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Название Python Fundamentals
Размер 642.47Мб

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01.Introduction.wmv 7.05Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 4.09Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 3.13Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 2.99Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 2.28Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 2.10Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 2.00Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 1.38Мб
01.Introduction.wmv 967.75Кб
01.Introduction.wmv 477.76Кб
01.Introduction and unittest.wmv 22.53Мб
02.Argument passing.wmv 4.67Мб
02.Creating, Running and Importing a Module.wmv 3.42Мб
02.Debugging with PDB.wmv 16.02Мб
02.Defining classes.wmv 2.46Мб
02.Exceptions and control flow.wmv 1.72Мб
02.Intalling Python 3 on Windows.wmv 11.10Мб
02.List comprehensions.wmv 2.99Мб
02.Python Promo.wmv 3.73Мб
02.Strings.wmv 1.49Мб
02.Tuple.wmv 5.63Мб
02.Writing text files.wmv 5.47Мб
03.Course Structure.wmv 3.66Мб
03.Defining Functions and Returning Values.wmv 1.51Мб
03.Function arguments in detail.wmv 6.47Мб
03.Handling exceptions.wmv 3.22Мб
03.Installing Python 3 on Linux.wmv 2.47Мб
03.Instance methods.wmv 1.48Мб
03.Moment of Zen - Practicality beats purity.wmv 791.80Кб
03.Reading text files.wmv 3.95Мб
03.Set comprehensions.wmv 785.84Кб
03.String.wmv 10.36Мб
03.Virtual environments.wmv 1.89Мб
04.Appending to text iles.wmv 1.24Мб
04.Dictionary comprehensions.wmv 3.46Мб
04.Distinguishing Between Module Import and Module Execution.wmv 5.71Мб
04.Distributing your programs.wmv 8.11Мб
04.Initializers.wmv 7.08Мб
04.Installing Python 3 on Mac OS X.wmv 4.36Мб
04.Programmer errors.wmv 3.26Мб
04.Python's type system.wmv 2.26Мб
04.Python Overview, part 1.wmv 8.15Мб
04.Range.wmv 4.80Мб
04.Strings (continued).wmv 7.06Мб
05.A second class.wmv 2.75Мб
05.Bytes.wmv 2.74Мб
05.Files as Iterators.wmv 2.89Мб
05.Filtering predicates.wmv 2.12Мб
05.Imprudent error codes.wmv 1.46Мб
05.Installing third-party modules.wmv 9.03Мб
05.List.wmv 6.36Мб
05.Python Overview, part 2.wmv 10.18Мб
05.The Python Execution Model.wmv 4.37Мб
05.The Read-Eval-Print-Loop or REPL.wmv 5.28Мб
05.Variable scoping.wmv 6.41Мб
06.Collaborating classes.wmv 1.48Мб
06.Lists.wmv 2.27Мб
06.Main Functions and Command Line Arguments.wmv 9.86Мб
06.Managing files with try..finally.wmv 6.48Мб
06.Moment of Zen.wmv 1.76Мб
06.Moment of Zen.wmv 838.75Кб
06.Moment of Zen.wmv 797.60Кб
06.Re-raising exceptions.wmv 909.08Кб
06.Shallow copies.wmv 5.13Мб
06.Significant Whitespace in Python.wmv 6.15Мб
07.Context managers and with-blocks.wmv 3.14Мб
07.Dictionaries.wmv 1.47Мб
07.Everything is an object.wmv 2.46Мб
07.Exceptions as APIs.wmv 5.48Мб
07.Iteration protocols.wmv 4.64Мб
07.List repetition.wmv 3.02Мб
07.Moment of Zen.wmv 780.08Кб
07.Python Culture and the Zen of Python.wmv 6.51Мб
07.Sparse is Better than Dense.wmv 1.46Мб
07.Summary.wmv 9.03Мб
08.Documenting Your Code Using Docstrings.wmv 6.27Мб
08.Example - Booking seats.wmv 8.29Мб
08.Exceptions, APIs, and protocols.wmv 2.59Мб
08.For-loops.wmv 1.64Мб
08.Generators.wmv 7.38Мб
08.Importing from the Python Standard Library.wmv 11.27Мб
08.More on list.wmv 3.40Мб
08.Simple is better than complex.wmv 824.00Кб
08.Summary.wmv 4.99Мб
09.Defining implementation details.wmv 6.57Мб
09.Documenting Your Code With Comments.wmv 2.72Мб
09.Do not guard against type errors.wmv 1.56Мб
09.Growing lists.wmv 659.68Кб
09.Putting it all together.wmv 7.14Мб
09.Scalar Types - int, float, None and bool.wmv 7.66Мб
09.Stateful generator functions.wmv 14.02Мб
09.Writing binary files.wmv 11.86Мб
10.Bitwise operators.wmv 2.22Мб
10.EAFP vs. LBYL.wmv 4.44Мб
10.Laziness and the infinite.wmv 32.72Мб
10.OO with function objects.wmv 4.10Мб
10.Relational Operators.wmv 2.24Мб
10.Reversing and sorting lists.wmv 4.57Мб
10.Summary.wmv 4.46Мб
10.The Whole Shebang.wmv 5.33Мб
11.Clean-up actions.wmv 2.42Мб
11.Conditional Statements.wmv 4.72Мб
11.Dictionary.wmv 10.98Мб
11.Fractal images.wmv 5.45Мб
11.Generator .wmv 7.05Мб
11.Polymorphism and duck typing.wmv 4.28Мб
11.Summary.wmv 5.81Мб
12.Batteries included for iteration.wmv 9.52Мб
12.Inheritance and implementation sharing.wmv 5.80Мб
12.Moment of Zen.wmv 410.26Кб
12.Reading binary files.wmv 4.32Мб
12.Set.wmv 10.89Мб
12.While Loops.wmv 6.71Мб
13.Collection protocols.wmv 4.18Мб
13.File like objects.wmv 3.21Мб
13.Platform-specific code.wmv 4.24Мб
13.Summary.wmv 6.30Мб
13.Summary.wmv 6.08Мб
13.Summary.wmv 4.94Мб
14.Closing with context managers.wmv 5.62Мб
14.Summary.wmv 6.46Мб
14.Summary.wmv 4.39Мб
15.Summary.wmv 4.46Мб
python-fundamentals.zip 28.48Мб
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