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Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications.epub 12.60Мб
Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications.jpg 70.60Кб
Building Ethereum DApps - Decentralized Applications on the Ethereum Blockchain.epub 9.34Мб
Building Ethereum DApps - Decentralized Applications on the Ethereum Blockchain.jpg 137.78Кб
Functional Programming for Dummies.epub 6.02Мб
Functional Programming for Dummies.jpg 210.89Кб
Grokking Deep Learning By Andrew Trask.jpg 55.74Кб
Grokking Deep Learning By Andrew Trask.pdf 7.19Мб
Interaction Design - Beyond Human-Computer Interaction.jpg 54.18Кб
Interaction Design - Beyond Human-Computer Interaction.pdf 20.29Мб
Introduction to Python Programming by GowriShankar S.jpg 37.88Кб
Introduction to Python Programming by GowriShankar S.pdf 14.11Мб
Java Design Patterns - A Hands-On Experience with Real-World Examples.pdf 17.11Мб
Java Design Patterns - A Hands-On Experience with Real-World Examples.png 40.52Кб
Java in Two Semesters - Featuring JavaFX.jpg 30.30Кб
Java in Two Semesters - Featuring JavaFX.pdf 42.38Мб
Java Programming, 9th Edition By Joyce Farrell.jpg 32.95Кб
Java Programming, 9th Edition By Joyce Farrell.pdf 11.35Мб
Mastering Rust - Learn about Memory Safety, Type System, Concurrency, and the New Features of Rust 2018 Edition, 2nd Edition.epub 9.51Мб
Mastering Rust - Learn about Memory Safety, Type System, Concurrency, and the New Features of Rust 2018 Edition, 2nd Edition.jpg 58.82Кб
Practical Quantum Computing for Developers - Programming Quantum Rigs in the Cloud using Python, Quantum Assembly Language and IBM QExperience.jpg 28.27Кб
Practical Quantum Computing for Developers - Programming Quantum Rigs in the Cloud using Python, Quantum Assembly Language and IBM QExperience.pdf 10.87Мб
Python Basics - A Self-Teaching Introduction.jpg 61.96Кб
Python Basics - A Self-Teaching Introduction.pdf 11.64Мб
Python for Programmers - with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Case Studies.jpg 38.16Кб
Python for Programmers - with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Case Studies.pdf 26.90Мб
Reactive Applications with Akka.Net.jpg 14.61Кб
Reactive Applications with Akka.Net.pdf 3.60Мб
The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development 8.12.jpg 35.89Кб
The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development 8.12.pdf 75.81Мб
Visual Studio Code Distilled - Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux.pdf 7.71Мб
Visual Studio Code Distilled - Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux.png 36.05Кб
Voice User Interface Design - Moving from GUI to Mixed Modal Interaction.jpg 24.40Кб
Voice User Interface Design - Moving from GUI to Mixed Modal Interaction.pdf 2.40Мб
Windows 64-bit Assembly Language Programming Quick Start.epub 3.88Мб
Windows 64-bit Assembly Language Programming Quick Start.jpg 28.32Кб
You Don't Know JS - Types & Grammar.jpg 29.94Кб
You Don't Know JS - Types & Grammar.mobi 6.07Мб
You Don't Know JS - Up & Going.epub 16.91Мб
You Don't Know JS - Up & Going.jpg 115.03Кб
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