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Название Udemy – The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course [AhLaN]
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1.1 Chapter 2 - Resource Files~.zip 17.70Кб
1.1 Chapter 3 - Resource Files~.zip 1.88Мб
1.1 Chapter 4 - Resource Files~.zip 248.79Кб
1.1 Chapter 5 - Resource Files~.zip 7.07Мб
1.1 Chapter 6 - Resource Files~.zip 16.56Кб
1.1 Chapter 7 - Resource Files~.zip 5.57Мб
1.1 Chapter 8 - Ressource Files~.zip 889.07Кб
1.1 Chapter 9 - Resource Files~.zip 5.74Мб
1.1 CSS Flexbox Guide~.pdf 1.10Мб
1.1 CSS Grid Guide~.pdf 1.76Мб
1.1 Method-One-Node-Sass~.zip 5.24Мб
1.1 MG_Popular_Screen_Resolutions~.pdf 196.97Кб
1.1 The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course Resources~.pdf 23.49Кб
1.2 Chapter 2 - Resource Files~.zip 17.70Кб
1.2 Chapter 4 - Resource Files~.zip 248.79Кб
1.2 Chapter 6 - Resource Files~.zip 16.56Кб
1.2 Chapter 8 - Ressource Files~.zip 889.07Кб
1.2 CSS Flexbox Guide~.pdf 1.10Мб
1.2 CSS Grid Guide~.pdf 1.76Мб
1.2 Method-One-Node-Sass~.zip 5.24Мб
1.2 MG_Popular_Screen_Resolutions~.pdf 196.97Кб
1. Chapter Introduction~.mp4 12.96Мб
1. Chapter Introduction~.mp4 13.13Мб
1. Chapter Introduction~.mp4 15.29Мб
1. Chapter Introduction~.mp4 26.24Мб
1. Chapter Introduction~.mp4 14.52Мб
1. Course Introduction~.mp4 27.61Мб
1. gYmantic Website Introduction~.mp4 207.10Мб
1. Scarlett Tyler Portfolio Website Introduction~.mp4 171.78Мб
1. VLV Website Introduction~.mp4 256.73Мб
1. Wrap Up~.mp4 11.44Мб
10. Building The Booking Content Part -1~.mp4 243.91Мб
10. Building The Hero Section Part 2~.mp4 162.00Мб
10. Making the Header Responsive Part -7 (Functionality)~.mp4 117.24Мб
10. Order Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 63.97Мб
10. Sass Partials & Imports~.mp4 66.10Мб
10. The Justify, Align & Place Items Properties -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 105.68Мб
10. UI Design Fundamentals Final Challenge~.mp4 50.14Мб
10. Viewport Units Use Cases Part -1 Font Size~.mp4 65.58Мб
11. Building The Booking Content Part -2~.mp4 68.16Мб
11. Building The Work Section~.mp4 152.22Мб
11. Flex Grow Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 28.11Мб
11. Implementing the Dark Mode (Functionality)~.mp4 116.44Мб
11. Sass Functions~.mp4 135.70Мб
11. The Justify, Align & Place Content Properties -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 103.39Мб
11. Viewport Units Use Cases Part -2 Full Screen Sections~.mp4 31.85Мб
12. Building The About Me Section~.mp4 180.33Мб
12. Building The Booking Date Part -1~.mp4 177.36Мб
12. Building the Showcase Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 32.78Мб
12. Flex Shrink Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 21.25Мб
12. Sass Mixins Part -1~.mp4 112.35Мб
12. The Grid Auto Rows, Flow & Columns Values -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 116.60Мб
12. Viewport Units Use Cases Part -3 Sticky Footer~.mp4 53.42Мб
13. Building The Booking Date Part -2~.mp4 251.10Мб
13. Building The Services Section Part -1~.mp4 180.10Мб
13. Building the Showcase Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 172.23Мб
13. Flex Basis Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 45.69Мб
13. Sass Mixins Part -2~.mp4 58.97Мб
13. The Justify, Align & Place Self Properties -- The Grid Items Properties~.mp4 55.87Мб
13. Viewport Units Use Cases Part -4 Margins & Paddings~.mp4 50.95Мб
14. Building The Services Section Part -2~.mp4 39.22Мб
14. Building the Showcase Part -3 (Styling)~.mp4 209.52Мб
14. Flex Shorthand Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 16.62Мб
14. Making The Booking Content and Date Responsive~.mp4 310.06Мб
14. Sass @extend Rule~.mp4 87.77Мб
14. The Max-Content, Min-Content & MinMax Function Values -- The Grid Container Prop.mp4 179.16Мб
14. Viewport Units Use Cases Part -5 The Top Border~.mp4 39.65Мб
15. Align Self Property - The Flex Items Properties~.mp4 41.02Мб
15. Building the Motto Part -1 (Markup + Styling)~.mp4 198.29Мб
15. Building The Skills Section Part -1~.mp4 172.85Мб
15. Building The Villas Part -1~.mp4 224.54Мб
15. Sass @each Rule~.mp4 195.61Мб
15. The Auto-Fill & Auto-Fit Values -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 144.31Мб
16. Building the Motto Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 114.93Мб
16. Building The Skills Section Part -2~.mp4 131.38Мб
16. Building The Villas Part -2~.mp4 296.94Мб
16. CSS Grid Resource~.mp4 73.45Мб
16. Flexbox Resources~.mp4 44.57Мб
16. Sass Conditionals~.mp4 82.18Мб
17. Building the Features Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 91.92Мб
17. Building The Testimonials Section Part -1~.mp4 259.41Мб
17. Building The Villas Part -3~.mp4 249.96Мб
17. Sass For Loops~.mp4 104.51Мб
18. Building the Features Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 299.30Мб
18. Building The Motto~.mp4 92.57Мб
18. Building The Testimonials Section Part -2~.mp4 257.14Мб
18. Sass While Loops~.mp4 84.04Мб
19. Building The Contact Section~.mp4 163.51Мб
19. Building The Events Content~.mp4 305.95Мб
19. Building the Trainers Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 70.41Мб
19. Sass Arithmetic Operators~.mp4 169.40Мб
2. CSS Grid Layout Introduction Part -1~.mp4 109.03Мб
2. Firefox Dev Tools~.mp4 91.41Мб
2. gYmantic Website Setup~.mp4 176.68Мб
2. Installing Sass Using Node-Sass Part -1 -- Method -1~.mp4 158.94Мб
2. Scarlett Portfolio Website Introduction~.mp4 33.13Мб
2. Scarlett Tyler Portfolio Website Basic Setup~.mp4 55.46Мб
2. Setting Up the VLV Website~.mp4 90.29Мб
2. The White Space UI Design Fundamental~.mp4 84.24Мб
2. What is Flexbox~.mp4 66.67Мб
20. Building The Events Text~.mp4 93.47Мб
20. Building the Trainers Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 164.98Мб
21. Building The Gallery Text~.mp4 137.57Мб
21. Building the Testimonials Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 91.82Мб
22. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 218.49Мб
22. Building the Testimonials Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 154.17Мб
23. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 188.43Мб
23. Building the Testimonials Part -3 (Functionality)~.mp4 110.75Мб
24. Building the Clients Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 62.32Мб
24. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -3 (Styling)~.mp4 244.35Мб
25. Building the Clients Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 159.25Мб
25. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -4 (JavaScript)~.mp4 65.35Мб
26. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -5 (JavaScript)~.mp4 77.04Мб
26. Building the Scroll to Top Button~.mp4 151.49Мб
27. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -6 (JavaScript)~.mp4 77.86Мб
27. Building the Register Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 187.78Мб
28. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -7 (JavaScript)~.mp4 79.42Мб
28. Building the Register Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 106.06Мб
29. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -8 (JavaScript)~.mp4 54.80Мб
29. Building the Register Part -3 (Styling)~.mp4 175.33Мб
3. Box Sizing Discussion~.mp4 55.89Мб
3. Crafting the Overall Layout~.mp4 177.26Мб
3. Crafting The Overall Layout Part -1~.mp4 253.74Мб
3. CSS Grid Layout Introduction Part -2~.mp4 89.33Мб
3. Installing Sass Using Node-Sass Part -2 -- Method -1~.mp4 162.41Мб
3. Pixels, Pixels and Pixels~.mp4 166.40Мб
3. The Alignment UI Design Fundamental~.mp4 39.41Мб
3. Vision Luxury Villas Website Introduction~.mp4 44.12Мб
3. Why Flexbox~.mp4 227.18Мб
30. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -9 (JavaScript)~.mp4 215.85Мб
30. Building the Register Part -4 (Functionality)~.mp4 160.36Мб
31. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -10 (JavaScript)~.mp4 90.63Мб
31. Building the Register Part -5 (Functionality)~.mp4 155.99Мб
32. Building the Footer Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 217.79Мб
32. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -11 (JavaScript)~.mp4 103.10Мб
33. Building the Footer Part -2 (Styling)~.mp4 195.25Мб
33. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -12 (JavaScript)~.mp4 128.35Мб
34. Building the Footer Part -3 (Styling)~.mp4 228.88Мб
34. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -13 (JavaScript)~.mp4 140.90Мб
35. Building The Gallery Carousel Part -14 (JavaScript)~.mp4 248.02Мб
36. Building The Features Content and Text~.mp4 210.36Мб
37. Building The Testimonials Part -1~.mp4 184.06Мб
38. Building The Testimonials Part -2~.mp4 229.10Мб
39. Building The Footer~.mp4 323.21Мб
4. Building the Header Part -1 (Markup)~.mp4 169.32Мб
4. Building The Side Nav~.mp4 126.79Мб
4. Crafting The Overall Layout Part -2~.mp4 204.33Мб
4. Flex Direction Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 41.65Мб
4. Grid Column Gap, Grid Row Gap & Grid Gap -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 123.27Мб
4. gYmantic Website Introduction~.mp4 78.06Мб
4. Installing Sass Using Node-Sass Part -3 -- Method -1~.mp4 72.55Мб
4. Max Width & Min Width~.mp4 74.17Мб
4. UI Design Fundamentals Challenge 1~.mp4 107.17Мб
5. Building the Header Part -2 (Markup)~.mp4 34.72Мб
5. Building The Main Nav Part 1~.mp4 106.29Мб
5. Crafting The Overall Layout Part -3~.mp4 249.73Мб
5. Flex Wrap Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 58.51Мб
5. Installing Sass Using a VS Code Extension -- Method -2~.mp4 110.14Мб
5. Setting Up Necessary Software~.mp4 33.82Мб
5. The Contrast & Scale UI Design Fundamentals~.mp4 128.95Мб
5. The Repeat Function & The fr Unit -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 227.40Мб
5. Viewport Units~.mp4 114.37Мб
6. Building the Header Part -3 (Styling)~.mp4 177.18Мб
6. Building The Main Nav Part 2~.mp4 77.75Мб
6. Building The Nav Part -1~.mp4 251.22Мб
6. Changing The Position of Grid Items -- The Grid Items Properties~.mp4 137.52Мб
6. Exploring the Difference Between .sass & .scss Files~.mp4 49.32Мб
6. Flex Flow Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 52.47Мб
6. Introduction to Media Queries~.mp4 36.70Мб
6. The Typography UI Design Fundamental~.mp4 70.59Мб
7. Building the Header Part -4 (Styling)~.mp4 136.39Мб
7. Building The Nav Part -2~.mp4 247.38Мб
7. Justify Content Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 64.13Мб
7. Media Queries Challenge~.mp4 40.04Мб
7. Sass Variables~.mp4 72.51Мб
7. Spanning The Grid Items -- The Grid Items Properties~.mp4 159.03Мб
7. The Color UI Design Fundamental~.mp4 102.02Мб
8. Align Items Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 103.54Мб
8. Building the Header Part -5 (Styling)~.mp4 147.76Мб
8. Building The Nav Part -3~.mp4 249.24Мб
8. Changing The Grid Line Names -- The Grid Items Properties~.mp4 146.11Мб
8. Making The Main Nav Responsive Part 2~.mp4 95.13Мб
8. Sass Maps~.mp4 94.04Мб
8. UI Design Fundamentals Challenge 2~.mp4 41.16Мб
8. Weather App UI Part -1~.mp4 108.70Мб
9. Align Content Property - The Flex Container Properties~.mp4 135.12Мб
9. Building The Header~.mp4 281.19Мб
9. Building the Header Part -6 (Styling)~.mp4 267.74Мб
9. Building The Hero Section Part 1~.mp4 187.10Мб
9. Sass Nesting~.mp4 186.57Мб
9. The Grid Template Areas Property -- The Grid Container Properties~.mp4 132.05Мб
9. The Visual Hierarchy UI Design Fundamental~.mp4 45.11Мб
9. Weather App UI Part -2~.mp4 220.44Мб
Downloaded from Ahlanedu.com~.txt 996б
Download - Lynda,Udemy,Skillshare,Teamtreehouse,Frontend Masters,Pluralsight,Phlearn,Coursera,Egghead,MasterClass~.txt 170б
Visit us at www.Ahlanedu.com~.url 51б
Visit us at www.Ahlanedu.com~.url 51б
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