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Название [FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - SQL Masterclass SQL for Data Analytics
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[CourseClub.Me].url 122б
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1.1 00 Debugging PostgreSQL installation issues.pdf 253.44Кб
1.1 BackupFiles.zip 585.82Кб
1.1 Lecture_12_IN_12.pdf 157.38Кб
1.1 Lecture_17_AS.pdf 151.75Кб
1.1 Lecture_18_count.pdf 158.20Кб
1.1 Lecture_22_group by.pdf 174.64Кб
1.1 Lecture_24_Joins_Query.txt 417б
1.1 Lecture_31_SUBQUERY.pdf 207.47Кб
1.1 Lecture_32_VIEWS.pdf 220.67Кб
1.1 Lecture_34_STRING functions.pdf 209.47Кб
1.1 Lecture_35_MATH functions.pdf 192.89Кб
1.1 Lecture_36_DATETIME functions.pdf 232.41Кб
1.1 Lecture_37_Conversion functions.pdf 219.66Кб
1.1 Lecture_38_ACCESS control.pdf 207.86Кб
1.1 Lecture_CASE.pdf 160.02Кб
1.1 Lecture_Pattern_Matching.pdf 238.92Кб
1.1 Lecture_Performance_Tuning.pdf 285.00Кб
1.1 Lecture_TABLESPACE.pdf 188.68Кб
1.1 Windows Function PPT.pdf 616.72Кб
1.1 Windows Function PPT.pdf 616.72Кб
1.2 Installing+PostgreSQL+on+Mac.pdf 209.83Кб
1.2 Lecture_17_AS.pdf 151.75Кб
1.2 Supermart_DB.tar 1.16Мб
1. AS.mp4 25.58Мб
1. AS.srt 4.93Кб
1. Case Study Part 1 - Business problems.mp4 37.75Мб
1. Case Study Part 1 - Business problems.srt 5.38Кб
1. CASE WHEN.mp4 28.52Мб
1. CASE WHEN.srt 6.63Кб
1. CEIL & FLOOR.mp4 20.96Мб
1. CEIL & FLOOR.srt 4.81Кб
1. COALESCE function.mp4 42.61Мб
1. COALESCE function.srt 6.13Кб
1. Converting Numbers Date to String.mp4 73.18Мб
1. Converting Numbers Date to String.srt 13.05Кб
1. COUNT.mp4 38.36Мб
1. COUNT.srt 6.77Кб
1. CREATE.mp4 91.13Мб
1. CREATE.srt 14.48Кб
1. CURRENT DATE & TIME.mp4 32.31Мб
1. CURRENT DATE & TIME.srt 6.27Кб
1. GROUP BY.mp4 93.33Мб
1. GROUP BY.srt 13.78Кб
1. IN.mp4 29.41Мб
1. IN.srt 5.29Кб
1. Installing PostgreSQL and pgAdmin in your PC.mp4 68.13Мб
1. Installing PostgreSQL and pgAdmin in your PC.srt 13.01Кб
1. Introduction.mp4 29.65Мб
1. Introduction.srt 4.92Кб
1. Introduction to Joins.mp4 7.93Мб
1. Introduction to Joins.srt 3.11Кб
1. Introduction to Window functions.mp4 57.68Мб
1. Introduction to Window functions.srt 10.33Кб
1. LENGTH.mp4 18.57Мб
1. LENGTH.srt 4.58Кб
1. Restore and Back-up.mp4 72.10Мб
1. Restore and Back-up.srt 9.84Кб
1. Side Lecture Commenting in SQL.mp4 12.30Мб
1. Side Lecture Commenting in SQL.srt 1.97Кб
1. Subqueries.mp4 103.85Мб
1. Subqueries.srt 19.41Кб
1. Tablespace.mp4 36.28Мб
1. Tablespace.srt 7.13Кб
1. TIP 1 (EXPLAIN).mp4 25.50Мб
1. TIP 1 (EXPLAIN).srt 4.22Кб
1. User Access Control.mp4 80.48Мб
1. User Access Control.srt 16.23Кб
1. VIEWS.mp4 42.52Мб
1. VIEWS.srt 9.66Кб
1. What is SQL.mp4 8.66Мб
1. What is SQL.srt 2.34Кб
10.1 Lecture_29_EXCEPT.pdf 173.89Кб
10. Except.mp4 12.67Мб
10. Except.srt 3.47Кб
10. LAG and LEAD.mp4 70.64Мб
10. LAG and LEAD.srt 8.49Кб
10. Logical Operators.mp4 50.48Мб
10. Logical Operators.srt 5.99Кб
11.1 Lecture_30_UNION.pdf 166.94Кб
11. Exercise 3 SELECT & WHERE.mp4 7.18Мб
11. Exercise 3 SELECT & WHERE.srt 2.04Кб
11. Union.mp4 15.13Мб
11. Union.srt 3.49Кб
12.1 Lecture_10_UPDATEDelete.pdf 211.00Кб
12. Exercise 10 Joins.mp4 6.90Мб
12. Exercise 10 Joins.srt 1.73Кб
12. UPDATE.mp4 37.67Мб
12. UPDATE.srt 5.56Кб
13. DELETE.mp4 29.23Мб
13. DELETE.srt 5.44Кб
13. Quiz.html 198б
14.1 Lecture_11_ALTER.pdf 201.72Кб
14. ALTER.mp4 125.75Мб
14. ALTER.srt 19.38Кб
15. Exercise 4 Updating Table.mp4 3.93Мб
15. Exercise 4 Updating Table.srt 1.47Кб
16. Fundamental SQL statements.html 198б
2.1 Lecture_13_BETWEEN.pdf 187.63Кб
2.1 Lecture_15_ORDER BY.pdf 180.15Кб
2.1 Lecture_19_SUM.pdf 162.88Кб
2.1 Lecture_23_HAVING.pdf 166.52Кб
2.1 Lecture_33_INDEX.pdf 201.61Кб
2.1 Lecture_5_Keys.pdf 234.59Кб
2.1 User_table.txt 242б
2. AGE.mp4 26.64Мб
2. AGE.srt 4.21Кб
2. BETWEEN.mp4 49.73Мб
2. BETWEEN.srt 6.55Кб
2. Case Study Part 2 - How SQL is Used.mp4 58.94Мб
2. Case Study Part 2 - How SQL is Used.srt 7.45Кб
2. Concepts of Joining and Combining Data.mp4 59.79Мб
2. Concepts of Joining and Combining Data.srt 13.35Кб
2. Converting String to Numbers Date.mp4 39.04Мб
2. Converting String to Numbers Date.srt 6.38Кб
2. Debugging restoration issues.mp4 50.18Мб
2. Debugging restoration issues.srt 9.75Кб
2. Exercise 11 Subqueries.mp4 5.11Мб
2. Exercise 11 Subqueries.srt 1.95Кб
2. Exercise 1 Create DB and Table.mp4 5.88Мб
2. Exercise 1 Create DB and Table.srt 2.64Кб
2. HAVING.mp4 37.91Мб
2. HAVING.srt 5.39Кб
2. INDEX.mp4 40.34Мб
2. INDEX.srt 9.89Кб
2. Introduction to Row number.mp4 37.54Мб
2. Introduction to Row number.srt 6.05Кб
2. ORDER BY.mp4 71.37Мб
2. ORDER BY.srt 10.36Кб
2. RANDOM.mp4 31.41Мб
2. RANDOM.srt 6.62Кб
2. SUM.mp4 21.06Мб
2. SUM.srt 3.76Кб
2. Tables and DBMS.mp4 14.68Мб
2. Tables and DBMS.srt 3.61Кб
2. This is a milestone!.mp4 20.66Мб
2. This is a milestone!.srt 3.94Кб
2. TIP 2.mp4 5.80Мб
2. TIP 2.srt 1.76Кб
2. UPPER LOWER.mp4 11.64Мб
2. UPPER LOWER.srt 3.42Кб
3.1 Lecture_14_LIKE.pdf 173.67Кб
3.1 Lecture_16_LIMIT.pdf 162.11Кб
3.1 Lecture_20_AVG.pdf 157.54Кб
3.1 Lecture_ACID.pdf 190.69Кб
3.1 M3_T1_V3 Joins_Query.txt 417б
3.1 Solution.pdf 733.87Кб
3. ACID compliance.mp4 42.68Мб
3. ACID compliance.srt 10.23Кб
3. AVERAGE.mp4 17.52Мб
3. AVERAGE.srt 3.46Кб
3. Creating DB using CSV files.mp4 35.47Мб
3. Creating DB using CSV files.srt 6.39Кб
3. Exercise 12 Views.mp4 3.20Мб
3. Exercise 12 Views.srt 1.25Кб
3. Exercise 16 Pattern Matching.mp4 8.31Мб
3. Exercise 16 Pattern Matching.srt 2.70Кб
3. Exercise 9 Group By.mp4 6.17Мб
3. Exercise 9 Group By.srt 1.80Кб
3. EXTRACT.mp4 58.65Мб
3. EXTRACT.srt 10.28Кб
3. If pgAdmin is not opening....html 1.55Кб
3. Implementing Row number in SQL.mp4 174.20Мб
3. Implementing Row number in SQL.srt 19.20Кб
3. LIKE.mp4 61.17Мб
3. LIKE.srt 12.26Кб
3. LIMIT.mp4 29.61Мб
3. LIMIT.srt 5.08Кб
3. Preparing the data.mp4 13.86Мб
3. Preparing the data.srt 2.30Кб
3. REPLACE.mp4 25.26Мб
3. REPLACE.srt 5.46Кб
3. SETSEED.mp4 24.81Мб
3. SETSEED.srt 4.48Кб
3. Solutions to all Exercises.html 120б
3. TIP 3.mp4 14.26Мб
3. TIP 3.srt 4.07Кб
3. Types of SQL commands.mp4 22.07Мб
3. Types of SQL commands.srt 5.60Кб
4.1 Customer.csv 64.02Кб
4.1 Lecture_21_MIN&MAX.pdf 164.14Кб
4.1 Lecture_24_INNER join.pdf 214.20Кб
4.1 Lecture_TRUNCATE.pdf 160.50Кб
4.2 Product.csv 139.60Кб
4.3 Sales.csv 983.71Кб
4. Course Resources.html 411б
4. Debugging summary and Code for CSV files.html 2.46Кб
4. Exercise 15 Date-time functions.mp4 5.71Мб
4. Exercise 15 Date-time functions.srt 1.90Кб
4. Exercise 6 In, Like & Between.mp4 5.25Мб
4. Exercise 6 In, Like & Between.srt 973б
4. Exercise 7 Sorting.mp4 3.17Мб
4. Exercise 7 Sorting.srt 1.06Кб
4. Inner Join.mp4 47.15Мб
4. Inner Join.srt 7.97Кб
4. INSERT.mp4 73.09Мб
4. INSERT.srt 9.58Кб
4. MIN & MAX.mp4 32.48Мб
4. MIN & MAX.srt 4.78Кб
4. PostgreSQL.mp4 14.11Мб
4. PostgreSQL.srt 3.37Кб
4. Quiz.html 198б
4. RANK and DENSERANK.mp4 54.72Мб
4. RANK and DENSERANK.srt 7.57Кб
4. ROUND.mp4 16.76Мб
4. ROUND.srt 3.15Кб
4. TIP 4 (VACCUM).mp4 2.86Мб
4. TIP 4 (VACCUM).srt 777б
4. TRIM, LTRIM, RTRIM.mp4 49.97Мб
4. TRIM, LTRIM, RTRIM.srt 9.62Кб
4. Truncate.mp4 21.09Мб
4. Truncate.srt 5.34Кб
5.1 Lecture_25_LEFT join.pdf 219.01Кб
5. CONCATENATION.mp4 16.91Мб
5. Exercise 5 Restore and Back-up.mp4 3.00Мб
5. Exercise 5 Restore and Back-up.srt 1.31Кб
5. Exercise 8 Aggregate functions.mp4 6.43Мб
5. Exercise 8 Aggregate functions.srt 2.00Кб
5. Import data from File.mp4 42.01Мб
5. Import data from File.srt 5.49Кб
5. Left Join.mp4 36.79Мб
5. Left Join.srt 8.44Кб
5. NTILE function.mp4 66.64Мб
5. NTILE function.srt 6.95Кб
5. POWER.mp4 12.12Мб
5. POWER.srt 3.12Кб
5. Practice Test 1.html 198б
5. The final milestone!.mp4 11.85Мб
5. The final milestone!.srt 1.79Кб
5. TIP 5.mp4 11.46Мб
5. TIP 5.srt 3.38Кб
6.1 Lecture_26_RIGHT join.pdf 221.83Кб
6.1 Student.csv 129б
6. AVERAGE function.mp4 58.92Мб
6. AVERAGE function.srt 8.00Кб
6. Bonus Lecture.html 2.35Кб
6. Exercise 14 Mathematical Functions.mp4 10.34Мб
6. Exercise 14 Mathematical Functions.srt 2.51Кб
6. Exercise 2 Inserting and Importing.mp4 4.59Мб
6. Exercise 2 Inserting and Importing.srt 1.17Кб
6. Quiz.html 198б
6. Right Join.mp4 36.00Мб
6. Right Join.srt 6.63Кб
6. SQL Quiz.html 198б
6. SUBSTRING.mp4 42.30Мб
6. SUBSTRING.srt 7.42Кб
6. TIP 6 (STRING FUNCTIONS).mp4 13.70Мб
6. TIP 6 (STRING FUNCTIONS).srt 3.43Кб
7.1 Lecture_27_OUTER join.pdf 219.09Кб
7. COUNT.mp4 31.62Мб
7. COUNT.srt 4.01Кб
7. Full Outer Join.mp4 32.07Мб
7. Full Outer Join.srt 4.85Кб
7. SELECT statement.mp4 31.83Мб
7. SELECT statement.srt 4.60Кб
7. TIP 7 (JOINS).mp4 10.81Мб
7. TIP 7 (JOINS).srt 2.85Кб
8.1 Lecture_28_Cross join.pdf 186.71Кб
8. Cross Join.mp4 18.76Мб
8. Cross Join.srt 5.28Кб
8. Exercise 13 String Functions.mp4 16.46Мб
8. Exercise 13 String Functions.srt 3.85Кб
8. SELECT DISTINCT.mp4 46.19Мб
8. SUM TOTAL.mp4 87.45Мб
8. SUM TOTAL.srt 10.83Кб
8. TIP 8 (SCHEMAS).mp4 31.97Мб
8. TIP 8 (SCHEMAS).srt 6.26Кб
9. Intersect and Intersect ALL.mp4 24.73Мб
9. Intersect and Intersect ALL.srt 7.63Кб
9. RUNNING TOTAL.mp4 64.22Мб
9. RUNNING TOTAL.srt 7.19Кб
9. WHERE.mp4 32.56Мб
9. WHERE.srt 4.15Кб
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