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[DesireCourse.Net].url 51б
[DesireCourse.Net].url 51б
[DesireCourse.Net].url 51б
[DesireCourse.Net].url 51б
1.1 Arithmetic Operator.py 161б
1.1 Create Connection to Database.py 336б
1.1 exception handling.py 209б
1.1 Functions.py 202б
1.1 If Statement.py 300б
1.1 Install PyMongo.py 14б
1.1 lambda function.py 36б
1.1 List.py 102б
1.2 Introduction TO Exceptions.py 144б
1. Conclusion.html 5.66Кб
1. Creating a Database and Database Connection.mp4 43.41Мб
1. Creating a Database and Database Connection.srt 9.16Кб
1. If Statements in Python.mp4 61.11Мб
1. If Statements in Python.srt 13.95Кб
1. Install Mongodb.mp4 45.63Мб
1. Install Mongodb.srt 8.57Кб
1. Introduction.mp4 35.55Мб
1. Introduction.srt
1. Introduction to Exceptions.mp4 38.62Мб
1. Introduction to Exceptions.srt 7.72Кб
1. Introduction To OOP and Key of OOP.mp4 84.28Мб
1. Introduction To OOP and Key of OOP.srt 15.72Кб
1. Introduction to Python Lists.mp4 39.33Мб
1. Introduction to Python Lists.srt 9.91Кб
1. Lambda Function.mp4 7.03Мб
1. Lambda Function.srt 2.03Кб
1. Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python).mp4 21.27Мб
1. Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python).srt 6.62Кб
1. Regular Indexes.mp4 14.97Мб
1. Regular Indexes.srt 4.27Кб
1. What is Function and How to Define a function.mp4 29.08Мб
1. What is Function and How to Define a function.srt 7.36Кб
10.1 Accessing class attributes from instance.py 349б
10.1 Inverting Booleans.py 66б
10.1 limit collection.py 183б
10.1 nested loop.py 183б
10.1 slicing of tuple.py 106б
10.1 taking a user input.py 51б
10.1 Variables.py 155б
10. Accessing Class Attributes from instances.mp4 35.44Мб
10. Accessing Class Attributes from instances.srt 8.44Кб
10. Indexing and Slicing on Tuples.mp4 15.23Мб
10. Indexing and Slicing on Tuples.srt 4.13Кб
10. Inverting boolean in python.mp4 15.02Мб
10. Inverting boolean in python.srt 4.40Кб
10. Mongodb limit Operation.mp4 14.86Мб
10. Mongodb limit Operation.srt 2.43Кб
10. Nested Loop.mp4 28.13Мб
10. Nested Loop.srt 7.46Кб
10. Taking a User Input.mp4 25.33Мб
10. Taking a User Input.srt 7.74Кб
10. Variables & multiple assignment of variable - Don't Miss this Concept.mp4 41.88Мб
10. Variables & multiple assignment of variable - Don't Miss this Concept.srt 13.61Кб
11.1 bitwise operator.py 179б
11.1 inheritance.py 643б
11.1 using list as a stack.py 147б
11. Assignment No 6.html 153б
11. Bitwise Operators.mp4 54.51Мб
11. Bitwise Operators.srt 13.74Кб
11. Coding Exercise.html 149б
11. Coding Exercise 3.html 149б
11. Inheritance.mp4 91.02Мб
11. Inheritance.srt 17.81Кб
11. Mongodb Drop The Collections.mp4 7.86Мб
11. Mongodb Drop The Collections.srt 2.03Кб
11. Using list as a Stack.mp4 33.68Мб
11. Using list as a Stack.srt 6.74Кб
12.1 loops with else block of code.py 254б
12.1 Multiple Child Classes inheritance.py 416б
12.1 using list as a queue.py 150б
12.1 Variables.py 155б
12. Assignment No 4.html 153б
12. Coding Exercise.html 149б
12. Loops With Else block of Code.mp4 23.26Мб
12. Loops With Else block of Code.srt 6.57Кб
12. Multiple Child Classes Inheritance.mp4 36.44Мб
12. Multiple Child Classes Inheritance.srt 7.15Кб
12. Using List as a Queue.mp4 21.42Мб
12. Using List as a Queue.srt 5.76Кб
12. Variable Declaration.html 1.90Кб
13.1 Fibonacci Series.py 170б
13.1 grow list.py 301б
13.1 multilevel inheritance.py 294б
13.1 Reassigning Variables.py 50б
13.2 Reassigning Variables.py 50б
13. Fibonacci Series in Python.mp4 27.49Мб
13. Fibonacci Series in Python.srt 9.27Кб
13. Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation ).mp4 26.18Мб
13. Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation ).srt 5.11Кб
13. Multilevel Inheritance.mp4 25.17Мб
13. Multilevel Inheritance.srt 5.10Кб
13. Reassigning Variables.mp4 15.67Мб
13. Reassigning Variables.srt 4.23Кб
14.1 dictionaries.py 96б
14.1 multiple inheritance.py 569б
14.1 Swap Variables.py 96б
14. Coding Challenge #6.html 149б
14. Introduction to Dictionaries.mp4 20.23Мб
14. Introduction to Dictionaries.srt 6.00Кб
14. Multiple Inheritance.mp4 54.88Мб
14. Multiple Inheritance.srt 8.71Кб
14. Swap variables.mp4 15.46Мб
14. Swap variables.srt 4.09Кб
15.1 method overloading.py 298б
15.1 updating dictionary.py 134б
15. Coding Exercise 4.html 149б
15. Method Overriding.mp4 25.80Мб
15. Method Overriding.srt 5.83Кб
15. Updating a Dictionary.mp4 16.81Мб
15. Updating a Dictionary.srt 3.76Кб
16.1 Concatenate Dict.py 120б
16.1 encapsulation.py 609б
16.1 vairable Scope.py 67б
16.2 vairable Scope.py 67б
16. Concatenate two Dictionaries.mp4 10.86Мб
16. Concatenate two Dictionaries.srt 2.74Кб
16. Encapsulation.mp4 89.71Мб
16. Encapsulation.srt 17.40Кб
16. Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python).mp4 21.44Мб
16. Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python).srt 5.88Кб
17.1 polymorphism.py 229б
17.1 sort a dict.py 172б
17. Assignment No 1.html 153б
17. Polymorphism.mp4 23.91Мб
17. Polymorphism.srt 5.02Кб
17. Sort a Dictionary.mp4 33.50Мб
17. Sort a Dictionary.srt 6.69Кб
18.1 abstraction.py 539б
18.1 Delete a dict element.py 119б
18. Data Abstraction.mp4 53.37Мб
18. Data Abstraction.srt 12.46Кб
18. Delete Dictionary Elements.mp4 11.02Мб
18. Delete Dictionary Elements.srt 2.68Кб
18. Quiz No 1.html 149б
19.1 getter and setter.py 270б
19.1 length of dict.py 150б
19. Length of a Dictionary.mp4 10.56Мб
19. Length of a Dictionary.srt 2.28Кб
19. Setters and Getters.mp4 22.91Мб
19. Setters and Getters.srt 5.05Кб
19. What is Difference Between a program and a Script.html 5.71Кб
2.1 assignment operators.py 112б
2.1 Classes and Object.py 170б
2.1 create database.py 396б
2.1 create table in sqlite.py 1.36Кб
2.1 dict comprehension.py 88б
2.1 Else statmenet.py 354б
2.1 exception handling.py 209б
2.1 negitive index.py 32б
2. Bonus Lecture.html 348б
2. Calling a function.mp4 19.49Мб
2. Calling a function.srt 4.44Кб
2. Change List Item Value.mp4 9.49Мб
2. Change List Item Value.srt 2.32Кб
2. Classes and Objects.mp4 37.31Мб
2. Classes and Objects.srt 10.77Кб
2. Dictionary Comprehension.mp4 19.18Мб
2. Dictionary Comprehension.srt 5.20Кб
2. Else Statements in Python.mp4 53.13Мб
2. Else Statements in Python.srt 11.37Кб
2. Handling Exceptions.mp4 32.34Мб
2. Handling Exceptions.srt 6.46Кб
2. Negative Indexes.mp4 15.48Мб
2. Negative Indexes.srt 4.08Кб
2. Operators (Assignment Operator in Python).mp4 27.58Мб
2. Operators (Assignment Operator in Python).srt 6.83Кб
2. Overview on Creating Database in CMD.mp4 22.26Мб
2. Overview on Creating Database in CMD.srt 5.87Кб
2. Python3 Vs Python2.html 6.65Кб
2. Python Database Create Table.mp4 87.04Мб
2. Python Database Create Table.srt 14.74Кб
20.1 Assert Statement.py 30б
20.1 key exist in dict.py 171б
20.1 super keyword.py 195б
20. Key exists in Dictionary.mp4 7.90Мб
20. Key exists in Dictionary.srt 2.00Кб
20. Super Keyword.mp4 15.06Мб
20. Super Keyword.srt 3.82Кб
20. The Assert Statement.mp4 19.79Мб
20. The Assert Statement.srt 4.71Кб
21.1 sets in python.py 222б
21.1 string.py 221б
21. Introduction to Sets.mp4 31.60Мб
21. Introduction to Sets.srt 7.80Кб
21. Strings you need to Grab complete concept.mp4 34.94Мб
21. Strings you need to Grab complete concept.srt 9.13Кб
22.1 Convert Dict into List.py 113б
22.1 datatype.py 105б
22. Convert dictionary into list.mp4 13.55Мб
22. Convert dictionary into list.srt 3.21Кб
22. Data Types In Python Major Concept.mp4 37.19Мб
22. Data Types In Python Major Concept.srt 9.46Кб
23.1 pop and dict.py 145б
23. Coding Challenge #5.html 149б
23. Using Pop Method delete Item From dictionary.mp4 12.68Мб
23. Using Pop Method delete Item From dictionary.srt 3.58Кб
24.1 len Function.py 249б
24.1 Tree Data structure In Python.py 575б
24. Tree in Python.mp4 60.00Мб
24. Tree in Python.srt 14.45Кб
24. What is Len Function in String.mp4 22.45Мб
24. What is Len Function in String.srt 5.77Кб
25.1 Nested Loop with list.py 163б
25. Assignment no 2.html 153б
25. Nested Loop Using List.mp4 16.72Мб
25. Nested Loop Using List.srt 4.17Кб
3.1 Calculate Average.py 25б
3.1 cosntructor.py 98б
3.1 elif statement.py 545б
3.1 Functions.py 202б
3.1 insertinto.py 322б
3.1 Install PyMongo.py 14б
3.1 map.py 88б
3.1 Mutable List.py 95б
3.1 RiseException.py 132б
3.1 slicing.py 103б
3. Elif Statements in Python.mp4 43.52Мб
3. Elif Statements in Python.srt 8.53Кб
3. Function arguments and Return Vs Print.mp4 15.72Мб
3. Function arguments and Return Vs Print.srt 4.65Кб
3. How this Course is Structured.mp4 113.85Мб
3. How this Course is Structured.srt 9.08Кб
3. Map.mp4 12.03Мб
3. Map.srt 2.73Кб
3. Mongodb Connection to python.mp4 34.05Мб
3. Mongodb Connection to python.srt 6.76Кб
3. Mutable List.mp4 15.56Мб
3. Mutable List.srt 5.22Кб
3. Python Constructor.mp4 15.79Мб
3. Python Constructor.srt 4.24Кб
3. Python Database Insert Operation.mp4 31.78Мб
3. Python Database Insert Operation.srt 7.22Кб
3. Raising Exceptions.mp4 18.60Мб
3. Raising Exceptions.srt 4.01Кб
3. Slices.mp4 27.01Мб
3. Slices.srt 7.48Кб
3. Write the Equation to Calculate an Average in one line with Operator.mp4 6.44Мб
3. Write the Equation to Calculate an Average in one line with Operator.srt 1.94Кб
4.1 create collection.py 238б
4.1 filter.py 79б
4.1 finally.py 169б
4.1 Initilazing the object.py 136б
4.1 literally and programmatically list.py 154б
4.1 nested function.py 282б
4.1 select or read s.py 230б
4. Assignment No 3.html 153б
4. Assignment No 5.html 153б
4. Filter.mp4 9.69Мб
4. Filter.srt 2.75Кб
4. How to Install Python On windows.mp4 58.18Мб
4. How to Install Python On windows.srt 12.64Кб
4. How to write list Literally vs Programmatically.mp4 21.78Мб
4. How to write list Literally vs Programmatically.srt 4.53Кб
4. Initializing the Object.mp4 17.87Мб
4. Initializing the Object.srt 5.32Кб
4. Mongodb Create Collection.mp4 27.19Мб
4. Mongodb Create Collection.srt 5.55Кб
4. Nested Functions.mp4 26.33Мб
4. Nested Functions.srt 5.44Кб
4. Python Database READ Operation.mp4 18.15Мб
4. Python Database READ Operation.srt 4.23Кб
4. Remove the Character of index value.mp4 23.09Мб
4. Remove the Character of index value.srt 5.35Кб
4. Try Except and Finally.mp4 20.74Мб
4. Try Except and Finally.srt 4.28Кб
5.1 append.py 65б
5.1 empty class.py 100б
5.1 insert documents.py 469б
5.1 Module.py 101б
5.1 nested if else.py 10.13Кб
5.1 reduce.py 87б
5.1 searching item in list.py 96б
5.1 Short Hand of operator.py 83б
5.1 update command.py 283б
5. Append In Python.mp4 13.33Мб
5. Append In Python.srt 4.10Кб
5. Breaking Math operation and use ZeroDivisionError.mp4 15.05Мб
5. Breaking Math operation and use ZeroDivisionError.srt 3.35Кб
5. Check if Item exists in list.mp4 7.51Мб
5. Check if Item exists in list.srt 1.91Кб
5. How to install Python on Linux.html 3.42Кб
5. Mongodb Insert Document.mp4 41.32Мб
5. Mongodb Insert Document.srt 8.98Кб
5. Nested If Else Statement.mp4 13.01Мб
5. Nested If Else Statement.srt 4.12Кб
5. Python Database Update Operation.mp4 19.18Мб
5. Python Database Update Operation.srt 4.41Кб
5. Reduce.mp4 12.75Мб
5. Reduce.srt 3.22Кб
5. Run a Simple Empty Class Example.mp4 10.83Мб
5. Run a Simple Empty Class Example.srt 2.40Кб
5. Using of Assignments operator and Shorthand.mp4 10.48Мб
5. Using of Assignments operator and Shorthand.srt 3.05Кб
5. What is Module.mp4 17.83Мб
5. What is Module.srt 4.83Кб
6.1 Comparison Operators.py 94б
6.1 delete commanad.py 295б
6.1 Find Operation.py 168б
6.1 instance method.py 170б
6.1 string formatting.py 65б
6.1 tuple.py 169б
6. Coding Challenge #7.html 149б
6. Comparison Operators.mp4 19.54Мб
6. Comparison Operators.srt 6.38Кб
6. Decision Making.html 4.76Кб
6. How to install Python On Mac.html 1.64Кб
6. instance method with classes and object.mp4 17.00Мб
6. instance method with classes and object.srt 4.01Кб
6. Introduction to the Tuples.mp4 14.02Мб
6. Introduction to the Tuples.srt 4.12Кб
6. Iterator.mp4 20.70Мб
6. Iterator.srt 7.44Кб
6. Mongodb Find Operation.mp4 28.21Мб
6. Mongodb Find Operation.srt 5.75Кб
6. Python Database DELETE Operation.mp4 19.63Мб
6. Python Database DELETE Operation.srt 4.85Кб
6. String Format Method.mp4 14.86Мб
6. String Format Method.srt 3.88Кб
7.1 Access tuple item.py 77б
7.1 Basic Syntax.py 33б
7.1 Equal and Not Equall Operator.py 164б
7.1 for loop.py 159б
7.1 index and slicing.py 93б
7.1 limit.py 286б
7.1 object method.py 237б
7.1 query.py 213б
7. Access Tuple Item.mp4 9.45Мб
7. Access Tuple Item.srt 2.45Кб
7. Assignment No 7.html 153б
7. EqualNot Equals Operators.mp4 32.04Мб
7. EqualNot Equals Operators.srt 9.37Кб
7. For loop in python.mp4 24.85Мб
7. For loop in python.srt 6.86Кб
7. Mongodb Query.mp4 32.21Мб
7. Mongodb Query.srt 6.06Кб
7. Object Methods.mp4 19.76Мб
7. Object Methods.srt 4.87Кб
7. Python Database Limit.mp4 23.05Мб
7. Python Database Limit.srt 4.68Кб
7. Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function.mp4 21.47Мб
7. Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function.srt 6.31Кб
7. String Indexing and Slicing.mp4 19.57Мб
7. String Indexing and Slicing.srt 6.18Кб
8.1 delete tuple.py 52б
8.1 logical Operator.py 85б
8.1 Neutralize Uppercase.py 312б
8.1 self parameter.py 249б
8.1 update collection.py 564б
8.1 while loop.py 170б
8. Coding Exercise 1.html 149б
8. Delete Tuple.mp4 9.05Мб
8. Delete Tuple.srt 2.71Кб
8. Logical Operators in Python.mp4 23.36Мб
8. Logical Operators in Python.srt 5.41Кб
8. Mongodb Update Operation.mp4 39.98Мб
8. Mongodb Update Operation.srt 7.55Кб
8. neutralize_uppercase.mp4 35.30Мб
8. neutralize_uppercase.srt 8.53Кб
8. Self Parameter.mp4 22.51Мб
8. Self Parameter.srt 5.68Кб
8. While loop in python.mp4 36.63Мб
8. While loop in python.srt 8.79Кб
9.1 Break and Continue.py 258б
9.1 delete object properties.py 364б
9.1 delete the collection.py 304б
9.1 is isnot operator.py 71б
9.1 Iterating Lists.py 54б
9.1 max character.py 10.07Кб
9. Break,Continue and Pass Statement.mp4 40.15Мб
9. Break,Continue and Pass Statement.srt 8.56Кб
9. Coding Exercise 2.html 149б
9. Delete Object and Property.mp4 30.87Мб
9. Delete Object and Property.srt 6.22Кб
9. IS and ISNOT in Python.mp4 10.20Мб
9. IS and ISNOT in Python.srt 3.68Кб
9. Iterating Lists.mp4 11.73Мб
9. Iterating Lists.srt 2.90Кб
9. Max character.mp4 12.09Мб
9. Max character.srt 3.10Кб
9. Mongodb Delete Operation.mp4 44.25Мб
9. Mongodb Delete Operation.srt 5.77Кб
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