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Название Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches - Collection 28
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Ballano - Sociological Perspectives on Clerical Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Hierarchy. An Exploratory Structural Analysis of Social Disorganisation (2019).pdf 1.35Мб
Beier (Ed.) - Pedophilia, Hebephilia and Sexual Offending against Children. The Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT) (2021).pdf 7.56Мб
Blanco et al (Eds.) - Grabbed. Poets & Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment & Healing (2020).epub 831.15Кб
Blasi & Oviedo (Eds.) - The Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church. Dismantling the Culture of Cover Ups (2020).pdf 1.75Мб
Bondy - #MeToo and You. Everything You Need to Know About Consent, Boundaries, and More (2020).epub 11.95Мб
Buss - When Men Behave Badly. The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault (2021).epub 547.56Кб
Carroll - The Truth at the Heart of the Lie. How the Catholic Church Lost Its Soul. A Memoir of Faith (2021).epub 3.29Мб
Cleves - Unspeakable. A Life beyond Sexual Morality (2020).pdf 6.90Мб
Cossins - Closing the Justice Gap for Adult and Child Sexual Assault. Rethinking the Adversarial Trial (2020).pdf 6.13Мб
Crocker - Violence Interrupted. Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses (2020).epub 10.25Мб
Egan - Putting Feminism to Work. Theorising Sexual Violence, Trauma and Subjectivity (2020).pdf 2.59Мб
Fido & Harper - Non-consensual Image-based Sexual Offending. Bridging Legal and Psychological Perspectives (2020).pdf 1.47Мб
Give.org Donor Trust Special Report. Sexual Harassment and the Charitable Sector (2020).pdf 502.86Кб
Grant & Macleod - Language and Online Identities. The Undercover Policing of Internet Sexual Crime (2020).pdf 1.57Мб
Heffernan & Ward - Dynamic Risk Factors for Sexual Offending. Causal Considerations (2020).pdf 1.44Мб
Hocken et al (Eds.) - Sexual Crime and Intellectual Functioning (2020).pdf 2.92Мб
Howard - The Sexual Harassment Handbook. Everything You Need to Know Before Someone Calls a Lawyer (2007).djvu 400.83Кб
Kewley & Barlow (Eds.) - Preventing Sexual Violence. Problems and Possibilities (2020).pdf 3.70Мб
Lazard - Sexual Harassment, Psychology and Feminism. #MeToo, Victim Politics and Predators in Neoliberal Times (2020).pdf 1.65Мб
Lussier et al - Understanding Sexual Offending. An evidence-based response to myths and misconceptions (2021).pdf 4.04Мб
Moran - Cardinal Sins. How the Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Crisis Changed Private Law.pdf 550.38Кб
Murphy - Responding to Sexual Abuse. A Study of Southern Baptist Churches, 2020.pdf 475.49Кб
Nicholls - Dismantling Rape Culture. The Peacebuilding Power of ‘Me Too’ (2021).pdf 19.21Мб
Nussbaum - Citadels of Pride. Sexual Assault, Accountability, and Reconciliation (2021).epub 718.76Кб
Report on the Holy See’s Institutional Knowledge and Decision-Making Related to Former Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick .. (2020).pdf 83.77Мб
Rich - Interviewing Rape Victims. Practice and Policy Issues in an International Context (2014).pdf 924.87Кб
Smith - Sexual Harassment. A Reference Handbook (2020).pdf 9.39Мб
Smith - The Altar Boys. A Powerful True Story (2020).epub 27.20Мб
Sorenson - After Campus Sexual Assault. A Guide for Parents (2021).epub 847.58Кб
Swaby et al (Eds.) - Sexual Crime and Trauma (2020).pdf 2.62Мб
The Anderson List. Sexual Abuse in the Boy Scouts of America, New York.pdf 2.78Мб
The Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal, The Catholic Commentator, Feb 15, 2019.pdf 6.24Мб
Thomas - A Force to Be Reckoned With. Regaining Direction after Sexual Assault (2020).epub 770.96Кб
Warner - “The Politics of Sex Abuse in Sacred Hierarchies. A Comparative Study of the Catholic Church and the Military in the U.S.”, Religions, 10(4), 2019.pdf 485.85Кб
“Baptist abuse victims’ battle, silence, survival, speaking out,” Houston Chronicle, June 9, 2019.pdf 994.74Кб
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