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Afonin V.V., Fedosin S.A. Modelirovanie sistem (Binom, 2010)(ru)(231s).djvu 5.60Мб
Al Ashi R.Y., Al Ameri A. Introduction to Graphical User Interface MATLAB 6.5 (UAE University)(en)(35s).pdf 1.17Мб
Alekseev V.R., Chesnokova O.V. Reshenie zadach vychislitel'noj matematiki v paketax MathCAD 12, MATLAB 7, Maple 9 (NT-Press, 2006)(ru)(496 s).djvu 28.69Мб
Altman Y.M. Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB - Java Programming (CRC Press, 2011)(ISBN 1439869030)(en)(701s).pdf 88.42Мб
Anastassiou G.A., Iatan I.F. Intelligent Routines.. Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica and Maple (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 3642284744)(en)(596s).pdf 19.31Мб
Anderson P.L. Business Economics & Finance with Matlab GIS and Simulation Models (CRC,2005)(en)(437s).pdf 3.92Мб
Angermann A., Beuschel M., Rau M., Wohlfarth U. Matlab-Simulink-Stateflow. Grundlagen,Toolboxen, Beispiele (Oldenbourg, 2005)(de)(472s).pdf 42.11Мб
Angermann A., Beuschel M., Rau M., Wohlfarth U. Matlab-Simulink-Stateflow. Grundlagen,Toolboxen, Beispiele (Oldenbourg, 2nd ed., 2009)(de)(504s).pdf 5.16Мб
Anita S., Arnautu V., Capasso V. An Introduction to Optimal Control Problems in Life Sciences and Economics.. From Mathematical Models to Numerical Simulation with MATLAB (Birkhauser, 2011)(ISBN 0817680985)(en)(233s).pdf 3.27Мб
Anufriev I.E., Smirnov A.B., Smirnova E.N. MATLAB 7 (BXV-Peterburg, 2005)(ru)(1104s).pdf 126.19Мб
Anufriev I.E., Smirnov A.B., Smirnova E.N. MATLAB 7 (BXV-Peterburg, 2005)(ru)(1104s).rar 27.83Мб
Anufriev I.E. Samouchitel' MATLAB 5.3 6.x (BXV-Peterburg,2002)(ru)(718s).pdf 20.91Мб
Asundi A.K. MATLAB for Photomechanics. A Primer (Elsevier, 2002)(en)(189s).pdf 23.16Мб
Atherton D. Control Engineering. An Introduction with the use of Matlab (Ventus Publishing,2009)(ISBN 9788776814663)(en)(155s).pdf 5.07Мб
Attaway S. Matlab.. A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009)(ISBN 0750687622)(en)(480s).pdf 4.14Мб
Attaway S. Matlab.. A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd ed., 2011)(ISBN 0123850812)(en)(518s).pdf 5.32Мб
Attia J.O. Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB (CRC,1999)(en)(386s).rar 3.00Мб
Baaser H. Development and Application of the Finite Element Method based on MATLAB (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 9783642131523)(en)(64s).pdf 992.87Кб
Badejkin A.V., Geppener V.V. Sintez i analiz cifrovyh fil'trov s ispol'zovaniem programmnogo paketa MatLab (MAI, 2005)(ru)(41s).pdf 457.07Кб
Badriev I.B., Banderov V.V., Zadvornov O.A. Razrabotka graficheskogo pol'zovatel'skogo interfejsa v srede MATLAB (KGU, 2010)(ru)(113s).pdf 1.14Мб
Banchs R.E. Text Mining with MATLAB (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9781461441502)(en)(355s).pdf 36.79Мб
Baryshev I.V., Mazurenko A.V. Modelirovanie sistem radioupravleniya v srede MATLAB (XAI, 2002)(ru)(29s).pdf 499.06Кб
Bazhenov V.A., i dr. Chislennye metody v mexanike (Odessa, 2005, draft)(ru)(T)(C)(K)(300dpi)(564s).djv 5.44Мб
Beers K.J. Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering Applications in MATLAB(CUP,2007)(en)(474s).rar 4.11Мб
Benker H. Differentialgleichungen mit Mathcad und Matlab (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540234403)(de)(297s).pdf 2.15Мб
Benker H. Ingenieurmathematik kompakt.. Problemlosungen mit MATLAB (Springer,2010)(de)(273s).pdf 2.80Мб
Beucher O., Weeks M. Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink (3rd ed., Infinity Sciemce Press, 2008)(en)(386s).pdf 3.63Мб
Beucher O. Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik mit MATLAB (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540721550)(de)(535s).pdf 6.12Мб
Bhatti M.A. Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications. With Mathematica and MATLAB Computations (Wiley,2005)(en)(700s).rar 41.46Мб
Biringen S., Chow C.-Y. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 0470102268)(en)(310s).rar 3.88Мб
Bishop R.H. Modern Control Systems Analysis And Design Using MATLAB (Addison-Wesley,1993)(en)(161s).pdf 29.06Мб
Blanchet G., Charbit M. Digital signal and image processing using MATLAB (ISTE, 2006)(en)(763s).pdf 6.04Мб
Bode H. MATLAB-Simulink Analyse und Simulation dynamischer Systeme (2nd ed.,Teubner,2006)(de)(304s).rar 13.75Мб
Borgo M., Soranzo A., Grassi M. MATLAB for Psychologists (Springer, 2012)(ISBN ISBN 9781461421962)(en)(283s).pdf 10.32Мб
Borodenko V.A. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya v srede MATLAB (PGU, 2011)(ru)(318s).pdf 3.23Мб
Boziev S.N. MATLAB 2006a v primerah (RGU nefti i gaza, 2006)(ru)(150s).pdf 2.34Мб
Bradley A.R. Programming for Engineers (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642233023)(en)(235s).pdf 2.35Мб
Brandimarte P. Numerical Methods in Finance & Economics A MATLAB based Introduction (Wiley-Interscience,2007)(en)(669s).pdf 32.97Мб
Brandimarte P. Numerical methods in finance and economics with MATLAB (2nd ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471745030)(en)(694s).rar 3.80Мб
Buck J.R., Daniel M.M., Singer A.C. Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using MATLAB (Prentice Hall,1996)(en)(207s).pdf 17.98Мб
Buskens C. MATLAB im Selbststudium. Eine Einfuhrung (Vorlesungsbegleitende Ausarbeitung,2004)(de)(60s).pdf 189.93Кб
Chaparro L.F. Signals and Systems using MATLAB (Elsevier, 2011)(ISBN 0123747163)(en)(245s).rar 6.25Мб
Chapin S., Young T. The MATLAB Workbook - A Supplement for Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2003)(en)(73s).pdf 315.38Кб
Chapman S.J. Essentials of MATLAB Programming (CENGAGE Leaning, 2nd ed., 2008)(ISBN 049529568X)(en)(412s).rar 3.91Мб
Chapman S.J. MATLAB Programming for engineers (Bookware, 2001)(en)(267s).pdf 1.87Мб
Chapman S.J. MATLAB Programming for engineers (Science Press, 2002)(en)(497s).djvu 5.58Мб
Chapman S.J. MATLAB Programming for engineers (Science Press, 2002)(en)(497s).djvu 71.45Мб
Chapra S. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB.. for Engineers and Scientists (3rd ed.)(MGH, 2011)(ISBN 0073401102)(en)(672s).rar 5.53Мб
Chapra S.C. Applied numerical methods with MATLAB for engineers and scientists (MGH Higher Education, 2008)(ISBN 007313290X)(O)(584s).pdf 28.87Мб
Chapra S.C. Applied numerical methods with MATLAB for engineers and scientists (MGH Higher Education, 2008)(ISBN 007313290X)(O)(584s).rar 8.21Мб
Chaturvedi D.K. Modeling and Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB and Simulink (CRC Press, 2010)(ISBN 1439806721)(en)(709s).pdf 14.98Мб
Chau P.C. Chemical Process Control a First Course with Matlab (2001)(en)(255s).pdf 1.24Мб
Chen K., Dzhiblin P., Irving A. (_Chen K., et al_) MATLAB v matematicheskix issledovaniyax. m-files.zip 87.98Кб
Chen K., Dzhiblin P., Irving A. (_Chen K., et al_) MATLAB v matematicheskix issledovaniyax (Mir, 2001)(ru)(346s).djvu 2.20Мб
Chen K., Dzhiblin P., Irving A. (_Chen K., et al_) MATLAB v matematicheskix issledovaniyax (Mir, 2001)(ru)(346s).pdf 6.37Мб
Chernyx I.V. Modelirovanie elektrotexnicheskix ustrojstv v Matlab, SimPowerSystems i Simulink (2008)(ru)(288s).djvu 29.25Мб
Chernyx I.V. Simulink.. sreda sozdaniya inzhenernyx prilozhenij (Dialog-MIFI, 2004)(ru)(247s).djvu 7.57Мб
Childers D.G. Probability and Random Processes. Using Matlab With Applications to Continuous and Discrete Time Systems (Irwin,1997)(en)(433s).pdf 20.16Мб
Cho Y.S. et al. MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 9780470825617)(en)(439s).rar 4.93Мб
Cisar' I.F. Laboratornye raboty na personal'nom komp'jutere (Ekzamen, 2002)(ru)(224s).pdf 14.68Мб
Colgren R. Basic Matlab, Simulink and Stateflow (AIAA Education Series)(American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2006)(en)(502s).pdf 25.42Мб
Constantinides A., Mostoufi N. Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers with MatLab Applications (Prentice Hall PTR,1999)(en)(544s).rar 91.56Мб
Cooper J. A Matlab Companion for Multivariable Calculus (Harcourt-AP,2000)(en)(294s).rar 5.41Мб
Corinthios M. Signals, Systems, Transforms, and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB (CRC Press, 2009)(en)(1316s).pdf 18.97Мб
Corke P.I. Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (r6,2001)(T)(81s).rar 586.42Кб
Corke P. Robotics, Vision and Control.. Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642201431)(en)(596s).pdf 182.68Мб
D'Azzo J.J., Houpis C.H., Sheldon S.N. Linear Control System Analysis and Design with Matlab (CRC Press,2003)(en)(822s).rar 6.74Мб
D'yakonov A.G. Sreda dlya vychislenij i vizualizacii MatLab (2010)(ru)(84s).pdf 1.92Мб
D'yakonov V.P., Abramenkova I.V. MATLAB. Obrabotka signalov i izobrazhenij. Special'nyj spravochnik (Piter, 2002)(ru)(602s).djvu 31.21Мб
D'yakonov V.P., Kruglov V.V. Matematicheskie pakety rasshireniya MATLAB. Special'nyj spravochnik (Piter, 2001)(ru)(480s).djvu 6.10Мб
D'yakonov V.P., Kruglov V.V. Matematicheskie pakety rasshireniya MATLAB. Special'nyj spravochnik (ru)(489s).pdf 24.92Мб
D'yakonov V.P., Kruglov V.V MATLAB. Analiz, identifikaciya i modelirovanie sistem. Special'nyj spravochnik (Piter, 2001)(ru)(444s).pdf 23.80Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB.. uchebnyj kurs (Piter, 2001)(ru)(553s).djvu 11.07Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6.. uchebnyj kurs (Piter, 2001)(ru)(592s).pdf 39.96Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6 5 SP 1 7.0 Simulink 5 6 Obrabotka signalov i proektirovanie fil'trov (SOLON-Press, 2005)(ISBN 5980032061)(ru)(575s).djvu 20.67Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6 5 SP17 Simulink 5 6 Osnovy primeneniya (Solon-press, 2005)(ru)(800s).djvu 26.94Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6 5 SP17 Simulink 5 6 Osnovy primeneniya (Solon-press, 2005)(ru)(800s).pdf 110.68Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6 5 SP17 Simulink 5 6 v matematike i modelirovanii (Solon-press, 2005)(ru)(576s).pdf 69.07Мб
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 7. R2006 R2007 Samouchitel' (DMK,2008)(ru)(385s).pdf 9.00Мб
D'yakonov V.P. Simulink 4. Special'nyj spravochnik (Piter, 2002)(ru)(518s).pdf 12.02Мб
D'yakonov V.P. Simulink 5 6 7 Samouchitel' (DMK,2008)(ISBN 97885594074442338)(ru)(784s).pdf 12.76Мб
D'yakonov V.P. Spravochnik po primeneniju sistemy PC MatLAB (1993)(ru)(112s).djvu 2.61Мб
D'yakonov V.P. VisSim+Mathcad+MATLAB. Vizual'noe matematicheskoe modelirovanie (2004)(ru)(384s).djvu 16.20Мб
Danaila I., Joly P., Kaber S.M., Postel M. An introduction to scientific computing.Twelve computational projects solved with MATLAB (Springer, 2007)(en)(294s).pdf 5.73Мб
Dashchenko A.F., i dr. MATLAB v inzhenernyh i nauchnyh raschetah (Odessa, 2003)(ru)(T)(216s).djvu 1.68Мб
Dashchenko A.F., i dr. MATLAB v inzhenernyh i nauchnyh raschetah (Odessa, 2003)(ru)(T)(216s).zip 3.25Мб
Davis T.A., Sigmon K. MATLAB Primer (6th ed.)(Chapman&Hall CRC, 2002)(en)(163s).pdf 763.59Кб
Davis T.A., Sigmon K. MATLAB Primer (7th ed.)(Chapman&Hall CRC, 2005)(en)(215s).pdf 1.79Мб
Davis T.A. MATLAB Primer (8th ed., Chapman&Hall CRC, 2011)(en)(232s).pdf 872.72Кб
Demirkaya O., Asyali M.H., Sahoo P.K. Image Processing with MATLAB.. Applications in Medicine and Biology (CRC Press,2008)(en)(441s).rar 4.88Мб
Do D.D. Adsorption analysis.. Equilibria and kinetics. Companion CD (Matlab programs) (ICP, 1998, 128 pp.).rar 128.25Кб
Downey A.B. Physical Modeling in MATLAB (v.1.1.3)(en)(155s).pdf 751.20Кб
Driscoll T.A. Crash course in Matlab (2003)(en)(58s).pdf 280.76Кб
Driscoll T.A. Learning MATLAB (SIAM, 2009)(en)(97s).pdf 998.31Кб
Duffy D.G. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB (2nd ed.,Chapman&Hall CRC,2003)(en)(968s).pdf 21.01Мб
Duffy D.G. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB (CRC Press,1997)(en)(634s).pdf 17.84Мб
Duffy D.G. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB [3nd ed.,Chapman&Hall CRC, 2010](m-files).rar 2.65Мб
Dukkipati R.V. Analysis and Design of Control Systems Using MATLAB (New Age International Ltd.,2006)(en)(254s).pdf 2.94Мб
Dukkipati R.V. MATLAB.. An Introduction with Applications (New Age International Ltd.,2010)(en)(680s).pdf 6.05Мб
Dukkipati R.V. Solving Engineering System Dynamics Problems with MATLAB (New Age International Ltd.,2007)(en)(343s).pdf 6.66Мб
Dukkipati R.V. Solving Vibration Analysis Problems Using MATLAB (New Age International Ltd.,2007)(en)(217s).pdf 3.92Мб
Dutoit T., Marques F. Applied Signal Processing.. A MATLAB-Based Proof of Concept (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 0387745343)(en)(456s).pdf 42.88Мб
Egorenkov D.L. i dr. Osnovy matematicheskogo modelirovanija. Postroenie i analiz modelej s primerami na yazyke MATLAB (ru)(188s).djvu 6.46Мб
Egorenkov D.L. i dr. Osnovy matematicheskogo modelirovanija. Postroenie i analiz modelej s primerami na yazyke MATLAB (ru)(188s).pdf 7.38Мб
Elali T.S. Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB (CRC Press,2004)(en)(667s).pdf 6.64Мб
Ellner S.P., Guckenheimer J. An Introduction to Matlab for Dynamic Modeling (Cornell University, 2006)(en)(45s).pdf 270.13Кб
Elnashaie S., Uhlig F. Numerical Techniques for Chemical & Biological Engineers Using MATLAB (Springer,2007)(en)(520s).pdf 8.68Мб
Faires J.D., Burden R.L. Numerical Methods (3ed., 2002)(en)(640s).rar 7.16Мб
Ferreira A.J.M. MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis.. Solids and Structures (Springer,2009)(en)(235s).pdf 3.75Мб
Ferris M.C., Mangasarian O.L., Wright S.J. Linear programming with MATLAB (SIAM, MPS, 2007)(en)(266s).pdf 4.40Мб
Gasparyan O.N. MATLAB (GIUA, 2005)(ru)(143s).pdf 1.15Мб
Gekeler E.W. Mathematical Methods for Mechanics.. A Handbook with MATLAB Experiments (m-files for de ed.).rar 1.41Мб
Gekeler E.W. Mathematical Methods for Mechanics.. A Handbook with MATLAB Experiments (Springer,2008)(en)(636s).pdf 9.74Мб
Gekeler E.W. Mathematische Methoden zur Mechanik.. Ein Handbuch mit MATLAB (Springer,2006)(de)(624s).pdf 8.04Мб
German-Galkin S.G. Komp'juternoe modelirovanie poluprovodnikovyx sistem v MATLAB 6.0 (Korona, 2001)(ru)(320s).rar 6.11Мб
German-Galkin S.G. Matlab & Simulink Proektirovanie mexatronnyx sistem na PK (KORONA-Vek, 2008)(ru)(368s).rar 24.81Мб
Gieschke R., Serafin D. Development of Innovative Drugs via Modeling with MATLAB (Springer, 2014)(ISBN 9783642397653)(en)(399s).pdf 29.67Мб
Gilat A. MATLAB.. An Introduction with Applications (Wiley,2004)(en)(296s).djvu 22.95Мб
Gilat A. MATLAB.. An Introduction with Applications (Wiley,2004)(en)(296s).pdf 58.47Мб
Gilat A. MATLAB.. An Introduction with Applications (Wiley, 3rd ed., 2008)(en)(374s).pdf 6.05Мб
Gilat A. MATLAB.. An Introduction with Applications (Wiley, 4th ed., 2011)(en)(418s).pdf 9.33Мб
Gilli M., Maringer D., Schumann E. Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance (Elsevier, 2011)(ISBN 0123756626)(en)(600s).rar 10.37Мб
Giurgiutiu V., Lyshevski S.E. Micromechatronics Modeling Analysis and Design with MATLAB (2nd ed.,CRC Press,2009)(en)(920s).pdf 23.61Мб
Gockenbach M.S. A Practical Introduction to MATLAB (Updated for MATLAB 5)(en)(33s).pdf 274.36Кб
Gonsales R., i dr. (_Gonzalez R., et al._) Cifrovaya obrabotka izobrazhenij v srede MATLAB (Texnosfera, 2006)(m-files).rar 18.65Мб
Gonsales R., i dr. (_Gonzalez R., et al._) Cifrovaya obrabotka izobrazhenij v srede MATLAB (Texnosfera, 2006)(ru)(616s).djvu 11.69Мб
Gonzalez R.C., Woods R.E., Eddins S.L. Digital Image Processing Using Matlab (en)(609s).pdf 38.38Мб
Gopi E.S. Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using Matlab (Springer,2007)(en)(190s).pdf 4.33Мб
Gopi E.S. Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab (Springer,2010)(en)(219s).pdf 10.03Мб
Govoruxin V., Cibulin B. Komp'juter v matematicheskom issledovanii.. Me'jpl, Matlab, Latex (Piter, 2001)(ru)(624s).djvu 10.00Мб
Gran R.J. Numerical Computing with Simulink-MATLAB, Volume 1 (SIAM ed., 2007)(ISBN 0898716373)(en)(327s).rar 5.40Мб
Grewal M.S., Andrews A.P. Kalman Filtering.. Theory and Practice Using MATLAB (2nd ed.,Wiley,2001)(en)(401s).djvu 2.85Мб
Grewal M.S., Andrews A.P. Kalman Filtering.. Theory and Practice Using MATLAB (2nd ed.,Wiley,2001)(en)(401s).pdf 3.54Мб
Grewal M.S., Andrews A.P. Kalman Filtering.. Theory and Practice Using MATLAB (3rd ed.,Wiley,2008)(en)(575).pdf 5.06Мб
Griffiths D.F. An introduction to MATLAB (2005, v.2.3)(en)(36s).pdf 1.56Мб
Grigoryan A.M., Grigoryan M. Brief Notes in Advanced DSP.. Fourier Analysis with MATLAB (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1439801371)(en)(345s).pdf 14.07Мб
Gu D.-W., Petkov P.Hr., Konstantinov M.M. Robust Control Design with Matlab (Springer, 2005)(en)(312s).pdf 5.76Мб
Gul'tjaev A.K. MATLAB 5.2. Imitacionnoe modelirovanie v srede WINDOWS.. prakticheskoe posobie (ru)(285s).djvu 20.01Мб
Gul'tjaev A.K. MATLAB 5.2. Imitacionnoe modelirovanie v srede WINDOWS.. prakticheskoe posobie (ru)(285s).pdf 8.02Мб
Gunther M., Jungel A. Finanzderivate mit MATLAB (Vieweg+Teubner, 2nd ed., 2010)(ISBN 3834808792)(de)(352s).pdf 2.42Мб
Hahn B.D., Valentine D.T. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (3rd ed.,Elsevier,2007)(en)(428s).pdf 7.25Мб
Hahn B.D., Valentine D.T. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (4rd ed.,Elsevier,2010)(ISBN 0123748836)(en)(382s).rar 5.52Мб
Hansen P.C., Nagy J.G., OLeary D.P. Deblurring Images. Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering (SIAM, 2006)(en)(145s).rar 13.06Мб
Harman T.L., Dabney J.B., Richert N.G. Advanced engineering mathematics with Matlab (Brooks Cole, 2000)(en)(750s).djvu 8.98Мб
Hatch M.R. Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS (Chapman&Hall CRC,2001)(en)(656s).pdf 7.48Мб
Hauser F., Luchko Y. Mathematische Modellierung mit MATLAB (Spektrum, 2011)(ISBN 3827423986)(de)(345s).pdf 4.87Мб
Higham D.J., Higham N.J. MATLAB Guide (SIAM, 2005)(en)(382s).djvu 21.22Мб
Hoffmann J. MATLAB und Simulink.. Beispielorientierte einfuhrung in die Simulation dynamischer Systeme (Addison Wesley, 1998)(de)(505s).pdf 9.12Мб
Hoffmann J. MATLAB und Simulink in Signalverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechik (Addison Wesley, 1999)(de)(492s).pdf 9.33Мб
Holzbecher E. Environmental Modeling Using MATLAB (Springer,2007)(en)(392s).pdf 14.37Мб
Holzbecher E. Environmental Modeling using MATLAB (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 3642220418)(en)(410s).pdf 11.29Мб
Hubert L.J., Arabie P., Meulman J. The Structural Representation of Proximity Matrices With MATLAB (SIAM, 2006)(ISBN 0898716071)(en)(214s).rar 2.16Мб
Hunt B.R., Lipsman R.L., Osborn J.E., Rosenberg J.M. Differential Equations with MatLab (2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2005)(ISBN 0471718122)(en)(295s).pdf 141.11Мб
Hunt B.R., Lipsman R.L., Rosenberg J.M. A Guide to MATLAB.. For Beginners and Experienced Users (CUP,2001)(en)(327s).rar 4.60Мб
Hunt B.R., Lipsman R.L., Rosenberg J.M. A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users (2nd ed., CUP, 2006)(en)(311s).pdf 1.86Мб
Hyvarinen A., Hurri J., Hoyer P.O. Natural image statistics.. A probabilistic approach to early computational vision (Springer,2008)(en)(467s).rar 8.89Мб
Iglin S.P. Matematicheskie raschety na baze MATLAB (BXV-Peterburg,2005)(ru)(640s).rar 8.05Мб
Iglin S.P. Teoriya veroyatnostej i matematicheskaya statistika na baze MATLAB (NTU XPI, 2005)(ru)(611s).rar 12.91Мб
Ingle V.K., Proakis J.G. Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab V4 (PWS, 1997)(en)(420s).pdf 12.21Мб
Ingle V.K., Proakis J.G. Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab V4 (PWS, 1997)(en)(420s).rar 8.01Мб
Ionescu C.M. (ed.) MATLAB - A Ubiquitous Tool for the Practical Engine (InTech, 2011)(ISBN 9789533079073)(de)(546s).pdf 19.91Мб
Isen F.W. DSP for MATLAB and LabVIEW. Volume I.. Fundamentals of Discrete Signal Processing (Morgan&Claypool,2009)(en)(196s).pdf 2.24Мб
Isen F.W. DSP for MATLAB and LabVIEW. Volume II.. Discrete Frequency Transforms (Morgan&Claypool,2008)(en)(199s).pdf 2.10Мб
Isen F.W. DSP for MATLAB and LabVIEW. Volume III.. Digital Filter Design (Morgan&Claypool,2009)(en)(219s).pdf 2.44Мб
Isen F.W. DSP for MATLAB and LabVIEW. Volume IV.. LMS Adaptive Filtering (Morgan&Claypool,2009)(en)(109s).pdf 2.66Мб
Isen F.W. DSP for MATLAB and LabVIEW (Software).zip 3.08Мб
Jiang Y. A Practical Guide to Error-Control Coding Using MATLAB (Artech House, 2010)(ISBN 1608070883)(en)(281s).pdf 11.15Мб
Johnson Jr. C.R., Sethares W.A. Telecommunication Breakdown (with MATLAB code)(Prentice Hall,2003)(en)(401s).pdf 31.54Мб
Johnson R.K. The Elements of MATLAB Style (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521732581)(en)(169s).pdf 427.27Кб
Kalechman M. Practical Matlab Applications for Engineers (CRC Press, 2008)(en)(708s).pdf 7.23Мб
Kalechman M. Practical Matlab Basics for Engineers (CRC Press, 2008)(en)(736s).pdf 11.38Мб
Karris S. Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Computing and Simulink SimPowerSystems Modeling (Orchard Publications, 2009)(ISBN 1934404195)(en)(676s).pdf 5.47Мб
Karris S. Mathematics for Business, Science, and_Technology.. With MATLAB and Excel Computations (Orchard Publications,2007)(en)(628s).pdf 5.50Мб
Karris S.T. (Ed.) Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications (Orchard Publications,2003)(en)(629s).pdf 6.67Мб
Karris S.T. Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB (Orchard Publications,2003)(en)(501s).pdf 6.55Мб
Karris S.T. Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with Simulink Modeling (2nd ed.,Orchard Publications)(en)(541s).pdf 12.77Мб
Karris S.T. Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications (2nd ed.,Orchard Publications,2008)(en)(716s).pdf 11.65Мб
Karris S.T. Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications (Orchard Publications,2006)(en)(572s).pdf 8.62Мб
Karris S.T. Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Excel (3rd ed.,Orchard Publications,2007)(en)(627s).pdf 3.81Мб
Karris S.T. Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets (2nd ed.,Orchard Publications)(en)(570s).pdf 4.64Мб
Karris S.T. Signals and Systems with MATLAB Applications (2nd ed.,Orchard Publications,2003)(en)(598s).pdf 10.12Мб
Karris S.T. Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling (3rd ed.,Orchard Publications,2007)(en)(651s).pdf 6.76Мб
Karris S.T. Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling (4th ed.,Orchard Publications,2008)(en)(687s).pdf 7.21Мб
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Yang W.Y. et al. Signals and Systems with MATLAB (Springer, 2009)(en)(474).pdf 12.74Мб
Young T., Mohlenkamp M. Introduction to Numerical Methods and MATLAB Programming for Engineers (15.04.2010)(en)(171s).pdf 915.79Кб
Zolotyx N.Yu. Ispol'zovanie paketa MATLAB v nauchnoj i uchebnoj rabote (2006)(ru)(165s).pdf 2.77Мб
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