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[CourseClub.ME].url 122б
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1. Airdrop Code Architecture.mp4 110.80Мб
1. Airdrop Code Architecture-en_US.srt 12.34Кб
1. Conclusion.mp4 59.47Мб
1. Conclusion-en_US.srt 4.11Кб
1. Create Your First Solidity File.mp4 10.88Мб
1. Create Your First Solidity File-en_US.srt 1.83Кб
1. Crypto Token Contract Setup.mp4 41.69Мб
1. Crypto Token Contract Setup-en_US.srt 8.26Кб
1. Deposit Tokens Functionality.mp4 70.51Мб
1. Deposit Tokens Functionality-en_US.srt 10.71Кб
1. Full Project DApp Review.mp4 31.69Мб
1. Full Project DApp Review-en_US.srt 6.39Кб
1. Introduction to IDE ( Remix Ethereum).mp4 20.39Мб
1. Introduction to IDE ( Remix Ethereum)-en_US.srt 3.46Кб
1. Introduction to Mocha & Chai.mp4 36.53Мб
1. Introduction to Mocha & Chai-en_US.srt 5.66Кб
1. Introduction to React.mp4 45.77Мб
1. Introduction to React-en_US.srt 5.91Кб
1. Overview on Glossary Section.mp4 32.70Мб
1. Overview on Glossary Section-en_US.srt 2.71Кб
1. Overview on Introductory Level DApp Section.mp4 34.24Мб
1. Overview on Introductory Level DApp Section-en_US.srt 2.38Кб
1. Overview on Yield Farming DApplicaiton Development.mp4 99.73Мб
1. Overview on Yield Farming DApplicaiton Development-en_US.srt 7.04Кб
1. Particle Animation Wrapping Layer.mp4 52.69Мб
1. Particle Animation Wrapping Layer-en_US.srt 6.89Кб
1. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).mp4 88.06Мб
1. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-en_US.srt 5.69Кб
1. Transfer Event.mp4 92.39Мб
1. Transfer Event-en_US.srt 14.92Кб
1. Truffle Configurations (Network).mp4 73.54Мб
1. Truffle Configurations (Network)-en_US.srt 12.00Кб
1. Web3 & Metamask.mp4 128.74Мб
1. Web3 & Metamask-en_US.srt 16.14Кб
1. Welcome To The Course!.mp4 43.06Мб
1. Welcome To The Course!-en_US.srt 2.94Кб
1. What We're Building (Smart Contract Front End Implementation).mp4 88.96Мб
1. What We're Building (Smart Contract Front End Implementation)-en_US.srt 6.82Кб
10. Add Folders To The Project Directory.mp4 34.26Мб
10. Add Folders To The Project Directory-en_US.srt 5.24Кб
10. Final Deployment (Intearcting Votes On The Blockchain).mp4 146.38Мб
10. Final Deployment (Intearcting Votes On The Blockchain)-en_US.srt 17.48Кб
10. Introduction To For Loop in Solidity.mp4 95.04Мб
10. Introduction To For Loop in Solidity-en_US.srt 15.93Кб
10. Introduction to Functions (Solidity).mp4 39.35Мб
10. Introduction to Functions (Solidity)-en_US.srt 6.86Кб
10. Staking Button (Front End).mp4 136.62Мб
10. Staking Button (Front End)-en_US.srt 15.53Кб
11. 'Public' Keyword (Solidity).mp4 11.65Мб
11. 'Public' Keyword (Solidity)-en_US.srt 1.52Кб
11. Exercise - Unstaking Button (Front End).mp4 9.87Мб
11. Exercise - Unstaking Button (Front End)-en_US.srt 1.12Кб
11. Install Dependancies & Project Overview.mp4 76.53Мб
11. Install Dependancies & Project Overview-en_US.srt 19.16Кб
11. Recap Will Smart Contract (Steps So Far).mp4 46.96Мб
11. Recap Will Smart Contract (Steps So Far)-en_US.srt 8.83Кб
12. Exercise - Write The Shell of A Basic Function.mp4 4.22Мб
12. Exercise - Write The Shell of A Basic Function-en_US.srt 767б
12. Oracle - isDeceased Function.mp4 42.51Мб
12. Oracle - isDeceased Function-en_US.srt 6.43Кб
12. Solution - Unstaking Button (Front End).mp4 36.60Мб
12. Solution - Unstaking Button (Front End)-en_US.srt 4.55Кб
13. Compiling & Deploying the Smart Contract.mp4 62.39Мб
13. Compiling & Deploying the Smart Contract-en_US.srt 8.19Кб
13. FInal Recap on Front End DApp Project.mp4 32.81Мб
13. FInal Recap on Front End DApp Project-en_US.srt 4.12Кб
13. Final - Simple Storage Contract.mp4 31.60Мб
13. Final - Simple Storage Contract-en_US.srt 5.86Кб
14. IDE Deployment Review - WIll Smart Contract.mp4 70.24Мб
14. IDE Deployment Review - WIll Smart Contract-en_US.srt 8.30Кб
14. Solidity Compiling & Debugging Introduction.mp4 40.60Мб
14. Solidity Compiling & Debugging Introduction-en_US.srt 4.69Кб
15. Deploy Your First Smart Contract (IDE - RemixEthereum).mp4 34.75Мб
15. Deploy Your First Smart Contract (IDE - RemixEthereum)-en_US.srt 4.40Кб
15. Interacting with The Blockchain & Oracle.mp4 151.11Мб
15. Interacting with The Blockchain & Oracle-en_US.srt 18.96Кб
16. Interacting (Transactions) with Smart Contracts.mp4 40.10Мб
16. Interacting (Transactions) with Smart Contracts-en_US.srt 4.75Кб
17. Exercise - Deploy A Smart Contract (Solidity).mp4 10.53Мб
17. Exercise - Deploy A Smart Contract (Solidity)-en_US.srt 1.15Кб
18. Simple Storage Contract Solution.mp4 23.18Мб
18. Simple Storage Contract Solution-en_US.srt 2.62Кб
2. Airdrop Overview.mp4 54.63Мб
2. Airdrop Overview-en_US.srt 12.17Кб
2. Building The Main Component UI.mp4 147.70Мб
2. Building The Main Component UI-en_US.srt 22.47Кб
2. Building The Migration Contract.mp4 83.14Мб
2. Building The Migration Contract-en_US.srt 16.44Кб
2. Download & Install MetaMask.io.mp4 27.15Мб
2. Download & Install MetaMask.io-en_US.srt 4.51Кб
2. How Blockchain Works.mp4 101.50Мб
2. How Blockchain Works-en_US.srt 6.36Кб
2. Introduction To Text Editors.mp4 15.01Мб
2. Introduction To Text Editors-en_US.srt 2.77Кб
2. Let's Build Our First 'Hello, World!'.mp4 69.55Мб
2. Let's Build Our First 'Hello, World!'-en_US.srt 13.45Кб
2. Minting Function in Solidity.mp4 29.86Мб
2. Minting Function in Solidity-en_US.srt 4.64Кб
2. Particle Animation Properties.mp4 111.17Мб
2. Particle Animation Properties-en_US.srt 15.46Кб
2. Review Ide RemixEthereum.mp4 15.60Мб
2. Review Ide RemixEthereum-en_US.srt 2.90Кб
2. Setting Up Solidity Truffle Tests.mp4 19.88Мб
2. Setting Up Solidity Truffle Tests-en_US.srt 2.99Кб
2. Solidity Address Variable Type.mp4 10.77Мб
2. Solidity Address Variable Type-en_US.srt 1.78Кб
2. Solidity Struct - (Data Types).mp4 116.19Мб
2. Solidity Struct - (Data Types)-en_US.srt 19.34Кб
2. Staking Logic Exercise.mp4 28.87Мб
2. Staking Logic Exercise-en_US.srt 3.57Кб
2. The Event keyword in Solidity - Focused Study.mp4 86.37Мб
2. The Event keyword in Solidity - Focused Study-en_US.srt 17.32Кб
2. Web3 Docs.mp4 41.09Мб
2. Web3 Docs-en_US.srt 4.84Кб
2. What Is A DApp (Decentralized Application).mp4 50.15Мб
2. What Is A DApp (Decentralized Application)-en_US.srt 3.38Кб
2. Writing Comments in Solidity.mp4 13.73Мб
2. Writing Comments in Solidity-en_US.srt 2.39Кб
3. Anonymous Arrow Functions Javascript - Focused Study.mp4 115.79Мб
3. Anonymous Arrow Functions Javascript - Focused Study-en_US.srt 21.69Кб
3. Arrays, Mapping, & Addresses.mp4 60.06Мб
3. Arrays, Mapping, & Addresses-en_US.srt 10.13Кб
3. Creating Variables for The Will Smart Contract.mp4 26.42Мб
3. Creating Variables for The Will Smart Contract-en_US.srt 7.88Кб
3. Exercise - Particle Animation.mp4 35.43Мб
3. Exercise - Particle Animation-en_US.srt 3.09Кб
3. Front End Blockchain Data.mp4 78.53Мб
3. Front End Blockchain Data-en_US.srt 11.55Кб
3. HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Basics.mp4 47.92Мб
3. HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Basics-en_US.srt 7.24Кб
3. IDE Solidity Compiler & Deployer.mp4 30.52Мб
3. IDE Solidity Compiler & Deployer-en_US.srt 4.06Кб
3. Install Ganache & Important Note.mp4 39.62Мб
3. Install Ganache & Important Note-en_US.srt 6.75Кб
3. Introduction To Blockchain.mp4 42.54Мб
3. Introduction To Blockchain-en_US.srt 2.50Кб
3. Javascript - Timer Conversion Function.mp4 124.24Мб
3. Javascript - Timer Conversion Function-en_US.srt 20.09Кб
3. Migration Deployment Code.mp4 32.07Мб
3. Migration Deployment Code-en_US.srt 6.38Кб
3. Pragma Solidity.mp4 14.17Мб
3. Pragma Solidity-en_US.srt 2.14Кб
3. Quick Note On Boostrap.mp4 21.21Мб
3. Quick Note On Boostrap-en_US.srt 3.25Кб
3. Send Tokens Function in Solidity.mp4 93.96Мб
3. Send Tokens Function in Solidity-en_US.srt 15.36Кб
3. Solidity Mapping.mp4 24.16Мб
3. Solidity Mapping-en_US.srt 3.39Кб
3. Staking Logic Solution.mp4 23.78Мб
3. Staking Logic Solution-en_US.srt 3.64Кб
3. Transfer & TransferFrom.mp4 107.82Мб
3. Transfer & TransferFrom-en_US.srt 12.35Кб
3. What Is Crypto Mining.mp4 66.31Мб
3. What Is Crypto Mining-en_US.srt 4.41Кб
4. Assertions & MochaChai Tests.mp4 78.57Мб
4. Assertions & MochaChai Tests-en_US.srt 14.26Кб
4. Basic In-Line Styling Example (React).mp4 33.68Мб
4. Basic In-Line Styling Example (React)-en_US.srt 4.70Кб
4. Centralization vs. Decentralization.mp4 86.93Мб
4. Centralization vs. Decentralization-en_US.srt 4.87Кб
4. Deposit Tokens Advanced Testing I.mp4 154.93Мб
4. Deposit Tokens Advanced Testing I-en_US.srt 17.65Кб
4. Download Your First Text Editor.mp4 6.94Мб
4. Download Your First Text Editor-en_US.srt 1.10Кб
4. Hooking Up MetaMask to Ganache.mp4 81.65Мб
4. Hooking Up MetaMask to Ganache-en_US.srt 11.91Кб
4. Introduction To The Constructor Function in Solidity.mp4 28.89Мб
4. Introduction To The Constructor Function in Solidity-en_US.srt 6.28Кб
4. Loading Smart Contracts to The Front End (Tether Mock).mp4 165.25Мб
4. Loading Smart Contracts to The Front End (Tether Mock)-en_US.srt 24.15Кб
4. Main Component Complete Layout.mp4 157.96Мб
4. Main Component Complete Layout-en_US.srt 22.74Кб
4. Memory Vs Storage & For Loop Review.mp4 123.57Мб
4. Memory Vs Storage & For Loop Review-en_US.srt 20.52Кб
4. Pragma Solidity Version Conditions.mp4 13.18Мб
4. Pragma Solidity Version Conditions-en_US.srt 2.32Кб
4. Rendering The Timer State.mp4 79.83Мб
4. Rendering The Timer State-en_US.srt 9.37Кб
4. Review ERC20 Contract Intro.mp4 20.25Мб
4. Review ERC20 Contract Intro-en_US.srt 2.85Кб
4. Review - Token Smart Contract.mp4 53.01Мб
4. Review - Token Smart Contract-en_US.srt 7.26Кб
4. Solidity Scoping with Variable.mp4 41.32Мб
4. Solidity Scoping with Variable-en_US.srt 5.32Кб
4. Tether Smart Contract Shell.mp4 69.46Мб
4. Tether Smart Contract Shell-en_US.srt 14.69Кб
4. What Are Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs).mp4 72.05Мб
4. What Are Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)-en_US.srt 5.04Кб
5. Bonus Exercise (Stylize The Landing Page).mp4 4.80Мб
5. Bonus Exercise (Stylize The Landing Page)-en_US.srt 900б
5. Debugging, Compiling & Deployment Test.mp4 76.90Мб
5. Debugging, Compiling & Deployment Test-en_US.srt 10.86Кб
5. Deployment Migration File.mp4 26.24Мб
5. Deployment Migration File-en_US.srt 6.10Кб
5. Deploy Your First Crypto Coin.mp4 120.23Мб
5. Deploy Your First Crypto Coin-en_US.srt 17.63Кб
5. Exercise - Solidity Operator Basics I.mp4 10.85Мб
5. Exercise - Solidity Operator Basics I-en_US.srt 1.88Кб
5. Full Test Review (Truffle & Mocha).mp4 96.88Мб
5. Full Test Review (Truffle & Mocha)-en_US.srt 10.04Кб
5. Global Variables In Solidity.mp4 25.60Мб
5. Global Variables In Solidity-en_US.srt 2.63Кб
5. Initializing Timer State (Front End).mp4 51.14Мб
5. Initializing Timer State (Front End)-en_US.srt 6.94Кб
5. Install Node js.mp4 35.93Мб
5. Install Node js-en_US.srt 6.60Кб
5. Loading Implementation (Front End).mp4 107.57Мб
5. Loading Implementation (Front End)-en_US.srt 14.34Кб
5. Modifiers in Solidity.mp4 48.02Мб
5. Modifiers in Solidity-en_US.srt 8.20Кб
5. Overview On What Is A Smart Contract.mp4 76.48Мб
5. Overview On What Is A Smart Contract-en_US.srt 5.67Кб
5. Proof of Work Vs. Proof of Stake.mp4 132.25Мб
5. Proof of Work Vs. Proof of Stake-en_US.srt 8.34Кб
5. Review - Loading Blockchain Data.mp4 38.80Мб
5. Review - Loading Blockchain Data-en_US.srt 4.79Кб
5. Solidity Test Exercise I.mp4 13.98Мб
5. Solidity Test Exercise I-en_US.srt 2.10Кб
5. Truffle Migrate - Upgrades & Console.mp4 93.31Мб
5. Truffle Migrate - Upgrades & Console-en_US.srt 14.18Кб
6. Before Hook Solidity.mp4 26.61Мб
6. Before Hook Solidity-en_US.srt 3.23Кб
6. Connecting Balance from Smart Contracts to The Front End.mp4 77.51Мб
6. Connecting Balance from Smart Contracts to The Front End-en_US.srt 10.04Кб
6. Implementing Count Down Timer.mp4 62.68Мб
6. Implementing Count Down Timer-en_US.srt 10.22Кб
6. Introduction to Arrays & Objects.mp4 21.57Мб
6. Introduction to Arrays & Objects-en_US.srt 3.41Кб
6. Issue Reward Tokens (Smart Contract).mp4 148.42Мб
6. Issue Reward Tokens (Smart Contract)-en_US.srt 19.82Кб
6. Loading Blockchain Data Exercise I.mp4 12.77Мб
6. Loading Blockchain Data Exercise I-en_US.srt 1.75Кб
6. Node Js Exercise I.mp4 2.44Мб
6. Node Js Exercise I-en_US.srt 941б
6. Short Overview On Bootstrap Components.mp4 40.22Мб
6. Short Overview On Bootstrap Components-en_US.srt 5.53Кб
6. Smart Contract As Defined In Solidity.mp4 10.34Мб
6. Smart Contract As Defined In Solidity-en_US.srt 1.78Кб
6. Smart Contract Transactions Between Eachother.mp4 118.74Мб
6. Smart Contract Transactions Between Eachother-en_US.srt 17.19Кб
6. Solidity Modifiers.mp4 16.92Мб
6. Solidity Modifiers-en_US.srt 2.65Кб
6. Truffle Compile.mp4 82.32Мб
6. Truffle Compile-en_US.srt 9.96Кб
6. Voting Authentication Function.mp4 62.36Мб
6. Voting Authentication Function-en_US.srt 10.48Кб
7. Building The DApp Navbar UI.mp4 141.00Мб
7. Building The DApp Navbar UI-en_US.srt 20.71Кб
7. Compiling, Debugging & Migrating Contracts.mp4 288.00Мб
7. Compiling, Debugging & Migrating Contracts-en_US.srt 27.08Кб
7. Create Your First Smart Contract!.mp4 20.93Мб
7. Create Your First Smart Contract!-en_US.srt 4.14Кб
7. Exercise - Truffle Console.mp4 3.32Мб
7. Exercise - Truffle Console-en_US.srt 582б
7. Hooking Up The Airdrop Implemention.mp4 27.63Мб
7. Hooking Up The Airdrop Implemention-en_US.srt 3.55Кб
7. Loading Blockchain Data Solution.mp4 71.56Мб
7. Loading Blockchain Data Solution-en_US.srt 7.17Кб
7. Mapping in Solidity (Key Store Value).mp4 19.83Мб
7. Mapping in Solidity (Key Store Value)-en_US.srt 3.22Кб
7. Node Js Solution.mp4 7.15Мб
7. Node Js Solution-en_US.srt 2.57Кб
7. Solidity Constructor.mp4 11.01Мб
7. Solidity Constructor-en_US.srt 1.81Кб
7. Staking Tokens (Front End).mp4 155.48Мб
7. Staking Tokens (Front End)-en_US.srt 18.77Кб
7. The Vote Function.mp4 91.87Мб
7. The Vote Function-en_US.srt 12.47Кб
7. Transfer Tokens Tests 1.mp4 119.82Мб
7. Transfer Tokens Tests 1-en_US.srt 14.38Кб
7. Unstaking & Final Mocha Tests.mp4 119.64Мб
7. Unstaking & Final Mocha Tests-en_US.srt 14.77Кб
8. Blockchain Transactions.mp4 70.81Мб
8. Blockchain Transactions-en_US.srt 4.32Кб
8. Exercise - setInheritance Function (Scoping & Argument).mp4 29.63Мб
8. Exercise - setInheritance Function (Scoping & Argument)-en_US.srt 4.19Кб
8. Final Course Exercise (Airdrop Reward Tokens) - Good Luck!.mp4 133.94Мб
8. Final Course Exercise (Airdrop Reward Tokens) - Good Luck!-en_US.srt 15.87Кб
8. Install Truffle Globally.mp4 21.05Мб
8. Install Truffle Globally-en_US.srt 2.97Кб
8. Introduction to Variables (In Solidity).mp4 13.44Мб
8. Introduction to Variables (In Solidity)-en_US.srt 2.11Кб
8. Loading Tests - Blockchain Data.mp4 49.35Мб
8. Loading Tests - Blockchain Data-en_US.srt 5.66Кб
8. React State & Props (Customer Account Number).mp4 58.01Мб
8. React State & Props (Customer Account Number)-en_US.srt 9.03Кб
8. Reward Scripts (Terminal Exec).mp4 81.24Мб
8. Reward Scripts (Terminal Exec)-en_US.srt 11.74Кб
8. Transfer Vs TransferFrom - Focused Study.mp4 43.33Мб
8. Transfer Vs TransferFrom - Focused Study-en_US.srt 10.44Кб
8. Unstaking Tokens Exercise.mp4 10.70Мб
8. Unstaking Tokens Exercise-en_US.srt 1.52Кб
8. Voting Results Function.mp4 90.35Мб
8. Voting Results Function-en_US.srt 13.09Кб
9. Converting Bytes with Node & Ethers.mp4 121.58Мб
9. Converting Bytes with Node & Ethers-en_US.srt 19.75Кб
9. Git Clone The Code Starter Project.mp4 47.84Мб
9. Git Clone The Code Starter Project-en_US.srt 8.16Кб
9. Optional - General Introduction To Variables In Programming & Solidity.mp4 120.77Мб
9. Optional - General Introduction To Variables In Programming & Solidity-en_US.srt 19.37Кб
9. setInheritance Function Recap (Address & Amount).mp4 20.19Мб
9. setInheritance Function Recap (Address & Amount)-en_US.srt 3.98Кб
9. Transfer Tokens Tests II.mp4 75.46Мб
9. Transfer Tokens Tests II-en_US.srt 9.87Кб
9. Unstaking Tokens Solution.mp4 34.83Мб
9. Unstaking Tokens Solution-en_US.srt 4.71Кб
Alumni.html 1.05Кб
arrow-function.sol 881б
Crypto Coin Solution.html 802б
Crypto Token Assignment.html 1.08Кб
Custom Token Assignment.html 1.35Кб
Custom Token Functionality Assignment.html 2.53Кб
Debug Assignment.html 1.10Кб
events-example.sol 1.02Кб
Exercise - Meet The Community.html 2.30Кб
Final Assignment (One More Feature - Cherry On Top).html 1.23Кб
Final Code Project Solution Files.html 539б
Join Our Online School.html 1.64Кб
Looping Assignment (Complete the Pay Investors Smart Contract).html 1.08Кб
Pay Investors Assignment.html 1.44Кб
The Final Code Project File (Code Along Solutions).html 524б
Will Smart Contract (Solution Code).html 1.47Кб
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