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Название Linux Basics and Bash Scripting with Raspberry Pi
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1.1 00_webcam.pdf.pdf 69.03Кб
1.1 00 Linux Distributions.pdf.pdf 362.24Кб
1.1 01 IO Redirection.pdf.pdf 406.18Кб
1.1 04 Web URLs for downloads.pdf.pdf 110.35Кб
1.1 CodeBundle.zip.zip 6.32Кб
1.1 Unix Tools.pdf.pdf 409.53Кб
1. Code Bundle.html 85б
1. Configuration.mp4 78.68Мб
1. Configuration.srt 10.11Кб
1. Control Operators.mp4 61.15Мб
1. Control Operators.srt 11.28Кб
1. Course Objectives.mp4 15.18Мб
1. Course Objectives.srt 4.07Кб
1. Create files.mp4 45.32Мб
1. Create files.srt 7.78Кб
1. echo and comments.mp4 20.52Мб
1. echo and comments.srt 3.00Кб
1. IO Redirection.mp4 87.66Мб
1. IO Redirection.srt 16.51Кб
1. Linux Distribution and Raspbian.mp4 47.03Мб
1. Linux Distribution and Raspbian.srt 4.92Кб
1. Linux Filesystem.mp4 40.69Мб
1. Linux Filesystem.srt 7.13Кб
1. LinuxUnix Permissions.mp4 90.88Мб
1. LinuxUnix Permissions.srt 13.44Кб
1. RPi and Webcam.mp4 197.96Мб
1. RPi and Webcam.srt 23.72Кб
1. Shell Variables.mp4 9.71Мб
1. Shell Variables.srt 2.21Кб
1. Unix Tools.mp4 40.96Мб
1. Unix Tools.srt 8.15Кб
1. URLs to the softwares used in the Setup.html 67б
1. Useful Commands Part 1.mp4 60.28Мб
1. Useful Commands Part 1.srt 7.75Кб
10. length of a variable.mp4 17.86Мб
10. length of a variable.srt 2.15Кб
11. Command Line Arguments.mp4 30.56Мб
11. Command Line Arguments.srt 4.52Кб
12. functions.mp4 40.10Мб
12. functions.srt 6.76Кб
13. until.mp4 16.64Мб
13. until.srt 2.22Кб
14. For Loop.mp4 14.14Мб
14. For Loop.srt 1.86Кб
15. Factorial with for loop.mp4 23.37Мб
15. Factorial with for loop.srt 3.12Кб
16. Factorial with While loop.mp4 21.46Мб
16. Factorial with While loop.srt 3.06Кб
17. String comparison operators.mp4 55.03Мб
17. String comparison operators.srt 6.45Кб
18. Filechecking operators.mp4 60.73Мб
18. Filechecking operators.srt 6.77Кб
2.1 BONUS LECTURE.pdf.pdf 29.75Кб
2.1 System Variables.pdf.pdf 406.51Кб
2. BONUS LECTURE.html 82б
2. cd and pwd.mp4 27.12Мб
2. cd and pwd.srt 6.77Кб
2. Course Overview.mp4 10.13Мб
2. Course Overview.srt 3.54Кб
2. crontab.mp4 93.79Мб
2. crontab.srt 18.02Кб
2. echo and variables.mp4 16.09Мб
2. echo and variables.srt 2.64Кб
2. File Operations.mp4 20.86Мб
2. File Operations.srt 4.13Кб
2. ls command and Filename globbing.mp4 37.94Мб
2. ls command and Filename globbing.srt 6.80Кб
2. man and info.mp4 28.64Мб
2. man and info.srt 3.95Кб
2. nohup and.mp4 28.67Мб
2. nohup and.srt 5.54Кб
2. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 1.mp4 229.24Мб
2. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 1.srt 18.13Кб
2. Raspbian GUI Tour.mp4 223.32Мб
2. Raspbian GUI Tour.srt 15.92Кб
2. Shell Scripting.mp4 66.87Мб
2. Shell Scripting.srt 12.43Кб
2. System Variables.mp4 17.30Мб
2. System Variables.srt 3.06Кб
2. Useful Commands Part 2.mp4 40.21Мб
2. Useful Commands Part 2.srt 5.25Кб
3.1 02 Internet Related Commands.pdf.pdf 406.27Кб
3.1 Linux Commands.pdf.pdf 409.10Кб
3. Absolute and relative paths.mp4 22.20Мб
3. Absolute and relative paths.srt 5.62Кб
3. C programming with gcc.mp4 20.94Мб
3. C programming with gcc.srt 3.59Кб
3. Head and Tail.mp4 25.70Мб
3. Head and Tail.srt 3.55Кб
3. History command.mp4 9.76Мб
3. History command.srt 1.38Кб
3. Networking related commands.mp4 47.12Мб
3. Networking related commands.srt 6.42Кб
3. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 2.mp4 183.93Мб
3. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 2.srt 16.35Кб
3. Shell.mp4 17.91Мб
3. Shell.srt 4.22Кб
3. Useful Commands PDF.html 53б
3. User input.mp4 19.26Мб
3. User input.srt 2.58Кб
3. What is Raspberry Pi.mp4 156.13Мб
3. What is Raspberry Pi.srt 9.93Кб
4. Create and Delete Directories.mp4 11.31Мб
4. Create and Delete Directories.srt 2.04Кб
4. Cut.mp4 19.66Мб
4. Cut.srt 4.24Кб
4. Expressions in bash.mp4 68.40Мб
4. Expressions in bash.srt 7.41Кб
4. Install IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi Raspbian.mp4 22.68Мб
4. Install IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi Raspbian.srt 2.54Кб
4. pipes in Linux.mp4 25.43Мб
4. pipes in Linux.srt 3.21Кб
4. Remote Connection to Raspberry Pi Desktop with VNC.mp4 122.75Мб
4. Remote Connection to Raspberry Pi Desktop with VNC.srt 11.29Кб
4. Unboxing of Raspberry Pi 3 B+.mp4 79.23Мб
4. Unboxing of Raspberry Pi 3 B+.srt 4.15Кб
5.1 04 Linux Commands used in the Course.pdf.pdf 158.06Кб
5.1 04 Number Comparison Operators.pdf.pdf 83.96Кб
5. Case Sensitive Filenames and Directory Names.mp4 19.95Мб
5. Case Sensitive Filenames and Directory Names.srt 3.52Кб
5. if.mp4 25.95Мб
5. if.srt 3.59Кб
5. Linux Commands used in this course.html 76б
5. Python Programming.mp4 59.66Мб
5. Python Programming.srt 7.59Кб
5. RPi Models and GPIO.mp4 56.47Мб
5. RPi Models and GPIO.srt 4.02Кб
6. ls commands.mp4 57.67Мб
6. ls commands.srt 7.37Кб
6. Nested If.mp4 25.01Мб
6. Nested If.srt 2.84Кб
6. RPi vs Arduino.mp4 85.37Мб
6. RPi vs Arduino.srt 4.41Кб
7. If Else.mp4 27.60Мб
7. If Else.srt 2.55Кб
8. Elif.mp4 24.46Мб
8. Elif.srt 2.38Кб
9. case.mp4 24.99Мб
9. case.srt 3.60Кб
ReadMe.txt 220б
ReadMe.txt 220б
Visit Coursedrive.org.url 124б
Visit Coursedrive.org.url 124б
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