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10 - How we use our natural senses to detect the out of normal conditions around us.html |
1.11Кб |
11 - Sense No 1 Sight.html |
1.37Кб |
12 - Sense No 2 Smell.html |
1.26Кб |
13 - Sense No 3 Hearing.html |
1.46Кб |
14 - Sense No4 Taste.html |
1.16Кб |
15 - Sense No 5 Touch.html |
1.32Кб |
16 - Combining our natural senses to detect and analyze anomalies.html |
2.24Кб |
17 - 2 Understand the nature and impact the hazard threat danger poses.html |
1.55Кб |
18 - You are able to predict what will happen next.html |
725б |
19 - Taking action to prevent an incident.html |
551б |
1 - Introduction.html |
4.12Кб |
1 - Situation Awareness benefits.html |
84б |
20 - Illustrating how time plays a crucial role in Situation Awareness.html |
1.32Кб |
21 - Introduction to Situational Awareness response.html |
682б |
22 - 1 A crack starting to show on a dam wall that poses a potential catastrophe.html |
1.91Кб |
23 - 2 You notice a water puddle forming underneath your car.html |
1.86Кб |
24 - 3 Fork Lift driver reversing his vehicle and unaware of any danger.html |
2.44Кб |
25 - Introduction.html |
3.01Кб |
26 - How we fail or succeed as humans.html |
4.64Кб |
27 - Clarifying the human need to pay attention.html |
1.37Кб |
28 - Cutting corners taking short cuts.html |
2.88Кб |
29 - Safety untold truths At work.html |
2.52Кб |
2 - Resource1Intro.pdf |
178.42Кб |
2 - The need for Situation Awareness 360 training.html |
116б |
2 - Who will benefit from this Course.html |
1.06Кб |
30 - Safety untold truths At home.html |
1.57Кб |
31 - Revealing the truth.html |
778б |
32 - Summary and Solution.html |
2.06Кб |
33 - Recap the Theory about Situation Awareness and the methodology.html |
1.20Кб |
34 - Paying deliberate attention.html |
1.51Кб |
35 - Necessity of Situational Awareness practices in the Workplace.html |
2.90Кб |
36 - Summary and Workplace Safety advice.html |
2.23Кб |
37 - Conclusion one possible solution for workplace safety.html |
823б |
38 - Video Introduction.mp4 |
109.13Мб |
38 - Video Introduction English.vtt |
4.96Кб |
39 - Introduction to your Practical Training Section.html |
2.03Кб |
3 - Understand what Situation Awareness is.html |
74б |
3 - Why is there a need for this particular course.html |
3.54Кб |
40 - Beginners level Video Introduction.mp4 |
42.32Мб |
40 - Beginners level Video Introduction English.vtt |
2.37Кб |
41 - Practical Training for Beginners understand what its all about.html |
938б |
42 - Assignment 1 Visual exercise.html |
4.40Кб |
42 - Lecture40Visualexercise.pdf |
694.73Кб |
43 - Assignment 2 Hearing exercise.html |
2.33Кб |
43 - Lecture41Hearingexercise.pdf |
606.15Кб |
44 - Assignment 3 Smell exercise.html |
2.33Кб |
44 - Lecture42Smellexercise.pdf |
604.72Кб |
45 - Assignment 4 Taste exercise.html |
2.63Кб |
45 - Lecture43Tasteexercise.pdf |
605.37Кб |
46 - Assignment 5 Touch sensation exercise.html |
2.52Кб |
46 - Lecture44TouchSensationexercise.pdf |
677.66Кб |
47 - Assignment 6 Combination exercise using all 5 your senses.html |
10.84Кб |
47 - Lecture45Combinationexercise.pdf |
683.10Кб |
48 - Demonstrate the difference between being tuned in versus not being tuned in.html |
1.15Кб |
49 - Time for Reflection on the Beginners Practical Level.html |
1.40Кб |
4 - Develop exceptional observation skills.html |
944б |
4 - Using your senses to detect anomalies.html |
64б |
50 - Beginners Level Conclusion.html |
1.55Кб |
51 - Intermediate Level Intro Video.mp4 |
36.22Мб |
51 - Intermediate Level Intro Video English.vtt |
1.99Кб |
52 - Introduction Simultaneously use all your senses for detection.html |
1.21Кб |
53 - Instructions for performing the Intermediate exercises.html |
1.56Кб |
54 - Lecture54Exercise1.pdf |
182.89Кб |
54 - Practical Exercise 1 Shopping Mall Experiment.html |
1.16Кб |
55 - Practical Exercise 1 Shopping Mall Experiment Reflection and Conclusion.html |
590б |
56 - Practical Exercise 2 Busy Street Scenarios.html |
642б |
57 - Practical Exercise 2 The Town City scenario.html |
1.24Кб |
58 - Lecture57and58PracticalExercise2TheTownCityscenario.pdf |
191.31Кб |
58 - Practical Exercise 2 The Town City Instructions.html |
1.42Кб |
59 - Practical Exercise 2 The Town City Reflection and Conclusion.html |
721б |
5 - Observe and detect by deliberately paying attention to your surroundings.html |
1.33Кб |
5 - Recognize and understand what you detected.html |
114б |
60 - Practical Exercise 2 Residential Suburbs.html |
1.51Кб |
61 - Lecture60and61PracticalExercise2ResidentialSuburbsscenario.pdf |
190.20Кб |
61 - Practical Exercise 2 Residential Suburbs Instructions.html |
1.46Кб |
62 - Practical Exercise 2 Residential Suburbs Reflection and Conclusion.html |
684б |
63 - Intermediate Level Summary notes.html |
698б |
64 - Advanced Level Intro Video.mp4 |
44.52Мб |
64 - Advanced Level Intro Video English.vtt |
2.00Кб |
65 - Practical Exercise 1 Dynamic in motion incar obeservation.html |
1.07Кб |
66 - Practical Exercise 1 Setting the scene.html |
902б |
67 - Lecture66and67PracticalExercise1ResidentialSuburbsscenario.pdf |
242.42Кб |
67 - Practical Exercise 1 Perform and record your observations while driving.html |
3.23Кб |
68 - Lecture67and68PracticalExercise1ResidentialSuburbsscenario.pdf |
243.08Кб |
68 - Practical Exercise 1 Analysis and findings.html |
2.12Кб |
69 - Practical Exercise 1 Perform your observations while driving at normal speed.html |
2.06Кб |
6 - Observation as the foundation for Situational Awareness.html |
1.75Кб |
6 - Understanding the nature of the anomaly is key in making a timeous decision.html |
60б |
70 - Practical Exercise 2 Nature Plant and Animal Situational Awareness behaviour.html |
693б |
71 - Practical Exercise 2 Nature Situational Awareness Characteristics.html |
339б |
72 - Practical Exercise 2 Purpose of the Nature exercise.html |
772б |
73 - Lecture73AnimalHuntexerciseinstructions.pdf |
203.09Кб |
73 - Practical Exercise 2 Setting the scene for the study.html |
1.75Кб |
74 - Practical Exercise 2 Reflection.html |
1.09Кб |
75 - Burning vehicle incident example.html |
162б |
75 - Combinedsensesexerciseexample.pdf |
943.25Кб |
76 - SA3607StepProcesspptx |
101.18Кб |
76 - The Situation Awareness 360 7 Step Process.mp4 |
188.55Мб |
76 - The Situation Awareness 360 7 Step Process English.vtt |
12.65Кб |
77 - Real time commented video about Situation Awareness 360 conditions.mp4 |
312.73Мб |
77 - Real time commented video about Situation Awareness 360 conditions English.vtt |
14.74Кб |
78 - Real time unfolding events invideo.mp4 |
258.85Мб |
78 - UncommentedFinalAssignment.mp4 |
677.43Мб |
79 - What Situation Awareness 360 training means for you and what it will not mean.html |
3.33Кб |
7 - Methodology.html |
1.08Кб |
8 - Define Situation Awareness and discover how it works and what it represents.html |
2.05Кб |
8 - PluginTunein.pdf |
478.85Кб |
9 - Detect a possible hazard threat danger the before it starts to manifest.html |
1.33Кб |
9 - NormalConditions.pdf |
51.72Кб |
Bonus Resources.txt |
386б |
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url |
177б |