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Название [04-2022] docker-and-kubernetes-the-complete-guide
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001 diagrams.zip 249.23Кб
001 Finished Code and Diagrams.html 1.71Кб
002 Join Our Community!.html 803б
003 Why Use Docker_.en_US.srt 6.13Кб
003 Why Use Docker_.mp4 43.72Мб
004 What is Docker_.en_US.srt 4.38Кб
004 What is Docker_.mp4 13.90Мб
005 Docker for Mac_Windows.en_US.srt 3.28Кб
005 Docker for Mac_Windows.mp4 9.36Мб
006 Docker-for-macOS-install-link.txt 64б
006 Installing Docker on MacOS.en_US.srt 8.06Кб
006 Installing Docker on MacOS.mp4 35.30Мб
007 Install-Docker-Desktop-for-WSL2.txt 48б
007 Installing Docker with WSL2 on Windows 10 Home and Pro.html 1.92Кб
007 Install-WSL2.txt 59б
008 Docker-for-Windows-install-link.txt 68б
008 Installing Docker for Windows Professional with HyperV.en_US.srt 3.14Кб
008 Installing Docker for Windows Professional with HyperV.mp4 11.79Мб
009 More Windows Professional Setup with HyperV.en_US.srt 1.08Кб
009 More Windows Professional Setup with HyperV.mp4 4.05Мб
010 One Last Piece of Windows Professional Setup with HyperV.en_US.srt 1.76Кб
010 One Last Piece of Windows Professional Setup with HyperV.mp4 6.94Мб
011 Installing Docker on Linux.html 3.97Кб
012 Using the Docker Client.en_US.srt 8.12Кб
012 Using the Docker Client.mp4 73.40Мб
013 But Really...What's a Container_.en_US.srt 12.50Кб
013 But Really...What's a Container_.mp4 60.16Мб
014 How's Docker Running on Your Computer_.en_US.srt 4.23Кб
014 How's Docker Running on Your Computer_.mp4 33.79Мб
015 Docker Run in Detail.en_US.srt 3.21Кб
015 Docker Run in Detail.mp4 11.63Мб
016 Overriding Default Commands.en_US.srt 7.83Кб
016 Overriding Default Commands.mp4 60.95Мб
017 Listing Running Containers.en_US.srt 6.11Кб
017 Listing Running Containers.mp4 54.18Мб
018 Container Lifecycle.en_US.srt 7.82Кб
018 Container Lifecycle.mp4 74.55Мб
019 Restarting Stopped Containers.en_US.srt 5.64Кб
019 Restarting Stopped Containers.mp4 36.43Мб
020 Removing Stopped Containers.en_US.srt 2.64Кб
020 Removing Stopped Containers.mp4 12.16Мб
021 Retrieving Log Outputs.en_US.srt 3.73Кб
021 Retrieving Log Outputs.mp4 14.40Мб
022 Stopping Containers.en_US.srt 8.23Кб
022 Stopping Containers.mp4 70.15Мб
023 Multi-Command Containers.en_US.srt 6.81Кб
023 Multi-Command Containers.mp4 28.73Мб
024 Executing Commands in Running Containers.en_US.srt 3.93Кб
024 Executing Commands in Running Containers.mp4 30.75Мб
025 The Purpose of the IT Flag.en_US.srt 6.52Кб
025 The Purpose of the IT Flag.mp4 26.31Мб
026 Getting a Command Prompt in a Container.en_US.srt 6.08Кб
026 Getting a Command Prompt in a Container.mp4 45.87Мб
027 Starting with a Shell.en_US.srt 3.32Кб
027 Starting with a Shell.mp4 13.04Мб
028 Container Isolation.en_US.srt 4.66Кб
028 Container Isolation.mp4 12.26Мб
029 Creating Docker Images.en_US.srt 3.98Кб
029 Creating Docker Images.mp4 13.69Мб
030 Buildkit for Docker Desktop.html 3.42Кб
031 29-building-dockerfile.zip 522б
031 Building a Dockerfile.en_US.srt 7.36Кб
031 Building a Dockerfile.mp4 61.38Мб
032 Dockerfile Teardown.en_US.srt 4.13Кб
032 Dockerfile Teardown.mp4 35.68Мб
033 What's a Base Image_.en_US.srt 8.39Кб
033 What's a Base Image_.mp4 47.98Мб
034 The Build Process in Detail.en_US.srt 16.33Кб
034 The Build Process in Detail.mp4 215.29Мб
035 A Brief Recap.en_US.srt 5.07Кб
035 A Brief Recap.mp4 19.19Мб
036 34-rebuilds-with-cache.zip 528б
036 Rebuilds with Cache.en_US.srt 10.69Кб
036 Rebuilds with Cache.mp4 36.47Мб
037 Tagging an Image.en_US.srt 6.81Кб
037 Tagging an Image.mp4 55.01Мб
038 Quick Note for Windows Users.html 965б
039 Manual Image Generation with Docker Commit.en_US.srt 7.62Кб
039 Manual Image Generation with Docker Commit.mp4 29.74Мб
040 Project Outline.en_US.srt 4.25Кб
040 Project Outline.mp4 13.00Мб
041 39-node-server-setup.zip 779б
041 Node Server Setup.en_US.srt 7.11Кб
041 Node Server Setup.mp4 20.70Мб
042 40-planned-errors.zip 1.06Кб
042 A Few Planned Errors.en_US.srt 7.65Кб
042 A Few Planned Errors.mp4 30.95Мб
043 Required Node Base Image Version.html 1.43Кб
044 44-base-image.zip 993б
044 Base Image Issues.en_US.srt 11.25Кб
044 Base Image Issues.mp4 85.33Мб
045 A Few Missing Files.en_US.srt 4.87Кб
045 A Few Missing Files.mp4 55.68Мб
046 46-copying.zip 1004б
046 Copying Build Files.en_US.srt 7.21Кб
046 Copying Build Files.mp4 30.65Мб
047 Container Port Mapping.en_US.srt 10.62Кб
047 Container Port Mapping.mp4 92.74Мб
048 48-specifying.zip 1017б
048 Specifying a Working Directory.en_US.srt 11.17Кб
048 Specifying a Working Directory.mp4 83.85Мб
049 49-unnecessary.zip 1018б
049 Unnecessary Rebuilds.en_US.srt 6.57Кб
049 Unnecessary Rebuilds.mp4 48.53Мб
050 50-minimizing.zip 1.01Кб
050 Minimizing Cache Busting and Rebuilds.en_US.srt 7.56Кб
050 Minimizing Cache Busting and Rebuilds.mp4 67.20Мб
051 App Overview.en_US.srt 6.27Кб
051 App Overview.mp4 18.00Мб
052 App Server Starter Code.en_US.srt 9.25Кб
052 App Server Starter Code.mp4 23.87Мб
052 visits-starter.zip 2.07Кб
053 51-assembling-dockerfile.zip 1.11Кб
053 Assembling a Dockerfile.en_US.srt 4.39Кб
053 Assembling a Dockerfile.mp4 32.20Мб
054 Introducing Docker Compose.en_US.srt 8.59Кб
054 Introducing Docker Compose.mp4 59.02Мб
055 53-docker-compose-files.zip 1.40Кб
055 Docker Compose Files.en_US.srt 8.87Кб
055 Docker Compose Files.mp4 45.99Мб
056 54-networking-docker-compose.zip 1.42Кб
056 Networking with Docker Compose.en_US.srt 7.53Кб
056 Networking with Docker Compose.mp4 53.90Мб
057 Docker Compose Commands.en_US.srt 6.71Кб
057 Docker Compose Commands.mp4 56.26Мб
058 Stopping Docker Compose Containers.en_US.srt 3.69Кб
058 Stopping Docker Compose Containers.mp4 16.17Мб
059 57-container-maintenance.zip 1.44Кб
059 Container Maintenance with Compose.en_US.srt 4.16Кб
059 Container Maintenance with Compose.mp4 30.64Мб
060 58-automatic-container-restarts.zip 1.45Кб
060 Automatic Container Restarts.en_US.srt 13.88Кб
060 Automatic Container Restarts.mp4 140.91Мб
061 Container Status with Docker Compose.en_US.srt 3.38Кб
061 Container Status with Docker Compose.mp4 33.33Мб
062 Development Workflow.en_US.srt 2.32Кб
062 Development Workflow.mp4 6.02Мб
063 Flow Specifics.en_US.srt 9.71Кб
063 Flow Specifics.mp4 34.68Мб
064 Docker's Purpose.en_US.srt 3.07Кб
064 Docker's Purpose.mp4 9.54Мб
065 Node-Download-Link.txt 32б
065 Project Generation.en_US.srt 5.69Кб
065 Project Generation.mp4 16.06Мб
066 Create React App Generation.html 1.33Кб
067 67-more-project.zip 251.14Кб
067 More on Project Generation.en_US.srt 2.63Кб
067 More on Project Generation.mp4 6.42Мб
068 Necessary Commands.en_US.srt 8.20Кб
068 Necessary Commands.mp4 64.59Мб
069 69-creating-dev.zip 27.96Кб
069 Creating the Dev Dockerfile.en_US.srt 5.55Кб
069 Creating the Dev Dockerfile.mp4 25.82Мб
070 Duplicating Dependencies.en_US.srt 2.33Кб
070 Duplicating Dependencies.mp4 8.83Мб
071 71-starting.zip 27.94Кб
071 Starting the Container.en_US.srt 4.50Кб
071 Starting the Container.mp4 30.20Мб
072 Docker Volumes.en_US.srt 10.26Кб
072 Docker Volumes.mp4 34.12Мб
073 WSL2 and Windows Users Must Read Before Next Lecture.html 5.60Кб
074 Bookmarking Volumes.en_US.srt 7.15Кб
074 Bookmarking Volumes.mp4 61.22Мб
075 75-shorthand.zip 28.23Кб
075 Shorthand with Docker Compose.en_US.srt 6.30Кб
075 Shorthand with Docker Compose.mp4 27.13Мб
076 76-overriding.zip 28.26Кб
076 Overriding Dockerfile Selection.en_US.srt 2.95Кб
076 Overriding Dockerfile Selection.mp4 11.58Мб
077 Do We Need Copy_.en_US.srt 4.30Кб
077 Do We Need Copy_.mp4 34.46Мб
078 Executing Tests.en_US.srt 5.29Кб
078 Executing Tests.mp4 16.29Мб
079 Live Updating Tests.en_US.srt 7.48Кб
079 Live Updating Tests.mp4 58.13Мб
080 80-compose-for-tests.zip 28.30Кб
080 Docker Compose for Running Tests.en_US.srt 8.73Кб
080 Docker Compose for Running Tests.mp4 41.84Мб
081 Shortcomings on Testing.en_US.srt 13.34Кб
081 Shortcomings on Testing.mp4 55.04Мб
082 Need for Nginx.en_US.srt 4.75Кб
082 Need for Nginx.mp4 16.35Мб
083 Multi-Step Docker Builds.en_US.srt 10.45Кб
083 Multi-Step Docker Builds.mp4 93.51Мб
084 84-implementing.zip 28.01Кб
084 Implementing Multi-Step Builds.en_US.srt 10.81Кб
084 Implementing Multi-Step Builds.mp4 74.55Мб
085 Running Nginx.en_US.srt 3.81Кб
085 Running Nginx.mp4 17.63Мб
086 Services Overview.en_US.srt 4.94Кб
086 Services Overview.mp4 15.64Мб
087 Github Setup.en_US.srt 6.02Кб
087 Github Setup.mp4 66.12Мб
088 Important Info About Travis and Account Registration.html 1.89Кб
089 Travis CI Setup.en_US.srt 6.67Кб
089 Travis CI Setup.mp4 26.87Мб
090 Travis YML File Configuration.en_US.srt 11.46Кб
090 Travis YML File Configuration.mp4 43.21Мб
091 Required Travis Script Updates.html 1.58Кб
092 92-more-travis.zip 28.31Кб
092 92-with-github-actions.zip 37.84Кб
092 A Touch More Travis Setup.en_US.srt 6.29Кб
092 A Touch More Travis Setup.mp4 15.90Мб
093 Automatic Build Creation.en_US.srt 5.50Кб
093 Automatic Build Creation.mp4 21.82Мб
094 Required Updates for Amazon Linux 2 Platform - DO NOT SKIP.html 1.95Кб
095 AWS Elastic Beanstalk.en_US.srt 6.61Кб
095 AWS Elastic Beanstalk.mp4 50.66Мб
095 Cheatsheet-for-updated-AWS-UI.txt 103б
096 More on Elastic Beanstalk.en_US.srt 3.82Кб
096 More on Elastic Beanstalk.mp4 16.57Мб
097 97-travis-config.zip 28.67Кб
097 97-with-github-actions.zip 38.69Кб
097 Travis Config for Deployment.en_US.srt 13.17Кб
097 Travis Config for Deployment.mp4 117.99Мб
098 Travis Keys Update.html 866б
099 99-automated.zip 28.71Кб
099 99-with-github-actions.zip 38.73Кб
099 Automated Deployments.en_US.srt 9.87Кб
099 Automated Deployments.mp4 103.15Мб
100 100-exposing.zip 28.72Кб
100 100-with-github-actions.zip 38.74Кб
100 Exposing Ports Through the Dockerfile.en_US.srt 6.16Кб
100 Exposing Ports Through the Dockerfile.mp4 38.71Мб
101 Workflow With Github.en_US.srt 5.99Кб
101 Workflow With Github.mp4 60.39Мб
102 Redeploy on Pull Request Merge.en_US.srt 3.05Кб
102 Redeploy on Pull Request Merge.mp4 13.85Мб
103 Deployment Wrapup.en_US.srt 3.30Кб
103 Deployment Wrapup.mp4 13.91Мб
104 Environment Cleanup.html 1.21Кб
105 AWS Configuration Cheat Sheet.html 5.34Кб
106 106-finished.zip 28.72Кб
106 106-with-github-actions.zip 38.74Кб
106 Finished Project Code with Updates Applied.html 654б
107 Single Container Deployment Issues.en_US.srt 4.73Кб
107 Single Container Deployment Issues.mp4 15.62Мб
108 Application Overview.en_US.srt 6.67Кб
108 Application Overview.mp4 24.38Мб
109 A Quick Note.html 862б
110 Application Architecture.en_US.srt 7.54Кб
110 Application Architecture.mp4 28.18Мб
111 116-worker-process.zip 2.01Кб
111 Worker Process Setup.en_US.srt 16.26Кб
111 Worker Process Setup.mp4 149.75Мб
112 118-express-api.zip 2.85Кб
112 Express API Setup.en_US.srt 7.49Кб
112 Express API Setup.mp4 28.56Мб
113 Important Update for Table Query.html 1.23Кб
114 Connecting to Postgres.en_US.srt 9.94Кб
114 Connecting to Postgres.mp4 75.70Мб
115 124-more-express.zip 7.07Кб
115 More Express API Setup.en_US.srt 16.36Кб
115 More Express API Setup.mp4 90.98Мб
116 Create React App Generation.html 1.76Кб
117 Generating the React App.en_US.srt 2.96Кб
117 Generating the React App.mp4 8.90Мб
118 Fetching Data in the React App.en_US.srt 8.45Кб
118 Fetching Data in the React App.mp4 40.04Мб
119 Rendering Logic in the App.en_US.srt 11.24Кб
119 Rendering Logic in the App.mp4 123.21Мб
120 Exporting the Fib Class.en_US.srt 657б
120 Exporting the Fib Class.mp4 3.74Мб
121 121-routing.zip 31.21Кб
121 Routing in the React App.en_US.srt 6.28Кб
121 Routing in the React App.mp4 82.28Мб
122 122-checkpoint.zip 31.21Кб
122 Checkpoint Files.html 852б
123 Checkpoint Catchup.en_US.srt 4.31Кб
123 Checkpoint Catchup.mp4 18.10Мб
124 Dockerizing a React App - Again!.en_US.srt 10.31Кб
124 Dockerizing a React App - Again!.mp4 76.07Мб
125 125-dockerizing.zip 45.27Кб
125 Dockerizing Generic Node Apps.en_US.srt 5.50Кб
125 Dockerizing Generic Node Apps.mp4 16.96Мб
126 Adding Postgres as a Service.en_US.srt 10.53Кб
126 Adding Postgres as a Service.mp4 90.35Мб
127 Docker-compose Config.en_US.srt 8.85Кб
127 Docker-compose Config.mp4 78.49Мб
128 Postgres Database Required Fixes and Updates.html 1005б
129 129-environment-variables.zip 46.06Кб
129 Environment Variables with Docker Compose.en_US.srt 15.06Кб
129 Environment Variables with Docker Compose.mp4 146.70Мб
130 Required Worker Environment Variables.html 1.09Кб
131 131-worker-client.zip 46.09Кб
131 The Worker and Client Services.en_US.srt 5.15Кб
131 The Worker and Client Services.mp4 25.76Мб
132 Nginx Path Routing.en_US.srt 13.93Кб
132 Nginx Path Routing.mp4 151.09Мб
133 Routing with Nginx.en_US.srt 15.96Кб
133 Routing with Nginx.mp4 141.44Мб
134 Building a Custom Nginx Image.en_US.srt 7.76Кб
134 Building a Custom Nginx Image.mp4 62.25Мб
135 135-starting-up.zip 48.50Кб
135 Starting Up Docker Compose.en_US.srt 2.86Кб
135 Starting Up Docker Compose.mp4 21.67Мб
136 136-nginx-connect.zip 48.52Кб
136 Nginx connect() failed - Connection refused while connecting to upstream.html 1.02Кб
137 Troubleshooting Startup Bugs.en_US.srt 5.19Кб
137 Troubleshooting Startup Bugs.mp4 51.05Мб
138 WebSocket connection to 'ws___localhost_3000_ws' failed.html 1.72Кб
139 139-opening-websocket.zip 48.59Кб
139 Opening Websocket Connections.en_US.srt 5.52Кб
139 Opening Websocket Connections.mp4 19.76Мб
140 Production Multi-Container Deployments.en_US.srt 8.17Кб
140 Production Multi-Container Deployments.mp4 37.79Мб
141 Production Dockerfiles.en_US.srt 9.26Кб
141 Production Dockerfiles.mp4 24.51Мб
142 Multiple Nginx Instances.en_US.srt 7.80Кб
142 Multiple Nginx Instances.mp4 40.71Мб
143 Nginx fix for React Router.html 1.12Кб
144 144-altering.zip 52.42Кб
144 Altering Nginx's Listen Port.en_US.srt 6.45Кб
144 Altering Nginx's Listen Port.mp4 60.97Мб
145 145-cleaning.zip 52.36Кб
145 Cleaning Up Tests.en_US.srt 1.73Кб
145 Cleaning Up Tests.mp4 5.61Мб
146 Github and Travis CI Setup.en_US.srt 5.69Кб
146 Github and Travis CI Setup.mp4 56.87Мб
147 Fix for Failing Travis Builds.html 1.63Кб
148 Travis Configuration Setup.en_US.srt 11.61Кб
148 Travis Configuration Setup.mp4 51.13Мб
149 149-pushing.zip 53.19Кб
149 Pushing Images to Docker Hub.en_US.srt 10.38Кб
149 Pushing Images to Docker Hub.mp4 103.99Мб
150 Successful Image Building.en_US.srt 2.52Кб
150 Successful Image Building.mp4 14.91Мб
151 Important Info About Multi Containers on Amazon Linux 2 Platform.html 1.40Кб
152 Multi-Container Definition Files.en_US.srt 6.83Кб
152 Multi-Container Definition Files.mp4 60.04Мб
153 Finding Docs on Container Definitions.en_US.srt 4.17Кб
153 Finding Docs on Container Definitions.mp4 42.47Мб
154 Adding Container Definitions to DockerRun.en_US.srt 8.28Кб
154 Adding Container Definitions to DockerRun.mp4 30.41Мб
155 More Container Definitions.en_US.srt 7.96Кб
155 More Container Definitions.mp4 25.35Мб
156 Forming Container Links.en_US.srt 11.61Кб
156 Forming Container Links.mp4 51.21Мб
157 Using the Amazon Linux 2 Platform.html 4.13Кб
158 AWS Configuration Cheat Sheet - Updated for new UI.html 10.33Кб
159 Creating the EB Environment.en_US.srt 5.13Кб
159 Creating the EB Environment.mp4 44.89Мб
160 Managed Data Service Providers.en_US.srt 16.90Кб
160 Managed Data Service Providers.mp4 75.71Мб
161 Overview of AWS VPC's and Security Groups.en_US.srt 13.90Кб
161 Overview of AWS VPC's and Security Groups.mp4 128.11Мб
162 RDS Database Creation.en_US.srt 9.78Кб
162 RDS Database Creation.mp4 52.66Мб
163 ElastiCache Redis Creation.en_US.srt 6.36Кб
163 ElastiCache Redis Creation.mp4 26.03Мб
164 Creating a Custom Security Group.en_US.srt 6.43Кб
164 Creating a Custom Security Group.mp4 52.86Мб
165 Applying Security Groups to Resources.en_US.srt 7.36Кб
165 Applying Security Groups to Resources.mp4 65.30Мб
166 Setting Environment Variables.en_US.srt 11.53Кб
166 Setting Environment Variables.mp4 97.02Мб
167 IAM Keys for Deployment.en_US.srt 7.72Кб
167 IAM Keys for Deployment.mp4 66.25Мб
168 Travis Keys Update.html 1.24Кб
169 Travis Deploy Script.en_US.srt 4.60Кб
169 Travis Deploy Script.mp4 22.94Мб
170 Container Memory Allocations.en_US.srt 6.29Кб
170 Container Memory Allocations.mp4 51.91Мб
171 171-verifying.zip 54.16Кб
171 Verifying Deployment.en_US.srt 4.39Кб
171 Verifying Deployment.mp4 60.61Мб
172 A Quick App Change.en_US.srt 2.27Кб
172 A Quick App Change.mp4 25.96Мб
173 Making Changes.en_US.srt 1.46Кб
173 Making Changes.mp4 6.28Мб
174 Cleaning Up AWS Resources.en_US.srt 7.46Кб
174 Cleaning Up AWS Resources.mp4 80.23Мб
175 AWS Configuration Cheat Sheet.html 10.33Кб
176 176-finished.zip 54.16Кб
176 Finished Project Code with Updates Applied.html 850б
177 The Why's and What's of Kubernetes.en_US.srt 11.79Кб
177 The Why's and What's of Kubernetes.mp4 58.18Мб
178 Kubernetes in Development and Production.en_US.srt 8.64Кб
178 Kubernetes in Development and Production.mp4 39.72Мб
179 Docker Desktop's Kubernetes Setup and Installation - macOS.html 3.68Кб
180 Docker Desktop's Kubernetes Setup and Installation - Windows.html 4.00Кб
181 Updated Minikube Install and Setup Info - macOS.html 3.65Кб
182 Minikube Setup on MacOS.en_US.srt 7.94Кб
182 Minikube Setup on MacOS.mp4 72.71Мб
183 Minikube Setup on Windows.html 918б
184 Minikube Setup on Linux.html 2.99Кб
185 Mapping Existing Knowledge.en_US.srt 11.56Кб
185 Mapping Existing Knowledge.mp4 115.95Мб
186 Quick Note to Prevent an Error.html 1.59Кб
187 Adding Configuration Files.en_US.srt 9.37Кб
187 Adding Configuration Files.mp4 78.82Мб
188 Object Types and API Versions.en_US.srt 9.80Кб
188 Object Types and API Versions.mp4 98.99Мб
189 Running Containers in Pods.en_US.srt 13.88Кб
189 Running Containers in Pods.mp4 47.28Мб
190 Service Config Files in Depth.en_US.srt 20.57Кб
190 Service Config Files in Depth.mp4 171.74Мб
191 195-connecting-to-running.zip 869б
191 Connecting to Running Containers.en_US.srt 15.78Кб
191 Connecting to Running Containers.mp4 138.97Мб
192 The Entire Deployment Flow.en_US.srt 20.18Кб
192 The Entire Deployment Flow.mp4 229.04Мб
193 Imperative vs Declarative Deployments.en_US.srt 20.94Кб
193 Imperative vs Declarative Deployments.mp4 173.76Мб
194 Updating Existing Objects.en_US.srt 9.27Кб
194 Updating Existing Objects.mp4 48.95Мб
195 Declarative Updates in Action.en_US.srt 10.49Кб
195 Declarative Updates in Action.mp4 91.36Мб
196 Limitations in Config Updates.en_US.srt 4.56Кб
196 Limitations in Config Updates.mp4 46.38Мб
197 Running Containers with Deployments.en_US.srt 9.00Кб
197 Running Containers with Deployments.mp4 85.22Мб
198 Quick Note to Prevent an Error.html 924б
199 Deployment Configuration Files.en_US.srt 4.28Кб
199 Deployment Configuration Files.mp4 14.96Мб
200 Walking Through the Deployment Config.en_US.srt 6.61Кб
200 Walking Through the Deployment Config.mp4 28.39Мб
201 205-adding-deployment.zip 934б
201 Applying a Deployment.en_US.srt 9.23Кб
201 Applying a Deployment.mp4 36.34Мб
202 Why Use Services_.en_US.srt 7.60Кб
202 Why Use Services_.mp4 63.81Мб
203 207-scaling-and-changing.zip 937б
203 Scaling and Changing Deployments.en_US.srt 9.54Кб
203 Scaling and Changing Deployments.mp4 85.59Мб
204 208-updating-deployment.zip 934б
204 Updating Deployment Images.en_US.srt 6.07Кб
204 Updating Deployment Images.mp4 48.40Мб
205 209-client-directory.zip 184.45Кб
205 209-rebuilding-client.zip 934б
205 Rebuilding the Client Image.en_US.srt 4.43Кб
205 Rebuilding the Client Image.mp4 48.56Мб
206 210-client-directory.zip 184.45Кб
206 210-triggering-deployment.zip 934б
206 Triggering Deployment Updates.en_US.srt 18.84Кб
206 Triggering Deployment Updates.mp4 185.96Мб
207 211-client-directory.zip 184.45Кб
207 211-imperatively-updating.zip 934б
207 Imperatively Updating a Deployment's Image.en_US.srt 10.84Кб
207 Imperatively Updating a Deployment's Image.mp4 108.65Мб
208 Reminder for Docker Desktop's Kubernetes Users.html 776б
209 Multiple Docker Installations.en_US.srt 8.42Кб
209 Multiple Docker Installations.mp4 90.21Мб
210 Reconfiguring Docker CLI.en_US.srt 9.20Кб
210 Reconfiguring Docker CLI.mp4 86.27Мб
211 Why Mess with Docker in the Node_.en_US.srt 7.92Кб
211 Why Mess with Docker in the Node_.mp4 65.15Мб
212 The Path to Production.en_US.srt 8.26Кб
212 The Path to Production.mp4 34.75Мб
213 214-checkpoint.zip 197.13Кб
213 Checkpoint Files.html 977б
214 A Quick Checkpoint.en_US.srt 7.17Кб
214 A Quick Checkpoint.mp4 50.68Мб
215 Recreating the Deployment.en_US.srt 8.03Кб
215 Recreating the Deployment.mp4 59.46Мб
216 NodePort vs ClusterIP Services.en_US.srt 5.45Кб
216 NodePort vs ClusterIP Services.mp4 58.10Мб
217 218-cluster-ip.zip 196.68Кб
217 The ClusterIP Config.en_US.srt 5.46Кб
217 The ClusterIP Config.mp4 49.21Мб
218 Applying Multiple Files with Kubectl.en_US.srt 6.28Кб
218 Applying Multiple Files with Kubectl.mp4 29.55Мб
219 Express API Deployment Config.en_US.srt 8.78Кб
219 Express API Deployment Config.mp4 36.49Мб
220 Cluster IP for the Express API.en_US.srt 4.46Кб
220 Cluster IP for the Express API.mp4 18.83Мб
221 Combining Config Into Single Files.en_US.srt 9.11Кб
221 Combining Config Into Single Files.mp4 97.59Мб
222 The Worker Deployment.en_US.srt 6.88Кб
222 The Worker Deployment.mp4 27.65Мб
223 224-reapplying.zip 198.36Кб
223 Reapplying a Batch of Config Files.en_US.srt 7.72Кб
223 Reapplying a Batch of Config Files.mp4 66.93Мб
224 225-creating.zip 200.45Кб
224 Creating and Applying Redis Config.en_US.srt 10.94Кб
224 Creating and Applying Redis Config.mp4 51.68Мб
225 Important Note about Expected Postgres Error.html 2.71Кб
226 227-last-set.zip 201.97Кб
226 Last Set of Boring Config!.en_US.srt 9.22Кб
226 Last Set of Boring Config!.mp4 77.69Мб
227 The Need for Volumes with Databases.en_US.srt 10.95Кб
227 The Need for Volumes with Databases.mp4 86.83Мб
228 Kubernetes Volumes.en_US.srt 7.66Кб
228 Kubernetes Volumes.mp4 37.37Мб
229 Volumes vs Persistent Volumes.en_US.srt 4.74Кб
229 Volumes vs Persistent Volumes.mp4 23.48Мб
230 Persistent Volumes vs Persistent Volume Claims.en_US.srt 14.36Кб
230 Persistent Volumes vs Persistent Volume Claims.mp4 79.36Мб
231 Claim Config Files.en_US.srt 4.10Кб
231 Claim Config Files.mp4 14.28Мб
232 Persistent Volume Access Modes.en_US.srt 4.99Кб
232 Persistent Volume Access Modes.mp4 23.42Мб
233 Where Does Kubernetes Allocate Persistent Volumes_.en_US.srt 11.48Кб
233 Where Does Kubernetes Allocate Persistent Volumes_.mp4 116.84Мб
234 Designating a PVC in a Pod Template.en_US.srt 9.08Кб
234 Designating a PVC in a Pod Template.mp4 43.70Мб
235 236-applying-pvc.zip 202.42Кб
235 Applying a PVC.en_US.srt 3.77Кб
235 Applying a PVC.mp4 36.36Мб
236 Defining Environment Variables.en_US.srt 6.65Кб
236 Defining Environment Variables.mp4 29.60Мб
237 Adding Environment Variables to Config.en_US.srt 8.25Кб
237 Adding Environment Variables to Config.mp4 39.42Мб
238 Creating an Encoded Secret.en_US.srt 13.95Кб
238 Creating an Encoded Secret.mp4 136.28Мб
239 Postgres Environment Variable Fix.html 1.09Кб
240 Passing Secrets as Environment Variables.en_US.srt 8.34Кб
240 Passing Secrets as Environment Variables.mp4 91.84Мб
241 242-environment-variables.zip 202.89Кб
241 Environment Variables as Strings.en_US.srt 3.77Кб
241 Environment Variables as Strings.mp4 18.78Мб
242 Load Balancer Services.en_US.srt 6.62Кб
242 Load Balancer Services.mp4 30.40Мб
243 A Quick Note on Ingresses.en_US.srt 5.36Кб
243 A Quick Note on Ingresses.mp4 63.97Мб
244 One Other Quick Note!.en_US.srt 2.78Кб
244 One Other Quick Note!.mp4 8.53Мб
245 Behind the Scenes of Ingress.en_US.srt 7.97Кб
245 Behind the Scenes of Ingress.mp4 77.93Мб
246 More Behind the Scenes of Ingress.en_US.srt 10.28Кб
246 More Behind the Scenes of Ingress.mp4 83.45Мб
247 Optional Reading on Ingress Nginx.html 968б
248 Docker Driver and Ingress - IMPORTANT.html 1.92Кб
249 Important - DO NOT SKIP - Ingress Nginx Installation Info.html 1.95Кб
250 Setting up Ingress Locally with Minikube.en_US.srt 9.61Кб
250 Setting up Ingress Locally with Minikube.mp4 52.80Мб
251 ingress-v1.zip 915б
251 Ingress v1 API Update + _this.state.seenIndexes.map..._ + 404 errors.html 2.60Кб
252 Creating the Ingress Configuration.en_US.srt 9.71Кб
252 Creating the Ingress Configuration.mp4 53.29Мб
253 255-testing-ingress.zip 203.80Кб
253 Testing Ingress Locally.en_US.srt 4.21Кб
253 Testing Ingress Locally.mp4 14.46Мб
254 The Minikube Dashboard.en_US.srt 5.63Кб
254 The Minikube Dashboard.mp4 25.36Мб
255 Docker Desktop's Kubernetes Dashboard.html 3.70Кб
256 The Deployment Process.en_US.srt 9.71Кб
256 The Deployment Process.mp4 27.93Мб
257 Google Cloud vs AWS for Kubernetes.en_US.srt 7.88Кб
257 Google Cloud vs AWS for Kubernetes.mp4 32.63Мб
258 Creating a Git Repo.en_US.srt 5.88Кб
258 Creating a Git Repo.mp4 27.44Мб
259 Linking the Github Repo to Travis.en_US.srt 2.43Кб
259 Linking the Github Repo to Travis.mp4 7.87Мб
260 Free Google Cloud Credits.html 1.04Кб
261 Creating a Google Cloud Project.en_US.srt 3.15Кб
261 Creating a Google Cloud Project.mp4 12.80Мб
262 Linking a Billing Account.en_US.srt 3.65Кб
262 Linking a Billing Account.mp4 26.95Мб
263 Updated GKE creation steps for new Google Cloud UI.html 3.57Кб
264 Kubernetes Engine Init.en_US.srt 3.08Кб
264 Kubernetes Engine Init.mp4 8.53Мб
265 Creating a Cluster with Google Cloud.en_US.srt 7.97Кб
265 Creating a Cluster with Google Cloud.mp4 28.91Мб
266 Don't Forget to Cleanup!.html 1.09Кб
267 Kubernetes Dashboard on Google Cloud.en_US.srt 7.34Кб
267 Kubernetes Dashboard on Google Cloud.mp4 67.58Мб
268 Travis Deployment Overview.en_US.srt 7.82Кб
268 Travis Deployment Overview.mp4 57.72Мб
269 Installing the Google Cloud SDK.en_US.srt 8.13Кб
269 Installing the Google Cloud SDK.mp4 27.68Мб
270 Updated Service Account steps for new GCP UI.html 3.30Кб
271 Generating a Service Account.en_US.srt 8.34Кб
271 Generating a Service Account.mp4 44.93Мб
272 Ruby Version Fix.html 1022б
273 Running Travis CLI in a Container.en_US.srt 14.78Кб
273 Running Travis CLI in a Container.mp4 119.13Мб
274 Travis Login Issues, _iv undefined_ or _repository not known_.html 2.90Кб
275 Encrypting a Service Account File.en_US.srt 11.10Кб
275 Encrypting a Service Account File.mp4 105.37Мб
276 More Google Cloud CLI Config.en_US.srt 6.84Кб
276 More Google Cloud CLI Config.mp4 36.59Мб
277 Fix For Failing Travis Builds.html 1020б
278 Running Tests with Travis.en_US.srt 9.29Кб
278 Running Tests with Travis.mp4 52.87Мб
279 Custom Deployment Providers.en_US.srt 5.95Кб
279 Custom Deployment Providers.mp4 26.40Мб
280 Unique Deployment Images.en_US.srt 13.03Кб
280 Unique Deployment Images.mp4 123.60Мб
281 Unique Tags for Built Images.en_US.srt 12.16Кб
281 Unique Tags for Built Images.mp4 107.49Мб
282 284-updating.zip 67.26Кб
282 Updating the Deployment Script.en_US.srt 10.43Кб
282 Updating the Deployment Script.mp4 101.28Мб
283 Configuring the GCloud CLI on Cloud Console.en_US.srt 7.99Кб
283 Configuring the GCloud CLI on Cloud Console.mp4 92.43Мб
284 Creating a Secret on Google Cloud.en_US.srt 3.37Кб
284 Creating a Secret on Google Cloud.mp4 46.60Мб
285 Helm v3 Update.html 2.54Кб
286 Helm Setup.en_US.srt 12.82Кб
286 Helm Setup.mp4 175.13Мб
287 Kubernetes Security with RBAC.en_US.srt 13.07Кб
287 Kubernetes Security with RBAC.mp4 58.67Мб
288 Assigning Tiller a Service Account.en_US.srt 7.76Кб
288 Assigning Tiller a Service Account.mp4 56.02Мб
289 Ingress-Nginx with Helm.en_US.srt 3.13Кб
289 Ingress-Nginx with Helm.mp4 15.60Мб
290 Quick Note about the Default Backend.html 823б
291 The Result of Ingress-Nginx.en_US.srt 6.29Кб
291 The Result of Ingress-Nginx.mp4 54.92Мб
292 294-finally.zip 67.26Кб
292 Finally - Deployment!.en_US.srt 5.82Кб
292 Finally - Deployment!.mp4 61.08Мб
293 Did I Really Type That_.en_US.srt 1.17Кб
293 Did I Really Type That_.mp4 10.84Мб
294 Verifying Deployment.en_US.srt 9.14Кб
294 Verifying Deployment.mp4 42.15Мб
295 A Workflow for Changing in Prod.en_US.srt 6.93Кб
295 A Workflow for Changing in Prod.mp4 52.84Мб
296 Merging a PR for Deployment.en_US.srt 1.65Кб
296 Merging a PR for Deployment.mp4 13.15Мб
297 That's It! What's Next_.en_US.srt 2.76Кб
297 That's It! What's Next_.mp4 24.62Мб
298 300-completed.zip 67.09Кб
298 Completed Code For Google Cloud Deployment.html 587б
299 HTTPS Setup Overview.en_US.srt 8.81Кб
299 HTTPS Setup Overview.mp4 28.61Мб
300 Domain Purchase.en_US.srt 3.68Кб
300 Domain Purchase.mp4 14.25Мб
301 Domain Name Setup.en_US.srt 5.27Кб
301 Domain Name Setup.mp4 26.74Мб
302 Required Updates for Cert Manager Install.html 1.89Кб
303 Cert Manager Install.en_US.srt 2.99Кб
303 Cert Manager Install.mp4 24.64Мб
304 How to Wire Up Cert Manager.en_US.srt 9.07Кб
304 How to Wire Up Cert Manager.mp4 93.44Мб
305 Required Update for Issuer.html 1.54Кб
306 308-issuer.zip 68.37Кб
306 Issuer Config File.en_US.srt 6.89Кб
306 Issuer Config File.mp4 60.93Мб
307 Required Update for the Certificate.html 1.67Кб
308 310-certificate.zip 69.17Кб
308 Certificate Config File.en_US.srt 7.32Кб
308 Certificate Config File.mp4 41.40Мб
309 Deploying Changes.en_US.srt 4.90Кб
309 Deploying Changes.mp4 26.26Мб
310 No Resources Found_.html 826б
311 Verifying the Certificate.en_US.srt 5.40Кб
311 Verifying the Certificate.mp4 45.16Мб
312 Required Update for the HTTPS Ingress.html 754б
313 315-ingress-config.zip 69.19Кб
313 Ingress Config for HTTPS.en_US.srt 9.42Кб
313 Ingress Config for HTTPS.mp4 81.74Мб
314 It Worked!.en_US.srt 4.64Кб
314 It Worked!.mp4 30.95Мб
315 Google Cloud Cleanup.html 1.76Кб
316 Local Environment Cleanup.html 1.61Кб
317 Awkward Local Development.en_US.srt 6.01Кб
317 Awkward Local Development.mp4 23.38Мб
318 Installing Skaffold.en_US.srt 3.34Кб
318 Installing Skaffold.mp4 18.37Мб
319 The Skaffold Config File.en_US.srt 9.39Кб
319 The Skaffold Config File.mp4 42.47Мб
320 skaffold-demo.zip 208.90Кб
320 Skaffold Sync Update and Example Source Code.html 3.58Кб
321 Live Sync Changes.en_US.srt 7.30Кб
321 Live Sync Changes.mp4 52.74Мб
322 Automatic Shutdown.en_US.srt 7.58Кб
322 Automatic Shutdown.mp4 79.30Мб
323 Testing Live Sync with the API Server.en_US.srt 7.93Кб
323 Testing Live Sync with the API Server.mp4 59.61Мб
324 Bonus!.html 4.89Кб
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