Кб
9. Plotting Loss and Accuracy Charts.mp4 25.57Мб
9. Plotting Loss and Accuracy Charts.vtt 4.00Кб
9. Regularization, Overfitting, Generalization and Test Datasets.mp4 118.39Мб
9. Regularization, Overfitting, Generalization and Test Datasets.vtt 18.38Кб
9. Running your CV API on EC2.html 3.13Кб
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