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[DesireCourse.Com].url 51б
1. 5 pillars for evaluating contractors.mp4 51.96Мб
1. 5 pillars for evaluating contractors.vtt 22.18Кб
1. Becoming a bug hunting master.mp4 122.60Мб
1. Becoming a bug hunting master.vtt 15.15Кб
1. Course Overview.mp4 106.80Мб
1. Course Overview.vtt 10.53Кб
1. Creating an overview.mp4 12.87Мб
1. Creating an overview.vtt 5.75Кб
1. Getting acquainted with Asana, the king of project management tools.mp4 44.98Мб
1. Getting acquainted with Asana, the king of project management tools.vtt 15.80Кб
1. How to get your next course for $9.99.html 9.62Кб
1. Low quality work.mp4 124.73Мб
1. Low quality work.vtt 8.28Кб
1. Planning your subcontracting strategy.mp4 173.81Мб
1. Planning your subcontracting strategy.vtt 11.72Кб
1. Rapid cycling posts.mp4 78.09Мб
1. Rapid cycling posts.vtt 6.38Кб
1. What to look for in their language.mp4 35.03Мб
1. What to look for in their language.vtt 12.26Кб
1. Where to find outsourcing firms and freelancers.mp4 75.32Мб
1. Where to find outsourcing firms and freelancers.vtt 9.57Кб
1. Writing a title that attracts the right bids.mp4 23.88Мб
1. Writing a title that attracts the right bids.vtt 11.41Кб
10. An example site made in Balsamiq.mp4 10.08Мб
10. An example site made in Balsamiq.vtt 3.63Кб
10. Outsourcing & Protecting your IP.mp4 114.70Мб
10. Outsourcing & Protecting your IP.vtt 11.31Кб
10. Section 5 review material.pdf 1.48Мб
11. Section 6 review material.pdf 1.42Мб
11. Section 7 review material.pdf 987.63Кб
2.1 How to join the student Slack group.pdf.pdf 2.97Мб
2.2 Link to the Slack group.html 94б
2. 6 red flags for contractors.mp4 81.61Мб
2. 6 red flags for contractors.vtt 10.76Кб
2. Bug hunting on mobile.mp4 50.17Мб
2. Bug hunting on mobile.vtt 6.63Кб
2. Creating a functions list.mp4 29.24Мб
2. Creating a functions list.vtt 11.76Кб
2. Deciding between a firm or a freelancer.mp4 313.18Мб
2. Deciding between a firm or a freelancer.vtt 27.20Кб
2. Further analyzing language.mp4 60.47Мб
2. Further analyzing language.vtt 19.14Кб
2. Going further with Asana.mp4 24.68Мб
2. Going further with Asana.vtt 12.89Кб
2. Hands on with writing titles.mp4 28.98Мб
2. Hands on with writing titles.vtt 15.95Кб
2. Introduction to Elance.mp4 48.02Мб
2. Introduction to Elance.vtt 24.69Кб
2. Join our community on Slack!.html 1.30Кб
2. Missing Deadlines.mp4 170.43Мб
2. Missing Deadlines.vtt 11.30Кб
2. The $50 test.mp4 41.76Мб
2. The $50 test.vtt 5.01Кб
3. Country profiles & how to pick your ideal combination.mp4 339.01Мб
3. Country profiles & how to pick your ideal combination.vtt 23.72Кб
3. Example Creating our functions list.mp4 36.09Мб
3. Example Creating our functions list.vtt 12.86Кб
3. Going further in-depth with Elance.mp4 8.30Мб
3. Going further in-depth with Elance.vtt 3.46Кб
3. How important is site reputation.mp4 86.69Мб
3. How important is site reputation.vtt 6.22Кб
3. Repeatedly missing bugs.mp4 104.45Мб
3. Repeatedly missing bugs.vtt 8.09Кб
3. Section 9 review material.pdf 543.89Кб
3. Some thoughts on bug hunting.mp4 20.25Мб
3. Some thoughts on bug hunting.vtt 2.13Кб
3. The Keyer question strategy.mp4 147.88Мб
3. The Keyer question strategy.vtt 10.32Кб
3. The response rate test.mp4 17.71Мб
3. The response rate test.vtt 8.90Кб
3. What is outsourcing.mp4 139.82Мб
3. What is outsourcing.vtt 8.63Кб
3. Writing the perfect description.mp4 17.15Мб
3. Writing the perfect description.vtt 14.30Кб
4. Adding pages.mp4 53.78Мб
4. Adding pages.vtt 25.75Кб
4. Dissecting their bid amount.mp4 69.55Мб
4. Dissecting their bid amount.vtt 14.77Кб
4. Getting hands on with writing descriptions.mp4 38.88Мб
4. Getting hands on with writing descriptions.vtt 22.05Кб
4. Introduction to UpWork.mp4 44.54Мб
4. Introduction to UpWork.vtt 24.28Кб
4. Repeating the project back to you.mp4 80.06Мб
4. Repeating the project back to you.vtt 105.57Мб
4. The relationship between Price & Autonomy.mp4 161.19Мб
4. The relationship between Price & Autonomy.vtt 10.82Кб
4. They ask for money upfront.mp4 102.69Мб
4. They ask for money upfront.vtt 7.03Кб
4. TIP Accelerate your testing this way.mp4 13.70Мб
4. TIP Accelerate your testing this way.vtt 892б
4. Understanding your response rate.mp4 87.68Мб
4. Understanding your response rate.vtt 5.85Кб
4. What you should outsource and what you should not.mp4 176.91Мб
4. What you should outsource and what you should not.vtt 16.92Кб
5. Creating the user section.mp4 36.04Мб
5. Creating the user section.vtt 14.23Кб
5. Getting them off the platform.mp4 74.57Мб
5. Getting them off the platform.vtt 5.73Кб
5. Getting the settings right.mp4 49.71Мб
5. Getting the settings right.vtt 24.90Кб
5. Going further in-depth with Upwork.mp4 9.68Мб
5. Going further in-depth with Upwork.vtt 7.45Кб
5. How to handle extra work and specifications.mp4 20.94Мб
5. How to handle extra work and specifications.vtt 2.88Кб
5. Planning your budget and estimating costs.mp4 108.15Мб
5. Planning your budget and estimating costs.vtt 16.01Кб
5. Section 10 review material.pdf 750.23Кб
5. Section 8 review material.pdf 762.23Кб
5. The Goldilocks syndrome.mp4 153.78Мб
5. The Goldilocks syndrome.vtt 10.92Кб
5. They bid and disappear.mp4 83.63Мб
5. They bid and disappear.vtt 5.85Кб
6. Contractor raises their price.mp4 174.05Мб
6. Contractor raises their price.vtt 11.84Кб
6. Creating the parameters list.mp4 27.67Мб
6. Creating the parameters list.vtt 14.45Кб
6. Introduction to Freelancer.mp4 34.68Мб
6. Introduction to Freelancer.vtt 10.44Кб
6. Section 1 review material.pdf 977.72Кб
6. Section 3 review material.pdf 1.46Мб
6. Section 4 review material.pdf 832.88Кб
6. The long term strategy.mp4 100.06Мб
6. The long term strategy.vtt 7.25Кб
6. What is good Avoid this trap.mp4 176.42Мб
6. What is good Avoid this trap.vtt 11.49Кб
7.1 Master Outsourcing - Review sheets.pdf.pdf 8.34Мб
7. Adding comments.mp4 5.57Мб
7. Adding comments.vtt 3.41Кб
7. How to treat referrals.mp4 30.26Мб
7. How to treat referrals.vtt 4.16Кб
7. Review sheets - all in one PDF.html 31б
7. Section 11 review material.pdf 1.15Мб
7. Using alternative techniques and platforms to find contractors.mp4 19.62Мб
7. Using alternative techniques and platforms to find contractors.vtt 6.92Кб
7. Using messaging to your advantage.mp4 28.21Мб
7. Using messaging to your advantage.vtt 9.63Кб
8. Fixed rate vs per hour Use our technique instead.mp4 81.63Мб
8. Fixed rate vs per hour Use our technique instead.vtt 12.92Кб
8. Intro to Balsamiq.mp4 71.93Мб
8. Intro to Balsamiq.vtt 22.91Кб
8. Is outsourcing a long term solution.mp4 52.33Мб
8. Is outsourcing a long term solution.vtt 7.40Кб
8. Section 2 review material.pdf 951.74Кб
9. Going further with Balsamiq.mp4 11.05Мб
9. Going further with Balsamiq.vtt 3.69Кб
9. Legality with outsourcing.mp4 217.51Мб
9. Legality with outsourcing.vtt 14.65Кб
9. The Specializations strategy.mp4 129.76Мб
9. The Specializations strategy.vtt 8.69Кб
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