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Размер 965.56Мб

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1. Welcome.mp4 6.63Мб
10. Installing Java on OS X.mp4 6.61Мб
11. Installing IntelliJ IDEA on Windows.mp4 6.83Мб
12. Installing IntelliJ IDEA on OS X.mp4 6.22Мб
13. Installing BlueJ.mp4 5.07Мб
14. Hello World.mp4 12.50Мб
15. Passing arguments to a console application.mp4 6.68Мб
16. Organizing Java classes in packages.mp4 9.46Мб
17. Creating a Java project in IntelliJ IDEA.mp4 17.98Мб
18. Taking a tour of IntelliJ IDEA.mp4 8.59Мб
19. Creating a Java project in BlueJ.mp4 10.00Мб
2. Is this course for you.mp4 8.09Мб
20. Using the Java API documentation.mp4 11.83Мб
21. Working with primitive variables.mp4 18.61Мб
22. Declaring and initializing numeric primitives.mp4 15.83Мб
23. Representing currency values with BigDecimal.mp4 13.65Мб
24. Converting numeric values.mp4 14.97Мб
25. Using mathematical operators and the Math class.mp4 17.65Мб
26. Working with Boolean values and expressions.mp4 12.51Мб
27. Working with character values.mp4 8.81Мб
28. Using Java operators.mp4 14.44Мб
29. Working with object data types.mp4 15.43Мб
3. Using the exercise files.mp4 11.70Мб
30. Using the String class.mp4 14.33Мб
31. Converting primitive values to strings.mp4 11.70Мб
32. Building a string from multiple values.mp4 23.97Мб
33. Comparing string values.mp4 16.10Мб
34. Formatting numeric values as strings.mp4 12.76Мб
35. Parsing string values.mp4 9.23Мб
36. Working with dates and times.mp4 24.11Мб
37. Challenge Creating a simple calculator application.mp4 3.00Мб
38. Solution Creating a simple calculator application.mp4 3.51Мб
39. Understanding syntax errors vs. runtime exceptions.mp4 13.94Мб
4. The history of Java.mp4 13.76Мб
40. Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA.mp4 13.85Мб
41. Handling exceptions with try catch.mp4 12.09Мб
42. Creating multiple catch blocks.mp4 9.19Мб
43. Throwing custom exceptions.mp4 8.94Мб
44. Programming conditional logic.mp4 9.76Мб
45. Using the switch statement.mp4 13.35Мб
46. Creating looping code blocks.mp4 14.64Мб
47. Creating reusable code with methods.mp4 11.71Мб
48. Overloading methods with different signatures.mp4 14.55Мб
49. Passing arguments by reference or by value.mp4 11.85Мб
5. Principles and components of Java.mp4 23.26Мб
50. Challenge Creating a more complex calculator application.mp4 3.94Мб
51. Solution Creating a more complex calculator application.mp4 10.33Мб
52. Using simple arrays.mp4 18.26Мб
53. Using two-dimensional arrays.mp4 11.40Мб
54. Managing resizable arrays with ArrayList.mp4 18.89Мб
55. Managing unordered data with HashMap.mp4 10.75Мб
56. Looping through collections with iterators and for-each.mp4 21.75Мб
57. Understanding encapsulation.mp4 17.32Мб
58. Creating and instantiating custom classes.mp4 15.72Мб
59. Creating nested and anonymous classes.mp4 13.31Мб
6. Java syntax and compilation.mp4 13.52Мб
60. Visualizing class relationships.mp4 9.63Мб
61. Storing data in instance variables.mp4 16.53Мб
62. Declaring instance and static methods.mp4 10.95Мб
63. Using constructor methods.mp4 13.69Мб
64. Using static variables as constants.mp4 9.29Мб
65. Declaring and using enum types.mp4 15.05Мб
66. Understanding inheritance and polymorphism.mp4 12.68Мб
67. Extending classes and overriding methods.mp4 14.88Мб
68. Creating and implementing interfaces.mp4 17.89Мб
69. Using abstract classes and methods.mp4 12.04Мб
7. Memory management and garbage collection.mp4 13.73Мб
70. Managing files with the original File class.mp4 19.70Мб
71. Managing files with Java 7's new IO library.mp4 11.63Мб
72. Managing files with Apache Commons FileUtils.mp4 14.81Мб
73. Reading a text file over the Internet.mp4 19.08Мб
74. Documenting code with Javadoc.mp4 14.85Мб
75. Packaging classes in JAR files.mp4 11.39Мб
76. Next steps.mp4 4.24Мб
8. Choosing a development environment.mp4 10.60Мб
9. Installing Java on Windows.mp4 8.05Мб
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