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Название Blender 2.8 Bootcamp - Learn 3D, EEVEE, Collections & More
Тип Приложение для PC
Размер 8.24Гб

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1.1 Interior2.8.zip.zip 230.87Мб
1.1 Lighting.zip.zip 5.61Мб
1.1 lookdev.zip.zip 416.57Кб
1.1 Reference.zip.zip 8.15Мб
1.1 SaberIntrosFixed.zip.zip 374.17Кб
1.2 Blueprint-Luke-ROTJ-V2.jpg.jpg 1.06Мб
1.2 shadersTexturesBlendFiles.zip.zip 4.15Мб
1.3 cufflogos.zip.zip 281.42Кб
1.4 LightsaberBlendFiles.zip.zip 4.43Мб
1. Contextual Menus.mp4 14.43Мб
1. Data Blocks.mp4 25.99Мб
1. Editor Windows Overview.mp4 27.39Мб
1. EEVEE vs Cycles.mp4 84.30Мб
1. Installing Blender 2.8.mp4 19.95Мб
1. Introduction.mp4 35.53Мб
1. Lighting Basics.mp4 83.61Мб
1. Scene Files.html 49б
1. Scene Files and resources.html 253б
1. Sub-Objects.mp4 35.85Мб
1. UV Editor Window.mp4 36.79Мб
10. Blender Preferences - Add-ons.mp4 17.88Мб
10. Creating Shaders Brushed Metal pt 2.mp4 114.92Мб
10. Part 9 Using the Bool Tool Add-on.mp4 137.16Мб
10. The Outliner.mp4 24.89Мб
10. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 5.mp4 176.30Мб
11. Blender Preferences - Interaction, System & Files.mp4 40.06Мб
11. Creating Shaders Using Image Based Smudge Maps.mp4 213.13Мб
11. Part 10 Thinking About and Creating Complex Geometry.mp4 364.27Мб
11. Properties Editor - Rendering Tabs.mp4 25.12Мб
11. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 6.mp4 137.83Мб
12. Creating Shaders Decals.mp4 144.98Мб
12. Part 11 The Basics + Modifiers = Great Geometry, Fast.mp4 235.15Мб
12. Properties Editor - Data Tabs.mp4 20.39Мб
12. Tutorial Customising Preferences.mp4 46.71Мб
12. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 7.mp4 235.41Мб
13. Part 12 Grinding Away Using The Basics.mp4 216.22Мб
14. Part 13 Creating Geometry Using Bezier Curves.mp4 316.41Мб
15. Part 14 Preparing For & Creating Booleans Correctly.mp4 185.98Мб
16. Part 15 Creating Hex Bolts and Some Final Thoughts.mp4 166.85Мб
2.1 SceneSummery.zip.zip 170.84Мб
2.1 viewportNavigation.zip.zip 211.20Кб
2. 3D View - Viewport Navigation.mp4 74.72Мб
2. Interface Overview.mp4 15.60Мб
2. Part 1 Introduction & Setting Up Image Planes.mp4 263.48Мб
2. Primitives.mp4 23.94Мб
2. Quick Favourites.mp4 11.13Мб
2. Render Settings Overview.mp4 163.02Мб
2. Scenes.mp4 33.22Мб
2. Shadow Basics.mp4 85.80Мб
2. The Node Editor.mp4 22.96Мб
2. UV Editor - UV Menu.mp4 17.28Мб
3. 3D View - UV Menu.mp4 29.83Мб
3. Collections.mp4 33.62Мб
3. Edit Mode Menus.mp4 31.18Мб
3. Look Dev Mode.mp4 19.02Мб
3. Menus.mp4 22.97Мб
3. Part 2 Modelling with Loop Cut & Slide and Extrude.mp4 225.19Мб
3. Point Lights.mp4 59.44Мб
3. Select & 3D Cursor Tools.mp4 16.02Мб
3. Tutorial Basic Transforms.mp4 81.54Мб
4. Live Tools - Overview, Add Cube and Extruding Tools.mp4 46.22Мб
4. Part 3 Separating Geometry, Using the Array Modifier and Removing Double Verts.mp4 222.29Мб
4. Pie Menus.mp4 10.60Мб
4. Spot Lights.mp4 51.35Мб
4. Tutorial Adding & Deleting Basic Primitives.mp4 60.82Мб
4. Understanding Reflections.mp4 21.09Мб
4. Unwrapping Methods.mp4 29.92Мб
4. View Layers.mp4 20.17Мб
4. Workspaces.mp4 18.80Мб
5.1 LinkVsAppend.zip.zip 126.21Кб
5.1 unwrap.zip.zip 2.58Мб
5.2 banana.zip.zip 2.04Мб
5. 3D View - Interaction Modes Overview.mp4 52.04Мб
5. Appending & Linking.mp4 27.36Мб
5. Other Live Tools Overview.mp4 49.59Мб
5. Part 4 Using Inset, Dissolving Edges, Edge Bevels & Grid Fill.mp4 219.38Мб
5. PBR Textures.mp4 49.89Мб
5. Shortcut Keys.mp4 14.63Мб
5. Sun Lights.mp4 62.16Мб
5. Tutorial Creating a Workspace & Saving A Start-Up File.mp4 60.69Мб
5. Unwrapping Scene Files.html 77б
6.1 Lighting.zip.zip 5.61Мб
6. 3D View - Menus Overview.mp4 30.49Мб
6. Area Lights.mp4 43.98Мб
6. Creating Shaders Chrome & Glossy Black Plastic.mp4 121.93Мб
6. Modifiers.mp4 41.65Мб
6. Part 5 Manipulating Geometry Using Different Pivot Points.mp4 177.00Мб
6. Scene and View Layer Overview.mp4 17.67Мб
6. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 1.mp4 164.42Мб
7. 3D View - Display Settings.mp4 56.96Мб
7. Creating Shaders Linking Materials & SSS.mp4 102.21Мб
7. Editors Area.mp4 24.47Мб
7. Mesh Lights.mp4 85.56Мб
7. Part 6 Re-using Existing Geometry, the Mirror & Solidify Modifiers.mp4 172.36Мб
7. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 2.mp4 176.75Мб
8.1 Lighting.zip.zip 5.61Мб
8. 3D View - Tool Bar Overview.mp4 25.23Мб
8. Creating Shaders Finishing the Microchip and Brass Shader.mp4 127.01Мб
8. HDRI Lighting.mp4 155.67Мб
8. Part 7 Re-scaling the Scene and Using the Boolean Modifier.mp4 255.02Мб
8. The Window Menu.mp4 25.36Мб
8. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 3.mp4 160.50Мб
9. 3D View - Properties Panels Overview.mp4 15.86Мб
9. Blender Preferences - Interface Sections.mp4 36.73Мб
9. Creating Shaders Brushed Metal pt 1.mp4 138.99Мб
9. Part 8 Tidying Up The Result of a Boolean.mp4 285.51Мб
9. Unwrapping the Lightsaber pt 4.mp4 119.26Мб
ReadMe.txt 220б
ReadMe.txt 220б
Visit Coursedrive.org.url 124б
Visit Coursedrive.org.url 124б
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