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[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585б
0 336б
1 760.62Кб
1. Checked vs unchecked exceptions.mp4 88.11Мб
1. Checked vs unchecked exceptions.srt 19.90Кб
1. Course and instructor introduction.mp4 50.34Мб
1. Course and instructor introduction.srt 3.75Кб
1. Java operators.mp4 23.51Мб
1. Java operators.srt 6.60Кб
1. Java packages, classes and class members.mp4 26.11Мб
1. Java packages, classes and class members.srt 7.93Кб
1. Loops.mp4 40.87Мб
1. Loops.srt 10.51Кб
1. Methods, arguments and return values.mp4 54.81Мб
1. Methods, arguments and return values.srt 10.87Кб
1. Onedimensional array and multidimensional array.mp4 44.32Мб
1. Onedimensional array and multidimensional array.srt 11.99Кб
1. OOP.mp4 4.72Мб
1. OOP.srt 1.41Кб
1. Session 0 - Classes, Objects, Packages and Classes.mp4 444.25Мб
1. Session 0 - Classes, Objects, Packages and Classes.srt 58.69Кб
1. Setting up Java on Windows.mp4 18.70Мб
1. Setting up Java on Windows.srt 4.31Кб
1. Stringbuilder.mp4 17.88Мб
1. Stringbuilder.srt 4.48Кб
1. Variables.mp4 25.08Мб
1. Variables.srt 9.28Кб
1. What exam preparation to take.mp4 65.98Мб
1. What exam preparation to take.srt 4.76Кб
1. What is IT.mp4 18.41Мб
1. What is IT.srt 2.14Кб
1. What is Java.html 578б
10 72.76Кб
10. Interfaces.mp4 52.75Мб
10. Interfaces.srt 13.31Кб
10. Session 9 - Exceptions and File Reading Writing.mp4 233.93Мб
10. Session 9 - Exceptions and File Reading Writing.srt 33.46Кб
11 211.31Кб
11. Session 10 - Interfaces, Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions.mp4 278.66Мб
11. Session 10 - Interfaces, Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions.srt 40.71Кб
12 188.99Кб
12. Session 11 - Q&A Compiler, Static, Lambdas, Streams.mp4 254.04Мб
12. Session 11 - Q&A Compiler, Static, Lambdas, Streams.srt 31.28Кб
13 42.96Кб
13. Session 12 - How to prepare for OCA8 OCP11.mp4 78.24Мб
14 914.27Кб
14. Session 13 - Example OCA8 OCP11 Questions.mp4 145.82Мб
14. Session 13 - Example OCA8 OCP11 Questions.srt 22.64Кб
15 689.25Кб
16 776.46Кб
17 21.76Кб
18 308.79Кб
19 258.78Кб
2 783.21Кб
2. Background of Java.mp4 9.21Мб
2. Background of Java.srt 4.91Кб
2. Break and continue.mp4 21.58Мб
2. Break and continue.srt 9.05Кб
2. Constructors.mp4 59.75Мб
2. Constructors.srt 13.25Кб
2. Example questions.html 123б
2. Inheritance and benefits.mp4 32.29Мб
2. Inheritance and benefits.srt 7.27Кб
2. Object reference variables vs primitive variables.mp4 32.01Мб
2. Object reference variables vs primitive variables.srt 9.68Кб
2. Reading and writing files (and their checked exceptions).mp4 48.01Мб
2. Reading and writing files (and their checked exceptions).srt 9.30Кб
2. Session 1 - Fields, Primitives, Operations and Casting.mp4 447.07Мб
2. Session 1 - Fields, Primitives, Operations and Casting.srt 65.98Кб
2. Setting up Java on MacOS.html 826б
2. Strings.mp4 48.92Мб
2. Strings.srt 10.99Кб
2. Test equality.mp4 39.74Мб
2. Test equality.srt 11.36Кб
2. Variable scopes.mp4 16.28Мб
2. Variable scopes.srt 7.48Кб
2. What is programming.mp4 15.82Мб
2. What is programming.srt 5.01Кб
20 189.46Кб
21 256.01Кб
22 634.60Кб
23 402.48Кб
24 532.46Кб
25 672.56Кб
26 85.16Кб
27 1014.14Кб
28 692.11Кб
29 22.77Кб
3 716.57Кб
3. Access modifiers.mp4 42.98Мб
3. Access modifiers.srt 8.76Кб
3. Code with polymorphism.mp4 22.45Мб
3. Code with polymorphism.srt 5.85Кб
3. Dates and times.mp4 82.33Мб
3. Dates and times.srt 15.78Кб
3. Download a Java Editor (IDE) + hello world.mp4 27.49Мб
3. Download a Java Editor (IDE) + hello world.srt 6.32Кб
3. Frontend vs backend.mp4 4.89Мб
3. Frontend vs backend.srt 2.15Кб
3. If, ifelse and ternary.mp4 24.44Мб
3. If, ifelse and ternary.srt 5.13Кб
3. Object's lifecycle.html 855б
3. Running Java programs from the command line.mp4 9.95Мб
3. Running Java programs from the command line.srt 3.70Кб
3. Session 2 - String class, StringBuilder, If Else, Switch Enum.mp4 420.30Мб
3. Session 2 - String class, StringBuilder, If Else, Switch Enum.srt 58.48Кб
3. What do all the different Java versions mean.mp4 8.07Мб
3. What do all the different Java versions mean.srt 3.93Кб
30 130.02Кб
31 269.51Кб
32 726.69Кб
33 1010.73Кб
34 283.55Кб
35 822.85Кб
36 518.22Кб
37 348.32Кб
38 912.12Кб
39 939.74Кб
4 1015.12Кб
4. Different languages.mp4 63.70Мб
4. Different languages.srt 13.69Кб
4. Encapsulation.mp4 29.72Мб
4. Encapsulation.srt 7.37Кб
4. Generics.mp4 7.72Мб
4. Generics.srt 3.19Кб
4. Import Java packages.mp4 13.69Мб
4. Import Java packages.srt 3.48Кб
4. Session 3 - Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays and Loops.mp4 341.08Мб
4. Session 3 - Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays and Loops.srt 46.96Кб
4. Switch statement.mp4 29.20Мб
4. Switch statement.srt 6.91Кб
4. Wrapper classes.mp4 16.94Мб
4. Wrapper classes.srt 7.38Кб
40 946.08Кб
41 573.95Кб
42 127.76Кб
43 505.56Кб
44 559.04Кб
45 429.85Кб
46 303.33Кб
47 605.49Кб
48 122.75Кб
49 63.26Кб
5 157.24Кб
5. Collection framework.mp4 13.86Мб
5. Collection framework.srt 5.07Кб
5. Enums.mp4 16.18Мб
5. Enums.srt 5.01Кб
5. Overriding and Overloading.mp4 93.96Мб
5. Overriding and Overloading.srt 18.80Кб
5. Session 4 - Methods and Access Modifiers.mp4 378.01Мб
5. Session 4 - Methods and Access Modifiers.srt 51.65Кб
5. Software developer role.mp4 6.59Мб
5. Software developer role.srt 1.20Кб
50 735.32Кб
51 835.16Кб
52 179.85Кб
53 142.43Кб
54 319.72Кб
55 52.89Кб
56 549.12Кб
57 806.83Кб
58 951.79Кб
59 281.99Кб
6 941.81Кб
6. Casting and when is it necessary.mp4 50.48Мб
6. Casting and when is it necessary.srt 14.40Кб
6. Functional interfaces.mp4 23.88Мб
6. Functional interfaces.srt 5.01Кб
6. Pseudocode variables.mp4 9.46Мб
6. Session 5 - OOP Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance.mp4 421.24Мб
6. Session 5 - OOP Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance.srt 59.49Кб
60 416.36Кб
61 293.02Кб
62 117.49Кб
63 289.48Кб
7 351.82Кб
7. Lambda expressions.mp4 50.61Мб
7. Lambda expressions.srt 11.24Кб
7. Pseudocode if else.mp4 5.71Мб
7. Pseudocode if else.srt 1.55Кб
7. Session 6 - Constructor, Static, Abstract.mp4 209.79Мб
7. Session 6 - Constructor, Static, Abstract.srt 29.76Кб
7. Super and this to access objects and constructors.mp4 51.38Мб
7. Super and this to access objects and constructors.srt 12.97Кб
8 978.97Кб
8. Pseudocode loops.mp4 4.62Мб
8. Pseudocode loops.srt 1.14Кб
8. Session 7 - Collections and Generics.mp4 238.32Мб
8. Session 7 - Collections and Generics.srt 32.58Кб
8. Static.mp4 26.66Мб
8. Static.srt 4.91Кб
9 696.92Кб
9. Abstract classes.mp4 25.08Мб
9. Abstract classes.srt 5.45Кб
9. Session 8 - Methods on Collections.mp4 355.85Мб
9. Session 8 - Methods on Collections.srt 45.39Кб
TutsNode.com.txt 63б
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