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[CourseClub.NET].url 123б
[FCS Forum].url 133б
[FreeCourseSite.com].url 127б
1.1 MIND01 Mindfulness Introduction Video.mp3.mp3 6.91Мб
1.1 MIND108 Introduction to Section 7.mp3.mp3 8.07Мб
1.1 MIND119 Introduction to Q&A Section.mp3.mp3 4.68Мб
1.1 MIND19 The 3 Dimensions of Mindfulness.mp3.mp3 18.35Мб
1.1 MIND55 The 2nd Dimension How We Relate to Others Part 1.mp3.mp3 20.54Мб
1.1 MIND72 Mindfulness Coaching Recources Section.mp3.mp3 3.38Мб
1.1 MIND73 The AVP Model - S5.mp3.mp3 17.92Мб
1.1 MIND99 Introducing the Practical Application Section.mp3.mp3 5.67Мб
1.1 The Republic by Plato.html 132б
1.2 50 Quotes for Reflecting Upon.pdf.pdf 276.94Кб
1.2 50 Quotes for Reflecting Upon.pdf.pdf 276.94Кб
1.2 The Republic by Plato.pdf.pdf 5.75Мб
1.3 The Original Story of Plato's Cave.pdf.pdf 583.49Кб
1.4 MIND37 The Cave A Mindful Awakening - S3.mp3.mp3 22.08Мб
1. 5 Steps for Building an Empowering Mindfulness Practice.html 7.89Кб
1. An Introduction to Section 8.mp4 92.00Мб
1. Introducing the Practical Application Section.mp4 66.48Мб
1. Introduction to the Q&A's Section.mp4 56.90Мб
1. The 2nd Dimension of Mindfulness Part 1.mp4 141.04Мб
1. The Cave Analogy A Mindful Awakening.mp4 240.77Мб
1. The Mindfulness A.V.P. Model.mp4 198.19Мб
1. The Three Dimensions of Mindfulness.mp4 198.89Мб
1. Welcome to the Mindfulness Coaching Resources Section.mp4 43.71Мб
1. Welcome to Your Mindfulness Practitioner Course.mp4 77.98Мб
10.1 Locus of Control.pdf.pdf 202.81Кб
10.1 MIND116 The Recipe for Inner Peace Part 1.mp3.mp3 21.78Мб
10.1 MIND62 Choose Life Choose Connection.mp3.mp3 26.79Мб
10.1 MIND81 The 4 Factors of Present Moment Awareness Part 1.mp3.mp3 15.56Мб
10.1 Rubaiyat by Nâzım Hikmet,.html 134б
10.1 The 3 Levels of Consciousness.pdf.pdf 3.48Мб
10.2 Dhammapada.pdf.pdf 240.78Кб
10.2 MIND07 The 3 Levels of Consciousness Part 2.mp3.mp3 19.95Мб
10.2 MIND44 The 3 Levels of Influence Part 2.mp3.mp3 16.22Мб
10.3 King Solomon's Book of Ecclesiastes.pdf.pdf 107.74Кб
10.4 Mahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari.html 137б
10.5 The Kohelet (Ecclesiastes Full Text).pdf.pdf 7.49Мб
10.6 The Quiet American by Graham Greene.html 142б
10.7 Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn.html 149б
10.8 A History of Zen Buddhism.pdf.pdf 140.21Мб
10.9 The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh.html 155б
10. A Recipe for Inner Peace Part 1.mp4 156.11Мб
10. Choose Life, Choose Connection.mp4 190.77Мб
10. The 4 Factors of Present Moment Awareness Part 1.mp4 162.97Мб
10. The Origins of Wisdom (Article, Downloads & Links).html 6.51Кб
10. The Three Levels of Consciousness Part 2.mp4 209.83Мб
10. The Three Levels of Influence Part 2.mp4 179.71Мб
11.1 Chunking Up Chunking Down.pdf.pdf 208.77Кб
11.1 F4 - Life Balance Workbook.pdf.pdf 8.21Мб
11.1 MIND117 The Recipe for Inner Peace Part 2.mp3.mp3 25.31Мб
11.1 Moving On From Your Past.pdf.pdf 222.46Кб
11.1 The 4 Noble Truths of Dukkha.pdf.pdf 147.13Кб
11.2 King Solomon's Book of Ecclesiastes.pdf.pdf 107.74Кб
11.2 MIND63 Choosing Connection The Scary Exercise.mp3.mp3 10.36Мб
11.2 MIND82 The 4 Factors of Present Moment Awareness Part 2.mp3.mp3 13.71Мб
11.2 UNBRANDED Life Balance Workbook.pdf.pdf 8.78Мб
11.3 MIND27 The Noble Truths of Dukkha Part 1.mp3.mp3 14.98Мб
11.3 MIND45 The Life Balance Workbook.mp3.mp3 11.85Мб
11.4 The Kohelet (Ecclesiastes Full Text).pdf.pdf 7.48Мб
11. A Recipe for Inner Peace Part 2.mp4 194.56Мб
11. The 4 Factors of Present Moment Awareness Part 2.mp4 144.38Мб
11. The Conscious and Unconscious Mind.html 2.31Кб
11. The Four Noble Truths of Dukkah Part 1.mp4 169.26Мб
11. The Life Balance Assessment Workbook.mp4 149.25Мб
11. The Section 4 Challenge Choosing Connection.mp4 111.38Мб
12.1 Exercise_ Core Values.pdf.pdf 283.17Кб
12.1 MIND08 Mindfulness or Mindlessness Contrastive Analysis Part 1.mp3.mp3 14.85Мб
12.1 MIND46 Fovial and Peripheral Vision.mp3.mp3 21.36Мб
12.1 MIND64 The Mindfulness Communication Model.mp3.mp3 25.05Мб
12.1 MIND83 The Mindful Interview Exercise.mp3.mp3 10.32Мб
12.1 The 4 Noble Truths of Dukkha.pdf.pdf 147.13Кб
12.2 MIND118 The Recipe for Inner Peace Part 3.mp3.mp3 18.19Мб
12.2 MIND28 The Noble Truths of Dukkha Part 2.mp3.mp3 15.12Мб
12.2 The Mindful Interview Exercise.pdf.pdf 192.76Кб
12.3 King Solomon's Book of Ecclesiastes.pdf.pdf 107.74Кб
12.3 UNBRANDED Exercise_ Core Values.pdf.pdf 224.95Кб
12.4 The Kohelet (Ecclesiastes Full Text).pdf.pdf 7.48Мб
12. A Recipe for Inner Peace Part 3.mp4 135.47Мб
12. Foveal and Peripheral Vision.mp4 221.92Мб
12. Mindfulness or Mindlessness Contrastive Analysis Part 1.mp4 160.31Мб
12. Section 6 Challenge The Mindful Interview Exercise.mp4 102.97Мб
12. The Four Noble Truths of Dukkah Part 2.mp4 168.22Мб
12. The Mindfulness Communication Model.mp4 176.94Мб
13.1 Free Buddhist Teachings & Interpretation.html 152б
13.1 How To Question Limiting Beliefs.pdf.pdf 194.44Кб
13.1 MIND09 Mindfulness or Mindlessness Contrastive Analysis Part 2.mp3.mp3 15.39Мб
13.1 MIND47 Fovial and Peripheral Vision Further Distinctions.mp3.mp3 6.50Мб
13.2 MIND84 How to Question Limiting Beliefs Demonstration Part 1.mp3.mp3 19.59Мб
13.2 The Buddhist Centre Teaching the Four Noble Truths.html 113б
13. Core Values Article & Questions.html 11.94Кб
13. Foveal and Peripheral Vision Further Distinctions.mp4 74.33Мб
13. Mindfulness or Mindlessness Contrastive Analysis Part 2.mp4 159.37Мб
13. Questioning Limiting Beliefs Demonstration Part 1.mp4 137.71Мб
13. The 3 Keys to Deeper Relationships.html 8.09Кб
13. The 4 Noble Truths of Dukkha.html 5.95Кб
14.1 MIND65 Introducing Perceptual Positions.mp3.mp3 19.57Мб
14.1 MIND85 How to Question Limiting Beliefs Demonstration Part 2.mp3.mp3 17.59Мб
14.1 The Wise Mind Model.pdf.pdf 344.91Кб
14.2 How To Question Limiting Beliefs.pdf.pdf 194.44Кб
14.2 MIND29 The Wise Mind Model.mp3.mp3 15.70Мб
14. Introducing Perceptual Repositioning.mp4 213.17Мб
14. Practicing Peripheral Vision.html 5.39Кб
14. Questioning Limiting Beliefs Demonstration Part 2.mp4 102.90Мб
14. The Wise Mind Model.mp4 166.45Мб
14. What is Mindfulness (Article).html 11.13Кб
15.1 MIND48 A Framework for Mindful Based Change Part 1.mp3.mp3 19.32Мб
15.1 MIND66 Perceptual Positions Demonstration.mp3.mp3 21.27Мб
15.1 MIND86 Demonstration Deconstrauction.mp3.mp3 10.41Мб
15.1 The Core Components of Mindfulness.pdf.pdf 242.94Кб
15.2 How To Question Limiting Beliefs.pdf.pdf 194.44Кб
15.2 MIND10 The Core Components of Mindfulness.mp3.mp3 23.96Мб
15. A Framework for Mindfulness Based Change Part 1.mp4 212.36Мб
15. Perceptual Repositioning Demonstration.mp4 118.48Мб
15. Questioning Limiting Beliefs Demonstration Deconstruction.mp4 81.92Мб
15. The Core Components of Mindfulness.mp4 263.55Мб
15. The Wise Mind Model (Article).html 5.67Кб
16.1 An Introduction to Holism.pdf.pdf 208.24Кб
16.1 MIND11 The Factors that Impede Mindful Insight Part 1.mp3.mp3 14.01Мб
16.1 MIND49 A Framework for Mindful Based Change Part 2.mp3.mp3 22.45Мб
16.1 MIND67 Demonstration Deconstruction.mp3.mp3 14.68Мб
16.1 MIND87 Limiting Beliefs Further Distictions.mp3.mp3 10.04Мб
16.2 MIND30 An Introduction to Holism.mp3.mp3 23.61Мб
16. A Framework for Mindfulness Based Change Part 2.mp4 249.90Мб
16. An Introduction to Holism.mp4 261.41Мб
16. Limiting Beliefs Further Distinctions.mp4 91.11Мб
16. Perceptual Repositioning Demo Deconstruction.mp4 110.79Мб
16. The Factors that Impede Mindful Insight Part 1.mp4 149.44Мб
17.1 Factors That Impede Mindful Insight.pdf.pdf 206.51Кб
17.1 MIND31 A Process for Self-Regulation.mp3.mp3 20.64Мб
17.1 MIND50 A Vision for Your Future Self.mp3.mp3 27.35Мб
17.1 Perceptual Repositioning.pdf.pdf 212.34Кб
17.2 A Vision for Your Ideal Future Self.pdf.pdf 1.55Мб
17.2 MIND12 The Factors that Impede Mindful Insight Part 2.mp3.mp3 16.03Мб
17.2 MIND68 Your Perceptual Positions Experience.mp3.mp3 17.25Мб
17. A Process for Self-Regulation.mp4 149.77Мб
17. A Vision for your Ideal Future Self.mp4 206.28Мб
17. The Cycle of Belief Change.html 7.45Кб
17. The Factors that Impede Mindful Insight Part 2.mp4 169.64Мб
17. Your Perceptual Repositioning Exercise.mp4 186.79Мб
18. 10 Common Mindless Assumptions Part 1.mp4 257.13Мб
18.1 MIND13 The Core Attitudes of Mindlessness.mp3.mp3 25.32Мб
18.1 MIND32 A Strategy for Self-Regulation.mp3.mp3 27.48Мб
18.1 MIND51 The Strongest of Foundations.mp3.mp3 27.29Мб
18.1 MIND88 10 Common Mindless Assumptions Part 1.mp3.mp3 25.24Мб
18.1 Perceptual Repositioning.pdf.pdf 212.34Кб
18.2 The Strongest of Foundations.pdf.pdf 205.30Кб
18. A Strategy for Self-Regulation.mp4 301.23Мб
18. The Core Attitudes of Mindlessness.mp4 296.16Мб
18. The Perceptual Repositioning Technique.html 5.56Кб
18. The Strongest of Life Foundations.mp4 195.84Мб
19. 10 Common Mindless Assumptions Part 2.mp4 234.29Мб
19.1 MIND52 The Core of Your Identity Part 1.mp3.mp3 20.91Мб
19.1 MIND69 How Active is Your Listening Workbook.mp3.mp3 5.39Мб
19.1 MIND89 10 Common Mindless Assumptions Part 2.mp3.mp3 22.87Мб
19.1 The 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness.pdf.pdf 5.30Мб
19.2 Common Mindless Assumptions.pdf.pdf 214.80Кб
19.2 How Active Is Your Listening.pdf.pdf 211.26Кб
19.2 The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness.pdf.pdf 216.28Кб
19. Motivation for Self-Regulation.html 8.81Кб
19. The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness.html 7.80Кб
19. The Core of Your True Identity Part 1.mp4 148.79Мб
19. Workbook How Active is Your Listening.mp4 59.52Мб
2.10 Book of Proverbs.pdf.pdf 232.48Кб
2.11 The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.html 161б
2.12 The Kohelet (Ecclesiastes Full Text).pdf.pdf 7.48Мб
2.13 Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl.html 143б
2.14 MIND123 Recomended Reading List.mp3.mp3 26.23Мб
2.15 Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies (For Dummies) by Shamash Alidina.html 160б
2.16 King Solomon's Book of Ecclesiastes.pdf.pdf 107.74Кб
2.17 Mans Search for Ultimate Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl.html 154б
2.1 MIND100 Exercise 1 The 'Being Honest' Exercise.mp3.mp3 6.76Мб
2.1 MIND109 The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 1.mp3.mp3 19.83Мб
2.1 MIND120 Q1) Choosing a Specialist Niche.mp3.mp3 16.01Мб
2.1 MIND20 How Present is your Past (Exercise).mp3.mp3 10.06Мб
2.1 MIND38 The Essence of Mindful Based Practice Part 1.mp3.mp3 27.42Мб
2.1 MIND56 The 2nd Dimension How We Relate to Others Part 2.mp3.mp3 18.61Мб
2.1 MIND74 The Emotional Consequence of Focus.mp3.mp3 25.47Мб
2.1 The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.html 187.15Мб
2.2 A History of Zen Buddhism.pdf.pdf 140.20Мб
2.2 How Present Is Your Past.pdf.pdf 197.61Кб
2.2 The Visual DNA Personality Quiz.html 148б
2.3 An Honest Self-Evaluation.pdf.pdf 214.14Кб
2.3 The Enlightened Gardener Revisited by Mr Sydney Banks.html 156б
2.4 On Becoming a Person A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy by Carl R. Rogers.html 146б
2.4 The Visual DNA 'Who Am I' Quiz.html 130б
2.5 The 5 Love Languages The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman.html 148б
2. 6 Mindful Exercises to Try or Share With Others.html 10.88Кб
2.6 The Skilled Helper by Gerard Egan.html 141б
2.7 Dhammapada.pdf.pdf 240.78Кб
2.8 The Enlightener Gardener by Mr Sydney Banks.html 145б
2.9 Dear Liza by Mr Sydney Banks.html 135б
2. Application 1 The Honesty Exercise.mp4 75.26Мб
2. Course Instructions & Udemy Navigation Support.html 6.69Кб
2. End of Course Recommended Reading List.mp4 188.03Мб
2. How Present is Your Past (Exercise).mp4 110.74Мб
2. Q1) Choosing a Specialist Niche.mp4 115.74Мб
2. The 2nd Dimension of Mindfulness Part 2.mp4 130.67Мб
2. The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 1.mp4 148.08Мб
2. The Emotional Consequence of Focus.mp4 214.86Мб
2. The Essence of Mindfulness Based Practice Part 1.mp4 298.99Мб
20.1 MIND14 Meditating or Meditation.mp3.mp3 15.50Мб
20.1 MIND33 Head, Heart and Gut Demonstration Set-Up.mp3.mp3 9.27Мб
20.1 MIND53 The Core of Your Identity Part 2.mp3.mp3 20.54Мб
20.1 MIND70 The Circle of Disempowerment.mp3.mp3 14.29Мб
20.1 MIND90 Representational Thinking Part 1.mp3.mp3 25.15Мб
20.2 The Core of Your True Identity.pdf.pdf 242.36Кб
20. Head, Heart and Gut Demonstration Set-Up.mp4 104.79Мб
20. Representational Thinking Part 1.mp4 259.18Мб
20. The Circle of Disempowerment.mp4 100.98Мб
20. The Core of Your True Identity Part 2.mp4 148.04Мб
20. The Difference Between Meditating & Meditation.mp4 181.77Мб
21.1 50 Quotes for Reflecting Upon.pdf.pdf 276.94Кб
21.1 MIND34 Head, Heart and Gut Demonstration.mp3.mp3 27.04Мб
21.1 MIND91 Representational Thinking Part 2.mp3.mp3 21.53Мб
21.1 The Skilled Helper by Gerard Egan.html 141б
21.2 Conversation hacking eBook.pdf.pdf 23.75Мб
21.2 MIND15 A Benchmark for Future Reference.mp3.mp3 6.48Мб
21.2 Representational Thinking.pdf.pdf 280.37Кб
21.3 MIND71 End of Section Summary & Wrap-Up.mp3.mp3 14.78Мб
21. A Benchmark for Future Reference.mp4 75.66Мб
21. End of Section Summary & Wrap-Up.mp4 169.10Мб
21. Head, Heart and Gut Demonstration.mp4 144.95Мб
21. Representational Thinking Part 2.mp4 220.34Мб
21. The 'What is Real' Metaphor.html 3.13Кб
22.1 Exercise_ Mindful Based Living.pdf.pdf 252.12Кб
22.1 MIND35 Demonstration Deconstruction.mp3.mp3 16.58Мб
22.1 The Visual DNA Who Am I Quiz.html 130б
22.2 MIND54 End of Section Summary & Wrap-Up.mp3.mp3 7.54Мб
22.2 MIND92 An Equation for Mindful Based Living.mp3.mp3 17.63Мб
22.3 Visual DNA Personality Quiz.html 113б
22. An Equation for Effective Mindful Living.mp4 193.09Мб
22. End of Section Summary and Wrap-Up.mp4 82.55Мб
22. Head, Heart and Gut Demo Deconstruction.mp4 139.14Мб
22. Join the Practice Makes Permanent Discussion Group!.html 2.74Кб
23.1 MIND16 The Core Assumpions of Mindfulness Part 1.mp3.mp3 18.86Мб
23.1 MIND36 Principles into Practice Exercise - END S2.mp3.mp3 21.11Мб
23.1 MIND93 Compassion Led Confrontation.mp3.mp3 25.17Мб
23.2 The Head, Heart, Gut Exercise.pdf.pdf 208.07Кб
23. Compassion-Led Confrontation.mp4 286.19Мб
23. Putting Principles into Practice (Exercise).mp4 239.85Мб
23. The Core Assumptions of Mindfulness Part 1.mp4 200.32Мб
24.1 MIND17 The Core Assumpions of Mindfulness Part 2.mp3.mp3 21.30Мб
24.1 MIND94 Compassion Led Confrontational Questioning.mp3.mp3 26.41Мб
24.2 Questions for Compassion Led Confrontation.pdf.pdf 189.87Кб
24.2 The Core Assumptions of Mindfulness.pdf.pdf 272.21Кб
24. Compassion-Led Confrontation Questioning.mp4 181.10Мб
24. Join the 'Practice Makes Permanent' Support Group.html 1.97Кб
24. The Core Assumptions of Mindfulness Part 2.mp4 231.23Мб
25.1 MIND95 Introducing Time Line Interventions Part 1.mp3.mp3 16.69Мб
25. Building on the Assumptions of Mindfulness.html 3.36Кб
25. Introducing Time-Line Interventions Part 1.mp4 127.85Мб
26.1 MIND18 The 4 Soil Types (Conditions of the Heart) - END S1.mp3.mp3 24.59Мб
26.1 MIND96 Introducing Time Line Interventions Part 2.mp3.mp3 16.46Мб
26. Conditions of the Heart The Four Soil types.mp4 296.54Мб
26. Introducing Time-Line Interventions Part 2.mp4 103.75Мб
27.1 MIND97 Time Line Demonstration Deconstruction.mp3.mp3 8.97Мб
27. The Time-Line Intervention Technique Demonstration.mp4 88.05Мб
28.1 MIND98 End of Section 5 Wrap-Up.mp3.mp3 20.03Мб
28. End of Section Summary & Wrap-Up.mp4 212.55Мб
3.1 MIND02 Mindfulness Course Overview.mp3.mp3 11.73Мб
3.1 MIND101 Exercise 2 The 'Getting Started' Exercise.mp3.mp3 5.74Мб
3.1 MIND110 The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 2.mp3.mp3 20.81Мб
3.1 MIND121 Q2) When to End a Client Relationship.mp3.mp3 17.04Мб
3.1 MIND124 Closing Thoughts & Course Summary.mp3.mp3 12.62Мб
3.1 MIND21 The Art of Overcoming Distraction.mp3.mp3 16.90Мб
3.1 MIND39 The Essence of Mindful Based Practice Part 2.mp3.mp3 25.34Мб
3.1 MIND57 The Marie Perspective Part 1.mp3.mp3 15.96Мб
3.1 MIND75 Emotional Time Travel Part 1.mp3.mp3 15.93Мб
3.2 A Perspective For Life - The Marie Story.pdf.pdf 1.17Мб
3.2 Course Journal & Reflection Log.pdf.pdf 1.08Мб
3. Application 2 The 'Getting Started' Exercise.mp4 66.77Мб
3. Closing Thoughts and Course Summary.mp4 93.56Мб
3. Course Overview and What You Can Expect.mp4 132.76Мб
3. Developing Emotional Intelligence Part 1.mp4 164.15Мб
3. Q2) When to end a client relationship.mp4 118.76Мб
3. The 3 Minute Breathing Space Exercise.html 4.94Кб
3. The Art of Overcoming Distraction.mp4 187.25Мб
3. The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 2.mp4 146.65Мб
3. The Essence of Mindfulness Based Practice Part 2.mp4 179.38Мб
3. The Marie Perspective Part 1.mp4 174.04Мб
4.1 Access Your Achology Certificate Here.html 130б
4.1 A Perspective For Life - The Marie Story.pdf.pdf 1.17Мб
4.1 Life Story Worksheet.pdf.pdf 127.91Кб
4.1 MIND102 Exercise 3 The 'Forgiveness' Exercise.mp3.mp3 6.40Мб
4.1 MIND111 The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 3.mp3.mp3 19.21Мб
4.1 MIND122 Q3) How to Set Client Rates (or Fees).mp3.mp3 12.93Мб
4.1 MIND22 The 7 Factors of Enlightenment Part 1.mp3.mp3 20.55Мб
4.1 MIND76 Emotional Time Travel Part 2.mp3.mp3 16.41Мб
4.2 MIND58 The Marie Perspective Part 2.mp3.mp3 14.97Мб
4. Application 3 The Forgiveness Exercise.mp4 64.87Мб
4. Developing Emotional Intelligence Part 2.mp4 175.18Мб
4. Download Your Achology Certificate .html 3.99Кб
4. How Our Thoughts Can Blind Us (Article).html 7.97Кб
4. Life Story Worksheet (Client Exercise).html 2.53Кб
4. Q3) How to set client rates.mp4 89.64Мб
4. The Benefits of Mindfulness.html 4.87Кб
4. The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 3.mp4 140.90Мб
4. The Marie Perspective Part 2.mp4 154.91Мб
4. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Part 1.mp4 204.94Мб
5.1 Best Possible Self Worksheet 1.pdf.pdf 84.88Кб
5.1 MIND03 The Three Ways That We See.mp3.mp3 16.48Мб
5.1 MIND103 Exercise 4 The 'Setting Boundries' Exercise.mp3.mp3 10.78Мб
5.1 MIND112 The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 4.mp3.mp3 20.84Мб
5.1 MIND40 The Foundations of Crisis.mp3.mp3 24.10Мб
5.1 MIND77 The 4 Levels of Life Part 1.mp3.mp3 19.37Мб
5.1 The 7 Factors of Enlightenment.pdf.pdf 307.02Кб
5.2 Exercise_ Choices of Maturity & Character.pdf.pdf 273.04Кб
5.2 The 7 Factors of Enlightenment Workbook.pdf.pdf 203.14Кб
5.3 MIND23 The 7 Factors of Enlightenment Part 2.mp3.mp3 18.40Мб
5. Application 4 The Boundaries Exercise.mp4 75.81Мб
5. The 'Best Possible Self' Exercise.html 3.28Кб
5. The Choices of Maturity and Character Part 4.mp4 148.79Мб
5. The Foundation of Strong Relationships (Article).html 11.57Кб
5. The Foundations of Personal Crisis.mp4 267.43Мб
5. The Four Levels & Stages of Life Part 1.mp4 199.45Мб
5. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment Part 2.mp4 191.52Мб
5. The Three Ways That We See.mp4 188.17Мб
6.1 Dependency_Co-dependency Quiz.pdf.pdf 129.53Кб
6.1 Explain Yourself Exercise.pdf.pdf 37.34Кб
6.1 MIND04 The Trinity of Human Functioning.mp3.mp3 23.09Мб
6.1 MIND104 Exercise 5 The 'Humility' Exercise.mp3.mp3 8.35Мб
6.1 MIND113 Another Story for Self-Reflection.mp3.mp3 8.50Мб
6.1 MIND59 The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 1.mp3.mp3 18.77Мб
6.1 MIND78 The 4 Levels of Life Part 2.mp3.mp3 20.13Мб
6.1 The 7 Factors of Enlightenment.pdf.pdf 203.14Кб
6.2 MIND41 The Essence of Dependancy.mp3.mp3 20.09Мб
6. Another Story for Refecting Upon ....mp4 100.04Мб
6. Application 5 The Humility Exercise.mp4 93.16Мб
6. The 'Explain Yourself' Exercise.html 1.46Кб
6. The 7 Factors of Enlightenment (Article).html 4.18Кб
6. The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 1.mp4 130.43Мб
6. The Essence of Unhealthy Dependancy.mp4 197.24Мб
6. The Four Levels & Stages of Life Part 2.mp4 199.93Мб
6. The Trinity of Human Functioning.mp4 265.82Мб
7.1 MIND05 How Big is Big.mp3.mp3 2.79Мб
7.1 MIND105 Exercise 6 The 'Finding What Works' Exercise.mp3.mp3 6.81Мб
7.1 MIND114 A Life Defining Question.mp3.mp3 12.09Мб
7.1 MIND24 The 4 Capacities of Personhood Part 1.mp3.mp3 14.03Мб
7.1 MIND60 The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 2.mp3.mp3 20.68Мб
7.1 MIND79 The Timeline of Belief Development Part 1.mp3.mp3 16.16Мб
7.1 Values Exercise (for self and clients).pdf.pdf 46.54Кб
7. A Life Defining Question.mp4 85.79Мб
7. Application 6 The 'Finding What Works' Exercise.mp4 53.00Мб
7. Exponential Thinking How Big is Big.mp4 21.31Мб
7. Recognising Unhealthy Dependance.html 5.96Кб
7. The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 2.mp4 146.70Мб
7. The Four Capacities of Personhood Part 1.mp4 156.05Мб
7. The Making Choices Exercise.html 1.58Кб
7. The Timeline of Belief Development Part 1.mp4 192.64Мб
8.1 Discerning our Assets and Liabilities.pdf.pdf 251.38Кб
8.1 MIND106 Exercise 7 The 'Enlightenment' Exercise.mp3.mp3 5.56Мб
8.1 MIND115 The Art of Looking Within.mp3.mp3 25.55Мб
8.1 MIND25 The 4 Capacities of Personhood Part 2.mp3.mp3 14.50Мб
8.1 MIND42 The Factors of Our Control.mp3.mp3 27.46Мб
8.1 MIND61 The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 3.mp3.mp3 18.37Мб
8.1 MIND80 The Timeline of Belief Development Part 2.mp3.mp3 20.04Мб
8.2 The 4 Capacities of Personhood.pdf.pdf 324.24Кб
8.2 The Basis for Mindful Relationships.pdf.pdf 238.40Кб
8.2 The Enlightened Gardener Revisited by Mr Sydney Banks.html 156б
8.2 The Rotter Locus of Control Questionaire.pdf.pdf 51.48Кб
8.3 The Enlightener Gardener by Mr Sydney Banks.html 145б
8. Application 7 The Enlightenment Exercise.mp4 64.95Мб
8. Busting the Myths of Mindfulness.html 7.35Кб
8. Discerning Your Assets and Liabilities.html 6.03Кб
8. The 7 Pillars of Healthy Relationships Part 3.mp4 129.01Мб
8. The Art of Looking Within.mp4 181.96Мб
8. The Factors Within our Control.mp4 319.47Мб
8. The Four Capacities of Personhood Part 2.mp4 152.77Мб
8. The Timeline of Belief Development Part 2.mp4 218.71Мб
9.1 33 Self Reflection Questions.pdf.pdf 24.11Кб
9.1 Exercise 2 How Present Is Your Past.pdf.pdf 218.01Кб
9.1 MIND06 The 3 Levels of Consciousness Part 1.mp3.mp3 14.82Мб
9.1 MIND107 Exercise 8 The '3 Projects' Exercise.mp3.mp3 15.48Мб
9.1 MIND43 The 3 Levels of Influence Part 1.mp3.mp3 16.30Мб
9.1 The Basis for Mindful Relationships.pdf.pdf 238.40Кб
9.1 The Dhammapada The Buddha's Path of Wisdom.html 109б
9.2 A History of Zen Buddhism.pdf.pdf 140.21Мб
9. 31 Powerful Self Reflection Questions.html 14.10Кб
9.3 Book of Proverbs.pdf.pdf 232.48Кб
9.4 Life Application Study Bible (New Living Translation).html 149б
9.5 Dhammapada.pdf.pdf 240.78Кб
9.6 MIND26 The Origins of Wisdom.mp3.mp3 14.12Мб
9. Application 8 The '3 Projects' Exercise.mp4 115.64Мб
9. How Present is your past (Exercise).html 2.85Кб
9. The Basis for Mindful Relationships.html 8.23Кб
9. The Suggested Origins of Wisdom.mp4 165.17Мб
9. The Three Levels of Consciousness Part 1.mp4 161.90Мб
9. The Three Levels of Influence Part 1.mp4 170.66Мб
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